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If you are an extraordinary, smart and successful woman who wants to be
adored and committed to by an amazing quality man - this is for you.

If you also want to be passionately pursued by several quality men …

If you want to become a highly desirable woman whom men instantly
recognize as soulmate and marriage material …

Then today’s insights are definitely for you.

I help women go from lonely and unfulfilled in love to becoming irresistible

and effortlessly attracting high quality men while experiencing more love
and devotion from men than ever -

Real confidence and feminine energy come across in all the ways we
communicate with men - and texting is no different. Men quickly pick up
on our energy, they have a strong radar for this. They can easily see if a
woman comes across as confident or with low self worth and red flags that
have him hesitating as to whether to text again.

Whenever you see me use the terms High Value Woman or Low Value
Behavior - a High Value Woman is a woman who is confident, feminine
and alluring to men. Low value behavior is when our approach with men
sabotages our chances of love and relationship with a quality man.

I want you to understand that I believe every woman is High Value, but
sometimes our incredible internal worth and our behaviors with men don’t
line up- causing men to run away fast and sabotage what could have been
the start of a great relationship.

We can either create the attraction that draws a man in from his heart and
radiates out to him or we can come across in ways that push men away.
What I will teach you today isn’t meant to have you following crazy rules or
playing head games with men- in fact I always teach that’s not the way to go
if you want beautiful life commitment with an amazing man that is devoted
to you and feels crazy about you.

Just quickly before we move ahead, my name is Giordana Toccaceli and

I am an international relationship, intimacy and love coach. I’ve had the
privilege of helping thousands of women across the world become their
most irresistible selves & attract dream relationships, get engaged and
marry quality men, in record time. I have also worked with hundreds of
couples and marriages to heal and reignite their love and passion for
each other successfully.

Unlike many other coaches who focus only on women, I’ve also coached
hundreds of men as well. Through working with them, I have gained a
deep understanding of what men want most in a woman who they give
their heart and commitment to - and what sets certain women apart in
their eyes.
We also have an amazing free online
community of over 5,000 women on
Facebook where we give daily free
guidance called The High Value Woman
- click here to join if you haven’t we’d
love to have you!

I’ve also been featured on Mind Body

Green, Elite Daily, UNIVISION, Mantalks
and our youtube videos get tens of
thousands of hits per month.

So ladies, today I am going to talk about

why tapping into the High Value Woman
way of texting with men is going to give
you dramatic results with men and why
the usual way we go about texting may
not be the fastest path to love with a man.

We women can often play small in love and relationships, but when you
learn this you will see why attracting a top ten man is not as elusive as you
think. I see my female clients doing it all of the time.

The little known psychology behind feminine, high value texting will support
you in knowing what to do so that when that quality man finally shows up
you will know how to seamlessly move through the initial texting and dating
phases and draw him in close.

Today my promise to you is you are going to read through this and learn
some practical insights that you can immediately begin using and start
getting results with quality men.

I want you to know that we love to operate out of a place of integrity and
nothing is for sale today - so just lean back and learn some of the insights
that changed not only my life but the lives of my clients as well.

But first let’s talk about the energy that drives attraction for men and what
they desire most in a woman they fall in love with

Your feminine energy is the key to becoming Irresistible. It has men surrender
to you, feel unable to live without you and let nothing stand in the way
of you being theirs ... forever.

Has always been YOU
and the way a man feels when he is with you.

The biggest mistake smart, attractive, modern women are making is not
understanding what quality men are looking for ... and not tapping into
Your Greatest Source Of Power, Your FEMININE ENERGY.

Understanding the exchange of masculine and feminine energy is one of,

if not THE most important foundations for long term passion and love with
a man.
Feminine energy is the key that unlocks a man’s heart and makes you
absolutely irresistible to men. So before I talk more about Feminine energy,
‘let’s talk about its opposite - masculine energy.

If you long for a man who is driven, who passionately pursues you, a man
of his word and a man of action, a man who leads, plans, is generous,
protective, provides and loves doing it, takes charge,is ambitious and goal
oriented, is resourceful, loves to fix things and take care of you, you are
longing for a masculine man.

While everyone has both masculine and feminine energy, masculine energy
feels most attracted to its polar opposite, feminine energy. Think of masculine
energy as Yang and Feminine energy as Yin.

Masculine, or male energy is not attracted to its same energy.

When a man dates a woman who is showing up with him in masculine energy
his attraction for her quickly fizzles out -

This is when men say things to me like:

“She was beautiful but the date felt like a business meeting
and not a date, I didn’t call her again.”
“She was very attractive but she felt more like
a friend or one of the guys.”


“She is stunning, I can’t get her out of my mind, when I am with her
I feel like I can breathe again. I am so attracted to her.”

When a woman is in masculine energy with a masculine man a man feels his
male energy challenged, in fact all he feels is male energy.
He loses attraction for her and the more masculine she acts, the more
attraction he will lose eventually leading to a relationship riddled with power
struggle, conflict and arguments. A man has a primal need to feel like a man
with a woman- to pursue her, earn her love and claim her as his.

If a man doesn’t find that feminine energy in a woman he may still typically
ask her out, sleep with and be friends with her, but he won’t claim her as his
and fall passionately in love with her.

If a man doesn’t receive a woman’s feminine energy he will innately go

elsewhere to find that warm, soft, receptive, expressive, alive and accepting
feminine energy.

For a relationship with a man to feel deeply and passionately intimate with
constant attraction ongoing for the long haul, with ease, peace and rest,
where you feel you are with a man who fulfils your need for a man, it works
best when a man is allowed to be in his masculine energy and has a woman
in her counterpart feminine energy.

Now this isn’t about roles, and this definitely isn’t about being the weaker
energy. Feminine energy is extremely powerful, it just shows up differently.

Use your masculine energy freely at work, to take care of yourself, and to
lead your life forward, but leave it to a side with men- you will notice a HUGE
shift in the results you get with men.

So how do you radiate feminine energy

(womanliness, attraction) to a man via texting
- well that’s my very first tip for you today,
so let’s start!
1. Feminine Communication vs Masculine

Feminine energy is about your heart and emotional world. It is about

feelings- and connecting deeply through our feelings to a man by sharing
them openly.

However we can share our feelings in ways which push men away and we
can share our feelings in ways which drive men crazy for us and connect so
deeply to their hearts they fall in love.

Today I am barely scratching the surface of what comprises the full body of
my teaching, which is all about Feminine energy- (if you want to know more
our Facebook group is a great place to start or stay tuned and look out for
my emails coming your way.)

When men reach out to you, you can come across as if you are in your
head, robotic, with automatic responses (masculine, guarded, uninteresting)
or you can show a man your openness, confidence and feminine
genuineness through your emotions.

When men reach out to you via a dating app, pm or text to get to know you-
it is an opportunity to create feminine connection with a man, something
most women are not doing out there.

A man is out in the masculine world competing, performing, achieving,

being in his logical brain and rarely gets to descend into his feeling world,
so he subconsciously looks for a woman’s femininity to trigger his heart
and feelings.

So let’s get started with examples of texting.

Say a man reaches out to you, texts and says:

"Hi, how's your day going?"

Typical woman’s response:

"Hi! I'm great, how are you?”

Now this answer, which is one we use all of the time, falls flat - and
although that may surprise you, I will tell you why -

It deflects intimacy.

It did nothing but turn the question right back to this man - it didn’t let a man
IN. It revealed nothing.

It doesn’t come across as open or confident. He didn’t get to know anything

about you ... it is robotic. There is nothing different here from any other
response in an ocean of women.

So now try something like this:


"Hi, how's your day going?"

WHAT TO DO INSTEAD: A Feminine Response

“Hi!! I feel great! My day has felt

really good!"
This response has a woman sharing how she feels about her day in a
positive way, and it has warmth, genuineness and openness.

So here is the way you respond:

[ Positive Feeling Experience + Warmth & openness ]

Man’s response will typically be:

“Wow, that sounds great, what’s so good about it?!”

Odds are he will now want to connect to why your day has been great and
conversation relaxes and opens up. When you share a feeling experience,
he feels and experiences it with you, feels connected to you. You drop from
your head, into your heart, helping him begin to slowly drop out of his head
and think-

“This woman feels good to talk to, I want to keep talking to her.”


Man says:

“Hi Gorgeous, wow that is a

beautiful photo"

Flat woman’s response:

"Thank you!!! How are you?”

Again robotic, automatic, flat line.

WHAT TO DO INSTEAD: A Feminine Response

“Hi Gorgeous, wow that is a

beautiful photo"

"Well hello there!! Thank you, you

just made my day! That’s a great
name you have by the way!"

[ Warmth + Appreciation + Noticing something positive about

him that caught your attention ]

Men LOVE appreciative, positive and warm women.

It just shows you are curious and notice things and express them, rather that
hitting on him which is forward and masculine.

One of the women in our group tried it out- and check out what happened
2. Let a Man Initiate: The 80/20 Rule

As a woman, or feminine energy - you desire a man who will pursue you,
plan dates, and take charge in moving the relationship forward. Always
remember this is what a quality man wants to do- and he loves doing it!

It’s not your responsibility to move the relationship forward ( to plan dates,
initiate texting and calling, to pursue him or to close the deal and “get”
commitment from him.) It’s your job to let him win you over, let him pursue
you and let him be your man, and if you are having trouble doing that, we
teach you everything you need to know here).

If you step in and do his job, initiating, planning and leading, you’ll quickly
see a man pull away. He will lose attraction and eventually disappear. You
can’t force it to happen, you can only increase your magnetism, feminine
radiance and attraction.

However this is the most powerful of all!

The sooner you just enjoy connecting and receiving from a man, the more
men will step up all around you.

Let him move the relationship forward!

Let’s take it further- one of the biggest mistakes women make is get way
ahead of where a man is at and begin leading the relationship.

A woman easily falls into chasing a man and stepping in for him as the
masculine energy. This frustrates a quality man to no end and has him want
to stop investing in the relationship.

Over eagerness is infatuation, not real love and it quickly pushes men away.
SO how do we communicate being too over eager with a man?
We text a man more than he is texting us and we:

• PLAN (which is masculine): We text a man to setup a date and offer up

plans ex. dinner or concert tickets.
• We plan things when he didn’t even ask us to such as the date or the
direction the relationship is going.
• We are always waiting around for his text and quickly reply.
• If he starts opening up more via texting we try to offer him advice and
solutions so we feel needed and we impress him.
• If he hasn’t called or texted in a few days we text him a “missing you” text.
• We obsess and overthink every text he sends.
• We text him asking him “Where are you?” or “When are we seeing each
other again” or “What are you up to?”
• We text him “Where is this going?”

Respond to a man’s texts 80% of the time and initiate texts only 20% of
the time:

The 80/20 rule is a great place to fall back on when texting a man.

Now when it comes to initiating, even 20% of the time, do it when he is

initiating and communicating consistently. If he has pulled away, lean back
and give him space.
3. Don’t Come Off Clingy Or Self- Absorbed:
Reflect back his texts

Don’t Write Long and overly wordy texts, it comes off as self-absorption:

Women often text men and have long conversations with them via text.
The text conversations never end and a man begins to get nervous when
texting, he doesn’t know if it will be another opportunity for her to just keep
it going and going.

Then when he doesn’t reply back fast enough or is in the middle of a busy,
pressured day he will begin to feel put off. Reflect a man’s texting back by
noticing how he is texting you- if its 1-2 sentences, keep it to that and then
wait to have a real conversation in person.

Long, wordy paragraphs make a woman come across as self-absorbed and

completely unaware of a man’s time and availability. Pace it and make sure
to reflect back his texting.

If he is short and sweet, keep it short and to the point. Men tend to have
short attention span when reading texts (unless all they are looking for is
texting relationship- more on that below.) Men are hunters by nature and
when they are in masculine mode or busy throughout their day they want to
own their time and keep things short and to the point. Be positive, outgoing,
confident, feminine and sweet- but reflect back his texts. If he is short and
sweet and to the point, do so as well.

And on that point:

4. Let Him Have The Last Word

You don’t have to respond to every text or cling to his time:

We can often feel like we have to reassure a man or else he might just
slip away and never ask us out! So we go into control mode and reply
to everything he says (sometimes enthusiastically) in a way that speaks
desperation, loneliness and clinginess to a man. A woman in this state is a
woman who is very needy for a man’s attention and has some inner work
to release issues around co-dependency, anxiety around relationships and
trusting her own worth and value.

Be the first to get off of the conversation and relax. Don’t cling on or a man
will feel the neediness and pull away.

"Alright, I will pick you up at 8."

"Great! Can’t wait!”

End it here
"See you soon!"

"Can’t wait!!! :)”

What to do instead:
You don’t always have to be the last one communicating. If there is nothing
more to say, just relax and drop off. He won’t go anywhere if he is really
interested. Let a man have the last word.
5. Use Confident Language

Using Negative, Needy and Insecure Language

When you are face to face with man you can communicate so much to him
through your sensuality, your body language, your facial expressions and tone
of voice. You don’t have that via texting- and yet a man can pick up easily how
confident or not you are through the way you express yourself - Ex.
If he asks: What kind of a man are you attracted to?

"What kind of man are you attracted


Flat response: I am hoping to one day find a smart, driven, goal oriented guy.

"I am hoping to one day find a smart,

driven, goal oriented guy"

What to do instead:
High Value Response:
"What a great question! The perfect
man for me is smart, funny and

• Hoping • Wanting • Needing

Are typical examples of words that convey a lack of confidence which you
want to avoid.
”I am hoping to have a good time at the party tonight.”
“I am really excited to have a good time at the party tonight.”
6. Keep emoji’s to a minimum:
Lols, Emoji’s and Haha’s.

When a woman doesn’t feel

confident in herself she tries
really hard to be accommodating
and nice to man. Using LOLS,
emojis and haha’s too much can
make a woman look like she is in
highschool, immature and lacking
confidence. Often this is where
she will feel uptight about how
to respond to a man and walk
on eggshells. She will often us a ton of haha’s, lols and emojis as a way of
trying to come off sweet and nice. Don’t use them. Use one every now and
then when the situation is appropriate. This is one of the quickest ways to
show a man you aren’t confident and it is what someone without options
does to avoid being rejected. Don’t doubt yourself, say what you mean and
have a good time. Use lol’s when you actually think something is funny, and
do so sparingly. You are a confident, high value woman- you don’t need to
apologize or hide behind emoji’s.

"Hi beautiful, what are you up

to today?"

“I’m going to the gym, then sauna,

Well beauties, that is 6 Texting Mistakes Women Make
That Push Men Away.

Make sure to study these and implement them to get much better results
with men. Today we barely starting scratching the surface of everything
we offer at The High Value Woman and the Embodied Feminine Woman
Institute and how what we teach you transforms you into an irresistible
woman and gives you the direct road map to attracting and sustaining
love with a dream man!

Stay tuned for our emails coming to you where we share success stories,
engagements, women empowering themselves and attracting dream love!

You are always loved,


Whenever you are ready here

are 3 ways I can help you

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"3 Secrets of Highly Desirable Women" Here.
Claim Your Free Feminine Energy Assessment,
a 30 Minute Complimentary Session with
One of Our Master Coaches (worth $297).

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