Change Around Us 6th

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Topic: Change Around Us

For Class: 6th

Developed by :

Agastya International Foundation

Title: Change Around Us

Class: 6th

Total Time: 140 Mins

Learning Objective;

To enable the students to experience the Aah, Aha and Ha Ha on the topic Change
Around Us thereby enhancing their Curiosity, Creativity, Confidence.

Learning Outcomes;

At the end of the session, students will be

● Experiencing the hands-on experiential learning.

● Exploring the concepts and sub-concepts of Change Around Us through activities,

daily life examples, do it yourself activities etc.
● Instill the habit of observing, thinking, questioning, comparing, analyzing,
drawing conclusions and collaboration.
● Relate and apply the classroom learnings to their day to day life situations.

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 1


Activity Learning Objective Key Message Time

Performin Discussion

Super Super start


Activity 1 What is Change? The changes which take place in a 8 12

long period of time are called slow
And Different type
changes whereas the changes
of Changes ?
which takes place in a short period
of time are called fast change.

Activity 2 What is Reversible Physical change is a change in 5 5

Change? physical properties like shape,
size, length, breadth, height, area,
state of matter, density, volume

No new substance formed.

Physical properties of substance
are same.

It is a temporary change.

Activity 3 To demonstrate It is observed that the weight goes 10 15

that a metal down on heating. On cooling, the
expands on heating weight
and contracts on
goes back to its original position.

Activity 4 What is Physical Physical change is a type of change 10 15

change where the physical properties of
matter change

Activity 5 What is Chemical This is a permanent change also 10 15

Change called chemical change.

One or more new substance


Super Consolidation 5

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 2

Evaluation 10

Total 130 mins

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 3

Overall Required Materials

Sr. No. Material Name / Description Quantity

1 Spirit lamp 6

2 China dish 6

3 Tripod stand 6

4 Wire gauge 6

5 Pair of tongs 6

6 Match box 6

7 Candle wax 6 nodes 25 gms

8 A4 size paper 30

9 Scissor 6

10 Balloons Approx. 50

11 Pencil 5

12 Dustbin filled with water/sand 6

13 Thin copper wire 1 meter

14 Candle 6

15 Weight 6

16 Measuring scale 6

17 Thermal expansion model 1

18 Test tube holder 6

19 Safety goggles 6

20 Safety gloves 6 pair

21 Mask 6

22 Magnesium Ribbon Strip 6 approx 36 cm

23 Teaspoon 6

24 Ammonium dichromate 6 Teaspoon

25 Hydrogen peroxide 1 bottle

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 4

26 Potassium iodide solution 10 ml.

27 Soap solution 10 ml.

28 Test tube 12

29 Food color 5 different color

30 Plastic tray 6

Group Formation

Time: 3 to 4 minutes

● Divide the class into groups.

● Groups should not have more than 6 students.

● Allot the Scientist names and very brief information on the scientists.

● Share the general ground rules of the session for few seconds.

● Ensure the groups have enough space to perform the activities

● Ensure enough lighting, ventilation in the classroom.

Super Start

Time: 10 Min

Learning Objective:

To spark Curious and Creative on the topic Change Around Us

Materials required

S.No. Material Quantity

1 Watch glass or China dish 1 Per group

2 Teaspoon 1 Teaspoon per group

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 5

3 Ammonium dichromate 1 Teaspoon per group

4 Match box 1 Per group


1. Take a small quantity of ammonium dichromate in the watch glass. Place it in a

metal tray. Ignite with the help of a matchstick. Bring the lit Mg tape near the
dichromate. And then observe what happens.

Leading Questions

1. What happens to the bright orange powder – the ammonium dichromate?

2. What are the reactants and the products?
3. Can you get back the bright orange powder from the green powder?
4. Why can’t the reaction be reversed?
5. What are the characteristics of irreversible reactions?
6. What are examples of irreversible reactions in our daily life?

Observation (Instructor reference)

The reaction starts instantaneously generating heat. Sparks and flames can be seen
shooting upwards in the form of a volcano. The orange solid of ammonium dichromate
is transformed into dark gray green solid. The mass is also porous because of the
evolution of nitrogen.

Question Time (3-5 min)

Ask Student to ask the questions & Instructor must write on Black, Green & White Board

Super Start – Plan B time

– 5-7 min.

Learning Objective: What is change?

Material required:

S.No. Material name Quantity

1 Hydrogen peroxide 2 Drops

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 6

2 Potassium Iodide solution 3 Drops

3 Soap solution 1 Drops

4 Test tube 2 per group

5 Food color 2 Drops of different color

6 Plastic tray 1 per group

THINGS TO DO -Place the experimental set up in a place where the students can
observe from a safe distance.

Safety Precautions

Tell the students to keep a safe distance and not to touch any of the materials or
apparatus used in the experiment. Ask them to not to look directly at the burning
magnesium strip


1. Ask learner 1 to mix hydrogen peroxide and soap solution in a test tube A and
mix it well.
2. Now ask learner 2 to make a solution of Potassium Iodide(KI) in a separate test
tube B.
3. Ask learner 3 to put different food color in test tube A . Now ask learn 2 to pour
test tube B into test tube A .
4. Now ask other learner to observe and think about it.

Understand The Activity

Leading questions

1. Which type of change is this and what it is called?

2. What is chemical reaction?

Question Time (3-5 min)

Ask Student to ask the questions & Instructor must write on Black, Green & White

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 7

Prior Knowledge Check

Ask the following questions to check whether students are familiar with the topic. If all
students are familiar with the topic, the topic needs to be changed.

PKC Question 1:- What is Chenge and How many types of changes in our daily life ?

PKS Question 2:- What is Physical change?

PKC Question 3:- What is Chemical Change?

Activity:- 1 Time - 20 Mins

Learning Objective –To understand changes around us

Prior Learning Check-

1. What are the different type of changes around us?

2. Can you differentiate these changes with time?

S.No Material Quantity

1 Pencil 1

2 Balloon 1

3 Matchbox 1

4 Paper 1

5 Dustbin filled with water 1

Things to do

Place the experimental set up in a place where the students can perform the activity.

Safety Precautions

Tell the students to keep a safe distance and not to touch any of the materials or
apparatus used in the experiment. Ask them to not touch material without instruction.


Link to known information/previous activity

We learnt about different types of changes in the previous activity. Here we will look at
an example of fast change and slow change.


Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 8

Slow change- A change that occurs very slow or taking very long time called slow

Write the changes around us that take very long time in our surroundings in A4 sheet
and these activities perform by every student.

Fast change- A change that occurs spontaneously or occur at a very fast speed is called a
fast change.

Distribute the material to every group and perform different activity in every group like
first student burn the paper with match stick 2nd student fill the air with the help of
mouth in balloon 3 student wrap the paper in different shape 4 student burn the candle
and 5 student help the group and note all the activity in A4 sheet paper.


Leading questions

1) What is slow change?

2) Which type of changes around us are examples of slow change?
3) How much time occur to revolution of earth around sun?
4) How much time take to burn a paper?
5) Which type of change in burning of candle?
6) Wrapping of paper of example of which type of changes?

Discussion and Explanation

1) A change that occur very slowly and take a very long time for completion.
2) Growth of a child in to an adult and then into and old men take years to ooccu,
Conversation of night into day occur slowly
3) 365 days

4) Few second

5) Fast change

6) Fast change

DLE- burning of Coal, Rusting of iron, germination of seed to form a plant take 2-4 days

DIY-burn paper, blinking of eyes, sneezing, dropping an object from height


The changes which take place in a long period of time are called slow changes whereas
the changes which takes place in a short period of time are called fast change.

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 9


Ask learners to list the key things they have learnt. Guide them to the key messages
listed and then put up the key messages chart. If you have time during the class, make
up a small game or quiz or match the following as a learning check. This may have to be
done as part of advance preparation.

Gives opportunity to children to discuss and ask questions (about 1

minutes), related to it. Each group to come up with 1 or more

Story Related to Topic:-

तो बच्चो आपको मैं एक कहानी सुनाता/ती हूँ। गर्मियों के दिन थे, चिंटू का जन्मदिन था उसके लिए वह बाजार गया और के क, गुब्बारे लेकर आया।
जब वह बाजार से लौटा तो उसने देखा कि उसका के क पूरी तरह से पिघल गया था, इसे देखकर वह बहुत दुखी हुआ और वह रोने लगा इसे
देखकर उसकी माँ उसके पास आयी और उन्होने उसको रोने का कारण पूछा। उसने रोते रोते यह बात अपनी माँ को बताई तो उसकी माँ हंसने
लगी और उन्होने उस के क को फ्रीजर के अंदर रखने को बोल दिया। इसके बाद चिंटू अपने दोस्तों को बुलाने चला गया। कु छ देर बाद उसने अपने
दोस्तों के साथ मिलकर गुब्बारे फु लाए, जब के क काटने का समय आया तो वह के क लेने के लिए फ्रिज गया तो उसने देखा कि के क पूरी तरह से
जम चुका था यह देखकर वह बहुत खुश हुआ। और अपने जन्मदिन पर पर बहुत मस्ती की। इस कहानी में हुये परिवर्तनों को आप इस कहानी में
देखकर आप समझ गए होगे कि आपने कोन कोन से परिवर्तन को क्या कहेंगे।

Activity – 2 10 Min
LEARNING OBJECTIVE – What is reversible change?

S.No. Material Quantity

1 Balloon 2-3 Per group

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 10

Procedure: Take a balloon and blow it. Take care that it does not burst. The shape and
size of the balloon have changed. Now, let the air escape the balloon.


Understand the Activity:

Leading Questions:

1. Why does shape change of balloon?

2. Why dose size change of balloon?

3. What is the change Physical or chemical?

Discussion & Explanation:

1. Because of air goes inside the balloon.

2. Because of air goes inside the balloon.

3. Physical change.


1. Break the Glass.

2. Break the plastic chair


Go to home make a boat with help of paper.

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 11


● Physical change is a change in physical properties like shape, size, length,

breadth, height, area, state of matter, density, volume etc.
● No new substance formed.

● Physical properties of substance are same.

● It is a temporary change.

Activity- 3 (Questioning Skills Activity) Time 25 Min

To demonstrate that a metal expands on heating and contracts on cooling

LEARNING OBJECTIVE – To demonstrate that a metal expands on heating and contracts

on cooling?

S.No. Material Quantity

1 Thin copper wire 1

2 Wooden stand 1

3 Weight 1

4 Candle 1

5 Measuring scale 1

6 Thermal expansion Model 1

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 12


Tie the ends of the copper wire to the stand firmly and tightly. Hang the weight in the
middle of the wire. Keep the wire as horizontal as possible. Measure the height of the
weight from the stand. Light the candle and heat the wire along its length. Measure the
height of the weight from the stand after some time. Stop heating.


● It is observed that the weight goes down on heating. On cooling, the weight goes
back to its original position.


Leading questions (Model 1)

1. Before we started heating, how did the setup of the wire and ball look like? Why
was the wire held tight?
2. What happened to the wire and the ball when you heated and why?
3. What did you observe when you stopped heating?
4. Why did we dip the ball in water for a minute?
5. How do you explain the sagging of wire?

Discussion and Explanation

● Before we started heating, the wire was held tight because it is fixed tightly at the
two ends. The ball hangs from the straight/tight wire.

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 13

● Upon heating, the wire started sagging and the ball was lowered. This Because of
the expansion of wire on heating.
● When we stopped heating, it started contracting and became tight again as it was
● The ball returned to the original level.

● The ball is dipped in water to bring it back to the room temperature.

Question Time (3-5 min)

Ask Student to ask the questions & Instructor must be Answered minimum 10 questions
in this activity


1. he Gaps between railway tracks because to allow room for the rails to expand the
rise in temperature due to the atmospheric temperature.
2. Such a change is also used for fixing the metal rim on a wooden wheel of a cart as
shown in Figure. Again the metal rim is made slightly smaller than the wooden
wheel. On heating, the rim expands and fits onto the wheel. Cold water is then
poured over the rim, which contracts and fits tightly onto the wheel.

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 14


1. Go to home and write Yes or No in next column discussion with your elders.
2. Burning of paper.

S.No. Change Can be Yes/No


1 Raw egg to boiled egg

2 Batter to idli

3 Wet clothes to dry clothes

4 Woollen yarn to knitted


5 Milk to paneer

6 Bud to flower

7 Solid ice cream to molten

ice cream

Key Message:-

Reversible change is physical change and Irreversible change is chemical change.


LEARNING OBJECTIVE – What is reversible change?

Note to Instructor– This activity explains the

Prior LEARNING check : When we heat wax than what happen ? Which type of
change is this?

Material -

S.No. Material Quantity

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 15

1. A 5g peace of candel 1 per class

2. China dish 1 per class

3. Sprit lamp 1 per class

4. 1 beaker filled ¾ with 1 per class


5. Tripod stand 1 per class

6. wire gauge 1 per class

7. A pair of tongs 1 per class

8. Match box 1 PER GROUP

Things to do

Set up the tripod stand over the spirit lamp and place the wire gauge on the tripod
stand. Place the china dish on tripod stand and put wax on it. Place all of these in a safe

Safety Precautions

Tell the students to be careful while touching the materials or apparatus used in the
experiment. Ask the learners who are performing the experiment to carefully follow all
instructions. Make sure the sprit lamp is dry before burning. Put matchstick in dustbin
after burning


Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 16

Link to known information/previous activity

We have learnt about slow change and fast change


Turn on spirit lamp and gently heat the wax in the china dish. Use the tongs to hold the
china dish while heating after melting wax keep it to cool for some time. Show the
student after a few minutes when the wax starts becoming solid again.


Leading questions

1) What happen when we heat the wax?

2) What happens when we cool the wax?
3) Was any new substance formed?
4) What type of change when we heat the wax?
5) Were the physical property of cooled wax same?

Discussion and Explanation

1. It became the liquid

2. It again looked white and was solid

Shape of cooled wax is different but all property of wax is same

4. This type of change is fast change

5. No new substance is formed just like the original candle


1. When we erase by rubbing than shape change which is physical change.

2. When we boil of water than volume change which is physical change.

DIY- At home you can mix sugar into water observe it properly and think which type of
change is this.

Post Learning Check:

● Which of the following is an example of physical change?

● Mixing baking soda and vinegar together, and this causes bubbles and foam.

● A glass cup falls from the counter and shatters on the ground.

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 17

● Lighting a piece of paper on fire and the paper burns up and leaves ashes.

● Baking a birthday cake for your mother.


● Physical change is a change in physical properties like shape, size, length,

breadth, height, area, state of matter, density, volume etc.
● No new substance formed.

● Physical properties of substance are same.

● It is a temporary change.


Ask learners to list the key things they have learnt. Guide them to the key messages
listed and then put up the key messages chart. If you have time during the class,
make up a small game or quiz or match the following as a learning check. This may
have to be done as part of advance preparation.

● Gives opportunity to children to discuss and ask questions (about 1

minutes), related to it.
● Each group to come up with 1 or more questions


LEARNING OBJECTIVE – What is physical change?

PRE LEARNING CHECK-What happen when we fold and cut the paper?

Material List:

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 18

Material Material Quantity

1. A4 size paper 5 per group

2. Scissor 1 per group

3. Balloons 6 per group

Things To Do:

● Cut the paper into four parts.

● Fill air into balloons.

Safety precaution: Carefully handle the scissor.


1. Take A4 size paper and with the help of scissor cut paper into four parts.
2. Second person take balloon and fill air into balloon and then observe.
3. Note: Group wise consolidation.
4. Discussion And Opportunity Of Questioning on activity

Leading questions:

1. Which Physical property of paper change?

2. What change in balloons after filling air into them?
3. Is new substance formed?

Discussion and explanation:

● Shape of paper is change.

● Shape of balloon is change.

● No new substance is formed.

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 19


● In your home when we cut potato then shape change which is physical property

● Crushing a plastic bottle


● Make an aeroplane from a paper by folding it and then unfold it to make water
ship and then unfold to make some other things

Post Learning Check:

● Which is an example of a physical change?

● Metal rusting

● Silver tarnishing ( thin layer of corrosion)

● Water boiling

● Paper burning

Key Messages: 1. Physical change is a change in physical properties like shape, size,
length, breadth, height, area, state of matter, density, volume etc.

2. No new substance formed.

3. Physical properties of substance are same.

4. It is a temporary change.

Gives opportunity to children to discuss and ask questions (about 1

minutes), related to it. Each group to come up with 1 or more

Activity- 6 Time 20 Min

Pre- Learning check: When we spark the phuljhadi what change occurs there?

Learning Objective: What is chemical change?

Material List:

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 20

S.No. Material Quantity

1 Small magnesium strip 1 strip per group

2 China dish 1 per group

3 Match box 1 per group

4 Holder 1 per group

5 Safety goggles 1 per group

6 Safety gloves 1 per group

7 Mask 1 per group

Safety precaution:

● Keep needed distance handling experiment and wear goggles, safety gloves and
mask after that doing experiment.


1. Take a magnesium strip and light with spirit lamp with help of match box and
Observe. A new substance is formed.
2. Note: Group wise consolidation.
3. Discussion And Opportunity of Questioning on activity

Leading Questions:

1. What happen when we light magnesium strip?

2. Any new substance formed?
3. What type of change is this
4. Which type of change this is called?

Discussion and explanation:

A white as is formed and a light and heat is produced when we fire magnesium
strip.Magnesium oxide new substance formed.This is a chemical change.


● Burning of cracker

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 21

● Baking of cake


● At home observe burning candle Take aata dough or clay and make a ball. Try to
roll out as roti. May be you are not happy with its shape and wish to change it
back into a ball of clay again.

Post learning check:

1. Which of the following is an example of a chemical change?

2. Melting solid gold
3. Burning hydrogen gas
4. Dissolving sugar in water
5. Breaking a sheet of glass

Key messages:

1. This is a permanent change also called chemical change.

2. One or more new substance formed.

★ Gives opportunity to children to discuss and ask questions

(about 1 minutes), related to it. Each group to come up with 1 or
more questions

Extra interesting Information:

Every day, we encounter different types of changes. Turning day into night, night into
each day, rising and setting of sun and moon, changing of climate, melting of ice, and
much more. These changes occur during a minute or take an extended time.

Recall: Time: 2 –
4 Min

Group wise recall all activities 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 (what – what happened 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
and 5th activities with key messages.)

Super Finish

Time- 6-8 Min

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 22

Procedure: Give the instruction about quiz. You have to make group and write group
name on blackboard and ask question group wise then student give the answer and give
point to that team on blackboard. Note – you can insure ask question to student by one
by one in the group. After play three round you have to add points gain by team during
quiz. Those team got maximum point they will winner of this quiz after completion you
have to appreciate all students. Forget winner or loser.

Question 1.
What are the changes that can be reversed called?
(a) Reversible changes
(b) Irreversible changes
(c) Contraction
(d) Evaporation


Answer: (a) Reversible changes

Question 2.
A process in which an object becomes smaller or shrinks is called
(a) chemical change
(b) irreversible change
(c) contraction
(d) expansion


Answer: (c) contraction

Question 3.
Temperature at which a solid starts melting is called its
(a) melting point
(b) boiling point
(c) freezing point
(d) slow change


Answer: (a) melting point

Question 4.
The change in which chemical properties of a substance change is called
(a) chemical change
(b) physical change
(c) heating
(d) pressure

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 23


Answer: (a) chemical change

Question 5.
Which is a way to make change happen?
(a) Heating a substance
(b) Cooling a substance
(c) Mixing a substance
(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these

Question 6.
The melting of gold is an example of:
(a) chemical change
(b) physical change
(c) chemical electrical
(d) physical magnetical


Answer: (b) physical change

Question 7.
Which is not a sign of reversible change?
(a) Change in state
(b) Change in property
(c) Change in size
(d) Change in appearance


Answer: (b) Change in property

Question 8.
Which of the following changes can be reversed?
(a) Cow dung to biogas
(b) Bud to flower
(c) Wet clothes to dry clothes
(d) Raw egg to boiled egg


Answer: (c) Wet clothes to dry clothes

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 24

Question 9.
A process in which liquid changes into vapour is called
(a) contraction
(b) evaporation
(c) melting
(d) freezing


Answer: (b) evaporation

Question 10.
Rusting of iron is an example of
(a) slow change
(b) fast change
(c) reversible change
(d) physical change


Answer: (a) slow change

Question 11.
Which of the following changes cannot be reversed?
(a) Milk to paneer
(b) Cold milk to hot milk
(c) Yarn to knitted sweater
(d) Wet clothes to dry clothes


Answer: (a) Milk to paneer

Question 12.
Melting of wax is
(a) chemical change
(b) physical change
(c) both of these
(d) none of these


Answer: (b) physical change

Question 13.
Burning of paper is
(a) chemical change
(b) physical change

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 25

(c) reversible
(d) all of these


Answer: (a) chemical change

Question 14.
Force can cause change in the
(a) size
(b) shape
(c) direction
(d) all of these


Answer: (d) all of these

Question 15.
Which one of the following factors is involved in a change?
(a) Force
(b) Heat
(c) Chemical reaction
(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these

Question 16.
Which of the following material do not expands on heating?
(a) Iron
(b) Wood
(c) Glass
(d) Oil


Answer: (b) Wood

Question 17.
The effects of the changes are
(a) change in size
(b) change in shape
(c) change in colour or taste
(d) all of these


Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 26

Answer: (d) all of these

Question 18.
The meaning of reverse is called
(a) getting back to starting point
(b) increase in size or volume
(c) decrease in size or volume
(d) a push or pull applied on an object


Answer: (a) getting back to starting point

Question 19.
The change of day and night is caused by
(a) stars
(b) sun
(c) moon
(d) rotation of the earth


Answer: (d) rotation of the earth

Question 20.
When a heated metal is cooled it
(a) expands
(b) contracts
(c) doesn’t change
(d) both (a) and (b)


Answer: (b) contracts

Question 21.
Which of these changes can be reversed?
(a) Cutting of trees
(b) Melting of ghee
(c) Burning of candle
(d) Blooming of flower


Answer: (b) Melting of ghee

Question 22.
Which of these changes cannot be reversed?

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 27

(a) Hardening of cement
(b) Freezing of ice cream
(c) Opening a door
(d) Melting a chocolate


Answer: (a) Hardening of cement

Question 23.
An iron ring is heated. Which of the following statements about it is incorrect?
(a) The ring expands.
(b) The ring almost comes to the same size on cooling.
(c) The change in this case is reversible.
(d) The ring changes its shape and the change cannot be reversed.


Answer: (d) The ring changes its shape and the change cannot be reversed.

Question 24.
Which type of change is beating of heart?
(a) Slow change
(b) Fast change
(c) Chemical change
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Fast change

Question 25.
Which of these is a physical change?
(a) Burning of paper
(b) Melting of ice
(c) Formation of rust on iron nail
(d) Formation of curd from milk


Answer: (b) Melting of ice

Question 26.
Which type of change is melting of wax?
(a) Chemical change
(b) Physical change
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 28


Answer: (b) Physical change

Question 27.
Which of these is not an irreversible change?
(a) Ironing of clothes
(b) Baking the cake
(c) Burning of incense stick
(d) Rusting of steel gates


Answer: (a) Ironing of clothes

Question 28.
What are the substances formed in a reaction called?
(a) Reactants
(b) Products
(c) Sometimes products and sometimes reactants
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Products

Question 29.
What is formation of steam from boiling water called?
(a) Reversible change
(b) Irreversible change
(c) Chemical change
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Reversible change

Question 30.
What are the changes in which a new substance is formed called?
(a) Physical changes
(b) Chemical changes
(c) Fast changes
(d) Slow changes


Answer: (b) Chemical changes

Session plan on Change Around Us for Class 6th 29

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