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The description of the sequence, ordering, rules, structure, of a language to

determine what is good or wrong, regular or irregular, common or not common
in a language

The property that allows us to know the regular combination and ordering of
words in a phrase or sentence.

Prescriptive approach:
Based on the Latin rules and Latin frameworks, to indicate the proper use of a
Descriptive approach:
Gathering of language samples, describe the patterning of language behavior
and use to show the structure and use of each language.

Parts of speech: Classification of words.

Agreement: Concordance.

A verb is a word or group of words that is used in a sentence to indicate that

something happens or exists.
Types of verbs
● Auxiliary Verbs: commonly known as helping verbs are used to support the
main verb to describe an action. Amit is jogging regularly to reduce fat.
● Main Verbs: expresses or describes the principal action being done by the
subject. He was trembling in the cold weather.”
● Transitive verbs: there has to be an object.“The principal discussed the
indiscipline issue with the teachers.”
● Intransitive verbs: the object is not required.
● Complex-transitive verbs in English include believe, consider, declare, elect,
find, judge, keep, know, label, make, name, presume, pronounce, prove,
drive, rate, regard, and think.

An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun.

Types of adjectives
● Attributive adjectives: The adjectives that precede the noun or pronoun.
Pretty girl
● Predicative adjectives: Adjectives that occur after a linking verb.The girl is
● Comparative adjectives: are used to compare two things Prettier, taller,
shorter, more beautiful.
● Superlative adjectives: are used to compare three or more things. highest,
shortest, most beautiful, nastiest.
● Interrogative Adjectives What, which, and whose, when they are used with
nouns to ask questions, are called Interrogative Adjectives. Whose book is
● Proper Adjectives Adjectives formed from proper nouns are called Proper
Adjectives. Ex. British, Chinese etc. The British professor is teaching in the

A determiner is a type of a word that sits before a noun or a noun phrase.

Types of determiners
● Articles indicate the specificity or definiteness. Articles can be classified into
two categories called definite articles (the) and indefinite articles (a, an).
● Possessive determiners indicate the possession or ownership. My, your, his,
her, its, our, their, and whose are the possessive determiners in the English
● Quantifiers indicate the quantity. Cardinal numbers (one, two, three, etc.) and
indefinite adjectives (e.g., many, much, most, several, some) belong to this
● Demonstrative determiners indicate the specificity and position of the noun.
This, that, these and those belong to this category.

Constituent Analysis: A type of analysis to show how small constituents go

together to form larger constituents.
Constituents: are words (elements) group together to form phrases.
Types of diagrams
Boxes: simply show the distribution of constituents.How many words? How many
phrases? Which phrases?

Diagram: Shows the types of forms that can be substituted at different levels of the

Labeled and bracketed analysis: Each constituent is distinguished using [ ] +

Labels of Parts of Speech. It shows: Labeled constituents. Hierarchical organization
of constituents.Sentence Level - Phrase Level Word Level.
The following comprehensive project aims to approach Descriptive Grammar
through three methods: Structural Analysis, Constituent analysis and Labeled and
Bracketed analysis. The first method is based on Parts of Speech where words are
classified according to the type (noun, verb, adjective…) and agreement, where
language characteristics (number, gender, voice, time, person) are described. The
second method shows the way in which small constituents (words/elements) group
together to create larger constituents (phrases), and the third method indicates the
hierarchical organizations of the constituents, starting from the complete sentence to
then identifying the group of phrases, the parts of speech of those groups of phrases
and others single elements. The same study sample will be used that combines groups
of phases that allow to put in practice the three different analyses, where, as in the
first part of the project, the grammatical and functional characteristics of each element
are specified.

Proofed (April 27, 2019). Vocabulary Tips: Is “Thank You” One Word or Two? Proofed.
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