Heredity and Evaluation

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Heredity & Evolution

Topic: Heredity and Evolution

Target Group: Class 10th

Learning Objective: To enable the students to experience the Aah, Aha and HaHa on this

Duration: 140 Min

Learning Outcomes:
➢ What is Heredity?
➢ What is the location of gene?
➢ What is meiosis and mitosis?
➢ What is dominant and recessive?
➢ What is evolution?

Key Concept Sub Concept Activities/Experiments/Games/ etc Time

to convey the concept/sub

Activity-1 20
Heredity and
What is Heredity?

Activity-2 15
Heredity and What are gene and
evolution their location?
Activity-3 30
Heredity and What is meiosis and
evolution mitosis?

Heredity and What is dominant Activity-4 20

evolution and recessive?

Heredity and What is height Activity-5 20

evolution evolution?

Heredity and What is beak Activity-6 20

evolution evolution?

Participation Table:
Speak Chance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Participation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


S.No Description Mode Time Reference DIY DLE Key Learning’s

1 Super Start Hands On 5-7 Self

Min. Activity

2 Overall Indirect/ 2-3 Self

Session Pre- Direct Min
Knowledge Question/
Check Chit

3 Heredity Group 20 Self Go to In any function ‘transfer of

Activity Min home identify you by character one
and your parents generation to
make the character. their offspring/
list eye progeny is
color of called heredity’
whole Doctor prefer
family, organ in family
(means son or
daughter or
brother or sister
or parents)
make the During the
list of organ
group in transplantation.

tree at

4 Gene Group 15 Self Go to How to make Gene is the

Location Activity Min home and our home units of heredity
make list (deeper to and human have
where am deeper) by 23 pair gene.
I in the “KARIGAR’
one by

Make the
helix of

What is Group Bio Go to Make the Dal Meiosis is a

meiosis and Activity discovery home and Rice at home, special cell
mitosis? 30 make make the division that
Min ‘SHARA chapatti at reduces the
BAT’ for home. chromosome
5 whole number by half,
family creating four
and ask haploid cells.
how it is
sweet in
taste. Mitosis a type
of cell division
that results in
two daughter
cells each
having the same
number and
kind of
as the parent
What is Group self Go to Grassroots The terms
dominant Activity garden grown with dominant and
and 20 and make wheat in the recessive
recessive? Min the list of farm. describe the
dwarf inheritance
6 and long patterns of
plant of certain traits.
same Expressive
species. Any has shy character called
character and dominant and
any have hide character
expressive called recessive.
Roll your
tongue at character.

What is Group Bio Pilot Giraffe neck Change

height Activity discovery graph of evolution. yourself
evolution? 20 center measure according
Min kuppam the
height of To nature is
all family called height
members. evolution.
Evolution of

8 What is Group 20 Bio Go to Thirsty crow. Evolution is

evolution? Activity Min discovery home and change in the
center make list heritable
kuppam of characteristics
endanger of biological
ed populations
species. over successive
Story about generation.
dynasore .

9 Opportunity

10 Recall Group 2-3

wise Min

11 Super Finish 6-8

Plan-A search

Material list for session:

SL. NO. Material Quantity/group

1 Hand ball 1 per class

2 Stop watch 1 per whole class

3 Matching cards (Heredity) 10 per group

4 Matching cards (Dominant and 1 per group


5 Color paper of gene location 1 per group

6 DNA double helix A4 color paper 1 per group

7 Written cards of small and capital letters 4 different different per group
of pea plant character

8 Double tape 1 per class

9 Normal white tape 1 whole class

10 Light blue chart paper 1 per class

11 Light red paper 1 per class

12 Sketch paper 1 per students

13 Scale 1 per class

14 Measuring tailor tape 1 per class

15 Ice cream stick (color) 1 packet

16 Chart paper any color 3 per class

17 Fork spoon (plastic) 1 packet

18 Normal spoon (plastic) 1 packet

19 Chana Dal, Pea nuts, Groundnuts Each 1 packet

20 Scissor 1 per group

21 Pencil 1 per group

22 Fevigum 2 per group

23 A4 paper 1 per students

24 Eraser 1 per group

25 Chart Paper Light Blue 2 per class

26 Chart Paper Light Red 2 per class

27 Cards write with Capital and small letter 28 per class

with character of pea plant

28 Rubber 1 packet

Group Formation: you can use any strategies for making group within 2-3

We have to make group on scientist name, male and female scientist name on
chit. We have to distribute chit according to strength of class. (Female scientist
name should be 50% or above in groups)

Time 5-7 min

Learning Objective: To enable the students to experience the Aah,, Aha and HaHa on this
topic Heredity and Evolution.

Material: handball and stop watch.

Safety Precautions: Don’t hit ball to each other.

Make the circle and give task. Task is you have to touch the ball only once and all hand touch is
necessary. Set the stop watch for how much time taken for complete one circle, give challenge
can you complete this activity in less time? Again speak - can you complete this activity in less
Leading questions:-

1. What did you observe?

2 Why do you think this happened?
3. Which scientific concept hides in this activity?

: Give time for thinking and questioning.

Key Message:-
Change according to atmosphere means evolution is happening like above process. (Note: you
can’t discussion here)

Prior-Knowledge Check (Overall Session)

Q1. What is the gene and their location?
Q2. DNA and how is related to chromosome?
Q3. What is ALLELE?
Q4. What is evolution?
Q5. What is meiosis and mitosis?

(LR Activity - NA) Activity-1 20- Minute

Learning objective - What is Heredity?

Things to do:-Give the cards and shuffle than challenge match the card.

Material List

S.No. Material Quantity

1 Cards (picture of offspring) 10 cards per group

Safety Precautions
Not tearing the paper.

Match the cards through any idea after that said match the card through specific character.
Group wise consolidation
Member no-1 in every group what to you do in activity and what you observe?

Opportunity to ask question:-

Give 2-min to student for ask question related to activity

Leading Questions

1. How do you think the match the cards?

2. What is difference between 1st and 2nd time match card?
3. Do you know about heredity?

Discussion and Explanation

1. Match the card through same structure of plant, men-women and animal.
2. We have 1st time through normal way but 2nd time we have match trough character of
progeny/offspring and their parents.
3. ‘transfer of character one generation to their offspring/ progeny is called heredity’

DLE:- 1.In any function identify you by your parents character

2. Doctor prefer organ in family (means son or daughter or brother or sister or parents)
during the organ transplantation.

DIY:- 1.Goto home and make the list eye color of whole family,
2 Make the list of blood group in whole family.
3. Make family tree at home

● ‘transfer of character one generation to their offspring/ progeny is called heredity’

Post Learning Check:

Ask learners to list the key things they have learnt. Guide them to the key messages listed and then
put up the key messages chart.

Opportunity of Question:-
Related to the Activity-1
Activity-2 15- Minute

1. What is the location of gene?
2. What is the full form of DNA?

Learning Objective -What is gene and their location?

Material List:

SL.NO. Material Quantity

1 Pictures of cell, Gene and 1-per group

2 Pencil 1- per group

3 Eraser 1- per group

Things To DO: Prepare all chart related to activity before session.

Safety Precautions:

Note to Instructor – This activity is to show the different location draw the cell, nucleus,
chromosome, DNA and gene with help of pencil on paper of gene location.

Group wise Consolidation:

Member no-2 in every group what are you doing and what do you observe?

Opportunity to ask question:-

Give 2 Min to student for ask question related to activity
Leading Questions

1. What is Gene?
2. What is location of Gene?
3. What is the full form of DNA?

Discussion and Explanation

1. A Gene is a sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that codes for a molecule that has a
2. In the long stand of DNA.
3. Deoxyribonucleic Acid.

DLE:-How to make our home (deeper to deeper) by “KARIGAR’

DIY: - 1.Go to home and make list where am I in the world one by one.
2. Make the double helix of DNA

Key Message:

● A Gene is a sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that codes for a molecule that has a
● 23 pair of gene in human.

Post Learning Check:

● Anyone stand and say what you learn by this activity?

Opportunity to Ask Question: Give to asking question about activity - 2.

Time: 30 min

Q- What is meiosis?
Q-What is mitosis?

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: –What is meiosis and mitosis?

Material List:
Sl. No. Material Quantity

1 Card Light Blue 3 per group

2 Card Light Red 3 per group

3 Fevigum 1 per group

4 Scissor 1 per group

5 A4 paper 1 per student

Things to Do: cut the blue light paper and red light color card before conduct class.

Safety Precautions:
Use of scissor very carefully.

● Create paper chromosomes like a long greeting card folded in two parts such that if you
cut it along the fold, you will get paper strips of 3” X 6”. Distribute two cards of
different colours among the groups. Explain that this is a pair of chromosomes- one from
your father and one from your mother. There are 23 such pairs (46 chromosomes) in
each cell. We are focussing on this particular one for the purpose of this activity.
● Tell them to work on one side of the card and divide it into three parts. Let us assume
that this particular chromosome contains three genes: Top- eye colour; Middle- hair
colour; Bottom- skin colour. Point out that each chromosome has 100s of genes in
reality. But for simplification, we are considering only three. Ask them to write some
random colours under each gene, and preferably make them different for the mother and
father. See sample below:
● In the first step of mitosis, the DNA replicates. Ask the groups to open up the strip and
write the exact same thing on the other side too. See sample below:

● Next, all the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell, and the two parts of each
duplicated chromosome are pulled away from each other. Once they reach the
opposite ends of the cell, they separate and two cells are created. Thus, the original cell
and the two daughter cells are exactly alike.
● In the first step of meiosis, the DNA replicates. Ask the groups to open up the strip and
write the exact same thing on the other side too. See sample below:
● In the next step, the pairs come close together. Given their close proximity, parts of the
chromosome may get exchanged. For example, the hair colour gene may get
interchanged between the maternal and paternal chromosomes. See the example

● Ask the groups to interchange genes as per their choice- they can exchange eye colour,
hair colour, skin colour, eye and hair colour, hair and skin colour or eye and skin colour.
In the next step, the pairs separate and form two cells. Compare the original cell and the
new cells- how are they similar, how are they different?
● In the final step, the doubled DNA separates in each of the two cells, resulting in 4
daughter cells containing half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell we began

● Ask each group to look at the original cell they started with, and the four cells they
created from it, and compare results.

Note to Instructor: insure go to near of every student work properly or not.

GroupWise Consolidation: Member no-4 from each group.

Opportunity to ask question:- Give 2-min to student for ask question related to activity

Leading Questions: –
● Whatis cell division?

● What is meiosis?

● Whatis mitosis?

● How manychromosome of human being?

● Whohave real chromosome Boy or Girl?

Discussion and Explanation:
● Cell division is the process by which a parent cell divides into two or more daughter
● Meiosis is a special cell division that reduces the chromosome number by half, creating
four haploid cells.

● Mitosis a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same
number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus.

● 23 pair

● Girl

Opportunity to ask question:-

Ask question related to activity

DLE:-Make the Dal Rice at home, make the chapatti at home.

DIY:-Go to home and make ‘SHARABAT’ for whole family and ask how it is sweet in taste.


● Meiosis is a special cell division that reduces the chromosome number by half, creating
four haploid cells.

● Mitosis a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same
number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus.

Post learning check

Ask learners to list the key things they have learnt. Guide them to the key messages listed.

Opportunity to ask question:-

Give 2-min to student for ask question related to activity

Activity-4 Time: 20 min


1. What is Dominant?
2. What is Recessive?
Learning Objective: - What are phenotypic characters of plant?

Material List:

S.No. Material Quantity

1 Cards (Dominant and Recessive of 1 per group

Pea Plant)
2 Distribute cards write Capital and 14 per group
small letter with character

3 Pencil 1 per group

4 Eraser 1 per group

Things to Do: Cut the dominant and recessive part of paper of character of pea plant before
conduct class.

Safety Precautions: Do not play with paper, pencil and eraser.

Distribute 14 cards in each group. And come with group with cards in front of students and two
student show the cards. This activity repeat by all group student.
Instructor tell the dominant recessive character at the time of presenting cards by every group.
In the group we have to distribute the print page of dominant and recessive and draw D for
dominant character and R for recessive character.
After discussion we have to check all answer go to nearby every group.

Group-wise Consolidation: By member no-5 from each group.

Leading Questions:
● What is expressive character?
● What is not expressive character?

● Why choose pea plant for show dominant and recessive character?

● What possibility of change?

● Which scientist study on pea plant?

Discussion and Explanation:

● When if any species show our character is called expressive.

● When if any species hide our character is called not expressive.

● Because it is grow easily and it’s having short life cycle so study is very easy in different
generation due to this choose pea plant.
● Sir G.J. Mendal

DLE:- 1.Grassroots grown with wheat in the farm.

2.Any has shy character and any have expressive character.

DIY:- 1.Go to garden and make the list of dwarf and long plant of same species.
2.Roll your tongue at home.


● Expressive character is called Dominant.

● Non expressive character is called Recessive.

Post Learning Check:

Ask learners to list the key things they have learnt.

Opportunity Of Question :- Ask question related to activity - 4

Energiser: Anyone who

Ask everyone to stand in a circle. Explain the rules of the game- the conductor
asks a question of the form “Anyone who ___;” for example, “Anyone who is a
male.” If you relate to this sentence or question, you must run out of your place
and join another point in the circle. Begin with general questions such as
“Anyone who likes potatoes” or “Anyone who has been to this city before” for
the group to understand how the game works. Once they do, ask the following

0. Anyone who has black eyes

a. Anyone who has curly hair

b. Anyone who thinks they look like either of their parents

c. Anyone who’s blood group matches their parents’

d. Anyone who’s second toe is longer than the big toe

e. Anyone who can roll their tongue

f. Anyone with blue eyes

(Theatre Activity) Activity-5 Time: 20 min

Pre-Knowledge check

1What is evolution?
2 Whose scientist given evolution theory?

Learning Objective: - What is height evolution?

Material List:

S.No. Material Quantity

1 Ice-cream Stick 1 per student

2 Chart paper (any color) 3 per class

3 scale 1 per class

4 sketch 1 per group

5 Double Tap 1 per class

6 Cello tap 1 per class

7 Fevigum 1 per group

8 Tailor tape 1 per class

Safety Precautions: Do not play with paper, pencil and eraser.

Are we all the same height? Is the likelihood of us being 3ft tall and 5ft tall the same? Are some
heights more commonly seen than others? Ask a volunteer to come and draw a distribution
curve. It should look like a bell curve, with most people being 4-6.5 ft tall, and very few people
being <3 ft or >7 ft tall.
Right now, our height does not provide us with advantages in terms of survival or
reproduction. What if our environment changed such that people who are “between” 3-4 ft tall
had a much higher chance of survival and reproduction? What would happen after 1000s of
generations? Ask them to think about this in their groups and then share their thoughts with
the others. After all the groups are done speaking, ask a volunteer to draw the distribution
curve after this change. Then say - “this is basically how evolution works.” Link it to the giraffe
neck evolution example.

Group-wise Consolidation: By member no-5 from each group.

Leading Questions:
● What are some other heritable traits in humans?

● Are we all the same height?

● What if our environment changes?

Discussion and Explanation:

● Height is one of them.

● No, most people being 4-6.5 ft tall, and very few people being <3 ft or >7 ft tall.

● Some people change according to environment some does not change, so that they
changed according to environment they live otherwise dead.

Note: Evolutionary theory given by Charles Darvin.

DLE:- 1.Grassroots grown with wheat in the farm.
2. Any has shy character and any have expressive character.

DIY:- 1.Go to garden and make the list of dwarf and long plant of same species.
2.Roll your tongue at home.


Change yourself according to nature is called height evolution.

Post Learning Check:

Ask learners to list the key things they have learnt.

Opportunity of Question: - Ask question related to activity – 4

Story- In 1831, a young naturalist called Charles Darwin boarded a ship called the HMS Beagle and set
out on a fantastic five-year voyage around the world to study and collect animal, plant and rock samples.
Darwin was amazed at the variety of species he saw on his adventure. The Beagle visited the
Galápagos Islands (a group of 19 islands and more than 100 islets and rocks in the Pacific
Ocean, about 1,000km off the coast of Ecuador in South America) and while he was there
Darwin collected specimens and made notes that would eventually change the way people
thought about the world…

Creature Clues?

Darwin noticed that although the different islands had similar creatures and plants, many seemed to have
adapted to suit their local environments. Finches (a type of bird), for example, had different beaks on
each island, suited to eating the particular seeds or insects found there! He also noted remarkable
differences between the mockingbirds found on San Cristobal, Floreana and two other islands. When he
returned to England he devoted his time trying to figure out why they varied from place to place.
The mystery solved

In 1858, Darwin revealed his ‘theory of evolution by natural selection’, to explain how animals adapted
to their environment to survive. And the following year, he published On The Origin Of Species – a book
that would change the world forever! Darwin explained how species can ‘evolve’ (change or develop)
over time through a process called ‘Natural Selection’. This shocked everyone because, until then, it was
widely believed that all the animals on the planet had been made at the same time by one creator. Some
people still believe that today. But Darwin scientifically proved all the species on Earth had evolved from
earlier species – and that includes us!

(1831 में, चार्ल्स डार्विन नामक एक युवा प्रकृ तिवादी एचएमएस बीगल नामक एक जहाज पर चढ़े और
जानवरों, पौधों और चट्टानों के नमूनों का अध्ययन और संग्रह करने के लिए दुनिया भर में एक पांच
साल की बेहतरीन यात्रा पर निकल पड़े।

डार्विन अपने इस कार्य में विभिन्न प्रकार की प्रजातियों को देखकर चकित थे। बीगल ने गैलापागोस
द्वीप समूह (19 द्वीपों का एक समूह और प्रशांत महासागर में 100 से अधिक टापू और चट्टानों, दक्षिण
अमेरिका में इक्वाडोर के तट से लगभग 1,000 किमी दूर) का दौरा किया और जब वह वहां था तो
डार्विन ने नमूने एकत्र किए और नोट्स बनाए जो अंततः दुनिया के बारे में लोगों की सोच को बदलें...

प्राणी सुराग?

डार्विन ने देखा कि हालांकि विभिन्न द्वीपों में समान जीव और पौधे थे, लेकिन कई लोगों ने अपने
स्थानीय वातावरण के अनुरूप अनुकू लित किया। उदाहरण के लिए, फिं च (एक प्रकार का पक्षी) के पास
प्रत्येक द्वीप पर अलग-अलग चोंच थीं, जो वहां पाए जाने वाले विशेष बीज या कीड़े खाने के लिए
उपयुक्त थे! उन्होंने सैन क्रिस्टोबल, फ्लोरियाना और दो अन्य द्वीपों पर पाए जाने वाले मॉकिं गबर्ड्स के
बीच उल्लेखनीय अंतर को भी नोट किया। जब वे इंग्लैंड लौटे तो उन्होंने अपना समय यह पता लगाने
की कोशिश में लगाया कि वे एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर क्यों भिन्न हैं।

रहस्य सुलझ गया

1858 में, डार्विन ने अपने 'प्राकृ तिक चयन द्वारा विकास के सिद्धांत' का खुलासा किया, यह समझाने के
लिए कि कै से जानवर जीवित रहने के लिए अपने पर्यावरण के अनुकू ल होते हैं और अगले वर्ष, उन्होंने
ऑन द ओरिजिन ऑफ़ स्पीशीज़ - एक ऐसी पुस्तक प्रकाशित की जो दुनिया को हमेशा के लिए बदल
देगी! डार्विन ने समझाया कि कै से प्रजातियां 'प्राकृ तिक चयन' नामक प्रक्रिया के माध्यम से समय के
साथ 'विकसित' (परिवर्तन या विकसित) हो सकती हैं। इसने सभी को चौंका दिया क्योंकि, तब तक, यह
व्यापक रूप से माना जाता था कि ग्रह पर सभी जानवरों को एक ही निर्माता द्वारा एक ही समय में
बनाया गया था। कु छ लोग आज भी यही मानते हैं। लेकिन डार्विन ने वैज्ञानिक रूप से साबित कर दिया
कि पृथ्वी पर सभी प्रजातियां पहले की प्रजातियों से विकसित हुई हैं - और इसमें हम भी शामिल हैं!)

Activity-6 (Critical Thinking Activity) Time: 20 min

Pre-Knowledge check

3. What is ‘survive of the fittest’?

4. What is the process of human being develop?

Learning Objective: - What is evolution?

Material List:

S.No. Material Quantity

1 Fork spoon (Plastic) 1 packet per class

2 Normal spoon (Plastic) 1 packet per class

3 Chana Dal, Pea nuts, Groundnuts 250 gm each pulse per


4 Stop watch 1 per class

Things to Do:

Safety Precautions: Do not spread Chana Dal, Pea nuts, Groundnuts.


Explain the group that now they are all birds of a single species, for example, parrot.
There are two kinds of parrots in this population- one who have fork-shaped beaks and
another who have spoon-shaped beaks. Their food is chana dal, and they can only eat
by using a spoon/fork and picking up the chana dal one at a time. They cannot use their
hands or anything else to pick up the chana. Ask four volunteers to come up- hand out
spoons to 2 and forks to 2. Explain the rules:

● They will get 10 seconds to eat.

● They must pick up one chana dal piece at a time with their spoon or fork, and place it in
a container kept next to their heap.
● The person to get the most number of dal pieces will have two children (who will inherit
the same beak as him/her), the person with the lowest will have no children, and the
remaining people will have 1 child each. The original generation people also continue to
● Continue this for 4-5 generations depending on the number of people, and maintain a
count of how many spoons and forks were in the population in every generation

Group-wise Consolidation: By member no-5 from each group.

Leading Questions:
● Why normal spoon holder pickup dal more number?

● Why fork holder spoon pickup dal less number?

● What concept behind this activity?

● What is evolution?

Discussion and Explanation:

● By normal spoon pickup more dal pieces because it is favourable condition
for normal spoon.
● By Fork spoon pickup less dal pieces because it is non favourable condition
for normal spoon.
● Any species survive according to atmosphere they have most breed
species, this is survive of the fittest also, this concept given by Charles
● Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over
successive generation.

DLE:- 1. Tell story about thirsty crow. (in one minute)

2. Tell story about dynasore. (in one minute)

DIY:- Go to home and make list of endangered species.


● Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over

successive generation.

Post Learning Check:

Ask learners to list the key things they have learnt.

Opportunity Of Question :- Ask question related to activity – 4


Recall overall session group-wise with key message of the activity.

● Group 1st explain 1st activity and tell key message ‘transfer of character one generation to
their offspring/ progeny is called heredity’
● Group 2nd explain 2nd activity and tell key message A Gene is a sequence of nucleotides in
DNA or RNA that codes for a molecule that has a function. 23 pair of gene in human.
● Group 3rd explain 3rd activity and tell key message Meiosis is a special cell division that
reduces the chromosome number by half, creating four haploid cells.

● Mitosis a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same
number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus.
● Group 4th explain 4th activity and tell key message Expressive character is called
● Non expressive character is called Recessive.

● Group 5th explain 5th activity and tell key message Change yourself according to nature is
called height evolution.

● Group 6th explain 6th activity and tell key message Evolution is change in the heritable
characteristics of biological populations over successive generation.

Opportunity Of Question
Related to whole topic

Super finish (Evaluation)

● We have to provide A4 paper and write any question.

● Write 2 or 3 question related 1st activity for 1st Group?

● Write 2 or 3 question related 2nd activity for 2nd Group?

● Write 2 or 3 question related 3rd activity for 3rd Group?

● Write 2 or 3 question related 4th activity for 4th Group?

● Write 2 or 3 question related 5th activity for 5th Group?

After write question you roll paper ex. Make ball after that ball through
towards instructor. Collect all ball and distribute ball randomly and try
write answer that question.
Repeat same ball through toward instructor. At this time write question
about answer whenever types of question after that through toward the
Instructor tries to give maximum answer of question.

Note: Instructor deign another game or activity conduct also for

questioning more question in their technique.
Super Finish
Matching Question and answer

Note to Instructor: you can add more questions on card. Make one question
card another is answer.

.............have a perfect pair of sex

chromosomes? Girls
Theory of evolution
Charles Darwin
The component of a chromosome that
controls heredity is DNA.
Father of genetics
___________is small segment of DNA on
a chromosome Gene
Evolution is
History and development of race
along with variations
Mendel did experiment on which Plant
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