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Sex is the thing we think we have to do with men to keep them around.

We feel pressured. And when a guy pressures you, you start to think that it’s your obligation to give him sex.

Who doesn’t know a woman who gave a blow job or had sex with a man to ‘keep him happy’?

Here’s a fact that may surprise you:

When a man is in love, he can have zero sex with a woman and still stick around. And he will stick around whilst being
emotionally attracted to her and faithful to that one woman.

Shocking thought, isn’t it?

I know this makes a lot of women angry. They think how ridiculous of me to assume that a man could stick around with
no sex.

Unfortunately, more often than not, that’s women’s resentment talking, not the truth.

If you are like many women and you find yourself asking: “why do men want sex all the time?” or “why do guys only
want sex?” when a guy pressures you into sleeping with him, you’re not alone.

I’m not trying to diminish your challenges with men. After all, there definitely are men who only want sex from you and
not a relationship.

But there’s also a deeper truth to this. There’s also something else that men want when they’re pressuring you for sex
that has nothing to do with the physical act of intercourse itself.

When A Man Is In Love, THIS Is What He Really Wants!

When two people are in love, what their heart truly wants, is to know that the other person loves them back.

Also, spending quality time with the person becomes far more important (and perfectly sufficient) in comparison to
having sex with them.

There’s two reasons for this:

The first is that falling in love is an emotional experience for men and women, and it causes a man to form a pair bond
with you. This leads to men wanting to own you and your soul, not to just have sex with you.

Secondly, it is because for a man to fall in love with you, the emotional connection and emotional attraction is the MOST
valuable thing about having you in his life. It’s because you inspire him to feel. Not because you have sex with him.

It may be hard to acknowledge the next thing I’m going to say. But are you ready? Here we go…

Almost any easy woman on the street can give a man sex. Any man can get sex if that’s his goal.

At the very least, there are prostitutes. And then there are also easy women.

But it doesn’t matter who you are as a woman, at some point in time, you’ve probably felt pressured to have sex with
your guy (or with just any guy), and you’ve likely assumed that sex is the most important thing to men!

What Do Men Actually Want When They Push You For Sex?
To start, I want to say that there are men who are single-minded and desperate for sex – that’s a basic rule in our world.
When a guy pressures you to sleep with him, that’s not only desperate on his part, it’s a good sign that you should stop
him dead in his tracks.

Stopping him dead in his tracks is one of the quickest ways to position yourself as high value.

…I believe these desperate men definitely will push you for sex just to get the sex itself.

This is usually because they’re desperate for one of the following:

 An ejaculation
 Female validation
 To dominate someone and therefore feel good about their existence; or
 To just milk a woman for whatever he can get

That’s the truth. But it’s the base layer of truth only. There’s also a deeper level of truth to this.

There’s something, a feel, that men want even more than the physical act of sex itself. This one thing gives them the gift
of feeling alive. It gives them purpose.

The Deeper Level Of Truth: Men Want THIS More Than They Want Sex
Then there’s the deeper level of truth: that men actually want a woman’s openness and feminine energy more than they
want sex.

They want to know that you won’t descend so far down the rabbit hole of closure (closing off to them emotionally and
sexually) that you will abandon them or give yourself away to another man.

They want to own your soul and to feel you open to them completely. Hiding nothing of yourself from them.

The men who don’t see this level of truth won’t agree to this. Because they can’t see it yet, or because they haven’t
experienced this yet.

When a man doesn’t know what it’s like to fall in love, or indeed isn’t even capable of falling in love, will believe this to
be nonsensical or untruthful.

And yet, this is all no different to the woman thinking that marriage from a man is the answer to all her woes.

This is usually the typical posture of an older woman who is starting to feel the pressure of her biological clock and age.

This woman desperately tries to look for any man who is willing to commit.

If he isn’t willing to commit – then she will push for it. Hard. Often she’ll push without a single pause to think about and
feel where the mat is at.

That does nothing other than make the man feel obligated, and eventually, even resentful towards her.

Anyway, for a man to just want sex – that’s the most superficial way a man can approach a woman. It is a way, but it’s the
most superficial way.

Yet – that is not the truth of why men are pushing for sex when there’s an emotional connection established between
him and the woman.

By the way, did you know that there Are 7 Common Signs That A Woman is Perceived as Low Value to All Men. Do You
Know What They Are & How to Avoid Them Like the Plague?
Men Actually Want A Woman’s Openness? Really?
The reason we feel like men want sex all the time, is not because they DO want sex all the time.

It is because men are always trying to get women to ‘open’.

And we interpret their advances and their touches etc, as a push for sex with us. But that is not necessarily true, even
though we feel immense pressure to sleep with them.

Instead, what your guy is likely searching for, and what he needs much more than he wants, is your total openness to him
(and only him).

But what is openness?

It means a few things:

To ‘open’ means to not be separate from the moment and from connection with him.

To open means to not pull away love in order to manipulate him.

To ‘open’ also means to not cut him off emotionally. When a woman shuts down and pulls away her love, her trust, her
approval or her vulnerability to a man, that scares a him!


I am not telling you that your man deserves your trust at every moment. But I am suggesting that your man is extremely
sensitive to whether you’re willing to try to trust him or not.

Because if you pull away your trust for him – whether that’s trust for his his masculine direction, his suggestions, his
decision-making ability or his positive intent towards you, then in his male biology, this feels like losing access to you
emotionally and sexually.

Meaning, he will lose access to you, likely in favour of another man. And if a man is emotionally attached to you and in
love with you, this can feel like death.

The interesting thing is this:

We often pull away from a guy out of fear that he just wants sex. “Men only want me for sex”, we think.

But what if instead of making this rash assumption (which causes us to close off to him and pull away our openness), we
didn’t pull away?

What would happen then? What if we just stayed with that fear we felt and melted into whatever emotion came next?
(no separation from the moment, in other words).

What if we allowed a man to ‘open’ us? To influence us? To connect with us?

What if instead of closing off, we offered the gift of our submissiveness in a relationship?

Well then of course, men might want sex; because that’s the natural progression of things when we are able to embody
feminine submissive energy.

But men’s deeper desire (which not every man can articulate) is to have you belong to him.

And the sign that a woman belongs to a man is her openness to him (not to lots of different men).

Do I really have to say out loud that men want to own a woman and a woman wants her man to own her?

I guess in this day and age of the gender wars and ultimate confusion, I do!
Your feminine energy, your willingness to trust and open to your man completely, is much more trustworthy and valuable
to a man in the long-term.

Because it means you’re his. It means you’re willing to trust him and offer your soul to him.

To Be High Value Means To Trust That Men Actually Want More Than Sex
To be high value means to trust that men actually want more than sex.

Can I ask that you consider beginning to trust this?

Because, if we believe in our bodies that men just want sex, then we enter the dating world with a low value energy. And
our bodies show it.

In addition, if we have a lot of casual sex, our bodies become less and less open over time because as women, we often
have to shut off to emotions in order to accomplish the act of casual sex.

So we really have to be careful with casual sex. I don’t care how much women hate this and want to get rid of the double
standard. I care how much more damage it causes women’s bodies to think otherwise.

Our natural state is to let things progress to sex when we open and trust a man.

That doesn’t always happen nowadays. We often ignore our biological drive, so it trains our bodies to close down and
not be attractive to the good men (who actually do want to take care of us).

I know it’s hard. Because older women tend to pour out their past baggage trash all over you – saying that “all men just
want sex” and “men only want me for sex”, and all that.

But really – that’s not true. Men just want sex if that’s all you are brave enough to offer.

Be brave; don’t give him sex out of pressure.

You have permission to trust another way of thinking: that men want your feminine energy and your openness. (it
doesn’t require physical sex!)

Where Women Have Misunderstood Men

“Men only want one thing!”

“Men only want me for sex!”

These statements can be seductive to believe.

Women misunderstand men when they think they just want sex.


Because he wants a woman’s trust and a woman’s energy. Trust is sexually inspiring, it is a turn on – especially when the
woman is sexually open to her man.

And trust is deeper than sex; a woman’s trust makes the sex better, if the option of sex is there.

A woman’s energy is a way of giving him a reason to be happy to be alive today.

Try to consider this the next time you think “my boyfriend is pressuring me to sleep with him”…

He might be pressuring you to sleep with him, but you also have every right to say no. That’s how you deal with guys
who push boundaries.

Remember, when you say ‘no’ to others, you say yes to yourself.
Imagine This…

Imagine this…a man who inherited a lot of money, and because of his financial status, he knows every pimp and has
round the clock access to all the prostitutes in his city.

Yet when you see him out with the women, none of them are particularly happy around him! They are just hanging out
with him, and are sexually available to him, that is all.

Versus a man from the suburbs who has nothing. No car, no money, but he shows up at the same bar that the first man

And within an hour, he has 3 women around him open and happy, laughing and enjoying their time with him because he
is entertaining and funny.

The second man is an example of a man who ‘has’ a lot more.

Not in the number of women, but just because the women he attracts are open and present with him! They also show
more attention and care towards the man he is.

This is also to remind us that a man can buy sex. But men can’t buy openness and responsiveness from women.

By being an open and responsive woman – you are not only upping your own value, you are encouraging a man to up his.

So What Does All This Mean In Your Life?

It means that you could inquire into the possibility that men want something deeper than just sex.

It means that your value is endless as a woman. And will be for the rest of your life.

You can stop thinking that make up and looking pretty is the answer.

You no longer have to give sex to please a man.

You just have to be authentic, open, responsive and be OK with being as alive as you’re brave enough to be.

Instead of becoming preoccupied with your feeling of being pressured to have sex, try to reveal your true self, slowly but
surely. A good man will respect that.

For the sake of the connection, let yourself embody high value vulnerability, before you try to become a sex goddess.

Women give sex to gain love (PRO)

#1: To Raise the Odds a Man Commits
Romantic couple kissing Will her ploy work? Well, maybe!
Well, no surprise here that the #1 reason women say they had a one-night stand, fling, or casual relationship
with a guy was to try to make it more likely he’d commit to them long-term.
43.9% of women cited this as a motivation for them engaging in short-term sex.
About 2 out of 5 times a woman hooks up with a guy in a short-term context, it’s because she’s hoping by
sleeping with him she might make him more willing to see her long-term.
Does it work?
A 2010 study found that hookups, friends with benefits, and casual dating relationships can lead to long-term
relationships, and that so long as the people engaging them were being selective about their partners when
doing so, the relationship quality that follows is actually no different from relationships that start much slower
and take a lot longer to get to sex.
Women pursuing this as their reason for sex are rolling the dice on a guy a bit, hoping it locks him down.
Sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn’t.
#5 (tie): To Feel Attractive/Desirable
This is a reason I’ve harped on repeatedly over the years, but a lot of women will go to bed with men just to
feel attractive and good about themselves.
How many women? A full 24.4% (the same number as the exploratory gals) give this reason as one of the
reasons they’ve engaged in short-term sex.
If you can make a woman feel good about herself, much of the time she will want to go to bed with you simply
to cement that feeling – that she really is an attractive, desirable woman.
Why would a woman need this?
She may be feeling beaten down by life… she may have just come out of a tough relationship and be on the
rebound… she may work in a career with nerdy guys or sleazy guys and finally meeting a cool guy who treats
her well and makes her feel genuinely attractive is a breath of fresh air.
We also use sex to “mate guard”. I love this phrase. It is so evocative an image – I can see a man in a cage, and
a woman with a spear and a bottle of baby oil. Women regularly have sex with their mates to stop them
seeking it elsewhere. Mate guarding is closely related to “a sense of duty”, a popular reason for sex, best
expressed by the Meston and Buss interviewee who says: “Most of the time I just lie there and make lists in my
head. I grunt once in a while so he knows I’m awake, and then I tell him how great it was when it’s over. We
are happily married.”
Women often mate guard by flaunting healthy sexual relationships. “In a very public display of presumed
rivalry,” Meston writes, “in 2008 singer and actress Jessica Simpson appeared with her boyfriend, Dallas
Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo, wearing a shirt with the tagline Real Girls Eat Meat. Fans interpreted it as a
competitive dig at Romo’s previous mate, who is a vegetarian.”
Also why women give sex ? It is solely for love .. to give their partner assurance.. pleasure and also to keep
them from seeking other women .

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