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Module 1: Role of Nurse and Midwife Preceptor in the Organization

Reflective Journal

Name: RUBA AHMAD AL-SHOSHI Corp. No. : 053848

Facility/ Unit: AAH/ED Date: 08-FEB-2024

What happened? (Describe the situation)- Describe and explain what happened

As a nurse caring of cancer patients (adult & pediatric) I recently experienced the
death of one of my young patients. Despite our best efforts and the advanced
treatment available, the child’s condition deteriorated rapidly, leading to their
passing. This loss deeply impacted not only the patient’s family but also the
entire healthcare team including myself .

What did you learn from the experience / Why is this important?

The death of pediatric cancer patient raises numerous emotions and questions . its
prompts us to reflect on the fragility of life, the challenges of pediatric oncology,
and impact of terminal illness of families. Additionally, it compels us to evaluate
our practices, communication skills, and emotional support provided to both the
patient and their loved. Ones during, such difficult times .

Plan of action or recommendations/ What would you do differently?

Moving forward, I recognize the importance of incorporating this experience into

my practice to enhance my ability to provide holistic care. I plan to engage in
further education and training on grief support patients and families facing
similar situations. additionally, I aim to faster open communication within the
healthcare team to ensure effective.

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