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Assessors Marking Guide

BSBADM405 Organise meetings


There are 2 summative assessments for demonstration of competency for

this unit. All assessments must be completed satisfactorily for the student to
Assessment Type
be determined as “competent”. Students may re-sit either assessment once
only, after which a performance review will be conducted by the Principal.

Assessment 1 Written Questions

Assessment Methods
Assessment 2 Practical Observation

Last Modification Date 18/01/2016

Unit Summary
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to organise meetings including making
arrangements, liaising with participants, and developing and distributing meeting related documentation.

It applies to individuals employed in a range of work environments who are required to organise a variety
of meetings. They may provide administrative support within an enterprise, or have responsibility for
these tasks in the context of a particular team, workgroup or project.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

There are no recommended pre-requisite units for this competency

Possible Co-requisite Units

There are no recommended co-requisite units for this competency

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Assessors Marking Guide
BSBADM405 Organise meetings


This form is to be completed by the assessor and used as a final record of student competency.
All student submissions including any associated checklists (outlined below) are to be attached to this
cover sheet before placing on the students file. Student results are not to be entered onto the Student
Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed and attached to this form.

Student Name:

Student ID No:

Final Completion Date:

Assessor Name:

Please attach the following documentation to this form Result

Assessment 1  Written Questions Satisfactory
Assessment 2  Practical Observation Satisfactory
Not Yet
Final Assessment Result for this unit Competent


Student’s signature: Date:

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, Signature: ____________________________

valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. Date: ____/_____/_____

Administrative use only

Entered onto Student Management Database _______________Date Initials:

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Assessors Marking Guide
BSBADM405 Organise meetings

The written assessments listed within this assessment tool can be completed at any location.
This is an Open book assessment which students have two (2) hours to complete. Candidates
may look through their material in order to answer the questions. They should draw on their
Place and current work and work experience when answering the questions. Candidates must answer in a
duration of separate Word document and submit to their assessor by the due date.
Assessment Date: _______________

You are to ensure the student understands their obligations as required by the training package
and listed as Instructions to Students.
Check the student is ready for assessment; defer the assessment if they are not.
It is important that you do not teach at the exam but allow students to find the answers for
Guidance to
Feedback is to be given at the completion of the exam using the feedback to student form.
Inform the student that, should they disagree with the assessment outcome, they can appeal the
decision as stated in the Student Handbook.
If a student answers a question incorrectly, you are to sit down with them and assist them in their
understanding. The student record must indicate that the student has all required knowledge in
answering all of the questions.
Assessment processes and techniques should as far as is practical take into account the
language, literacy and numeracy capacity of the student in relation to the competency being
assessed. Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated
documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training
If the student is unable to complete the demonstration in this format the student may take the
assessment in an alternative format. The student must arrange an alternative assessment with
your assessor prior to the assessment date. There will be ONE CHANCE ONLY to re-sit the
Assessment inputs
 Target group, diversity of cultural experience, language, literacy and numeracy skill
levels underpinning the course of study
 The actual assessment task/s administered to the students
Pre  The advice given to students about assessments
Assessment  The criteria used for judging the quality of performance (e.g. The decision making rules,
Validation evidence requirements etc)
 The context and conditions for the assessment across the sample
 Mapping of assessments against requirements of the units of competency
 Evidence of improvements to assessments undertaken since previous validation
Assessment outcomes
 A minimum of four samples of student performance in an assessment task for each unit
of competency for each assessor to confirm that an accepted standard of competency is
understood and is being consistently implemented by each of the assessors from each
Post of the participating RTOs. Past RPL submissions may also be examined to ensure that
Assessment accepted processes and the standard of evidence is reliably acceptable.
 The assessment of knowledge and skill to the standard of performance prescribed within
the training package
 Consistency of assessor judgments
 Evidence of plagiarism or collusion
Resources for assessment includes a range of relevant exercises, case studies and/or other
simulated practical and knowledge assessment, and/or access to an appropriate range of
Context of
relevant operational situations in the workplace. In both real and simulated environments, access
is required to relevant and appropriate applicable documentation including workplace procedures
and regulations.
If you identify that a Student is cheating, then you are to offer a single warning. If the offender
Plagiarism does not cease the activity, they are to be directed to stop the written assessment. The written
and cheating assessment is to be cancelled in front of the Student and then they are to leave the examination
area immediately. They are to be referred to the Principal for reassessment or other process
Resources  Assessment tools for each student
required for

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BSBADM405 Organise meetings

assessment  Word processing software

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BSBADM405 Organise meetings

Place and duration of assessment
The written assessments listed within this assessment tool can be completed at any location. This is an Open book
assessment which students have two (2) hours to complete. Candidates may look through their material in order to
answer the questions. They should draw on their current work and work experience when answering the questions.
Candidates must answer in a separate Word document and submit to their assessor by the due date.

Assessment Date: _______________

Purpose of this assessment

In order to be deemed competent in this you will need to demonstrate you have the skills and knowledge required to
organise meetings.
Competency Criteria and Benchmarking
To receive a “Satisfactory” grade for this assessment you must:
1. Complete all assessment tasks
2. All responses for each task must be marked as satisfactory by the assessor
Before you commence the assessment you will be informed of the assessment criteria and benchmarking used by the
assessor. You must be deemed “Satisfactory” against all performance criteria in all assessments by your assessor to be
considered “Competent” in this Unit of Competency. Feedback will be given to you.
Reasonable Adjustment and re-assessment policy
Assessment processes and techniques will as far as is practical take into account your language, literacy and numeracy
capacity and disabilities in relation to the competency being assessed.
If you are unable to complete the demonstration in this format you may take the assessment in an alternative format. You
must arrange an alternative assessment with your assessor prior to the assessment date. There will be ONE CHANCE
ONLY to re-sit the assessment
Assessor Intervention

Assessors are to check that the student is ready for assessment, and defer the assessment if they are not. It is important
that assessors do not teach at the assessment but allow students to find the answers for themselves.
Feedback is to be given at the completion of the exam using the feedback to student. If a student does not meet a
standard, the assessor is to sit down with them and assist them in their understanding. Should you disagree with the
assessment outcome, you can appeal the decision as stated in the Student Handbook.
Your student record must indicate that you have all required skills and knowledge in completing the task. For each
assessment, the assessor is to act as a supervisor and not interfere with the assessment. In the event that the
assessment activities will impact on your safety or that of others, the assessment must be stopped immediately.

Resources required to complete this assessment

 Assessment tools for each student

 Word processing software

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Student’s Name:
Student ID:
Assessor’s Name:
Date of Assessment/
You will be required to submit the following evidence in order to be assessed:
Evidence  Assessment Cover Sheet
 Written Answers
Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is taking and using someone else's
thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own. Plagiarism
is a serious act and may result in a participant’s exclusion from a module or a
course. When you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in
your work, please consult with your facilitator. The following list outlines some
of the activities for which a participant can be accused of plagiarism:
Definition  Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally
 Handing in work markedly similar to or copied from another student.
 Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work.
 Handing up work without the adequate acknowledgement of sources
used, including work taken totally or in part from the internet.

I have read the outline of plagiarism and, except where specifically

acknowledged, the work contained in this assignment is my own work and has
not been copied from other sources or been previously submitted for
I acknowledge that I am being assessed against the criteria listed in the Unit of
Competency and that I am ready to undertake the assessment.

Student Signature __________________________Date ________________

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You must mark the student’s response using the marking guide.

Please answer the following 10 questions in the spaces provided.

1. What is the difference between a General meeting and an Annual General meeting?

Student answer must include:

 General meetings are for regular use and occur more frequently
 An AGM is annual, very regulated, usually involves more people and will go through financial

2. Explain the following terms in relation to meetings.

Chairperson Presides over the meeting

Secretary In charge of administration and paperwork

Treasurer In charge of funds

Abstention Does not attend the meeting

Adjournment Postpone the meeting until a later time

Agenda List of what is to be covered in the meeting

Motion A concept/idea put forward to the meeting

The deciding vote cast by the presiding officer to
Casting Vote
resolve a tie
Proxy A person authorised to act on behalf of another

Tabled Up for discussion

3. List at least 3 types of documentation required for a meeting. Be sure to include a description of who
is responsible for the documentation, and indicate any timelines required for this documentation

Student answer may include:

Document Person Responsible

Agenda Person organising the meeting

Meeting details (Invites, time, location etc.) Person organising the meeting

These documents must be circulated with enough time to allow participants to prepare for and
allocate time to the meeting.

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BSBADM405 Organise meetings

4. Explain the role of the minute taker, and the interaction undertaken before, during and after a

Student answer must include:

 Prepare the agenda
 Take a record of what happened
 Write up the event in the form of minutes
 Disperse to all who attended and absentees along with other relevant parties

5. ALT International will be holding a meeting of team leaders on the first Wednesday of next month.
The meeting will take place in the board room at ALT Internationals head office – 133 Federal
Avenue, Werribee Victoria 3030. This meeting will commence at 10:30 am and will run for 1 hour.
Discussions will include Budgets, Timeliness, staff attendance, sales targets, and OHS.

Develop an agenda for this meeting

Date: 3 October 2008

Time: 10.30 am – 11.30 am
Location: 133 Federal Avenue, Werribee Victoria 3030

Meeting Agenda

Chair: ______________________________________________________

Minute Taker: ______________________________________________________

Absent: _________________________________________________________________

Read Previous Minutes

Meeting Topics

Agenda Item Presented By:

I. Budgets John B.

II. Timeliness Alan T.

III. Staff Attendance Simone L.

IV. Sales Targets John B.

V. Occupational Health & Safety Simone L.

Next Meeting: _____________________________________________________________

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6. When planning and managing a meeting, there are a number of tasks that can, and should be
delegated. List at least 2 types of tasks that could fall into this category, and the benefits associated
with delegating these tasks to other staff members.

Student answer may include:

 Minutes – allows others to be part of the meeting
 Follow-up of items – those with the expertise in a specific area can be used to follow up items
in their area. Also helps to promote teamwork throughout the organisation

These areas not only save time, but they also ensure that the tasks are completed within the set

7. You are to read the following case study, and prepare minutes from the information provided.

Old Spice Paper Products specialises in party products such as paper plates, serviettes, paper cups as
well as greeting cards and wrapping paper. The national office for Old Spice Paper Products is located at
199 Tree Ave, Woodend Victoria, where both the administration and manufacturing operations are housed.
Old Spice Paper Products is managed by a board of directors who meet monthly at the Woodend site. The
members of the board are

Jack Stone (Chair) Gillian Collins (Deputy Chair) Albert Brockwook

Silvia Devola Janice Bennett Saul Rickman
Katherine Montigo Joseph Patulio

Old Spice Paper Products held its last board meeting on 15 July at 10:30am. Seven on the eight members
were present, with an apology from Albert Brockwood. The minutes for June were received; and it was
pointed out that the guest speaker’s name was Robinson, not Robertson. The minutes were then accepted,
and no matters arose from the minutes.

A letter from the ATO was received notifying the company of changes to Sales Tax exemption laws. The
chair requested that the General Manager of Old Spice Paper Products write to the ATO requesting further
information regarding tax exemption laws. This information would be reported on at the next meeting.

The HR manager reported that one staff members of the accounts department recently resigned to take up
a similar position closer to home, and Bill Jacobe from manufacturing was soon to retire after 32 years of
service. The chair recognised Bill’s service to the company and asked that the HR manager draft a letter
on behalf of the board recognising and thanking Bill for his contribution to the company.

The Sales & Marketing manager presented the monthly sales report which included much discussion about
the launch of a new range of party goods from Party Hearty Ltd. Party Hearty have only a small percentage
of the party goods market, and they are now making a big push into this sector through the release of new
products in supermarket chains. Their goods include a range of strong and durable paper plates in bright
florescent colours, as well as matching cups, serviettes and plastic cutlery. They also have a number of
special offers planned over the next two months. The board requested that the sales team undertake
further research into the impact of Party Hearty into the party goods market and asked that this be
presented at the next board meeting. A report in current performance against sales targets was also
presented at the board highlighting the company’s exceptional sales results for April, May, and June of this

An OHS report was tabled by the HR sub-committee, but was deferred to the next meeting to enable more
detailed consideration. A report was provided by the HR manager on negotiations for phase two if the
enterprise bargaining agreement. A motion endorsing the proposed agreement was put by Saul Rickman
and seconded by Kathering Montigo and agreed upon.

The date for the next meeting was scheduled for 15 August.

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Old Spice Paper Products General Meeting

Date: 15 July 2008
Time: 10:30 am
Location: 199 Tree Ave, Woodend Victoria


Attendance Jack Stone (Chair); Gillian Collins (Deputy Chair); Silvia Devola; Janice Bennett;
Saul Rickman; Katherine Montigo; Joseph Patulio

Apologies: Albert Brockwood

Previous Minutes: Please note our guest speakers name was Robinson, not Robertson (apologies
given). Minutes accepted with no matters arisen

Current Matters: GM to request further information from ATO regarding tax exemption laws and
report at next meeting

The board recognised 32 years of service to Bill Jacobe (now retiring). HR

Manager to draft letter thanking Bill for contribution to company

Sales & Marketing manager present monthly sales report

Discussed new range of party goods from Party Hearty
Sales team to undertake further research of impact from Party Hearty into the
party goods market and report at next board meeting
Current sales targets show exceptional sales results for April, May and June 2008

OHS report tabled HR sub-committee, and deferred to the next meeting to enable
more detailed consideration.

HR Manager tabled report on negotiations for phase two if the enterprise

bargaining agreement. Motioned by Saul Rickman, Second by Kathering Montigo
and agreed upon.

Next Meeting: 15 August 2008, 10:30 am

8. Describe how the following pieces of legislation affect business operations with regards to the
organisation of meetings.

Anti-discrimination You cannot discriminate against anyone for any reason i.e. race, sex,
legislation disability etc.
You must ensure that all aspects of meetings and business acumen are
Ethical principles
ethical and abide by ASIC regulations.
You must follow all codes of practice relating to business operations. A
Codes of practice
breach of these codes may be used as evidence in court.
You cannot disclose confidential or personal information without prior
Privacy laws
written consent from the individual or individuals involved.
Employers must provide a safe working environment and take action
Occupational Health and against any hazards/risks associated with business operations.
Safety Employees must ensure that they abide by all OHS regulations relevant
to their work role.

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9. When organising a meeting for multi-cultural and diverse workforce participants, what are two things
that you should consider?

Answer should include two of the following:

 Flexibility
 Clear language
 Ensure language and information doesn’t offend
 Openness and understanding of other cultures and religions
 Ensure information is easy to read

10. In your current or previous workplace, what are two of the organisational policies and procedures
regarding meetings?

Student should identify two of the following:

 Protocols on inviting people to meetings – e.g. How, who
 Protocols on how people RSVP or respond to meeting invitations
 Policies regarding which meetings are mandatory and optional
 Policies regarding document formatting and style guides and templates
 Procedures and protocols around chairing a meeting and voting rights
 Procedures for notes, recording, and minutes


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This review is to be used when assessing the students in the associated task. This review is to be
completed for each student and stored for the duration of the student’s enrolment and 6 months
following. Please refer to separate mapping document for specific details relating to alignment of this
task to the unit requirements.
Please complete below

Student Name:

Student ID No:

 Assessment Cover Sheet attached

 Written Questions attached

Comments to Student

Overall Result: Summative Assessment 1(circle) Satisfactory Re Test

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid,

Signature: ___________________
reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have
provided appropriate feedback
Date: ____/_____/_____

Student: I declare that I have received feedback from my Signature: ___________________

assessor on my assessment performance
Date: ____/_____/_____

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BSBADM405 Organise meetings

This assessment may be conducted in a classroom or simulated work environment depending on
Place and the situation of the candidate. Each meeting should go for a minimum of 15 minutes to ensure
duration of adequate time for assessment. The assessor will be required to advise the students of the
assessment assessment date.
Assessment Date:_____________________
You are to ensure the student understands their obligations as required by the training package
and listed as Instructions to Students.
Check the student is ready for assessment; defer the assessment if they are not.
It is important that you do not teach at the exam but allow students to find the answers for
Guidance to
Feedback is to be given at the completion of the exam using the feedback to student form.
Inform the student that, should they disagree with the assessment outcome, they can appeal the
decision as stated in the Student Handbook.
If a student answers a question incorrectly, you are to sit down with them and assist them in their
understanding. The student record must indicate that the student has all required knowledge in
answering all of the questions.
Assessment processes and techniques should as far as is practical take into account the
language, literacy and numeracy capacity of the student in relation to the competency being
assessed. Supplementary evidence of competency may be obtained from relevant authenticated
documentation from third parties, such as existing supervisors, team leaders or specialist training
If the student is unable to complete the demonstration in this format the student may take the
assessment in an alternative format. The student must arrange an alternative assessment with
your assessor prior to the assessment date. There will be ONE CHANCE ONLY to re-sit the
Assessment inputs
 Target group, diversity of cultural experience, language, literacy and numeracy skill
levels underpinning the course of study
 The actual assessment task/s administered to the students
Pre  The advice given to students about assessments
Assessment  The criteria used for judging the quality of performance (e.g. The decision making rules,
Validation evidence requirements etc)
 The context and conditions for the assessment across the sample
 Mapping of assessments against requirements of the units of competency
 Evidence of improvements to assessments undertaken since previous validation
Assessment outcomes
 A minimum of four samples of student performance in an assessment task for each unit
of competency for each assessor to confirm that an accepted standard of competency is
understood and is being consistently implemented by each of the assessors from each
Post of the participating RTOs. Past RPL submissions may also be examined to ensure that
Assessment accepted processes and the standard of evidence is reliably acceptable.
 The assessment of knowledge and skill to the standard of performance prescribed within
the training package
 Consistency of assessor judgments
 Evidence of plagiarism or collusion
Resources for assessment includes a range of relevant exercises, case studies and/or other
Context of simulated practical and knowledge assessment, and/or access to an appropriate range of
assessment relevant operational situations in the workplace. In both real and simulated environments, access
is required to applicable documentation including workplace procedures and regulations.
If you identify that a Student is cheating, then you are to offer a single warning. If the offender
Plagiarism does not cease the activity, they are to be directed to stop the written assessment. The written
and cheating assessment is to be cancelled in front of the Student and then they are to leave the examination
area immediately. They are to be referred to the Principal for reassessment or other process
Resources  Assessment tools for each student
required for  Workplace product / service information
 Sample agenda
 Sample meeting minutes
 Simulated office space including office furniture, chairs, desks, computers and printers.

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 Whiteboards and audio-visual equipment

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BSBADM405 Organise meetings

Place and Duration
This assessment may be conducted in a classroom or simulated work environment depending on the situation of the
candidate. Each meeting should go for a minimum of 15 minutes to ensure adequate time for assessment. The assessor will
be required to advise the students of the assessment date.
Assessment Date:_____________________
Purpose of this assessment
The purpose of this assessment is to ensure that the candidate has the essential skills and knowledge required
for them to organise and participate in workplace meetings. They will also be expected to follow up on any
relevant information/actions brought up in the meetings.
Competency Criteria and Benchmarking
To receive a “Satisfactory” grade for this assessment you must:
1. Complete all assessment tasks
2. All responses for each task must be marked as satisfactory by the assessor
Before you commence the assessment you will be informed of the assessment criteria and benchmarking used
by the assessor. You must be deemed “Satisfactory” against all performance criteria in all assessments by your
assessor to be considered “Competent” in this Unit of Competency. Feedback will be given to you.
Reasonable Adjustment and re-assessment policy
Assessment processes and techniques will as far as is practical take into account your language, literacy and
numeracy capacity and disabilities in relation to the competency being assessed.
If you are unable to complete the demonstration in this format you may take the assessment in an alternative
format. You must arrange an alternative assessment with your assessor prior to the assessment date. There will
be ONE CHANCE ONLY to re-sit the assessment
Assessor Intervention

Assessors are to check that the student is ready for assessment, and defer the assessment if they are not. It is
important that assessors do not teach at the assessment but allow students to find the answers for themselves.
Feedback is to be given at the completion of the exam using the feedback to student. If a student does not meet
a standard, the assessor is to sit down with them and assist them in their understanding. Should you disagree
with the assessment outcome, you can appeal the decision as stated in the student Handbook.
Your student record must indicate that you have all required skills and knowledge in completing the task. For
each assessment, the assessor is to act as a supervisor and not interfere with the assessment. In the event that
the assessment activities will impact on your safety or that of others, the assessment must be stopped

Resources required to complete this assessment

 Assessment tools for each student
 Workplace product / service information
 Sample agenda
 Sample meeting minutes
 Simulated office space including office furniture, chairs, desks, computers and printers.
 Whiteboards and audio-visual equipment

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Student’s Name:
Student ID:
Assessor’s Name:
Date of
You will be required to submit the following evidence in order to be assessed:
 Assessment Cover Sheet
 Notice of Meeting Email
 Meeting Agenda
 Meeting 1 Documentation to be tabled
Evidence  Meeting 1 Notes
 Meeting 1 Minutes
 Meeting 2 Documentation to be tabled
 Meeting 2 Notes
 Meeting 2 Minutes
 Assessment Checklist
Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is taking and using someone else's
thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own. Plagiarism
is a serious act and may result in a participant’s exclusion from a module or a
course. When you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in
your work, please consult with your facilitator. The following list outlines some
of the activities for which a participant can be accused of plagiarism:
Definition  Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally
 Handing in work markedly similar to or copied from another student.
 Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work.
 Handing up work without the adequate acknowledgement of sources
used, including work taken totally or in part from the internet.

I have read the outline of plagiarism and, except where specifically

acknowledged, the work contained in this assignment is my own work and has
not been copied from other sources or been previously submitted for
I acknowledge that I am being assessed against the criteria listed in the Unit of
Competency and that I am ready to undertake the assessment.

Student Signature __________________________Date ________________

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This assessment consists of two tasks. In Task 1, you must prepare meeting documents and arrange the meetings.
In Task 2, you must participate in 2 meetings, take notes during those meetings and turn those notes into minutes
to distribute to staff.

Assessor Note: You must mark the student based on the marking checklist provided.

Task 1

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement
must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Student Assessment Instructions:

You must read the below scenario and then write an email covering all required tasks as indicated below.
You must complete each task below satisfactorily in order to be marked “competent” in this assessment.
You must complete this task in a separate document and submit it to your assessor by the due date.


You are the Administration Assistant for ‘The Greatest T-Shirt’, a T-shirt manufacturer. You have been
asked to:
 Arrange a Management Meeting
 Prepare the notice of meeting via email and
 Prepare an agenda for the monthly Management Meeting.

The CEO has requested that you organise a 1 hour meeting with the following senior staff:
 CEO,
 IT Director,
 Finance Director,
 HR Manager,
 Marketing Manager,
 Warehouse Manager

The meeting will cover the usual 10 minute activity reports from each member, but in addition, there will
also be discussions about the following:
 Current environmental legislation and how that may affect the business
 WHS legislation and whether any changes need to be made to our operations or policies and
procedures regarding the consultation requirements in the legislation

The CEO has asked that you ensure that all attendees have read the relevant legislation before coming to
the meeting.

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Your Task:

Write an email to all attendees with the following information:

 A date for the meeting (the CEO has requested a Tuesday in November)
 A time for the meeting (the CEO has requested an hour long meeting in the morning)
 A location for the meeting (an available boardroom)
 Briefly summarise the meeting agenda
 Discuss privacy and confidentiality requirements of the meeting
 Create an agenda in the proper format for the meeting to be attached to the email
 Outline exactly what legislation they are required to read for the meeting along with links to websites
where they can read the legislation
 Student must note Work Health and Safety Act and either state Environmental Protection Act
or Federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. Links must go to live
and appropriate websites
 Discuss how and when attendees will be advised if there are any changes to the meeting details /
 Student should identify one of the following: email, telephone, calendar appointment
change/notes, letter/memo
 Ensure that you put a date on your email and ensure that you have allocated enough time for
attendees to complete required tasks between the date of when you send out the email to the date
of the meeting
 Must be at least 3 days
 Ensure that all information in your email and agenda is error free and accurate
 Check for spelling mistakes and typos

You must submit to your assessor an email and an agenda.

Task 2 – Participate in a meeting

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement
must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Student Assessment Instructions:

You are required to:

 Participate in TWO 15 minute meetings
 Prepare and distribute any required meeting documents
 Prepare additional sets of documents
 Attend each of the meetings
 Take notes
 Prepare meeting minutes
 Discuss the meetings main points and outcomes with your assessor

Meetings may be simulated meetings through a role play using the provided scenarios in Appendix A.

Please note: Your assessor will be marking your assessment based on the Marking Checklist below.
Please ensure that you have demonstrated each task on the Marking Checklist before you begin the
assessment and also before you submit your minutes and documents.

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BSBADM405 Organise meetings

Procedure Participation in a simulated meeting through a role play

 Gain approval of your trainer/assessor for format/template for meeting minutes that you intend to use
 You are to work in a group of 5 people.
 Read the meeting scenarios provided in Appendix A.
 You are required to participate in a minimum of 2 role-play meetings using the scenarios provided in
Appendix A. Your group must conduct enough role-play meetings to allow each person in your group
an opportunity to act as the note-taker. For each meeting one person is to be nominated as the
Chair of the meeting and one or more people assigned the task of taking notes and preparing the
minutes of the meeting.
 Each meeting must be of 15 minutes duration.
 You are required to take notes and prepare minutes for TWO of these role plays
 You must create, provide and distribute any documentation that you believe is necessary for the
meeting (ensure that you create a spare set of documents in case someone doesn’t bring theirs)
 Upon completion of the role-play meetings you are to work individually to prepare the minutes from the
notes you took during the meeting.
 Check the accuracy of minutes and provide them to the chair of the meeting to agree to their
distribution to other participants at the meeting.
 Provide a copy of the agreed minutes to your trainer/assessor
 Arrange a time to discuss your minutes with your trainer/assessor

Method 2: Participation in meetings at your workplace

 Gain written approval from your trainer/assessor to attend a meeting to be held at your workplace and
to take notes of the meeting.
 Gain approval of your trainer/assessor for format/template for meeting minutes that you intend to use
 You must create, provide and distribute any documentation that you believe is necessary for the
meeting (ensure that you create a spare set of documents in case someone doesn’t bring theirs)
 Attend the meeting and ensure that the person chairing the meeting agrees that you can take notes of
the meeting for the purposes of preparing minutes of the meeting that can used for the purposes of
assessment in the unit BSBADM405.
 Upon completion of the meetings you are to work individually to prepare the minutes from the notes
you took during the meeting. Ensure that the minutes reflect the agreement of the meeting for you to
takes notes of the meeting.
 Check the accuracy of minutes and provide them to the person chairing the meeting to agree to their
accuracy and distribution.
 Provide a copy of the agreed minutes to your trainer/assessor
 Arrange a time to discuss your minutes with your trainer/assessor

Output from the meetings: production of the minutes

For each of the two meetings
 Distribute meeting documentation before the meeting
 Attend the meeting and take notes
 Meeting minutes completed as a draft.
 Minutes completed in format approved by your trainer/assessor.
 Minutes provide information regarding discussions, decisions and agreed actions.
 Minutes provide the appropriate amount of information.
 Minutes agreed by chair of meeting for distribution.
 Minutes to be proof read and spelling and grammatical errors corrected
 Submit notes, minutes and meeting documentation to your trainer/assessor by the due date agreed
upon with your assessor
 Organise a time to discuss the main points and outcomes of the meeting with your trainer/assessor

Note to Assessor: You must observe each meeting. You must observe and assess the student who is taking the
notes and minutes of the meeting. You must sit next to this person so that you can accurately observe if their
notes are quick and accurate. Once the meeting has finished, you must complete the Checklist below and offer
verbal feedback to the student. You must then conduct the role play again with another student being assessed.
Continue in this way until each student has been assessed and had a turn at the note/ minute taker and the chair

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BSBADM405 Organise meetings


Note: You must actively participate in 2 meetings!

Student name Student No:
Observation Dates: 1:
Assessor Name:

Task Meeting 1:

Task Meeting 2:

Does the student’s assignment fulfil the Yes/No Context, task details, alignment with range
following criteria? Date statement and assessor comments

Task 1
Did the Student prepare an email:
 Inviting participants to the meeting
 Which stated the purpose of the meeting
 Which included a summary of the items to be
 Which detailed the time date and location of
the meeting
 Which is addressed to the CEO, IT Director,
Finance Director, HR Manager, Marketing
Manager and Warehouse Manager
 Which discussed the privacy and
confidentiality of the meeting as aligned with
policy and procedures
 Which included working links to documents
and publications attendees are required to
access prior to the meeting
Assessor Note: You must test these
 Stating legislation including the Work Health
and Safety Act, and either the Environmental
Protection Act or the Federal Environment
Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
 At least 3 days prior to the meeting date
Did the student prepare an agenda for the meeting:
 That identified the type of meeting and its
 That identified the location and time of
 Which identified the roles of the meeting
 Which allocated 10 minutes to presentation
of activity reports for each of the managers
 Including allocation of time for discussing
environmental legislation
 That allocated time for discussing WHS

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BSBADM405 Organise meetings

Student documentation was accurate and free of

Student demonstrated an understanding of
policies and procedures relating to organising a
Task 2 (Meeting 1)
Prior to the meeting, did the student:
 Prepare sufficient copies of documentation to
be tabled to allow all participants to have
their own copy
Documentation may include presentations,
reports, feedback or any other relevant
business document being tabled by a
meeting participant
 Prepare a spare set of documents to be
 Ensure the meeting room was prepared with
adequate seating and desk space for the
number of participants
 Ensure water is readily available for meeting
During the meeting, did the student actively
listen and take accurate notes of who said what
During the meeting, the student was able to
effectively and respectfully relate to people from
diverse backgrounds and abilities
The students meeting minutes:
 Are presented in the format approved by the
 Provide accurate information on the topics
 Provide accurate information on the
decisions made
 Provide accurate information on the action
items to be completed including
responsibilities and timeframes (as
 That have been approved by the meeting
 Were accurate and error free
Student adhered to policies and procedures
relating to production of meeting minutes
Task 2 (Meeting 2)
Prior to the meeting, did the student:
 Prepare sufficient copies of documentation to
be tabled to allow all participants to have
their own copy
Documentation may include presentations,
reports, feedback or any other relevant
business document being tabled by a
meeting participant

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BSBADM405 Organise meetings

 Prepare a spare set of documents to be

 Ensure the meeting room was prepared with
adequate seating and desk space for the
number of participants
 Ensure water is readily available for meeting
During the meeting, did the student actively
listen and take accurate notes of who said what
During the meeting, the student was able to
effectively and respectfully relate to people from
diverse backgrounds and abilities
The students meeting minutes:
 Are presented in the format approved by the
 Provide accurate information on the topics
 Provide accurate information on the
decisions made
 Provide accurate information on the action
items to be completed including
responsibilities and timeframes (as
 That have been approved by the meeting
 Were accurate and error free
 Student adhered to policies and procedures
relating to production of meeting minutes
Student adhered to meeting procedures and
protocols for the two different meetings they

Assessment Outcome Satisfactory / Not Satisfactory

Feedback given to the

student/Notes on

Student signature Date:

Assessor Signature Date:

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BSBADM405 Organise meetings


This review is to be used when assessing the students in the associated task. This review is to be
completed for each student and stored for the duration of the student’s enrolment and 6 months
following. Please refer to separate mapping document for specific details relating to alignment of this
task to the unit requirements.
Please complete below
Student Name:

Student ID No:

o Assessment Cover Sheet attached

o Task 1 Meeting Email attached
o Task 1 Meeting Agenda attached
o Task 2 Meeting Notes attached - Meetings 1 & 2
o Task 2 Meeting Minutes attached – Meetings 1 & 2
o Task 2 Meeting Documentation attached – Meetings 1 & 2
o Checklist attached

Comments to Student

Overall Result: Summative Assessment 3 (circle) Satisfactory Re test

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student, and I have provided appropriate feedback

Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ____/_____/_____

Student: I declare that I have received feedback from my assessor on my assessment performance

Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ____/_____/_____

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BSBADM405 Organise meetings

Appendix A - Meeting scenarios for Role Plays

Scenario 1

You are the administration team at Light It Up Electrical Suppliers. You have been asked by management
to develop and implement a customer complaints procedure for receiving customer complaints over the

You have met to discuss and agree on a procedure. The attendees are as follows:
 Mary – 28 year old single, Australian woman
 Chan – 52 year old, married, Chinese / Australian man recently diagnosed with a light form of
Alzheimer’s disease
 Paul – 34 year old, married, French man
 Rajev – 20 year old, single, Indian man
 John – 36 year old, single, Australian man, disabled in a wheelchair

Scenario 2

As the administration team (team members named below) for Think Ahead Financial Planning you are
responsible for organising coverage of annual leave while members of your team are away on annual
leave. This is to ensure that no area of business is without administration support while members of the
administration team are on leave. Mary and Paul both speak French and cater exclusively to your French
clients, while Carol and Susan are both from Chinese heritage and speak Mandarin.

The leave schedule is as follows:

Employee Start date End date
Mary 24 December 24 January
Susan 16 January 31 January
Paul 2 February 16 February
David 9 February 21 February
Carol 10 January 16 January
Ben 19 February 19 March

Scenario 3

As the administration team at Skills Development Training company, you are responsible for the copying
and distribution of student workbooks.

Recently there has been a problem with the stock of paper and you keep running out of paper whilst
copying workbooks. It takes two days to receive an order and this has meant that many classes have
commenced without workbooks. The Training Manager has told you that this is not acceptable and must
not happen again.

You have met to discuss and develop a new procedure for managing paper stocks and to ensure you do
not run out of paper in the future.

Members of the team are as follows:

 Mary – 28 year old single, Australian woman
 Chan – 52 year old, married, Chinese / Australian man recently diagnosed with a light form of
Alzheimer’s disease
 Paul – 34 year old, married, French man
 Rajev – 20 year old, single, Indian man
 John – 36 year old, single, Australian man, disabled in a wheelchair

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Scenario 4

You are the administration team for the Toy Warehouse. You are responsible for organising the staff on-
site Christmas lunch.

You are having your first meeting to discuss the arrangements and assign responsibilities for organising
the lunch.

Members of the team are as follows:

 Mary – 28 year old single, Australian woman
 Chan – 52 year old, married, Chinese / Australian man recently diagnosed with a light form of
Alzheimer’s disease
 Paul – 34 year old, married, French man
 Rajev – 20 year old, single, Indian man
 John – 36 year old, single, Australian man, disabled in a wheelchair

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