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Pat Doyle 1

Sound and Wavemotion Past Paper Questions

Feb 2002 Q.3:

A student investigated the variation of the fundamental frequency f of a stretched string with its
length l and obtained the following data.

l /m 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

f / Hz 675 455 335 273 230 193 173

Describe, with the aid of a diagram, how the student obtained the above data. (12)
How did the student know that the string was vibrating at its fundamental frequency? (6)
Explain why the tension in the string was kept constant during the investigation. (4)
Using the above data, draw a suitable graph on graph paper to show the relationship between
the fundamental frequency of the stretched string and its length. (12)
From your graph, estimate the length of the string when its fundamental frequency is 256 Hz. (6)

Solution :

 The values of frequency are written on the tuning forks. ( the above values do seem a
little unusual for tuning forks !! )
 Set the tuning fork vibrating and touch it to the string just beside the fixed bridge on the
left. Adjust the position of the moveable bridge until resonance occurs, i.e. the paper
rider is thrown from the string. Note and record the length of the string that gives
resonance, i.e. length from the fixed bridge on the left to the moveable bridge.

How……….. The paper rider falls off the centre of the string due to the antinode at the centre of
the string and the nodes at the bridges. See the diagram below.
Pat Doyle 2

Explain …………
 The natural frequency of a string is also related to the tension in the string ( f  T ).
To investigate the relationship between natural frequency and length you must keep the
tension constant.
 When you investigate the relationship between two variables keep all other factors

Using …. First get the reciprocal of all the length values

l/m 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

F /hz 675 455 335 273 230 193 173
1 5 3.33 2.5 2.0 1.67 1.43 1.25
/ m 1

From….. When the frequency is 256 Hz the value of the reciprocal length is 1.85.
Therefore the value of the length is 0.54 m.
Pat Doyle 3
2002 Q.3:

A student obtained the following data during an investigation of the variation of the
fundamental frequency f of a stretched string with its tension T. The length of the string
was kept constant.
T /N 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
f / Hz 264 304 342 371 402 431 456
Describe, with the aid of a diagram, how the student obtained the data. (12)

Why was the length of the string kept constant during the investigation? (6)

Plot a suitable graph on graph paper to show the relationship between fundamental frequency
and tension for the stretched string. (15)

From your graph, estimate the tension in the string when its fundamental frequency is 380 Hz.

Solution :

Describe ….

 The values of the frequency are written on the tuning forks.

 Set the tuning fork vibrating and touch it to the string just beside the fixed bridge on the
left. Adjust the weights in the pan until resonance occurs, i.e. the paper rider is thrown
from the string. Note and record the weight ( tension ) that gave resonance.

Why ………….
 The natural frequency of a string is also related to the length of the string ( f ) .
To investigate the relationship between frequency and tension you must keep the
length constant.
 When you investigate the relationship between two variables keep all other factors
Pat Doyle 4

Plot ………. Since the frequency is proportional to the square root of tension the data have to
be adjusted.

T/N 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
f / Hz 264 304 342 371 402 431 456
3.87 4.47 5 5.48 5.92 6.3 6.71
T /N2

From …………… When the frequency is 380 Hz the value of the square root of tension is 5.6 , so
the value of the tension is 31.4 N.
Pat Doyle 5
2002 Q.7:

“Constructive interference and destructive interference take place when waves from two
coherent sources meet.”
Explain the underlined terms in the above statement. (12)

What is the condition necessary for destructive interference to take place when waves from two
coherent sources meet? (6)

Describe an experiment that demonstrates the wave nature of light. (12)

Radio waves of frequency 30 kHz are received at a location 1500 km from a transmitter. The
radio reception temporarily “fades” due to destructive interference between the waves
travelling parallel to the ground and the waves reflected from a layer (ionosphere) of the earth’s
atmosphere, as indicated in the diagram.

(i) Calculate the wavelength of the radio waves. (6)

(ii) What is the minimum distance that the reflected waves should travel for destructive
interference to occur at the receiver? (9)
(iii) The layer at which the waves are reflected is at a height h above the ground. Calculate the
minimum height of this layer for destructive interference to occur at the receiver. (11)
8 –1
(speed of light, c = 3.0 × 10 m s )

Solution :

Constructive interference ………. When two waves combine to give a wave of greater amplitude

Coherent ……… Coherent sources are sources which emit waves with the same frequency and
the waves are in phase.

What ………. When the crest of one wave combines with the trough of another wave, i.e. when
 3
the waves meet and combine they have a phase difference of , , … etc.
2 2
Pat Doyle 6

 Interference and diffraction of light both happen as light passes through the double slits.
 The pair of slits act like coherent sources of light, i.e. light beams leaving the slits have
the same frequency and are in phase.
 At the screen the light waves meet and combine.
 Constructive interference gives a series of bright lines.
 Destructive interference gives a series of dark lines between the bright lines.
 Since interference can only happen for waves then it follows that light is a wave.

c 3  108
(i)     10000 m
f 30  103

(ii) for destructive interference there must be a path difference of at leasti.e. 5000 m.
( 5 km ) . Therefore the minimum distance for the reflected wave is 1500 km + 5 km i.e.
1505 km.

(iii) Since 1505 km is the distance from transmitter to the reflecting layer to the receiver then
from the transmitter to the reflecting layer is half of this value i.e. 752.5 km.

Using Pythagoras h2  7502  752.52

h = 61.3 km.
Pat Doyle 7

2003 Q.7:

Describe an experiment to show that sound is a wave motion. (12)

What is the Doppler effect? Explain, with the aid of labelled diagrams, how this phenomenon
occurs. (14)

Bats use high frequency waves to detect obstacles. A bat emits a wave of frequency 68 kHz and
wavelength 5.0 mm towards the wall of a cave. It detects the reflected wave 20 ms later.
Calculate the speed of the wave and the distance of the bat from the wall.

If the frequency of the reflected wave is 70 kHz, what is the speed of the bat towards the wall?
. (12)

Give two other applications of the Doppler effect. (6)

Solution :

 The two speakers are connected in parallel to a signal generator and emit sounds of the
same frequency and amplitude and are in phase. The speakers are coherent sources.
 A person walking along the line X Y will notice the sound intensity vary from loud to faint
in a regular manner. Constructive and destructive interference is taking place.
 Interference is a phenomenon associated with waves, so if sound exhibits interference
then we conclude that sound is a wave.
Pat Doyle 8
Definition of Doppler effect: The Doppler effect is the apparent change in the frequency of a
wave due to the relative motion between source and observer.

Explanation of Doppler effect:

Source moving towards Stationary observer Source moving away

observer from observer

(i) wavefronts closer together (i) wavefronts further apart

(ii) observed wavelength smaller (ii) observer wavelength longer

(iii) observed frequency higher (iii) observed frequency lower

The observed wavelength and frequency change as the source moves past observer !!!!!!!!!!

Calculate …… c  f    68000  5  103  340 ms1

If it takes 20 ms for the wave to travel from the bat to the wall and back to the bat then it takes
10 ms to travel from the bat to the wall. To get the distance use
s  ut  at 2 no acceleration
s  340  0.01  0
s  3.4 m

fs c 68000  340
If ………. fo  therefore 70000 
c  u 340  v
68000  340
340  v 
340  v  330.3

9.7ms1  v

Give …… (a) to measure the speed of a car

(b) to measure the speed of stars ( red shift )
Pat Doyle 9
2004 Q.3:

A student investigated the variation of the fundamental frequency f of a stretched string with its
length l.
Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus used in this experiment. Indicate on the diagram the
points between which the length of the wire was measured. (12)

The student drew a graph, as shown, using the data recorded in the experiment, to illustrate the
relationship between the fundamental frequency of the string and its length.
State this relationship and explain how the graph verifies it. (9)

The student then investigated the variation of the fundamental frequency f of the stretched
string with its tension T. The length was kept constant throughout this investigation.

How was the tension measured? (4)

What relationship did the student discover? (6)

Why was it necessary to keep the length constant? (3)

How did the student know that the string was vibrating at its fundamental frequency? (6)

Pat Doyle 10
State …… Frequency is inversely proportional to length ( f  )

Explain ….. Since the graph was a straight line through the origin then f 

How …… The tension is measured by calculating the weight of the pan and its contents

What ….. Frequency is proportional to the square root of tension f  T.

Why … Since frequency also depends on length you must keep length constant when
investigating the relationship between frequency and tension.

How ….. The paper rider falls off the centre of the string due to the antinode at the centre of the
string and the nodes at the bridges. See diagram below
Pat Doyle 11
2005 Q. 12(a):

The frequency of a stretched string depends on its length.

Give two other factors that affect the frequency of a stretched string. (6)

The diagram shows a guitar string stretched between supports 0.65 m apart. The string is
vibrating at its first harmonic. The speed of sound in the string is 500 m s 1 . What is the
frequency of vibration of the string? (9)

Draw a diagram of the string when it vibrates at its second harmonic. (7)

What is the frequency of the second harmonic? (6)

Solution :

Give … tension and mass per unit length

What .. the diagram shows that 0.65 m  , therefore   1.3m
c 500
The frequency is given by f    384.6 Hz
 1.3

Draw …..

the frequency of the second harmonic is double that of the first, i.e. 769.2 Hz
Pat Doyle 12

2006 Q.3:

A cylindrical column of air closed at one end and three different tuning forks were used in an
experiment to measure the speed of sound in air. A tuning fork of frequency f was set vibrating
and held over the column of air.
The length of the column of air was adjusted until it was vibrating at its first harmonic and its
length l was then measured. This procedure was repeated for each tuning fork. Finally, the
diameter of the column of air was measured. The following data was recorded.

(i) how the length of the column of air was adjusted;
(ii) how the frequency of the column of air was measured;
(iii) how the diameter of the column of air was measured. (16)

How was it known that the air column was vibrating at its first harmonic? (9)

Using all of the data, calculate the speed of sound in air. (15)

Solution :

(i) The open pipe can be raised or lowered in the water to change the length of the
column of air.

(ii) When the column of air is vibrating at its first harmonic the frequency of the column of air
equals the frequency of the tuning fork (resonance). Read the frequency written on the tuning

(iii) The diameter of the column of air is the internal diameter of the open pipe. This can be
measured using a vernier calipers.
Pat Doyle 13

How ….. Start with the open pipe fully immersed in the water. Position the vibrating tuning
fork over the open mouth of the pipe. Slowly lift the pipe upwards until you hear the first
resonance ( the sound gets louder ). This first resonance corresponds to the first harmonic.

The end correction “d” takes account of the gap between the end of the tube and the vibrating
tuning fork. The vibrating column of air extends a little beyond the end of the tube.
. End correction  internal diameter of tube  0.3

0.3  diameter = 0.3  2.05 cm = 0.615 cm

Calculate ….

From the notes c  f  

c  f  4l  d 

1st attempt : c  512  4  0.16  0.00615  340.3 ms1

2nd attempt : c  480  4  0.172  0.00615  342 ms 1

3rd attempt : c  426  4  0.194  0.00615  341.1 ms1

The average value is c  341.13ms1

Pat Doyle 14
2007 Q.7:
What is the Doppler effect?
Explain, with the aid of labelled diagrams, how this phenomenon occurs. (18)

The emission line spectrum of a star was analysed using the Doppler effect.
Describe how an emission line spectrum is produced. (12)

The red line emitted by a hydrogen discharge tube in the laboratory has a wavelength of 656
nm. The same red line in the hydrogen spectrum of a moving star has a wavelength of 720 nm.
Is the star approaching the earth? Justify your answer. (8)

(i) the frequency of the red line in the star’s spectrum
(ii) the speed of the moving star. (18)

(speed of light = 3.00 × 108 m s 1 )

Solution :
Definition of Doppler effect: The Doppler effect is the apparent change in the frequency of a
wave due to the relative motion between source and observer.

Explanation of Doppler effect:

Source moving towards Stationary observer Source moving away
observer from observer

(i) wavefronts closer together (i) wavefronts further apart

(ii) observed wavelength smaller (ii) observer wavelength longer

(iii) observed frequency higher (iii) observed frequency lower

The observed wavelength and frequency change as the source moves past observer !!!!!!!!!!
Pat Doyle 15

1 = collimator; 2 = sodium lamp; 3 = diffraction grating; 4 = telescope; 5 = camera

 The source of light is positioned in front of the slit of the collimator.

 The light passes through a diffraction grating ( or a prism ) and the colours of the light
 A camera is attached to the telescope to obtain a permanent record of the spectrum.

 You will observe that line spectra consist of separate bright lines of definite wavelength
on a dark background.

Is ….. No !!! The wave length has increased / frequency has decreased, i.e. the source is
moving away from the observer.

c 3  108
Calculate ….. (i) f    4.167  1014 Hz
 720  10 9

c 3  108
Or f    4.573  1014 Hz
 656  10 9

The question was unclear as to whether the star was to be considered as moving or stationary
when calculating the frequency of the red line, hence two acceptable answers!

f c 4.573  1014  3  108

(ii) fo  s therefore 4.167  10 14

cu 3  108  u
4.573  1014  3  108
3  10  u 

4.167  10 4

3  108  u  3.292  108

u  2.92  107 ms1

Pat Doyle 16

2007 Q.12(b):

Define sound intensity. (6)

A loudspeaker has a power rating of 25 mW. What is the sound intensity at a distance of 3 m
from the loudspeaker? (9)

The loudspeaker is replaced by a speaker with a power rating of 50 mW.

What is the change:
(i) in the sound intensity?
(ii) in the sound intensity level? (9)

The human ear is more sensitive to certain frequencies of sound.

How is this taken into account when measuring sound intensity levels? (4)

Solution :

Define ….
Sound intensity is the sound energy per second per unit area.

energy per sec ond

What ….. sound int ensity 
I 
4 r 2
25  10 3
I 
4    32
I  2.21  104 W m2

50  10 3
What …….. (i) I   4.42  10 4 W m2
4   3 2

The sound intensity is doubled, or increased by 2.21  104 Wm2

(ii) the sound intensity level is increased by 3 dB. !!!!!!!!

How ……. Use is made of the decibel adapted scale ( dBA scale )
Pat Doyle 17
2008 Q.12(b):

The pitch of a musical note depends on its frequency.

On what does (i) the quality, (ii) the loudness, of a musical note depend? (6)

What is the Doppler effect? (6)

A rally car travelling at 55 m s 1 approaches a stationary observer. As the car passes, its engine is
emitting a note with a pitch of 1520 Hz. What is the change in pitch observed as the car moves
away? (12)

Give an application of the Doppler effect. (4)

( Speed of sound in air = 340ms1 )

Solution :
(i) Quality depends on the number of overtones (harmonics) present in a note.
(ii) The loudness of a note depends on the amplitude of a sound wave.

What …… The Doppler effect is the apparent change in the frequency of a

wave due to the relative motion between source and observer.

fs c
Source moving away fo 
1520  340
fo 
340  55
fo  1308.35 Hz

Therefore change in frequency = 1520  1308.35 = 211.65 Hz

Give …… To estimate the speed of stars or to calculate the speed of a moving car.
Pat Doyle 18
2009 Q.3:

A student investigated the variation of the fundamental frequency f of a stretched string with
its tension T. The following is an extract of the student’s account of the experiment.

“I fixed the length of the string at 40 cm. I set a tuning fork of frequency 256 Hz vibrating and
placed it by the string. I adjusted the tension of the string until resonance occurred. I recorded
the tension in the string. I repeated the experiment using different tuning forks.”

How was the tension measured? How did the student know that resonance occurred? (6)

The following data were recorded.

f /Hz 256 288 320 341 384 480 512

T /N 2.4 3.3 3.9 4.3 5.7 8.5 9.8

Draw a suitable graph to show the relationship between the fundamental frequency of a
stretched string and its tension. State this relationship and explain how your graph verifies it.

Use your graph to

(i) estimate the fundamental frequency of the string when its tension is 11 N;
(ii) calculate the mass per unit length of the string. (13)


How …… the weight of the pan and its contents will give the value of the tension

How …. Resonance has occurred when the paper rider fall off the string.

Draw .. the data has to be adjusted i.e. calculate the square root of the tension values.

Plot frequency on the y – axis Plot T on the x - axis

f / Hz 256 288 320 341 384 480 512

T / N 2.4 3.3 3.9 4.3 5.7 8.5 9.8
1.55 1.82 1.97 2.07 2.39 2.92 3.13
T / N2

State …. The relationship is “frequency is proportional to square root of tension” f  T

Explain …. The graph is a straight line through the origin.

Pat Doyle 19
Frequency / Hz

tension / N 2

(i) when T  11 N  T  3.32 N 2
from the graph above the frequency = 540 Hz

y2  y1 540  0 f
(ii) slope = =  162.65 =
x2  x1 3.32  0 T

1 T
f 
2l 
1 T
f2  
4 l2 
1 T
  2
 2
4l f
1  1 
   
4 l 2  slope2 
1  1 
   
4  0.42 162.652 
  5.9  105 kg m1
Pat Doyle 20
2010 Q.7:

The Doppler effect applies to all types of waves and is named after Christian Johann Doppler, an
Austrian scientist who explained this phenomenon in 1842.

What is the Doppler effect?

Explain, with the aid of labelled diagrams, how this phenomenon occurs. (18)

Describe a laboratory experiment to demonstrate the Doppler effect. (9)

In the early part of the twentieth century, Hubble and other astronomers made the first
measurements on the spectra from distant stars. They observed that these spectra were shifted and
they used the Doppler effect to explain these shifts.
What causes the red shift in the spectrum of a distant star? (6)


The yellow line emitted by a helium discharge tube in the laboratory has a wavelength of 587 nm as
shown in the diagram. The same yellow line in the helium spectrum of a star has a measured
wavelength of 590 nm.
What can you deduce about the motion of the star?
Calculate the speed of the moving star. (18)

Give another application of the Doppler effect. (5)

(speed of light = 3.00 × 108 ms1 )
Pat Doyle 21


Definition of Doppler effect: The Doppler effect is the apparent change in the frequency of a
wave due to the relative motion between source and observer.

Explanation of Doppler effect:

Source moving towards Stationary observer Source moving away

observer from observer

(i) wavefronts closer together (i) wavefronts further apart

(ii) observed wavelength smaller (ii) observer wavelength longer

(iii) observed frequency higher (iii) observed frequency lower

The observed wavelength and frequency change as the source moves past observer !!!!!!!!!!

Describe ……

 A battery powered electronic buzzer is attached to a string 50 cm long. The emitted

frequency is set at 300 Hz.
 The buzzer is spun in circular motion on the end of the string quite fast.
 An observer standing 2 m away will notice the frequency from the buzzer change as it
 The observed frequency changes as the buzzer moves towards and then moves away
from the person.
Pat Doyle 22

What causes ….. The star was moving relative to the earth.
A longer wavelength is observed if the star moves away from the earth.
A shorter wavelength is observed if the star moves towards the earth.

What can …… the longer wavelength tells us the star is moving away from the earth.

Calculate …. First change the wavelength values to frequency values

c 3  108
In the lab. f    5.11073  1014 Hz
 587  10 9

c 3  108
From the star f    5.08475  1014 Hz
 590  10 9

fs  c
fo 
c  u
5.11073  1014  3  108
5.08475  1014 
3  108  u
5.11073  1014  3  108
3  108  u 
5.08475  104

3  108  u = 3.01533  108

u  1.533  106 ms1

Give …..
 Measuring the speed of a car
 Blood flow measurement
 Medical imaging ……………
Pat Doyle 23

2011 Q.8:

(a) Destructive interference can occur when waves from coherent sources meet.
Explain the underlined term.
Give two other conditions necessary for total destructive interference to occur. (14)

The diagram shows a standing wave in a pipe closed at one end.

The length of the pipe is 90 cm.
(i) Name the points on the wave labelled P and Q.
(ii) Calculate the frequency of the standing wave.
(iii) What is the fundamental frequency of the pipe?

The clarinet is a wind instrument based on a pipe that is closed at one end.
What type of harmonics is produced by a clarinet? (24)

(b) An audio speaker at a concert emits sound uniformly in all directions at a rate of 100 W.
Calculate the sound intensity experienced by a listener at a distance of 8 m from the speaker.

The listener moves back from the speaker to protect her hearing. At what distance
from the speaker is the sound intensity level reduced by 3 dB? (18)
(speed of sound in air = 340 m s )


Coherent ……… Coherent sources are sources which emit waves with the same frequency and
the waves are in phase.

Give …. (a) The waves must have the same amplitude

(b) The waves are out of phase by ( a crest meets a trough )
Pat Doyle 24
(i) P is a node Q is an antinode

1 5 4  90
(ii) 1    90 cm therefore    72 cm
4 4 5

c 340
f    472.2 Hz
 0.72

(iii) for a pipe closed at one end the fundamental frequency happens when the length of the

pipe corresponds to one quarter of a wavelength ( )

Therefore  90 cm    360 cm  3.6 m

c 340
f    94.4 Hz
 3.6

What ….. Because the clarinet is a pipe closed at one end only the odd harmonics are available.

energy per sec ond

(b) sound int ensity 
I 
4 r 2
I 
4   82

I  0.124 W m2

If the sound intensity level is reduced by 3 dB then the sound intensity is halved i.e.
 0.062 W m 2

power power
Therefore rearrange I  to get r2 
4 r 2 4 I
r2 
4   0.062

r 2  128.35

r  11.33 m
Pat Doyle 25
2012 Q.3:
In an experiment to investigate the variation of the fundamental frequency f of a stretched
with its length l, the following data were recorded.

f /Hz 95 102 114 126 141 165 194 232

l /m 0.603 0.553 0.503 0.453 0.403 0.353 0.303 0.253

How were the data obtained? (15)

Using the data, draw a suitable graph on graph paper to show the relationship between
the fundamental frequency of the stretched string and its length. (12)

The fundamental frequency of a stretched string depends on factors other than its length.
Name one of these factors and give its relationship with the fundamental frequency.

If you were doing an experiment to establish the relationship between the fundamental
frequencyof a stretched string and this other factor, how would you obtain the relevant data?


 The values of frequency are written on the tuning forks. ( the above values do seem a
little unusual for tuning forks !! )
 Set the tuning fork vibrating and touch it to the string just beside the fixed bridge on the
left. Adjust the position of the moveable bridge until resonance occurs, i.e. the paper
rider is thrown from the string. Note and record the length of the string that gives
resonance, i.e. length from the fixed bridge on the left to the moveable bridge.
 Repeat this with all the tuning forks of different frequencies.

Using ….
f / Hz 95 102 114 126 141 165 194 232
l/m 0.603 0.553 0.503 0.453 0.403 0.353 0.303 0.253
1 1.66 1.81 1.99 2.21 2.48 2.83 3.30 3.95
/ m 1
Pat Doyle 26
Frequency / Hz

/ m1

Name … tension ( T )………….. f  T or

Mass per unit length (  ) …….. f 

If … (i) if your answer to the previous part was tension (good choice as this is part of one of
the mandatory experiments )

 The values of the frequency are written on the tuning forks.

 Set the tuning fork vibrating and touch it to the string just beside the fixed bridge on the
left. Adjust the weights in the pan until resonance occurs, i.e. the paper rider is thrown
from the string. Note and record the weight ( tension ) that gave resonance.
 Repeat for tuning forks of different frequencies.
Pat Doyle 27
2013 Q.7:
What is meant by the term resonance? How would resonance be demonstrated in the
A set of wind chimes, as shown in the diagram, is made from different lengths of hollow metal
tubing that are open at both ends. When the wind blows, the wind chimes are struck by a
clapper and emit sounds.

The sound from one of the tubes was analysed. The following frequencies were identified in the
sound: 550 Hz, 1100 Hz and 1651 Hz.
What name is given to this set of frequencies? (5)

Draw labelled diagrams to show how the tube produces each of these frequencies.

The length of the metal tube is 30 cm. Use any of the above frequencies to calculate a value for
the speed of sound in air. (24)
A sample of wire, of length 12 m and mass 48g, was being tested for use as a guitar string.
A 64 cm length of the wire was fixed at both ends and plucked. The fundamental frequency of
the sound produced was found to be 173 Hz. Calculate the tension in the wire. (12)


What….Resonance is the transfer of energy between two systems of similar natural frequencies

How…. Demonstration (laboratory) of resonance: (Barton’s pendulums)

1 2 3 4 5 6

 A number of pendulums are arranged as shown above.

 Pendulum 1 is made swing in and out of the plane of the page.
 All the pendulums start to swing a little but pendulum 5 swings most.
 Pendulums 1 and 5 have the same length and therefore the same natural frequency.
 Energy is transferred back and forth between the pendulums of the same natural
Pat Doyle 28
What…. This set of frequencies are called overtones or harmonics

Draw… antinode at top of tube in all three diagrams

550 Hz 1100 Hz 1651 Hz

Antinode at bottom of tube in all three diagrams

Note: one node in first diagram, two nodes in second and three nodes in third diagram.

Calculate….. for first diagram  30 cm    60 cm  0.6 m

Speed of sound = f    550 0.6  330 ms1

Calculate… little trick!!!! If 12 m has a mass of 48 g, then

1 m has a mass of 4 g or 0.004 kg.

The mass per unit length   0.004kgm1

1 T
Rearrange f  to get T  4 l2 f 2 
2l 
T  4  0.642  1732  0.004

T  196 N
Pat Doyle 29
2014 Q. 3:

A student used a cylindrical column of air closed at one end and a tuning fork of frequency
512 Hz in an experiment to measure the speed of sound in air.

The following data was recorded:

Length of column of air for first position of resonance = 16.2 cm
Diameter of air column = 1.15 cm

Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus used in the experiment. (9)

Describe how the first position of resonance was found. (9)
Using the recorded data, calculate the speed of sound in air. (9)
Why was it necessary to measure the diameter of the air column? (6)
Another student carried out the experiment. She measured the length of the column of air for
each of the first two positions of resonance but she did not measure the diameter of the air
Explain how this second student would find the speed of sound in air. (7)


1 = length of air column which can be varied; 2 = tuning fork of known frequency
3 = glass tube; 4 = water

 A vibrating tuning fork is placed over the open end of the tube and the tube is raised out
of the water until the first resonance between tuning fork and column of air is observed.
 The resonance in the column of air is detected by hearing, i.e. the sound is at its loudest.

Using….. note that the end correction = 0.3  1.15  0.345cm

c  f  4l  d = 512  416.2  102  0.345  102 

c  338.8 ms1

Why……….the vibrating column of air extends beyond the end of the tube. This is referred to as
an end correction. The end correction is calculated using
End correction  internal diameter of tube  0.3
We therefore need to measure the internal diameter of the tube.
Pat Doyle 30


The student measures the length of tube above the water level corresponding to the first
position of resonance. Note that this length l1 could be written as

 l1  d (a)

The student measures the length of tube above the water level corresponding to the next
position of resonance. Note that this length l2 could be written as
 l2  d (b)

When you subtract equation (a) from (b) you get  l2  l1
  2l2  l1 

Since c  f it follows c  f  2l2  l1 

Here you do not need the value of the end correction, therefore you do not need the value of
the diameter of the column of air.
Pat Doyle 31
2014 Q. 10:

Blood pressure can be measured in many ways. One technique uses the Doppler effect; another
uses strain gauges contained in Wheatstone bridges. What is the Doppler effect?

Explain, with the aid of labelled diagrams, how the Doppler effect occurs. (18)
An ambulance siren emits a sound of frequency 750 Hz. When the ambulance is travelling
towards an observer, the frequency detected by the observer is 820 Hz.
What is the speed of the ambulance? (12)

State two other practical applications of the Doppler effect. (4)

The remainder of this question is based on the Wheatstone bridge covered in Electricity!!

What…… The Doppler effect is the apparent change in the frequency of a wave due to the
relative motion between source and observer.

Source moving towards Stationary observer Source moving away

observer from observer

(i) wavefronts closer together (i) wavefronts further apart

(ii) observed wavelength smaller (ii) observer wavelength longer

(iii) observed frequency higher (iii) observed frequency lower

The observed wavelength and frequency change as the source moves past observer !!!!!!!!!!

fs c
What …. the ambulance approaches the person so use fo 
c  u
750  340
820 
340  u
750  340
340  u 
340  u  310.98
29.02ms1 = u
State………(i) police use speed cameras to measure speeds of cars
(ii) Astronomers use Doppler effect to measure the speeds of stars
Pat Doyle 32
2015 Q.9:
Musical instruments produce stationary (standing) waves.
Resonance also occurs in many instruments.
What are stationary waves? How are they produced?
What is resonance? Describe a laboratory experiment to demonstrate resonance. (24)

A guitar is a string instrument. The frequency of a stretched string depends on the tension of the
string and on two other factors. What are the two other factors?
What effect does increasing the tension of the string from 36 N to 81 N have on the frequency of
the string? (12)

Explain, with the aid of labelled diagrams, why a pipe open at only one end produces half the
number of harmonics as a pipe open at both ends.
A tin whistle consists of a pipe which is open at both ends. A particular tin whistle has a
fundamental frequency of 587 Hz when all of the holes on it are covered.
How long is the pipe? (20)
(speed of sound in air = 340 ms )


What … standing waves are waves where there is no net transfer of energy.

How … Stationary waves are produced when two progressive waves of the same amplitude,
same frequency, same speed and moving in opposite directions meet.

What …. Resonance is the transfer of energy between two systems of similar natural frequencies
Pat Doyle 33

Describe……. Demonstration (laboratory) of resonance: (Barton’s pendulums)

1 2 3 4 5 6

 A number of pendulums are arranged as shown above.

 Pendulum 1 is made swing in and out of the plane of the page.
 All the pendulums start to swing a little but pendulum 5 swings most.
 Pendulums 1 and 5 have the same length and therefore the same natural frequency.
 Energy is transferred back and forth between the pendulums of the same natural

What …. The other factors are the length of the string and the mass per unit length of the

What … since f  T , if the ration of the tensions are 81 : 36, then the ration of the
frequencies is 81:36 , i.e. 9 : 6, or the frequency is 1.5 times greater. (  1.5 )

Explain ….. pipe closed at one end

1st harmonic 3rd harmonic 5th harmonic

 You will notice that only the odd harmonics are possible for the pipe closed at one end.
Pat Doyle 34

Pipe open at both ends:

1st harmonic 2nd harmonic 3rd harmonic

 You will notice that all the harmonics are possible.

How … if the fundamental frequency for a pipe open at both ends is 587 Hz, then the
c 340
corresponding wavelength is     0.5792 m
f 587
 0.5792
From diagram above, the length of the pipe =   0.29 m
2 2
Pat Doyle 35
2016. Q2:

A student investigated the variation of f, the fundamental frequency of a stretched string, with
its length l. The string was kept at a constant tension of 8.5 N.
Draw a labelled diagram of the arrangement of the apparatus used in this experiment.
Indicate on your diagram the measured length of the string. (12)
The following data were recorded.

f / Hz 256 288 320 341 384 427 480 512

l / cm 51.3 42.6 39.2 37.7 34.5 30.3 26.0 25.0

Draw a suitable graph to illustrate the relationship between f and l.

State the relationship and explain how the graph verifies it. (18)
Use your graph to calculate
(i) the length of the string at a frequency of 192 Hz
(ii) the mass per unit length of the string. (10).



Graph... we need to adjust the data,

 first change the units of length from cm to m
 find the reciprocal of all the values of length

f /Hz 256 288 320 341 384 427 480 512

1 1 1.95 2.35 2.55 2.65 2.90 3.30 3.85 4.0

State … the frequency is proportional to the reciprocal of the length OR frequency and length
are inversely proportional. f .
This is because the graph of frequency and reciprocal length is a straight line through the origin.
Pat Doyle 36

/ m 1

(i) when the frequency is 192 Hz the reciprocal length is 1.5 m1
therefore the length is  0.67 m

y2  y1 500  192
(ii) Step 1: slope of graph = = = 128.3
x2  x1 3.9  1.5
Step 2: slope of graph = = f l therefore f  l = 128.3
1 T T
Step 3: square both sides of f  to get f 2 
2l  4 l2 
 
4 l2 f 2
 
4  128.3

  1.29  104 kgm1

Pat Doyle 37
2016 Q. 12(c):
What is meant by the Doppler effect?
Define centripetal force. (10)

A buzzer attached to a string of length 80 cm moves at a speed of 13 m s 1 in a vertical circle.

The buzzer has a mass of 70 g and emits a note of frequency 1.1 kHz. An observer stands in the
plane of motion of the buzzer, as shown in the diagram.
(i) the maximum and minimum frequency of the note detected by an observer
(ii) the maximum and minimum tension in the string. (18)
1 2
(speed of sound in air = 340 ms ; acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 ms )

What … The Doppler effect is the apparent change in the frequency of a wave due to the
relative motion between source and observer.
Define … centripetal force is the force acting towards the centre of the circle for an object
undergoing circular motion.

(i). buzzer moving towards the observer buzzer moving away from observer
fs c fs c
fo  fo 
c  u c  u
1100  340 1100  340
fo  fo 
340  13 340  13
fo  1143.7 Hz Maximum f o  1059.5 Hz Minimum


(i) At the top let (ii) At the bottom let

mv m v2
T  mg  T  mg 
r r
0.07132 0.07132
T  0.07  9.8  T  0.07  9.8 
0.8 0.8
T  0.686  14.7875 T  0.686  14.7875
T = 14.1 N T = 15.47 N
Minimum tension at top maximum tension at bottom
Pat Doyle 38
2017 Q.2:

The variation of the fundamental frequency of a stretched string with its tension was
investigated. The length of the string and its mass per unit length were kept constant.
Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus used.
Show on your diagram how (i) the tension and (ii) the length were measured.
How was the fundamental frequency determined? (22)
How would a student use the measurements taken in this experiment to draw a graph showing
the relationship between frequency and tension?
Explain how the graph verifies this relationship.
For a string of constant length l , the mass per unit length μ can be determined using the slope m
of the graph. Write an expression for μ in terms of l and m. (18)


How …… the value of the tension was varied until resonance happened, the paper rider was
thrown from the string. Now the fundamental frequency is the same as the frequency of the
tuning fork.

How …. A graph of frequency against the square root of tension is drawn.

Explain …. The graph obtained is a straight line through the origin, verifying that frequency is
proportional to the square root of tension.

1 T f
Write ….. recall that f  and slope of the graph is m 
2l  T
1 T f2
Therefore f2   and slope 2 of graph m2 =
4l 2
 T
1 T 1 1
Rearrange to get   2
 2 = 2
 2
4l f 4l m
Therefore  
4 l m2
Pat Doyle 39
2017 Q.7:
For the start of this question see PPQ Light 2017 Q.7

Speed cameras use the Doppler effect to calculate the speed of vehicles.
Describe, with the aid of a labelled diagram, how the Doppler effect occurs.
A source that is emitting a sound wave of a certain frequency is approaching an observer.
The frequency observed is 15% more than the frequency of the sound wave emitted.
What is the speed of the source? (23)
(speed of sound in air = 340 m s )


Source moving towards Stationary observer Source moving away

observer from observer

(i) wavefronts closer together (i) wavefronts further apart

(ii) observed wavelength smaller (ii) observer wavelength longer

(iii) observed frequency higher (iii) observed frequency lower

1 = source moving towards observer; 2 = source moving away from observer

Note: you were expected to label the “non concentric circular wavefronts” in the diagram.

fs c
What ….. fo 
c  u
fs 340
1.15 fs 
340  u
1.15 340  u  340
340  u  295.7
44.3ms1  u
Pat Doyle 40
2018 Q. 7:

Resonance is a phenomenon that is associated with musical instruments. What is resonance?

Describe an experiment to demonstrate resonance. (15)

A stretched string of a violin has a length of 328 mm and a mass of 0.126 g. The string emits a
note of 660 Hz when it vibrates at its fundamental frequency.
Calculate (i) the tension in the string,
(ii) the speed of sound in the string.
Draw a labelled diagram to represent the fundamental frequency of a stationary wave in a pipe
that is closed at one end. (24)

Define sound intensity.

A source emits sound in all directions.
Describe the effect of doubling the distance from the source to an observer on
(iii) the sound intensity measured,
(iv) the sound intensity level measured. (17)


What …Resonance is the transfer of energy between two systems of the same natural

Describe … Demonstration (laboratory) of resonance: (Barton’s pendulums)

1 2 3 4 5 6

 A number of pendulums are arranged as shown above.

 Pendulum 1 is made swing in and out of the plane of the page.
 All the pendulums start to swing a little but pendulum 5 swings most.
 Pendulums 1 and 5 have the same length and therefore the same natural frequency.
 Energy is transferred back and forth between the pendulums of the same natural
Pat Doyle 41
1 T
Calculate …(i) rearrange f  to get T  f 2  4 l 2  
2l 
T  6602  4  0.3282  3.84  104

T  72 N

Note : to get the value for  :

A length of 0.328 m …………….. a mass of 0.126  103 kg
0.126  10 3
Divide across by 0.328 A length of 1 m ………………a mass of
 ……………… 4
3.8410 kgm1

(ii) when a string vibrates at its fundamental frequency, the length of the
string corresponds to half a wavelength.

  2  0.328  0.656m
Speed = f  
= 660  0.656
= 433 ms1
Draw …….


Define …. Sound intensity is the sound energy per second ( power ) per unit area.

sound energy per sec power

(iii) since sound intensity = = ( all directions !!)
area energy passes through 4 r 2
Sound intensity  2
Therefore if the distance is doubled then the sound intensity is decreased by a factor of four.

(iv) to decrease sound intensity by a factor of four is to halve and then to halve again, i.e.

the sound intensity level is reduced by 3 decibels and then by 3 decibels

the sound intensity is reduced by 6 decibels

Pat Doyle 42

2019 Q. 10 :

For start of this question see PPQ for light 2019 Q 10 (39 marks)

A certain musical instrument can be modelled as a cylindrical pipe that is closed at one end and
whose length can be changed. The air column in the pipe vibrates at a frequency of 512 Hz.

Draw diagrams to show the first two harmonics of this instrument.

The lengths of the pipe at the first two positions of resonance are 16.7 cm and 49.8 cm.

Calculate (i) the wavelength of the sound wave, (ii) the speed of sound in air. (17)

Solution :

Draw …..

Calculate (i) From the above diagrams  49.8  d

 16.7  d

Subtracting gives  33.1
Therefore   66.2 cm = 0.662 m

(ii) speed = c  f
c  512  0.662
c  339 ms1
Pat Doyle 43
2020 Q. 3 :
In an experiment to determine the speed of sound in air a student determined the lengths l of
an air column when it was vibrating at different fundamental frequencies f.
The following data were recorded.

F (Hz) 250 300 350 400 450 500

l (cm) 34.0 28.3 24.0 20.5 19.1 17.0

(i) Draw a labelled diagram of how the apparatus was arranged in this experiment.

(ii) How did the student determine the length of the air column for a particular frequency?

(iii) How did the student ensure that the fundamental frequency, not an overtone,
was observed? (18)

(iv) Use the data to draw a graph of f against

(v) Calculate the slope of your graph.

(vi) Hence or otherwise calculate the speed of sound in air. (22)


1 = length of air column which can be varied; 2 = tuning fork of known frequency
3 = glass tube; 4 = water
(ii) A vibrating tuning fork is placed over the open end of the tube and the tube is raised out of
the water until the first resonance between tuning fork and column of air is observed.
The resonance in the column of air is detected by hearing, i.e. the sound is at its loudest.

(iii) Start with the open pipe fully immersed in the water. Position the vibrating tuning fork over
the open mouth of the pipe. Slowly lift the pipe upwards until you hear the first resonance ( the
sound gets louder ). This first resonance corresponds to the first harmonic ( fundamental
frequency )

(iv) the data needs to be adjusted

F (Hz) 250 300 350 400 450 500
( m1 ) 2.94 3.53 4.17 4.88 5.24 5.88
Pat Doyle 44

f / Hz

1 1
y2  y1 340  170
(v) slope of the graph = =  85
x2  x1 4  2

(vi) Recall that for the fundamental frequency with a pipe open at one end,  l
Therefore   4l
The slope of the above graph =  f  l
Speed of sound c  f    f  4l  4 f  l   4  slope

c  4  85  340 ms1
Pat Doyle 45
2020 Q.9 :
There are two types of guitars, acoustic guitars and electric guitars.
In acoustic guitars resonance occurs between the vibrating strings and other parts of the
(i) Define resonance.
(ii) Describe a laboratory experiment to demonstrate resonance. (15)

A guitar string has length 2 m and mass 0.88 g. It is stretched across two fixed points which are
65.1 cm apart on a guitar.
It is then plucked and it vibrates at a fundamental frequency of 330 Hz.

(iii) Draw a labelled diagram to show a guitar string vibrating at its fundamental frequency.

(iv) the tension in the string,
(v) the speed of sound in the string. (24)

In an electric guitar a magnetic pickup detects the vibration in the string. The pickup consists of
a stationary magnet and a coil around the magnet. When the string vibrates an emf is induced.

(vi) Draw the magnetic field around a bar magnet.

(vii) Explain how an emf is induced in the coil.

(viii) Sketch a graph to show how the output current varies with time. (17)

Solution :
(i) Resonance is the transfer of energy between two bodies of the same natural frequency
Pat Doyle 46
(ii) 1 2 3 4 5 6

 A number of pendulums are arranged as shown above.

 Pendulum 1 is made swing in and out of the plane of the page.
 All the pendulums start to swing a little but pendulum 5 swings most.
 Pendulums 1 and 5 have the same length and therefore the same natural frequency.
 Energy is transferred back and forth between the pendulums of the same natural
l 1
Note: T  2 T  for a pendulum.
g f


1 T
(iv) rearrange f  to get T  4 l2 f 2 
2l 
T  4  0.6512  3302  0.44 10 3 = 81 N

(if 2 m of string has a mass of 0.88g ,then 1 m has a mass of 0.44 g. This is the value of  )

(v) recall that for the fundamental frequency, the length of the string =

If = 65.1 cm, then   130.2cm  1.302 m
Speed is given by c  f    330  1.302  429.66 m s 1
Pat Doyle 47

1 = sheet of paper 2 = bar magnet 3 = magnetic field

(vii) The vibrating string acts like a moving magnet. This means the coil experiences a change in
magnetic flux. This change in magnetic flux induced an emf in the coil.

Pat Doyle 48
2020 Q 12(c):
Speed cameras make use of the Doppler effect.

(i) What is the Doppler effect?

(ii) Explain, with the aid of labelled diagrams, how the Doppler effect occurs. (14)
A source of sound approaches a stationary observer.
The source appears to have a frequency that is 20% greater than its frequency at rest.
(iii) Calculate the speed of the source.
(iv) The Doppler effect is also used to detect the red‐shift of galaxies.
What does the red-shift tell us about the universe? (14)
(speed of sound in air = 340 ms )
(i) The Doppler effect is the apparent change in the frequency of a wave due to the relative
motion between source and observer.

(ii) Source moving towards Stationary observer Source moving away

observer from observer

(i) wavefronts closer together (i) wavefronts further apart

(ii) observed wavelength smaller (ii) observer wavelength longer

(iii) observed frequency higher (iii) observed frequency lower

1 = source moving towards observer; 2 = source moving away from observer

Note: you were expected to label the “non concentric circular wavefronts” in the diagram.
fs c
(iii) fo 
c  u
f  340
1.2 f s  s
340  u
340  u 
340  u  283.3
56.6 m s 1  u

(iv) the red-shift implies the galaxies are moving away from the earth, i.e. the universe is
Pat Doyle 49
2021 Q.3 :

A student investigated how the fundamental frequency f of a stretched string varied with its
tension T. The string was kept at a length of 65 cm.
The following data were recorded.

f ( Hz ) 256 320 341 427 480 512

T (N ) 15 24 27 43 54 61

(i) Draw a labelled diagram of how the apparatus was arranged in this experiment.

(ii) Describe how the student used the apparatus. (18)

(iii) Draw a suitable graph to show the relationship between f and T.

(iv) Use your graph to calculate the mass per unit length (linear density) of the string. (22)


 Note and record the frequency of the first tuning fork. Now let the base of this vibrating
tuning fork touch the string.
 Adjust the weight in the pan ( adjust the tension ) until the string gives resonance in the
fundamental frequency, i.e. the paper rider is thrown from the string.
 Note and record the tension for this first position of resonance.
Pat Doyle 50
(iii) The data has to be adjusted !! Calculate the square root of all the tension values.

f ( Hz ) 256 320 341 427 480 512

T ( N) 3.9 4.9 5.2 6.6 7.3 7.8

Frequency ( Hz)

T ( N)

y2  y1 390  130 f
slope = =  65 =
x2  x1 6  2 T

1 T
f 
2l 
1 T
f2  
4 l2 
1 T
  2
 2
4l f
1  1 
   
4 l 2  slope2 
1  1 
  2  
4  0.65  652 
  1.4  104 kg m1
Pat Doyle 51

2021 Q.14(b) :

Hydroacoustics is the study of sound in water. The Doppler effect is observed in hydroacoustics.

(i) What is the Doppler effect?

(ii) Describe how the Doppler effect can be demonstrated in the laboratory. (14)

A moving underwater source emits a sound of frequency 800 kHz while travelling towards an
underwater detector, which detects a frequency of 806 kHz.
(iii) Calculate the speed of the source.

Sound travels faster in water than in air. When a sound wave travels from water into air, it
undergoes refraction.
(iv) Draw a ray diagram to show the refraction of a sound wave as it travels from water
into air. (14)
(speed of sound in water = 1480 m s )

Solution :

(i) The Doppler effect is the apparent change in the frequency of a wave due to the relative
motion between source and observer.


1 = stationary observer 2 = rotating (moving) buzzer

 A battery powered electronic buzzer is attached to a string 50 cm long. The emitted
frequency is set at 300 Hz.
 The buzzer is spun in circular motion on the end of the string quite fast.
 An observer standing 2 m away will notice the frequency from the buzzer change as it
 The observed frequency changes as the buzzer moves towards and then moves away
from the person.
Pat Doyle 52
fs c
(iii) fo 
c  v
800 103  1480
806 103 
1480  v
800 103  1480
1480  v 
806 103

1480  v  1468.98

11.02 m s 1  v


Note that the wave bends towards the normal in the air !!!!!
Pat Doyle 53
2022 Q4:

In an experiment to determine the speed of sound in air a student measured the length l of a
column of air when it was vibrating at its fundamental frequency f. This process was repeated
for six different values of f.
The following data were recorded.

f (Hz) 256 288 320 341 384 480

l (cm) 29.2 25.5 22.6 20.9 18.1 13.7

(i) Draw a labelled diagram of how the apparatus was arranged in this experiment.

(ii) How did the student determine the length of the column of air for a particular frequency?
(iii) Draw a graph to show the relationship between l and .
(Note: the line of best fit on your graph should not go through the origin.)

(iv) Use your graph to calculate the speed of sound in air.

(v) Explain why the line of best fit on the graph does not go through the origin. (22)


1 = metre stick to measure length of air column which can be varied;

2 = tuning fork of known frequency 3 = glass tube; 4 = water

 A vibrating tuning fork is placed over the open end of the tube
 the tube is raised out of the water until the first resonance between tuning fork and
column of air is observed.
 The resonance in the column of air is detected by hearing, i.e. the sound is at its loudest.
 Measure the length from the closed end of the pipe (water level) to the open end of the
Pat Doyle 54

(iii) the data has to be adjusted

f (Hz) 256 288 320 341 384 480

l (m) 0.292 0. 255 0. 226 0.209 0.181 0. 137

( Hz 1 ) 0.0039 0.0035 0.0031 0.0029 0.0026 0.0021
103 ( Hz 1 ) 3.9 3.5 3.1 2.9 2.6 2.1
Length (m)

103 ( Hz 1 )

y2  y1 0.3  0.045
(iv) slope of the graph = =  85
x2  x1 (4  1)  103

Recall that for the fundamental frequency with a pipe open at one end,  l
Therefore   4l
The slope of the above graph =  f  l
Speed of sound c  f    f  4l  4 f  l   4  slope

c  4  85  340 ms1

(v) No allowance was made for the end correction. The values of length “l” were all incorrect.
Hence the line of best fit on the graph does not go through the origin.
Pat Doyle 55
2022 Q. 11:
Note: This question had 8 parts and covered the topics of heat, sound and radioactivity. Here we
look at the 3 parts on sound.

The earliest harps and lyres were produced in the Bronze Age.
Different strings in a lyre may have different lengths, different tensions and different diameters.

(iv) Draw a labelled diagram to represent a stretched string vibrating at its third harmonic.

A 65 cm string of mass 0.21 g is stretched between two points of a lyre which are 34.1 cm apart.
It is required to vibrate at a fundamental frequency of 440 Hz.

(v) Calculate the tension that is applied to the string.

(vi) Determine the frequency of the string if the tension is now reduced by a factor of four. (22)


1 = node 2 = anti-node
(v) “get  “ 65 cm    0.2110 3
1 cm    kg
1 m    100  3.23 104 kg
1 T
“get T” rearrange f  to get T  f 2  4 l 2 
2l 
T  4402  4  0.3412  3.23 10 4
T  29.1 Hz
(vi) since f  T , reducing the tension by 4 reduces the frequency by a factor of 2.
Frequency = 220 Hz
Pat Doyle 56
2022 Q 14(b) :

(i) What is the Doppler effect?

(ii) Describe, with the aid of labelled diagrams, how the Doppler effect occurs. (16)

Pierre drops a child’s toy which emits sound of fixed frequency 500 Hz from the top of the Eiffel
(iii) Calculate the frequency Pierre observes after 3 seconds. (12)

(speed of sound in air = 340 m s–1; acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m s–2)

(i) The Doppler effect is the apparent change in the frequency of a wave due to the relative
motion between source and observer.

(ii) Source moving towards Stationary observer Source moving away

observer from observer

Note: the wavefronts are non-concentric as the source approaches the observer and as the
source moves away from the observer

(i) wavefronts closer together (i) wavefronts further apart

(ii) observed wavelength smaller (ii) observer wavelength longer

(iii) observed frequency higher (iii) observed frequency lower

(iii) “get speed after 3 seconds” : v  u  at  0  9.8  3  29.4 m s 1 away from Pierre

fs c 500  340
f0    460.2 Hz
c  v 340  29.4
Pat Doyle 57

2022 Deferred Q.8:

(i) What is the Doppler effect?

(ii) Explain how the Doppler effect occurs. (15)

(iii) What is meant by the emission line spectrum of an element?

(iv) How is the emission line spectrum of an element related to the energy levels of the electrons
in an atom of that element?

(v) Describe how you would show the emission line spectrum of hydrogen in the laboratory. (18)

(vi) The wavelength of the red line in the emission line spectrum of hydrogen was measured in
the laboratory as 656 nm. Calculate its frequency. (6)

In the 1920s, American astronomer Edwin Hubble, pictured, used the Doppler effect to study
distant galaxies. He found that most galaxies were moving away from Earth. He also found that
the galaxies which were furthest away from Earth were the oneswhich were moving with the
fastest speeds. A certain galaxy is moving at a speed of 3 107 m s 1 away from
the Earth. Astronomers on Earth analysed the light from this galaxy and measured the
frequency of the red line in the hydrogen emission line spectrum.

(vii) Calculate the frequency they observed. (9)

From their observations, astronomers have also calculated that the Sun is orbiting the centre of
the Milky Way galaxy with a speed of 220 km s 1
The Sun takes 240 million years to complete one orbit of the galaxy.

(viii) Use this data to calculate a value for the radius of the orbit of the Sun about the centre of
the galaxy. (8)
Pat Doyle 58

(i) The Doppler effect is the apparent change in the frequency of a wave due to the relative
motion between source and observer.

(ii) Source moving towards Stationary observer Source moving away

observer from observer

Note: the wavefronts are non-concentric as the source approaches the observer and as the
source moves away from the observer

(i) wavefronts closer together (i) wavefronts further apart

(ii) observed wavelength smaller (ii) observer wavelength longer

(iii) observed frequency higher (iii) observed frequency lower

(iii) The specific frequencies ( or wavelengths ) of electromagnetic radiation emitted by an



1 = central nucleus 2 = orbiting elctrons

 Electrons only move in allowed orbits ( energy levels )around a central nucleus.
 If an electron is given energy it moves to a higher energy level and the atom is in an
excited state
 If the electron returns to its lower energy level a photon of energy is emitted.
 The energy of the photon is given by
h f  E2  E1
The energy of the photon is equal to the difference in the two energy levels.
Pat Doyle 59


1 = collimator; 2 = hydrogen vapour lamp; 3 = diffraction grating; 4 = telescope;

5 = camera

 The source of light is positioned in front of the slit of the collimator.

 The light passes through a diffraction grating ( or a prism ) and the colours of the light
 A camera is attached to the telescope to obtain a permanent record of the spectrum.

 You will observe that line spectra consist of separate bright lines of definite wavelength
on a dark background.

Note: Parts (iii), (iv) and (v) were worth 3 marks, 9 marks and 6 marks. The answers above
were too detailed but you would not have known the division of the 18 marks on the day of
the exam.

c 2.9979 108
(vi) f    4.57 1014 Hz
 656 109

fs c 4.57 1014  2.9979 108

(vii) f0    4.154 1014 Hz
c  u 2.9979 108  3 107

2 v
(viii) recall    ,
T v
therefore R 
( 240 106  365  24  60  60 )  220 103
R 
R  2.65 1020 m
Pat Doyle 60

2023 Q. 8 :

The strings of a guitar can be plucked so that they vibrate at certain frequencies. The guitar and
the air inside it also vibrate due to resonance.

(i) What is resonance?

(ii) Describe a laboratory experiment to demonstrate resonance. (15)

The frequency f of a stretched string depends on its length l, tension T and linear density
(mass per unit length) µ.

(iii) For each of the following pairs of variables, sketch a suitable graph to show the relationship
between them.
(a) f and T (b) f and l (c) f and µ

(iv) For each of the following variables, state the effect on the frequency f if the variable is
increased by a factor of four.
(a) T (b) l (c) µ (24)

A string is stretched between two fixed points which are 62 cm apart. The string vibrates with a
number of different harmonics. The speed of sound in the string is 380 m s 1 .

(v) What are harmonics?

(vi) Draw a diagram to show the string vibrating at its third harmonic.

(vii) Calculate the frequency of the string when it is vibrating at its third harmonic. (17)

(i) Resonance is the transfer of energy between two bodies of the same natural frequency
Pat Doyle 61
(ii) 1 2 3 4 5 6

 A number of pendulums are arranged as shown above.

 Pendulum 1 is made swing in and out of the plane of the page.
 All the pendulums start to swing a little but pendulum 5 swings most.
 Pendulums 1 and 5 have the same length and therefore the same natural frequency.
 Energy is transferred back and forth between the pendulums of the same natural
l 1
Note: T  2 T  for a pendulum.
g f

1 T
(iii) recall f 
2l 

(a) (b) (c)

f / Hz f / Hz f / Hz

1 1 1
T / N / m 1 /
l  kg m1

(iv) (a) frequency is increases by a factor of 2

(b) frequency is decreased by a factor of 4
(c) frequency is decreases by a factor of 2

(v) Harmonics are multiples of the fundamental mode of vibration

(vi) node node node node

   

(vii) from above diagram 1.5   62 cm , therefore   41.333cm

f    919.4 Hz
 0.41333
Pat Doyle 62
2023 Q. 14 (b) :

A speaker emits a sound of fixed frequency. The speaker is moving at a constant velocity
towards an observer. The observer hears a frequency which is 20% greater than the frequency
(i) Name the effect which causes this increase in frequency.

(ii) Calculate the speed of the speaker.

(iii) Red shift in astronomy is also due to this effect. What does red shift tell us about our
universe? (16)

A fixed speaker of power P is emitting sound. At a certain distance from the speaker, an
observer can measure both the sound intensity and the sound intensity level due to the speaker.

(iv) Distinguish between sound intensity and sound intensity level.

(v) The speaker of power P is replaced by a speaker of power 4P.

Calculate the increase in sound intensity level measured. (12)

(speed of sound in air = 340 m s 1 )


(i) the Doppler effect

fs c
(ii) fo 
c  u
f  340
1.2 f s  s
340  u
340  u 
340  u  283.3
56.6 m s 1  u See 2020 Q.12(c) !!!!!!!

(iii) the universe is expanding

sound energy per sec

(iv) Sound intensity = and is measured in watt m2
area energy passes through

Sound intensity is a comparative scale where the sounds are compared to a standard of
11012 W m 2 . The scale uses logs ( logarithmic ) and is measured in decibels.

(v) If the power increases by a factor of 4, ( double and double ) the sound intensity increases
by 6 decibels. ( 3 dB and 3 dB )
Pat Doyle 63

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