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Electrical Drive Systems 324

Elektriese Aandryfstelsels 324

DC Machinery Fundamentals

Prof Maarten Kamper

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

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1 Chapman, Chapter 7 – DC Machinery Fundamentals

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DC Machinery Fundamentals
7.1 A Simple Rotating Loop Between Curved Pole Faces
The Voltage Induced in a Rotating Loop
☞ It is important to know that the magnetic flux-lines will always cross
a curved pole face perpendicularly. . .

This implies that the conductors under the pole face will always cut
the magnetic field perpendicularly. . .

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DC Machinery Fundamentals (cont.)
The induced voltage in each conductor under the pole face is equal
to one another and add together, i.e.

eind = eba + edc

= 2vBl (7-5’)

Hence the induced voltage in the loop will have an trapezoidal

waveform if the loop rotates at a constant speed. . .

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DC Machinery Fundamentals (cont.)
In terms of the rotational speed of the machine, ωm , and the amount
of magnetic flux per pole, ϕ, it follows that:

v = r ωm and
ϕ = Ap B

area underneath each pole face

Ap = πrl

Thus the induced voltage in both conductors under the pole face
can be written as:

eind = ϕωm (7-6’)

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DC Machinery Fundamentals (cont.)
The magnitude of the induced electrical voltage thus depends on:
➊ The amount of flux per pole, i.e. ϕ
➋ The mechanical speed of rotation, i.e ωm
➌ A machine construction constant, i.e π2

Getting DC Voltage Out of the Rotating Loop

Try and understand the operation of the commutator which in effect
is nothing but a mechanical rectifier. . .
☞ Errata – The amplitude of the voltage in Fig. 7-5 must be equal to
π ϕωm

The Induced Torque in the Rotating Loop

I prefer the term “Developed Torque” instead of “Induced Torque”
The developed mechanical force in each conductor underneath can
be calculated using Lorentz’s law
The direction of the developed force on each conductor is such that
it will produce a torque in the same counter clock wise (ccw)

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DC Machinery Fundamentals (cont.)
The developed torque of the conductors under the pole face, will
thus be equal to:

τind = 2rilB (7-15’)

Or i.t.o. the magnetic flux per pole, ϕ, as:

τind = ϕi (7-16’)

The magnitude of the developed mechanical torque thus depends

➊ The amount of flux per pole, i.e. ϕ
➋ The magnitude of the electrical current, i.e. i
➌ A machine construction constant, i.e. π2

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DC Machinery Fundamentals (cont.)
☞ Example 7–1 Is an excellent example to understand the
fundamentals of a DC machine

7.2 Commutation in a Simple Four-Loop DC Machine

For the simple one-loop DC machine, the equivalent circuit looked
as follows:
+ E = 2e −
+ − + −
x e e y

The four-loop DC machine’s equivalent circuit however looks as

+ E = 4e −
+ − + − + − + −
e e e e
x y
+ − + − + − + −
e e e e

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DC Machinery Fundamentals (cont.)
What is important to note is that only two loops are commutating
at a time, not all four. . .
During commutation, the two conductors of a loop from under the
one pole face to the next. . .
When neither of the conductor is under a pole face, the induced
voltage in the loop is zero. . .
The brushes are positioned such, that at precisely that moment
when the induced voltage is zero, the brush will short-circuit that
loop in order for the loopvoltage to commutate without sparking. . .
The output voltage thus only falls by 2e during commutation and
does not fall to zero as with the simple two-loop DC machine.

7.3 Commutation and Armature Construction in Real DC

Machines – read only

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DC Machinery Fundamentals (cont.)
The construction of the armature is very complex and consist of a
number of coils (i.e. a loop with more than one turn) connected in
serie and parallel. . .
Each coil also needs to be connected to two commutator
segments on the commutator. . .

7.4 Problems with Commutation in Real Machines

Armature Reaction
Must understand armature reaction and be able to explain it by
making using as simple sketch – see Fig. 7–23

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DC Machinery Fundamentals (cont.)
The key concepts are:
that the neutral-plane/zone shifts when the machine is loaded, i.e.
an armature current is flowing. . .
this causes arcing and sparking at the brushes
also that the total average flux under the entire pole face is decreased
– also called flux weakening – see Fig. 7–25

☞ Sien ook onderstaande sketse vanaf Wildi

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DC Machinery Fundamentals (cont.)
L di/dt Voltages – ignore. . .
Solution to the Problems with Commutation
➊ Must be able to describe how brush shifting solves armature reaction
– see Fig. 7–27,
also know why the position of the brushes depends on the magnitude
and direction of the armature current. . .
➋ Know how commutation poles or interpoles solve the armature
reaction, especially with regard to sparking of the brushes during
commutation – see Fig. 7–28
➂ Ignore compensating windings – only used for very large DC machine
in obsolete applications. . .

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DC Machinery Fundamentals (cont.)
7.5 The Internal Generated Voltage and Induced Torque Equations
of Real DC Machines
The internal generated or induced voltage – also known as the
back-EMF – can be written as follows,

EA = K ϕωm (7–38)

with K a constant depending on the construction of the DC

and ωm the mechanical rotational speed of the machine measured
in [rad/s]

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DC Machinery Fundamentals (cont.)
The relationship between rotational speed measured in [r.p.m.],
nm , and that measured in [rad/s], ωm , is as follows:

ωm = nm (7–40)

☞ EA in effect is the Thévenin equivalent voltage of all the induced

voltages in the different coils connected in series/parallel on the
Armature. . .
The netto induced or developed torque from all the conductors on
the armature, can be written as follows,

τind = K ϕIA (7–49)

with the “nice thing” that K in eq. (7–49) is the same K as in eq.
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DC Machinery Fundamentals (cont.)
7.6 The Construction of DC Machines
A DC machine consist basically of the following basic parts:
stator or field – is stationary
rotor or armature – rotates
commutator and brushes

7.7 Power Flow and Losses in DC Machine

Efficiency in general is defined as

η= × 100% (7–50)

or as
Pin − Ploss
η= × 100% (7–51)

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DC Machinery Fundamentals (cont.)
The Losses in DC Machines
The following losses occur in DC machines
➊ Electrical or copper or I 2 R losses
➋ Brush losses
➌ Core losses – manifest as frictional losses
➍ Mechanical losses
➎ Stray or miscellaneous losses – ignore
These losses and how to calculate them must be understood. . .
The Power-Flow Diagram
Must understand the power-flow for generator and motor operation
– see Fig. 7–39 (a) and (b) respectively
The power converted from electrical to mechanical power, is also
sometimes called the developed power

Pconv = τind ωm (7–55)

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DC Machinery Fundamentals (cont.)
Is the same as the power associated with back-EMF and armature

Pconv = EA IA (7–56)

☞ Prove from eqs. (7-38) & (7-49) that this is true. . .

If the equivalent voltage source associated with EA (see equivalent
circuit of Fig. 8–2)
absorbs electrical power, the DC machine operates as a motor and
mechanical power is being delivered
delivers electrical power, the DC machine operates as a generator
and mechanical power is being absorbed

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