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CLASS : III-B.Sc Physics Marks : 25

Choose the right answer:-

1. Present child marriage act for women age above _______ for
man age above _______.

a.) 15&29 b.)17&29 c.)18&25 d.)18&21

2. Generally, the traditional American family has been identified as


a.)Joint family b.)Extended family c.)Nuclear

d.)Single-parent family

3. Abolition of Sati is established in the year _______.

a.)1832 b.)1829 c.)1831 d.)1830

4. In the year _______the Kerala High court restricted entry of women

in Sabari Malai between age 10 to 50.

a.)1991 b.)1992 c.)1993 d.)1994

5. _______ is the responsible for the gender inequality.

a.)Illiteracy b.)Literacy c.)Psychology d.)Social aspects

6. People still prefer the birth of _______ rather than a _______.

a.)boy,girl b.)girl,boy
7. There are _______ categories of Feminist.

a.)Two b.)Three c.)One d.)Five

8. _______ became the first female Prime Minister of India.

a.)Mahatma Gandhi b.)Thillaiyaadi Valliammai

c.)Indira Gandhi d.)Raja Ram Mohan Roy

9. Indira Gandhi served as Prime Minister of India for _______

consecutive terms.

a.)Three b.)One c.)Four d.)Two

10. Indira Gandhi was assassinated in _______.

a.)1980 b.)1984 c.)1986 d.)1990

11. UNESCO :

a.)United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organisation

b.) Union Nations Educational,Science and Cultural Organisation

c.) United Nations Educational,Scientific and Congress


d.) Union Nations Educational,Science and Committee


12. UNICEF :

a.)Union Nations Children’s Emergency Fund

b.)United Nations Children’s Educational Fund

c.)United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund

d.)Union Children’s Emergency Fund

13. Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques(PCPNDT)

Act,1994 is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted to stop female

a.)Parturition b.)Delivery c.)Chid birth d.)Foeticides

14. _______ was the practice of the immolation of Hindu woman on

the death of her husband in his funeral pyre.

a.)Sexual crimes b.)Dowry deaths c.)Sati d.)Honor killings

15. “Apni Beti,Apna Dhan” means _______.

a.)”My Son,My Strength” b.)”My Daughter,My Wealth”

c.) ”My Daughter,My Strength d.) ”My Son,My Wealth”

16. PNDT was established in _______.

a.)1994 b.)1993 c.)1996 d.)1998

17. POCSO was established in _______.

a.)2012 b.)2000 c.)2010 d.)2005

18. IPC:

a.) Indian Penal Code

b.) Indian Patrol Committee

c.) Indian Police Code

d.)Indian Penal Committee

19. FIR:

a.) Fast Info Report

b.) First Information Report

c.) Find Information Report

d.) First Infotech Report

20. _______ is a key reality in India.

a.)Socio-economic inequality b.)Gender equality

c.)Sexism d.)Gender inequality

21. Pre-Independent was celebrated on _______

a.)1784-1850 b.)1817-1824 c.)1860-1875 d.)1850-1915

22. Post-Independent was celebrated on _______

a.)1911-1921 b.)1916-1948 c.)1915-1947 d.)1913-1947

23. AIWC:

a.) All India Women’s Council

b.) All India Women’s Conference

c.) All India Women’s Congress

d.)All India Women’s Committee

24. POCSO:

a.)Protection OF Children from Sexual Offenses

b.) Prevention OF Children from Sexual Offenses

c.) Protest OF Children from Sexual Offenses

d.) Propagation OF Children to Sexual Offenses

25. The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act was formed on _______.

a.)1956 b.)1987 c.)1999 d.)1968

26. Maternity Benefit Act was formed on _______.

a.) 1996 b.)1961 c.)1960 d.)1942

27. Dowry Prohibition Act was formed on _______.

a.)1942 b.) 1996 c.)1961 d.) 1960

28. Plantation Labour Act was formed on _______.

a.)1942 b.) 1960 c.) 1996 d.)1951

29. Factories Act was formed on _______.

a.) 1960 b.)1942 c.) 1996 d.)1948

30. Bonded Labour System Act was formed on _______.

a.)1942 b.) 1996 c.)1976 d.) 1960

31. Minimum Wages Act was formed on _______.

a.) 1996 b.)1948 c.) 1960 d.)1942

32. Equal Remuneraion Act was formed on _______.

a.)1976 b.)1996 c.)1942 d.) 1960

33. Worker’s State Insurance Act was formed on _______.

a.)1948 b.) 1960 c.) 1996 d.)1942

34. Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act was formed on _______.

a.) 1960 b.)1987 c.)1942 d.) 1996

35. Family Court Act was formed on _______.

a.) 1960 b.) 1996 c.)1984 d.)1942

36. Indian Succession Act was formed on _______.

a.) 1996 b.) 1960 c.)1942 d.)1925

37. Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act was formed on _______.

a.)1942 b.)1996 c.) 1960 d.)1971

38. Child Marriage Restraint Act was formed on _______.

a.)1942 b.) 1960 c.)1929 d.) 1996

39. Hindu Marriage Act was formed on _______.

a.) 1960 b.)1955 c.) 1996 d.)1942

40. Hindu Succession Act was formed on _______.

a.)1956 b.) 1996 c.) 1960 d.)1942

41. Indian Divorce Act was formed on _______.

a.)1969 b.)1996 c.)1942 d.) 1960

42. Maternity Benefit Act was formed on _______.

a.) 1996 b.)1961 c.)1942 d.) 1960

43. National Commission for Women Act was formed on _______.

a.) 1960 b.) 1996 c.)1992 d.)1942

44. Criminal Code of Procedure was formed on _______.

a.)1942 b.) 1960 c.) 1996 d.)1973

45. IPC Special Provisions was formed on _______.

a.) 1960 b.)1942 c.) 1996 d.)1860

46. Practitioners (Women) Act was formed on _______.

a.)1942 b.) 1960 c.)1923 d.) 1996

47. Law on Pre-Natal Diagnostic Technique (Misuse Regulation

and Prevention ) was formed on _______.

a.)1942 b.)1994 c.) 1996 d.) 1960

48. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act was formed on


a.)2005 b.) 1996 c.) 1960 d.)1942

49. Sex is determined on inherited by _______.

a.)Birth & Habit b.)Birth & Skill

c.)Birth & Culture d.)Habit & Skill

50. Gender distinctions are created by _______.

a.)Social behaviour b.)Social norms

c.)Social belief d.)Social status


1. d

2. c

3. b

4. a

5. a

6. a

7. b

8. c

9. a

10. b

11. a

12. c

13. d

14. c

15. b

16. a

17. a

18. a

19. b
20. d

21. d

22. c

23. b

24. a

25. a

26. b

27. c

28. d

29. d

30. c

31. b

32. a

33. a

34. b

35. c

36. d

37. d

38. c

39. b
40. a

41. a

42. b

43. c

44. d

45. d

46. c

47. b

48. a

49. a

50. b

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