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Interpreting Canon Authority Through Transdisciplinary Lenses:

Cybernetics, Ethics, and Social Change

Cristo LEÓN1
Office of Research & Development, NJIT, Newark, NJ, 07102-1982, U.S.A. [ORCID: 0000-0002-0930-0179]
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Viamonte 430, C1053 CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina. [ORCID: 0000-0002-9178-6840]
Peer-Editor: Edgar MERITANO
Department of Sciences and Arts for Design, Research and Knowledge, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Mexico
[ORCID: 0009-0006-2264-4984]

ABSTRACT disciplinary research, particularly in the context of global

This paper delves into the intricate relationship between governance, ethics, and social change. This paper aims to
the concept of canon authority and trans-disciplinary unravel these complex interrelations, offering fresh
studies, examining how canon authority has been perspectives on the role of canon authority in fostering
instrumental in fostering trans-disciplinary research innovative research approaches across disciplines.
across various academic fields. Firstly, it explores how
canon authority, traditionally rooted in law, political 2. CANON AUTHORITY IN TRANS-
science, and philosophy, has been pivotal in advancing DISCIPLINARY RESEARCH
trans-disciplinary approaches, especially in global
governance. By scrutinizing different perceptions of This section examines how the concept of canon authority
authority and their implications for social relations and has been employed in various academic disciplines to
legitimacy, the paper underscores the necessity of a understand and analyze trans-disciplinarity. It discusses
transdisciplinary methodology in research. Secondly, the the diverse interpretations of authority and its effects on
paper contrasts Wolfgang Iser's cybernetics model of social relations and legitimacy. Furthermore, the section
interpretation with conventional models, highlighting its delves into the role of canon authority in facilitating the
unique integration of poetics, hermeneutics, and ethical interaction between science and stakeholders,
considerations. This section emphasizes the role of highlighting the importance of transdisciplinary research
cybernetics in offering a multi-disciplinary perspective on processes.
social change, challenging traditional interpretative The concept of canon authority has been used to study
frameworks. Lastly, the paper addresses the minimal trans-disciplinarity. Scholars in law, political science, and
influence of theorists like Huizinga and Caillois on the philosophy have found the idea of authority helpful in
study of canon authority within trans-disciplinary describing, explaining, and assessing global governance
research, underscoring a gap in the literature. This [1]. The application of authority to transnational relations
comprehensive examination not only bridges diverse has opened up fruitful arenas for research in terms of
disciplinary insights but also opens new avenues for legality, empirical analysis, and normative considerations
understanding the dynamics of canon authority in [2]. However, there are differing notions of authority and
contemporary research and its impact on societal and how it emerges and affects social relations between
ethical considerations. critical actors [3], as well as its relationship to
legitimacy [4]. The study of trans-disciplinarity requires a
Keywords: Trans-Disciplinary Communication (TDC), transdisciplinary approach involving interaction between
Johan Huizinga (1872-1945), Roger Caillois (1913-1978), science and stakeholders and calling for transdisciplinary
Canon Authority, Transdisciplinary Studies, Cybernetics research and processes [5]. Therefore, the concept of
Interpretation, Global Governance, Ethical canon authority has been utilized to understand and
Considerations. analyze trans-disciplinarity in various academic
disciplines [5].

Additional quotes
1. INTRODUCTION “The disciplines of international law and sociology are
clearly and naturally separate, each with their own
The concept of canon authority, while rooted in canons, procedures, methods, tools, tropes, conventions
traditional disciplines such as law and philosophy, has and tricks of the trade that can be learned respectively to
evolved to play a significant role in the realm of trans- facilitate bi-disciplinary interventions or orderly (bi)-
disciplinary studies. This evolution raises questions about disciplined reciprocal borrowing” [6]
how canon authority informs and shapes trans-
I would like to express my profound gratefulness to Dr. Edgar Meritano for his comprehensive and detailed peer-editing of this
“The present book is written by experts and practitioners importance of ethics in interpretation.
of interdisciplinary research and policy advice. It analyses
topical and methodological approaches towards
interdisciplinarity, starting with the current role of 4. THE INFLUENCE OF HUIZINGA AND
scientific research in society. The volume continues with CAILLOIS ON CANON AUTHORITY STUDIES
contributions to the issues of knowledge and acting and to
trans-disciplinary deliberation. The final conclusions The final section addresses the limited impact of theorists
address the scientific system as a substantial actor and the like Huizinga and Caillois on studies related to the
relevant research and education politics.” [7] concept of the authority of the canon in trans-disciplinary
“While literary studies had been done with the goal of research. By highlighting this gap, the section invites
finding ever new arguments for the validity of the literary further exploration into how different theoretical
canon and, as such, had gravitated towards the frameworks can enrich the understanding of canon
consolidation of their tradition, neighboring humanistic authority in trans-disciplinary contexts.
disciplines were gaining a newfound relevance by Huizinga and Caillois do not significantly influence the
reinventing themselves to comment on economic, social studies regarding the concept of the authority of the canon
and political phenomena of the immediate present.” [8, p. to study trans-disciplinarity. The papers provided do not
78] mention these authors or their influence on the topic [14]–
“This article critically reviews the history, historiography, [16]
and sociology of knowledge of interdisciplinarity with a
focus on etiology, epistemology, definitions, relationships Additional
among and between disciplines, intellectual and Chapter 1 Canon and Meaning (pp. 11-44)
institutional locations, and the organization of knowledge. An intuitive way to distinguish between canonical and
A new, more historical approach to the “problem” of non-canonical works is to classify them according to the
interdisciplinarity is proposed.” [9] authority and value that a community ascribes to certain
“This article explores the definitions, constructions, texts above others. In this sense, canonization is defined
understandings, and struggles around Cultural Studies as in terms of the elements added to the text—sacredness,
a whole in Latin America, giving particular attention to its authority, value, prestige, and so on. [17, pp. 11–44]
central legacies and the differences among them.” [10]

In closing, this paper underlines the critical role of
Here, the focus shifts to Wolfgang Iser's cybernetics
model of interpretation, contrasting it with traditional
interpretative frameworks. The section elaborates on how
cybernetics bridges poetics and hermeneutics and 9. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
incorporates a biological approach to the philosophy of
science. It also discusses the emphasis on ethics as an Special thanks to Cynthia Shafer, and Jimena Serret for
integral part of interpretation, demonstrating the their unconditional support.
multidisciplinary nature of cybernetics in understanding
social change. Peer editor: Edgar Meritano, Department of Sciences
According to Wolfgang Iser, Cybernetics as a model of and Arts for Design, Research and Knowledge,
interpretation differs from other models of interpretation Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Mexico
by avoiding the strict opposition between poetics and
hermeneutics. While pioneers of poetics like Tzvetan Nonblind Peer-Reviewers: XXX
Todorov and Benjamin Harshav excluded interpretation
from the systematic literature study, Iser's approach Disclosure of Support Statement of Contributions
acknowledges the productive dialogue between his work (DSSC)
and systematic poetics [11]. Additionally, cybernetics
provides a multi-disciplinary theory of social change that No conflict of interest pertains to the research presented
uses regulation, self-organization, and reflexivity models above. The full DSSC can be accessed here: XXXX
to describe systemic problems. This differs from other
models of interpretation that focus on ideas, groups,
events, or variables. Furthermore, cybernetics adds a 10. SOURCES
biological approach to the philosophy of science,
emphasizing ethics as an essential aspect of
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