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The Little prince had tough The Earth wasn’t be an ordinary planet
but when he arrived he described The Earth as a strange planet.
He thought The Earth was a queer planet, completely dry,
completely pointed and completely hard and terrible.
2. He thought the humans were strange and maybe a little stupid
because they always repeat whatever one says to them, they didn’t
have imagination
3. 4. The little prince arrived in Africa particularly in a desert and he
met a snake, at the beginning he thought it was a stupid animal
and funny, he also thought the snake was not thicker than a finger
and the snake made him an offer, it said that he could return him to
home if he want

5. When the little prince arrived he saw a five thousand roses and he
feel sadness, he started to thought that his rose was as ordinary as
the other roses.
6. When the little prince met with the fox started a relationship, at the
beginning the fox thought the little prince was as strange as the
other humans but he could see in him a child and innocence and
then the fox asked him if he could tame him, the little prince
answered he didn’t know how to do it and the fox explained him.
During the days they made a healthy relationship and they became
good friends, the fox learned about de little prince as the little
prince learned about the fox. The last day he stayed tougher the
fox told to the little prince a secret “What is essential is invisible to
the eye” after that the little prince continued his journey

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