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Pakistan International School Jeddah - English Section

Information & Communication Technology (0417)

Task-5 Total Marks: Obtained Marks:

Name: Student ID: Date:

You will do some work for The Wood Store, a company that makes wooden furniture. You are going
to perform some tasks for this company.

Task 1 – Evidence Document

• Open the file EVIDENCE.RTF

• Place in the header your name, Centre number and Student ID right aligned so that these
appear on every page of the document.
• Save your Evidence Document in your work area as EVIDENCE-TASK5- followed by your
Student ID, for example, EVIDENCE-TASK5-99999

You will need your Evidence Document during the examination to place screenshots when required.

Task 2 –Document

You are going to edit a report for Tawara Books. The company uses a corporate house style for all
their documents. Paragraph styles must be created and applied to the report as instructed.

1. Open the file DRAFT1.rtf

The page setup is set to A4, landscape with 2 centimetre margin from all sides. Do not make
any changes to these settings.
Save the document in your work area, in the format of the software you are using, with the file

Place in your Evidence Document screenshot(s) the file is saved with the required name and in
suitable format.

2. Create the following paragraph styles.

House Style Specification Sheet


Space before
Line spacing

Space after
Font style

Font size


MNR-Title serif 28 center bold & italicized single 0 0

MNR-Subtitle1 sans-serif 22 right bold, underline & italicized single 0 0

MNR-Subtitle2 sans-serif 18 right bold, underline single 0 0

MNR-Subhead sans-serif 14 center bold, underline single 0 14

MNR-Body serif 12 justified first line indent 2 cm from single 0 12

MNR-Box sans-serif 12 center Italic single 0 0

MNR-Table- serif 12 center Bold, underline, small single 0 0

Head caps,
light grey 20–40% shading
MNR-Table serif 12 left none single 0 0

MNR-Bullet Serif 12 justified Square shaped bullets single 0 0

aligned to left margin
MNR-Tab sans-serif 12 left None single 0 0

MNR-Header- serif 12 as in step Italic single 0 0

Footer 3

EVIDENCE 2, 3 & 4
Place in your Evidence Document screenshot(s) to show all the settings for the MNR-Body,
MNR-Table-Head and MNR-Bullet styles only.

Place in your Evidence Document screenshot of style manager to show that all styles are

3. Place in the header:
o your name left aligned
o centre number and student ID center aligned
o automated page numbers right aligned.

Place in footer:
o an automated date field left aligned to display today’s date along with time. Make sure
that the date format is dd-mmmm-yyyy and time format is hh:mm:ss
o an automated file name right aligned without showing the path.

4. Apply MNR-Header-Footer style on content of both header and footer.

Make sure that:
o all the alignments match the page margins
o no other text or placeholders are included in the header and footer areas
o headers and footers are displayed on all pages.

5. Move the paragraph starting from Application software serves a diverse… so that it become
second para.

6. Delete third paragraphs starting from System software, also known as…..

7. Format the entire document into two equally spaced columns, with a 2 centimetre gap between
the columns.

8. Insert a page break before the text Introduction to Application Software at the start of the

9. Format only the first page of the document as a single column with a portrait orientation.

10. Make this first page a title page by adding the title Application Software And Types at the
start of the document and another title A Comprehensive Guide on next line.

Apply the MNR-Title style to both titles.

11. Below the title, add the subtitle:

A detailed overview…

Apply the MNR-Subtitle1 style to this subtitle.

12. Below the subtitle, add another subtitle:

Drafted by: and add your name.

Apply the MNR-Subtitle2 style to this subtitle.

13. Apply MNR-Bullet style on all lists present in the document.

14. Apply the MNR-Body style to all paragraphs in document.

15. Identify all 9 subheadings in the document and apply the MNR-Subhead style to each one.

16. Format only first subheading and following two paragraphs to appear as one column.

17. Import the image AppSW.jpg and place it in the first paragraph

Rotate the image 180 degrees.

Crop the image to keep only the text present on the image.

Format the image so that:

o it has a 3pt thick border

o it is resized to a width of 3 centimetres with the aspect ratio maintained

o it is aligned to the right of the paragraph and top of the paragraph

o the text wraps round the image.

It may look like this:

18. Place a text box at the top of the paragraph that starts Application software serves …..

Set the size of the box to 2 cm high and 3 cm wide.

Align the text box to the top of the paragraph and the right margin of the document.

Wrap the text to make sure that no text is hidden behind the text box.

Enter the text Application software are task specific into the text box.

Apply MNR-Box style on this text. Make sure all the text is visible and words are not split over
lines in the text box.

Format the text box with a light grey (10–25%) background and a 3–4 point thick black line.
It may look like this:

19. Insert a table with three columns and six rows after second paragraph.

20. Enter the following data into the table:

Few categories and examples of application softwares

Documentation Financial software Entertainment software
Document automation Banking software Screen savers
Word processor Clearing systems Video games
Desktop publishing Financial accounting Software art
Diagramming software Financial software CGA
21. Merge the cells in the top row of the table.

22. Apply MNR-Table-Head style to the top two rows of the table.

23. Apply MNR-Table style on rest of the table.

24. Set only the outside borders of the table to a 3 points thick black line keeping the inside borders

25. Set the width of table to 15 cm and center align the table.

Make sure the content of table fits withing the table with no text wrap.

26. Use the data from the file INCOME.CSV to create a pie chart to show the Commission for the
years 2010 to 2014.

Display the Year and Commission values as segment labels on the chart.

Do not display a legend.

27. Insert the text: Income generated from projects as the chart title.

28. Format the chart to make it suitable to be printed in grey scale.

29. Pull out (or use software tools to emphasise) the segment with the highest commission.

30. Insert the chart after the ending …… different category of data.

Make sure that the chart:

o fits within the page and column margins

o is not distorted.

31. Create a vertical bar chart using the table in JX3CAPACITY.CSV to show the predicted growth
in global wind power capacity between 2010 and 2015.

32. Label the chart with

o the title Global Wind Power Capacity
o axis titles as Region and Wind Power Capacity (MW)
33. Make sure:
o category series labels displayed in full
o data values are present on the top of each bar
o a complete data table is displayed
o value axis starts from 50 and with an increment of 20 showing highest value of 230
34. Place the chart after the paragraph ending ……. the value of the data. ensuring that all
components of the chart are clearly visible with no overlapping.
35. Using the content of file S0702.CSV create a line chart showing only the software names and
the number of times sale made for each member of staff.
36. Add a title to the chart Comparison of sale for different types of application softwares
37. Label the category axis Software category and the value axis Number of transactions
Include the category names as the category axis labels.

38. Import this chart into your document immediately after the paragraph ending …..period and the
data values, respectively.
Do not include a legend.
Make sure:
o that the line is in black color.
o that all labels and data labels are fully visible with square shaped markers
o chart fits exactly into a single column and maintain its aspect ratio.
39. Using the content of file 1205REV.CSV create a chart showing Revenue and Expenses for
each month.
40. Display the Revenue on the primary data series, represented as a bar chart and the Expenses
on secondary data series, represented as a line chart.
41. Label the chart with
o the title Comparison of Revenues and Expenses for the duration from January to
o axis titles as Revenue ($), Expenses ($) and Month
42. Format the chart so that:
o bars are filled with 20% to 40% grey shading with a black outline
o line is displayed in black color with dark grey triangular markers of 8pt
o the primary value axis values are between 0 and 5000 with an increment of 500 and
secondary axis values are between 0 and 3000 with an increment of 200
o Both vertical axis values are displayed as currency ($) with two decimal places
o Legend is displayed in the bottom
43. Place the chart after the paragraph ending ….. of data are correlated so that
o it fits exactly into a single column and maintain its aspect ratio
o all the titles and labels are fully visible without overlapping each other.
44. Locate the table about Application Software Types and Features in the document.
45. Insert a section break before subheading and make sure that the following data appear on a
new page within one column
46. Insert a new row as the last row in the table and enter the following details:

Photo retouching Drawing and painting Graphic design Crop, resize, filters

47. Sort the data in the table into descending order of type of Application Software
48. Merge cells 2 to 5 of row 1 only.
49. Apply the MNR-Table-Head style on first row of table only
50. Apply the MNR-Table style to remaining rows.
51. Apply a 3–4 point black external border with no internal gridlines displayed when printed.
Make sure that:
o all the text of each row displays on one line
o table is aligned to the center of the page
52. Add the text Tabulation in the end of document and apply the MNR-Subhead style.
53. Enter the following data after subheading. Use tab key to separate the data within the line.
Remember, you may not have same alignments of data at this step.

54. Apply MNR-Tab style on this text.

55. Select this data and set the following tabulation settings.

Tab position Alignment

0 cm Left
3.5 cm Right
4.5 cm Left
6.5 cm Left
8.5 cm Left
12.5 cm Right
14 cm Decimal
16.5 cm decimal

Make sure that after tabulation your data is aligned as given in sample data)

EVIDENCE 6 to 13
Place in your Evidence Document screenshot(s) to show all the settings for these tabulations.

56. Format the two paragraphs under the subheading Conclusion so that they:
o are indented by 3 centimetres from both left and right hand margins without any first line
o displays an external 3 to 4 point black border.
o have light grey shading (10–25%) to fill this area.
57. Copy the content of the file Draft2.rtf in your document in the end of document. After copy you
will have one heading and paragraph.
58. Apply the MNR-Subhead style to the heading.
59. Apply the MNR-Body style to the paragraph.
60. Format the only the last paragraph so that there is:
o no first line indent
o have a hanging indent of 3cm

61. Import the image Arrows.jpg and place it in the last paragraph

Rotate and flip the image so that the right arrow appears on the top and points towards right

Format the image so that:

o it is resized to a width of 5 centimetres with the aspect ratio maintained

o it is aligned to the left of the paragraph and after the first line of the paragraph

o the text wraps round the image.

It may look like this:

62. Spell check and proofread the document.

Make sure that:
o there is a 12 point spacing after
▪ the last item of all bulleted lists
▪ the tables
▪ the charts
▪ the bullets with chart definitions
o all the charts are without any bulleted point and fit within column with
o spacing is consistent
o all items placed on the page are within the page margins
o the document and paragraphs are complete
o there are no split tables, split list, widows or orphans
o there are no blank pages.
63. Save the document in portable document format with the filename Exported.

Place in your Evidence Document screenshot(s) to show the file is saved with the required name
and type.

64. Save and print your evidence document.

Make sure that your name, Centre number and Student ID appear on your document.

65. Save and print your document.

Make sure that your name, Centre number and Student ID appear on your document.


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