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te 15, ENDOWMENT bly is dhe Hast exercise you will really enjoy work ing on. Ht contains the esence of make-believe, and in is simples fans how 40 co er 1 bailing te Sirah andy wr biter wesicie-even emt, if you hes bons ho emave makeup without cll cream of sap Tow to shave witha a blade; hw to evo oF Dae without Ia: ow to eat anased ptatoes and butter without geting, fe; hoor treme seemingly sodden elxbing win hay ig been inthe rin, te Read Chapter 5 “Sense Meaory,” and then, forthe pose uf the enfowient exercise, fin ciewustanees under faith yon woul he seating wit tangibte objects whi ot he nent i two Rave toe nosed wit properties that shox eat on stage, For example, take a cup of water ‘with dhe property of steaming lt eollee. Dot just think i's Tho Tt eval hot, 35 yo Lng, toa yo, Yo ull ack. slightly Irom the steam, hose you eateflly blow amt pull nets the tp of een to eo the cole, bust you gendy test the rim of the exe wits your Tips before sipping 2 few ‘os an ginger letting the Tages on yout tongue for a second before allowing itt sie dawn. your throat, ow our eyes pall shut a you seltow an your mous opens ont eatale and chem take a air €0 etl your mouth. Su Tent, that cup of cold water becomes hot caflee and stays dae ay Ting not even want to apply real lipstick on stage, ‘because with nervous hands on an opening might ic cout 5p ter the edge of my mouth, IF here is no room in my sage tion for geting cold cream aul tistes and Fes power to ep te damage, would rather endow « model, pati Tiptick with color ad geeasines as Ytetch my Lips aeaey ale np) nd smear iton evenly. [Eycinember seeing the final dress rear of play in whieh lover yas walking ont on his mistes. During the ots of the ation, she halt posh hisses a one way of preventing his leaving her, The ates was wearing pra fay dress and the soe polish war Mack As she Kel on she Hor, a shoe in one Baa, the clot et plist in he oe the ean of Mack pola on the Hor iv front of he, she wat frying and pening wih hin vo sty wt he. Soon she Had fobs of pis on her face, hands and all over her gray fustime. Te was aie valine except For one thing. At the fen of the scene the eutain as wet fr only second Sud rose again for the next scene whic tok place fee dys Tater. Ter eustuine aad Face were sll covered with Mack I fottowiog pesforinances, the hse of the soe pols am was fpinted black, without reat polish i aud dhe actress ha Found the covtect behavior of working wth it he Tah and the soe, stat uot aly she Bat the uence believed she deasactly sing real pols. In The Farewell Supper by Ate Sebmitle, once ba to eat an enormons fivecourse gourmet meal om stage eight vies a week, Teall dhe food at licen really a8 specie, T wl have been able to eat ti he ime span of my stage 43 1a PHE ACTOR {205 tcl asnnption dat every fntercste Sten yn, Wha wk for ahaa ait sty th we an onl nave, "Wak ora gs Re , ober the susie when the healache esse ot whet hilt youself ory tl dhe tet Feaves and even the [Lat yaar ner teases as you ease the pai Use ttinique-seratling lea senso ad a ing psa asin tallest apc taany Conon yo ye allen to play. "Theaecumalatn ‘fa Meine f sonstnns sl ent with ney echnique to sere no any ‘ion of conditions dane hy the playuright. Even if We ste tn pontiay pregnancy ofa and tet fa tay. sr alle upon to hate onstnnptun or heat attack, a ath, or any sensation which, eneept fa ve hope we went cver experience, we ea ail fo ern within aud eons we apply these principles, fovple wih a Hite research on the mia manifestation ‘he anition. Use the bnontedge af subaitin t bv, itis p hea en 10 Camille veaered less fons tw mie ‘ol snp for a feeling fase tase you hae seve a ik dhe mt who you asp we the mtaie “Hof iain he te lying I Hwee flab nine have Steen expe bp yo fia yur yay fr ay sety pre whieh ght arte for a Tet me wat ya of se ner sfonngs i the wae of ee menor. Fhe seat het I headache, cumkennes, saws, aml live ce ate ” sonulions ofthe scene; racy fs he sete abun the cob ot the heath. he dacovery of the sensations ul I ey inte you tere tection yuu ain tatly in the scene, sal with sensory aecuary aud faith, but it Stoo the Una nn js toe ui or have dat hear ot Furthermore, yw ate tating the esations-they are sue itt, yon. Vou il have de seston to Cre the icin tt hat they wil ake over ad pt yea nto fool kn Tie wit hi At ane state tht i dagen hnplcsant sensory contin exists Tor Yow i yuu eal Hie tthe sme tne that yar starter should age i stage, wt natal os yon ae rally ansete ae Lint of Taving 1 te eaten you alae ile, simply oi he fenton or he eatin ty Ive Be rng dw, 1 yom realy Ivers hice over Jue right ey, work fora heat tle at the hc of your head, etheree te ze hele may take over and put yo ont of carol nai to fl Wn sage tile. Hot ane to he ei, ca get dk: 4 be eal or he play wll tune into setting her than he Thy sammation, IoC me state the epiion tat a eontecty fuctioming acon shld, ieally, he the taliet, least nero ence oy ea, since he pati is emotinal inl enon lie ey expressing i oe ae arse poy Ihe is employed in the theser, he bas an oppovehn Inaking me of his amaieties, tis, pent up tennerness Avongh an antic expres, T think chat_pevhape he feople who call my neuvatic or vain or exbubitionistie ate foateare how iy tented arts ate that yay only Becase they ae within work oppartnnitis, and hetefoe release thete eel for expression i all oe nivexsnle Hel jan_or perhaps these people ave jeatows tit when we a hs wa they oy de ee PILE OJECT EXERCISES tie, 1 woul have gained ten pls 2 week: al probably Ieee sickens nt matince days What was subst toc forthe onl Tonk ike amc amore that Ht 938, wa fweher ie, Fanti to ling. Knowing the oa ‘rated veld or eating, npg al yup aa brought tea ru of appae ae Te inthe tal dsseet of ‘hipgetcseam srte (really une of yogurt) ‘ny sens ell for sewing and theeating needles. ty vw, Vk forward useing them performed by am ines pevcncel ator becuse Tha Tat Lar sone cone ei he pane tic set oat she takes tat sual were and fine si ave, emp get the trend, onl the ny ey, bw he dnc sats aa nots pad Ian she lly ems petting ae panning sewi Ieeause she never enul get i theca ave quite predictable Mapai be evel at mutt aged Sho ines the then tee in iy il tes Cou a ons ms se i ote Vl en he iea aeny oth te Ona fae ta he yj whi canoe Be tale an cone Metin expt oo hese i and aly at the eye ofthe ne or otherwise did damage to yell oF were us hy someone the. Tt wherever am ubjet isnt physical geo, the ets ay, vith tulshing yor mail (real nail peal on tape could chee a sj hz Hi spel or gol os your Haas) First, relly pols you ss, aa hen tke a typ hotle with is Le Dros an ce you eae reconstret te behavior of crelly and evelysmwothing te poison one ws il yon faich belict that, by elle, you Wil blow om your mals 1 fake sure they avery, am you wil ne the next weet ‘eicately fo fea of envi the polish or your exercise, fil at cow with physical ptopertcs whic would there cut oyu Yon aay also eno dhs pyelologialy, but the tmplanis shld weston he physical Avoid pannniaing the betsy Hat Tac fy ake a ei en se a ‘py lats aa shen worry alot how fae (4p, oF wa Stal svalloing ike. Pl the plas with water aud exw seme dinesied bone, stat experimenting 1 thie tangible objects the water with whatever properties you Heel dxongh ese tnemry ad msc adjstaent "A sent ocasivnally inks Hf all dee emlewed objet stk eng teeter: vin, hey ust elon to yo fete aml legal set of cictmatances, I, for iste, dow objceive isto ty to pepare splenic ow ye overs at yon fave fa col atthe ie, eles Me for ‘hjects to endow will imeiately occur to yoo, rnsrsted twit foat yon are preparing, ha yon il ca io at Tahat implements pont wll need for ity a well as al the ‘Sheets you may wee ew contd your cok, fea vaporizes to those drops to mcine and chest rls, ast ty give the tijete variation 0 sat al ce don't wove tasting oral the dnt have uo do wih Iorting yourself, ete. When you he THE OnjECT EXERCISES uduwients oF the inva objets, pve Pomel! fully to the wee foe futilling your abjecve eae {thin oe cients in ere avo ply joan somlowed ebjeet to the ether while checking ane aeewacy of your execution, When the erence ade Presentation, you should have fn such ts tn ove, tian yu hl ate ae that they are endow. Tey show be whally therefor yu ‘uy object we deal with, once it hasbeen made patie Yel be parcally endowed. IT cam enous dil bate HA sharpness. 1 can alo endow ie further by giving tea Uwstory which wll dictate even how F pick it py tthe kad wa a gilt fom someone Tadore who Liows Love teerak and 1 an avate that i came from Hamacher Shleneg anil pwotably east about twenty dollar will hood sllercniy thaw it psicalty have to deat with the sleet endow i with Raving been bonight at Wealth, fen yats ago, which by accident tamed at to be anil became my favre ol euting es tose, which may be way or plastic stage, mast he now walle quite dlerenity dealt with iti ts rom the or Dan which Lyset grew ri somone I ave gave tee or if cs from someone Tiletet who presented hve ee tater a wo We cn ad soul care or lon eah sje that we del wih, not ony o stimulate our aye ant $enses but again wo fatm how these clemects comico a {emsequctt actions so that when we have to aiake selocdy for the characters actions in a play, we have desoreeei ny "he areas we muse draw om ta make the veesion Almost nothing in our characte’ lite is what iba we ‘ust make itso! We endow the given cirmtances on oe ‘toracter, our relationship to others inthe play the pees hes we weit, All fh bjt we deal with, inching she endowed with the phase, psycsagien ees im ote to set richly tional properties which we wa Jntoaction from mosent ta moment And so the example of taraiay an apple into an onion can be a beginning af eomprchending tat by tas, one thing into another or by supplying ssing vai, ations tmay become sharper daw sus, aul that realty ean be heightened instead of ondary. I hecoes dsl esti, and that is what Fle about i Now, yt are halvay thiogh the exer yo have ten Sctalysebearing and preening then fr Seo ren ht tre one Screg by rods. Hy tow, yon ate moubuly Just rhensing ding te hours you sete or the one est ae “rehearing alo evry ty. Tt pet 4 oven dor witht noting Ho my heat ps ac Angle trom the et IT manga eleon els ata tue is marking che fre wall Fn as Secny sak rele Iiavior becomes momentarily conse Tn seo hat bro me ito arnt ot int the ee. Ad th snow anni prt eli that Tn el bt ea 1 mn air. The pape in easing the ens var Sporstancore Habits of settotesvation, im istovet ions of ehavior whieh accur from day to day is not to cally but luce this hela nel reproduce To find what inner and outer objects 1 get involved with under the given circumstances, and why T deal with hem, 2. To learn that Ido release my payhotogica an emo ‘onal life physically by contacting something ele a

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