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Interference of denaturing and reducing agents on the antigen/antibody

interaction. Impact on the performance of quantitative immunoassays in
gliadin analysis

Article in European Food Research and Technology · January 2007

DOI: 10.1007/s00217-007-0597-9


29 783

3 authors, including:

Carlos Alberto Fossati Fernando Chirdo

Universidad Nacional de La Plata Universidad Nacional de La Plata


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Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:591–602
DOI 10.1007/s00217-007-0597-9


Interference of denaturing and reducing agents on the antigen/

antibody interaction. Impact on the performance of quantitative
immunoassays in gliadin analysis
V. V. Doña · C. A. Fossati · F. G. Chirdo

Received: 11 October 2006 / Revised: 6 February 2007 / Accepted: 8 February 2007 / Published online: 1 March 2007
© Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract Immunoassays are the most commonly used depends on the antibodies used and the ELISA format.
quantitative techniques to determine the gliadin The impact of such interference was analysed for each
content of food aimed at coeliac patients. Though the step of the immunoassays. 2-mercaptoethanol had a
minimal amount of gliadins inducing the typical histo- stronger eVect than guanidinium chloride, and the anti-
pathological changes at the intestinal mucosa in coeli- gen became almost undetectable for some assays when
acs is still a matter of debate, current research is both reagents were used in combination. Remarkably,
focussed on the development of methods having higher since quantitative results are obtained by comparison
sensitivities. One of the main drawbacks in gliadin with a calibration curve using a native antigen, there is
analysis is the low eYciency of the conventional extrac- no equivalence between the antigen/antibody interac-
tion procedure using 60% ethanol. The use of reducing tion occurring in the sample and that in the standard
(2-mercaptoethanol) and denaturing (guanidinium gliadin, leading to underestimation of the actual gliadin
chloride) agents has been recommended to improve content. Therefore, we suggest that not only the eVects
the extraction eYciency. Owing to the well-known of reducing and denaturing agents on the antigen dur-
eVects of these agents on native conformation of pro- ing the extraction procedure, but also the eVects of
teins, and their widely reported interference on the residual amounts of these agents on the antigen/anti-
antigen/antibody interaction in other systems, we body interaction should be considered when a quanti-
assessed whether gliadin detection by immunoassays is tative immunoassay is performed.
aVected by the presence of those agents. Using two
ELISA formats with a panel of polyclonal and mono- Keywords Gliadin analysis · ELISA · Coeliac disease ·
clonal antibodies, we found that recognition by speciWc Antigen denaturation
antibodies of partially or totally denatured gliadins is
severely impaired. The magnitude of the interference Abbreviations
2-ME 2-Mercaptoethanol
GuHCl Guanidinium chloride
mAb Monoclonal antibody
V.V. D is postgraduate fellow of CONICET. C.A.F. and F.G.Ch.
are members of the Researcher Career of CONICET. This study
was supported by the Grant PICT 9800 from ANPCyT and a Introduction
Grant from the Comisión Investigaciones CientíWcas de la
Provincia de Buenos Aires.
Coeliac disease is a permanent gastrointestinal disor-
V. V. Doña · C. A. Fossati · F. G. Chirdo (&) der characterised by a cellular response of both the
cc711. Laboratorio de Investigación en el adaptive and the innate immune systems against
Sistema Inmune – LISIN. Facultad de Ciencias
certain gluten peptides in the small intestine [1–3].
Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata,
La Plata 1900, Argentina Prevalence of coeliac disease in general Western pop-
e-mail: ulations is close to 1%, but remains under-diagnosed

592 Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:591–602

in many situations [4]. While several therapeutic Gluten, the best characterised exogenous antigen
approaches have been proposed based on the knowl- driving an autoimmune disorder, is deWned as the
edge of the molecular pathogenic mechanism of the dough-forming proteins that remain after washing the
disease [5], the gluten-free diet (GFD), excluding wheat Xour to remove starch and is essentially formed
wheat, barley, rye and related cereals continues to be by gliadins and glutenins [17]. The complexity of this
the cornerstone of treatment. Good dietary compli- protein system, particularly its biochemical and immu-
ance usually results in a rapid and good clinical nochemical properties, low solubility in aqueous sol-
response and reduces the risk of further long-term vent, and high homology and cross reactivity, poses
complications observed in untreated patients [6]. A diYculty for the quantitative determination of gliadins
follow-up study of paediatric coeliac patients in Can- by immunoassays and also for the assessment of toxic-
ada showed that 89% of children showed a signiWcant ity by biological tests. By ex vivo studies using organ
improvement in health after starting the gluten-free culture and in vitro assays assessing the activation of T
diet, while accidental consumption triggered reac- cell clones, the most commonly used techniques to
tions in 54% of them [7]. Abdulkarim et al. [8], identify toxic sequences, a small number of causative
reported that around half of treated patients still have peptides have been identiWed in the gliadin fraction but
symptoms because of inadvertent, even minimal, glu- also in glutenins [18–23].
ten ingestion. Adherence to the gluten-free diet Extraction from wheat Xour with 60% ethanol (after
implies a change in eating habits, which may alter the elimination of the albumin/globulin fraction) renders
social behaviour and have psychological conse- the gliadin fraction, which comprises more than a hun-
quences [9, 10]. In addition, strict adherence to the dred of monomeric proteins, classiWed into /,  and
diet has been associated with nutritional deWciencies -gliadins according to their electrophoretic migration
because gluten-free products are often poor in vita- at acid pH and their amino acid sequences. Except for
mins, minerals and Wbre [11, 12]. Consequently, -gliadins, the other groups contain cysteins able to
successful management of coeliac disease requires the form disulphide bonds. By contrast, glutenins occur as
intervention of a dietician, a physician and a coeliac interchain cross-linked proteins. Barley and rye pres-
support group [13]. ent similar components with high degree of homology
Surveys performed in diVerent groups of patients [17].
have indicated that patients claim for better labelling Most of the commercial foodstuV consists of highly
of gluten-containing ingredients and for a broad spec- processed products, which could contain proteins
trum of commercially available gluten-free food in the modiWed as a consequence of heat treatments,
supermarket [7]. Therefore, the use of reliable meth- changes in pH, chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis
ods to certify food products intended to be consumed and high-pressure procedures during manufacturing.
by coeliac patients is mandatory. Codex Alimentarius In the case of gluten-containing food, the interaction
Committee on Nutrition and Food for Special Dietary among prolamins themselves, or with other compo-
Use, states that gluten-free products should not exceed nents of the food matrix, occur by covalent (disulp-
a gluten level of 20 ppm for naturally gluten-free prod- hyde bridges) and non-covalent interactions
ucts and 200 ppm for rendered gluten-free foods, established during dough formation. This causes a
though these deWnitions are under revision (CL 2006/5- substantial reduction in protein recovery from sam-
NFSDU, March 2006). ples and poses an additional drawback in gluten-free
The complexity of toxic prolamins and the individ- food certiWcation. Wieser et al. [24] showed that the
ual variation, clinical heterogeneity, and ethical con- extractability of gliadin from bread with 60% ethanol
cerns of carrying out protocols enrolling a high number (the conventional extraction solvent) was strongly
of patients and controls make it diYcult to reach a deW- reduced in comparison with Xour.  and -gliadins
nite safe threshold value for a daily gluten intake. Not- were much more aVected than -gliadins, and less gli-
withstanding, it is well known that a daily gluten intake adin was extracted from the crust than from the
of small amounts can be enough to trigger histopatho- crumbs. A complete extraction of gliadins from bread
logical changes in the intestinal mucosa in coeliacs [6, required both the use of reducing and denaturing
14]. By evaluating the clinical signs and histology of agents (50% 1-propanol, 2 M urea, 1% w/v dithiotrei-
adult coeliac patients consuming products containing tol) and increased temperature (60 °C), allowing a gli-
gluten, Collin et al. [15] found that a daily intake of adin recovery of 98%.
30 mg of gluten is safe. A microchallenge study showed Though RP-HPLC proved to be a robust technique
that 50 mg gliadins/day produces measurable damage to determine gliadins [25], immunochemical assays are
at the small intestinal mucosa [16]. the most widely used methods for the control of food

Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:591–602 593

aimed for coeliac patients. In the last 20 years several Methods

analytical strategies have been proposed to increase
the reliability of the ELISA used in the certiWcation of Samples
gluten-free food [26–33]. More recently, the use of
reducing and/or disaggregating agents in the extraction Flour of a local wheat variety (cv. Oasis) and wheat
procedure has been recommended for quantitative Xour-based cookies were extracted using 60% aqueous
ELISA [31]. ethanol, or 60% aqueous ethanol containing 2%
Immunochemical quantiWcation requires protein 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME)(ICN Biomedicals, Ohio,
recognition by speciWc antibodies and also equivalent USA), 2 M guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl) (Bio-
antigen/antibody interaction in samples and standard. medicals, Ohio, USA) or both. Samples were homog-
The use of denaturing agents during the extraction enised in Omnimixer (Omni International, Waterbury,
procedure, allows a better prolamin recovery but CT, USA) during 3 min with solvent at ratio 1:10
causes changes in antigen and antibody conforma- (300 mg sample: 3 ml solvent) [27], incubated for
tion, and, consequently, can aVect gliadin quantiWca- 40 min at 50 °C according to Valdés et al. [31], and
tion. supernatants from centrifugation (3 min, 12,000 rpm)
Recently, a capture ELISA test using a monoclonal were analysed at the appropriate dilution.
antibody (named R5) with a detection limit of 1.5 ppm Gliadin standard solutions were prepared using
of gliadin was developed [31, 33]. The R5 antibody rec- commercial gliadin (Sigma, St Louis MO, USA) and
ognises mainly the QQPFP sequence, and others were quantiWed as described elsewhere [27].
(QQQFP, LQPFP and QLPFP), which occur in glia-
dins, secalins and hordeins [34]. Since a combination of Protein determination
250 mmol/L 2-ME and 2 mol/L GuHCl was able to
extract 98–100% of gliadins from heated samples, and Protein content in extracts obtained from wheat Xour
the residual amount of 2-ME and GuHCl after the 1/ and cookie samples was determined by BCA protein
100 dilution of samples did not aVect the antigen/anti- assay kit (Pierce, Rockford, USA). To overcome the
body interaction in the R5 capture ELISA, the use of interference of free thiol groups, samples were previ-
reducing and denaturing agents to increase the gliadin ously incubated with 50 mM sodium iodoacetate
recovery during the extraction procedure in heat- (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) for 15 min to block reduc-
treated samples was recommended [31, 33, 35]. How- ing sulfhydryl groups.
ever, Ellis et al. [28] described that the use of reducing
agents for gliadin extraction, even after 100-fold dilu- Quantitative ELISAs
tion, proved unsuccessful due to interference in the
immunoassay, probably due to antigen and/or capture Two diVerent formats were used: sequential competi-
antibody denaturation. tive ELISA and capture ELISA.
Preliminary studies using a panel of anti-gliadin
monoclonal antibodies produced by our group Sequential competitive ELISA
showed that reducing agents such as 2-ME and
dithiotreitol [36] or 2-ME and GuHCl [37], alter anti- Sequential competitive ELISA was performed using
gen–antibody interactions. Since these additives can anti-gliadin polyclonal antibodies as described previ-
modify protein conformation, the aim of this study ously [27]. BrieXy, plates were coated overnight at 4 °C
was to investigate the eVect of reducing and denatur- with 1 g/ml gliadin standard in PBS pH 7.4. All subse-
ing agents on the interaction between gliadins and quent incubations were performed at 37 °C. After
speciWc antibodies, and to examine how disruption of washing once with PBS-0.05% Tween 20, plates were
antigen/antibody interaction can alter gliadin deter- blocked for 2 h with 3% (w/v) skim milk powder pre-
mination by immunoassays. By studying diVerent pared in PBS. Standard gliadin or sample extracts were
assay formats and antibody systems, we were able to preincubated in 1.5 ml plastic tubes for 2 h with an
assess the eVect of reducing and denaturing agents on appropriate dilution of anti-gliadin rabbit polyclonal
diVerent steps of the quantitative immunoassays. Our antibody in 1:1 ratio, diluted in 1% (w/v) skim milk
results showed that sample extraction with denatur- powder in PBS-0.05% Tween 20 (buVer A). Samples
ing/disaggregating agents could impair gliadin deter- were then transferred into gliadin-coated wells and
mination by quantitative immunoassays, producing in incubated for 30 min. Plates were then washed three
some cases a severe underestimation in gliadin quan- times and incubated for 1 h with goat anti-rabbit IgG
tiWcation. horseradish peroxidase conjugate (BioRad, Hercular

594 Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:591–602

CA, USA) diluted in buVer A. Plates were washed Compared with controls, the increase in the 2-ME
three times and the enzyme substrate (1 mg/ml OPD; concentration caused a reduction in antibody binding
1 l/ml H2O2 in citrate buVer pH 5) was added. The (Fig. 1a). At 0.5% 2-ME, the binding of anti-gliadin
reaction was stopped after 15 min with 2 M H2SO4, and polyclonal antibody decreased to about 60% of the
Optical density (OD) was read at 492 nm. maximum, while the remaining activity at 2% 2-ME
was about 20%. Binding of polyclonal antibody was
Capture ELISAs not aVected at GuHCl concentrations below 0.1 mol/L,
but it was reduced to 67% of maximum by 2 mol/L
Capture ELISAs were developed using pairs of diVer- GuHCl (Fig. 1b). To study the combined eVect of
ent anti-gliadin monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) pre- 2-ME and GuHCl, antibody solutions were diluted in
pared by our group. 1B4E9 or 3B4H1 mAbs were used mixtures containing both agents at diVerent concentra-
for antigen capture and biotinylated 2A1C4 or 1B4E9 tions and incubated in gliadin-coated wells. Interfer-
mAbs were used as detection antibodies following the ence with antibody binding was more evident when
procedure described elsewhere [38]. BrieXy, plates both the denaturing and reducing agents were present
were coated overnight at 4 °C with 1B4E9 or 3B4H1 together (Fig. 1c). Antibody binding was 77% at 0.1%
mAb in PBS. All subsequent incubations were per- 2-ME–0.1 mol/L GuHCl, and dropped to 27% for
formed at 37 °C. After washing, plates were blocked 0.5% 2-ME–0.5 mol/L GuHCl.
for 2 h with 3% (w/v) skim milk powder in PBS. Then A similar analysis for the 1B4E9 monoclonal anti-
samples diluted in buVer A were transferred into anti- body showed that 2-ME had a stronger eVect, since
body-coated wells and incubated for 1 h. Plates were antibody binding was 17% of maximum in the presence
then washed three times and incubated for 1 h with a of 0.5% 2-ME. A slight increase in antibody binding
biotinylated mAb (2A1C4 or 1B4E9). After washing, was observed for 1 mol/L GuHCl (Fig. 1d).
plates were incubated 1 h with avidin–alkaline phos- Though the interference with antibody binding at
phatase conjugate (Sigma, Skeinheim, Germany). 0.5% 2-ME–0.5 mol/L GuHCl was similar for both
After washing with PBS-0.05% Tween 20 and then polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, a stronger
once with diethanolamine buVer (1 M diethanolamine, interference was found for monoclonal antibodies
2 mM MgCl2, pH 9,8) the enzyme substrate (1 mg/ml when the whole range of combinations was analysed.
p-nitrophenyl phosphate in diethanolamine buVer) was Polyclonal antibodies appeared to be more resistant to
added and the reaction stopped with 0.1 M EDTA the combined eVect of 2-ME and GuHCl (Fig. 1c, d).
after 30 min. OD was read at 405 nm.
Interference of denaturing and reducing agents
on quantitative immunoassays
To evaluate the eVect of 2-ME and GuHCl on the
Analysis of the interference of denaturing immunochemical quantiWcation of gliadin, standard
and reducing agents on the speciWc binding gliadin solutions were prepared in buVer containing
of anti-gliadin polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies 2-ME, GuHCl or both at diVerent Wnal concentrations
and were then analysed by competitive and capture
Indirect ELISA is one of simplest tests to be per- ELISA.
formed to evaluate the eVect of 2-ME and GuHCl
on the antigen/antibody interaction. We have previ- Sequential competitive ELISA
ously shown interference with the binding of anti-
gliadin monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies when 2-ME and GuHCl were added, at diVerent Wnal con-
indirect ELISA was performed in the presence of centrations, to the mixture of polyclonal antibody and
either dithiotreitol or 2-ME [36]. To extend these standard gliadin and incubated for 2 h (preincubation
studies, the combined eVect of 2-ME and GuHCl step) prior to transfer to the gliadin-coated well. The
was evaluated. To this end, a dilution of anti-gliadin addition of 2-ME resulted in an overestimation of the
polyclonal or monoclonal antibody was prepared in actual gliadin concentration. By comparison with a
buVer containing diVerent concentrations of 2-ME control sample, a threefold increase was observed for
and GuHCl, and then incubated in gliadin-coated 2% 2-ME. The presence of GuHCl at 0.02 mol/L or
wells. Results were expressed as OD ratio relative to higher concentrations caused an underestimation of
the same antibody dilution without agents (ratio = the gliadin content (Fig. 2a, b). Therefore, the addition
1). of these agents can have opposite eVects. The plot in

Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:591–602 595

Fig. 1 Interference of A B
antibody binding in the 1,2 1,2
presence of 2ME and GuHCl.
Antibody binding was evalu- 1 1
ated by Indirect ELISA in
gliadin-coated wells. 0,8 0,8
Polyclonal antibody was dilut-


0,6 0,6
ed in buVer containing 2-ME
at concentrations ranging 0,4 0,4
from 0 up to 2% (a), in buVer
containing GuHCl at concen- 0,2 0,2
trations ranging from 0 up to 0 0
2 mol/L (b) or buVer contain- 0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10
ing both reagents (c). Anti-gli-
adin 1B4E9 mAb was diluted % 2-ME / % GuHCl/ mol/L
in buVer containing similar
combinations of 2-ME and C
GuHCl concentrations (d).
Results are expressed as 1
Mean value § SD of OD ratio
relative to the same antibody 0,8 1,4
dilution without agents
(ratio = 1). Duplicate results
from one representative 0,6 1

experiment are shown 0,8
0,2 0
0,0008 0,2
0,004 0
0 0
0,02 0,25

0 0,1 0 0,5

0,02 0,5

0,5 GuH 1 1
GuH 0,1 0,5

2 Cl /

Cl / 2 mol

mol /L

Fig. 2c shows that at some conditions there is a balance measured gliadin concentration was 5% of the actual
between these positive and negative eVects, which value (Fig. 3c).
results in a good, but artiWcial, correlation with the The results for 2-ME interference were similar when
expected gliadin concentration in the sample. capture ELISA was performed with other monoclonal
antibodies (1B4E9 mAb as capture antibody and bioti-
Capture ELISA nylated 2A1C4 for detection), but the eVect of GuHCl
was more pronounced (Fig. 3d). When gliadin was
Gliadin samples were prepared with the addition of 2- measured in the presence of 0.5 mol/L GuHCl the
ME and GuHCl at diVerent Wnal concentrations and measured gliadin concentration was 40% of the
the interference was evaluated by capture ELISA expected value. In the presence of both agents (0.5%
using diVerent pairs of anti-gliadin monoclonal anti- 2-ME–0.5 mol/L GuHCl) the gliadin concentration was
bodies for capture and detection. 2% of the expected value.
Addition of 2-ME signiWcantly interfered with anti- Though some variations in the magnitude of the
body interactions in a capture ELISA using 3B4H1 interference were observed for diVerent pairs of mono-
mAb for antigen capture and 1B4E9 biotinylated mAb clonal antibodies, capture ELISA underestimated the
for detection (Fig. 3). When gliadin samples were concentration of the standard gliadin in all tested com-
diluted in the presence of 0.1% 2-ME, the concentra- binations of 2-ME and GuHCl concentrations.
tion determined by capture ELISA was less than 40%
of the expected value, while antigen became undetect- EVect of diVerent concentrations of denaturing
able for 0.5% or higher 2-ME concentrations (Fig. 3a). and reducing agents on gliadins
GuHCl concentrations below 0.5 mol/L had no appre-
ciable eVect, while at 2 mol/L GuHCl the measured To study the eVect of denaturing and reducing agents
gliadin concentration was 50% of the actual value on antigen conformation and consequently on antigen/
(Fig. 3b). At 0.5% 2-ME–0.5 mol/L GuHCl, the antibody interactions, gliadin standard solutions were

596 Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:591–602

A 3,5 B
3 3
2,5 2,5


1,5 1,5
1 1
0,5 0,5
0 0
0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10
GuHCl / mol/L 2 - ME/ %
2-ME GuHCl
0% 0,002% 0,02% 0,1% 0,5% 2% 0mol/L 0,002mol/L 0,02mol/L
0,1mol/L 0,5mol/L 2mol/L


0,1 0

0,02 2


0,002 0,1 L
0,02 ol/
0 l /m
0,002 HC
0 Gu

Fig. 2 Interference of 2-ME and GuHCl in competitive ELISA 0–2 mol/L GuHCl. b Interference of GuHCl (0–2 mol/L) in the
using polyclonal antibodies. Standard gliadin solutions at 100 ng/ presence of 0–2% 2-ME. c 3D plot for combinations of GuHCl
ml were diluted in buVer containing diVerent concentrations of and 2-ME concentrations. Results are expressed as Mean
2-ME (0–2%) and GuHCl (0–2 mol/L). Gliadin concentration value § SD of OD ratio relative to the same antibody dilution
was then determined by competitive ELISA using polyclonal without agents (ratio = 1). Duplicate results from one representa-
antibodies. a Interference of 2-ME (0–2%) in the presence of tive experiment are shown

treated as a model of food sample. To this end, these GuHCl (conditions proposed for the extraction solvent
solutions were incubated for 40 min at 50 °C in the [31]) the determined gliadin concentration was 30% of
presence of diVerent concentrations of 2-ME, GuHCl the expected value.
or both. To avoid any eVect of 2-ME and GuHCl on In a capture ELISA (Fig. 5), treatment of gliadin
antibody binding, prior to be analysed by ELISA, sam- samples with 2-ME at 0.02% or higher concentra-
ples were diluted 1,000-fold [37]. tions, alone or combined with GuHCl, made antigen
Treatment of gliadin samples with 2-ME at concen- undetectable for both 3B4H1/1B4E9 and 1B4E9/
trations higher than 0.02% produced a severe reduc- 2A1C4.
tion in antigen recognition by polyclonal antibodies in
competitive ELISA (Fig. 4a). Samples treated with Use of denaturing and reducing agents
GuHCl alone did not present appreciable diVerences in the extraction procedure
when compared with controls, but the addition of
higher 2-ME concentrations in combination with The use of 2-ME and GuHCl for prolamin extraction
GuHCl did cause a noticeable decrease in detection was investigated using wheat-based cookies and wheat
(Fig. 4b). Consequently, when gliadin solution was Xour as model systems for processed and non-pro-
incubated in the presence of 2% 2-ME and 2 mol/L cessed food samples, respectively.

Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:591–602 597

ratio 0,6 0,6

0,5 0,5

0,4 0,4

0,3 0,3
0,2 0,2
0,1 0,1
0 0
0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10
GuHCl / mol/L 2-ME / %

0% 0,002% 0,02% 0,1% 0,5% 2% 0mol/L 0,002mol/L 0,02mol/L

0,1mol/L 0,5mol/L 2mol/L

1 1





0 0
0,02 0 0
0,002 0
0,1 0 0

0,002 0,02


0,5 0,02




0,5 Cl / 0,5

2 2 2

Fig. 3 Interference of 2-ME and GuHCl in capture ELISA using 0–2 mol/L GuHCl. b Interference of GuHCl (0–2 mol/L) in the
monoclonal antibodies. Standard gliadin solutions at 500 ng/ml presence of 0–2% 2-ME. c 3D plot for combinations of GuHCl
were diluted in buVer containing diVerent concentrations of and 2-ME concentrations. d Similar analysis using 1B4E9 mAb
2-ME (0–2%) and GuHCl (0–2 mol/L). Gliadin concentration for antigen capture and biotinylated 2A1C4 mAb. Results are ex-
was then determined by capture ELISA using the 3B4H1 mAb pressed as Mean value § SD of OD ratio relative to the same
for antigen capture and the biotinylated 1B4E9 mAb as second- antibody dilution without agents (ratio = 1). Duplicate results
ary antibody. a Interference of 2-ME (0–2%) in the presence of from one representative experiment are shown

Samples were extracted with 60% ethanol (conven- used. The use of 2-ME did not produce a relevant
tional extraction procedure) or with 60% ethanol increase in protein recovery, while antigen became
containing 2% 2-ME, 2 mol/L GuHCl or both almost undetectable in capture and competitive
together. Prior to ELISA analysis, samples were ELISA. When the extraction procedure for wheat Xour
diluted at least 1,000-fold in order to avoid a direct or wheat-based cookies was performed in the presence
eVect of these agents on antigen/antibody interactions. of 2-ME and GuHCl, an increase in protein recovery
Total protein content was also determined to assess was observed. However, detection by either capture or
protein recovery under each extraction condition. competitive ELISA was severely impaired by the pres-
Compared with results for extracts obtained with ence of 2-ME and GuHCl.
ethanol alone, extraction of wheat Xour with ethanol in Thus, despite the increase in protein recovery when
the presence of GuHCl produced an increase in pro- 2-ME and GuHCl were used in the extraction proce-
tein recovery which correlated with competitive dure, these agents signiWcantly altered ELISA mea-
ELISA results, but not with capture ELISA data surements, leading to an underestimation of the actual
(Fig. 6). Similarly, extracts from cookies showed a gliadin content. When capture ELISA was used, anti-
slight increase in protein content when GuHCl was gen became almost undetectable.

598 Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:591–602

A 1,2 B 1,2

1 1

0,8 0,8

0,6 0,6

0,4 0,4

0,2 0,2

0 0
0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10
2-ME/ % GuHCl/ mol/L
0mol/L 0,002mol/L 0,02mol/L
0% 0,002% 0,02% 0,1% 0,5% 2%
0,1mol/L 0,5mol/L 2mol/L

C 1,2




0,002 0
0,02 0


0,02 L

2 0,1 l/ m

0,5 HC
2 Gu

Fig. 4 EVect of treatment with 2-ME and GuHCl on gliadin a Interference of GuHCl (0–2 mol/L) in the presence of 0–2% 2-
determination by competitive ELISA using polyclonal antibod- ME. b Interference of 2-ME (0–2%) in the presence of 0–2 mol/L
ies. Standard gliadin solutions at 100 g/ml were incubated for GuHCl. c 3D plot for combinations of GuHCl and 2-ME concen-
40 min at 50 °C in buVer containing diVerent concentrations of trations. Results are expressed as Mean value § SD of OD ratio
2-ME (0–2%) and GuHCl (0–2 mol/L). After 1,000-fold dilution relative to the same antibody dilution without agents (ratio = 1).
in buVer without denaturing agents, concentration was Duplicate results from one representative experiment are shown
determined by competitive ELISA using polyclonal antibodies.

Discussion To certify gluten-free products, the complete extrac-

tion of gliadins from food sample is required. However,
Patients suVering from coeliac disease, a life-long gas- this process is very far from being complete when the
trointestinal disorder must follow a strict gluten-free conventional extraction solvent (ethanol 60%) is
diet. Good dietary compliance usually results in a rapid applied to heat-processed products. Increased temper-
and good clinical response and reduces the risk of fur- ature during the extraction procedure, as well as addi-
ther long-term complications observed in untreated tion of reducing and disaggregating agents are required
patients [6]. for a complete gliadin recovery from these samples
By ex vivo studies using organ culture and in vitro [24]. A commercially available test, R5, is able to quan-
assays assessing the activation of T cell clones, the most tify gliadins in food samples extracted with the buVer
commonly used techniques to identify toxic sequences, provided with the kit, which contains 2-ME and
a small number of causative peptides have been identi- GuHCl [33, 35]. However, studies by Ellis et al. [28]
Wed in the gliadin and glutenin fraction [18–23]. Owing showed that even after 100-fold dilution of samples
to the individual variation and ethical concerns, studies extracted with reducing agents a strong interference
enrolling a high number of subjects aimed at determin- with quantiWcation was evident.
ing the maximal amount of gluten tolerated by coeliac Since the expected amount of prolamins in gluten-
patients are very diYcult to perform [6, 14]. More free products is low, the sample is usually diluted 1:40
recent studies have shown that 30 mg gluten/day is safe or less, prior to analysis. Consequently, the residual
[15] while 50 mg gliadin/day induced histopathological amount of denaturing agents is high enough to cause
changes in the intestinal mucosa [16]. severe interference with the quantiWcation. As result,

Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:591–602 599

A 1,2 B 1,2 C
1 1
0,8 0,8 1

0,6 0,6

0,4 0,4 0,5
0,2 0,2
0 0 0
0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 0,02
GuHCl /mol/L 2-ME/ %

0 0,5

0mol/L 0,02mol/L 2-M 0,02 2
0% 0,02% 0,50% 2%

E/ 0,5

0,5mol/L 2mol/L %


D 1,2 E 1,2 F
0,8 1
0,6 0,8


0,4 0,6

0,4 0,4
0,2 0,2
0 0
0 0
0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 01 0,0001 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 0 0,02

2-ME/ % 0,02 0,5

l/ m
GuHCl /mol/L

0mol/L 0,02mol/L 0,5


0% 0,02% 0,50% 2%
0,5mol/L 2mol/L 2

Fig. 5 EVect of treatment with 2-ME and GuHCl on gliadin 0, 0.02, 0.5 and 2% 2-ME. b Interference of 2-ME (0–2%) in the
determination by capture ELISA using monoclonal antibodies. presence of 0, 0.02, 0.5 and 2 mol/L GuHCl. c 3D plot for combi-
Standard gliadin solutions at 500 g/ml were incubated for 40 min nations of GuHCl and 2-ME concentrations. Similar analysis for
at 50 °C in buVer containing diVerent concentrations of 2-ME 1B4E9 mAb and biotinylated 2A1C4 mAb (d, e and f). Results
(0–2%) and GuHCl (0–2 mol/L). After 1,000-fold dilution in bu- are expressed as Mean value § SD of OD ratio relative to the
Ver without denaturing agents, concentration was determined by same antibody dilution without agents (ratio = 1). Duplicate re-
capture ELISA using 3B4H1 for antigen capture and biotinylated sults from one representative experiment are shown
1B4E9 mAb. a Interference of GuHCl (0–2 M) in the presence of

10 A 10 B
capture competitive protein capture competitive protein
8 8

6 6


4 4

2 2

0 0
ethanol GuHCl 2-ME 2-ME/GuHCl ethanol GuHCl 2-ME 2-ME/GuHCl

Fig. 6 Gliadin determination in extracts from model samples ob- kit (black bars). Gliadin concentration determined by competi-
tained with solvents containing 2-ME and GuHCl. Wheat-based tive ELISA using polyclonal antibodies (gray bars). Gliadin con-
cookies and wheat Xour, used as model for processed and unpro- centration determined by capture ELISA using 1B4E9 mAb for
cessed food, were extracted with 60% ethanol, or 60% ethanol antigen capture and biotinilated 2A1C4 mAb for detection (white
containing 2 mol/L GuHCl, 2% 2-ME or both. Histograms corre- bars). Mean value § SD of duplicate experiments is shown
spond to the protein content determined employing a BCA assay

the quantitative assay may fail to detect the presence of According to previous results, the eVect of denaturat-
toxic prolamins in these products leading to an analyti- ing agents appears to depend on the antibody and
cal error with serious consequences. ELISA format employed. Therefore, we extended the
In previous studies, we observed interference with analysis by assessing the combined eVect of 2-ME and
immunoassays using either anti-gliadin polyclonal or GuHCl in competitive and capture ELISAs using
monoclonal antibody when dithiotreitol or 2-ME [36] diVerent antibody systems [38]. Altogether, these stud-
and 2-ME and GuHCl [37] were added to samples. ies allow assessment of the eVects of 2-ME and GuHCl

600 Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:591–602

Fig. 7 Schematic drawing of Competitive ELISA

2-ME and GuHCl
interference in competitive
and capture ELISA

Interference causes Interference causes

understimation overstimation

Capture ELISA
Interferente causes

on antigen/antibody interaction at diVerent stages of ELISA when treated with 2-ME and GuHCl together.
the immunoassays and, consequently, on the perfor- Similarly, interference with antigen/antibody interac-
mance of the quantitative test. tion is enhanced by the presence of 2-ME with or with-
As reported for several proteins, 2-ME and GuHCl out GuHCl.
produce conformational changes leading to a decrease Competitive and capture ELISAs produced very
in the biological activity. Studies performed on diVer- diVerent estimates of gliadin concentration compared
ent enzymes demonstrated the eVect of denaturating with the actual gliadin value. The scheme in Fig. 7,
agents (such as GuHCl) in producing inactivation due illustrates how the presence of these agents leads to
to partial unfolding of the molecule. It was suggested diVerent degrees of interference. In the case of com-
that the active site is more easily perturbed and more petitive ELISA, overestimation and underestimation
Xexible than the protein as a whole, thus explaining the can be observed by the eVect of agents at two diVerent
loss of enzymatic activity with concentrations lower levels in the immunoassay. Underestimation is
than those necessary for the complete unfolding of the observed when denaturing agents interfere mainly with
molecule [39, 40]. Similarly, antibodies showed loss of immunocomplex formation during the preincubation
antigen recognition after treatment with GuHCl at step, because of antigen denaturation. Conversely,
concentration considerably lower than those required when the residual amount of agents interferes with
to change the global antibody conformation [41]. It was antibody binding to antigen-coated wells, an overesti-
observed that protein denaturation occurs at higher mation of the actual gliadin concentration is observed.
concentrations of GuHCl when this agent is used Depending on the composition of the extraction sol-
alone, and that the non-native disulphide bonds were vent and the dilution factor employed for sample anal-
more susceptible to reduction than native bonds. Since ysis, both eVects will have a diVerent impact on Wnal
an intact disulphide network appears to preserve the results. Antigen denaturation, and consequently loss of
overall structure and increase conformational stability, recognition by speciWc antibodies, as well as interfer-
most proteins are more resistant to denaturation when ence with antibody binding by antibody denaturation
they are treated with agents such as GuHCl in the contributed to the underestimation of the gliadin con-
absence of reducing agents [42]. Results presented in centration in all the capture ELISAs tested in this
this study (Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) support these observa- study.
tions. The antigen (in this case, a complex mixture of Remarkably, when samples were treated and then
homologous proteins) is strongly aVected by treatment 1,000-fold diluted prior to analysis in order to avoid the
with 2-ME and becomes almost undetectable by eVect of the agents on antigen/antibody interactions, a

Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:591–602 601

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