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Biology Project

Name: Swapnil Sarkar

Roll no. 42
Class- VII
Session- 2020- 2021
School: St. Joseph’s School, Kanchrapara
The Excretory System
Definition: Excretion is the process of the removal of
unwanted and toxic metabolic waste products from the body.
“During the digestion and absorption of nutrients present
in our food, Our body absorbs many substances some of
which are useful and the others are useless and excess in
amount. These useless useless substances, if retained by
the body, may become toxic and harmful. So, there is a
necessity of an organ system in our body, that should
drain out these useless and unwanted substances. This
process of the removal of unwanted and useless metabolic
substance from the body is called Excretion. The organs
which remove these substances are called Excretory
-Swapnil Sarkar
Excretory Organs
● “Kidneys: Kidneys are the two bean shaped reddish-
brown organs situated towards the back of the abdomen,
at the level of the last two ribs, each on either side of the
backbone. The right kidney is located slightly lower than
the left one.
● Ureters: These are the two narrow tubes that carries the
urine from inside the kidneys upto the urinary bladder.
● Urinary Bladder: It is a muscular bag situated at the lower
abdomen than temporarily stores the urine before its
● Urethra: It is a single median tube from the urinary
bladder which drains out the urine.”
-Swapnil Sarkar
Structure of the Kidneys
“Internally, each kidney is composed of a outer darker region called cortex.
Within the cortex lies a inner lighter region called medulla. Medulla purifies
the blood and drains the urine into renal pelvis, which is a funnel-shaped
structure at each kidney that continues downward as the ureters.” -
Swapnil Sarkar


“In each kidney, there are millions of microscopic tubular structure called
renal tubules or nephron. Each nephron starts with a cup-like structure
called the Bowman’s Capsule which continues behind as a narrow tubule.
This tubule is twisted and led into the collecting duct. All collecting ducts
are open into the renal pelvis. The main function of the nephrons is to filter
blood, purify it and produce urine. The renal artery carries the impure
blood with some useful substances (which are needed by the body) into
the nephrons and they drain out the urine and absorb the useful
substances to for its re- absorption by the body and the urine is then
passed to the ureters followed by the urinary bladder leading to is
dispersion through the urethra.” -Swapnil Sarkar

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