Identification and Proof of Address Email Capture Form - Encrypted

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Identi cation and Proof of Address

Email capture form

First things rst, we need your email address to send you our identi cation and proof of address
online form. The form will allow you to verify yourself and your current address.
1 Your details

Your full name

Bogdan Ene

Email address

2 Next steps
When you submit this form, you’ll get an email from as we use Adobe Sign* to support
our identi cation and proof of address online form. This isn’t spam or a phishing attempt.
You’ll then be asked to identify yourself using photographic identi cation before completing the identi cation and
proof of address online form.

3 Important security information

We’ll never send you an email asking for your log on details, or direct you to a webpage that asks for this
information. You can nd more information at

*We have chosen Adobe to support us with our digital processes by using their ‘Adobe Sign’ software. Please be aware that Adobe are a separate data
controller from TSB, and any personal data you provide will be sent to Adobe and processed in accordance with their terms and conditions of service.
You may therefore wish to read the Adobe Ts & Cs and privacy notice. These are available before choosing the ‘Click to Sign’ button when viewing and
completing this form.

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