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Title: Crafting a Solid Thesis: Lowering the Drinking Age to 18

Are you struggling to compose a compelling thesis on the topic of lowering the drinking age to 18?
You're not alone. Writing a thesis requires thorough research, critical analysis, and clear
argumentation. The topic of lowering the drinking age is complex and multifaceted, making it
particularly challenging to craft a strong thesis statement. However, with the right approach and
resources, you can develop a thesis that effectively presents your perspective on this contentious

One of the key difficulties in writing a thesis on this topic is navigating the abundance of conflicting
opinions and evidence. The debate over the drinking age involves considerations of public health,
social norms, legal frameworks, and individual rights, among other factors. Sorting through this
information to construct a coherent argument can be daunting, especially for those without extensive
experience in research and academic writing.

Furthermore, crafting a thesis requires more than just summarizing existing arguments. It involves
synthesizing diverse perspectives and generating original insights that contribute meaningfully to the
ongoing discourse. This demands a high level of critical thinking and analytical skill, as well as the
ability to effectively communicate complex ideas in writing.

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Don't let the challenges of writing a thesis on lowering the drinking age to 18 hold you back. Order
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There has been an ongoing controversy in the United States on whether the drinking age should be
lowered to eighteen like most of the world or if it should stay. By choosing to use fake IDs, students
make ethical compromises that erode respect for the law. Their explanation was they had been
exposed to alcohol almost their entire lives, as enjoying a glass of wine at dinner is not uncommon
for children as young as 12. Majority of countries prefer 18 years and others 17 years. On the same
note, US should learn from other countries that reducing the drinking age to 18 is not a catastrophe in
waiting for the country. All this information hints at the fact that the minimum drinking age in the
U.S. is reducing traffic accidents but might not be enough. By continuing, you agree to our Terms
and Conditions. Good thesis statements for lowering the drinking age - YouTube. Argument for
Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 in the United States. This alarming rise in the rates of binge
drinking on campuses and in communities around the nation has caused a major, national public
health problem. Supporters -John Mc Cardell former president of Middlebury college initiated a
movement in 2008 called the Amethyst(Greek for against Intoxication) Initiative, a group that
supports responsible adult behavior towards alcohol. - The purpose of the group was to call on law
makers to lower the drinking age to 18. But in the event that the threat of financial punishment by
the federal government goes away, voters in Washington and other states should follow the standard
set by European countries and consider lowering the drinking age if they really want to effectively
combat alcohol abuse and binge drinking among underage Americans. We use cookies to create the
best experience for you. S l ightly more than 30 percent of college students reported binge drinking
in the previous two weeks, according to the 2016 Monitoring the Future Study. It is no secret, that
people drink alcohol before they turn 21. Immediately you can smoke cigarettes, vote, be a jury
member, even join the military and fight for your country. But. Among non-drinkers, more than three
in four (77%) support stricter penalties for underage drinking, while only about one in five support
current penalties or more lenient penalties for underage drinking. Sample Essay On The Topic Of
Lowering The Drinking Age. While the law in the United States does not bar 21 year olds from
drinking, their 18 year olds counterparts are not allowed by the law to drink. Given that the age to
be able to buy tobacco products is 18 which has also been clearly shown to stunt development (and
encourage cancer) shouldn’t it be up to that person to decide whether they do or don’t drink. In sum,
delaying drinking age to 21 years old will not make 18 years old teenagers to wait until they can
drink legally. This is a point that has been proven time and again with other things such as
prohibition. What do you think we should do about this drinking age issue. Or will they disregard all
of the rules in order to have a drink as malignant as an object can possibly be? 11. As a Froma
Harrop, nationally syndicated columnist wrote in her Feb. 9, 2010 article “Age Discrimination for the
Young” “Being adult who cannot have a beer is highly, absurdly inconsistent. “ According o her, in
our imperfect world, the law has to draw lines, however arbitrary. I have come to the conclusion that
the legal drinking age should be changed to eighteen. After people in the United States reached the
age 18 they are no longer considered juvenile They have the right to choose their political leaders,
purchase. I feel as though only the negative sides of the argument are brought to light in this article.
Unsurprisingly, this type of behavior was a key impetus in the decision to introduce the National
Minimum Drinking Age Act. In the early 70 s when baby boomers were dealing with the Vietnam
war there was pressure to lower the drinking age, so many states (29 of them) lowered the.
If the drinking age was lowered, it will help kids realize how important alcohol is, and how mature
we must become when we are under the influence of alcohol. The consequence in this sense, include
fatal accidents, increased crime rate or unwanted pregnancy. With making lowering the age, it would
make drinking less of a taboo activity and eliminate the reckless use of it during college and young
adult years. The reason would be that if underage drinkers could consume alcohol they would not
have to be forced to drive from authorities. Additionally, lowering the legal age for drinking would
assist institutions to implement rules that bar students below the age of 18 from drinking. At the age
of 18, young adults are old enough to make their own decisions regarding alcohol. I was a teenager
who -- to be totally honest -- engaged in a fair share of illegal drinking. This is because any
opportunity they get, they tend to abuse alcohol because they see any opportunity to drink as the last
before they get to the age of 21. Instead, we see all the unintended effects of Prohibition: over-
indulgence, anti-social behavior, disrespect for the law, secrecy and sneaking, and a massive
diversion of human energy. Dogs, cats, monkeys, mice, and other animals are kept in dark rooms in.
This is because drinking by these youth is seen as enticing “forbidden fruit”, a “badge of rebellion
against authority” and a symbol of adulthood. AshleyG22: Thesis Statement - Lowering the Drinking
Age. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Alcohol cause problems to those who
take it whether one is old or young; thus, maintaining the legal drinking age at 21 may not solve
problems associated with alcohol. Is this a strong thesis statement? - The Pub - Shroomery Message
Board. AshleyG22: Thesis Statement - Lowering the Drinking Age. How could you think that the
children are ready to drink alcohol, their brains are not ready. It speaks about the British government
and how they have made harsher laws for drinking under the age of 18. However, it is essential to
recognize that adults play a role in enabling underage drinking by purchasing alcohol on behalf of
minors. The police or other security personnel to ensure that the youth do not over indulge can
control such an environment. If twenty-one is considered so mature, then why an eighteen year old is
considered an adult. The penalties must be much greater than they are right now. It will discuss the
current legal drinking age’s implications on youth behavior and social norms, comparing it with
drinking age laws in other countries. On the contrary, the prohibition will not stop teenagers from
drinking and that will even add to the thrill of drinking alcohol. Approximately how many drinks of
any kind of alcoholic beverages did you drink in the past SEVEN days. If an eighteen year old can
be held to so many responsibilities, then it seems unfair to say that they are not old enough to drink.
Xx xx English 123 Mrs. Xix 20 Par XX Military Drinking Age 1 What would happen. It will also
examine the potential impact on public health, education systems, and law enforcement, drawing on
research and case studies to provide a comprehensive view of this contentious issue. Sample Essay
On The Topic Of Lowering The Drinking Age. Thesis Statement Examples to Inspire Your Next
However, Rada said that he believes lowering the drinking age is not the answer. According to the
article The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984, written by Dr. David J. Hanson in 2007,
member of the Maryland Underage Drinking Prevention Coalition. Their explanation was they had
been exposed to alcohol almost their entire lives, as enjoying a glass of wine at dinner is not
uncommon for children as young as 12. Some argue that the brain doesn’t fully develop until age of
drinking at 21. Teenage drinking is a gigantic part of American life, all done surreptitiously and
mostly without responsible oversight. Parents don’t blink when a student mentions going to a party
with beer because it’s an assumed convention. When I was 18, I went to Canada (drinking age is 19
in Toronto!) just to drink. The drinking age in the United States (21), adopted in 1984, is one of the
highest in the world. By addressing the root causes of teenage drinking, we can strive to create a
safer and healthier environment for the younger generation. Are we ready to give 18-year-olds the
right to drink, again? Well. An exact quote from John McCardell, the head of Choose Responsibility,
that really caught my eye was, “Public policy should not be to try to change deeply seated human
behavior. Should the drinking age be lowered to eighteen years old, when one is considered an adult,
and assumes adult privileges, or should the drinking age remain at twenty-one years old, since people
are more mature and therefore, can be safe and responsible with alcohol. In sum, delaying drinking
age to 21 years old will not make 18 years old teenagers to wait until they can drink legally.
Unsurprisingly, this type of behavior was a key impetus in the decision to introduce the National
Minimum Drinking Age Act. The century council has actually created a survey, results show that
over 55% of teenagers (12-17) said they had actually been offered or had the opportunity to consume
alcohol in the last 12 months. Adults or supervising authority may have the impression that they have
stopped drinking but in fact the drinking just went underground. Supporters -John Mc Cardell
former president of Middlebury college initiated a movement in 2008 called the Amethyst(Greek for
against Intoxication) Initiative, a group that supports responsible adult behavior towards alcohol. -
The purpose of the group was to call on law makers to lower the drinking age to 18. Having alcohol
at young ages can lead to being an addict or lead to having drugs, if you get caught up with the
wrong group and start drinking regularly it can really affect your life and eliminate chances of certain
careers and change your attitude a lot. Alcohol cause problems to those who take it whether one is
old or young; thus, maintaining the legal drinking age at 21 may not solve problems associated with
alcohol. Instead, we see all the unintended effects of Prohibition: over-indulgence, anti-social
behavior, disrespect for the law, secrecy and sneaking, and a massive diversion of human energy.
There would be more alcohol purchases from stores and licensed businesses. Sorry about this post as
I made another post earlier regarding the drinking age I am writing an argumentative paper on 'Why
the drinking age should be lowered. The abuse of alcohol and the over-consumption of alcohol and
DUI driving. People may argue that older is better but being 21 does not make one wiser in terms of
alcohol drinking. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Some states have shifted
the drinking age to accommodate youth who are enlisted in the army and in war-zones arguing that if
the youth is old enough to decide to fight, he is old enough to choose to drink. It’s a way to get
around the preposterously high drinking age. Further, young people are still experimenting with life
and may be ignorant of the effects of alcohol consumption. NYRA Debates Lower Drinking Age on
Fox News - Duration: 2:43 National Youth Rights Association. The ironic thing is that we will most
likely be over 21 years of age before this takes place.
Free research that covers thesis statement this research will focus on the need of on the need of
lowering the drinking age to 18, because drinking has always Countries for example Italy, China,
Greece are some of the nations where the. Which makes me wonder, if European kids get intoxicated
more often, but are more responsible with their intoxication, isn't that. The mere fact that these young
adults are experimenting with alcohol through illegal means pose trouble for both the government
and parents alike. This paper has a clear thesis statement that is developed in logically You provide
some interesting perspective on the implementation of a lower drinking age. It also means, whether
parents know it (or like it) or not, astonishing amounts of drinking of very potent liquor. Additional
materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are
also offered here. Some states in our country have had a lowered drinking age before and I feel that
one day it will be lowered again. The fact that 18 years is a legal age to vote means that such an
individual is an adult and responsible for his or her own decisions. We've got you covered on
everything from health to food to relationships, and so much more. Some argue that the brain doesn’t
fully develop until age of drinking at 21. The United States law on elections put the age at which one
can vote to be 18 years. This is the report that I collected from four types of data which are relevant
to the study of the effects of the increase in the drinking age. (Dobkin, 2007)I have interviewed
several university and college students concerning this issue of whether 21 should be the legal
drinking age or is it a real age when people should start drinking. Everyone in the United States has a
story of kids and their abusive habits, their strategizing, their hidden flasks and risky games, their
constant maneuvering to do what they know they are not supposed to do. Would you join us to help
keep our stories free for all. Lowering the Drinking Age to 18: Argumentative Persuasive Essays.
Alcohol education that mandates abstinence as the only legal option has not resulted in significant
constructive behavioral change among our students. There has been an ongoing controversy in the
United States on whether the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen like most of the world or if
it should stay. In the United States we know, the legal drinking age is 21. Drinking is then viewed as
an activity since it is only for adults. Paragraph 2: The ethical concerns that will be highlighted will
touch on what the National lowering the drinking age Paragraph Contents Paragraph Whether the
drinking age in the US should be lowered to 18 years or not has been a subject of intense discussion
across the US. The main argument in support of higher legal drinking age is that it helps to reduce
road accidents caused by the dunked youth However, if road safety is really. The 21 year old
drinking age has reduced drunk driving, underage drinking and binge drinking. Source-. In the
1930s, almost all the states passed legislation stating that a person had to be at least 21 years old to
purchase alcohol. For example, many have fake identification cards, steal alcohol from their parents’,
or even put another person in jeopardy by asking someone who is twenty-one to illegally purchase the
alcohol for the underage drinkers. While all the things that the article has stated are true, I thought I
would bring some of the other facts into light. Keeping the age at twenty-one makes it seems as if an
eighteen year old is not a real adult. Barring youth aged 18-20 years from drinking explains the
reasons why these youths engage in binge drinking. Writing Tips For An Argumentative Essay On
Drinking Age. Ultimately, the greatest threat to people’s safety comes, when young adults drive
home under the influence. Sample Essay On The Topic Of Lowering The Drinking Age.
The argument in favor of maintaining a higher drinking age aligns with the undeniable evidence of
the detrimental impact of alcohol on both individual health and societal well-being. By continuing
we’ll assume you’re on board with our. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Some
states like Washington had a drinking age of 21, and some, like Idaho, had a drinking age of 18.
Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt Vanderbilt University Research For Patients and Visitors Resources
for Employees and Researchers. An third, eighteen year olds may not be mature enough to know
their limitations on drinking alcoholic beverages. Dettagli della petizione Commenti Lower the US
Drinking Age to 18 Lower the US Drinking Age to 18 Lanciata 26 agosto 2018 Petizione diretta a
U.S. House of Representatives Firme: 814 Prossimo obiettivo: 1.000 814 1.000 Firme Prossimo
obiettivo Sostieni ora Firma questa petizione Perche questa petizione e importante Lanciata da Zunni
Liu I had visited Canada this Year in the August of 2018, I spent a whole month there from the 4-
24th and my name is Elise. The piece will analyze arguments for and against lowering the age,
considering factors such as alcohol-related accidents, maturity levels, and cultural attitudes towards
drinking. With all of these responsibilities that are gained, there is no logical reason on to why legal
adults should be banned from consuming alcohol. The 21 year-old drinking age breeds disrespect for
law and ethical compromises. She has an interesting take on whether this would mean that the state
would have to give up 10% of federal highway funds (the threat that the feds used to force states to
raise their drinking ages). The age of a person does not necessarily mean that they are more mature or
responsible than someone who is older. Many of these states upped the legal drinking age back to 21
as groups pressured states to take action because research showed higher fatality and accident rates
among teenager drivers during this time period. A Great Essay Example On Lowering The Drinking
Age - Poets Union. Lowering of Drinking Age: Free Persuasive Essay Sample. For those of you who
are, 18 years old you are considered adults in nearly all aspects of the law, including voting. Just
because you make something illegal it does not mean that people are just going to stop doing it.
Instead of stopping it, the prohibition will even have the effect of encouraging teenagers to drink.
The main argument in support of higher legal drinking age is that it helps to reduce road accidents
caused by the dunked youth However, if road safety is really. This percentage is higher than many
countries with a drinking age lower than 21. In the US, one cannot buy or drink alcoholic beverages
until the age of twenty-one. Paragraph 2: The ethical concerns that will be highlighted will touch on
what the National lowering the drinking age Paragraph Contents Paragraph Whether the drinking age
in the US should be lowered to 18 years or not has been a subject of intense discussion across the
US. If you were allowed to drink you would abide by the rules because you would know that you
have been given a privilege that not many other teens get and people saying that your brains aren’t
ready, what’s going on with that? In fraternities and sororities, it all happens on private property, not
public and commercial spaces, and so campus police can look the other way. Our experts will write
for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements from scratch. This concerning
trend raises questions about the appropriateness of the legal drinking age. This is a point that has
been proven time and again with other things such as prohibition. Contributors control their own
work and posted freely to our site. I was a teenager who -- to be totally honest -- engaged in a fair
share of illegal drinking. People of 19 years of age are able to enlist and fight for our country but are
unable to drink.
NYRA Debates Lower Drinking Age on Fox News - Duration: 2:43 National Youth Rights
Association. Further, young people are still experimenting with life and may be ignorant of the
effects of alcohol consumption. In the United States we know, the legal drinking age is 21. Our
reporters rely on research, expert advice and lived experiences to address all your concerns, big and
small. In the early 70 s when baby boomers were dealing with the Vietnam war there was pressure to
lower the drinking age, so many states (29 of them) lowered the. Thesis Statement Examples to
Inspire Your Next Argumentative. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. Sample Essay On The Topic Of Lowering The Drinking Age. Alcohol cause
problems to those who take it whether one is old or young; thus, maintaining the legal drinking age
at 21 may not solve problems associated with alcohol. While all the things that the article has stated
are true, I thought I would bring some of the other facts into light. This is your moment to build a
happier, healthier life — and HuffPost is here to help you do it. If you were allowed to drink you
would abide by the rules because you would know that you have been given a privilege that not
many other teens get and people saying that your brains aren’t ready, what’s going on with that? One
of the most famous “drinks” is called “ jungle juice ”: trash barrels filled with random spirits and
mixtures, consumed one red cup at a time. This percentage is higher than many countries with a
drinking age lower than 21. The mere fact that these young adults are experimenting with alcohol
through illegal means pose trouble for both the government and parents alike. As a result, most
young people below age of 21years are tempted to experiment with alcohol. Here given is a
proofread essay example about Lowering the Drinking Age Don t hesitate to use this plagiarism free
essay example at your convenience. Sample Essay On The Topic Of Lowering The Drinking Age.
NYRA Debates Lower Drinking Age on Fox News - Duration: 2:43 National Youth Rights
Association. This includes barring young adults aged below 21years from drinking. An illustrative
case is that of Brendan Harris, a fifteen-year-old who was convicted of murdering Sophie Lancaster
in a Lanarkshire park after consuming an excessive amount of alcohol. As an American who spent
half a year living in France and traveling through other European countries with about a dozen other
American college students, I can tell you the difference between the way they drink and the way we
drink is akin to comparing someone who enjoys an after-dinner mint to the fat kid who dove
headfirst into Willy Wonka's chocolate river. Paragraph 2: The ethical concerns that will be
highlighted will touch on what the National lowering the drinking age Paragraph Contents Paragraph
Whether the drinking age in the US should be lowered to 18 years or not has been a subject of
intense discussion across the US. However, if it would be lowered to 18, then the trill of doing
something illegal would vanish. The Legal Drinking Age Should Be 18: Argumentative - Free
Essays. Sample Essay On The Topic Of Lowering The Drinking Age. The argument against changing
the legal drinking age has many issues. Their explanation was they had been exposed to alcohol
almost their entire lives, as enjoying a glass of wine at dinner is not uncommon for children as young
as 12. Lowering of Drinking Age: Free Persuasive Essay Sample. By continuing, you agree to our
Terms and Conditions.
Emotional development, organization, and planning can all be affected by early and regular alcohol
consumption. Eighty-four percent of women aged 50 and older say they oppose legislation to lower
the drinking age across the country, while roughly three in four younger women and men of any age
share this sentiment. Approximately how many drinks of any kind of alcoholic beverages did you
drink in the past SEVEN days. D5: Lowering The Drinking Age to 18 By: Ludmila Koltunova 2. 3.
4. 5. Others Personal Opinions “ Lowering the drinking age is absurd. It seems like a paradox, but it
is true: The only path toward restoring sanity in teenage drinking is greater liberty. This is not true,
and for some reason our country does not have confidence to stop underage drinking. Just because
you make something illegal it does not mean that people are just going to stop doing it. In
psychology circles, 18 year old is a teenager and this period in life revolves around searching for
identity. In the United States we know, the legal drinking age is 21. Thesis Statement Examples to
Inspire Your Next Argumentative. Through trial and error, the U.S. has found that lowering the
minimum age to match other countries does not work out well. Eliminate the thrill by lowering the
drinking age and the taboo will be gone as well, encouraging normal alcohol consumption in the
critical age bracket. Lowering the legal drinking age so that newly turned adults can drink alcohol
three years earlier is not worth the thousands the lives that it would cost. Further, young people are
still experimenting with life and may be ignorant of the effects of alcohol consumption. The National
Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 changed the legal purchase age to 21, which, made clear earlier,
reduced traffic accidents by a huge percentage. This proposal essay “Lowering Drinking Age from
21 to 18 ” takes a look at the legal age of drinking and why it should be rolled back to 18 years of
age. A Great Essay Example On Lowering The Drinking Age - Poets Union. Banning alcohol at age
18 will just make teenagers hide when they are drinking and it is more dangerous. Is this a strong
thesis statement? - The Pub - Shroomery Message Board. Free research that covers thesis statement
this research will focus on the need of on the need of lowering the drinking age to 18, because
drinking has always Countries for example Italy, China, Greece are some of the nations where the.
Here given is a proofread essay example about Lowering the Drinking Age Don t hesitate to use this
plagiarism free essay example at your convenience. Here given is a proofread essay example about
Lowering the Drinking Age Don t hesitate to use this plagiarism free essay example at your
convenience. The 21 year-old drinking age marginalizes the role of parents in the process of teaching
and encouraging responsible decisions about alcohol use. Some states in our country have had a
lowered drinking age before and I feel that one day it will be lowered again. An increase in alcohol
purchases from bars, clubs, and restaurants. In 2012, a Supreme Court ruling on Medicaid clearly
stated that the federal government could not coerce states by withdrawing funding to force
legislative action at the state level. About 10 percent of active duty military members were between
17-19 years old. The main argument in support of higher legal drinking age is that it helps to reduce
road accidents caused by the dunked youth However, if road safety is really. It allows them to forget
their worries, fit in with the crowd, and live a fast paced life. As an adult, a person can now vote,
sign contracts, get married, give sexual consent, buy cigarettes, possess a handgun and join the

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