Ama Xonia

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Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,

I hope this message finds you well. My accounts seller fulfilled was deactivated
before the deactivation of my account, and i have provided them every details root
cause, corrective and preventive measures, then after that i have not even used my
account nor even shipped any orders, I did not even used the account after the
reactivation of my seller fulfilled as i understood the amazon policy and i agreed
to it, but without even doing anything after that my whole account was deactivated
and my marketplace access was removed, now i can not even access my marketplace as
it says not authorized
We appreciate the communication regarding the deactivation of our Seller Fulfilled
status, and we fully acknowledge the reasons behind this action. We are writing to
outline the root cause of the policy violations, explain the circumstances
surrounding them, and present a comprehensive plan of action to rectify the
situation and prevent similar issues in the future.

**Root Cause Analysis:**

Our primary violation stemmed from fulfilling orders through a third party during
the Christmas season. This decision was driven by the USPS carrier's delivery date,
which didn't align with customers' expected dates. In an attempt to meet customer
expectations, we fulfilled orders directly from Regrettably, this was
done without a proper understanding of Amazon's dropshipping policy.

Furthermore, we made the critical mistake of using fake tracking details for order
confirmation in some instances. Although we later updated these with valid tracking
IDs provided by, we understand the gravity of this error and its impact
on our Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) and overall account health.

**Immediate Corrective Actions:**

We take full responsibility for the lapses in our operations and have implemented
several corrective measures to address the issues raised:

1. **Discontinued Engagement with Non-Compliant VA:**

- We terminated our contract with the Virtual Assistant (VA) responsible for the
non-compliant activities, removing them from Seller Central user permissions.

2. **Ceased Amazon to Amazon Dropshipping:**

- We have stopped dropshipping from Amazon to Amazon, ensuring that all products
in our inventory comply with Amazon's Fair Shipping Policy.

3. **Updated Tracking Details:**

- We have diligently updated tracking details for orders with initially invalid
information, ensuring compliance with Amazon's dropshipping policy and Business
Solution Agreement.

4. **Refunded Customers Affected by Price Fluctuations:**

- Customers whose orders experienced price fluctuations have been promptly
refunded to ensure satisfaction, aligning with Amazon's customer-centric approach.

5. **Removed Unsuitable Products from Inventory:**

- Products that required sourcing from Amazon to meet urgent delivery timelines
have been removed from our inventory. We are actively searching for reliable
suppliers to avoid such issues in the future.

**Preventive Measures and Policy Adherence:**

To prevent a recurrence of policy violations, we have instituted the following

1. **Enhanced Training and Knowledge:**

- Our team is undergoing comprehensive training on FBM, order fulfillment,
shipping, and inventory management. We are committed to understanding and adhering
to Amazon's dropshipping policies.

2. **Improved Account Health Monitoring:**

- We recognize the need for rigorous daily checks of our account health
dashboard and order queue in Seller Central. We have addressed this by enhancing
monitoring protocols and increasing staff involvement.

3. **Proactive Policy Review:**

- We have conducted a thorough review of Amazon's policies, including the Seller
Code of Conduct, Drop Shipping Policy, and Valid Tracking Rate requirements. This
knowledge will be ingrained in our operations moving forward.

**Future Actions:**
Looking ahead, we commit to the following actions to ensure compliance and maintain
a healthy seller account:

1. **Traceable Shipping Details:**

- We will provide complete and accurate information on fulfillment, order
status, and tracking, making this information publicly available for customer

2. **Avoid Sourcing Products from Amazon:**

- We have decided not to source products from Amazon and have secured our own
warehouse facility to fulfill orders, preventing a repeat of the recent issues.

3. **Create Listings According to Policies:**

- New listings will be created in strict adherence to Amazon's policies,
avoiding misuse of ASIN variations and providing accurate product information.

4. **Warehousing Facility:**
- We have secured a warehouse and plan to fulfill orders from our facility,
minimizing reliance on third-party sourcing.

5. **Enroll in FBA for Specific Products:**

- For products prone to fulfillment issues, we plan to enroll in FBA services to
enhance order fulfillment capabilities.

6. **Standard Processors for Account Health Monitoring:**

- Our team will continuously monitor Amazon's policies and take immediate action
to prevent any direct or indirect policy violations.

We sincerely apologize for the violations and any inconvenience caused. Our
commitment to rectifying the issues and preventing future occurrences is
unwavering. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in reinstating our
Seller Fulfilled status.

We appreciate your communication regarding the recent product condition complaints,

and we are committed to providing you with detailed information to address the
concerns raised.

**1. Greater Detail on the Issues:**

The primary issues leading to complaints about receiving the wrong item can be
traced back to our inadvertent violation of Amazon's dropshipping policy. During
the Christmas season, we faced challenges with the USPS carrier's delivery date
misalignment, prompting us to fulfill orders directly from
Unfortunately, this led to customers receiving items with Amazon's seller name
instead of ours, violating Amazon's policy and causing confusion.

Additionally, our use of fake tracking details for order confirmation further
complicated matters, impacting the Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) and overall account

**2. Actions Taken to Resolve the Issues:**

In response to the identified issues, we have implemented a series of corrective

- **Discontinued Engagement with Non-Compliant VA:**

- We terminated our contract with the Virtual Assistant (VA) responsible for
the non-compliant activities, removing them from Seller Central user permissions.

- **Ceased Amazon to Amazon Dropshipping:**

- We have stopped dropshipping from Amazon to Amazon, ensuring that all
products in our inventory comply with Amazon's Fair Shipping Policy.

- **Updated Tracking Details:**

- We diligently updated tracking details for orders with initially invalid
information, ensuring compliance with Amazon's dropshipping policy and Business
Solution Agreement.

- **Refunded Customers Affected by Price Fluctuations:**

- Customers whose orders experienced price fluctuations have been promptly
refunded to ensure satisfaction, aligning with Amazon's customer-centric approach.

- **Removed Unsuitable Products from Inventory:**

- Products that required sourcing from Amazon to meet urgent delivery
timelines have been removed from our inventory. We are actively searching for
reliable suppliers to avoid such issues in the future.

- **Enhanced Training and Knowledge:**

- Our team is undergoing comprehensive training on FBM, order fulfillment,
shipping, and inventory management. We are committed to understanding and adhering
to Amazon's dropshipping policies.

- **Improved Account Health Monitoring:**

- We recognize the need for rigorous daily checks of our account health
dashboard and order queue in Seller Central. We have addressed this by enhancing
monitoring protocols and increasing staff involvement.

- **Proactive Policy Review:**

- We have conducted a thorough review of Amazon's policies, including the
Seller Code of Conduct, Drop Shipping Policy, and Valid Tracking Rate requirements.
This knowledge will be ingrained in our operations moving forward.

**3. Steps Taken to Prevent Future Issues:**

To prevent customers from receiving the wrong item in the future, we are committed
to the following measures:

- **Traceable Shipping Details:**

- We will provide complete and accurate information on fulfillment, order
status, and tracking, making this information publicly available for customer

- **Avoid Sourcing Products from Amazon:**

- We have decided not to source products from Amazon and have secured our own
warehouse facility to fulfill orders, preventing a repeat of the recent issues.
- **Create Listings According to Policies:**
- New listings will be created in strict adherence to Amazon's policies,
avoiding misuse of ASIN variations and providing accurate product information.

- **Warehousing Facility:**
- We have secured a warehouse and plan to fulfill orders from our facility,
minimizing reliance on third-party sourcing.

- **Enroll in FBA for Specific Products:**

- For products prone to fulfillment issues, we plan to enroll in FBA services
to enhance order fulfillment capabilities.

- **Standard Processors for Account Health Monitoring:**

- Our team will continuously monitor Amazon's policies and take immediate
action to prevent any direct or indirect policy violations.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused to customers, and we are fully
committed to rectifying the issues and preventing future occurrences. Your
understanding and cooperation in resolving this matter are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

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