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Dear Amazon Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention the issue that has
caused my Amazon account, "xperience_me," to be deactivated for the past three months. After
extensive analysis, I have identified and rectified the root cause of the problem, and I would like
to request the reactivation of my account.

Upon investigation, I discovered that my account was linked with two other accounts – one
belonging to a close friend's child and another associated with Cheap Hut Ltd. The linking
occurred because my friend's child had used my credit card information on both accounts,
leading to the deactivation of my account due to the dual linkage issue.

To resolve this matter, I have permanently closed the account associated with the email and am in the process of closing the account with the email I have attached a screenshot for your confirmation and review.

In addition to taking these corrective actions, I have implemented several preventive measures
to ensure the security of my account in the future:

1. **New Debit Card:** I have obtained a new debit card from my bank, ensuring that my old
card details are no longer in use.

2. **Transaction Notifications:** I have instructed my bank to send me notifications for every

transaction on my account. This additional layer of security will enable me to promptly approve
or deny any transactions, reducing the risk of unauthorized use.

3. **Password Change and 2-Factor Authentication:** I have changed the password for my
personal account and activated 2-factor authentication to enhance the security of my Amazon

4. **Communication with Friends:** I have discussed this issue with my friend, and they are now
aware of the situation. We have established clear communication channels to address any
potential concerns in the future.

I understand the importance of maintaining a secure environment for all Amazon users, and I
assure you that I am committed to preventing any recurrence of such issues. I kindly request the
reactivation of my account so that I can resume my FBA journey on Amazon and continue
providing excellent service to both customers and the platform.

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and would be grateful for your understanding
and assistance in resolving this issue.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Xperience me

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