Pre-Writing Task 3-1

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Planning your own story – Content

I. Orientation
i. What is the central point or theme of the story?
(e.g. friendship/revenge/loss of a family member/something left unfinished)
Revenge for his granny and other ghost residents in the Ghost
World version Kowloon walled City to the gangs .

ii. What happened in the beginning of the story?
1. Who was the main character?

Main Character Profile

Name: ______________________
Steve Age: _____ Sex: M / F
... D

He is average built He is freckled

Physical appearance: ______________________________________
and has a small nose Straight hair, black


He usually wear clothing like t-shirt and

He likes
helping ppl He hates
Likes and dislikes: _____________________________________________________________

bully ,

Personality: ___________________________________________________________________
out .
, kind

A description of a character’s physical appearance might include:

body heavy/thin, of average built/well-built, muscular, bony, skinny, etc.
freckled, pimpled, scarred, bearded, small nose, thick/thin lips, straight/crooked
teeth, pointy chin, square jaw, red cheeks, shiny forehead, etc.
hair straight, curly, blonde, grey, silver, white, shaved head, bald, etc.
eyes round/narrow, brown, blue, a black eye, bags under the eyes, thick eyebrows, etc.
clothing white shirt, blue jeans, grey jacket, long dress, black hat, red scarf, old shoes, etc.

2. Who were the other characters?

Jane the
Granny She is a ghost and lived in

Kowloon Walled
City when she was alive,
3. Where did the story take place?
Kowloon Walled
City Park
4. When did the story happen?

iii. Choose a way to begin your story and write your opening here.

II. Complication
i. What problems/conflicts did the main character face? Did the main character have
a different value, viewpoint or interest from other characters?
(e.g. The main character was accused of a crime he/she didn’t commit.)

III. Series of Events

i. What happened to the main character?
ii. What were the things that build up the tension?
(e.g. Other characters had opposing goals which might affect the main characters.)

Event 1: _________________________________________________________
Event 2: _________________________________________________________

IV. Resolution
i. How did the main character solve the problems/conflicts?

Below Average (1M) Average (2M) Good (3M)

Series of events
Total (30 marks) ________________/15 x 2 = ________________

E. Accuracy
I. Use descriptive language
i. Five senses
ii. Vivid wordings and actions (please refer to your additional vocabulary list for action
II. Use simple wordings and shorter sentences (please refer to the story sample for
III. Tenses – Read the short story, ‘Skeleton On the Dunny’, and answer the following
i. Which tense is mainly used in the story?
ii. Why does the writer use this tense form?
To talk about things that happened in the past and are now completed.
iii. What are the tenses used in the dialogue? Why?
 Simple present – to talk about facts, habitual actions
 Present Continuous – to talk about things that are happening at the moment of
 Simple past – to talk about things that happened in the past and are now completed
 Simple future – to talk about things that will happen in the future


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