IMA Roadmap 2050 Bleed 22092014 Web

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Imagine the Future with

Industrial Minerals
2050 Roadmap

Together for a Sustainable Future


Table of Contents

Executive Summary: The 2050 Roadmap at a Glance 4

Foreword 8

Why this Roadmap? 10

Why Industrial Minerals Matter 14

Imagine the Future 18

Industrial Minerals and the European Economy in 22

2050: Our Vision

2050 Roadmap: Making the Vision Real 24

On the Road to 2050: Heading towards a low carbon 28


 In 2050: Specific energy consumption reduced by


 In 2050: Reduced transport emissions

 In 2050: Local extraction and use of industrial


On the Road to 2050: Innovative technologies and 32

sustainable products

 In 2050: A true materials science industry

 In 2050: Greater benefits to society from multi-

functional industrial minerals

 In 2050: Enabling users to improve their own


On the Road to 2050: Contributing to a resource 36

efficient economy

 In 2050: Towards a zero waste business model

 In 2050: A 20% improvement in recycling of

industrial minerals

On the Road to 2050: Protecting and promoting 40


On the Road to 2050: Engaging with local 44

communities and the workforce

 In 2050: Improved working conditions

Partnering with Policy-Makers 48

Conclusion 52

The Industrial Minerals 2050


Executive Summary
This roadmap outlines the industrial minerals sector's response to the European Commission's “Roadmap for
moving to a competitive, low-carbon economy in 2050” and the “Flagship initiative for a resource-efficient
Europe”. It defines how the sector can contribute to achieving the goals established in those documents. It
looks at:

 The role industrial minerals play in today's  The steps the industrial minerals industry will
economy take to meet that demand in an innovative,
sustainable, resource-efficient way
 A vision of society in 2050 and its demand for
industrial minerals  The support required from policy makers if
the vision is to become reality.
6 Executive Summary

Where are we now? will all rely on materials and energy Reducing transport emissions –
in which industrial minerals play a Changing from truck-based freight to
Industrial minerals are vital to key role. rail and barge will lead to reduced
Europe's economy CO2 emissions.
They are everywhere in our daily lives
from the rubber, plastics, glass and Industrial minerals Vision Extracting locally – Facilitating
steel in automobiles to the wires and for 2050 extraction permits, where possible,
optic fibre cables in information close to industrial clusters will reduce
technology. They are essential to With the right policies and the need for transportation.
construction, ceramics, detergents, partnerships in place our vision is
of an industrial minerals sector On the Road to 2050: Innovative
paints and coatings, paper,
with: technologies and sustainable
packaging and almost every other
manufacturing sector.  enhanced resource efficiency
A true materials science industry –
Industrial minerals are  improved recycling, recovery The industrial minerals sector has
increasingly essential to high-tech and re-use to make the most started to evolve towards a
as well as environmentally efficient use of minerals “materials science” industry and this
friendly products and technologies produced will accelerate as new technologies
such as wind turbines and continue to transform the way we
 increased demand from
photovoltaic panels. Industrial work and live.
innovative, multifunctional
minerals play a significant role in the
product applications
transition to a low-carbon economy. Multifunctional industrial minerals –
 better access to minerals Thanks to the multiple properties of
The industrial minerals industry is based on well-established raw industrial minerals, many new uses
a major European employer and material policy will be developed in the future.
GDP contributor
 highly-skilled jobs kept in
With 42.500 people directly Customers will increasingly be able
employed, 30 million jobs in to identify the product that provides
downstream industries depending  Europe setting an example in them with the best performance.
on mineral raw materials, and a 10 industry best practices
billion euro contribution to Europe's Enabling users to improve their own
 continuous engagement with
GDP, industrial minerals are at the efficiency – Through the industrial
local communities and
heart of EU manufacturing. They are minerals wide ranging properties,
a foundation stone of smart, quality and longevity of products can
innovative growth in Europe. be increased, thereby cutting overall
How will we get there? consumption as well as contributing
to higher resource efficiency.
Where will we be in 2050? Making the Vision Real
On the Road to 2050: Contributing
New technological developments On the Road to 2050: Heading to a resource efficient economy
will fuel a marked global increase towards a low carbon economy
Maximise resources Maximising resources – The minerals
in minerals demand
sector is driven by resource
Demand for goods and raw materials Reducing the specific energy efficiency. But this does not
will increase in tandem with a global consumption by half – Many existing necessarily mean using less. What
rise in population of 40%. By 2050 technologies to improve energy really matters is using better. The
technological innovations in sectors efficiency in the industrial minerals Industrial minerals sector
such as construction, and sector, for example grinding contributes to resource efficiency at
transportation will make increasing efficiency techniques, thermal every stage of the supply chain:
use of industrial minerals. Buildings processes, energy recovery and
will last longer and require less closed circuits, will continue to From the mine site – where new
maintenance thanks to the evolve. These and other technologies technologies will continue to save
functionalities of mineral raw will contribute in the reduction of the water and energy while increasing
materials. Energy-efficient cars, industry's specific energy the rate of marketable materials –
trains, and even space transportation consumption. 7

through the value chain, reducing the communities' needs and of an A shift from road to water and rail
consumption by improving the industry which cannot choose where transport
performance of the end product. it mines. There must be a shift from road to
Waste is given a value by supplying water and rail transport where
less valuable but optimum grades to Improving working conditions – The possible, requiring investment in a
downstream markets and improved sector has introduced a global effort Single European Transport Area.
recovery and recycling of industrial to improve safety through the IMA-
minerals through the products that Europe Target Zero Injury Strategy. Easier access procedures
contain them. Uniform access to raw materials in all
New technologies will make the Member States needs to be
Towards a zero-waste business sector safer. Automated processes achieved. EU Member States should
model – By developing new uses for and geolocation will be fully facilitate permitting requirements
mined materials and using by- developed, reducing the workers' and procedures – including in
products in new applications, waste exposure to safety and health risks. protected areas – to allow economic
can be considered a resource. The growth and regional development.
formation of integrated industrial
Partnership with policy Process simplification
clusters will also allow waste from
one process to become a valuable makers is essential - What A “one-stop shop” approach will
simplify the permitting process
raw material for another. we need...
based on the principle of parallel
Improving recycling by 20% – An Policy makers and legislators must processing and full cooperation
estimated 60% of all industrial contribute to building an innovative between authorities.
minerals consumed in Europe are and competitive European minerals
already recycled along with the glass, Continued availability of skills and
sector through policy measures
paper, plastics or concrete in which brains
they are used. Cooperation between industry and
A stable, predictable and academia is key to ensuring highly
These rates will improve. favourable business environment trained and motivated personnel for
A coherent industrial policy is vital the industrial minerals sector.
Some products that are hardly
for competitiveness, sustainable
recycled today will progressively be R&D partnerships to promote
growth and employment, supporting
recycled. innovation
innovation and investment by new
There must be ongoing support for
The industrial minerals industry will industries and traditional ones.
innovation via the promotion of
work in partnership with research and development
Realistic taxation levels
downstream industries on processes partnerships with the emphasis on
Corporate and environmental
to increase recyclability. market-driven research, to bring
taxation should not endanger
industry's competitiveness. innovative products to market more
On the Road to 2050: Protecting
and promoting biodiversity
Competitive energy prices
Open surface mining often provides
The creation of a single energy
perfect conditions for unique habitat
market and the development of
creation and the sector will continue
affordable alternative sources of
to take great care to minimise the
energy will enable energy prices be
environmental impact of its
more competitive.
A value chain approach
On the Road to 2050: Engaging
Europe's industry clusters can give an
with local communities and the
important competitive edge.
Integrated thinking will allow for
It wants to work in even closer
cross-industry collaboration with
partnership with local communities
improved land and materials use.
to foster mutual understanding of


It is true that 2050 might seem a long way off. However we, as Europeans, have decided to set ambitious
objectives for 2050. We are working together to put into place the right measures and necessary
transformations to reach those objectives. For us, 2050 is, in fact, tomorrow.

The industrial minerals industry provides the raw materials that make up the goods we use in everyday life.
Most of the time, the end consumer cannot see them, or feel them. Yet a family house contains up to 150
tonnes of minerals in the cement, plaster, glass, paint, ceramics, tiles and steel that it is made of. Industrial
minerals are, literally, essential to our lives.

Many industries rely on them, not only to manufacture their products but also to improve their properties or
the performance of their processes. The industrial minerals sector is one of the drivers of EU competitiveness
and, as such, plays a crucial part in reaching the EU's objectives for 2050.

With this roadmap, producers of industrial minerals invite policy makers, EU citizens, downstream users and
all the players in the transition to a greener economy to acknowledge that this transition cannot be made
without industrial minerals, or even, as is commonly suggested, by "using less” when it comes to industrial
minerals. They are also essential to a better, greener future.

For many years, our sector has been promoting “better” exploitation of resources, not only in our own
businesses, but also down the value chain. Our commitment goes far beyond the mining and processing on
our sites and minimising the impacts of our activities on our surroundings.

We feel responsible for reaching the EU's objectives for 2050. But we share this responsibility with the policy
makers who are shaping Europe's challenging transition to a greener economy. Making the future sustainable
starts with keeping our sector strong to provide the resources that the next generations will need.

We invite our readers to discover the world of industrial minerals today, and in the future. We wish everyone
an interesting, truly informative read.

Daniel J. Reuss Michelle Wyart-Remy

IMA-Europe President IMA-Europe Secretary General

“Raw materials are the lifeblood of EU industry: at least

30 million jobs in the EU depend upon access to them”
European Commission i

Why This Roadmap?


The EU acknowledges This EU Roadmap identifies the

main emission contributing
the importance of raw sectors – power generation,
materials industry, transport, buildings
and construction, and
In 2008, the role raw materials
agriculture – and establishes
play in stimulating growth and
2050 targets in terms of
jobs was acknowledged in the
greenhouse gas emissions (80%
European Commission's
cut from 1990 levels) and
Communication on the Raw
energy consumption (30% cut
Materialsii Initiative which
from 2005 levels).
aimed at improving access to
Raw Materials in Europe on a
three-pillar based approach:

 ensuring a level playing A low carbon and resource-

field in access to
efficient economy needs
resources in third
countries industrial minerals

 fostering the sustainable

supply of raw materials
from European sources
 boosting resource
Industrial minerals are already
efficiency and promoting
proving to be a key element in
the technologies needed for the
transition to a competitive, low
carbon economy.
EU plans for a resource-
efficient low-carbon
Europe Plans for a
In its 2020 strategy iii, the
European Union sets out
ambitious plans for smart, The 2010 industrial policy
sustainable and inclusive flagship initiative, updated in
economic growth. 2012 and reinforced in 2014
with a Communication by the
The overall plan outlined in the
European Commission “for a
Flagship Initiative for a
European Industrial
Resource Efficient Europe iv is to
Renaissance” vi, paves the way
achieve sustainable growth by
for the gradual re-
promoting better use of
industrialisation of the
resources and reducing their
European Union, to bring back
environmental impact by 2050.
industry's weight to 20% of EU
The European Union also has its GDP by 2020, from less than
own Roadmapv charting the way 16% now.
to a competitive, low carbon
economy in 2050.
12 Why This Roadmap?

The industrial They are also at the heart of

European innovation; they are
minerals sector - A essential to high-tech
committed player sustainable technologies – such
as wind, solar power and
The industrial minerals industry
electronics – and offer
has taken seriously its role and
environmentally friendly
contributes to these recent
options – such as gas and water
policy developments.
treatment and self-cleaning
Industrial Minerals – The efficient use of Europe's
Raw materials for industrial mineral resources is
European industry already a key business driver
within the sector.
Industrial Minerals are at the
centre of Europe's economy.

Industrial minerals are a major

GDP contributor
IMA-Europe represents:

 500 member companies.

 685 mines and quarries and 750 plants
 42,000 people employed in 28 European countries
 80 million tons of minerals produced per year
 10 billion Euros contributed per year to Europe's GDP

The aim of this roadmap is to outline the industrial minerals

sector's response to the European Commission's “Flagship
Initiative on a resource-efficient Europe” and its “Roadmap for
moving to a competitive, low-carbon economy in 2050”. It
defines how the sector can contribute to achieving the goals
set out in those documents.

It looks at:

 The role industrial minerals play in today's economy

 A vision of society in 2050 and the demand for industrial
 The steps the industrial minerals industry will take to
meet that demand in an innovative, sustainable,
resource-efficient way
 The support required from policy makers to ensure that
the vision becomes reality 13

“When I look around, it's amazing to think how many

industrial minerals are hidden. In fact, our world is
made of them.”
Nicolas Goffaux, Geology student, KU Leuven

Why Industrial
Minerals Matter

Industrial minerals are a natural polypropylene

resource present in practically automotive components
every single manufactured such as bumpers,
product we use in our daily dashboards and interior
lives. They are an indispensable trim.
part of many industrial
 Wind turbine blades are
processes and are thus vital to
essentially fibreglass
Europe's economy.
which contains almost
Industrial minerals are also 100% minerals (kaolin,
essential components of borates, alumina, lime,
today's most eco-efficient silica sand, soda ash,
products and technologies: calcium carbonate,
 A family house contains
On the road to 2050, the role
up to 150 tons of
played by industrial minerals in
minerals in cement,
continuing to create smart,
glass, paint, ceramics,
multifunctional materials and
tiles, etc...
products will be an essential
 A car contains up to element of sustainable,
250kg of minerals in innovative growth in Europe.
rubber, plastics, glass,
fibreglass and steel. Talc
and other mineral fillers
are notably used to
improve the impact
strength of

Industrial minerals are minerals, which may be used

in an industrial process directly due to its chemical/physical
properties. Industrial minerals are used in a range of
industrial applications including the manufacture of steel,
chemicals, glass, fertilisers and fillers in pharmaceuticals
and cosmetics, ceramics, plastics, paint, paper, and the
treatment of gases and waste, etc. Industrial minerals
include barites, bentonite, borates, clays, diatomite,
feldspar, fluorspar, gypsum, limestone, silica sand, talc,
and many others. Report on Critical Raw Materials
for the EU. vii
16 Why Industrial Minerals Matter?

Clays, sand, feldspar, kaolin,
perlite and other minerals
are basic components of all
construction materials

Industrial minerals
(bentonite, zeolite) are used
in detergents for bleaching
and adsorption

Information technology:
Industrial minerals are in
wires and optic fibre cables.
Smart phones and tablets
use high purity silica, low
iron silica, borates, graphite,
lithium, and talc.

Oil well drilling, shale gas:

Use of bentonite in oil well
drilling and frac sands and
ceramic proppants (silica,
kaolin, bauxite) for shale gas

Pottery, tableware and tiles
are all made of 100%

Environmental Engineering:
Industrial minerals are
crucial in water
management, from drinking
water purification to waste
water treatment. Silica sands
are used as filters. Perlite,
zeolites and talc as
flocculants or adsorbents,
bentonite as a degreasing
agent, calcium carbonate as
a neutralising agent.

Metal Casting & Foundry:

In the foundry sector casting
is traditionally carried out in
moulds made of silica and
other industrial minerals
bonded by bentonite. 17

Paints & Coatings:

Industrial minerals
determine many of paint's
properties: gloss, opacity,
flow, film toughness,
permeability, resistance.

The glass industry is a prime
market for industrial
minerals, for silica sand,
limestone, feldspar and soda
ash. The colour, brightness
and resistance of the glass
rely on the properties of the
mineral used.

Up to fifty percent of paper
is made from industrial
minerals. The principal
minerals used- mainly as
fillers or coatings- are kaolin,
talc, ground calcium
carbonate, precipitated
calcium carbonate and

Industrial minerals make
environment friendly food
packaging. A grease
resistant pizza box can be
made with a mineral-based
coating instead of wax
reducing carbon footprint.

The central system
processor of a computer is
composed of silicon,
extracted from extremely
pure silica sand or massive
quartz rocks.

Plastics & Polymers:

Polymeric resins are
generally filled or reinforced
with industrial minerals. Talc
and calcium carbonate give
plastic garden tables and
chairs their strength.

“Europe's vision of inclusive growth will require the

construction of buildings, schools, hospitals,
transportation systems and all kind of services and
infrastructure. All that will require industrial minerals. It
is as simple as that."
Thierry Salmona, Imerys

Imagine the Future


The world is changing fast with minerals, will be required to

a rapidly expanding population. adapt to this changing world

The UN estimates that by 2050 Transportation and buildings

the global population will rise are just some examples of
by 40% to 9.6 billion people. viii crucial elements in the move to
a low carbon economy, where
While projections for European industrial minerals are used
population growth are lower (at extensively.
10%), the population is getting
older with the fastest growing
segment being people aged 60 Imagine how we will
and older.
live and work ….
Overall, the planet will be a far
In 2050, with more of us living
more crowded and urbanised
in urban areas, there will be
place. It's expected that by
more skyscrapers, multi-story
2050, around 70% of the
and compact buildings
population will live in cities with
designed to use less water and
an increasing middle class.
energy. Buildings will need less
Global economic growth is maintenance and will last
expected to be driven by Asia longer by making optimum use
and, as people in these of the functionalities of mineral
buoyant economies become raw materials.
wealthier, there will be a
An ageing population will bring
greater demand for goods and
its own set of demands and
consequently for raw materials.
healthcare will become even
At the same time, the ever more important.
growing need for food and
The renewable energy market
agricultural products may
will be mature and industrial
create competition for land and
minerals will continue to play a
access to water among different
major role in the provision of
industry sectors.
alternative energy technologies,
Innovative technologies , many such as wind turbines and solar
of which will be impossible to panels.
develop without industrial

Industrial minerals are vital for our healthcare.

Borates allow smart targeting of cancer cells.
Calcium Carbonate is an essential ingredient in
20 Imagine The Future

Imagine how we will against corrosion. Lime is

essential in the production of
travel …. steel and quartz is used as a
Smaller, cheaper, more filler to give the epoxy resin
energy-efficient cars. A new coating its stability and
generation of cars will use even durability.
more industrial minerals. The
Space travel – a reality.
engine may be ceramic, the
A rapid growth in space travel is
chassis may be reinforced with
expected - for science and
mineral fillers, tyres filled with
tourism- thanks to advances in
nano-sized carbon, batteries
materials technology which will
from metal hydride fuel cells.
greatly improve fuel efficiency.
A new generation of trams, For instance, industrial minerals
metros and trains are likely are used in sophisticated
to use electromagnetic systems such as in the solar cell
levitation. Industrial minerals diode used to generate voltage
are used in the production of in space.
the steel stator pack with a
resin coating which protects

Industrial Minerals are crucial in water management.

Bentonite, Calcium Carbonate, Lime and Silica are
used to purify water.
Diatomite is used to filter microbials from drinking
water. 21

It is all possible
With an expanding population the demands on
industrial minerals are growing too. But with fair access
to raw materials, the sector will be well placed to supply
Europe's innovative industries with the materials they
need to build a sustainable future for us all.

Industrial Minerals and

the European Economy
in 2050

Our Vision
Industrial Minerals making the future happen

With the right policies and Better access to

partnerships in place, the
Industrial Minerals sector will
continue to have a crucial place An appropriate raw materials
in the EU economy in 2050, policy framework will guarantee
helping to support a European a sustainable supply of raw
economy which is: materials from European
sources with easy access to
 resource efficient
mineral deposits.
 low-carbon
 highly innovative
Keeping highly skilled
 competitive jobs in Europe
The industrial minerals sector
Enhanced resource will be strongly anchored in
efficiency Europe and its research and
innovation facilities will provide
Europe will have moved to ever excellent employment
more sustainable practices, opportunities. There will be
making better use of its training and career-
resources throughout the whole development programmes for
life-cycle of products, and the increasingly sophisticated
“closing the loop” whenever and highly skilled workforce.

Europe setting an
Even more recycling example
The sector, in collaboration with European companies will be
downstream users, will have leading the exchange of best
significantly improved the practices and product
recycling rates of products. innovation all over the world,
benefiting the global
Increased demand
from innovative
applications Engaging with local
There will be an increase in
demand for primary raw Industrial minerals producers
materials for innovative and will continue to work in close
high-tech applications as well as partnership with local
for construction to meet the communities, to build public
needs of the growing and infrastructure and services, to
ageing population. provide jobs, and contribute to
environmental protection.

“The minerals business is driven by resource efficiency.

But resource efficiency isn't just about using less. That's
only part of the solution. What really matters is “using
better” and that's something which makes sense for
every single industrial minerals company in Europe”
Michelle Wyart-Remy, IMA-Europe Secretary General

2050 Roadmap

Making the vision real

Resources. Not just It starts at the mine site:

Resource efficiency starts with
using less, but using sustainable mining and
better processing. Producing the
required quality and saving
Resource efficiency starts at the
energy and water through new
mine site: a well operated mine
technologies increases the rate
or quarry yields higher volumes
of marketable ore.
of marketable minerals, whilst
using less energy and fewer Creating value through the
resources. Mine and quarry value chain: Minerals
lifetimes can be extended and contribute to creating value
productivity boosted by using throughout the product value
state-of-the-art technologies chain. By improving the quality
such as electrostatic separation and performance of the end
and optical sorting to maximise product, minerals reduce
mineral recovery rates. consumption. They also enable
savings in the downstream
The industrial minerals sector
industry's production
aims to be increasingly
processes, whilst improving the
resource-efficient at every stage
performance of the
of the supply chain: from the
applications they contribute
extraction of raw materials
towards developing.
through their use in products
and processes to the recycling Giving waste a value:
of the end products. Optimising resource
management through the
In so doing the industrial
valorisation of by-products and
minerals sector:
waste contributes to reducing
 reduces the impact on waste streams. Less valuable
the environment by but optimum grades are
reducing the amount of supplied to the appropriate
water and energy downstream markets,
consumed at its sites increasing mining productivity.

 participates in the Recycling: Industrial minerals

development of are recovered through the
innovative techniques recycling of materials from the
and sustainable products products in which they are
with its customers used. Minerals are recycled at a
 enables resource savings rate of up to 60% at the current
through the recycling of recycling rate of their
the products they are applications.
contained in
 preserves eco-systems,
and enhances
 engages with
26 2050 Roadmap

A holistic approach

Considering the absolute consumption of raw

materials as a guideline to a product's
efficiency will lead to wrong conclusions. In the
case of industrial minerals, “using less” is only
part of the solution.

Addressing resource efficiency from a holistic

point of view, which considers the full life cycle
of a product along the entire value chain,
allows its environmental footprint to be
analysed and reduced at every stage, from
cradle to cradle.

The sector is working at EU level, through IMA-

Europe, Life Cycle Inventory studies for its
products. Data collected at the extraction and
processing stages allow the environmental
impact of products containing industrial
minerals to be assessed and for action to be
taken to reduce the overall environmental

Industrial Minerals play an important role in schools

and universities.
Borates make laboratory glassware heat resistant.
Bentonite is used to help ink flow and to help it
penetrate the paper. 27

Many technologies to improve energy and resource

efficiency and to reduce CO2 emissions are already
available and will continue to evolve within the industrial
minerals sector.

On the road to 2050


Heading towards
a low carbon economy

In 2050: Specific efficient than road transport.

Facilitating and investing in rail
energy consumption and barge transport will lead to
reduced by half a reduction in CO2 emissions
and energy use. This, however,
Many technologies to improve
will largely depend on the
energy and resource efficiency
public infrastructure available.
and to reduce CO2 emissions
are already available and will
continue to evolve within the In 2050: Local
industrial minerals sector.
extraction and use of
Grinding efficiency techniques
and thermal processes, energy industrial minerals
recovery and closed circuits are
Facilitating extraction
just some examples.
permitting procedures close to
Developments like these
the areas that need the raw
should allow the sector's
materials where possible, and
specific energy consumption to
thus, avoiding long distance
be reduced by a factor of two
transportation, will also
by 2050.
contribute to a significant
In addition, the consumption of decrease in emissions by 2050.
renewable energy, which is
currently used wherever
possible, will increase Transport via waterways
dramatically in the future. For currently requires around
instance, a minerals operation 20 litres of fuel per 1,000
in southwest France owns and revenue tonne-kilometres.
runs three hydroelectric power
Rail transport needs about
stations of its own. Such
initiatives will contribute to
6.8 litres per 1,000
reducing the use of fossil fuels. tonne-kilometres and
trucking, around 50 litres
(McKinsey MGI study 2011).ix
In 2050: Reduced
transport emissions
Water and rail transport is
significantly more energy-

Most operations now employ closed-circuit systems in

which used water passes through sedimentation ponds
before being returned to the process. This results in an
extremely modest net consumption of water.
For example, the processing of one tonne of kaolin uses
some 6 m3 of water, but as much as 98% of this water
is recycled internally and re-used.
30 Heading towards a low carbon economy

Some of Today’s Examples

By exploiting the warm climate of the Greek Island of

Milos to naturally dry bentonite in open fileds,
35% less energy is used.

Harnessing solar power at a sand quarry at

Maasmechelen in Belgium.
A 1.5 hectare solar panel park at a quartz sand processing
plant is helping the operation move towards CO2 neutrality.

At a talc mine in the French Pyrenees, ore is transported

to the processing plant by cableway, rather than by truck,
providing major savings in fuel and CO2 emissions 31

The EuLA Roadmap

EuLA, the European Lime Association,
member of IMA-Europe, wrote a
Roadmap for “A Competitive and
Efficient Lime Industry – Cornerstone
for a Sustainable Europe” x. While lime
is an important enabling material for
many sectors, allowing them to
achieve functionalities with a reduced
carbon footprint, lime production is a
carbon intensive process. This
technically well-documented paper
looks at what the sector can influence
itself, discussing the different options
for CO2 emission abatement in the
lime industry via energy recovery,
energy efficiency, energy savings and
changing the fuel mix.

Industrial minerals help with our home improvements.

Calcium Carbonate shortens the drying time of
non-toxic paints.
Kaolin smooths the surfaces of sinks and baths.

“Minerals represent an important raw material in the

paper making process, they support efficient fibre use
and improve functionalities of finished paper products.”
Confederation of European Paper Industries

On the road to 2050


Innovative technologies
and sustainable products

Through their wide ranging In 2050: A true

properties, industrial minerals are
essential ingredients in
materials science
sustainable products and industry
innovative technologies.
The industrial minerals sector has
Very often these properties can started to evolve towards a
increase the quality and longevity “materials science” industry and
of products, thereby cutting overall this will accelerate as
consumption as well as developments in Information and
contributing to higher resource Communication Technologies (ICT)
efficiency. and Nanotechnology continue to
transform the way we work and
For example: live.

 Mono-crystalline solar For example:

cells require high purity
minerals such as quartz in  Nanominerals will
their manufacturing process. increasingly be found in a
Silicon solar cells are wide range of products such
produced from the chemical as memory chips, flame-
reduction of quartz. The resistant cables, sunscreens
exceptional characteristics of and other cosmetics and
quartz (resistance to heat, pharmaceuticals as well as
light transmissivity…) are lighter automotive parts.
essential to the efficiency of
photovoltaic technologies
In 2050: Greater benefits
 Car manufacturers use
industrial minerals to
to society from multi-
improve resource efficiency: functional industrial
precipitated silica and talc minerals
lower resistance in “green
tyres”, improving fuel Thanks to the multiple properties
economy. 1 kg of talc – or of industrial minerals, many new
other mineral fillers – in the uses will be developed in the
plastic part of a car helps to future.
reduce the weight of that
part by 20% which means With more precisely targeted and
less fuel used and less CO2 tailored products in terms of the
generated. physico-chemical properties
required in their application,
 Flue gas desulphurisation customers will increasingly be able
(FGD) processes make to identify the product that
extensive use of calcium provides them with the best
products (lime, limestone) performance.
for the removal of sulphur
oxides from the flue gases.
Engineering companies are
working on technologies
able to remove up to 99% of
34 Innovative technologies and sustainable products

It's all about competitiveness because we are in a global

environment. If you're European and you believe you want
to create a future for the generations to come we will
need to be active to defend our interests through innovation,
through partnership, through raising awareness, through
helping each other understand what we can offer to
society in Europe”

Daniel Reuss, Omya (IMA-Europe President)

In 2050: Enabling
users to improve their
own efficiency
They will appeal to downstream bricks, mortars and functional
users because they are fillers, which will be tailored to
lightweight, inert, recyclable, the construction,
with high strength, good manufacturing and chemical
insulators, incombustible and industries.

In the future, for example, new

spherically-shaped and closed-
structure perlite (CSP)-based
end-products will be used in
insulation panels, boards and

Industrial minerals help to improve our safety

on the road.
Borates are contained withing the chemical trigger that
inflates airbags.
Feldspar is a vital component of safety glass in
windscreens. 35

End of Life


Re-use Transport


Transport Manufacturing


On the road to 2050


Contributing to a
resource efficient economy

Moving towards a resource- This maximises the efficiency

efficient, low-carbon economy of resource use and allows the
to achieve sustainable growth industrial minerals industry to
is at the heart of the EU evolve towards a zero-waste
agenda. The European business model in which new
Commission aims at achieving market opportunities and
a circular economy that is utilisation of unused minerals
“re-using, repairing, in post-mining rehabilitation
refurbishing and recycling programmes are key.
existing materials and
products”. Thanks to new technologies,
new applications and full use
This is something the of resources, the sector
industrial minerals sector is should be able to improve its
already committing to. productivity by 1% per year.

The industry is developing

new uses for mined materials. Industrial minerals
Working on the basis of 'using
clever' and 'using again', waste
rock can be considered a Although industrial minerals
resource. themselves may not be
recyclable per se, many of
them already have second,
In 2050: Towards a third, fourth or even an
zero-waste business infinite number of lives (as it is
model the case of glass) in the
products that contain them.
In 2050, there will be a greater
trend towards the formation Today, the industrial minerals
of industrial clusters and sector estimates that up to
industrial integration, to allow 60% of all minerals consumed
waste from one process to in Europe are recycled along
become a valuable raw with the glass, paper, plastics
material for another. or concrete in which they are
used. xi

The industrial minerals industry has estimated the recycling

rates of various minerals.

Calcium Kaolin &

Lime Feldspar Talc Bentonite Silica
Carbonate Clay

68% 67% 60% 58% 50% 49% 73%

38 Contributing to a resource efficient economy

In 2050: A 20% components. This is the case

in the recycling of spent
improvement in refractory materials products
recycling of industrial used in iron and steel plants.
minerals Due to the diversity of
refractory products and the
With the creation of industry presence of varying amounts
clusters, which will provide a and types of impurities
market for recycled materials, within the used refractories,
recycling will be significantly it requires rigid control,
improved through a proper segregation and
combination of factors: handling during all phases of
 Increased recycling rates. the process. The recycled
The recycling rates of materials may be used as
products containing minerals raw materials for refractory
will improve. For instance: products, metallurgical
Up to fifty percent of paper is additives, powder coating
made from industrial applications, etc.
minerals. The principal  Increased recyclability of
minerals used- mainly as end-products. The industrial
fillers or coatings- are kaolin, minerals industry will work
talc, ground calcium on processes that increase
carbonate, precipitated recyclability as well as the
calcium carbonate and compatibility between
bentonite. Paper recycling in different products. For
Europe, now at 72%, should instance, surface chemistry
increase by a further 8%. xii applied to minerals can
 New recycled products. make polymers compatible
Some products that are with one another and
hardly recycled today are, therefore increase their
progressively, being recyclability.
recovered into mineral

Giving waste a value

When calcium carbonate is used in the de-sulphurisation
of a powerplant it produces flue gas gypsum. This is the
case at the Schwarze Pumpe powerplant in Spremberg,
the gypsum is supplied as a raw material to the Knauf
Plasterboard plant next door.

Industrial Minerals are in the operating theatre.

Kaolin provides a key component in pacemakers.
Feldspar is used to repair bones via bio-ceramic
implants. 39

“The contribution of the industrial minerals sector to

biodiversity is something it can be proud of.
Quite a number of its mining operations are next to
Natura 2000 sites and, through restoration, they are in
fact building the initial stepping stones to allow climate
change adaptation,”
Sebastian Winkler, Global Footprint Network

On the road to 2050


Protecting and
promoting biodiversity

The minerals sector cannot often provides perfect

choose where it mines – this conditions for unique habitat
depends on geology. Few creation. Especially for rare
industrial minerals lend pioneer species, which thrive on
themselves to underground the bare rocks and gravel of
mining but the sector takes open-pit mines.
great care to minimise the
environmental and visible European industrial minerals
impact of its open-cast mine producers have to submit a full
and quarry operations. restoration plan. This aims to
preserve and improve the eco-
And in terms of protecting system and fauna on-site
nature, open surface mining during and after extraction.

(picture credit: Rheinkalk)

The Eagle Owl, Europe's largest bird, had practically died out
but has now colonized several limestone quarry sites
in Belgium and Germany.

More than 700 of the UK's Sites of Special Scientific

Interest are on former quarry sites. And more and more
mineral companies around Europe now have their own
biodiversity action plans.
42 Protecting and promoting biodiversity

“The Rabenwald talc mine is located in the Pöllauer Tal

Nature Park. It is a fascinating site. Visitors to the Park and
local inhabitants alike are impressed by the mining techniques,
as well as the efforts being made to protect the biodiversity
of rehabilitated areas.”

Stephanie Schuster, Manager, Pöllauer Nature Park, Austria

Optimising land use and could be assessed for its

market value, doubling the
Although only about 0.4% of the functionality of the land used.
EU territory accounts for mining
activitiesxiv – of which only a part
represents the industrial
minerals industry – efficiency in
the sector can be improved
even further through a holistic

For example, soil moved for

large infrastructure works could
find alternative destinations

Industrial Minerals are a vital part of our daily hygiene

Calcium carbonate is used to clean and brighten our
teeth. 43

Long term studies show that the biodiversity in open pit

mining sites is even greater than in the surrounding
area. xv

A French study found that up to 50% of the country's

species could be found in existing or restored quarry
sites. xvi

“Communication and engagement with local

communities enables capacity building for effective
management of other relationships and issues”,
Michalis Stefanakis, S&B Industrial Minerals

On the road to 2050


Engaging with local

communities and the workforce

The industrial minerals sector communities’ expectations and

already enjoys fruitful of the social and economic
partnerships with people living benefits that mining and
near to extraction sites and quarrying projects can bring to
welcomes tens of thousands of local communities, as well as
visitors to its mines during the achieving recognition of their
European Minerals Day events. wider effects on downstream
Operators want to encourage industries and local, regional
dialogue to foster mutual and national economies.
understanding of the

European Minerals Day

The EMD is a biannual initiative by the European
minerals sector and related organisations,
which gives the public an opportunity to explore
the world of minerals and discover more about
an industry that affects every aspect of our lives.
The last edition of this pan-European Open Day
played host to 30.000 children and adults at over
180 sites in 21 European countries and 11 in the
rest of the world.

Industrial Minerals give us better food to eat.

Bentonite purifies oil for healthy food.
Talc provides natural UV protection for fruit as an
alternative to chemicals.
46 Engaging with local communities and the workforce

Safety – The industrial  A 50% reduction in the

IMA Lost time injury
minerals sector frequency rates (LTIFR)
commitment by 2016

The industrial minerals industry  A further 50% reduction

provides more than 40,000 jobs by 2020
across Europe and aspires to
world class safety practices. The This strategy is being
industry has introduced a global implemented through the
effort to improve safety. sharing of best practices,
dissemination of safety alerts
and data collection at sector
In 2050: Improved level.

working conditions New technologies will also

make the sector safer with the
The IMA-Europe Target Zero further development of
Injury Strategy sets an automated processes and geo-
aspirational target of zero location.
injuries for the sector, to be
reached in two phases: 47

The European Commission Vice-President and

Commissioner for Enterprise & Industry, Antonio Tajani,
visited the Omya underground mining operations in
Vipiteno, Italy, on the occasion of the European Minerals
Day Launch Event (24 May 2014).

“Our commitment as an industry can only be maintained

if certain boundary conditions are put in place. We need:
 A level playing field

 A value chain approach

 A uniform access to raw materials in all Member

Jean-Luc Deleersnyder, Sibelco Group

Partnering with

An efficient policy efficiency but also boost

economic development at
framework is needed European level.
to facilitate
The road to a competitive
sustainable growth
European industrial minerals
and competitiveness sector in 2050 depends on a
number of policy measures:
Europe has sufficient resources
of industrial minerals to serve A level playing field
growing domestic and The same principles should be
international markets if access applied to all Member States in
to these resources is ensured. the same way, as well as to
Access needs to be granted on imported goods.
a level playing field that
enhances the sector's global A stable, predictable and
competitiveness. favourable business
New mind-sets and A broad and coherent industrial
mechanisms are necessary to policy for competitiveness,
develop coordinated sustainable growth and
approaches to meet the employment will not only
increasing demand for support new industries, but also
resources in a sustainable way. enable existing, well-established
traditional industries to
Finding synergies between innovate, invest and remain
different industries and competitive within the EU.
removing barriers which
hamper the expansion of the A regulatory system for a
European resource supply will competitive Europe
not only lead to higher resource While striving to accomplish

IMA-Europe is already deeply involved in currently

ongoing European innovation initiatives:

 European Innovation partnership (EIP) on Raw


 The public-private partnership 'Association

Sustainable Process Through Resource & Energy
Efficiency' (SPIRE),
50 Partnering with Policymakers

internal goals, Europe must not be achieved. EU Member States

forget the global picture. By should facilitate permitting
implementing a smart requirements and procedures
regulation approach it will to allow economic growth and
succeed in keeping industry regional development.
strong and competitive in
Europe. Facilitated procedures
–including in protected areas–
Realistic taxation levels mean: cheaper and quicker
A similar approach is needed permitting applications as well
for corporate and as optimum timing and use of
environmental taxation: shifting mining licenses. Planning
from labour taxation to systems need to balance
environmental taxation as competing demands for land-
suggested in the Commission's use and create synergies
Roadmap to a resource-efficient between different users.
Europe, should be carefully
examined against its potentially Process simplification
severe impact on the There needs to be a “one-stop-
production and supply of shop” approach to simplify the
mineral resources in Europe, permitting process based on
and its consequences along the the principle of parallel
value chain. processing and full cooperation
between authorities which is
Competitive energy prices successfully implemented all
Prices will become more over Europe.
competitive through the
Continued availability of
creation of a single energy
skills and brains ensured
market and the development of
Europe needs to set up a
affordable alternative sources
programme to ensure the
of energy.
continued availability of skills
A value chain approach and brains. Cooperation
Europe should adopt a value between industry and academia
chain approach, whereby is key to achieving this.
industry clusters and
R&D Partnerships continue to
operations will be identified at
promote innovation
an early stage.
Innovation will remain a top
This precursory cluster setting priority for Europe and for the
will give Europe an important industrial minerals sector.
competitive edge over the rest Through the promotion of
of the world. research and development
partnerships, there should be
A shift from road transport to ongoing support for innovation.
water and rail where possible.
This will require investment in The move from academic
an improved infrastructure research to market-driven
network to create a Single research will greatly benefit the
European Transport Area. Industrial Minerals industry and
the entire value chain making
Easier access procedures sure that innovative products
Uniform access to raw materials get to market more quickly.
in all Member States needs to 51


Europe's industrial minerals sector is ready to face the challenges ahead. With an expanding population, the
demand for industrial minerals is growing too.

The industry will continue to use best available technologies and step up its efforts in terms of safety,
optimising energy efficiency, resource efficiency and recycling while developing its business model based on
an integrated, value chain approach.

Responding to society's future expectations and needs will only be possible through strong partnership with
downstream users, dialogue with communities and commitment to the workforce.

The sector will seek to strengthen its global competitiveness and, with fair access to raw materials, it will be
well placed to supply Europe's innovative industries with the materials they need to build a sustainable future
for us all.
54 References

i EC (2013): Memo – Reducing the EU's dependency on raw Less Developed Regions: Population & Development: UNFPA.
materials: European Innovation Partnership launched, MEMO Accessed on 05.08.2014. Available at
13/92, Brussels, 12 February 2013. Available at
ix Dobbs, R.; Oppenheim, J.; Thompson, F.; Brinkman, M. and

ii EC (2011): Communication from the Commission to the Zornes, M. (2011): Resource Revolution: Meeting the world's
European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and energy, materials, food, and water needs, McKinsey Global
Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on tackling Institute, p. 107. Available at
the challenges in commodity markets and on Raw Materials,
COM(2011) 25 final. Available at ource_revolution
x Stork, M.; Meindertsma, W.; Overgaag, M. and Neelis, M. (2014)

iiiEC (2010): Communication from the Commission on Europe A Competitive and Efficient Lime Industry Cornerstone for a
2020: A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, Sustainable Europe. ECOFYS by order of European Lime
COM(2010) 2020 final. Available at Association; Project number: INDNL14090 will be available at

iv EC (2011): Communication from the Commission to the xi IMA-Europe – Industrial Minerals Association - Europe (2013):

European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Recycling Industrial Minerals: Recycling Sheets, published on 24
Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on a resource- October 2013. Available at
efficient Europe – Flagship initiative under the Europe 2020 recycling-sheets-full
Strategy, COM(2011) 21. Available at
xii ERPC – European Recovered Paper Council (2013): Paper
Recycling: Monitoring Report 2013 - European Declaration on
v EC (2011): Communication from the Commission to the Paper Recycling 2011-2015. Available at
European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and
Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on a roadmap
xiii IMA-Europe – Industrial Minerals Association - Europe (2009):
for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050, COM
Biodiversity Case Study – Carmeuse Belgium Eagle owl. Available at
(2011) 112 final. Available at
vi EC (2014): Communication from the Commission to the
xiv UNICEM – L'Union nationale des industries de carrières et
European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and
matériaux de construction (2008): Biodiversité – Les carrières
Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions for a
contribuent au patrimoine écologique. Accessed on 05.08.2014.
European Industrial Renaissance, COM(2014) 14 final. Available at
Available at
xv Eurostat – Statistics Explained (2014): Land cover, land use and
vii EC - Directorate General Enterprise and Industry (2014):
landscape. Accessed on 03.09.2014. Available at
Report on Critical Raw Materials for the EU: Report of the
Ad hoc Working Group on defining critical raw materials,
p.17. Available at
materials/critical/index_en.htm xvi IMA-Europe – Industrial Minerals Association - Europe (2009):

Biodiversity Case Study – Austria Habitat Mine. Available at

viii United Nations Population Fund (2014): Linking Population,
Poverty and Development. Population Trends: Rapid Growth in
austria-habitat-mine 55

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