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"Jnana Sangama", Belagavi-590 018

A Report
Social Connect and Responsibility (BSCK307)

A Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree


Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering

Submitted by

Student Name USN



(Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.Approved by Aicte,
New Delhi, Accredited by Naac, New Delhi )
Acharya Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Road, Soldevanahalli, Bengaluru-560107

(Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.Approved by Aicte, New
Delhi, Accredited by Naac, New Delhi)
Acharya Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Road, Soldevanahalli, Bengaluru-560107


This is to certify that the Students bearing 1. name USN 2. name USN 3. name USN 4.
name USN 5. name USN of Acharya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru carried out the
Social Connect and Responsibility(BSCK307) activities in successful fulfillment for the
award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering of
the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the year 2023-24. It is
certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been
incorporated in the report. The activity point programme report has been approved as it
satisfies the academic requirements in respect of work prescribed by VTU for 2022 scheme.

Signature of the Coordinator Signature of HOD

Mrs. Bhavyashree S P Dr. Ajith Padyana
Assistant Professor Professor and Head
Dept. of CS&E Dept. of CS&E


The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of this SCR Acitivity
programme would be incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible
through constant guidance and encouragement.

We would take this opportunity to express our heart-felt gratitude to Sri. B. Premnath
Reddy, Chairman and Mr.Krishna Basani, Managing Director Acharya Institute of

We wish to express our deepest gratitude and thanks to Dr.Rajath Hegde Principal, and
Prof. Marigowda C K, Vice-Principal, Acharya Institute of Technology for providing the
necessary support to complete this activity.

We would like to thank Dr. Ajith Padyana , Professor and Head, Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, for his support.

We wish to express our gratitude and thanks to Mrs. Bhavyashree SP, Assistant
Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering, who guided us with valuable
suggestions at every stage.

A warm thanks to all the faculties of Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
who have helped me with their views.


Sl. No. Content Page No.

Part 1: Plantation and adoption 05 - 09
of tree

Part 2: Heritage walk and crafts 10 - 12

Part 3: Organic Farming and 13 - 16
Waste Management

Part 4: Water conservation 17 - 20

Part 5: Food walk 21 - 23


Bio-centre Visit Report:

Date of Visit: [12-jan-2024]

Introduction: On [12-jan-2024], Our college has organized a visit to Bannerghatta in Bangalore, aimed at
promoting environmental awareness and sustainable practices among participants. The visit primarily
focused on tree plantation, organic farming techniques, and providing participants with saplings to foster
environmental stewardship.

Objective: The objective of the visit was to educate participants about the importance of tree plantation,
encourage them to adopt organic farming practices, and empower them to contribute to environmental
conservation by planting trees in their own surroundings.


1.Tree Plantation Demonstration:

Participants were given a demonstration on the proper techniques for planting saplings. Experts provided
guidance on selecting appropriate planting locations, preparing the soil, and nurturing the saplings to ensure
their healthy growth.

2.Sapling Distribution:
Each participant was provided with a sapling to plant in their respective homes or neighborhoods. This
initiative aimed to promote individual responsibility towards environmental sustainability and green living.

3.Seminar on Tree Plantation and Organic Farming:

A seminar was conducted to educate participants about the benefits of tree plantation and organic farming.
Topics covered included the role of trees in carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and soil
enrichment. Additionally, experts shared insights into organic farming techniques such as composting, crop
rotation, and natural pest control methods.

4.Interactive Session:
An interactive session allowed participants to ask questions, share experiences, and engage in discussions
with the experts. This facilitated a deeper understanding of the subject matter and encouraged active
participation among attendees.

The Bio-centre visit to Bannerghatta provided participants with valuable knowledge and practical skills
related to tree plantation and organic farming. By actively involving individuals in hands-on activities and
informative sessions, the visit successfully inspired a sense of environmental responsibility and empowered
participants to take concrete steps towards sustainable living. Through collective efforts and continued
awareness initiatives, we can strive towards a greener and healthier planet for future generations.


1. Organize follow-up workshops or training sessions to reinforce learning and provide ongoing support to
participants in implementing sustainable practices.
2. Collaborate with local communities and organizations to scale up tree plantation initiatives and promote
wider adoption of organic farming methods.
3. Encourage participants to share their experiences and success stories with others, thereby inspiring a
ripple effect of positive environmental action within their networks.


We extend our gratitude to the organizers, experts, and participants for their enthusiastic participation and
commitment to environmental conservation during the Bio-centre visit to Bannerghatta. Together, we can
make a difference in safeguarding our planet for future generations.



The mango tree (Mangifera indica) is a tropical fruit tree known for producing the delicious mango fruit.
Here are some key points about mango trees:

1. Origin and Distribution:

- Mango trees are native to South Asia but are now cultivated in many tropical and subtropical
region around the world.
- Major mango-producing countries include India, China, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

2. Appearance:
- Mango trees are evergreen and can grow quite tall, reaching up to 100 feet (30 meters) in height.
- The leaves are generally large, dark green, and leathery.

3. Flowers and Fruits:

- Mango trees produce small, fragrant flowers that are usually pale yellow or pink.
- The fruit, known as a mango, is a drupe and comes in various shapes, sizes, and colors depending on the
- Mango fruits typically have a sweet and juicy flesh with a large, flat pit or seed in the center.

5. Cultivation:
- Mango trees thrive in warm tropical climates with well-drained soil.
- They are propagated through seeds, grafting, or budding.

- Mango trees require full sunlight for optimal fruit production.

6. Season:
- Mango trees typically bear fruit once a year, with the specific timing varying based on the variety and
- The peak mango season varies by region but is often during the summer months.

7. Uses:
- Mangoes are not only enjoyed fresh but are also used in various culinary applications, including desserts,
salads, juices, and chutneys.
- Mango trees also provide timber and wood for various purposes.

9. Health Benefits:
- Mangoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
- They provide health benefits such as supporting immune function, aiding digestion, and promoting skin

Mango trees are prized not only for their delectable fruits but also for their cultural, economic, and
ecological importance in many regions across the globe.


Heritage walk to Shivagange hills

[Date : 09-Feb-2024]

Shivagange is a mountain peak with a height of 1,368 metres (4,488 ft) and Hindu pilgrimage center located
near Dobbaspet, in Bengaluru Rural district India. It is 25 km (16 mi) from the town of Tumakuru and 54 km
(34 mi) from Bengaluru. The sacred mountain is shaped as a shivalinga and a spring flows near locally called
"Ganga", thereby giving the place its name. It is also known as Dakshina Kashi (Kashi of the South) and has
various temples such as Gangadhareshwara temple, Sri Honnammadevi Temple, Olakal Teertha, Nandi
Statue, Patalagang Sharadambe temple and several theerthas such as Agasthya theertha, Kanva theertha,
Kapila theertha, Pathala Gange.

About the temple:

Sri Honnammadevi Temple is inside the cave. Sri Gavi Gangadhare Temple is also inside the cave. Gavi
means Cave, Gangadhareshwara means Parameshwara having Gange on the top. Every January, on the day
of Sankranthi festival, the marriage function of Sri Gangadhareshwara and Sri Honnammadevi (Parvathi) is
conducted. At that time it is claimed Ganga holy water comes from the rock at the top of hill and that holy
water is used to solemnise the dhare ritual of the marriage function.

Trekking :
The area is a popular site for rock climbing in the Karnataka state. The entire trail to the peak is well marked
and the presence of human-made steps (often carved into the rocky landscape, but sometimes made from
rocks) makes the trail suitable for beginners. There are frequent rest opportunities with stalls serving food
and drinks. The trekking path to reach summit from foothills is of 6 km (3.7 mi) in a pre-defined path. The
trail becomes steep and narrow near the summit of the mountain - safety rails are provided in such
areas.Monkeys are the main fauna inhabiting the hill.

Protected monuments:
The temple shrine is a protected monument under the Karnataka Ancient and Historical Monuments and
archaeological sites and remains act 1962.


The experience while climbing was most adventurous as it is steep Climbing the hill was a good experience.
It was the first time all the classmates went together with our favourite Vinayak sir and Rakshita mam. We
explored all the temples while climbing the hills which gave us spiritual peace of mind. The trekking path to
reach the top of the hill is of 6km. There was a small stream of water it is believed that only some lucky
people get the Water, as the water stream is beneath the temple, the most emotional thing we felt was most
of the monkeys were starving for water at least some of the forest department must care about
them they must collect all monkeys and leave near some water bodies which is fit to drink
even we had tried to give water to them but the cost of water was too high as the shopkeepers
bring the products to the top of the hill, so we are also helpless to monkeys present there.


[Date : 19-Feb-2024]

Organic Farming and Waste Management Integration

Organic farming is an agricultural approach that emphasizes sustainability, biodiversity, and minimal use of
synthetic inputs. Integrating organic farming practices with efficient waste management strategies can
enhance environmental sustainability and contribute to a circular economy.

Organic Farming Practices:

1. Crop Rotation and Diversity:

- Organic farms often implement crop rotation and diverse cropping systems, reducing the risk of pests and

2. Composting:
- Utilizing organic waste materials for composting is a key aspect of organic farming. This enriches the soil
with natural nutrients, improving soil structure and fertility.

3. Natural Pest Control:

- Instead of synthetic pesticides, organic farmers use natural predators, companion planting, and other
ecological methods to control pests and diseases.

4. Avoidance of Synthetic Chemicals:

- Organic farming avoids the use of synthetic fertilizers and chemicals, relying on organic alternatives and
cover cropping to maintain soil health.

Waste Management Integration:

1. Comprehensive Composting:
- Organic farms can establish efficient composting systems for organic waste generated on the farm,
including crop residues, kitchen scraps, and animal manure.

2. Anaerobic Digestion:
- Large-scale organic farms can explore anaerobic digestion systems, converting organic waste into biogas
for energy production and nutrient-rich digestate for soil improvement.

3. Closed-Loop Systems:
- Implementing closed-loop systems where organic waste from the farm is recycled back into the
agricultural system as compost or biofertilizer reduces the need for external inputs.

4. Waste-to-Energy:
- Integration of waste-to-energy technologies can help convert organic waste into renewable energy,
contributing to farm energy needs while minimizing waste.


1. Soil Health Improvement:

- Composting organic waste enhances soil structure, fertility, and water retention, promoting healthier

2. Reduced Environmental Impact:

- By avoiding synthetic chemicals and incorporating waste management practices, organic farming
minimizes environmental pollution and soil degradation.

3. Resource Efficiency:
- Closed-loop systems and waste-to-energy approaches optimize resource efficiency, reducing the reliance
on external inputs.

4. Community Engagement:
- Involving local communities in waste management and organic farming practices fosters a sense of
responsibility and environmental stewardship.


1. Infrastructure Requirements:
- Establishing efficient waste management infrastructure may require initial investments and technological

2. Educational Outreach:
- Education and training programs are essential to ensure that farmers are well-informed about organic
practices and waste management techniques.

Integrating organic farming with effective waste management is a holistic approach that aligns with
sustainable agriculture principles. It not only enhances the productivity and resilience of farming systems but
also contributes to environmental conservation and the creation of a more circular and regenerative
agricultural model.

[Date : 02-Feb-2024]

What is water conservation?

Water conservation is the practice of using water more efficiently and avoiding unnecessary waste. It's
crucial for both environmental sustainability and ensuring an adequate supply of clean water for
present and future generations.

Here are some key strategies for water conservation:

Fixing Leaks:
Addressing leaks in pipes, faucets, and fixtures promptly can save significant amounts
of water. Even small leaks can add up to gallons of waste water over time.

Water-Efficient Appliances:
Installing water-efficient appliances like low-flow toilets, showerheads,
and faucets can greatly reduce water usage without sacrificing performance.

Landscaping Practices:
Using drought-resistant plants, mulching, and employing efficient irrigation
techniques like drip irrigation can minimize water usage in landscaping.

Reducing Consumption:
Encouraging behaviours such as taking shorter showers, turning off taps
while brushing teeth or washing dishes, and running washing machines and dishwashers with full
loads can all contribute to water conservation.

Rainwater Harvesting:
Collecting rainwater for use in gardening, landscaping, or other non-potable
purposes can help reduce reliance on municipal water sources.

Greywater Recycling:
Treating and reusing greywater (water from sinks, showers, and laundry) for
purposes like irrigation or toilet flushing can reduce overall water consumption.

Education and Awareness:

Educating communities about the importance of water conservation and
providing tips for reducing water usage can encourage widespread adoption of conservation practices.

Water conservation offers numerous benefits, both for the environment and society as a

Here are some key advantages:

Preservation of Natural Ecosystems: Conserving water helps maintain the health and
integrity of aquatic ecosystems, including rivers, lakes, wetlands, and coastal areas. These
ecosystems support diverse plant and animal species and provide vital ecosystem services.
Mitigation of Water Scarcity: Water scarcity is a growing concern in many parts of the
world due to population growth, climate change, and overuse of water resources. By
conserving water, we can help alleviate pressure on freshwater sources and ensure a more
sustainable supply for future generations.

Energy Savings: Pumping, treating, and distributing water requires a significant amount of
energy. By using water more efficiently, we can reduce the energy needed for water-related
processes, leading to lower greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs.
Financial Savings: Water conservation can lead to reduced water bills for individuals,
businesses, and municipalities. By using less water, households and businesses can lower
their utility expenses over time.

Protection of Public Health: Conserving water helps maintain water quality by reducing
pollution and minimizing the need for wastewater treatment. Clean water is essential for
drinking, sanitation, and hygiene, which are critical for public health and well-being.
Resilience to Droughts and Climate Change: Water conservation measures can enhance
resilience to droughts and climate variability by reducing reliance on finite water resources
and promoting adaptive water management practices.

Sustainable Agriculture: Agriculture is a major water user globally. By adopting water-

efficient irrigation techniques and practices, farmers can optimize water use, increase crop
yields, and minimize environmental impacts.

Community Engagement and Collaboration: Water conservation initiatives often bring

communities together and foster collaboration among stakeholders, including individuals,
businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.
Overall, water conservation is essential for ensuring the long-term sustainability of water
resources and promoting a healthier, more resilient planet for current and future generations.

Karunaada Swadha Food Festival
[Date : 10-jan-2024]

On January 10, 2024, the grounds of CSE block at Acharya Institute of Technology came alive with the
flavors and aromas of Karnataka at the Karunaada Swadha Food Festival. The event aimed to showcase the
culinary richness of Karnataka's diverse cuisine.

Event Highlights:
Karunaada Swadha featured a variety of engaging activities, including live cooking demonstrations, a food
photography contest, and a "Taste of Karnataka" challenge where attendees could sample and vote for their
favorite dishes.

Culinary Offerings:
Students has presented an extensive menu, featuring Karnataka's iconic dishes like Bisibelebath, Jolada rotti
& ennegai, Holige, Raagi halbai, Mirchi mandakki, Mangaluru bajji and Masala majjige. The festival
emphasized the importance of traditional cooking methods and authentic flavors.

Attendee Experience:
Attendees enjoyed a delightful culinary journey, discovering the unique tastes of Karnataka. Participant
feedback highlighted the variety of dishes, the quality of presentations, and the educational aspect of learning
about Karnataka's culinary heritage.

Organization and Logistics:

The event was well-organized, with efficient ticketing and crowd management. Challenges, such as high
demand at certain stalls, were managed effectively, contributing to a positive experience for both attendees
and vendors.

Community Impact:
Karunaada Swadha had a positive impact on the students of various states, providing a platform for local
businesses also. The festival fostered a sense of community engagement and cultural appreciation among the

Karunaada Swadha Food Festival at Acharya Institute of Technology successfully celebrated Karnataka's
culinary heritage. The event's blend of delicious dishes and community engagement made it a memorable
and enriching experience for all participants.


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