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Present Perfect or Past Simple?

What’s the difference? When do we use each of these verb tenses?

Today I’m going to explain two simple rules so that it will become clear to you!

And not only will I give you example sentences, but I’ll also ask you to make your
own. Are you ready? For more review and practice, make sure to try the quiz at
the end of this lesson.

Rule #1 – Unfinished vs. Finished

Use the present perfect to talk about an action that started in the past and
continues to the present.

Use the past simple to talk about an action that started and finished in the
past. Use the present perfect for “unfinished” time:

• “I’ve lived in Brazil for three years.” (and I live in Brazil now)

Use the past simple for “finished” time:

• “I lived in Brazil for three years.” (and I DON’T live in Brazil now) © Shayna Oliveira 2023

Try it right now: How long have you lived in your current home/city? Use the
present perfect. In my case, I’ve lived in this house since 2017.

Now talk about a place you lived in the past, but you don’t live there anymore,
using the simple past. In my case, I lived in the city of Salvador in Brazil for about
seven years – from 2009-2016.

When we’re talking about actions that started in the past and continue to the
present, we can actually use the present perfect simple or the present perfect

• I’ve taught English for 13 years.

• = I’ve been teaching English for 13 years.

How about you? How long have you been studying English? Answer using the
present perfect continuous.

More examples of present perfect for “unfinished” time - started in the past and
continue to the present.
• I have known her since elementary school.
• They have been married for 20 years.
• We've owned this car since 2010, and it's still running well.
• He has coached the soccer team for the past decade.
• She has felt depressed ever since her cat died.
• I've been practicing yoga regularly for the past few months.
• She's been doing an excellent job lately.
• We've been thinking about renovating our house.
• He hasn't been sleeping well since his son was born.
• My colleagues and I have been working late every day this week.

More examples of past simple for “finished” time - started and ended in the past.
• I shared an apartment with three roommates when I lived in New York City.
• They were married for only a year before their divorce.
• We bought our car in 2010.
• He graduated from college last May.
• She was really tired last night - but now she feels better.
• I practiced the piano for two hours last night. © Shayna Oliveira 2023

• She did me a favor a few weeks ago.
• We thought we'd be late, but we actually arrived right on time.
• He slept until noon on Saturday.
• They worked hard on the presentation for the client.

Rule #2 – Unspecified vs. Specified

Use the present perfect to talk about unspecified time in the past, and the past
simple to talk about specific times in the past. Compare these sentences:

• I’ve seen that movie.

(I’ve seen it sometime in the past, but I don’t say when - present perfect)
• I saw that movie last week.
(I say specifically when I saw it - past simple)

When we’re talking about single events at an unspecified time in the past, then
we only use the present perfect simple, not the present perfect continuous form.

Another example:

• She has changed jobs several times during her career.

(single events at unspecified times in the past)
• She changed jobs in 2006, 2012, and 2021.
(single events at specific times in the past) © Shayna Oliveira 2023

Now it’s your turn – first, use the present perfect to talk about something you’ve
done sometime in your life, but don’t say when. In my case, I’ve taken figure
skating lessons.

Now use the simple past to say specifically when you did it: In my case, I took
figure skating lessons when I was in high school… about 20 years ago.

More examples of present perfect for “unspecified” time:

• I’ve been to Europe twice.
• She’s interviewed a number of celebrities.
• He’s finished his homework.
• They’ve sold their house.
• Have you ever eaten sushi?

More examples of past simple for “specified” time:

• I went to Europe in 2006 and 2010.
• She interviewed Paris Hilton last week.
• He finished his homework a few minutes ago.
• They sold their house in June.
• Did you eat sushi when you went to Japan?

To review:
• Present perfect for unfinished time and unspecified time in the past.
• Past simple for finished time and specific time in the past.

I hope I’ve made it crystal clear when to use present perfect vs. simple past, and
thanks for putting it into practice by making your own example sentences!

That’s the type of thing I do throughout the lessons in my Advanced English

Grammar Course - I’m always helping you put it into practice and use the
grammar yourself. This active practice is what will really help it stick in your mind
and become a natural part of your English. © Shayna Oliveira 2023

Improve your English FAST with my
e-books and courses:
• Basic & Intermediate Grammar E-Books
• Advanced English Grammar Course

Quiz: Present Perfect or

Past Simple?
1) I didn’t see / haven’t seen you at the meeting last Monday.
2) Did/Has Laurie ever ridden/rode a motorcycle?
3) I have never gone / never went skiing.
4) My brother and I didn’t speak / haven’t spoken to each other since
5) Which airline did you fly / have you flown with on your trip last summer?
6) I have fallen / fell asleep in class many times.
7) You’re late. The meeting has started / started fifteen minutes ago.
8) They have visited / visited Martha when they went to Los Angeles.
9) She had / has had her first child when she was 21.
10) Joel accomplished / has accomplished a lot in his career.
(Joel is still working)
11) We have gone / went to an international conference in October.
12) Richard hasn’t met / didn’t meet the new teacher yet.
13) My parents have lived / lived in the same house for 30 years, but
they recently moved to an apartment.
14) He believed / has believed in God since he was a child.
15) The first man has walked / walked on the moon in 1969.
16) Dana has signed / signed the contract yesterday. © Shayna Oliveira 2023

Answers to quiz:
1) I didn’t see you at the meeting last Monday.
2) Has Laurie ever ridden a motorcycle?
3) I have never gone skiing.
4) My brother and I haven’t spoken to each other since January.
5) Which airline did you fly with on your trip last summer?
6) I have fallen asleep in class many times.
7) You’re late. The meeting started fifteen minutes ago.
8) They visited Martha when they went to Los Angeles.
9) She had her first child when she was 21.
10) Joel has accomplished a lot in his career.
(Joel is still working)
11) We went to an international conference in October.
12) Richard hasn’t met the new teacher yet.
13) My parents lived in the same house for 30 years, but they recently
moved to an apartment.
14) He has believed in God since he was a child.
15) The first man walked on the moon in 1969.
16) Dana signed the contract yesterday. © Shayna Oliveira 2023

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