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Gender refers to the characteristics of women,

men, girls and boys that are socially

constructed. This includes norms, behaviours
and roles associated with being a woman, man,
girl or boy, as well as relationships with each
other. As a social construct, gender varies from
society to society and can change over time.

Women empowerment is crucial for achieving

gender equality and fostering a just society. By
providing women with equal opportunities in
education, employment, and leadership, we can
unlock their full potential and contribute to
economic and social progress. Empowering
women benefits not only individuals but also
strengthens communities and nations as a

Learning about gender and gender equality involves

understanding that it goes beyond a binary concept,
recognizing the spectrum of identities and
expressions. Reflecting on this, it becomes crucial to
dismantle stereotypes, challenge societal norms, and
advocate for equal opportunities, fostering an
inclusive environment where everyone can thrive
irrespective of their gender.

gender and gender equality


reproduction and hygiene

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