Written Report

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Written Report

The genesis of our School Based Assessment (SBA) commenced with a comprehensive
exploration of potential themes and sub-themes, guided by our insightful teacher. In line with our
individual preferences, groups coalesced around the themes that resonated most with each of us.
The process of topic selection unfolded seamlessly, with each group member contributing unique
perspectives shaped by the resonance with the chosen sub-topic. Our collective decision led us to
delve into the overarching theme of Natural Disasters, underpinned by a nuanced exploration of
the subtopics.

Our group meticulously compiled this comprehensive report through weekly, in-person school
meetings, recognizing the varied access of members to communication platforms like WhatsApp.
The selection process for showcasing our group's work involved thoughtfully curating artifacts
that resonate with our theme. The first artifact, 'How Do Hurricanes Affect Marine Life' credited
to Erin Spencer and published on October 4, 2019, on https://oceanconservancy.org/. The
second, 'Jamaica is the Third Most Exposed Country to Hazards' was created by Latonya Linton
and posted on https://jis.gov.jm/ on July 20, 2022. Our final chosen artifact, the video 'Volcanoes
and Climate Change' was uploaded on YouTube on November 18, 2022. To facilitate decision-
making, we conducted a poll for democratic artifact selection, emphasizing their informative
nature and broad accessibility. Each chosen artifact maintains a formal writing style to
effectively convey information about natural disasters to readers, united by articulate and
comprehensible language. For the report created by Erin Spencer, she used numerous questions
to get us hooked on the topic such as “We know the damage hurricanes can cause on land. But
what happens under the water?” It makes the readers ask this question for themselves, causing a
chain reaction in the journey to learn more. The statement made by the Government, saying that
Jamaica is the third most exposed country to natural disasters, is telling the readers how it is
affected and how they can deal with them. The report revealed multiple language techniques
such as rhetorical questions particularly when the minister mentions, "While it would appear that
the case for developing this policy is self-evident…" and statistics explaining the percentage of
the population and major industries in coastal areas, the ranking of Jamaica's exposure by the
Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, and the estimated annual losses due to
hurricane risk. For the YouTube video, it has explained how volcanoes can greatly alter our
climate. To express this claim, the speaker kept the pacing and rhythm for emphasis and clarity.
He has also used Citing Sources and Research, which relates to the scientific studies, data, and
research to support his claims

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