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The students should be responsible to submit their assignments in acceptable format and
style. The final drafts of the assignments should have no typographical errors, misspellings, with
correct use of grammar, punctuation, proper footnote and reference style, and correct
arrangement and precise use of materials, including quotations, table and other illustrative
The following guidelines have been provided for style:
1. File name: The students are expected to submit their assignments with file names as
For eg, Eng_1.2_ChitrakarNasala.
2. Margins: Place margins on the doc as follows:
• 1.25 inches minimum on the left and right
• 1 inch minimum on top and bottom
3. Page Number: Page number must be placed in the footer, centered.
4. Font:
• Use Times New Roman, Courier or similar serif fonts. Avoid using sans serif
fonts like Arial.
• Use the same font consistently throughout the text. Exceptions can be made for
tables, figures.
• Use 10, 11 or 12-point font size for the text, 12 being ideal.
• Larger type, up to 16 point can be used for Titles, References/Works Cited
• Smaller type can be used for tables, illustrations.
• Footnote should always be smaller than the body font.
• Bold, italics and underlining can be used for subheadings, tables, figures and
other specific words but overusing it is discouraged.
5. Spacing:
• All regular text should be formatted with double or 1.5-line spacing.
• Tables, block quotations, figure captions can have single spacing.
• Footnotes and References should be single-spaced with a blank line entered
• Do not allow more than a quarter of the page to be blank to avoid it from looking
like missing writing.
6. Justification:
• Text should be left justified with paragraph first-line indents and no hyphenation.
7. Illustrative Materials:
• Illustrative materials like tables, figures should be numbered in the chronological
order in which they appear in the text.
• They should be accompanied by an appropriate caption.

Late Submission of Assignments

Students are expected to meet strict deadlines for all course assignments and should be
discouraged from handing in assignments late. Faculty will not accept excuses for the submission
of late work.

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