ES I10 SPE Chemistry

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DIKOwr Your1elf


Grade: X Maximum Marks: 80

Time Allowed: 2 Hours

(Candi<lates are allowed additional 15 mi11utes for only reading the paper. They
must NOT start writing during this time).

A11swer all questions in Section A.

Sectio11 A consists of objective/ very short answer type questions.
Section B consists of 6 long answer questions.
Attempt any 4 questions from Section B.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given ill brackets [ J.

SECTION-A (40 Marks)

(Answer all questions)
Question 1
Choose the cmTect answer to the questions from the given options: [ 15]
(Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.)

1. Which of the following is a universal indicator?

a) pH paper
b) Methyl orange
c) Litmus solution Downloaded from
d) Phenolphthalein

11. A non-metal 'A' having 6 valence electrons will share ___ pairs of electrons
with other non-rnetal/s.
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

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elective discharge of ions is:
iii. The factor that does not affect the
a) };arure of electrode
ical cries
b) Relative position of ions in electrochem
c) Concentration of ions
d) Magnitude of current passed through the elec

IV. The empirical formula of CH3 CH2CH2C00H is:

a) C2H0 2
bJ ½ao
c) CiH20
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d) CH 20

V. The gas evolved when cone. hydrochloric acid is heated ,\;th mangane e dioxide:
a) Chlonne
b) Hydrogen
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Oxygen

State the colour and solubility of precipitate formed ,,,hen ammonium hydroxide
IS added in excess to ferric chloride solution:
a) Dirty green. oluble
b) Dirty green. insoluble
c) Reddish brown. soluble
d) Reddish brown, insoluble

"ii. \\llich of the follovnng Statement is False for alkanes?

a) They undergo addition reaction.
b) They are hydrocarbons.
c) The_ are known as paraffins.
d) They undergo complete combustion to give water and carbon dioxide gas.

Vlll.. \\nich of the following gives the correct increasing order of the electron affinity
of 0, F and N?
a) 0. F.
b) �, F, 0
c) K, 0. F
d) 0. };, F

ix. Liquid ammonia is used as a refrigerant as:

a) It 1s highly volatile
b) It is highly soluble in water
c) It is easily liquefiable
d) Both a and c
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Ill. The factor that does not affect the selective discharge of ions is:
a) ature of electrode
b) Relative position of ions in electrochemical series
c) Concentration of ions
d) Magnitude of current passed through the electrolyte

IV, The empirical formula of CH3CH2CH2COOH is:

a) C2H02
b) C2H 40
c) C2H 20
d) CH 20
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V. The gas evolved when cone. hydrochloric acid is heated with manganese dioxide:
a) Chlorine
b) Hydrogen
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Oxygen

vi. State the colour and solubility of precipitate formed when ammonium hydroxide
is added in excess to ferric chloride solution:
a) Dirty green, soluble
b) Dirty green, insoluble
c) Reddish brown, soluble
d) Reddish brown, insoluble

vii. Which of the following statement is False for alkanes?

a) They undergo addition reaction.
b) They are hydrocarbons.
c) They are known as paraffins.
d) They undergo complete combustion to give water and carbon dioxide gas.

viii. Which of the following gives the correct increasing order of the electron affinity
of 0, F and N?
a) 0, F, N
b) N, F, 0
c) N,O,F
d) 0, N, F

ix. Liquid ammonia is used as a refrigerant as:

a) It is highly volatile
b) It is highly soluble in water
c) It is easily liquefiable
d) Both a and c
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x. A volatile acid which is used in the preparation of a non-volatile acid from
sulphur is:
•l Concentrated sulphuric acid
bl Concentrated hydrochloric acid
cJ Concentrated nitric acid
None of the above

x1. The second member of homologous series of alkene is:

a) Ethene
b) Propene
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c) Butene
d) Ethyne

xii. The molecular formula of oleum is

a) H2S 201
b) H2S04
c) H2S03
d) H 2S 102

x111. The chief ore of iron is:

a) Magnetite
b) lron pyrite
c) Haematite
d) Spathic iron

xiv. Which of the following is True for water vapour:

a) It turns blue litmus paper red.
b) It turns blue cobalt chloride paper pink.
c) It turns alkaline pyrogallol solution brown.
d) It rekindles a glowing wooden splinter.

xv. IUPAC name of acetaldehyde is:

a) Methanol
b) Methanal
c) Propanal
d) Ethanal

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Que tion 2
1. The set up below shows the process of electroplating of an article with silver. [ 51
Electroplating is the process of depositing a thin layer of a superior metal
(such as nickel, gold or silver) on the clean surface of a baser metal
(such as copper or iron) by the process of electrolysis.


-+-"4----- Sliver l>lnte

-__ ?-j � � � �: �;;..§,..____ Electrolyte
Nandini wanted to electroplate her bracelet with silver.
a) Name the electrolyte she should use.
b) Write the reaction talcing place at cathode. Downloaded from
c) State the observation at anode.
d) What will Nandini observe if she interchanges the tem1inals to which bracelet
and silver plate are connected? Justify your answer.

ii. Match the following Column A with Column B: [5]

Column A Column B
a) Nitric acid 1. One triple covalent bond
b) Methane 2. Baeyer's process
c) Sodium hydroxide 3. Esterification
d) Nitrogen 4. Ostwald's process
e) Ethanol 5. Greenhouse gas

m. Complete the following by choosing the correct answers from the bracket: (5]
a) _____ [C 6H 14 C4H8]/ is an unsaturated compound.
b) The metals zinc and tin are present in _____ [brass/ bronze] alloy.
c) Reaction between aluminium oxide and hot cone. KOH solution produces
____ [H2OIH2J.
d) Non-metals are generally good _____ [oxidising / reducing ] agent.
e) _____ [NH4OH/LiOH] is an example ofa strong alkali.

iv. Identify the following term: [5]

a) The tendency of an atom to attract electrons to itself when combined in a
b) The naturally occurring minerals from which metals can be extracted

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profitably and conveniently.

c) The tendency of an element to fonn chains of identical atoms.

,, d) A process by which metals containing impurities are purified electrolytically
to give a pure metal.
e) A bond formed by a shared pair of electrons with both electrons coming from
the same atom.

v. a) Draw the structural fonnula of the following compounds: [3]

l. Butanol
2 . 2,2-dichloro propane
3. Pent-2-yne

b) Give the IUPAC name of the following organic compounds: (2]

I I �O
I I 'oH
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2. H H H H
I I I l
H-C..-C-C-Cr- H

SECTION- B (40 Marks)

(A11swer a11y four questio11s)

Question 3

i. Identify the reactant and write the balanced equation for the following: [2]
Dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with a compound 'R' to give a salt magnesium
chloride, water and sulphur dioxide.

ii. What property of Sulphuric acid is exhibited in each of the following case: [2]
Conc. }\S04
}! a) C12H220 11 ------ 12C + 11 H20
b) FeS + H2SO4 --+ FeSO4 + H2S

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Ill. Elements Z and T belong to period 3 of the periodic table. The 1 omsa ti o n p oten
ual I 11
of element Z i less than that of element T.
a) Between Zand T, which will be having higher nuclear charge?
b) How is the metallic character of Z likely to compare with that of T?
c) tate whether Z is likely to be placed to the left or to the right of Ti n the p cnochc

IV. a) tate whether the following statement are TR E ofF L E. Ju t1fy your [3 l
1. Alkene are more reactive than alkanes.
2. In an ionic compound, the anion anains the electronic configuration of
the noble ga that comes before it in the periodic table.

b) Calculate the number of mole of sulphur trioxide in 20 gram of it.

[Atomic weights: =32, 0=16]
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Question 4

1. Electrolytic reduction method is used to reduce the metallic oxide of aluminium [2]
to its metal.
a) Identify the component of the electrolyte which does not contain aluminium.
b) Why a layer of powered coke is sprinkled over the electrolytic mixture?

ii. A gas cylinder filled with hydrogen holds 25g of the hydrogen ga . The ame [2]
cylinder holds 200g of gas A at same temperature and pressure. Calculate
molecular weight of gas A.

111. Give balanced equations for each of the following:

a) Excess of ammonia reacts with chlorine.gas.
b) Zinc reacts with dilute sulphuric acid.
c) Oxidation of copper with dilute nitric acid

iv. With respect to Haber's process answer the following: [3]

a) Catalyst used
b) Pressure of the reaction
c) Balanced equation for the reaction

Question 5

1. Draw the electron dot structure for the formation ofhydroniurn ion. [2]

11. Distinguish between the following on the basis of the criteria given in the [2)
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a) Calcination and roasting (type of ore)
b) Strong electrolyte and weak electrolyte ( constituent particles )

111. Diana takes a white crystalline salt X in a test tube. (3J

a) On heating salt X, it produces a buff yellow residue Y.
b) NH4 OH solution is added drop wise to aq�eous solution of salt X to give
a compound Z.
c) Residue Y reacts with dil. HCl acid to give salt and water.
Identify the compounds X,Y and Z.
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1v. Give reasons : [3]
a) Pure acetic acid is known as glacial acetic acid.
b) Graphite anode is preferred during electrolysis of molten lead bromide.
c) Quicklime is not used as a drying agent during laboratory preparation of
hydrogen chloride gas.

Question 6
1. Choose the correct method for the preparation of the following salts from the [2]
options given below:
[Direct combination, Displacement, Neutralization, Precipitation]
a) Aluminium chloride
b) Sodium nitrate

11. State the observation in the following cases: (2]

a) Hydrogen sulphide gas is passed through acidified potassium dichromate
solution. 0. , ' ,.
b) A small quantity of ammonia gas is passed through copper sulphate

111. Electrolysis of acidified water is conducted using inert electrodes like thin [3 ]
foil of platinum.
a) Which electrode [cathode/ anode] is the reducing electrode and why?
b) Name the product fonned at-the anode.

iv. Elements A, B, C and D have atomic numbers 12, 13, 16 and 20 respectively. [3]
Using this information answer the following:
a) Which element has the largest atomic size?
b) Identify the two elements which belong to the group 2.
c) State the formula of the compound formed between B and C.

Question 7

I. An organic compound is having empirical formula C3H6O and vapour density

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5 . Cal ulate the weight of hydrogen pre cnt in one mole of the compound.
[ tomic weigh : H=l, C= l2, 0 = 16]

11. Arifwa given four unknown olutions P, Q, R, S. The pH values of these [3]
olution are a follow :

olution pH value

p 3

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R 8

a) Identify the solution which will liberate carbon dioxide gas on heating with
potassium carbonate.
b) tate the colour change if methyl orange is added to solution Q.
c) pH of solution will ____ [increase/ decrease) on addition of phosphoric

iii. 63 grams of ammonium dichromate is decomposed by heating according to [4)

the following equation:
H..)2Cr201 -+ Cr20 3 � 2 + 4H2 0
Calculate the following:
(a) Volume of nitrogen gas obtained at STP
(b) Mas of Cr2 0 3 formed.
[Atomic weights: Cr = 52. 0=16, =14, H=l)

Question 8

1. Elements X, Y and Z have following electronic confi guration: [2)

Elements Electronic configuration

X 2,8,l

y 2,4

z 2,8,7

a) The compound XZ has___ [ionic/covalent] bond.

b) Toe compound YZ4 has [low/high) boiling point.

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tnte g 1vmg reason· if: [2]
a) Am�iomum h dro ·ide olution and odium hydroxide solut ion can be
di tmgm, hcd b using calcium nitrate sail solut ion.

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b) Ethcnc and cthync can be distinguished by passing each of them through

bromine olution.

iii. Give balanced equations with conditions, if any for the laboratory preparation [3 J
of the following:
a) cetylene from calcium carbide.
b) Ammonia ga from magnesium nitride.
c) itric acid from potassium nitrate.

1 . Identify the following substance : (3]

a) The anion present in the salt which produces a reddish brown gas when
heated with conc.H2S04 and Cu turnings.
b) The element in period 3 with zero electron affinity.
c) The chief ore of aluminium.

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