Fraenkel8 SMA ch03

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Chapter 3: Locating and Reviewing

the Literature
Activity 3.1: Library Worksheet

Activity 3.2: Where Would You Look?

Activity 3.3: Do a Computer Search of the Literature

Activity 3.1:
Library Worksheet


Be sure you can locate each of the following

1. Education Index Location: _____________________

2. Journal of Educational Research Location: _____________________

3. NSSE Yearbooks Location: _____________________

4. Encyclopedia of Educational Research Location: _____________________

5. M.A. theses Location: _____________________

6. Dissertation Abstracts International (DAI) Location: _____________________

7. The research journal in your field Location: _____________________

8. ERIC Location: _____________________

9. The World Wide Web Location: _____________________

What is the name of the major journal(s) in your field?



Activity 3.2:
Where Would You Look?

Where might you look to find information about each of the following?

1. A review of recent research on moral education

2. A brief summary of the history of educational programs for the gifted

3. A topic of interest that has not been reviewed during the last two years

4. A summary of a recently published article in the field of psychology

5. A summary of a Ph.D. dissertation on mastery learning

6. An article published within the last month on social studies education

7. Some of the major ideas in educational sociology

8. Some popular articles on education that appeared during the last year in U.S.
News and World Report and Newsweek magazines
Activity 3.3:
Do a Computer Search of the Literature

Use ERIC to do a computer search of the literature on a topic of interest to you.

1. The topic I chose for my search was (describe as precisely as you can below):




2. I reviewed __________ (number) of references.

3. I used the following descriptors:




4. Here are the results of my search.

Search #1 _______________________________________________________________

Search #2 _______________________________________________________________

Search #3 _______________________________________________________________

Search #4 _______________________________________________________________

5. Here are the names of three of the references (abstracts or articles) identified using
these descriptors.


Problem Sheet 3: Review of the Literature

1. What are the specific problem(s) or question(s) to be addressed in your literature

review: _____________________________________________________________

2. What general reference tools did you use to conduct your research? (List specific
electronic databases consulted.) _________________________________________

3. What search terms did you use?

a. ___________________________ d. ___________________________
b. ___________________________ e. ___________________________
c. ___________________________ f. ___________________________

4. Specify the scope of the review and explain your inclusion/exclusion criteria (i.e.,
what was and was not included and why?)._________________________________

5. What topics and subtopics emerged about your problem and question as you
conducted your research?

6. What are your conclusions based on the findings of your review?


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