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Steps Plus VIII • Extensive reading

Unit 1
1 Przeczytaj wpis na blogu Jake’a. Dopasuj nagłówki (1–5) do odpowiednich akapitów (A–E).
1 A family member’s experience 4 What I like about my school
2 My preference 5 A teenager’s perspective
3 An embarrassing experience

A I’m sixteen and I’ve been at a single-sex school for five years. People to university. Every year there are a few students who get into Oxford or
sometimes ask me what it’s like to go to a school where there aren’t any Cambridge! We have lots of after-school sports and other activities. I’ve been
girls. I haven’t thought about it much until recently. But now I can see it is in the basketball team since September and we often play matches against
seriously affecting my life! I’m at an age when I want to meet girls, but I teams from other schools. But, of course, there are no girls!
haven’t had many opportunities. It’s difficult to get to know someone when D So, would I prefer to go to a mixed school? It depends. I’d certainly
you can only meet at weekends or in the holidays. I’m sure it is easier to get rather go to my school than to a terrible mixed school – you know, the type
to know girls in a mixed school where boys and girls are together all day. of school with serious discipline problems and where the exam results are
B When I meet a girl for the first time, I can’t talk to her because I feel so bad. That must be awful! But if the mixed school had a good academic
nervous. Last summer, I stayed with my cousins and I met a friend of theirs reputation, I’d definitely prefer to be there.
called Amelia. She was such a friendly person and chatted with everyone, E I’ve talked to my sister about how I can meet girls. She says that
even me! I had a crush on her, but I was so shy that I didn’t know what to I shouldn’t worry because I’ll be able to meet lots of girls when I go to
say when she spoke to me. I was ashamed of myself. university. She might be right ... But my older brother went to a single-sex
C Now, you shouldn’t think I don’t like my school. I’ve got some great school and to university, and he hasn’t got many female friends. I get the
friends there and the education is excellent. Pupils at my school have impression that, for him, most women are like ‘aliens’. I don’t want to be like
to work hard, but they get very good exam results and a lot of them go him when I’m his age!

2 Przeczytaj wpis na blogu Jake’a poświęcony

B That there were strict rules.
C That it would be completely different from
różnym rodzajom szkół. Oznacz zdania literami
T (true – prawda), F (false – fałsz) lub NG (not his present school.
given – brak informacji). D That you could get good results there.
1 Jake would like more opportunities to meet 4 Jake’s sister .
girls. A doesn’t think Jake has a problem now
2 Jake doesn’t like his current school. B thinks that Jake worries about everything
3 Jake’s school has a good reputation for C thinks things will be easier for Jake at
sport. university
4 Jake wouldn’t like to go to a school without a D thinks that Jake will be like their older
good reputation. brother
5 Jake’s sister went to a single-sex school. 5 What does Jake think of his brother?
3 Przeczytaj tekst jeszcze raz. Zaznacz w pytaniach A Jake hopes he’ll be different from his
(1–5) poprawne odpowiedzi (A, B, C lub D). brother when he’s older.
1 What is the author, Jake, discussing in the text? B Jake respects and admires his brother.
A The good points of single-sex schools. C Going to a single-sex school was good for
B Why he hates his school. his brother.
C Why single-sex schools are bad. D His brother should spend more time with
D Why he’d rather go to a different type of women.
2 How does Jake feel about going to a single-sex Think about the text
school? Co mógłby zrobić Jake, by poznać więcej
A He likes it more now than before. dziewczyn, nie zmieniając szkoły? Napisz krótki
B It has some bad points. tekst. Oto kilka pomysłów, które możesz wziąć
pod uwagę:
C Girls think that you are strange.
D He doesn’t think about it much. • zapisać się do miejscowego ośrodka sportu
3 For Jake, what would be the most important • pojechać na koedukacyjny obóz letni
aspect of choosing a school? • chodzić na koncerty
A That both boys and girls could go there. • spotykać się z kolegami, którzy mają siostry
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Steps Plus VIII • Extensive reading
Unit 2
1 Przeczytaj wpis na blogu Jeda. Wybierz najlepiej pasujący tytuł: A, B lub C.
A Social media addiction C How to cut back on social media.
B Social media and me!

by Jed Haller
Everyone who follows my blog knows that I spend a lot of
time online. I use the internet for different things such as
gaming, streaming videos, and social media. Today’s post
is about how I use social media. Over the past week, I’ve
noted down how much time I spend on it and what I do
exactly. Here is what I’ve found out.
In general, I use my laptop to write my blog, and my
smartphone or tablet to log onto my social media account.
That’s because it’s something I do on the move – on the bus photos, but I always ask for permission before I put
or on the way somewhere like school. I log on between a photo of a friend up there.
six to eight times, and I spend a total of about forty-five What do I like about social media? I use social media
minutes each day. Of course, I spend more time than that quite a lot because I express myself better in writing
online – about two or three hours in all. than in speech. It’s also convenient for keeping in
So, what do I do on social media? Well pretty much the same touch with people who live far away like my cousin
as anyone else. I follow several celebrities (musicians and in New Zealand. However, I’ve realized that I waste
footballers) and two environmental organizations whose quite a lot of time on social media, for example,
accounts I check most days. I sometimes post comments when I message someone who is in the same room
or tag a few friends if I read something interesting. I write as me! That’s why I’ve decided to try and cut back
some personal stuff on my site, but I’m careful. I also post to a maximum of half an hour a day. Wish me luck!

2 Przeczytaj tekst jeszcze raz. Wybierz poprawne

2 How much time does he spend online each day?
uzupełnienia poniższych zdań: A, B lub C.
3 What well-known people does he follow on
1 Jed uses his to write his blog.
social media?
A smartphone B laptop C tablet
2 He spends about on social media each day.
4 What does he sometimes do if he reads an
A three quarters of an hour C three hours
interesting article?
B two hours
3 He follows environmental organizations on
5 What conclusion does he reach about the time
social media.
he spends on social media?
A a few B two C several
4 He likes social media because he .
6 What does he decide to do?
A likes communicating C writes well
B lives in New Zealand
5 He is concerned that he spends too much time Think about the text
. Co mógłby zrobić Jed, by ograniczyć czas
A streaming videos C on social media poświęcany na przeglądanie mediów
B gaming społecznościowych? Napisz o tym krótki tekst.
3 Odpowiedz na pytania.
Uwzględnij poniższe i swoje własne pomysły.

1 When does he log on to his social media

• Zostawiać swój smartfon w domu
• Ograniczyć swój pakiet internetowy
• Wykasować swoje konto
• Rzadziej się logować
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Steps Plus VIII • Extensive reading

Unit 3
1 Przeczytaj wpisy na szkolnym forum internetowym. W czyjej szkole obowiązują najmniej
restrykcyjne zasady?

Forum – school issues

Thread: How strict is your school?
June 14, 06:23 your parents send you to
Pete this place? It sounds like
a prison! C
I go to a ‘No Excuses’ high school in Philadelphia. It’s terrible!
When you arrive, the teachers give you a 51-page handbook of June 14, 07:46
rules. It’s impossible to know them all, and some are stupid. Pete
For example, in class, we must sit up straight and look at Some parents, like mine,
the teacher all the time. We can’t put our heads on the desk help make the rules. They
or close our eyes. If we make mistakes, they punish us. think strict discipline will
We mustn’t talk at lunch, and they’re incredibly strict about help us get better results.
uniform. They sent me home for wearing the wrong style of But it doesn’t work like
trainers! And you can’t bring a mobile phone into school. that.
June 14, 07:14 June 14, 08:06
Julia Ben
Wow! Our dress code just says that we should wear sensible My school gets excellent results because teachers respect
clothes. Girls mustn’t wear make-up, short skirts or jewellery, students. How do you survive?
and boys must wear shirts, but they can have long hair. We
June 14, 08:12
can use our mobile phones at break. And as we get older, the
rules get more relaxed. Pete
June 14, 07:36 It’s tough. One student I know hates it so much that he’s
planning to run away and get a job. He wants me to go with him,
Ben but I want to go to university. I’ve only got one more year here.
We don’t even have a dress code at my school, and they We’ll see …
encourage us to use mobile phones in some classes. Why did

2 Przeczytaj wpisy na forum jeszcze raz. Uzupełnij

2 What happens if students make mistakes at
Pete’s school?
zdania, wpisując Pete, Ben lub Julia.
1 goes to an incredibly strict school. 3 What can’t girls wear at Julia’s school?
2 can use a mobile phone in some
classes. 4 What does Ben compare Pete’s school to?
3 can use a mobile phone between
lessons. 5 Why did Pete’s parents send him to the school?
4 can wear any clothes.
5 must wear sensible clothes. 6 When will Pete finish school?
6 has to wear a uniform.
7 can’t talk in the school canteen.
8 At ’s school, teachers respect Think about the text
students. Jak myślisz, co może zrobić Pete? Napisz krótki
9 has been punished for breaking tekst, w którym uwzględnisz odpowiedzi na
a rule. poniższe pytania i uzasadnisz swoje zdanie.
10 At ’s school, the rules are more Czy uważasz, że … ?
relaxed for older students. • ukończy szkołę
3 Odpowiedz na pytania. • ucieknie przed końcem roku szkolnego
1 Why doesn’t Pete know all the school rules? • zda egzaminy
• uzyska świetne wyniki
• wcześnie wyprowadzi się z domu

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Steps Plus VIII • Extensive reading
Unit 4
1 Zapoznaj się ze zdjęciem, tytułem tekstu i wyrazami w ramce. Czego można się z nich dowiedzieć
na temat Nelsona Mandeli?

apartheid Nobel Prize prison segregation South Africa terrorism

On 11th February 1990, a 72-year-old man walked on trial for sabotage,
free from prison in South Africa. Thousands of South because he tried to
Africans cheered, and millions of people around destroy apartheid. He
the world watched on live TV. The man was Nelson was found guilty and
Mandela. He had been in prison for twenty-seven years. sent to prison. He
Mandela’s story began in 1948, when he was thirty gained support from
years old and working for a law firm in Johannesburg. other countries who
The National Party came to power in 1948 and began asked the government
to introduce apartheid, a system of racial segregation. to release him and end
Under new laws, whites and non-whites were separated this barbaric system.
in schools, hospitals, workplaces, residential areas, In 1989, F.W. de Klerk
even in parks. Non-whites couldn’t vote and marrying became the new
someone from a different race was illegal. Mandela President of South Africa. He released Mandela, who
refused to keep quiet about apartheid and became then became the leader of the ANC and peacefully
a member of the African National Congress (ANC), a negotiated with the government. De Klerk and Mandela
political party that campaigned against it. received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for their work
At first the ANC was non-violent. But in 1960, during a together.
peaceful protest, sixty-nine black protesters were killed Finally, in 1994, South Africa held its first multiracial
by the South African police. The government then made elections, and on 10th May Mandela became the
the ANC illegal, which led to violent acts of protest that country’s first black president. He promised that his
resulted in some deaths. The government said that ANC country would never again experience oppression of one
supporters were terrorists and in 1962 Mandela was put race by another. Apartheid was officially over.

2 Przeczytaj tekst jeszcze raz. Oznacz zdania 3 Odpowiedz na pytania.

literami T (true – prawda), F (false – fałsz) lub NG 1 How long had Mandela spent in prison?
(not given – brak informacji).
1 Nelson Mandela’s release from prison was not 2 When did the apartheid system start?
on TV.
2 The National Party did not support apartheid. 3 What happened during a protest march in 1960?
3 Whites and non-whites were not allowed to be
together in many public places. 4 Why was Mandela sent to prison?
4 Mandela became a member of the National
Party. 5 Who was responsible for releasing Mandela?
5 There were a number of different groups in
South Africa who opposed apartheid.
6 Mandela took part in lots of protests with the
ANC, both peaceful and violent. Think about the text
7 After 1960, it was against the law to be a Mandela był wzorem dla wielu ludzi. Pomyśl
member of the ANC. o kimś, kto jest wzorem dla ciebie. Napisz o tej
8 South Africa held its first post-apartheid osobie krótki tekst, w którym uwzględnisz
election in 1989. odpowiedzi na następujące pytania:
9 De Klerk agreed with the views of Mandela on
apartheid. • Dlaczego podziwiasz tę osobę?
10 Mandela became South Africa’s first non-white • Jakie są jej główne zalety?
president in May 1994. • Co osiągnęła?
• W jaki sposób tego dokonała?
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Steps Plus VIII • Extensive reading
Unit 5
1 Przeczytaj teksty (1–4) i odpowiedz na poniższe pytania.
Which billionaire … ?
A was mean with his money C did not like his possessions
B was inspired by Hollywood D wanted to start a new life

2 Przeczytaj tekst jeszcze raz. Dopasuj fragmenty

ECCENTRIC BILLIONAIRES (A–J) do odpowiednich luk w tekście (1–8). Dwa
fragmenty zostały podane dodatkowo.
A to invest their money
1 B was called the ‘homeless billionaire’
Australian businessman Clive Palmer invested C was named one of the richest people in the
millions of dollars in 1 dinosaurs back to life by world
using their DNA to produce exact copies of them. D trying to bring
Perhaps he was inspired by the movie Jurassic Park. E to give it all away
When that failed, it seems that he watched the film F will be completed
Titanic, as his next project involved building an exact G to have a lot of things
H buying things
copy of the most famous ship in history. Titanic II is
I is designed to operate
being built in a shipyard in China. It 2 and ready to
J being in their village
set sail in 2022.
2 3 Odpowiedz na pytania.
But not all billionaires are so keen 3 in such 1 What did Palmer try to do first?
eccentric schemes. Sometimes quite the opposite.
Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of IKEA, was
2 What was Kamprad’s first job?
particularly careful with his billions. He began his
career by selling matches and ended up building
3 How did he travel?
a global company. Even though he 4 , he drove
an old Volvo, flew economy class, stayed in cheap
hotels, used public transport, bought his clothes 4 Why did Pendrill first go to Kenya?
from flea markets and lived in a small home full of
IKEA furniture, which he had put together himself! 5 What did he do with his home in the UK?
Careful or stingy? The choice is yours.
6 What did Berggruen do with most of his
3 money?
While some rich people seem to be determined to
keep as much of their money as possible, others 7 Where did he live after he had sold his house?
prefer 5 . British millionaire Graham Pendrill
travelled to Kenya for a one-month holiday and he
fell in love with the Maasai culture. He enjoyed 6
so much that he decided to sell his twelve-bedroom
mansion, give all his money away and go and live in a
mud hut with the Maasai tribe.
Similarly, billionaire Nicolas Berggruen showed huge
generosity when he sold a lot of his things, including
his house, and donated a large part of his wealth to Think about the text
charities. He 7 , and travelled the world living in
Jak myślisz, która z poniższych osób jest
hotels. Why? He said he had lost interest in 8 and
najbardziej ekscentryczna? Dlaczego
felt that he was owned by his possessions. Today he tak uważasz? Wyobraź sobie, że jesteś
is no longer homeless – he lives with his children in ekscentrycznym milionerem/ekscentryczną
an apartment in Los Angeles, but he still enjoys the milionerką. Powiedz, na co wydawałbyś/
simple things in life. wydawałabyś swoje pieniądze.

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Steps Plus VIII • Extensive reading
Unit 6
1 Przeczytaj artykuł. Czego dotyczy? Zaznacz symbolem ( ) prawidłową odpowiedź (A, B, C, D lub E).
A Traditional methods of advertising D Unusual kinds of advertising
B The cost of advertising for companies E Ways to improve advertising
C The dangers of advertising

Reaching the masses through advertising

We are now used to seeing advertising everywhere – in newspapers and magazines, on TV, on billboards in the street –
and it seems that a standard advertisement is no longer enough to grab our attention. More and more companies are
turning to alternative forms of advertising, such as guerrilla advertising, which involves organizing publicity stunts in
public places. These are planned events designed to attract attention or create a positive brand image.
A good example of guerrilla advertising comes from the makers of Lynx shower gel, who organized a giant shower
stunt. It took place in Bournemouth, England, and involved a huge 5.8-metre-high shower which they placed on the
beach. They then invited local people to come and take a shower together. As well as breaking a world record for the most people ever to shower
together (152), they attracted a lot of attention for the brand. A video of the event got 94,000 views online.
It isn’t only big multinational corporations that are turning to such methods to get their message across. The company that produces Motz
newspapers, which are sold on the streets by homeless people in Germany, employed top fashion designers to make coats from their newspapers.
The coats were given to homeless people to wear as they sold the newspapers. A spokesperson for Motz said that the stunt had proved a great
success in raising awareness.
Viral advertising, which involves creating a short video and uploading it to the internet, is another technique used by companies. When the video
game Angry Birds Space was launched, the company produced a short, amusing video to promote it. This ad would have cost millions of dollars on
TV, but it was free to launch online. A company spokesman said that the plan had paid off, as the video got 500,000 views per day.
But one of the most novel examples of guerrilla advertising methods was by the drinks company Red Bull. In 2012, they sponsored the Red Bull
Stratos jump by Felix Baumgartner. Baumgartner broke four world records by jumping from a capsule 37 kilometres up in the air over New Mexico.
It was a huge personal achievement for Baumgartner, and an even bigger success for Red Bull – over 7 million people worldwide watched the live
stream. Now that’s what you call successful advertising!

2 Przeczytaj tekst jeszcze raz. Wybierz właściwe

5 The Red Bull advertising stunt …
A involved jumping from a plane in New
odpowiedzi w zdaniach (1–5). Zakreśl literę A, B,
C lub D.
B was broadcast live on TV.
1 Guerrilla advertising … C didn’t get much attention.
A doesn’t always help a brand’s image. D was a huge success for both parties.
B is not always successful.
C is becoming more popular.
D involves showing adverts in public places. 3 Odpowiedz na pytania.
2 The shower stunt …. 1 Where did the Lynx shower gel stunt take place?
A wasn’t very successful.
B was filmed and shown on TV. 2 What record was broken during the stunt?
C used nineteen showers.
D involved more than one hundred people. 3 Who sells Motz newspapers?
3 Motz newspapers …
A are produced by homeless people.
4 What was unusual about the coats that
B used a stunt to make people aware of the
designers made for Motz?
problem of homelessness.
C used a stunt to raise money for homeless
people. 5 What stunt did Felix Baumgartner perform in
D used a stunt to help fashion designers. 2012?
4 The company that produces the Angry Birds
game …
A used a cheaper way to advertise its new
Think about the text
B couldn’t show its advertising video on TV. Która z wymienionych akcji marketingowych
C was disappointed with the results of its podoba ci się najbardziej? Dlaczego właśnie
advertising video. ta? Jaką inną akcję marketingową sobie
D spent a lot of money on advertising its new przypominasz? Opisz ją w krótkim tekście.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press
Steps Plus VIII • Extensive reading
Unit 7
1 Popatrz na zdjęcia i odpowiedz na pytania.
1 What periods from history are these?
2 What do you notice about the fashions for hair and make-up during these periods?
3 How are the hair and beauty fashions different from or similar to the fashions today?

The changing face of beauty

People through history have always been concerned about whiteness. One safe skin whitener
their appearance. But which people had the craziest obsessions was a mixture made from egg whites,
about their looks? but the more expensive types used
vinegar and poisonous white lead. Other
Ancient Rome dangerous Elizabethan beauty products
The Romans are famous for their love of bathing, but they were were toothpastes made of sugar and
also big fans of skin creams and make-up. The Romans didn’t skin creams made of mercury – another
believe in the ‘natural look’. Every morning, rich Roman women certain way to poison yourself!
had their make-up done by special slaves called cosmetae. They
copied the Egyptian fashion of painting eyes and eyebrows with 18th-century Europe
dark colours. Skin creams in Roman times could be made from By the 1700s, the use of lead as a skin
disgusting animal parts, such as animal fat, and lip colour was whitener had caused many deaths, while
made from beetles. serious diseases continued to mark and
Roman women had their hair styled in elaborate fashions by scar people’s skin. Because they couldn’t
their ornatrice, or hairdressers. The ornatrice used metal tools paint their skin anymore, it became
and olive oil to style hair. In Rome, a complicated hairstyle fashionable for men and women to hide
showed that a woman was rich and civilized. the scars on their faces with small cut-
out stars, circles and even birds.
Elizabethan England Women’s hairstyles in the 18th century
In the court of Queen Elizabeth I, all the women tried to copy became more extreme than they had
the Queen’s style for themselves. In the Elizabethan Age, it was been at any other time before. Women
fashionable for women to dye their hair red or blonde, and to had their hair styled in elaborate, high
shave the hair from their forehead. A high forehead was the styles, and then put fat and powder onto
sign of wealth and culture. the finished result. There are stories of
One of the biggest fashions of the time was for white faces. women finding hungry mice in their hair
Women put horrible mixtures on their skin, hoping for perfect because the fat had attracted them!

2 Przeczytaj artykuł. Znajdź przykłady:

2 What were some Roman skin creams
made from?
1 two types of slave in Roman times:
and 3 Why did women have their hair dyed red in
2 an Egyptian fashion that the Romans liked: Elizabethan England?
3 a way for an Elizabethan woman to show she
4 What was very fashionable in Elizabethan
was rich:
4 a safe method to whiten your skin:

5 two poisonous ingredients in Elizabethan skin 5 What caused the scars on people’s skins in
creams: and the 1700s?
6 a way to hide bad skin in the 18th century:
6 Why did mice nest in some women’s hair?
7 two products that women used on their hair in
the 18th century: and
3 Odpowiedz na pytania.
1 What did rich Roman women do Think about the text
every morning?
Jakie kanony piękna obowiązują w dzisiejszym
świecie? Napisz o tym krótki tekst zatytułowany
21st-century Europe.

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Steps Plus VIII • Extensive reading
Unit 8
1 Popatrz na zdjęcie i przeczytaj wywiad z Samuelem Moorem. Zaznacz symolem () zdania zgodne z tekstem.
Samuel … .
A won a TV competition   B took part in a TV show   C had a holiday to a tropical island

Island Survival
It’s a situation that people often wonder about: What would I do
if I found myself on a desert island? How would I survive? Last
month, Samuel Moore had the chance to find out! He was chosen
by the television show Island Survivor to live on a desert island for
one week – on his own! Here, he talks to Carla Steadman about
his experience:
Carla So Sam, you were chosen out of 1,000 applicants fire. Obviously, I didn’t need things like saucepans
for this TV role. Why do you think you got the job? or plates – but there was one thing that I really
Well, I suppose they thought that I was sensible missed.
and hard-working – I wasn’t there just because I Carla What was that?
wanted to be on TV. Some of the other applicants Sam 
My toothbrush! I wasn’t very hygienic by the end of
were more outgoing than me, but they were really the week!
arrogant! Also, I’ve got some practical skills: I
Carla And how did it affect you psychologically?
can use tools and I’m good at making things. I
enjoy hiking and camping, so I spend a lot of time Sam 
Well, I was hungry and uncomfortable most of
outdoors without luxuries! the time, but that didn’t affect me as much as the
fact that I was completely alone. I didn’t enjoy
What were you allowed to take with you to the
the isolation – it really got to me. I was extremely
relieved when they picked me up on the last day.
Some water and a knife! That’s it! Oh, and a video But it was a beautiful place. I wish I could take my
camera, of course – there was no film crew or TV family there one day.
producer with me!
Would you go back there if they asked you to film
Carla And what was the biggest difficulty for you? another programme?
It was making and lighting a fire. It took two days, Sam 
Yes, I would – if I could take a toothbrush and a
but I must be really stubborn because I didn’t give kettle!
up! I caught a few fish and cooked them on the

2 Przeczytaj tekst. Dopasuj początki zdań

3 Many candidates were only interested in
being .
(1–6) do odpowiednich zakończeń (A–H). Dwa
4 Sam took and
zakończenia zostały podane dodatkowo.
with him to the island.
1 Samuel had to live on a desert island for 5 It took him to light a fire.
2 He thinks he got the job because he 6 He didn’t mind feeling .
3 The biggest challenge for him was
4 He really missed
5 Loneliness affected him more than
6 If he could go back to the island, he would
A making and lighting a fire. Think about the text
B a TV show. Wyobraź sobie, że masz spędzić tydzień na
C the most outgoing person. takiej wyspie, jak ta przedstawiona na zdjęciu.
D take his family. Napisz krótki tekst, w którym uwzględnisz
E his toothbrush. odpowiedzi na poniższe pytania.
F enjoy the isolation.
G had the right personal qualities and skills. • Czy byłbyś/byłabyś w stanie spędzić tydzień
H being hungry and uncomfortable. w takim miejscu? Uzasadnij swoją odpowiedź.
3 Uzupełnij zdania. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać • Jak byś się czuł/czuła, gdybyś był/była tam
maks. cztery wyrazy. sam/sama?
1 Samuel spent on the island. • Co byłoby problematyczne?
2 He describes his personal qualities • W jaki sposób spędzałbyś/spędzałabyś czas?
as . • Co zabrałbyś/zabrałabyś ze sobą?
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