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Talanted 21-Year-Old Artist Embodies The Fantasy World She Created In Her Drawings

A young artist from Russia devoted her whole life to drawing and cannot imagine her life without
it. Since childhood, she's been passionate about drawing, and, after a couple of years, her hobby
grew into something more and became her work. She dedicates every day to drawing and she
has made significant progress over the past few years. But what exactly motivated her to develop
her creative talent and continue to evolve in this direction?

Daria, or Mira Kantutaru(her nickname) just recently turned 21, but still she vividly remembers
how her creative journey started. 'It all started when I was in middle school. My passion for
drawing was so strong that I couldn't concentrate on my studies and stop drawing in class,' she
tells me. As a close friend of hers, I can tell it's true because drawing has been her main passion
since childhood. Daria doesn't leave the house often, because she draws every day and
sometimes even during the night. 'I don't think of it as a job, but rather as something I really
enjoy,' Daria tells me.

While being at Daria's house, I asked for more details about her passion for drawing. She said
that when she was younger she used to draw on paper, but then suddenly one day, she was given
a graphic tablet and fell in love with digital drawing. 'I wasn't planning on becoming popular or
making money from it, but I developed my abilities and realized that drawing was my calling,' she
said. 'With a graphic tablet, it's much easier for me to draw and bring my ideas to life.' I also
asked her what motivated her to keep drawing. 'I continued to draw, because it was interesting
and I really enjoyed it. Drawing made me a happy person and it still does.'

Then I asked Daria about the attitude of her family to her hobby and her plans for the future. 'At
first, my family didn't accept my hobby because it had a negative effect on my performance at
school. However, over time, they realized that I have talent and creativity and began to support
me,' she said. 'Drawing is a big part of me and my life. In the future, I will develop my creative
abilities even more and share more of my drawings online,” she said happily, full of inspiration.

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