Dapadap - Lesson Examplar

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Learning Area English

Learning Delivery Modality Face to Face

School Pulo National High School Grade Level 8

Teacher Emyjoy L. Dapadap Learning English
Teaching March 06, 2024 Quarter 3rd Quarter
Teaching 3:20- 4:10 pm No. of Days 3

I. OBJECTIVES Objectives

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian

literature as mirror to a shared heritage; coping strategies in
processing textual information; strategies in examining features of
a listening and viewing material; structural analysis of words and
propaganda techniques; and grammatical signals for opinion-
making, persuasion, and emphasis
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a
Standards persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring use
of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical
signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and
appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
C. Most
Essential MELC 14: Analyze literature as a mirror to a shared heritage of
Learning people with diverse backgrounds
D. Enabling None
II. CONTENT The Story of Ramayana by Maharshi Valmiki

A. References
a. Teacher’s
b. Learner’s Page 2- learning Packet Q3 week 4
c. Textbook
d. Additional
B. List of Learning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bez2vUfrUW0
Resources for https://templatelab.com/plot-diagram-templates/

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Development and


What I need to know?

1. Introduction
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to;

a. identify the key elements of the short story.

b. understand the Ramayana story.
c. interpret the elements of shorts story.

What I know?
B. Development
What’s in?

Activity: Review It!

1. The story of Makato and Cowrie Shell is from what

A. India
B. Philippines
C. Thailand
D. Saudi

2. Who is the young boy who chose to leave his village and
decided to travel in Sukhothai just to meet the King?

A. Makato
B. Pra Ruang
C. Vendor
D. John

3. In what city does Makato come from?

A. Sokothai
B. Mon
C. Burma

4. What did Makato bought in that vendor's store?

A. Seed of Egg plant

B. Seed of squash
C. Seed of grapes
D. Seed of Lettuce

5. What do you mean by mahout?

A. Successful
B. the chance and the way it affect your life
C. child whose parents are dead
D. a person who cares for a working elephant

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6. What was the thing given by the King to Makato?

A. Rope
B. Cowrie Shell
C. Necklace
D. Ring

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What’s in

Key Elements of a short story

Elements of Plot

1. Exposition/Initial Action. This is the very beginning of a story.

2. Rising Action. This is the part when tension starts to build.
3. Climax. This is the part of the story where the characters finally
have to face and solve the major conflict.
4. Falling Action. This is when the tension lessens and starts
bringing the action to a close.
5. Resolution/Denouement. This is the conclusion or ending of a
Key features of Conflict

1. Man vs. man.

2. Man vs. self
3. Man vs. society
4. Man vs. supernatural.

Point of View - This is the angle of narration or the perspective

from which the story is told.

A. First Person. The narrator is a character in the story who

can reveal only personal thoughts and feelings. It uses the
personal pronoun I
B. Second person. where the narrator tells the story to
another character using the word 'you, 'you're,' and 'your.
C. Third person. This is when the narrator is removed from
the story and tells it from an outside perspective. The
narrator uses personal pronouns like "he," "she," and

Unlocking of difficulties

 Moskha - The freedom from the eternal cycle of life, death,

and rebirth.
 Dharma - Personal behaviour Law and justice Rituals and
rites of passage Sannyasa and stages of life Duties.
 Abduct - Take (someone) away by force or deception
 Nipa hut - The native houses of the indigenous people.

Present the short video of Ramayana by maharishi Valmiki

The Story of Ramayana

by Maharshi Valmiki

Long ago, Dasharatha, the wise king of Ayodhya of Sarayu, India

had three wives. Though the King had three wives, he didn’t have
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any children with them. The Chief priest Vasishta advised the king
to make fire sacrifice to obtain a blessing from the gods. After the
gods were pleased, one of them appeared out of the flame and
handed him a pot full of nectar.

The god told the king to share the nectar with his three queens
namely Kausalya, Kaikeye, and Sumitra. While the nectar had
been shared, the three queens gave birth to sons: Kausalya had
Rama; Kaikeye had Bharatha; and Sumitra had twins Lakshmana
and Shatrughna. A sage took the boys out to train them in
archery. In a neighboring city, the ruler's daughter was named
Sita. When it was time for Sita to choose her bridegroom, at a
ceremony called a Swayamvara, the princes were asked to string
a giant bow. No one else could even lift the bow, but as Rama
bent it, he did not only string it but also broke it into two. Sita
indicated that she chose Rama as her husband by putting a
garland around his neck.

The disappointed suitors were watching. King Dasharatha,

Rama's father, decided it was time to give his throne to his eldest
son Rama and retired to the forest to seek moksha. Everyone
seems pleased. This plan fulfilled the rules of dharma because an
eldest son should rule and, if a son can take over one's
responsibilities, one's last years may be spent in a search for

In addition, everyone loved Rama. However, Rama's stepmother,

the king's second wife, was not pleased. She wanted her son,
Bharata, to rule. Because of an oath Dasharatha had made to her
years before, she got the king to agree to banish Rama for
fourteen years and to crown Bharata even though the king, on
bended knee, begged her not to demand such things. Broken-
hearted, the devastated king could not face Rama with the news
that Kaikeyi must tell him. Rama, always obedient, was as
content to go into banishment in the forest as to be crowned king.

Sita convinced Rama that she would always be at his side and his
brother Lakshmana also begged to accompany them. Rama, Sita,
and Lakshmana set out to the forest. Bharata, whose mother's
evil plot had won him the throne, was very upset when he found
out what had happened. Not for a moment he did consider
breaking the rules of dharma and becoming king in Rama's place.
He went to Rama's forest retreat and begged Rama to return and
rule, but Rama refused. "We must obey father," Rama says.
Bharata then took Rama's sandals saying, "I will put these on the
throne, and every day I shall place the fruits of my work at the feet
of my Lord." Embracing Rama, he took the sandals and returned
to Ayodhya. Years passed and Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana were
very happy in the forest. Rama and Lakshmana destroyed the
rakshasas (evil creatures) who disturbed the sages in their

One day a rakshasa princess named Shurpanakha tried to

seduce Rama, and Lakshmana wounded her and drove her
away. She returned to her brother Ravana, the ten-headed ruler
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of Lanka (Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon), and told her brother, who
is always attracted to beautiful women, about lovely Sita. Ravana
devised a plan to abduct Sita. He sent a magical golden deer
which Sita desired Rama to hunt. A long time had passed, but
Rama didn’t return. Thus, Lakshmana went off to find his brother.

Before leaving Sita, Lakshmana drew a protective circle around

Sita and warned her that she would be safe if she would stay
within the circle. As they went off, Ravana, who could change his
shape, appeared as a holy man begging alms. The moment Sita
stepped outside the circle to give him food, Ravana grabbed her
and carried her off to his kingdom in Lanka. Rama was broken-
hearted when he returned to the empty hut and could not find
Sita. A band of monkeys led by Hanuman offered to help him find
Sita. Ravana carried Sita to his palace in Lanka, but he could not
force her to be his wife.

So, he put her in a grove and alternately sweet-talked her and

threatened her in an attempt to get her to agree to marry him. Sita
would not even look at him but thought only of her beloved Rama.
Hanuman, the general of the monkey band could fly since his
father was the wind, and he flew to Lanka and found Sita in the
grove, comforted her, and told her Rama would come soon and
save her. Ravana's men captured Hanuman, and Ravana ordered
them to wrap Hanuman's tail in cloth and to set it on fire. With his
tail burning, Hanuman hopped from house-top to house-top,
setting Lanka a fire. He then flew back to Rama to tell him where
Sita was.

Rama, Lakshmana, and the monkey army built a causeway from

the tip of India crossing over to Lanka. A mighty battle took place.
Rama killed several of Ravana's brothers and then Rama
confronted ten-headed Ravana. Rama finally killed Ravana and
freed Sita. After Sita gained her freedom from Ravana, she
proved her purity through the trial by fire. Then, they returned to
Ayodhya and Rama became the king.
What’s more?
C. Engagement
What I have learned?

Activity 1: Internalize It!

Directions: Identify whether the statement below are,
Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action or

1. ______A mighty battle took place. Rama killed several of

Ravana's brothers and then Rama confronted him. Finally,
Rama killed Ravana, and he freed Sita.
2._______Rama, the son of King Dasharata, was the prince of
Ayohdya. In a neighboring city, the ruler's daughter named
Sita chose Rama

3._________The ten-headed Ravana, the ruler of Lanka,

devised a plan to abduct Sita and sent a magical golden deer
which Sita desired her lover to hunt. While Rama was away,
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Ravana grabbed Sita and carried her off to Lanka

4._______As Rama became the king, he ruled Ayodhya with

Ramrajya - an ideal time when everyone does his or her
duties and responsibilities

5._____after Sita had gained her freedom from Ravana, she

proved her purity through the trial by fire. Then, they returned
to Ayodhya and Rama became the king.

Direction: Write the correct answer of the following questions.

D. Assimilation
1. It refers to the time and place in which the action of the story

A. Setting B. Plot
C. Climax D. Character

2. It is defined as an interrelated sequence of events in a story.

A. Setting B. Character
C. Plot D. Theme

3. It is the main character who does heroic acts in the story.

A. Antagonist B. Protagonist
C. Dynamic Character D. Static Character

4. The struggle between two opposing forces.

A. Character B. Conflict
C. Theme D. Setting

5. The ______ of a story is its central idea or message.

A. Resolution B. Rising Action
C. Plot D. Theme

6. Are the people (or animals) that populate a story.

A. Conflict B. Character
C. Setting D. Resolution

7. Are the people (or animals) that populate a story.

A. Conflict B. Character
C. Setting D. Resolution

8. It is the conflict of the story in which the struggle is between the

protagonist and the antagonist.

A. Man vs. Man B. Man vs. Self

C. Man vs. Society

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9. It is a conflict that occurs when the character has a conflict with
the government, cultural, or societal.

A. Man vs. self B. Man vs. Society

C. Man vs. Supernatural

10. It is a conflict that happens when the protagonist faces a

struggle against a god, gods, and supernatural forces.

A. Man vs. self B. Man vs. Society

C. Man vs. Supernatural

What I can do? ASSESSMENT:

Direction: Read and analyze the following situation and choose

the appropriate answer from the box.

Third Person Climax

Exposition Rising Action
First Person Falling Action
Antagonist Resolution
Setting Theme

1.______ “Long ago, Dasharatha of king of Ayodhya, India.

2. ______ Ravana devised a plan to abduct Sita. He sent a
magical golden deer, which Sita desired to Rama hunt.
3. ______ Ravana and the step mother of Rama they are ______
in the story.
4._______ Loyalty and responsibility are the underlying message
that the author wants to tell to us in Ramayana story.
5._______ India, Ayodhya are the __________in the story of
6. _______ I am the ruler of my own life.
7.________ The ten-headed Ravan kidnapped Sita, while Rama
was away.
8. ________ The step mother of want her son to become king of
9.________ Rama and Sita returned to the palace of Ahodhya and
Rama become a king.
10. _______Rama killed Ravana and Sita was free.
The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their
personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below. I
understand that _____________. I realize that

Prepared by:

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Student Teacher


Coordinating Teacher

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