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A Bad Omen “Did I say something wrong?” Lyfe asked, lifting

his goggles.
“Don’t worry about it, big guy,” Morgana said.
by Alexandra Pitchford “This is our first run as a crew, and Striga … she’s
just Striga. If my stupid jokes can’t get her to smile, I
don’t think much will.” She patted the muscular decker
It was supposed to be a milk run. on the back before following the other two into the
The job had gone smoothly. The schematics and room. Striga had already found the node, resting a
security information Lyfe had dug up on the building hand of matte carbon fiber against the casing as her
proved to be accurate enough to let them cut through eyes—gleaming an eerie crimson in the dark—flitted
to the secure host on one of the lower levels. Lyfe hun- toward them.
kered down to crack the security door, the troll squint- “Lyfe. Wipe the data. The sooner we get out of here,
ing behind his thick goggles as a digital readout scrolled the better.” Striga’s words carried a slight accent, East-
across the lenses. ern European of some sort, though Morgana had never
“The security matches what was in the files Mr. been able to place it.
Johnson gave us. Door controls are isolated from the The troll nodded, lowering his overloaded duffel
rest of the system. Uses older tech, some serious 2050s again and fishing out another cobbled-together piece of
stuff. I think I can crack it, though.” He unspooled a tech. He bit his tongue as he worked, clamping a metal-
cable from the back of his neck, blowing on the plug lic box to the side of the server casing and hooking wires
before nodding and jacking into the panel. A few mo- that ran from it into ports in the node’s exterior.
ments later, the door opened with a grinding screech of “You sure about this, Striga?” Rose leaned back
metal, revealing darkness beyond broken by a handful against another bank of servers along one of the walls,
of blinking lights. “Ladies?” the lights around her blinking lazily. “We’re getting
Morgana smiled as the hulking troll swept a mock paid a lot of nuyen and got dragged all the way out to
bow, motioning them ahead with his gesture. Striga fragging Denver to wipe whatever’s on this thing. If the
was less amused, the lean woman hefting her gun and price tag for destroying it is this big, how much do you
striding through without a word. Rose followed af- think we could get for hocking a copy of it?”
ter her, motioning the odd mechanical spider she kept “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Morgana said.
close to her to stand guard by the door. The elf frowned, glancing toward the rigger. “We


gave our word we’d erase the data without looking back of his neck. Lights recessed in the ceiling flared
at it, right?” red, bathing them all in hellish light as alarms blared
“I don’t care. We’re all in it for the payday, right?” around them.
Rose snorted, looking at Striga and crossing her arms. “Lyfe!” Morgana ran to him, falling to her knees
“Why’d you bring the spell-jockey, anyway? This is a beside the troll, but a strong hand closed on her shoul-
tech run. Should have left her at home—bigger payday der and dragged her back.
for those of us who’re actually useful.” “We don’t have time,” Striga said, hefting her rifle.
Morgana caught Striga’s jaw tensing, a slight twitch “He’s already dead.”
of muscle just below her ear. “You don’t know that! He could have just been
“And I told you, Morgana and I are a package knocked out!”
deal.” The reply was curt, the mercenary not even look- “Striga’s right,” Rose said. “Tachi is reporting that
ing over at the rigger. “And if you start in with the the facility’s defenses are coming back online. Whatev-
suggestion that she doesn’t get an equal share, I’ll make er that drekking trog did tripped the backup systems.
sure to shove that spider drone down your throat. Are Dead or not, we need to move.”
we clear?” They didn’t give Morgana time to respond. Striga
“Chill, eh?” Lyfe said, breaking the tension as all pulled her from the room as Rose and Tachi brought
eyes turned back toward him. “I’ll just make a copy, up the rear, the drone scurrying along behind its cre-
and we can hash this out later. If we decide not to sell ator. As they passed beyond the server room’s heavy
it, we just delete it, yeah? Easy.” door, a strange chill passed down Morgana’s spine.
Striga let out a breath, giving him nod. Something was there with them. She struggled to keep
“Go ahead.” up with Striga’s pace as they ran for the lift at the other
“Right-o, boss! Just let me connect real quick, end of the hall, the alarms stuttering and glitching and
and—” the lights starting to flicker overhead as they moved.
The moment Lyfe plugged in, the server node lit “Something’s wrong!”
up, its lights flickering like mad. For a brief moment, “No drek!” Rose snapped, tapping the illuminated
Morgana thought she caught a pattern in the flickering screen on her wrist. “The entire net in this building
lights, but it was gone just as quickly. The troll seized, is going haywire. Security drones are incoming, but
his body jerking backward hard enough to rip the ca- … frag it!” She flinched as the screen sputtered and
ble from his head, smoke pouring from the jack in the cracked in a sudden electrostatic burst. Behind her, Ta-


chi twitched and stumbled, falling to the ground in a again, sweeping from one side to the other before lean-
clatter of lifeless metal. “This doesn’t make sense!” She ing down to offer Morgana a hand up behind her.
turned as Striga punched the lift button, dropping to “I think so. I don’t remember the exact layout. Lyfe
8 a knee beside Tachi and popping open a panel in the
drone’s chassis.
and Rose had the schematics.”
“Then we find out what level we’re on and go from
“Leave it!” Striga said. there. Avoid the drones if we can and hope that any

“No way. Do you know what it took to build this live security teams that show up are on this thing’s bad
thing? I just need to get it moving again.” side, too.”
“Build a new one, come on!” “And what about you? You’ve got a lot of tech, and
Rose shot Striga a glare. The lift chimed, and Mor- whatever this is, it blew out Rose’s deck and took over
gana stepped inside, drawing her gun as Striga moved her drone.” Morgana was cautious, but she couldn’t
in after her. Behind the rigger, Tachi twitched and shud- keep a note of worry from her voice. “Are you going
dered, its eye lenses flickering and flashing white and to be okay?”
red. Rose let out a relieved sigh, starting to stand. “I’m not in the habit of hooking myself up to any
“There we go. Come on, we can get out of here, and wireless systems,” Striga said, the reply curt, though
I can give Tachi a proper look-over on the road,” she her demeanor softened after a moment. “I’ll be fine. I
said. The drone twitched and stumbled as it got up on promise.”
its legs again, a pair of metal barrels emerging from its The floor they’d emerged onto was office space, a
carapace as its eyes flared red. The hall was filled with broad expanse of sleek cubicles that would have been
the sharp rattling of machine-gun fire, Morgana throw- packed with wageslaves during normal business hours.
ing herself to one side as Striga hit the lift panel, bullets Terminals crackled and sparked, some flickering madly,
streaking past to thud into the elevator’s back wall as others completely blown out from the constant power
the doors slid closed. The sound grew muffled, but it surges that were wreaking havoc on the building. The
was still firing as they began to move, that last image lighting was dim, flickering like old burned-out fluo-
of Rose’s form jerking under a hail of gunfire burned rescents with an irritating buzz to match. The back of
into Morgana’s mind as she hunkered against the wall Morgana’s neck prickled, the sense of being observed
and gasped for breath. making her stomach knot, though there was no sign
“It … it killed her. Tachi killed her! Why?” of security—drone or otherwise. The charge in the air
Striga crouched quietly on the other side of the lift felt like the pressure just before a spell went off, the
from her, just beside the door, checking the clip in her crescendo of magic that preceded something big, just
rifle before slotting it back in and chambering a round. hanging there. Potential unfulfilled.
“Whatever’s causing the building’s systems to go “There’s something else here, too …” She said,
haywire. She was tied in through her deck, and it took finally. “I can feel it. It doesn’t make any sense, but
control of the drone through that. Given how much she it’s here.” Morgana swallowed. Her throat felt dry. “I
crowed about how ‘un-crackable’ her little toy was, I’d think we let it out.”
guess it has control of the security drones, too.” Striga began to wend her way through the cubicles,
That thought didn’t make the mage feel better in carefully sweeping each one they passed, and Morgana
the slightest, and she took a deep breath to try and fell into step behind her.
center herself. Tachi didn’t make it onto the lift, but the “Do you think it took control of the security sys-
facility had a small army of drones that were nearly as tems and Rose’s drone?”
dangerous. Lyfe had hacked into the system and taken “No. I don’t see how. Magic and tech don’t mix.
them offline, at least until he’d tripped the alarm. Not like that. Maybe it’s a decker with facility security.
“So if whatever or whoever hacked Tachi has con- Someone has to be controlling the drones in the first
trol of the drones—” place, right?”
“It changes nothing,” Striga said, her words flat. “Maybe.” Striga paused, nodding toward a door
“They’d fire on us either way.” set against the wall to their right. “There. This floor
“That’s comforting.” isn’t one we stopped on on the way down, but the lay-
“It wasn’t meant to be.” out is similar enough. Stairs should be that way.” She
The lift jerked, the control panel flashing as the en- started to jog toward the door, cursing and dropping
tire thing ground to a sudden halt. Morgana reached behind a cubicle wall when the door was pulled open
out to brace herself against the wall, but Striga seemed from the other side. Morgana ducked down beside
entirely unbothered, getting to her feet and slinging her her, holding her pistol close as the sound of voices
rifle over her shoulder. reached her ears.
“The schematics showed stairs on the above- “I don’t care if the drones are going nuts, fragging
ground levels, didn’t they?” Striga asked, wedging her fix it!” a man shouted, followed by a string of curses.
fingers into the seam of the door. Morgana wasn’t sure “Team B’s comms just went down. It sounded like they
how much of the mercenary’s body had been replaced were under fire.”
with ’ware, but the most obvious pieces were her arms, “The intruders, or …?” A second man’s voice
cyberware of some military-grade design armored in trailed off.
plates of carbon fiber. The woman didn’t even strain “I have no fragging idea. Just … stow it. We’ve got
as she wrenched the two halves of the door open. The work to do.”
lift hadn’t quite reached one of the floors when it had Striga lifted her head enough to peek over the edge
come to a stop, but there was enough of the exterior of the cubicle, hissing a curse that Morgana didn’t
door accessible that Striga was able to pull that one quite catch before dropping back down.
open as well and hoist herself out of the lift and onto “Centurion,” she said under her breath. “Either
the floor above them. She swung her weapon around this is an S-K facility or they’ve contracted with them.


We need to stay low, move toward the door they came stop, desperate to catch her breath.
through, and we can avoid them entirely.” “Dammit, Cass, there’s not time,” Striga snapped,
A sharp crash snapped their attention toward the the use of a name other than her handle startling Mor-
opposite side of the cubicle farm, a hovering shape
breaking through a wall of frosted glass that had sep-
gana. She nodded, following her companion out into
the floor proper, emerging into a long stretch of hallway.
arated the cubicles from the rest of the floor. The secu- Behind, that strange hollow scream followed them, far


rity drone wheeled around, its photoreceptors flashing too close for comfort. There was no choice but to keep
like mad as it sprayed bullets across the length of the running. This floor, at least, was familiar, and they bolt-
room. The sudden burst of weapons fire sent the two ed past dead guards and broken drones on their way
women and the security officers scrambling. The pair to the extraction point. Another trio of drones swept
of women ran for the door, a shout of surprise follow- out of a side room ahead of them, and Morgana forced
ing as one of the guards spotted them. Striga opened herself to focus—electricity flung from her fingertips
the door, stopping short as a second drone hovered this time, arcing and snapping between the drones and
down from higher up in the stairwell, a high-pitched allowing Striga to shoot them down while they were
whine building as it prepared to open fire. immobilized. The pair racing past them as they clat-
“Down!” tered to the ground around them.
Striga pulled Morgana with her as she threw her- An unused security room had been their entry point,
self to the side, another barrage of lead raking across through an exterior door. As they stumbled inside, Stri-
the room from the open door. One of the guards was ga hit the door’s lock mechanism and snarled a curse
caught by surprise, crumpling in a heap as he was per- as the panel flickered with static like all the other mon-
forated, but the other managed to duck behind a desk itors and panels in the building had been.
just barely in time. “Drek!” She turned, quickly slamming the door
“Enough of this.” Morgana pushed herself up, al- they’d entered through shut, drew her pistol, and fired
ready drawing on the charged energy that filled the air into the panel beside it. “What the fragging hell is that
around her. Light crackled around her hands, arcane thing, Morgana? Some answers would be real great
power building before she thrust her hand outward right now, because I don’t think I can kill a fragging
toward the drone that flew in from the stairwell. The ghost with a gun!”
moment the bolt left her hand, it felt as if the atten- “It’s not a ghost. I don’t know what that was, Stri-
tion of whatever was present locked solely on her, but ga. I’ve never—I’ve never seen anything like it.”
she pushed it out of her mind. The bolt struck home, In the distance, the howl echoed, and Morga-
punching through the drone’s chassis and knocking it na shuddered involuntarily. Each time she heard the
out of the air. A single sharp report followed, and the noise, it sliced into her soul. Outside the room, some-
other drone fell, smoke curling from the barrel of Stri- thing slammed against the door, jarring it in its frame.
ga’s rifle. Striga moved to flip over the desk, laying her rifle over
“In for a cred,” the mercenary muttered, standing. the top and staring down the door as whatever was on
“Let’s go.” the other side slammed into it again. Streamers of mist
“Stop!” began to leak around the door’s edges, the lights over-
The second guard had pulled himself up as well, his head buzzing in increasing pitch. What it was didn’t
weapon leveled at them. He started to move closer, but matter as much as the fact that it was trying to rip
the moment he took a step, the air congealed behind through the door and kill them both. So be it.
him, boiling as an indistinct shape materialized—the Morgana braced herself, focusing what power she
charge in the air swirling toward that single point in had into orbs of arcane light in her hands, poised to
the room. A spectral face twisted into a rictus, letting fling the charged bolts at whatever came through when
out an echoing scream that made lights flare and burst the shuddering door finally gave way.
around them in showers of glass and sparks. The guard It never came.
didn’t even have time to turn around. A ghastly tendril The shuddering stopped with a screech of metal.
swept across his frame and tore him apart in a spray The mage heard gunfire in the distance, a sharp stac-
of gore before the entity’s gaze turned toward Morgana cato that increased in tempo as a fading howl cut the
and Striga. air. Someone else—possibly more security forces—had
The plan didn’t even need to be spoken. As one, drawn the thing’s attention, and it even sounded as if
Morgana and Striga ran, bolting through the stairwell more drones were firing back at them. In front of her,
door and heading up. The markings on the wall indi- Striga exhaled, lowering her gun and getting up to pry
cated they were still several floors underground. When open their exit.
they reached the ground floor, Morgana staggered to a “Frag Denver. Frag S-K. We’re going home.”


Posted by: Peregrine ind tribes and Anglos. At various points in history,
March 10, 2079, marks the last time I commu- the region was claimed by Amerind tribes, Spain,
nicated with a good friend of mine who lived in France, and the USA. Currently it is firmly in the
Denver. Her name was Perri, and she was a sys- claws of Ghostwalker, a great western dragon who
op for the Denver Data Haven, also known as the has changed the landscape (literally and figurative-
Nexus. But a couple months ago, I got a message ly) in ways we’re still discovering.
on an old, encrypted channel that hinted that Perri Some of the first people to populate the area
were the Ute, who still play a role in its cultural
might still be alive. I owed it to her to follow up
development to this day. The Ute were joined by
this lead (and I had nothing else on my plate any-
the Cheyenne, Lakota, Kiowa, Pueblo, Coman-
way) so I made a trip to the Mile High City. What
che, Sioux, and Arapahoe. You can see traces of
I learned about the Front Range Free Zone on that
all these tribes throughout the region, and the Na-
trip seemed like it’d be a good tract for my fellow
tive American Nations remain some of the most
dominant cultural powers in the whole FRFZ. The
Pueblo Corporate Council represents the largest
History of the land border with the FRFZ, encompassing the
whole of the western and southern borders, and
Front Range most of the northern and eastern borders.
The Anglos came along in the early 1800s, led
We’ll start with some historical context to get by a man named Zebulon Pike. You’ll see his in-
you situated. The Front Range Free Zone (FRFZ) fluence over the region as well. He named Pike’s
has long been populated by a mix of various Amer- Peak, and his “discovery” of the region inspired a


wave of independent, free-spirited Anglos to come to allow them to stay, but he also uttered the Curse
to the area and call it home. However, it was the of the Boulder Valley: “People seeing the beauty
gold rush of 1859 that really brought significant of this valley will want to stay, and their staying
and irreversible changes to the region. will be the undoing of the beauty.” You can still 11
see this curse etched into the arrivals gate of Ni-


> There was a massacre near Sand Creek in 1864, in which over wot airport. While Boulder was founded on a gold
150 people from the Arapahoe and Cheyenne tribes were claim, it really began to boom once the University
slaughtered by American soldiers. This was a turning point in of Colorado took root. Unlike many of the gold
the relations between Amerinds and Anglos and led to dozens mining towns of the West at this point, Boulder is
of reciprocal attacks by both sides. If you want to visit the known more for its artistic and intellectual culture.
battleground, bring some spiritual protection—the spirits of the Indeed, as Chief Niwot stated, the beauty would
land still remember and don’t tolerate Anglos at all.
convince people to stay. In recent years, there’s
been a major push to try to reclaim the natural
> Lyran
beauty and reverse the curse.
The three major cities that make up the FRFZ
> Under Ghostwalker, funds have been pouring in for
were all founded around the gold industry, which
means you shouldn’t be surprised to hear that all naturalization projects. Of course, this means that we’re also
three are deeply ingrained with violence, deceit, seeing an uptick in people trying to siphon those funds for
and murder. personal gain.
Denver was founded in 1858 by General Larim- > Bifrost
er, who settled next to an existing gold claim and
forced the people on it to leave so he could claim it In 2018, the First Treaty of Denver changed the
himself. Pretty nasty piece of work. It was there he political landscape of North America forever. The
built up Larimer Square, which is still in the cen- United States and Canada returned a lot of their
ter of Denver. Following the collapse of the gold land to form the Native American Nations, and
mines, the city had to look forward, and it became the FRFZ was established as a politically neutral
a haven for software startups, entrepreneurs, and region. This led to the creation of the United Ca-
an early pioneer of the Matrix. It now serves as the nadian and American States, the Confederation of
capital of the FRFZ, and on a clear day you can see American States, and the balkanization of North
Ghostwalker standing atop his tower in the middle America. Eventually, the Treaty of Denver under-
of the city. went some revisions to account for the separation
of Tsimshian, Aztlan, and Tír Tairngire, along with
> Lately, you see more and more of Ghostwalker. For a while the development of the CAS.
after the Eviction, Ghostwalker wasn’t around much at all. It On Christmas Eve 2061, the city got a new
was basically just Nicholas Whitefeather telling everyone what leader. Ghostwalker emerged from the Watergate
Ghostwalker said. But the last six months or so, we’ve seen Rift and immediately flew to Denver. He wrecked
Ghostwalker a lot more often.
things throughout the region, focusing his rampage
in the Aztlan sector. He then kicked Aztlan out of
> Kay St. Irregular
the FRFZ and established himself as its leader.
This, of course, required a rebuilding of the Trea-
Colorado Springs was founded in 1858 as well,
and while there was some gold present, it wasn’t in ty of Denver. The Second Treaty of Denver was
the quantities found in other areas. The city grew written and established Ghostwalker’s rule over
up anyway though, thriving on the area’s prolific the Hub district. The Pueblo Corporate Council
hot springs, which promised health and purifica- (PCC) took over the former Ute districts as well,
tion of the spirit to weary travelers and workers and things stabilized eventually.
in the region. By the twentieth century, Colorado
> This was a scary time in the Mile High City. No one knew what
Springs was known more for its military presence
than its healing properties, as it boasted the Air Ghostwalker wanted, only that he was on a tear through the
Force Academy along with five other military in- area, killing hundreds and razing whole neighborhoods to the
stallations in and around the city. Rumor has it ground. It was only later that we learned that the focus of his
that the Air Force Academy’s McDermott Library attacks was on Aztechnology when he announced that he was
housed the Denver Data Haven while it still exist- going to recompense all parties except them.
ed. I’ll get more into detail about that later. > Kay St. Irregular
Boulder has a slightly different kind of histo-
ry. Also founded in 1858, it was the territory of Ghostwalker took a small hiatus in 2073 and
Arapaho Chief Niwot, who attempted to warn off returned in 2074 with the free spirit Zebulon. Ze-
the Anglo interlopers. Chief Niwot was granted a bulon was an amazing spirit who showed a great
vision of a flood that would wipe away his people amount of compassion and consideration. Some
but leave the Anglos unharmed. Thus, he decided scholars argued that Zebulon convinced Ghost-


walker to spare more than a few metahumans. fic, because the size of the FRFZ prevents the ZDF
However, Zebulon is also the reason Ghostwalk- from patrolling every kilometer effectively.
er would sometimes make some very odd or even Getting into or out of any of the districts re-
12 downright callous decisions. For instance, he quires passing through a checkpoint. The check-
would grant a building permit to one person and points are pretty unobtrusive, having just a gate

tear down that same building shortly after it was that covers the road scanning SINs in real time, Pe-
constructed. Astral scholars have said that he was destrian access uses the same system. You can just
doing this to affect the manasphere in Denver, to drive right through without ever slowing down.
make it more amenable to Zebulon. The full truth The whole thing is automated, but if they detect
is still unknown, and in 2079, Zebulon was report- a falsified SIN or contraband in your vehicle, the
ed to be destroyed. Not just dispersed or disrupted, ZDF will be deployed to your position, and you’ll
but obliterated. be tracked by drones almost immediately.
Since 2079, things have been crazy. As I said All the districts have a representative on the
before, communication with the region was shut Zone Council, except for the Gap and Englewood,
down on March 10. The cities all went into lock- which both lack the population to warrant such a
down, and Ghostwalker’s Zone Defense Force position. Members of the Zone Council are giv-
(ZDF) forcibly ushered out every government enti- en free accommodations in Ghostwalker’s private
ty from the FRFZ. Ghostwalker’s Voice, Nicholas suites in The Hub. And while they are the legisla-
Whitebird, declared that the ZDF was maintaining tors and representatives of the people on paper, the
martial law over the zone per Ghostwalker’s wish- fact remains that if Ghostwalker chooses to crush
es. Ghostwalker had given the various member na- them and eat their families, they’re all now very
tions a month to evacuate, and anyone left behind close at claw.
was treated as fair game by the ZDF. The whole You’ll see that theme throughout the FRFZ, to
thing was to be known as Ghostwalker’s Recla- be honest. Everywhere I looked, it seemed like peo-
mation, but some folks on the street will refer to it ple were happily going about their days as if noth-
as the Great Eviction. Things were very tense for ing was wrong. But it just took a knowing glance
a few months while people acclimated to the new around to find all the cameras, drones, and agents
normal. watching everyone’s every move. It was the sort of
thing that was very paranoia-inducing. No wonder
people prefer to pretend it’s not all there.
Places to Go ...
The FRFZ is a lot more than just Denver, Col- Arvada
orado Springs, and Boulder. It’s also more than all
the transportation, politics, and shadow games.
To my knowledge, Denver is the only city in the arvada at a glance
world that boasts its own metaplane. Additionally, Size: 226 square kilometers
it’s got a very outsized Matrix presence. To discuss Population (2081): 152,000
these last two areas, about which I am no expert, Human: 65%
I reached out to Bifrost and Voxel, two Denver Dwarf: 3%
residents who know a ton about the astral plane Elf: 13%
and the Matrix, respectively. I also collected some Ork: 15%
feedback from a couple of local Denverites named Troll: 2%
14er and Mile High Mike, who can provide some Other: 2%
street-level input that might be useful. I’ve put Population density: 673 per square kilometer
their comments in the relevant sections, since they Per capita income: 65,000¥
don’t have access to JackPoint. Hospitals and clinics: 8
The FRFZ is broken up into several semi-auton- Education (2081):
omous districts, and they cover the territory from Less than 12 years: 25%
High school equivalency: 38%
as far north as Boulder, to as far south as Colorado
College equivalency: 23%
Springs. The Zone is simply humungous, covering
Advanced degrees and certificates: 14%
12,754 square kilometers of what used to be Col-
orado. There is a total of nineteen districts, with a
demilitarized zone (DMZ) around the whole thing. Located just north and west of the city center,
The DMZ is about a kilometer thick, with autho- the Arvada district is a large area that covers about
rized checkpoints along major roads connecting 230 square kilometers of mostly urban space. On
the PCC and Sioux Nation with the FRFZ. Cross- the western edges of the district, things get more
ing the DMZ requires a scan of your vehicle and rural and spread out. On the eastern edges, things
passengers, and then a similar scan on the other are very dense. Arvada is still very much a bed-
side. Despite all this, there is a lot of illegal traf- room community for the larger Denver region.


> All those wageslaves who live in Arvada are pumped to the brim
with chemicals. All those uppers have taken their toll on the soul
of Arvada and its residents.
> Bifrost 13


> Be aware that there are packs of feral Libertines running around.
For those that don’t know what those are, they’re Emerged
raccoons. Like normal raccoons, they tend to be a nuisance for
anything that isn’t nailed down. The difference is, they like to dig
through your commlinks and mess with your data.
> Voxel

Atlantean Foundation Offices

The Atlantean Foundation runs its affairs out
of this tall building. Visitors are permitted on the
first two floors, which are dedicated to their collec-
tion of relics, promotional materials for their orga-
nization, and public relations. The remaining five
floors are off-limits to the public and presumably
are reserved for the Atlantean Foundation’s meet-
ings, support staff, and perhaps even more secure
storage. The presence of a basement vault has been
hinted at but not confirmed.

KMAG Headquarters
Local media outlet KMAG leases the top two
floors of this building. The topmost floor is re-
served for sets, broadcast equipment, simsense
equipment, and other tools of the trade. The floor
below is reserved for corporate offices, writing
rooms, and other support personnel. The roof is
used for broadcast equipment such as satellites,
antennae, and repeaters.

Lakeside Amusement Park

A former amusement park that fell into dis-
repair and was rebuilt as a casino, the Lakeside
Amusement Park now caters to more adult enter-
tainment. The amusement park still exists, but the
real money and focus is on the casino and brothel
run by the Chavez Family.

> If you have to do business with the Chavez Family, there’s a

very strong chance it’ll happen here. If you are asked to meet
somewhere else, it’s probably a setup. They prefer to do their
business where they can control the action.
> 14er

Mesametric Factory
Mesametric is one of the largest local compa-
nies in the region. They build everything from con-
struction drones to light military craft. Currently,
they have a contract with the Sioux Nation to pro-
vide military vehicles to them.


Table Mountain gangs, who get it from the Quincy Reservoir. For
Prison Complex electricity, most residents have to scrape together
their own generators and power them via refur-
14 Located within hollowed-out areas of Table bished solar panels, old-fashioned fuels, or even
Mountain, this super-max prison is said to be near- hand cranks.

ly impossible to escape. A lucky few have managed All this is to say essentially: avoid the Aurora
to escape through the top, but the cold air, harsh Warrens if possible.
winds, and steep descent create a small pile of bod-
ies near the streets below that is regularly cleaned > Astrally speaking, this place is just as bad as it is physically. The
up by the ZDF. despair of millions of souls weighs heavily on the astral plane
here. But, if you look closely, you might see the occasional spark
> Ghost, the astral plane here is almost as bad as in Aurora. Hundreds of hope or light in the gloom. That’s because even in a place like
of people have tried to escape this prison, only to end up falling or this, there is a spirit of freedom and independence.
freezing to death. All that death, combined with the complete lack > Bifrost
of empathy on the parts of the guards makes the place pretty hard
to deal with. Despite that, they don’t bring Awakened prisoners > People and sprites in Aurora tend to take a lot of pride in their
here. They know that spirits and magical abilities would make short cobbled-together decks and hacks. You’ll find AR graffiti all over
work of most of their security measures. the district.
> Bifrost > Voxel

Aurora Warrens Aurora Village

The Aurora Warrens is a land of urban blight Medical Center
and decay. The other Denverites thought that Take everything I just said about the day-to-
the residents of Aurora bred like rabbits, which day horror of Aurora and forget about it when it
is where the name “Warrens” originated. Many, comes to this one place. It was built in 2072 to
many years later, some residents prefer to live un- help support the Olympics in the city, and they
derground, away from Ghostwalker’s prying eyes. chose a place right on the border of Aurora and
This has only reinvigorated the use of “rabbit” as Stapleton because it was on the good side of land
a slur against the residents. prices, but close enough to the arenas that it could
Things went downhill for Aurora back when still service them.
the area was targeted as a source of wealth that
needed seizing following the First Treaty of Denver. > The ZDF has constant patrols to ensure that staff and patients
Wealthy people moved out, often going to nearby get in and out safely. Oh, and forget about going here if you’re
Englewood, and they were replaced by high-densi-
not a full-fledged citizen.
ty, low-income housing. Land values plummeted,
> Mile High Mike
which some hoped would lead to a surge of devel-
opment in the area, but that never transpired.
Public utilities are a joke in the Warrens. Most Meat Market
residents have to buy their water from the local If you’re Infected in Denver, you better know
about the Meat Market in Aurora. Built into an
aurora at a glance old mall on the north end, it’s an open secret that
the place is run by Tamanous. They cater, literally,
Size: 102 square kilometers
to the special dietary needs of the Infected. It’s a
Population (2081): 503,000
Human: 58%
great place to find buyers for any fresh “product”
Dwarf: 5%
you might have available.
Elf: 10%
Ork: 20% Paradise Lane
Troll: 4%
Honestly, I could have broken this entry up into
Other: 3%
six or seven other entries. The story goes that sev-
Population density: 4,931 per square kilometer
Per capita income: 6,000¥
eral former shadowrunners decided to retire and
Hospitals and clinics: 5
open businesses that would provide critical ser-
Education (2081) vices to the shadow community. The street known
Less than 12 years: 85% as Paradise Lane is one of the only places in the
High school equivalency: 12% Warrens where the Fronts and Zombies have no
College equivalency: 2% direct presence. The businesses along this street are
Advanced degrees and certificates: 1% barricaded and protected by this team of runners,
their contacts, and some of the residents who have


taken on the role of local militia. This is about the with a twist. The place is run by a free spirit of
safest place in the Warrens. fire named Frantic. Not only are her pours legend-
There’s a weapon store called Dartguns 2 ary—as you might expect, there’s a lot of flaming
Smartguns, run by a guy named Rattler who has drinks—but she can even open an astral gateway 15
two crazy cyberarms. Rattler will provide you and hide an object on a metaplane, away from


with nearly any weapon you could want and can prying eyes. Frantic is the only person who knows
even customize them for you on the spot. He’s where her gateways go, and there’s no way she will
married to Trinket, who runs a talismonger shop talk about it. She’s sworn some sort of geas about
across the street (it’s creatively named Trinket’s). it, which prevents her from ever speaking to any-
Trinket is a raccoon shaman, which you’ll learn one about the metaplane.
quickly when you get into the store. It looks like
a cluttered mess, but Trinket knows where every- > Hole in the Wall is also unique for catering to the needs of
thing is, always. spirits. It’s unclear exactly how Frantic does it, but she whips up
“drinks” for her spirit clientele. They seem to love it, and I swear
> Rattler will also let you use the back room of his shop for private
I’ve seen some of them get what I can only call drunk.
meets, but only if he knows both parties.
> Bifrost
> Mile High Mike

Sam’s Gadgets is a bit of an anomaly in the Quincy Reservoir

Warrens—it caters to users of electronic gadgets Known to locals as “the Rez”, the Quincy
and tools. Run by a technomancer named Sam, Reservoir is the only place where locals can find
the store is just about the only place on earth I reliably clean water. Compared to the rest of the
could find an old RadioShack commlink. Next FRFZ, the water is toxic beyond compare—but for
door to Sam’s Gadgets is Allie Cats XXX, a strip the rabbits of the Warrens, this is their best option.
club that also doubles as a place where you can Distribution and collection are controlled exclu-
find nearly any drug or pathogen known to man. sively by the Fronts, a gang that I’ll be covering
Allie, the lady who runs the place, takes great in more detail later. Needless to say, there are con-
pride in ensuring her dancers are safe, and also stant fights as residents squabble over their share
provides special back rooms for private meetings of the water.
with Johnsons.

> Phrasing. Smoky Hill Marketplace

> Bifrost The Aurora Warrens’ very own open-air souk!
One can find almost anything here, provided that
Grunt’s Orkish Delights is a restaurant that spe- you’re okay with things that are previously used.
cializes in making very spicy and hearty meals to And by “previously used,” I mean “still covered in
cater to ork tastes. Basically, it’s a Szechuan place, the blood of the previous poor sap who bought the
and they have some of the best noodles I’ve ever thing.”
had. It’s run by an old ork named Grunt who sup-
posedly was a cook for the Big Rhino in Seattle. Tír’Rae
Hippocrates is a clinic right next door, run by a
street doc named Hippocrates. The way I under- A small neighborhood of elves in the east-
stand it, he got his name by fixing up the gang ern part of the Aurora Warrens. The residents of
members who attempted to run him out of town— Tír’Rae live primarily underground, taking refuge
after he shot them, of course. in a series of old mining tunnels. They are fiercely
Dracula’s Coffins is one of the strangest places protective of their holdings, and protection is pro-
I’ve ever seen. It’s run by a guy who calls himself vided by the Silver Thorns, an all-elf gang.
Dracula and claims to be a vampire. To be honest,
I can’t independently verify this story, but he cer- Boulder
tainly seems to fit the part. He runs a coffin hotel
out of the front of this old garage, where he can Boulder is the northernmost city in the FRFZ.
sleep up to twenty in coffin-like pods. However, It’s a gorgeous place, truly. The residents there
his real passion seems to be tuning up cars. The have done a lot to make the city environmentally
rest of the garage is set up to work on cars big and friendly, even requiring new buildings to be built
small. He can tune up your Bulldog just as easily as so that they don’t obstruct the landscape. This
he can fix your Scoot, and while you wait you can means there are fewer corporate buildings in the
chill out in one of his coffins. If you trust a vampire city, but the residents think that’s a worthwhile
to watch over you, of course. tradeoff. Home to one of the oldest universities
The last stop on our tour of Paradise Lane is in the region, Boulder produces some of the best
Hole in the Wall. It’s a bar like most bars, but artists and creative talents in North America.


remain mainstream. For instance, you won’t see a
Boulder at a glance single image of Daniel Howling Coyote here, be-
Size: 1,440 square kilometers (150 urban) cause he’s considered too “edgy.”
16 Population (2081): 207,500 (200,000 urban)
Human: 50% > Which is total bulldrek. Honestly, someone should break in and

Dwarf: 6% put a bunch of his artwork and the old propaganda posters up.
Elf: 19% That would probably slot off some sort of bigwig in the PCC—and
Ork: 18% rightly so!
Troll: 4% > Lyran
Other: 3%
Population density: 144 per square kilometer > Hey, if you’re paying, I’ll break into it and set up an impromptu
(1,333 in urban area) art exhibit.
Per capita income: 90,000¥
> Mika
Hospitals and clinics: 10
Education (2080)
> Let’s talk offline.
Less than 12 years: 18%
High school equivalency: 45% > Lyran
College equivalency: 25%
Advanced degrees and certificates: 12% Horizon Office Complex
Depending on how you approach this building,
> The ZDF in Boulder is more aggressive about environmental you might see the plains to the east or the moun-
crimes (such as littering) than in most other parts of the Zone. tains out west. That’s because Horizon built this
In most parts of the Zone, you’d just get a ticket, but in Boulder, facility with unique exterior panels that mimic the
expect to get arrested and detained for a few hours at least.
surrounding environment. Designed to curve and
move with the landscape, this office is truly an ar-
> 14er
chitectural marvel. Rumor has it that this office
houses a branch of Horizon Internal Intelligence,
Fox Theatre their own gestapo that monitors internal employ-
A favorite nightclub for students at the Univer- ees for the Consensus. If true, this might be a gold
sity of Colorado for generations, the Fox Theatre mine for an intrepid interloper who wanted to get
is a hint of retro cool in the midst of an ever-chang- their hands on data about Horizon assets.
ing landscape. It specializes in jazz, indie rock, and
even hosts a few poetry slams. An unspecified alum SpiriTech Headquarters
purchased the theatre back in 2068 and began ret-
SpiriTech is one of the local AA-rated corps,
rofitting it to keep the aesthetic while moderniz-
based here on the north side of Boulder. They em-
ing the facilities. You’ll find AR-enabled elements
ploy a large number of spirits and shamans, and all
throughout, carefully woven into the art deco styl-
of them work out of this office. So naturally, this
ing of the building.
building is well-guarded from a magical perspective.
They hired Ming Solutions to provide guidance on
Halferville how to make the building accessible yet private.
There is a small area on the eastern side of Boul- There is no living material on the exterior of the
der that is affectionately known as “Halferville.” building, allowing spirits and astral entities to free-
It supports a large community of dwarves, and ly enter and exit. Internally, however, there is living
they lean hard into their communal identity. Every material inside each wall, which preserves privacy
week they host a farmer’s market where you can and ensures that company activities are secure.
buy dwarven-made arts and crafts, among other
things, and generally participate in what they refer > As one might expect, the magical defenses on this place are top-
to as “Halfer culture.” By which I mean, everything notch. But unlike most corporate facilities, the magical security
is basically normal, but the prices are inflated in is shamanic in nature. This means that you’re more likely to
order to bilk the tourists. encounter spirits working alongside security guards who may be
well-trained in resisting your magical influences.
Heritage Museum > Bifrost

Back before the Ute Nation was absorbed by

the PCC, Boulder was in the Ute sector. The region University of Colorado
boasts a tremendous amount of historical Ute sites The University of Colorado recently underwent
and artifacts, most of which are housed in the Her- massive reforms and rebuilding efforts, thanks in
itage Museum. The Heritage Museum also caters large part to the University of Denver. While some
to other types of exhibits though, but they try to might view this as aiding a rival, the universities


both saw that there was greater potential in pre- solar farm is slated to provide power to the Hub at
serving that rivalry than in stifling the competi- the expense of all other districts.
tion. The University of Colorado draws substan-
tial numbers of magically active students and has a CodeBlue Biotech Office 17
burgeoning technomancy department that studies
Most people don’t realize that MCT does some


the effects of Resonance.
of its sketchiest research under the names of its sub-
sidiaries. CodeBlue is one of them. They operate
Brighton a research facility on the farthest outskirts of the
Zone, and they’ve even set it up as a Zero Zone.
It must be some sort of self-contained facility too,
brighton at a glance because the only things coming or going are drones
Size: 1,093 square kilometers carrying supplies. Though supply drones don’t usu-
Population (2081): 37,800 ally get an accompanying combat drone escort.
Human: 84%
Dwarf: 1% > I knew a chummer named Pike’s Pete who tried to get in here.
Elf: 6% We never found his body, so we had a service for him at Five by
Ork: 5% Five.
Troll: 2% > 14er
Other: 2%
Population density: 35 per square kilometer
Per capita income: 35,000¥ Horse Trot Ranch
Hospitals and clinics: 8 A very large corporate retreat owned by Jarone
Education (2081) “HammerJack” Falcone. Falcone purposefully
Less than 12 years: 24% built the whole facility to support secret and clan-
High school equivalency: 52% destine meetings. The ranch is used by corporate
College equivalency: 20% types now. No idea how he’s doing under Ghost-
Advanced degrees and certificates: 4% walker’s rule, but back in my day he ran a hell of
an operation. Soundproofing and counter-surveil-
lance were just the beginning. He also put memory
Brighton is located on the far northeastern edge locks on all the guards, so they have no idea who
of the Zone, bordering the Sioux Nation. It’s in- the guests were once their visit is over. He’s still got
credibly rural, especially when compared to the some sympathy for fellow runners, but don’t abuse
rest of the Zone. It is named for the largest town his trust.
in the area, but with a population in the low thou-
sands, it’s hard to say there’s a lot of reasons to Pearson Park
visit. That being said, there are some very inter-
esting locations within the Brighton district that Hoo-boy is this a crazy place. Only ever went
take advantage of the ruralness to provide an extra there once, and I’m lucky I made it out alive. Sto-
layer of privacy and security. ry goes that the town of Fort Lupton used to be
a suburb of Denver that did pretty well for itself.
> Brighton is a lovely place to see the sun rise in the astral plane. Following the Awakening, though, the town start-
You can actually see what the plains might have looked like back ed to experience a bunch of weird phenomena.
when the world was young, before humans walked its face. There was an unspecified “natural disaster” in the
> Bifrost
town that forced everyone to evacuate—this was
around the time of the First Treaty of Denver, so it
was sort of lumped in with the Anglos leaving the
> Every single farm here makes extensive use of drones to manage
newly created Sioux Nation territory. Fast forward
their fields, crops, and do other work. Most modern farms are
to today, and the place is overrun with flora of all
highly technologically advanced and are usually owned (or are
kinds. It’s like nature did more than just reclaim
at least subsidized) by a corporate sponsor. the town, it devoured it whole. No one has been
> Voxel able to figure out what happened here exactly, but
it’s extremely dangerous.
Change the Range Solar Farm
One of the advantages to being in a massive, > The thing about Pearson is that the mojo is just wrong. It’s not
flat, rural plain is that you can open a solar farm. toxic per se, but it’s definitely not clean, either. When you go into
The Change the Range solar farm actually provides the astral in this area, you’ll feel what I mean. There’s a sense of
almost all the electricity requirements of both the dread, and it’s palpable. It gets worse the closer you get to the
Brighton and Stapleton districts. If something were actual park, too. Whatever’s in there is not happy to have visitors.
to happen to the Castle Rock Fusion Plant, this > Bifrost


Safiya’s Critter Care This cozy district just northwest of Denver’s
city center boasts some of the nicest real estate
Just your average, run-of-the-mill pet clinic ca-
in the region. It’s a well-to-do district, with many
tering to a rural community. Or it would be, if not
18 for the fact that Safiya’s a gifted geneticist. She can corporate enclaves. Per-capita income is on the
actually whip up some chimeric animals in this high end for the FRFZ, and as a result they tend

clinic, which makes her a tidy sum on the black to have lower ZDF response times, lower crime
market. If you need some patching up while you’re rates, higher education rates, etc. All the things
in Brighton, Safiya’s a good person to know. In that privilege and money can buy can be found
addition to her pet clinic, she operates as a rural in Broomfield.
version of a street doc.
> Imagine a whole district populated by Karens. That’s what
Broomfield is. If you’re going to encounter a shade or negative
Sitting Bull Shooting Range spirit here, it’s almost certainly going to be one for greed
Brighton used to be in the militant Sioux Na- or avarice. Envy is the predominate emotion in the district,
tion, so it’s hardly a surprise to find that there’s as neighbors are willing to sell each other out for their next
still a strong philosophy of self-defense. The Sitting promotion or step up the ladder.
Bull Shooting Range allows people to come and > Bifrost
practice their gun skills with almost any weapon
imaginable. They even rent their guns to people for > I’m not even going to pretend to understand what a “Karen” is.
practice time. They can’t sell anything that’s illegal
If you want to find information about which boss is sleeping with
to possess, but they can rent it out. If you want to
which secretary, just tap into one of the local neighborhood chats.
practice your skill with a Panther Assault Cannon,
go for it. Also, they will sell ammo in huge bulk The gossip mills are constantly running, which provide a frankly
quantities in any caliber you could ever want. astonishing amount of intel that you can use for your runs.
> Voxel
VOR Robotics Office
Cerebrotech Factory
Another MCT subsidiary, hidden away out in
rural Brighton. Unlike CodeBlue Biotech, VOR A subsidiary of Ares, Cerebrotech focuses
Robotics isn’t very secretive. It’s also not a Zero heavily on cyberware components. This factory
Zone. VOR Robotics is a drone manufacturer, spe- produces most of them for their Ares Consumer
cializing in drones that look like animals. Goods division.

> They use those same animalistic drones to provide Matrix > This facility has more Matrix security than it should. They’re
overwatch and surveillance for the surrounding area. Be just a manufacturing plant, but they’re protected like an R&D
cautious—any animal you see may be a drone providing a live facility. I’ve seen technomancers and traditional spiders working
feedback to the MCT security guards and spiders onsite. hand-in-hand, which implies they’re protecting something worth
> Voxel stealing. I would pay good nuyen to know what’s inside.
> Voxel
HyperSense Headquarters
Back in the early 2060s, Renraku bought out
broomfield at a glance this homegrown simsense tech company and made
Size: 277 square kilometers it one of their subsidiaries. Since then, Renraku has
Population (2081): 57,200 regularly pumped out upgrades to their simsense
Human: 60% technology, constantly pushing boundaries and
Dwarf: 4% opening up new avenues of sensation. They owe it
Elf: 15% all to the work done in this building.
Ork: 16%
Troll: 3% > A data courier sprite told me that there’s a technomancer who
Other: 2%
heads up R&D here. Goes by the name of Neuron. Last I heard
Population density: 206 per square kilometer
Per capita income: 85,000¥ about Neuron, he was one of the folks who was liberated from
Hospitals and clinics: 8 that Horizon facility in Las Vegas. It’s good to know that he’s
Education (2081) landed on his feet, but rumor has it he’s using some of the
Less than 12 years: 19% techniques Horizon used on him.
High school equivalency: 43% > Voxel
College equivalency: 26%
Advanced degrees and certificates: 12%


Newlife Medical respite by spending their nuyen on vapid shopping
A top-notch medical facility in Denver, New-
life Medical has contracts with the ZDF to pro-
vide them with upgrades, implants, and medical
> I was once hired to remove a spirit of despair affecting shoppers 19
in the mall. The owners contacted me directly, which was very
services at a discounted rate. Thus, the security at


Newlife is always better than one would expect, unusual. I found the shade, who had attached itself to a group
since there are so many officers that literally owe of sullen teenagers who were moping about the mall. In the end,
their lives to the doctors there. If you can get in, one of the teenagers was hospitalized by the shade, but I got
expect to be treated well and to have excellent ser- rid of it. It’s important to know that Ghostwalker’s decree about
vice. But know this: they have been known to send spirit rights ends as soon as one attacks someone.
off-duty ZDF officers to collect on those that fall > Bifrost
behind in their payments.
> Wait, are you implying that you allowed the spirit to harm that
> They also have fantastic facilities for Awakened clientele. teenager so you could attack it freely?
> Marko > Lyran

Sedalia Airport Castle Rock

Built by the PCC following their absorption
of the Ute Nation, the Sedalia Airport is one of
the newer airports in the FRFZ. The facility is castle rock at a glance
extremely modern, having been completed just Size: 629 square kilometers
before the 2072 Olympics. It’s one of the more Population (2081): 54,600
popular airports for getting into the FRFZ, as its Human: 63%
location gives tourists and commuters a lot of op- Dwarf: 2%
tions for getting around the Zone or connecting to Elf: 15%
other areas. Ork: 16%
Unfortunately, it’s relatively small and can’t Troll: 2%
handle intercontinental flights. As a result, the air- Other: 2%
port is actively trying to buy up the land around Population density: 87 per square kilometer
Per capita income: 56,000¥
itself to expand. The Ghostwalker administration
Hospitals and clinics: 7
has prevented these purchases, though, which led
Education (2081)
to litigation against Ghostwalker by the Sedalia
Less than 12 years: 31%
airport owners. I think they’re just hoping for a High school equivalency: 37%
settlement, since there’s no chance Ghostwalker College equivalency: 23%
will ever show up in court for something like this. Advanced degrees and certificates: 9%
It’s a great opportunity for someone to pull a
con here. Just present falsified papers that indicate
that the land is available for sale, take the money,
and run. It’s the old “Brooklyn Bridge” scam. Named for the large rock formation to be
found just east of I-25, Castle Rock is sparse-
> Part of why Ghostwalker is so hesitant to allow the airport to ly populated but maintains some of the most
expand is because one of the owners is Martha Kasten. The critical infrastructure for the entire FRFZ. The
name probably doesn’t sound familiar, because she used to go district is focused heavily on the I-25 corridor,
which splits the district in half going north-
by Frostbite. That was when she was a runner for Aztechnology.
south. Most of the important areas are within
Just surrendering that old identity hasn’t given Ghostwalker
a few kilometers of I-25, which means the rural
whatever closure he needs. areas to the extreme east and west are virtually
> Voxel unused.

Towne Center Mall > These areas are used, just not by metahumans. The rural areas
Despite the fact that malls lost their mainstream are rumored to be home to a group of fairies. The fae that I’ve met
popularity over a century ago, the Towne Center tend to be interested in meeting the rest of us. If there are fae out
Mall remains open and busy at most times of the in the woods there, they’re some breed of fae I’ve yet to meet.
day. Perhaps there’s something that rich people like > Bifrost
about being able to touch the goods before they
buy them? Rumor has it that the mall’s owners are > With the exception of Stonegate, there’s not much of interest to
deeply in debt and are on the verge of closing their me except what’s immediately along I-25’s borders.
doors for good. But for now, busy parents can find > Voxel


Castle Rock Fusion Plant Terracotta Arms Factory
Built inside the Castle Rock, the fusion plant Renraku subsidiary Terracotta Arms maintains
is run by Shiawase’s Fuzion subsidiary. It serves a small facility in Castle Rock. In addition to the
20 as the primary source of electricity to the entire factory, Terracotta Armaments maintains a region-
FRFZ. It provides clean, nuclear power for mil- al office here to provide weapons to the zone’s

lions of homes and businesses, and the whole oper- Sioux and PCC neighbors. Their excess stock tends
ation is primarily subsidized by Ghostwalker. Shi- to find its way onto the streets, especially in Au-
awase maintains a strong military presence here, rora. However, if you want to get your hands on
given that the whole thing is a giant fusion bomb a weapon before it’s been registered and tagged,
just waiting to go off. you’ll need to make a contact at the factory.
> Shiawase spends time every year trying to shed some of the bad
mojo from the fusion plant. If you’re willing to take some of that Centennial
bad mojo into yourself, Shiawase will pay you. You simply stand
in the area and let the toxicity enter your aura. It takes about a centennial at a glance
year to go away, during which time you’re going to notice a toxic
Size: 156 square kilometers
tint to your magic for at least a few months. They pay extremely
Population (2081): 117,600
well, but they also tend to keep a close eye on anyone that takes Human: 60%
the job, lest that person become addicted to it. Dwarf: 3%
> Bifrost Elf: 17%
Ork: 15%
Pradera Resort Troll: 1%
Other: 4%
Craving a western-themed break from the hus- Population density: 754 per square kilometer
tle and bustle of the city? Come to Pradera. The Per capita income: 115,000¥
massive 250-acre resort includes three golf cours- Hospitals and clinics: 11
es, two horse tracks, secluded wooded areas, and Education (2081)
rentals for log cabins. Less than 12 years: 10%
Sorry for the pamphlet spiel, but that’s what High school equivalency: 33%
Pradera is in a nutshell. It’s a western-themed College equivalency: 36%
resort for rich slots who have more money than Advanced degrees and certificates: 21%
sense. If you think this would make a mark easy to
take while they’re away from their corporate boss-
es, think again. Pradera boasts some of the best Centennial is the tech capital of the FRFZ
security and privacy money can buy but integrates and recently expanded to take over what was
and interfaces with all the Big Ten and local cor- left standing of Englewood. More on that below.
porations. They’ve got liaisons and “ambassadors” Here’s where you’ll find companies almost exclu-
to ensure the corporate types are protected, albeit sively dedicated to the Matrix, with lots of little
with a lot more discretion. unranked corporations hoping to get gobbled up
by one of the big guys. Centennial manages the
Stonegate Judicial Complex University of Denver as well, which will be pour-
The Stonegate Judicial Complex is a large pris- ing out enough tech gurus to keep the area busy
on that also houses a small judicial wing for trials. for decades to come.
The homeless from Englewood and Castle Rock
sometimes will try to get arrested during the win- > If you astrally project and watch this area from above, it’s really
ter for vagrancy. It’s better to be in a ZDF prison quite remarkable. When someone has a new idea, you can
than on the streets during the harsh winters. actually see the flash of inspiration or the spark of hope. It’s
a bit like watching thousands of supernovas all happening in
> I spent some time in Stonegate during a bad period of my life. I distant galaxies.
wouldn’t recommend it, but as Peregrine says, it’s better than > Bifrost
being on the streets in the winter. The guards who work here
are a lot softer than you’d expect in a prison. My arrangement > As you might expect, Centennial boasts a high number of free
allowed me to compile some sprites in exchange for wiping out a
sprites. There are also a few smaller companies that exist entirely
gambling debt for a guard for the Chavez Family.
virtually and are run by free sprites. It’s a truly inspiring district.
> Voxel
> Voxel


Aegis Cognito Office Cherry Creek Country Club
One would expect that in a city like Denver, the Back in the day, Centennial was run by the CAS,
world’s largest private spy organization would have and their … old-fashioned attitudes are still some-
an influence. Aegis Cognito has an openly observed what prevalent in the area. The Country Club is a 21
office, and you should treat it like an embassy—it’s bastion of racism and misogyny. For more than a


full of bureaucrats and spies, but you can’t tell which century, it’s only allowed human men to play, and
is which. While they might have some data on-site, uses human women as trophies and waitstaff, ex-
it’s likely the kind that isn’t useful on its own. There clusively. Not surprisingly, the nearby University of
is one person in the office who I know for a fact is Denver won’t tolerate that kind of thing, and so
a spy: Janice Valdes. It’s a complicated story, but ba- protests are an increasingly common sight.
sically, we used to spy on each other for our respec-
tive masters. We caught each other many times, and Drones, Drones, Drones!
it sort of turned into a thing. I’ve got leverage on her,
and I’m sure she’s got leverage on me, too. We respect As the name suggests, this is the place to go if
each other, and I don’t go after her anymore. you need drones, drone parts, or advice on how to
use your drone. They have bins full of parts, all of
> Sounds like you’re still going after her, posting her info on here
which are collected by drones and brought up to
the counter. Their local riggers give great advice to
and outing her as a spy.
anyone who has questions about which model can
> Fianchetto
do what. Those same riggers will often provide af-
ter-hours support to people who are willing to pay
> You know the game. If someone goes after her, they might drop a little extra, if you catch my meaning.
my name. Then she comes after me. And so, the game continues.
> Peregrine > If you want to find a little shell or body for your sprite friend, this
is a great place to go. Talk to Candice Wise. She’s a deft hand at
Centennial Airport outfitting drones with all kinds of parts that you might not expect.
One of the larger airports in the Zone, the Cen- > Voxel
tennial Airport caters to corporate types. It’s not
used for leisure travel, in part because it’s so far Free Zone Voice Offices
from touristy attractions. It’s located close to Cas- For those of you who might be a century old,
tle Rock on the south end of Centennial and can I’ve heard of a thing called “public broadcast ser-
support all kinds of aircraft. Some of the mainte- vices” that used to be available to anyone and any-
nance staff have a side gig where they’ll do work where. The Free Zone Voice is modeled on that
on your t-bird or whatever, putting it into an un- concept. They’re based out of the University of
derused hangar. Just make sure that the corporate Denver, and they get by without a lot of ads or
owner of that hangar doesn’t come back while the corporate sponsorships. As a result, they’re about
work is being done on it. the closest thing to a free and independent jour-
nalistic source in the Zone. Instead of focusing on
> There’s a free sprite who lives in the Centennial Airport. He likes investigative journalism, they prefer to work on
to play little pranks on people, sometimes switching their seats what they call micro-news, deep dives on narrow
around or making it seem like their flight is five minutes early. topics, and frequently getting the voice of the com-
Nothing too painful, and all easily resolved. But if he keeps mon person on the street.
going, the airport may hire someone to try to get rid of him. If
you get hired for this job, please be gentle. He’s just learning his FTL Technologies
abilities and doesn’t necessarily know better.
> Voxel
FTL is kind of a hot mess. I talk a lot more
about the FTL/Warpdrive fiasco in my section
Chamberlain Airport about Matrix Hotspots. If you want deeper de-
The second airport for the Centennial District, tails, that’s where you should look. For now,
Chamberlain Airport is substantially smaller than just know that FTL is owned by a guy named
Centennial Airport. It’s primarily a commuter Charles Lightfoot, and he wants to take his com-
hub for sky taxis, helicopters, and similar vehi- pany private. It’s currently owned by Spinrad
cles. Given its proximity to the university, it also Global, so that’s a huge problem for him. His
sees some use from the richest corp kids going to past is also coming back to haunt him as well—
school there. The airport cannot handle any kind since the ownership of FTL has changed hands a
of non-vertical takeoff or landing craft, but if you few times, things are a little convoluted when it
want to get a helicopter and need it quickly, this is comes to tracking down who owns what within
the place to go. FTL.


Novatech Matrix Wuxing Cherry Park
Services Office The Wuxing, Inc. regional headquarters is final-
ly constructed, after several attempts by rivals to
22 This is yet another tech company that at one
sabotage it. With the support of their subsidiary,
point found its way into NeoNET’s hands. Now
Ming Solutions, they have done a tremendous job

it’s in the hands of Spinrad Global, but the future is

extremely uncertain. Novatech made a bid follow- of enhancing the natural landscape while expand-
ing Ghostwalker’s Reclamation to provide services ing their buildings in a respectful way. The Cherry
for the new public grid. That bid failed and made Park complex acts as the regional headquarters for
their dissolution a near certainty. Even though they the Malaysian Independent Bank and the Pros-
are presenting a brave public face, the staff is jump- perity Development Corporation, both of which
ing ship for other companies, such as Warpdrive. finance companies and startups in the region.

> Wuxing managed to build the whole facility on a confluence of

The Tipsy Chip ley lines. The buildings and landscaping actually move the ley
One of the coolest bars I’ve ever been to is lines to form the confluence, upon which is built a fountain. The
the Tipsy Chip. It’s built in a basement and very fountain literally springs forth with magical potential.
reminiscent of a British pub. It also has a strange > Bifrost
collection of Aztlan trophies, supposedly liberated
during the brief Aztlan occupation of the area. The > They chose Cherry Park in part because of its connections
owner is Papa Tepin, a hacker who is constantly with the nearby neighborhood of Chinatown, and their direct
tweaking the bar’s host. He holds nightly hack- connections with the tech corridor. They have also subtly hidden
athons to see which hacker can put their tag on the antennas throughout their facility, allowing them to monitor and
host first. First one to hack it gets free drinks and control the flow of data in the Resonance. I can’t say for sure
bragging rights. that using geomantic principles on data has had an effect, but
it’s calming and re-assuring nonetheless.
> Don’t bring your sprites or complex forms to this party, folks.
> Voxel
Anyone caught using those is automatically expelled. You can
use your technomancy all you want, but you’ve got to play by
the same rules as the other hackers. No agents, no sprites, no Colorado Springs
teams, and no complex forms. May be the best hacker win!
> Voxel
colorado springs
University of Denver at a glance
The oldest school in the region, the University Size: 1,891 square kilometers
of Denver has been in continuous operation since Population (2080): 294,000
1864. They grew to take over a whole chunk of Human: 71%
Denver. Following Ghostwalker’s Reclamation and Dwarf: 1%
the preceding destruction of Englewood, the univer- Elf: 11%
sity area is now under the control of Centennial. Ork: 15%
Troll: 1%
Nominally, this means that subsidies are now more
Other: 1%
likely to come from tech companies than from old
Population density: 155 per square kilometer
money, but it really hasn’t changed much. Housing
Per capita income: 59,000¥
is still an absolute nightmare, which has led to a
Hospitals and clinics: 6
bid by MCT to build a mini-arcology nearby. The Education (2081)
university has yet to accept the bid. Less than 12 years: 25%
High school equivalency: 48%
Warpdrive Systems College equivalency: 21%
Headquarters Advanced degrees and certificates: 6%

The other side of the FTL coin. The important

thing to know about Warpdrive Systems is that The third and southernmost city in the
their CEO, Steven Ridgemont, is a very well-con- FRFZ, Colorado Springs has undergone a sort
nected dwarf. He’s got money coming in from of exodus in recent years. At various points, the
somewhere that I can’t account for, as he’s rolling city has been claimed by Aztlan, the CAS, the
with deeper pockets than he should have. What’s PCC, and now Ghostwalker. All these shifting
he doing with all that money? Hiring shadowrun- powers have led to the city being poorly man-
ners to tear down his competition. aged and many residents leaving for greener
pastures. Still, there are some diehards who re-


fuse to give in and hope to restore the city to its fare suite, extremely strong data connections to
former glory. the whole world, and lots of redundant systems
to ensure operation even in the event of a cat-
Cheyenne Mountain aclysm. Unfortunately, no one could have built 23
a site to withstand the attacks of Ghostwalker.
Formerly the home of the US military’s NORAD


When Ghostwalker razed the Denver Data Ha-
division, the Cheyenne Mountain installation is a ven, all personnel were considered killed in ac-
massive honeycomb of tunnels and elevator shafts. tion.
No one knows just how deep into the mountain
the complex goes. It has lain abandoned since the
First Treaty of Denver, but recently people in the Energia Viva Solar Farm
nearby areas have been going missing, and con- When the US Air Force Academy was in use,
spiracy theorists think that something in the Chey- this solar farm provided power to the entire acad-
enne Mountain is kidnapping people. emy. Aztechnology subsidiary Energia Viva man-
aged to acquire some of the infrastructure and ar-
> The fae I’ve talked with have all suggested that Cheyenne ranged to purchase the land from the PCC prior
Mountain could be a hot spot for the Unseelie Court. If that’s the to the Reclamation. Because of the importance to
case, I expect we’ll see some work to go in there and apprehend the infrastructure, they’ve been allowed to contin-
or eliminate the threat. But as with all things involving the fae, ue operations, albeit with a lot of oversight from
be careful who you trust and what you say. Ghostwalker’s administration.
> Bifrost
Fort Carson
Church of the Holy Word Formerly a US Army base, Fort Carson now
Despite Ghostwalker’s Reclamation, the Church belongs to Ghostwalker and is used primarily to
of the Holy Word continues its mission of prosely- train his elite mercenary group, the Black Talons.
tizing its unique brand of Christianity. The church They have a range for small arms training, a simu-
represents a well-funded and well-organized front, lated urban environment, and they perform aerial
with a militant arm called the Followers of the maneuver training for insertions and extractions.
Holy Sword. Rumor has it that they have connec- Fort Carson also boasts a top-notch medical facili-
tions to the Human Nation. ty, but it’s only available to the Black Talons.

> The Followers of the Holy Sword is just an extension of yet Garden of the Gods
another hate group. It shocks me that Ghostwalker didn’t do A massive 1,300-acre park made of natural
anything about these guys when he was kicking out all the other sandstone formations, this park was a private park
folks. Frankly, it pisses me off. The Followers have been ramping until the owner’s death. Upon his death, the park
up attacks in the area too. They’re cowards, to a man, but returned to the property of the nearby community.
they’re well-armed and dangerous. The park now serves as a communal area for hik-
> 14er ing, camping, and ritual magic.

Colorado College > During the brief period when the Azzies took over this region,
they attempted to use the Garden’s energy to fuel some pretty
A small college that formerly focused on arts heinous rituals. Ghostwalker’s been spending a lot of time and
and other soft skills. Since the Awakening, Colora- money since trying to restore the Garden to its original glory.
do College has added a rigorous magical curricu-
> Bifrost
lum. Their magical studies focus on all the major
traditions, but hermetics and shamans are by far
the most popular. The region is heavily patrolled Peterson Airport
by Lone Star in an effort to protect the valuable Built on the former Peterson US Air Force base,
“resources” (students, faculty, materials, etc.). Peterson Airport now caters almost exclusively to
commercial travel. It’s one of the best ways to get
> The students are more than happy to help with research into Colorado Springs, and even though it’s on the
initiatives to earn a little spending money on the side. far eastern part of town, it’s well connected to all
> Bifrost the major highways and roads.

Denver Data Haven Ruins Shrine of the Sun

Housed in the McDermott Library of the for- I didn’t get close to this place. As soon as I was
mer US Air Force Academy, the Denver Data Ha- near, it seemed that the wind started gusting and
ven had access to the US Air Force’s cyberwar- pushing me off the mountain.


The Shrine looks like a stack of stones atop Commerce City is a densely populated blue-col-
Cheyenne Mountain, but it’s actually a really tall lar district just north of the Denver city center. The
tower and a small church. The Shrine of the Sun region has always been sort of second-best behind
24 was built to commemorate the memory of humor- other districts, which has left many of the residents
ist Will Rogers. Briefly taken over by Aztlan during with something of a chip on their collar, especially

the 2050s, the shrine was rededicated to Huitzilo- toward the well-to-do districts.
pochtli, the Aztec god of the sun. Since then, the
tower has been inhospitable to anyone not of the Krupp Chemicals Refinery
Aztec faith, with spirits actively opposing anyone
who attempts to approach it. One of the largest employers in the district,
Krupp Chemicals maintains a large refinery that
straddles both sides of Brighton Road. Here, they
Tesla Experimental Station manufacture and refine industrial chemicals. Most
Legend has it that this is where Nikola Tesla of the Commerce City population is employed by
performed some of his most famous electricity ex- Krupp Chemicals, so there’s no chance they’re go-
periments. The building itself was demolished long ing anywhere soon, but environmental activists
ago, but the residual energies seem to have created have long expressed concern about the plant’s
an alchera that manifests there monthly. If one is safety and security.
particularly lucky, they may find a powerful spirit
of air that manifests as Nikola Tesla and will an- The Solution
swer questions about his life. The accuracy of these
answers has not been ascertained. A bar that sits near the Krupp Chemicals Re-
finery. The story goes that it was built by a chem-
ist who used to work for Krupp Chemicals who
Zebulon’s Revenge had the idea that it’d be a fancy bar with lots of
A local watering hole that has been around for chemistry puns. Unfortunately, no one wanted a
a few years, Zeb’s Revenge is a favorite for the Col- bar like that, and he went deep into debt before
orado College students. There are rumors that the killing himself. The current owners joke that he
spirit of Zebulon Pike (not to be confused with Zeb- found his solution in the end. Now it’s your basic
ulon, the spirit that Ghostwalker fancied) wandered blue-collar bar where you can find locals drowning
in one night and bought everyone a round of drinks their sorrows. It’s a great place to get info if you
before disappearing and leaving the bar tab unpaid. can ingratiate yourself. Don’t go flaunting money
The stories grow more fantastic the longer one or influence, though—those don’t work on people
hangs around and the more drinks one has imbibed. like this. Make them think you’re a roughneck,
and you’re in.
Commerce City Truman Distribution
commerce city at a glance Networks Office
Size: 57 square kilometers Truman Distribution Networks (TDN) is the
Population (2081): 50,400 largest media outlet in the region. They got to be
Human: 65% big enough to attract the attention of Horizon and
Dwarf: 2% Ares. Ares bought them out and traded them to
Elf: 11% Horizon in exchange for Horizon’s PR work on
Ork: 19% their Excalibur fiasco. There was some debate
Troll: 2% about integrating TDN into Horizon’s office in
Other: 1% Boulder, but they decided that this facility still had
Population density: 884 per square kilometer enough value to keep it active.
Per capita income: 32,000¥
Hospitals and clinics: 7 Tsuruga International
Education (2081)
Less than 12 years: 30% Warehouse
High school equivalency: 42% You won’t see the name Tsuruga Internation-
College equivalency: 26% al on many of the packages you get delivered, but
Advanced degrees and certificates: 2% most of them pass through this warehouse at some
point or another. It’s a customs warehouse for all
goods entering or leaving the FRFZ, and Tsuruga
International is the company fortunate enough to
hold that contract.


> Evo owns Tsuruga International and has put a lot of nuyen into Englewood
the Matrix security for its host. Not really a surprise, given the
importance of this facility to the region’s economy.
> Voxel englewood at a glance 25
Size: 104 square kilometers


Elbert Population (2081): 378, most in Ketring Park
Human: 65%
Dwarf: 3%
elbert at a glance Elf: 7%
Size: 1,792 square kilometers Ork: 18%
Population (2081): 25,700 Troll: 5%
Human: 81% Other: 2%
Dwarf: 9% Population density: 4 per square kilometer (most
Elf: 2% residents live within the same kilometer)
Ork: 4% Per capita income: 2,305¥
Troll: 1% Hospitals and clinics: 0
Other: 3% Education (2081)
Population density: 14 per square kilometer Less than 12 years: 53%
Per capita income: 34,000¥ High school equivalency: 46%
Hospitals and clinics: 5 College equivalency: 1%
Education (2081) Advanced degrees and certificates: 0%
Less than 12 years: 25%
High school equivalency: 52%
College equivalency: 18% At one point, Englewood was one of the richest
Advanced degrees and certificates: 5% districts in the Zone. All of that changed over the
course of a couple of days at the end of October
in 2074. Seizing their opportunity, Aztlan moved
One of the largest districts, Elbert includes basi- troops into Englewood and set up shop. For some
cally all the rural plains to the east of I-25 between unknown reason, Ghostwalker allowed this for
Denver and Colorado Springs. There are nomadic four whole years. As the catalyst for the Reclama-
“tribes” that wander the area, making camp wher- tion, Ghostwalker and the ZDF unleashed holy
ever they want, and otherwise operating much like hell upon the district. Starting from just south of
go-gangs. There’s not a lot of places that are per- the University of Denver, Zone forces systemati-
manently established, but if you can find one of cally bombed and burned every building and res-
those tribes, you may be able to get them to help idence until they reached the southern border of
smuggle you in or out of the Zone. Englewood. By then, the Azzies had been annihi-
lated, along with the rest of Englewood. Officially,
Grassy Knoll Ranch Englewood doesn’t have a seat on the council. The
only reason I mention it here at all is because there
Run by a dwarf named Jeb Johnson, the Grassy are still people and places of interest.
Knoll Ranch is one of the only horse ranches left in
the area. It also has a unique side business of raising > The place is awash in bad spirits. Anyone who lives here is
hellhounds. In addition to the monetary benefits, hell- desperate enough to not even go to Aurora. And the shades
hounds have the benefit of keeping away horse thieves. that take hold in a place like this have lots of misery to feed on
for years and years. It will take an immense effort to clear the
Little Wolf Nursery people out, but these are some of the toughest critters in the
Being in rural Elbert has some advantages. For in- city. As if they weren’t enough, there are also shedim that are
stance, you can play around with Awakened plants starting to run rampant.
without running the risk of creating a Fort Lupton > Bifrost
situation. That’s basically what Luna Cochran decid-
ed to do when she opened up her nursery. Ketring Park
One of the only places in Englewood to mostly
> I’ve heard rumors that Luna may be a shapeshifter. I can’t
survive the assault, Ketring Park became a refugee
independently verify that, but I do know that she’s Awakened town almost overnight. The shacks of the shanty
based on her aura. If she’s a mage, I’ve never seen her use a town only barely provide any kind of shelter, and
spell or a spirit, but she definitely has some affinity for her every winter the people camping here suffer more
beautiful little plants. and more. For more than three years, the refugees
> Bifrost here have been waiting for relocation. With Ghost-


walker opening up citizenship, it’s possible some of > If you’re of a shamanic bent, you may find some work putting
them might get out, but it’s more likely that some- up wards and dispelling spirits who wander down from the
one will forcibly relocate people to Aurora. mountains.
26 > Bifrost
> This is the place where the shades of Englewood do most of their

feeding. All supplies are scarce, and people are willing to do Blackhawk Resort and Casino
some horrible things to ensure their survival for the next day.
The Blackhawk Resort and Casino siphons
Places like this are breeding grounds for spirits of Rage, Envy,
money from tourists with an ease and grace that
Lust, Greed, and of course Despair.
one is hard-pressed to find outside of Las Vegas.
> Bifrost But unlike Las Vegas, the Blackhawk can offer
views of the Rocky Mountains from their wrap-
> There’s work to be found relocating people out of the Park. around heated infinity edge pool. The ten-story re-
Some of these folks used to be well-connected, and despite the sort has more than two hundred rooms that vary
fact that they’re now no better than any other poor slob, with in accommodation to suit every budget.
perseverance they can pull the right string to get an escort out.
Just be prepared to have to fight off the people who aren’t Echo Mountain
getting pulled out.
A man-made mountain that was built in the
> Mile High Mike
1960s, Echo Mountain has changed hands many
times. It has the distinction of being the only ski
Knight Errant Training Facility resort in the sprawl that hasn’t been overtaken by
Ever the opportunists, Knight Errant has set up nature. The security here is top-notch, with drones
a training facility in the ruins of Englewood. They flying about to ensure that only authorized skiers
do live fire training and set up a shoot house to are present.
plan for urban assaults. I’ve heard what I hope are
just urban legends about Knight Errant forces go- > It’s worth noting that when they talk about a “man-made”
ing to Ketring and getting a bunch of refugees to mountain, they’re actually saying that they cleared the forest
serve as “OPFOR,” or “opposing forces.” that was present and used the trees to make the slopes taller. It
was a travesty to nature, which I believe has directly impacted
its ability to remain under a single owner for more than a
Front Range decade. It seems like bad luck plagues this place, but the current
owners seem to think they can change that luck.
front range at a glance > Bifrost
Size: 2,445 square kilometers
Population (2081): 42,600 Red Rocks Amphitheater
Human: 63% The Red Rocks Amphitheater is one of the most
Dwarf: 5% amazing structures ever built. What started as a
Elf: 18% naturally occurring amphitheater was built up and
Ork: 10% perfected by the US Army Corps of Engineers. The
Troll: 2%
amphitheater has hosted every major musical act
Other: 2%
from the Beatles to Maria Mercurial.
Population density: 17 per square kilometer
Per capita income: 38,000¥
> Since the Awakening, the amphitheater gained a new following
Hospitals and clinics: 10
Education (2081) among the spirits who come to the area to witness the amazing
Less than 12 years: 22% astral performances that happen as a result of thousands of
High school equivalency: 53% people grooving on a song together.
College equivalency: 21% > Bifrost
Advanced degrees and certificates: 4%
ZDF Station Front Range
Easily the largest district in the Zone, the Front Normally I wouldn’t cover a ZDF station in this
Range encompasses a huge 2,500 square kilome- sort of thing—it’s safe to say that most of them
ters of the most mountainous and rugged terrain in are pretty similar. However, this one is unique and
the area. It’s the district furthest west of the Zone therefore deserving of its own entry. The extreme-
and stretches all the way from Boulder to Colora- ly mountainous terrain of the Front Range district
do Springs. This district has a few areas of dense demands that ZDF officers are trained in surviv-
population, centered around resorts and casinos in al techniques their more urban brethren are not.
the mountains. Additionally, the Front Range district has a larg-


er-than-normal presence of drone patrol forces, is that they use magical effects to make their mo-
and they are trained in border security and count- torcycles look like flaming horses, or appear to be
er-smuggling operations. chased by thunderclouds that spark lightning, and
things like that. If you see anything like that com- 27
> They also make extensive use of drones as repeaters to keep ing your way, get off the road. The Ghost Riders


signals strong. If you can find which drone is being used as aren’t the most violent go-gang, but they’re defi-
a repeater and take it out, you can effectively eliminate the nitely the most stylish. I cover them in a bit more
entire fleet. detail in the … People to Meet section.
> Voxel
Ares Arms Factory
Lakewood As the largest single manufacturer of guns and
ammunition in the world, Ares Arms has factories
all over the place. This is just another one of those
lakewood at a glance factories. While you can get the guns easily enough
Size: 306 square kilometers that you don’t necessarily need to steal them, one
Population (2081): 168,000 of the things that makes this a juicy target is that
Human: 65% you can get blueprints for weapons that haven’t
Dwarf: 3% yet been released to market.
Elf: 14%
Ork: 14%
Troll: 2% Casa Bonita
Other: 2% In keeping with the Ute tradition of gratuitous
Population density: 549 per square kilometer excess, Casa Bonita has thrived in this same loca-
Per capita income: 64,000¥ tion for more than a century. Known for its ridicu-
Hospitals and clinics: 9 lously cheap all-you-can eat food, its campy décor,
Education (2081) and its cheesy live shows, Casa Bonita has re-
Less than 12 years: 26% mained a mainstay for families and gluttons alike.
High school equivalency: 39%
College equivalency: 23% > Every time I visit Denver, I have to make a pilgrimage to Casa
Advanced degrees and certificates: 12%
Bonita at least once. Somehow it still maintains its charm even
after all these decades.
Lakewood is Arvada’s southern neighbor, put- > Red
ting it on the southeastern corner of the Denver
metropolitan area, and there’s something of a > Wait, you don’t eat things like enchiladas and sopapillas—so, why
friendly rivalry between Arvada and Lakewood. do you go?”
The regions share a lot in common, with both be- > /dev/grrl
ing sort of bedroom communities for suburban-
ites, and both sharing a reputation for mediocrity. > Because I still have to find Black Bart’s treasure.
However, Lakewood is a bit more blue-collar than > Red
Arvada, and they claim to have a greater apprecia-
tion for hard work. Compri Hotel
The illustrious Compri Hotel has a well-earned
> Lakewood’s proximity to Englewood presents some challenges
reputation for privacy. This makes it a hotspot
for the local magical community. The ZDF regularly hires
for all kinds of people who might benefit from
freelancers to keep the shades in Englewood and out of that discretion. Government employees, megacor-
Lakewood. Be careful if you interact with spirits there, especially porate managers, Mr. Johnsons, fixers, runners,
near the border. I’ve heard that some of the shades are learning spies—they all come to the Compri when in town.
to disguise their auras. However, due to Ghostwalker’s strict rules forbid-
> Bifrost ding espionage, all detected instances of espionage
are reported to the ZDF.
All the World’s a Stage
This place is an absolute drekhole of a bar. Denim
The only reason I’m even mentioning it is because This is a Hopi-themed nightclub run by the
it’s affiliated with the Ghost Riders go-gang, and Koshari crime syndicate. There is usually business
they’re kind of odd. I’ll let Bifrost explain. to be done here, assuming it is done with discre-
The Ghost Riders are a go-gang that likes to tion. The ZDF knows that this is a Koshari night-
roam 470 around town. What makes them unique club—they just can’t prove that anything illegal is


going on here. The fact that most of the ZDF in the
area are former PuebSec officers probably helps lowry at a glance
ensure that evidence remains unnoticed. Size: 48 square kilometers
28 Population (2081): 12,600
> They have a free spirit who acts as a bouncer on the weekends. Human: 63%

His name is Tawa, and he often manifests as a large Hopi man Dwarf: 4%
with a long black ponytail and thick arms. You don’t want to get Elf: 12%
on his bad side. Ork: 17%
> Bifrost Troll: 3%
Other: 1%
Population density: 263 per square kilometer
Joe’s Drop Off Per capita income: 36,000¥
A longtime runner hangout, this bar is also very Hospitals and clinics: 5
popular with the local smuggling community. If Education (2081)
you’re looking for a t-bird pilot, you’ll probably Less than 12 years: 32%
find one (or three) here. If you’re an Anglo, you High school equivalency: 44%
might have a hard time, as the place still hasn’t College equivalency: 22%
shaken its Ute roots completely. Advanced degrees and certificates: 2%

Lakewood In addition to all the blue-collar areas of Lowry,

the southern tip of the district is known as China-
Correctional Institute town due to the abundance of Asian buildings and
Part prison, part psych ward, all creepy. Exper- businesses in the area. Not large enough to qualify
iments are done on their criminal wards, and they as a district on its own, Chinatown was lumped in
really push the ethical boundaries of what is con- with Lowry during the Reclamation. There’s a bit
sidered “science” and what is considered “torture.” of racial tension as well, since the district is sup-
Their latest round of experiments focuses on BTL posed to represent both groups, but fails to do so
addiction. The lead researcher there, Dr. Richard with equity.
Hutton, has a theory that if BTL was addictive
enough, the addict would never need to seek out > There are a lot of garages in Lowry, which may be part of why
more. His theory is that this would cripple crimi- I’ve noticed an uptick in the number of gremlins I’ve seen
nal enterprise, as the addicts would never need to around. Formless spirits that need to take a mechanical “body”
commit crime to fuel the habit. to remain will often make deals with racers and tuners to take
over the machine in exchange for “enhancing” it. It rarely ends
> Yeah, there’s a book about an entertainment so addictive people well for the person who allows a gremlin to take over their
don’t seek out anything else. Spoiler alert: It doesn’t work out machine, as the gremlin will eventually ask for payment in
well for anyone. Karma in order to even keep the machine operational.
> Sunshine > Bifrost

> My belief is that Horizon owns the Lakewood Correctional Institute > Similarly, I’ve noticed that the reliance upon Matrix devices in the
and supplies subjects from their other facilities around the world. area tends to attract free sprites who love machinery. They will often
There are a lot of similarities between this facility and the one in try to take over a machine and improve it, but never at the cost of the
Las Vegas, but this one is proving a challenge to reveal. Hutton is device’s core functionality. Sometimes the owners are unhappy with
aware that the technomancer community in the Zone would like the upgrades, but the sprites aren’t malicious. Usually.
nothing more than to expose his atrocities to the world, and as a > Voxel
result he’s beefed up his security like you wouldn’t believe.
> Voxel
Ascending Star
Operated exclusively by the Golden Triangle
Lowry Triad, and the pet project of Lodge Master Li
A small, low- to middle-class district on the Zicheng, the Ascending Star advertises that it ca-
eastern edges of the Hub, Lowry has been the ters to all the needs of any sarariman or traveling
beating heart of industry in Denver for more than businessman. While sex is available if one desires,
a century. Formerly a US Air Force Base, the dis- the primary purpose of the women is providing life
trict has a reputation for hard work and steel grit. coaching and guidance through one’s challenges.
When the base was closed down, the mechanics As you might have surmised, Li is using the facility
and industrialists opened up other shops. As a re- to extract secrets and information from the busi-
sult, the district has a reputation for breeding an nessmen and uses that information for blackmail
affinity with machines. or extortion.


Happy Canyon Mall needed. The callous nature of an AI like this is only part of why
it’s dangerous. It clearly revels in the suffering of others and
A gigantic shopping complex that offers almost
takes some sort of pleasure in seeing humans damage each
every Asian good imaginable. The mall is jointly
owned by the White Lotus and Golden Triangle other. I can’t even begin to fathom what would motivate an AI to 29
triads and serves as a neutral ground for the two to be so hateful.


meet up and discuss business. Inside the mall is the > Voxel
Temple of Inner Light, which can be used by either
of the triads for religious purposes. > No comment.
> Clockwork
Lowry International Airport
Rusty’s Garage
Located near the site of the former Lowry Air
Force Base, Lowry International is a small airport Rusty is an old-timer in the former CAS sector.
that, due to the small runway, is only rated to handle He’s got that thick Southern drawl that one might
semi-ballistic, suborbital, and HSCT flights. There expect and is missing several teeth that he should
are also facilities for VTOL aircraft, such as heli- have replaced years ago. He’s also missing one of
copters and skycabs. Rumors say that there were his arms, which has been replaced by what can best
missile silos buried under the facilities, along with be described as a self-built cyberarm. Regardless,
a command-and-control bunker. No one has found Rusty is still the best mechanic in the sector, and
evidence of these things, but the rumors persist. his drones help him keep up with the workload.

> Rusty is a Machinist technomancer, but he doesn’t seem to know

Klub Karma it, or maybe he doesn’t care. His affinity for machinery has
Formerly operated by the White Lotus triad, allowed him to do things that no other mechanic should be able
Klub Karma is currently run by the Casquilho to do, but he chalks it up to skill from his decades of experience.
family. While talking business is allowed there, vi- > Voxel
olence is not. There are private rooms up on the
second floor for discreet meetings. Getting access
to one of the private rooms requires talking with Three Delights
the manager and convincing them to let you in. Three Delights is a perennial favorite to find au-
thentic cuisine from Taiwan and Hong Kong. The
> The White Lotus want nothing more than to take back Klub ex-pats who live in the surrounding Chinatown
Karma for themselves. They see the Casquilho Family as neighborhood flood this restaurant nightly. If you
interlopers with a temporary lease on things. There will be a don’t speak Mandarin or Cantonese, you won’t get
reckoning. service. If you can slot a linguasoft at the least, the
> 14er drunken noodles are worth the effort.

Ming Solutions Office Wings Over the Rockies

The local office of Ming Solutions, a subsidi- Air & Space Museum
ary of Wuxing. The researchers and geomancers The Air & Space Museum has a long-standing
in this office were responsible for coordinating the history for excellence. They proudly display repli-
construction of Wuxing Cherry Park. Now that ca and original aircraft from almost every era of
Cherry Park has been built, there was a concern flight. Everything from classic propeller planes to
that Ming would be moved to that new facility. modern t-birds and military aircraft of all kinds
However, it seems that Wuxing likes to keep some can be found here. None of it is functional any-
influence over Chinatown and will not be moving more, but if you need a quiet place to have a meet
Ming Solutions any time soon. that doesn’t seem super pretentious, this might be
your ideal location.
Nu Shen Massage
A bunraku parlor that caters to the nearby cor- Stapleton
porate types from Centennial. Nu Shen is run by The easternmost district of Denver, Staple-
an elf (maybe?) named Da-xia “Daisy” Wu who ton takes up a large amount of land but is not
keeps slotting herself into different bodies. One densely populated. Most of that land is used for
day she might be in the body of a human man, or large corporate facilities and is mostly off-limits.
another day she might be a troll woman. There is a small area of Stapleton, close to the
city, where you’ll find a more typically Denver
> I’m of the opinion that Daisy is a very dangerous artificial experience.
intelligence who just hops into the bodies of puppets when


Casquilho Imports
stapleton at a glance
The Casquilho Family runs their mafia opera-
Size: 1,241 square kilometers tions out of this storefront. Of course, the ZDF
30 Population (2081): 21,000 can’t prove it, but it’s an open secret. It has a large
Human: 72% warehouse in the back that stores nick-nacks

Dwarf: 1% from California, and the Casquilho Family runs

Elf: 14% their smuggling operations from that warehouse,
Ork: 11%
disguising the illegal goods among the legitimate
Troll: 1%
Other: 1%
Population density: 17 per square kilometer
Per capita income: 58,500¥ Children of the
Hospitals and clinics: 10 Dragon Headquarters
Education (2081)
Less than 12 years: 21% The Children of the Dragon believe that Dun-
High school equivalency: 34% kelzahn was their messiah. Following the appear-
College equivalency: 33% ance of Ghostwalker, a splinter sect broke off and
Advanced degrees and certificates: 12% called itself the Church of the Dragon Reborn. The
two churches have been at odds ever since. Given
their proximity to each other, it’s not uncommon
> By that he means that the area there is pretty “suburban to see members of each church trying to poach
boring.” There’re things to do here, of course, but all the good each other’s members. It’s a very petty fight in the
stuff is out in the rural areas. That’s where the corps keep their end, since we all know that Jibbers is our true lord
secrets, and therefore, that’s where the action is.
and savior.
> Voxel
Denver International Airport
Brainwave, Inc. Office Denver International Airport (DIA) was once
one of the busiest airports in the world. Leading
The local office for Brainwave, Inc., a Mitsuha-
up to the 2072 Olympics, it was renovated very
ma Computer Technologies (MCT) subsidiary. This
hastily. In the years since, the renovations have di-
is a research facility that keeps a low profile out on
minished and now give the place a shabby appear-
the far edges of the Stapleton district. I’ve never met
ance. Due to some fiscal malfeasance by the former
anyone who has gone in there, but Voxel has. management, DIA has lost a tremendous amount
of business. Following the Reclamation, Ghost-
> Brainwave, Inc. specializes in neural interfaces. MCT likes
walker replaced all the management and started
to use their tech in cyberdecks, simsense players, etc. The to pour money into the airport to get it back to
cost of making those advancements is often metahuman the top.
experimentation. I had a friend who went into Brainwave on a
job—nothing criminal, he was a paid test subject. When he came > Rumors of all kinds of crazy things have followed DIA for
out a week later, he barely recognized me. I have no idea what decades. One such rumor is that they have tunnels and bunkers
they did to him, but I’m guessing the tests failed. below the airport that are used by a global cabal of rich people
> Voxel to escape nuclear apocalypse. Another is that the tunnels are
holding everything from the Ark of the Covenant to the Crown
Buckley Air Force Base Jewels of the United Kingdom. All these crazy conspiracy
theories have led some to believe that there may be a free
This was once home to a proud squadron of
UCAS fighter pilots who loved to show off their spirit using Influence and Illusion magic to play a long prank.
aerial prowess, but since Ghostwalker took over Personally, I think that’s yet another crazy theory.
the area, the Buckley Air Force Base has been led > Mile High Mike
by the ZDF. Now the ZDF uses it for training their
forces in air and ground insertions, as well as for Denver Sports Complex
surveillance operations. A multi-tiered sports complex that houses sev-
eral Denver teams and hosts dozens of events
> There’s also a contingent of Ares Global Commsat officers at throughout the year, the Denver Sports Complex is
Buckley. From what I’ve heard, they’ve helped Ghostwalker one of the city’s proudest achievements. It houses
enhance his network of control over the city. Supposedly, he can Broncomania Stadium on the top tier, open to the
directly hijack and control any drone he wants, but that may just sky above. Below that is Vertex Arena, home to the
be the jazz talking. local basketball team, the Nuggets. And below that
> Mile High Mike is Century Centre, named for the one-hundredth




anniversary of the hockey team, the Colorado Ava- people with radical body modifications. There’s a
lanche. While the facility does not host urban brawl bunch of one-way mirrors from which the Casqui-
matches, the Thunderheads maintain an office in lho family monitors visitors.
the complex that serves as their headquarters.
Rocky Mountain Arsenal Park
Front Range Space Port Rocky Mountain Arsenal was a chemical weap-
Ghostwalker poured some money into building ons facility in the 1940s. It was finally shut down
a space port out in the far reaches of Stapleton, in the 1990s and rededicated as a national park
east of Denver International Airport. The idea is just in time for the United States to go belly-up a
not a new one, but it’s impressive to see a dragon couple decades later. Under Ghostwalker’s direc-
who cares about space flight. He’s trying to com- tion, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal Park flourished.
pete with places like the mass driver in Kenya. If Wildlife made a comeback in the area—including
successful, it could mean a new age of tech and some of the rarer animals.
business innovation for the FRFZ.
> Rare indeed. One such animal is a white buffalo the local
> The project is riddled with delays. They haven’t even broken Amerinds revere. They believe it is a symbol of abundance and
ground yet. I think he’s more likely using this project to move good times to come, and the Sioux are especially protective of
assets around so that no one else can follow where they’re it. Ghostwalker’s PR team made quick work of emphasizing that
going. the white buffalo is only safe under Ghostwalker’s protection,
> 14er of course. This led to an influx of converts to the Church of the
Dragon Reborn.
Marcel’s > Bifrost

While this may appear to be a mainstream Ital-

ian restaurant on the surface, it is owned and heav- Stapleton Airport
ily visited by the Casquilho Family. Additionally, This is the oldest civilian airport in the sector.
the waitstaff is odd, employing changelings and However, it was decommissioned in the 1990s


when Denver International Airport was built. Sta-
pleton was rebuilt when the sectors were divided, the hub at a glance
so the buildings relatively unused and in good Size: 68 square kilometers
32 shape despite being so old. With the increased Population (2081): 42,000
funding going toward the Denver International Human: 45%

Airport again, Stapleton is back on the bubble Dwarf: 7%

for closing. The only traffic they see is municipal Elf: 20%
short-range flights from commuters, skycabs, and Ork: 18%
helicopters. Troll: 4%
Other: 6%
Population density: 618 per square kilometer
The Gap Per capita income: 140,000¥
Hospitals and clinics: 8
the gap at glance Education (2081)
Less than 12 years: 10%
Size: 585 square kilometers High school equivalency: 38%
Population (2081): 250 College equivalency: 35%
Human: 40% Advanced degrees and certificates: 17%
Dwarf: 5%
Elf: 27%
Ork: 25%
tors. Now, it’s the tower from which Ghostwalker
Troll: 4% exerts his control over the region. The sky of the
Other: 1% Hub is abuzz with sky taxis, drones, and spirits.
Population density: <1 per square kilometer The ground is flush with pedestrians and cars. It’s
Per capita income: 780¥ dense, crowded, and has an electric feel that is
Hospitals and clinics: 0 hard to replicate.
Education (2081) The Hub is home to more corporate facilities
Less than 12 years: 95% than any other district of the Zone. In it, you can
High school equivalency: 4% find offices dedicated to Architectural Dynamics,
College equivalency: 1% Awakened World Research, Spellweaver Consor-
Advanced degrees and certificates: 0% tium, and UnlimiTech. The other corporate fa-
cilities are unique enough to deserve their own
The Gap is an area between Castle Rock and
Colorado Springs districts and has almost no pop- > My favorite place in the FRFZ is The Hub. The astral space there
ulation at all. It’s even more rural than the neigh- is inhabited by the most cosmopolitan group of spirits and
boring Elbert and Front Range districts. The place entities that I’ve ever seen. Under Ghostwalker’s authority, the
is mostly highway, with I-25 running north and FRFZ is the safest place on earth for spirits, and all of that is
south through the middle of it, and almost no com- centered around the Hub. In fact, just last weekend I met with
mercial or residential value. tourists from Dis, a regal gentleman from Celephaïs, and even
a Tsuchigumo from Metabeles. The metropolitan nature of
> Spirits are wild here. There are free spirits who roam these Denver’s Hub can’t be overstated.
areas, attacking people on sight. It’s a very dangerous place > Bifrost
once you get off of I-25, and it seems like Ghostwalker either
doesn’t care or is actively encouraging it. Anasazi Holding
> Bifrost Company Headquarters
The Anasazi Holding Company deserves its
> There are small go-gangs that roam I-25, making the Gap
own entry because it is the only company (that
dangerous for any kind of travel. Anyone who decides to travel
we know of) to be wholly owned by Ghostwalker.
on the ground is going to fall victim to one of the go-gangs that The company holds his other properties and assets,
claim the Gap as their own. none of which are reportable or public knowledge.
> Voxel There is a vault below ground that supposedly
houses many artifacts that were recovered during
the 2061 deposing of Aztlan.
The Hub
The living, breathing, heart of Denver, the Hub > If the rumor is true, it’s very likely that those artifacts are
serves as Ghostwalker’s personal enclave of per- tremendously powerful and dangerous. There are also
fection. During the First Treaty of Denver, it was supposedly a few artifacts that were recovered from Englewood
neutral ground for all the nations that had sec- there. It’s unclear why Ghostwalker would want to hold onto


Aztec artifacts, but if I had to make a guess, he thinks that he’s Church of the Dragon
protecting the world from the danger they represent.
Reborn Headquarters
> Bifrost
Located directly across the street from Ghost- 33
> I can tell you a lot more about the Matrix setup for Anasazi, walker’s liaison’s office, the Church of the Drag-


which I’ve done in the section below about Matrix hotspots.
on Reborn was built from a splinter sect of the
Children of the Dragon. With the resurgence in
> Voxel
membership since Ghostwalker’s Reclamation,
the church began construction on other locations
Ares-McAuliffe throughout the FRFZ. Often, one can find Joshua
International School Morningstar leading prayer services in the shadow
of Ghostwalker’s liaison’s office.
Once a public school, McAuliffe is now whol-
ly owned by Ares Macrotechnology. Ares brings
> Joshua Morningstar has more than a few skeletons in his closet.
in faculty from around the world to teach their
For one thing, he never existed prior to 2061. Rumors have it
students the latest in self-defense, military theory,
that he’s actually a drake of Ghostwalker’s, but none have ever
and business strategy. It’s a combination of mili-
tary education and business school, which pretty seen him shift into draconic form, and his aura has a lot of
much describes Ares to a T. Graduates here are powerful masking magic.
usually fast-tracked into management positions > Bifrost
within Ares.
Council Hall
Ares Spire What was once a political arena built for the
Ares has a lot of manufacturing facilities in the executives for each sector, Council Hall has been
region. Arthur Vogel wanted a way to make Ares converted into a museum. A grotesque display
really stand out in the FRFZ though, so he ordered of Ghostwalker’s power, the museum essentially
construction of this narrow fifty-story skyscraper. taunts each of the former member nations of the
Shortly after, Ares Consumer Products division FRFZ. Each of the nations that previously had a
moved its headquarters into the Spire. sector has a dedicated exhibit, with statues and art
Because Aztechnology was ousted from the commemorating their failures as leaders, and ex-
region, Ares Consumer Products decided to try alting Ghostwalker as the savior the Zone needed.
to use Denver as a test bed for products from all
the various nations. This strategy was working Daniels & Fisher Clock Tower
well until Ghostwalker’s Reclamation. The offic- Built in 1910 as part of the Daniels & Fish-
es for Ares Consumer Products and other divi- er department store, the clock tower was, at the
sions are all above ground, and occasionally Vo- time, the tallest building west of the Mississip-
gel himself visited. The R&D labs are all below pi river. Since the department store’s closure, the
ground. Ares proudly recruits dwarves to work tower traded ownership multiple times. The top
in the Spire, and they boast that they have more five floors of the clock tower (which include the
dwarfs on their payroll than any other business clock face) are available for rent, even potentially
in the FRFZ. as a very unique residence. The bottom floors have
been leased out for decades as a cabaret/bar. The
Brown Palace Hotel remaining two floors of the building are used as
office space by the 1owners.
The original Brown Palace hotel was built in Den-
ver in 1892. It has remained open ever since, but it
has undergone significant renovations over the near- Denver Administration Building
ly 200 years of its history. The Brown Palace Club, a Following Ghostwalker’s Reclamation, he took
triangular-shaped bar in the hotel, was made into a on all the administrative responsibilities of the FRFZ,
speakeasy during prohibition and became a popular and the Denver Administration started hiring staff
watering hole in the decades afterward. members in droves. It is home to offices for each of
the district representatives, along with the bureaucra-
> Both the club and hotel are said to be haunted, with guests cy needed to keep Denver operating efficiently.
reporting things like feeling the carpet moving or seeing even a
train conductor standing in the doorway. Because of its magical > If the rumors are true, then Ghostwalker has taken and captured
significance, the hotel is popular with spirits, and guests are someone or something critically important to each of the
expected to treat every spirit as if they were another guest. leaders of the districts. Odds are that those items are stored
> Bifrost here somewhere.
> Voxel


Denver Zoo Turns out, it’s also popular with non-centaurs due
to the work of their excellent chef, Monique La-
Under the careful, watchful eye of Ghostwalker,
bonté. The Feed Trough is one-hundred-percent
the Denver Zoo takes great care of its animal resi-
34 dents. The zoo is permitted to contain any non-sa-
vegan and organic, and it gets most of its produce
from local farms in the Elbert and Stapleton dis-
pient critter or paracritter, so long as the environ-

ment is kept as authentic as possible. The zoo has
a display of mated greater phoenixes on loan from
the PCC, which serve as a huge draw for the crowd Fillmore Auditorium
when the phoenixes begin their mating dance only One of the older nightclubs in Denver, the Fill-
to incinerate each other and then be reborn in more Auditorium hosted bands for almost a centu-
front of everyone’s eyes. ry and retains its venerable and illustrious status.
Since the destruction of Weekday Eclipse, the Fill-
Draco Foundation Office more Auditorium has seen a lot more bands per-
form. Acts here run the gamut from modern rock
The Draco Foundation maintains an office in
to classical. The Fillmore hosts weekly shows that
the Hub. Most standard office functions can be per-
raise money to help artists who were displaced by
formed here. Recruitment is one of the primary func-
the arrest of Perianwyr.
tions. Some of the leadership, including Nadja Davi-
ar, can occasionally be found here, using the facility
as a remote office. There are unsubstantiated rumors Five by Five
that the Draco Foundation managed to recover pow- Five by Five is a favorite haunt for smugglers and
erful artifacts after the fight between Ghostwalker coyotes. Located in an unused cistern beneath the
and Harlequin. The fact that the building has a base- Hub, the bar has a reputation for being discreet and
ment protected with very powerful hints that these relaxing despite its dank surroundings. The bar has
rumors may have basis in truth. The Draco Founda- a tradition that helps reinforce this reputation: if
tion also runs a homeless outreach program in an an- you discuss business openly, you must buy everyone
nex building. In exchange for a warm meal and bed, a round. The owner of Five by Five is a hobgoblin
they ask that all residents provide news of the streets. rigger named Squid, who knows just about every
smuggler and coyote in the FRFZ personally.
> The primary reason for maintaining this office is to maintain
their spy network within the FRFZ. The Draco Foundation also > Squid set up a series of repeaters to ensure a strong signal, even
has close ties to the Children of the Dragon through one of their underground in a cistern. Sometimes, those repeaters need
newest board members, Alexis Glimmerscale. work. If you’re willing to go digging around in the sewers of
> Bifrost Denver, Squid pays pretty well considering, and it’s a great way
to ingratiate yourself to the rigger community.
Evo Gardens > Voxel
Easily my favorite area in the Hub, Evo Gardens
earned its name because of the greenery growing Focused Consulting and
all over the buildings, especially on the roofs and Brokerage Headquarters
bridges that connect the structures. Evo moved its
North American headquarters to this campus, and The worldwide headquarters for Focused Con-
the head of Evo North America, Mary Luce, often sulting and Brokerage (FCB), a consulting firm
visits the area to check on local businesses. Evo, that manages “problems” for elite clientele, is a
through its MetaErgonomics subsidiary, secured prominent Hub building. The story goes that FCB
many of the contracts to provide metahumans is a corporate fixer of sorts, arranging jobs for
and sapient critters with comfortable residences, high-end runners to be paired up with clients at a
restaurants, and infrastructure. Evo Gardens also decent rate.
houses the local branch of MetaMatrix, the Evo
subsidiary that provides electronics and equipment > If you’re approached for a job with FCB, it means you’ve reached
to get sapients of all types onto the Matrix. Oth- the top of the game. No one knows who owns FCB, but the
er subsidiaries with offices in the Gardens include rumor mill is churning with suggestions that everyone from
Shibata Construction and Engineering and Tsuru- Ghostwalker to Daniel Howling Coyote own the company. Of
ga International, which they hope to use to win course, no one within FCB is going to reveal the truth.
construction contracts in the region. > Voxel

Feed Trough Gadgeteer’s Electronics

Feed Trough was built by Evo with the expec- If you need some electronics, Gadgeteer’s is a
tation that centaurs were an underserved market. great place to go. They have a beautiful showroom


floor promoting all the latest in electronic innova- Idyll Recovery Center
tion. The stock is constantly replenished by drones,
The Idyll Recovery Center is one of the region’s
and interaction with others is rare, but metahu-
most effective recovery facilities. They treat addic-
mans are available for consultation as well.
tion, mental illnesses, and brain trauma. The pres- 35
ident is a young doctor, Dr. Paul McKnight, who


Ghostwalker’s Liaison Office proved himself to be a prodigy when dealing with
If you must go to this building, you better have mental ailments. His techniques are somewhat
a great reason. Ghostwalker’s liaison, Nicholas controversial, but extremely effective.
Whitebird, lives and works in this building. As
the living embodiment of the great dragon, all his > Okay so this is a bit of a conspiracy theory, but hear me out. I’ve
edicts are broadcast from these offices. The ZDF heard rumors that people who go into Idyll sometimes come
maintains a constant vigil alongside Ghostwalk- out as technomancers. And that they go on to be employed
er’s contingent of spirit allies. This building starts by Ghostwalker. I have no idea if this is true, and it sounds
with two stories of regular floors before it forks completely insane, but if it is true, then that means someone
out into four narrow, fifty-five-story spires that may have found a way to force Emergence. And it would explain
appear to be covered in dragon scales, with hab- where Ghostwalker is getting his little army of technomancers.
itable floors only on the upper and lower floors. > Voxel
It stands as a testament to Ghostwalker’s domi-
Inari Jinja
Goodfriends Established by Shiawase to help spread the in-
fluence of Shinto the region, the priests who work
Goodfriends has undergone substantial changes in this small temple are high-level Shinto priests.
over the years. It started as a family-friendly piz- These priests serve as eyes and ears for Shiawase,
za parlor, but its current incarnation is as a club in addition to holding the religious services they
known for quiet and discreet hooking up. In the are called to perform. The shrine is dedicated to
early 2070s, the owners thought they would start Inari, the foxlike messenger kami. It boasts a small
to gather blackmail material on the people using walking trail covered with torii in a fashion similar
their many private rooms, but the ZDF cracked to the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Japan.
down hard on that activity. Now, the only threat
is from other patrons, and business has thrived as > Do not mess with the priests. They are all highly initiated
a result.
magicians with a lot more magical mojo than you. Plus, since
the area is deeply aspected toward Shinto, they will have every
> I can tell you that they’re still spying on the customers and using
advantage in a fight. I’ve been fortunate enough to not fight
that information. The owners have just become much better at
them, but I did see them take out a shedim once, and it was a
hiding it and distributing the information through third parties,
very enlightening experience.
to distance themselves as the source. I may have helped them
> Bifrost
out with this on occasion.
> Voxel
Lunar Noctum
Hargreaves Clinic It’s a local mage hangout, so I’m not really qual-
ified to talk much about it. I’ll leave the description
Not the actual Hargreaves Clinic—that’s locat-
ed in Philadelphia—but rather an extension of the of the magical things to Bifrost.
clinic built to service Awakened patients in the Do- Lunar Noctum is shrouded by an anchored
main. Because it’s built in the Hub, anyone can get Darkness spell. Astral perception is required to be
treatment. Awakened and non-human metasapi- able to navigate the club, which keeps the mun-
ents are given a free pass on all medical procedures danes away. Once a month, generally the day be-
with a valid (or convincing) SIN. Mundane hu- fore the New Moon, the bar shuts down to cover
mans can get treatment but have generally longer the surfaces with a thin layer of neutralized FAB, so
wait times as they are treated with lower priority. mages can navigate properly. On the New Moon,
a huge party draws massive crowds of spirits and
> It’s easy enough to get a fake SIN that says you’re Awakened.
mages alike. The club is owned by a dwarf mage
named Brandi “Bam Bam” Bautista.
They don’t check your aura, and they don’t really care much. It’s
just that the subsidies they’re given from Ghostwalker require
de-emphasizing treatment for mundane humans as part of an Mile High Limo and Taxi Service
“equity” program. Offering service across the Hub and nearby
> Mile High Mike neighborhoods, the black-and-white Mile High
taxis operating out of this garage are a common



sight. The owner, Viktor Ivanov, is a middle-aged typical bar with a contemporary style, serving drinks
human Ukrainian ex-pat with suspected connec- and food along with occasional live music. The One-
tions to the Vory. When Denver was a divided city, Up Arcade is a game room featuring reproductions of
Viktor had an active smuggling network moving video game machines from a century ago as well as
people and material across sectors, but these days an assortment of modern AR game areas. The One-
he runs a mostly legitimate business. Up Back Room is a dark and smoky members-only
private club that is actually a hangout for runners—
> The second floor of the garage building is leased to Dr. the only real membership requirement being good
Rutherford Kaine for his consulting office and the private street rep. The owner of the bar, Carol “Cat” McTa-
residence. He’s a well-known arcanoarcheologist and specialist vish, is a retired runner and well-known fixer, and
in ancient languages. occasional Mr. Johnson, in the Denver shadow scene.
> Bifrost
Pam’s Pawn
Mitsuhama Tower “Second Hand” Pam is a sweet old ork with a
This thirty-story tower serves as home to three heart of gold. She will pay you emotional value for
major MCT subsidiaries: HermeTech, ParaShield, your goods! Well, not really. She’s a tough-as-nails
and Mitsuhama Media. HermeTech specializes in ork who has seen too much of the bulldrek you’re
security solutions for mundanes against magical peddling. She is a savvy businesswoman who takes
threats. ParaShield provides dual-natured paracrit- her job seriously. Pam’s Pawn provides a wide ar-
ters for security contracts, along with the infamous ray of goods and armory services. If you get on her
ParaShield dart series of weapons. Mitsuhama Me- good side, she might show you the stock she keeps
dia is the smallest of these subsidiaries, focusing on in the back which includes illegal firearms, explo-
simsense and trideo production. sives, and armor.

One-up Bar and Arcade Patterson Mansion

Divided into three sections, the main room of this Originally built in 1890 and owned by a Thom-
entertainment venue is the One-Up Bar and Grill, a as Croke, the mansion was sold in 1893 to Thom-


as Patterson. During a renovation in the 1970s, The Church
vandals roamed across the grounds and moved
The Church is one of the oldest nightclubs in
things. The crew decided to get a couple of guard
Denver. The building is much older than the night-
dogs, but things got decidedly strange the next day,
club—originally a cathedral built in 1865. The 37
when the dogs were found to have jumped out of a
Church features nightly live performances rang-


third-story window to their deaths.
Since then, the mansion is said to be haunted, and ing from classic EDM to modern trog rock. When
no one wanted to live there. It was converted into Weekday Eclipse was torched, the Church held a
a bed and breakfast, capitalizing on its status as a massive candlelight vigil for the victims. Rumors
haunted house until the Awakening. That was when are that the Church is also owned by Perianwyr,
the ghosts of the house managed to chase out every- but they were discounted as fiction created to drive
one who was there, and since then they have forceful- away business.
ly resisted any attempts to settle on the ground.
The Grind
> No one has been able to exorcise the ghosts, and now the A biker bar popular among the orks and trolls
property sits empty, staring out at Millionaire’s Row like a skull. who were unfortunate enough to live in what was
The most powerful spirit of the house lives in the basement CAS territory, the Grind makes an ideal meeting
and takes the form of a little girl named Emma. She takes place. There are enough patrons to discourage bad
tremendous offense at the living stepping foot on her property. behavior but few enough to allow for discretion.
Somewhat ironically, free spirits are allowed to gather here Gibson, sometimes called “Sarge,” is the owner
without interference. There are even reports of spirit-only and operator of the Grind.
parties and festivities taking place on the grounds.
> Bifrost > Sarge is a really great guy. He was a sergeant for Lone Star and
was forced to grind down his horns to fit in. After a while, he
Rocky Mountain Post decided that the racism was too much to tolerate and left.
Anyone affiliated with law enforcement will have a hard time
Headquarters in this bar, as will anyone with racist tendencies. Sarge still
The Rocky Mountain Post is a local media out- has friends from his days in Lone Star, which discourages
let that focuses on news related to Ghostwalker. organizations like Human Nation from trying to get rid of
Most people assume that it’s owned by Ghost- him. Still, Sarge is getting older and could use some help with
walker as his primary PR mechanism, but the staff idiots.
and publishers insist they’re independent and any
> 14er
perceived slant is unintentional.

Sakura Square Tower of Babel

Since 1973, Sakura Square has been the heart Prior to Ghostwalker’s Reclamation, the Tower
of the Japanese experience in Denver. At its heart of Babel was a nightclub with a notorious streak.
is the Tri-State Denver Buddhist Temple, which Turns out that the place was being used by the
has stood on this site since 1947. Since then, the CAS to listen in on wireless traffic throughout the
Square has expanded slightly to include a small Hub. Well, Ghostwalker shut that nonsense down
shopping mall, and it can be rented out for events. quick, and now the club is open again to the pub-
Due to the square having both commercial and re- lic. To get in, you have to get into an elevator that
ligious aspects, there have been extensive legal bat- takes you up twenty floors to the club itself. Don’t
tles over the privacy of the events that take place. get tossed, since the elevator isn’t the fastest way
Without a direct order from Ghostwalker, the ZDF to get thrown out.
policy is to leave the events alone without an abun-
dance of legal cause. As a result, Sakura Square has Truman Tech Tower
seen extensive use by the Karemasu Clan. When Horizon gained control of the Truman
Distribution Networks, they also gained posses-
Sal’s Cheap Sleeps sion of the Truman Tech Tower. Horizon has given
Coffin hotels are all over the city of Denver, over some of the building to Pathfinder Multime-
but this one is truly unique. It’s got an absolutely dia, but most of the building is operated by Hori-
stellar reputation for discretion, comfort, and val- zon subsidiary Singularity.
ue. It’s run by a free spirit named Sal, who is an
immensely powerful spirit of Man. Anyone who > The merger between TDN and Horizon hasn’t gone as smoothly
has caused trouble at Cheap Sleeps has been found as Horizon would like. There are still elements of TDN that think
a few days later, face-down in the nearby Cherry that they should have gone private instead of being bought
Creek. by Ares, and they’re trying to leverage the merger as another


opportunity to go private again. Horizon will win in the end, but mess with the IFF information in their heads-up display to make
the question remains about what the leftovers will be. it seem like you’re affiliated with the Sioux Nation. Just be sure
> Mile High Mike to sell the act with a convincing performance.
38 > Voxel
Union Station

The primary station for all maglev and sub- Apex Plasmids Complex
way traffic throughout the Zone. There’s a maglev Apex Plasmids is the largest food producer in
route that connects Boulder, Denver, and Colorado the FREZ. They produce almost all the soy, myco-
Springs, and subways that connect all the districts protein, and algae used by the sprawl. As a result,
of the Denver metropolitan area. Just be aware they own huge swaths of land where they have
that if you’re boarding a train bound for the PCC hydroponic facilities. However, the side effect of
or Sioux nations, you’ll have to go through cus- all this production is the area around the Com-
toms just like if you were crossing the DMZ. plex is just disgusting to smell. Thus, there are not
many businesses in the area, other than Hardpan,
Weekday Eclipse Memorial the rough-and-tumble bar that serves many of the
A memorial stands in the place where the most
famous nightclub in Denver once stood. Weekday
Eclipse, formerly owned by the dragon Perianwyr,
was firebombed in 2076 by unknown assailants. This spot is part of a very popular chain of
In the ensuing blaze, seventy-four people lost their restaurants that cater to protein-rich diets and big
lives. Many assumed it was some draconic retribu- appetites. The Carnimore franchise features a huge
tion for Perianwyr interfering with Ghostwalker’s buffet specializing in meaty flavors and textures.
plans several years earlier. The assailants were nev- They are tremendously successful in areas with
er captured, and Perianwyr set up this memorial. heavy ork and troll populations, and the advertis-
ing reflects that. It’s not as obvious as places like
the Big Rhino in Seattle, but it’s still pretty clear
Thornton that this is where you can go if you have nine hun-
gry kids and you’re on a budget.
Thornton at a glance > Their advertising is straight-up offensive. I was never raised in
Size: 227 square kilometers a “litter” with a bunch of other orks, and I absolutely knew my
Population (2081): 126,000 mother and father. That new ad where the single mother with six
Human: 60% ork babies is wondering where father went off to, and decides
Dwarf: 2% to take the kids to Carnimore? Sickening. Though I will say that
Elf: 16% their brisket is almost worth it.
Ork: 18%
> 14er
Troll: 2%
Other: 2%
Population density: 555 per square kilometer Hardpan
Per capita income: 57,000¥ The only business willing to put itself close to
Hospitals and clinics: 9 the Apex Plasmids algae tanks, Hardpan has a long
Education (2081) tradition of catering to the blue-collar workers in
Less than 12 years: 30% the area. The owner, a Sioux human named Susan
High school equivalency: 37%
“Banshee” Johnson, keeps a running list of those
College equivalency: 24%
who get thrown out with pictures of their beaten
Advanced degrees and certificates: 9%
faces hanging from the back of the bar like trophies.

> You’re still welcome in Hardpan if you’re Anglo. Just be

A suburb of Denver in between Westminster cognizant of Sioux traditions like making challenges and
and Brighton, Thornton was once managed by the contests of strength, will, and intelligence. And don’t get baited
Sioux and still retains some of that attitude. It’s not
into throwing the first punch, because you will get tossed and
uncommon to see people openly carrying weapons
banned for life.
of various styles, sizes, and lethality.
> Mile High Mike
> Many of the ZDF in the area were once Sioux Defense Force
officers. This causes issues for them when their allegiance Overmon-Aberny
to their tribe is put in confrontation with their allegiance to Don’t let the log cabin décor fool you—this cor-
Ghostwalker. But it also means that if you’re clever, you can porate-friendly hotel has some of the best physical


security in the sector. Most of the security here are > The spirits here seem to enjoy peace and quiet. That’s part of
former Sioux Defense Force, and the management why many of the free spirits are willing to work with the ZDF to
ensures their skills stay sharp by giving them a report any interlopers, especially if they’re causing chaos. Keep
month each year for training. They also make ex- your business private and you should be fine. If you make a 39
tensive use of traps and alarms to supplement their scene, you’ll get what’s coming to you.


staff, allowing them to respond to threats quickly. > Bifrost

> Their Matrix security is pretty weak, to be honest. These guys > Drones and devices are expected to be broadcasting their
focus so hard on traditional combat that they forget just how identifying information at all times here. That can make being a
vulnerable they are to a Matrix assault. One good hack, and you technomancer a bit tricky in Westminster, but with a commlink
can be in their PAN and messing with their systems before they you can get around without any issues.
know what happened. > Voxel
> Voxel

> Though they do have some spirits on site, their magical security
Iris Firmware Office
could use a boost. The Denver office for this Renraku subsidiary,
> Bifrost Iris Firmware focuses on developing new software
to operate cybernetic components. If you’re us-
ing some sort of optic cyberware, there’s a good
Shiawase Plaza chance the software was developed here. Iris is the
Headquarters to Shiawase operations in the leading supplier of software and firmware for op-
FRFZ, the Plaza is a large campus spread out tical devices.
across a wide area. The buildings are arranged in
such a way as to emphasize harmony between the > Which means that if you can get in here, you can get access to
various subsidiaries on the campus. Some of those code before it’s released to market, and potentially find some
subsidiaries include Arboritech, which focuses on zero-day exploits. That’s a tricky thing to do, so if you plan to do
agricultural products, Shiawase Fuzion, which that sort of thing, bring a competent crew.
provides power to Denver and much of the Zone, > Voxel
and Shiawase City Services, which provides infra-
structure, water, and waste management solutions
to Denver. Native American
Broadcast Service (NABS)
Westminster One of the oldest media outlets in the area, the
NABS is well-known for its hard-hitting investi-
gative journalism. They’re also considered to be
westminster at a glance extremely fair, and they protect their sources well,
Size: 67 square kilometers which means if someone’s going to get a scoop on a
Population (2081): 105,000 story that might cause damage to someone’s polit-
Human: 60% ical ambitions, NABS is going to be that someone.
Dwarf: 3%
Elf: 15% > They make extensive use of spirits as witnesses too, and they
Ork: 17% have a couple shamans on staff who analyze the residual effects
Troll: 3%
of any sort of magical activity to find the cause.
Other: 2%
> Bifrost
Population density: 1,567 per square kilometer
Per capita income: 60,000¥
Hospitals and clinics: 8 > They also have a team of dedicated hackers who are more than
Education (2081) happy to go into someone’s personal commlink and dredge it
Less than 12 years: 28% for data. NABS is unscrupulous, and they pay well, which makes
High school equivalency: 40% them an excellent resource for shadow work.
College equivalency: 22% > Voxel
Advanced degrees and certificates: 10%
Northern Lights Enchanting
The final district in our tour of the Zone, West- Northern Lights is run by a very large man with
minster is a small suburban area just north and one eye who I swear thinks he’s the embodiment
west of the Hub. As busy as the Hub is, it some- of Odin. He goes by Northman, and he even has a
times spills over into Westminster. As a result, the raven familiar named Huginn. He claims the other
ZDF here are always vigilant, and you’ll rarely find one, Muninn, is away and up to no good. Despite
more aggressive police. the fact that Northman follows the Norse tradition


a bit too literally, his work is absolutely top-notch. Black Canyon
He can enchant nearly anything, but he excels at
rune work and qi foci. The Black Canyon is one of the oldest of the
40 hyper-metaplanes. It appears to be a massive pri-
mordial forest, with trees that block out the sky.
Rattlesnake Grill The trees hold untold dangers but also unknow-

The Rattlesnake Grill is a family-friendly south- able possibilities. Looking into the dark, you might
western food restaurant. The food is quite good, notice a dozen or more eyes staring back at you
which keeps it high on the list for locals and tour- from the depths. Those eyes may be a trick of the
ists. While a family-friendly restaurant may not light or some of the predators that stalk the Black
seem like a good place for a meet, the number of Canyon. One does not go into the Black Canyon
eyes around you will ensure that everything stays lightly, because it represents the isolationist ideol-
friendly. ogies of the region’s inhabitants. As a result, the
denizens of the Black Canyon will not come to
your aid. Ever.
Denver Metaplane
Posted by: Bifrost Shattered Lands
As everyone should know by now, the astral A desolate, near-empty region of grey rock and
plane is shaped by the physical world. Emotions sand, the Shattered Lands are a depressing simula-
are like echoes, and they ripple across the astral crum of reality. The landscape is dotted with com-
plane, shaping the world of spirits. Ghostwalker munities all inspired by events, people, and places
is deeply interested in the world of spirits, having from Denver’s past. Some of these communities
even fallen in love with one in particular named might represent the gold- and silver-rush mining
Zebulon. Some sources I have on the metaplane towns, others might represent small enclaves of
told me that Ghostwalker spent a lot of time there Amerind tribes, and I’ve seen one that looked like
with Zebulon until they died. The Denver meta- a small Aztec community, which I’ve noticed has
plane is made up of several hyper-metaplanes, and grown over the years. The Shattered Lands are
up until Zebulon died, they were all arranged and both empty and full of promise. While the region
connected to each other in a way that allowed for is relatively lawless and chaotic, it’s also full of po-
metaplanar travel throughout the area. tential and possibility. One can find opportunity
Once Zebulon was gone, these hyper-metaplanes here, if one knows how to forge it.
began to drift apart, and there is a popular theory
among the denizens that if the hyper-metaplanes
drift far enough apart, it might end the metaplane Iron Horse Nation
completely. Ghostwalker has been spotted here The Iron Horse Nation is a land that looks like
many times since losing Zebulon, leading some to something from an old post-apocalyptic action
speculate that he’s either trying to repair the damage trid. Take the wild-west attitude of Denver, with
or trying to eradicate the metaplane completely. all the ferocity and intensity that entails, and then
Traveling between the hyper-metaplanes used give that attitude guns and vehicles of destruction.
to be as simple as walking across a border. Now, The region is choked with black smoke from chug-
you’ll need to find transportation that can connect ging engines and the landscape is riddled with the
you. Each hyper-metaplane has a thematic element discharged brass of millions of rounds of ammuni-
to it, and if you find that thematic element out tion. Gangs rove the area on motorcycles, cars, and
of place in your hyper-metaplane, there’s a good even in t-birds. They attack each other, fighting
chance it is the transportation you need. For in- over scant resources such as water, bullets, and fuel.
stance, if you’re in the Black Canyon, known for No one knows where the resources come from, but
its primeval forest, and you see a motorcycle belch- they are always replenished in just enough supply
ing black smoke, there’s a great chance that hop- to keep the violence at a consistent level—enough
ping on that motorcycle will take you to the Iron to keep things going, but not enough to that things
Horse Nation. spiral out of control.
So far, we know of four hyper-metaplanes. It’s
very likely that there are more, but we just don’t
know of them. Travel between the hyper-meta- City of Steel
planes is exceedingly difficult, which makes veri- One of the more interesting hyper-metaplanes
fying the existence of other planes tricky at best. is called the City of Steel. It’s undergone a lot of
I’ll discuss the four known hyper-metaplanes, and changes since Ghostwalker kicked everyone out
I’ll add some information about the rumors I’ve of the FRFZ. It used to be a mirror of Denver it-
heard. Feel free to add more detail to the rumors self, segregated into different sectors, each similar
if you’d like. to their real-world counterparts. But like the real


world, the sectors are all gone now, run by a single munity. The last several years have seen him try
unified entity called the Authority. In the City of to rebuild some of those bridges, while also con-
Steel, the denizens have all their decisions made for structing some new ones. He’s hired an army of
them by the Authority. Free will is an illusion here, technomancers, presumably because he feels more 41
but it’s a well-crafted illusion. comfortable understanding the Matrix when it’s


presented to him with a degree of mysticism.
However, the question should be asked: Where
Rumor: Dragon’s Den did he get all his technomancers on such short no-
The Dragon’s Den may or may not be a real tice? It’s not like he just put out a want ad and
hyper-metaplane. Rumor has it that this is where hundreds of unemployed hackers answered the
Ghostwalker spends most of his time when he vis- call. Or maybe he did exactly that but hid it be-
its. People who claim to have visited and returned hind lots of layers of secrecy so no one knew it
say that it’s a massive mountain inhabited almost was Ghostwalker until it was too late. Either way,
entirely by dwarves. They also talk about fanta- he’s got serious Matrix firepower at his fingertips,
sy things that we’ve never seen before, like people and you can expect that nearly every public grid
made of rock and oddly flamboyant lizard people. or host in the area is patrolled by technomancer
I’ve never met someone who went there, so all the demiGODs.
information I’ve ever learned about this place is The Holy Grail of the Matrix in the Zone is the
from associates of associates. And naturally, they location of the Denver Data Haven. That’s why Per-
went missing some time later. All this lends cre- egrine reached out to me in the first place. I won’t
dence to the idea that this place may be real. go into details about our transaction, but I knew
he was looking for it and he managed to pique my
> Lately, the Denver Metaplane has started to show some very curiosity enough to make me want to explore.
odd behavior. We know the hyper-metaplanes can be a pain to I don’t want to spoil what the results of our
traverse due to their fractured nature, but now I’m seeing gates investigation were, but we found some survivors
appearing, with people walking in and out. I have no idea where from the Denver Data Haven. They are currently
the gates are going, and I have no idea who these people are (or in the deepest holes they could find, but they do
even if they are people) but it’s got me, and my spirits, pretty exist. And no, I don’t know where they are any-
freaked out.” more. After we met with them, they disappeared
> Lyran
once again.
A big source of work for techy types is the on-
going shadow war between Warpdrive Systems
> Those sound a lot like the gateways used by the fae to traverse
and FTL Technologies. The CEO of Warpdrive
their realms. I mean, the magical ability to traverse metaplanes
Systems, Steven Ridgemont, founded FTL back
and hyper-metaplanes via a gateway isn’t unique to the fae. In in 2038. FTL was extremely successful, to the
fact, I’d posit that the traversal between the hyper-metaplanes point where it became the victim of a hostile take-
in Denver operate on a similar concept. over by Fuchi and Ridgemont’s former partner,
> Bifrost Charles Lightfoot. Lightfoot betrayed Ridgemont
and took over FTL after the takeover was com-
> Some do, but the destination of the portal is as important as the plete. Now, FTL was purchased by Spinrad Glob-
talent needed to create, operate, or destroy them. al during the whole affair involving the crash of
> Marko NeoNET, but Lightfoot remains in charge of the
subsidiary. Lightfoot wants to go private again,
but there’s no way in hell that Ridgemont will let
Denver Matrix him do that. Lots of great shadow work to be had
in this feud.
Hotspots And finally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that
Ghostwalker’s digital hoard is likely to have been
Posted by: Voxel
rebuilt. It’s probably located on a host somewhere,
During the events of Ghostwalker’s Reclama- but no one’s ever found it. If I had to hazard a
tion, it was revealed that Ghostwalker targeted the guess, there’s some sort of information about it
Denver Data Haven, a.k.a. the Nexus, because he behind the firewalls of Anasazi Holdings. Ghost-
was under the impression they had targeted him walker set up this company to manage all his pur-
first. See, Ghostwalker doesn’t just keep a physical chased properties, and they have the most sophis-
hoard, or a magical hoard. He also has a digital ticated security in the entire Zone, hands down.
hoard, and apparently it got hacked. Sculpted to look like an old Anasazi cliff dwelling,
The goods from that hack have never been re- each of the houses, doors, and windows are actual-
leased, so far as I can tell. But it must have been ly tunnels that lead deep into the mountainside. All
something extremely juicy, because he burned ev- of these tunnels overlap, connect, and intertwine,
ery bridge available to him within the tech com- making it almost impossible to navigate.


The place is constantly crawling with agents, Nahmana Circle
who take the form of local tribespeople. They run
files back and forth in the form of various trinkets The Nahmana Circle is responsible for manag-
42 and goods, or in the form of things like basins of ing the Koshari’s magical assets, as well as their
water. They won’t interact with you at all, which magical criminal enterprises. They deal in bioen-
gineered Awakened drugs (BADs), talislegging,

just emphasizes the overall feeling that you’re an

outsider and wrong. The worst part, though? Any and crafting illegal telesma. The Nahmana Circle
one of them, or any one of the sculpted elements, is managed by an Amerind woman named Ma-
can easily be IC or a spider, and you’d never know jenda. She started her business in the tempo trade,
it. Whatever technique or technology they’re using survived two assassination attempts, as well as an
to hide their icons, it’s the best I’ve ever seen. attack that leveled the apartment complex where
she was living at the time. She’s believed to have
single-handedly brought in revenue in excess of
... People to Meet 600,000,000 nuyen. Most believe that she’s next
in line to join the Wahchinksapa Circle.
Now that we’ve covered the major places to vis-
it on your trip to Denver, let’s spend a bit of time
talking about the players, both big and small. Each Ohanzee Circle
of the people and organizations I’m going to talk The Ohanzee Circle is responsible for bringing
about here are important to the overall scene of ruthless and effective violence to bear. They could
Denver or played a role in my personal story of be seen as soldiers, but it might be more accurate
finding Perri, and therefore earned a spot on my to refer to them as “force multipliers.” Each of the
list. Ohanzee Circle is extremely well-versed in how to
First off, we have to talk about the criminal syn- not only devastate an enemy, but how to destroy
dicates that run the city. Most megasprawls are lit- the morale of their compatriots. A single Ohanzee
tered with gangs, but that’s not the case in Denver. soldier can be as effective as five Triad soldiers.
For the most part, the criminal elements are orga- The leader of the Ohanzee Circle is an ork named
nized, and that can be chalked up to the fact that Tahahum Soyoko. He learned a lot from Makawi
Ghostwalker doesn’t like criminal activities to be Jameson back before she joined the Wahchinksapa
obvious. He’s mostly claw-off, provided that you Circle. He learned how to manipulate events with-
can keep your business private. out using a heavy hand by identifying patterns and
recognizing opportunities. He brought his nephew,
Koshari Nata-aska, to serve as his lieutenant. Nata-aska
may be an unusual choice for lieutenant, given
The Koshari are an Amerind crime syndicate his indiscretions and propensity for violence, but
from the PCC. They’re organized loosely into cir- Tahahum uses him more for his raw intimidation.
cles, with each circle specializing in a type of crim- With a healthy dose of intimidation and coercion,
inal activity. There are two smaller circles and two Tahahum has managed to accomplish a great deal
larger circles in Denver. The Koshari are open and with very little overt violence.
accepting in their lower levels, taking in anyone re-
gardless of their gender, ethnicity, or talents. How-
ever, the uppermost echelons are entirely Hopi Wahchinksapa Circle
and Zuni, and that’s unlikely to ever change. The Managing the other two circles in Denver, the
Koshari leadership operates primarily out of Den- Wahchinksapa Circle is a group of five chiefs. These
im, the Hopi-themed nightclub in Lakewood. are the leaders who call the shots for the rest of the
Koshari in Denver. When there is a dispute or dis-
agreement, the Wahchinksapa are brought in to me-
Language of the Koshari diate and keep the peace. In keeping with Kachina
Kachina: Origin: Hopi, Zuni; Noun referring to specific tradition, each of the chiefs in the Circle takes on
spirits, often summoned or courted with dancing an aspect or totem, even if they are not magically
ceremonies. active. These totems provide them with clear roles
in debates, discussions, and negotiations.
Nahmana: Origin: Dakota; Adjective meaning “Secret” The lead chief is Mark Longfeather, who takes
or “Arcane.” his totem as the Raven trickster a bit too seriously.
The Bear chief is Doba Standing Kodiak, who
Ohanzee: Origin: Lakota; Noun meaning “shadow.” represents a voice of calm and resilience to chal-
lenges. The single most respected chief is James
Wahchinksapa: Origin: Hopi, Zuni; Adjective meaning
Greytail, who adopted Coyote as his totem. Like
Coyote, James is a great storyteller who knows the
wisdom of the past can be applied to the future.


The youngest and newest member of the Elder charge of specific types of criminal activities. The
Circle, Makawi Jameson, often finds herself as the main force of the families is the soldati, who serve
deciding factor when the rest of the chiefs can’t agree as muscle and bagmen, and picciotti, who serve as
on something. She may be a gnome, but she was for- non-combat specialists. 43
merly in PuebSec, and she led the Ohanzee Circle for


many years. She is crafty and dangerous, even though Chavez Family
she represents the often-overlooked Rabbit totem.
The last chief in the Elder Circle is Kimo Taaho, The Chavez family deals primarily in classic
who represents the Snake totem. He’s a crotchety Mafia pursuits: drugs, prostitution, and gambling.
old bastard, stuck in the past and proudly conser- They primarily operate out of the Lakeside Amuse-
vative in his values and advice. Be aware if you ment Park and Casino, and led by Miguel “Caesar”
have to meet Kimo—he will most likely refuse to Chavez who keeps his distance in Dallas. Local
speak to any “colonist.” operations are managed by Carlos Chavez. When
Carlos’ father, Omar, was killed, the position should
> Rumor has it that Kimo Taaho actually wasn’t always like have gone to his brother Emilio, but Carlos man-
that. He was supposedly the lead singer and guitarist for a aged to get Emilio exiled, which led to some indirect
band called Wild Cards, when he went by the stage name of actions by Emilio to get back at his brother.
Richard Diamond. Do not mention this to him—he will never
acknowledge the rumor, and he hates that it even started.” Casquilho Family
> Voxel Hailing originally from the California Free
State, the Casquilho family represents the new
Outer Circle guard of the mafia. Their primary product is in-
formation. Their hackers buy, sell, and trade in
The Outer Circle is the leadership of the
paydata. The family also deals in BTLs, primarily
Koshari across North America. Each of the major
Koshari markets has a single voice in the Outer CalHots that they smuggle in through their false
Circle. Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Phoenix, businesses. They’ve also added some limited pros-
and Santa Fe each have a representative, and the titution to their portfolio, but so far, they’ve man-
Denver representative is Joshua Kawaibatunya. aged to avoid stepping on the toes of the Chavez
Joshua is a fifty-something Amerind male who family or other syndicates. The whole operation is
prefers to avoid interacting directly with the other managed by Vasco Casquilho, who was groomed
circles when possible. for the role since he was a kid. Relatively young to
be a sotto capo, Vasco has proven himself over and
over again. If he has one weakness, it’s that he likes
Komun’go things that are shiny and new.
A small syndicate with origins that can be traced
to the Korean peninsula, the Komun’go are only Tamanous
just getting their footing in Denver. They mostly
operate on the fringes, sticking to the northern bor- There is extremely little information about Tama-
ders. They manage smuggling operations through nous in Denver. Like most organized operations in
the Salish-Shidhe Council and Pueblo Corporate the Zone, things are kept in the shadows to avoid
Council, working closely with the Dogmen and attracting Ghostwalker’s attention. But Tamanous
First Nation to bolster their numbers. They’re led have the added pressure of being one of the more
by a troll named Jesse Feldspar, who would rath- reviled organizations in the world. They definitely
er rule through fear than inspiration. He tends to have some sort of affiliation with the Nocturna street
be an obstacle to the Komun’go’s growth, which gang, but beyond that, the Infected in Denver are un-
means at some point he might find his position in willing to talk about Tamanous—probably because
danger. the organization keeps them well supplied through
the Meat Market. The only thing close to a contact
I have found for Tamanous is a ghoul named Loco.
Mafia Families Story goes that Loco was an Aztlaner follower of the
As a general rule, Mafia families are defined in Path of the Sun and was prepared to be sacrificed
large part by their secrecy. They’ll never admit that when Ghostwalker interrupted the ceremony. Sup-
there’s even such a thing as a Mafia, and they’ll posedly he was given to Tamanous as punishment
constantly walk that line between legitimate and for the failed ritual, and they turned him into a ghoul.
illegitimate business. The two Mafia families that
run Denver are structured similarly, with a don
sitting at the top and a consigliere who serves as Triads
an outside voice to advise the don. There are also Triads are some of the oldest organized crime
many sotto capi and capi, who are captains in syndicates in history. They are commonly found


in Chinese communities, and their name actually Vory tsars, Nikolai Kirillov. The two organizations
comes from a British interpretation of the symbols have been in open war ever since. The incense mas-
of their original organization, the Hung Sun. Ap- ter for the White Lotus is a dwarf named Yue Fe.
44 parently, the triangles represent the relationship He’s a very powerful wuxing magician, who can
between Heaven, Earth, and Man. The Triads are call upon ancestors from the Black, Red, White,

very religious and rely heavily on rituals, even for Yellow, and Green lodges for guidance. I’m not
their mundane members. Triads tend to vary in exactly sure what all that means, but it sounds
their organization, though some basic roles can be impressive as hell. The White Lotus red pole is an
found across the board. Lodge masters give guid- elf named Hu Yan Zhuo. He likes to wear a fear-
ance and advice, providing an indirect source of some beard to help offset the fact that he’s an elf.
leadership. Incense masters are initiated magicians In combat, he wields two iron whips that tend to
who ensure the rituals and traditions of the Tri- crush skulls instead of cut flesh.
ad are preserved. Red Poles are the military com-
manders of the Triad, frequently augmented or
adepts with years of demonstrated loyalty under
Vory v Zakone
their belts. The Vory is sometimes referred to as the “Rus-
One other note about the Triads: it’s true that sian Mafia,” but that term is not entirely apt. The
part of the reason police cannot infiltrate a Triad name actually means “thieves inside of law” as an
is the initiation ritual that kills anyone who lies or allusion to the fact that they are organized, and they
talks about the Triad. are willing to commit any crime, no matter how
small. Formed in Russia, the Vory now has fami-
Golden Triangle Triad lies all over Europe and parts of North America.
They’re organized similarly to a Mafia, with a Tsar
A very conservative Triad based in the China- at the top who runs operations in an area. They’re
town neighborhood of Lowry. They will go to sur- supported by the Lideri, who are like project man-
prising lengths to avoid confrontation and prefer agers for a specific criminal enterprise. Uniquely, the
to grow slowly and legitimately when possible. Vory maintain a communal fund called an obschak.
They have a larger-than-normal number of techno- If you make money, you pay into the obschak, and
mancers and metahumans in their ranks, and they when you get jailed or killed, your family gets taken
tend to be willing to try out new business ideas. care of from the obschak.
Their lodge master is Li Zicheng, who managed to
build a network of hackers and information bro-
kers, giving him an edge in a city where subtlety
Kirillov Vory
and discretion are key. An Peng is the Golden Tri- When the Vory initially moved in on Denver’s
angle incense master—he used to be found in Klub underworld, each of the leaders took a section of
Karma, but once the Mafia took that place over, the city. In the years since, the various tsars have
he became scarce there. He rarely makes the same all been killed or gave up their ownership in order
mistake twice. The red pole for the Golden Trian- to make Vladimir Kirillov the only tsar standing
gle triad is Chen Seng-Ho. Chen Seng-Ho actually at the end. Some folks from outside the Vory insist
has two master’s degrees: one in computer science that the removal of the other tsars was orchestrat-
and another in network security. He graduated ed by Vladimir, but no one would dare say that
from CalTech, where he was friends with Vasco openly. Without a large European immigrant pop-
Casquilho, the head of the Casquilho family’s op- ulation, the Vory here are unable to rely on pro-
erations in Denver. tection rackets and such. However, the Vory are
excellent smugglers, bringing in weapons and sex
slaves from Europe and Asia, forcing the latter to
White Lotus Triad work off their debts in disgusting brothels scat-
Compared to the relatively sedate Golden Tri- tered throughout the city. They also bring in most
angle Triad, the White Lotus are rabid hellhounds. of the opiates on Denver’s streets, with supply con-
They lost Klub Karma and failed to take over the nections throughout Asia. The Vory frequently co-
Lakeside Amusement Park and Casino. Not con- operate with various street gangs, most notably the
tent with that, they went on the offensive against Fronts in the Aurora Warrens, who the Vory outfit
the Kirillov Vory, and lost some of their brothels in with weapons and drugs for resale.
the process. Of the two Triads, the White Lotus is
the most likely to operate outside the Chinatown
neighborhood, and they are more than willing to Yakuza
step on toes to advance themselves. Their current The Yakuza has been around in Japan for about
lodge master is “Auntie” Zhi Feng, who took the five hundred years. The Yakuza are currently the
reins after her father was assassinated by the Vory. richest and most powerful of all the international
She led an assault and managed to kill one of the crime syndicates, so naturally they have a presence in


Denver, though it’s small. They are shaped by strong sometimes accused of being a terror cell for Terra-
adherence to tradition, duty, and honor, which tend First!, the worldwide eco-terrorist network. They
to give people a romantic view of their activities, un- see any corporate interests in the mountain regions
til they see behind the mask. The Yakuza will engage of the Front Range as a direct threat to the earth. 45
in nearly any business, legitimate or otherwise, pro- Despite the eco-friendly nature of Ghostwalker


vided it makes money for the organization. In charge and his administration, the 14ers often run afoul
of a clan is an oyabun, who demands complete loy- of the ZDF. The gang is small, but every member is
alty at all times. The oyabun is often treated like the initiated and skilled in ritual magic.
CEO of a corporation, and their wakagashira serves
as first lieutenant. The wakagashira is something like > Our leader is Whisper, and she speaks to the trees and wind.
a company’s president. Anyone who thinks that they can come onto our turf and screw
things up is going to run afoul of us.
Karemasu Clan > 14er
This is extremely hard to explain, but I’ll do
my best. The Denver Yakuza is run by a white guy Ancients
named Seth Kramer, but he goes by Setto Karema- The Ancients is one of the largest gangs in the
su, and if you call him anything close to his former world, which means I may not be able to correct-
name you can expect to be found dead. Setto was ly elaborate on the entire organization. They’re
actually the wakagashira for the Yamato Clan when primarily elven, with a rigid militaristic structure
they were in charge of Denver. However, he was and access to military-grade equipment. In places
mysteriously absent during an attack that wiped where elves are disenfranchised, the Ancients can
out every other leader of the Yamato Clan. Setto be seen working to reclaim their individuality and
gathered up whatever members he could find and authority. They use this image to help recruitment
reached out to the Shotozumi-rengo in Seattle for efforts; and because of their primarily elven mem-
support. The Shotozumi-rengo isn’t fond of having bership they frequently clash with organizations
a gaijin in charge of the Denver operations, but they like the Humanis Policlub. They also have an on-
figured they could spare some of their more reckless going feud with the Cutters, who I’ll talk about
and headstrong members to help. So if Setto proves soon.
to be a valuable asset, then the Shotozumi-rengo The Ancients are managed by an elf named
has a strong ally in Denver once again. If Setto fails, Firethorn. Each of his colonels run a region of the
then the Shotozumi-rengo has simply proven why world. The FRFZ belongs to the Southwestern
gaijin cannot be trusted with positions of authority. region, and the colonel here is named Ironwing.
Setto’s wakagashira is Izuru Konishi, who was He operates primarily out of Las Vegas and leaves
appointed by the Shotozumi-rengo. He moved day-to-day operations to his captain, Buckshot.
from Seattle, and honestly has never been happier. Each of Buckshot’s five lieutenants manage a crew
He’s an avid outdoorsman and uses his trips to the of fifty, and each group is then further divided into
various resorts in the Front Range district to iden- five ten-man squads.
tify businesses the clan can overtake.
Chrome Domes
Local Gangs The Chrome Domes are a really small but ul-
The gangs in Denver underwent a serious tra-violent gang of cybernetic enthusiasts. They
shakeup shortly before Ghostwalker’s Reclama- are all about augmenting their bodies in any way
tion. Most of the gangs have become unified under possible, and they’re led by an ork named Atlas
the leadership of the Fronts. It’s hardly a proper who looks bigger than many trolls. It seems like
organized criminal syndicate; it’s more like a feu- the Chrome Domes are going to flame out before
dal system of vassalage. Even though we know the they can become a larger threat, but so far Atlas
Fronts are affiliated with the Vory, it seems like the has managed to keep a steady supply of stims and
Vory had nothing to do with the recent blitzkrieg chrome for his members.
that the Fronts put on.
Still, the region is gigantic and there is room for Cutters
lots of gangs in the region. Here is a partial list of
the gangs you might run into during a visit to the The Cutters may be the largest go-gang in
Zone. North America. Locally, though, they have only
about 120 members, making them smaller than the
Ancients. Unlike most gangs, the Cutters are orga-
14ers nized a lot like a corporation, with a board of di-
The 14ers, named for the mountains just west rectors of various chief executives. Each “market”
of Denver, are a gang of eco-activists. They are is controlled by a director who directs operations


through managers. In a lot of ways, the Cutters Fronts
resemble the Yakuza, but they lack polish and still
Okay, so the Fronts are an interesting gang. They
hold onto their street tough imagery. Also, they have hundreds of members scattered primarily in
46 have historically been reluctant to be involved in the Aurora Warrens, where they’ve consolidated al-
legitimate business, which until recently was an- most every other gang under their banner. They’re

other major distinguishing factor. led by an elf named Amy Steur, who is never without
The FRFZ market is managed by a director her bodyguard, an absolutely massive ork named
named Janie “Baroness” Robinson. She has three Gob. The Fronts have a bunch of lieutenants, each
lieutenants who each manage a crew of about for- of which manages a cell of about twenty to thirty
ty people and handle operations in Boulder, Den- members. These lieutenants roam the streets of Au-
ver, and Colorado Springs. Because of the history rora like a plague of locusts, collecting protection
of Denver’s espionage business, the Cutters here money and distributing drugs. They’ve managed to
are more talented than most in spy craft, surveil- work out deals with both the Casquilho family and
lance, and counter surveillance. In a change from the Kirillov Vory. The Casquilho family provides the
their previous operations, it’s also possible that Fronts with BTLs, and the Vory provide them with
you may find the Cutters taking some more le- weapons.
gitimate contracts for things like private security
and distribution, without specifying what is being Aurora Angels
A vassal gang of the Fronts, the Aurora Angels
are excellent at hacking and blackmail. Their small
Dogmen size left them vulnerable to the Fronts when they
Technically the Dogmen are an international went on the offensive in 2078. Since then, the lead-
gang, but they’re way smaller than either the An- ers, Base 13 and Tenebrous, have worked for the
cients or the Cutters. They often run as couriers Fronts providing technical expertise.
for the First Nation, and also work with the Ko-
mun’go. They have a couple of t-birds and are led Dambusters
by a woman named Yaahl. Yaahl has a taste for A thrill-gang that used to run the area around
the finer things in life and pimped out her t-bird to the Quincy Reservoir. They wear bomber jackets
an extreme degree. The Dogmen claim no specific and sport the “greaser” look from the 1940s. But
territory and frequently work in the Gap and El- don’t let the ridiculous outfit fool you—they’re
bert districts. experts with explosives and have a unique knack
for throwing grenades right where they need to be.
Durin’s Sons They were absorbed by the Fronts and now serve
as protection and a threat against anyone who
If you see a bunch of dwarves wearing chain-
might challenge the Fronts’ authority.
mail and sporting axes in Boulder, there’s about a
fifty/fifty chance that they’re members of Durin’s
Three Kings
Sons, or LARPers. They’re a psycho thrill gang
that started up about twenty years ago and act like The Three Kings used to run independently in
they live in a fantasy trid. They refuse to work with the Aurora Warrens, but that all changed when the
elves or humans and will go straight for the throat Kirillov Vory attempted to wipe them out. Their
when dealing with orks or trolls. You can see them dwarf leader Rembrandt reached out to the Fronts
riding around Halferville with their motorcycles for support. The Fronts provided heavy weapons,
and augmentations decorated to match their cos- which turned the tide. The Vory retreated and the
tumes. Three Kings were forever sworn to the Fronts. They
are heavy weapons specialists, given that most of
their members are former soldiers in the UCAS Army.
First Nation
Technically, the First Nation is a criminal syn- > There’s a connection between the Fronts getting weapons from
dicate of organized criminal elements in the Sioux the Vory, and then providing said weapons to the Three Kings
Nation. However, they have no leadership struc- to fight the Vory, who had no good reason to attack the Kings in
ture in the Zone, so they are classified as a gang. the first place. Seems to me that this was all orchestrated by the
They work alongside the Dogmen and Komun’go, Vory and Fronts to get the Kings rolled up.
focusing their smuggling efforts along the Brighton > 14er
and Stapleton districts. For the most part, the First
Nation steers clear of other, larger gangs. They pre-
fer to work rather than fight and will usually nego- Ghost Riders
tiate some sort of deal instead of fighting. The Ghost Riders are a medium-sized go-gang
that controls the 470 between Route 121 and


Highway 285. They are led by Wanda Pascoli and Smooth Criminals
Felicity Warren; the former is a magician with a
This is a small gang in the northern part of Col-
lot of skill in illusion magic. Every time the Ghost
orado Springs with ties to some really nasty peo-
Riders are on the move, there’s some sort of mag-
ple. The leader, Curtis Rivers, used to be a member 47
ical effect that travels with them. They might have
of the Humanis Policlub and found Humanis’ ac-


a thunderstorm riding behind them, their motor-
cycles might instead look like ghostly horses, or tivities to be too tame for his liking. He formed the
they may even leave trails of flames on the road Smooth Criminals and allied with Human Nation.
behind them. They hang out at All the World’s a Several of their members are known to attend the
Stage in Lakewood, and they’re known to have Church of the Holy Word and are likely connected
worked with the Koshari doing delivery jobs and with the Followers of the Holy Sword.
West Side Bloods
Ironsiders MC Running out of the western side of Colorado
The Ironsiders used to be a legitimate motor- Springs, the West Side Bloods are your typical
cycle club made up of Sioux. Following Ghost- gang. They sell drugs, they rob people, and they
walker’s Reclamation, the Ironsiders turned into try to push everyone else out of their territory.
a so-called “one percenter” club, which means The only thing that makes them unique is the fact
they went outlaw. They still have a lot of control that they’re an all-Hispanic gang and their leader,
over smuggling routes that travel through Brigh- Sleepy, is rumored to be connected to Aztlan.
ton and Thornton, and they often require crimi-
nals to “hire” the Ironsiders for protection. Like Zombies
a traditional MC, they have strict rules against Based out of Aurora, the Zombies are the one
members “poisoning” their bodies with injected of the few gangs in the district that wasn’t ab-
drugs. However, they’re more than happy to bring
sorbed or destroyed by the Fronts. They’re a thrill
in intravenous drugs to the Zone, provided their
gang with nearly no leadership. Their only direc-
members abstain from using them.
tive seems to be to have fun and terrorize every-
one. Despite their “we’re all independent and cha-
Nocturna otic” attitude, the Zombies are surprisingly similar
A very small and niche gang in the Aurora War- to each other. They tend to rock that heroin-chic
rens—no one in the Fronts even tried to overtake look, and they dress in grey and black. They sell
Nocturna. There’s less than a dozen members, but chips, drugs, and extort people in Aurora, squeez-
they all share one thing in common: They’re all ing blood from the stone somehow. Their leader,
vampires. Despite their small numbers, they can Romero, leads the gang around in a repurposed
put up a hell of a fight when they need to. Howev- school bus, which they use as a troop transport
er, they try to avoid conflict unless it’s on someone and party bus.
else’s turf. One of the founding principles of the
gang is to keep their neighborhood safe from any Individuals
external threats. All they ask for in exchange is a
donation of blood from their neighbors. Anyone And finally, a list of individuals you may not
passing through their territory must provide a pint have heard of before. I’d like to give a little love to
of fresh blood in exchange for safe passage. these folks, whether they want it or not.

Silver Thorns Alexis Glimmerscale

Operating in the primarily elven neighborhood A Denver native who used to be a member of
of Tír’Rae, this all-elven gang has ties to the An- the Children of the Dragon, Alexis Glimmerscale is
cients but refuse to join up with them. They are now a member of the board of the Draco Founda-
led by a free spirit of Man who calls himself Pal- tion. She has pale skin that seems almost shimmery,
adin Dufort. Paladin Dufort takes the form of a but this is an effect achieved with excellent use of
medieval knight, and according to Bifrost, he makeup rather than anything mystical. She could
definitely has connections to the Korrigan spir- have been a model in another life but felt called
it faction in charge of the Brocéliande Forest in to further metahuman/dragon relations. The story
France. He’s also got connections with local faer- goes that during one of Nadja Daviar’s visits to the
ies. The gang doesn’t really act like most criminal Children of the Dragon in Denver, the two struck up
gangs though—they’re focused more on protecting an unlikely and close relationship. Following one of
Tír’Rae and making sure their fellow elves are safe Daviar’s extended hiatuses, she nominated Alexis to
in the dangerous Aurora Warrens. the board, and the motion passed unanimously.


Charles Lightfoot Rhinegold
One of the founding partners of FTL Technolo- Sometimes a guy sees a trideo and decides to
gies, Charles is an unscrupulous slitch. He stabbed adopt the lifestyle they saw. I have no idea what
48 his partner in the back in order to take control of Rhinegold’s real name is, but after he saw Die
FTL. Now that he’s nearing his sixties, he’s start- Nagelring, he didn’t look back. He’s got chainmail

ing to act like he wants to repair that bridge, but and a zweihander sword. He looks like a Teutonic
no one is taking him seriously. It’s more likely that knight, but once you get up close, you’ll see his
he’s chafing under the recent change of leadership cyberhand and datajack.
involving Spinrad Global. Rhinegold is an excellent rigger who works as a
smuggler and data courier. He drives a large station
Dean Costello wagon, which seems very out of place, but it holds
some secrets under the hood that only Rhinegold
A very talented hacker and infiltrator known knows about. He will bargain down his prices if
to work for the Casquilho family, Dean Costel- you buy into the “Beer and Glory” imagery that
lo helped to provide JackPoint with crucial in- he favors.
formation during the fighting that took place in
2078. Dean is known as a bit of a heartbreaker,
having had romantic relations with at least one Silver Streak
person from the Denver Data Haven, and also Another freelance smuggler in the region, Silver
with Tenebrous from the Aurora Angels. How- Streak is a cyclops with a reputation for secrecy
ever, he’s also extremely cold-hearted, having and hooding. She wears a large red menpo mask,
turned Tenebrous into the Yamato Clan in order which obscures the bottom part of her face. Some-
to force the Aurora Angels to turn to the Fronts times people will refer to her as the Crimson Cru-
for support. This further ingratiated the Fronts sader, or the Phantom. She prefers to run with her
with the Casquilho family, giving them anoth- BMW motorcycle and a swarm of flying drones,
er avenue for acquiring hackers and technology but for big or discreet jobs she has an unmarked
specialists. white panel van. If she believes your cause is just,
she will help you out.
Lester Truman
The heir and president of Truman Distribu- Steven Ridgemont
tion Networks. Lester Truman is an extremely Anyone who ever used the Matrix since 2064
unassuming individual, with a round face and re- owes some of their success to Steven Ridgemont.
ceding hairline that makes people underestimate He’s a brilliant programmer and a bit of a Matrix
him. He seems extremely friendly at first and has socialite. There was even a period of time when
a talent for remembering people’s names. All of Ridgemont wanted to be a freelance hacker, but
this puts people off-guard for when he strikes. following his first ‘run, he changed his tune and
He’s a ruthless businessman who learned every- went corporate. He founded FTL Technologies be-
thing about business from his father—a famous fore his friend and partner betrayed him. Now he’s
corporate raider. focused on his new company, Warpdrive Systems,
and wants to crush FTL under his heel.
Nicholas Whitebird
The orkish Voice for Ghostwalker, Nicholas Business is Good
Whitebird can be seen on trideo almost every night. We all love to hate ’em, but we wouldn’t be able
He’s an Amerind ork shaman of some sort. Ru- to get anything done without corporations. There is
mors say that it’s either Wyrm, Dragon, or Eagle, a veritable laundry list of companies with a presence
but no one knows for sure. He speaks intelligently, in Denver. Naturally, the Big Ten all have a presence
with a soft voice in welcome contrast from his pa- in the city, even Aztechnology through their subsid-
tron and master. He was presented to Ghostwalker iaries. But there are a few homegrown corps with an
by an enigmatic figure known only as Guide and outsized presence in the city. I’d like to spend a bit
remained at the dragon’s side ever since. Allegedly, of time talking about those companies.
he was born in 2030 and raised in Boulder. They
say that Guide found him at nine years old and
began training him for his future duties. Anasazi Holding Company
A shell company that helps to manage Ghost-
> That timeline means this “Guide” knew about Ghostwalker’s walker’s money. Basically, they buy up properties
impending arrival some twenty-one years in advance. and then handle mergers and such, all of which
> Marko is presumably funded by Ghostwalker. It took a
lot of work to figure it out, but we found that the


Corporations and Brands in Denver
Aegis Cognito HermeTech Associates Prosperity Development Corporation
AN Meridian HyperSense Pueblo Security Services
Anasazi Holding Company Iris Firmware Shiawase City Services
Apex Plasmids KMAG Shiawase Fuzion 49
Arboritech Knight Errant Shibata Construction and Engineering


Architectural Dynamics Lone Star Singularity
Ares Global Commsat Malaysian Independent Bank Spellweaver Consortium
Awakened World Research McHugh’s Stuffer Shack
Brainwave, Inc. Mitsuhama Magical Services Taco Temple
Cerebrotech Mitsuhama Media Terracotta Armaments
CodeBlue Biotech MediCarro Truman Distribution Networks
CrashCart Medical Services MetaErgonomics Tsuruga International
DocWagon MetaMatrix UnlimiTech
Eagle Security Services, Inc. Ming Solutions VOR Robotics
Energia Viva Monobe International Warpdrive Systems
Focused Consulting and Brokerage Novatech Matrix Services Weapons World
Free Zone Voice ParaShield Wolverine Security
FTL Technologies Pathfinder Multimedia
Hard Corps Prism Aerospace

president of the company is none other than Steve is rampant, and their safety standards remain sub-
Ridgemont, the CEO of Warpdrive Systems. This par.
implies a potential connection between Anasazi
and Warpdrive. At least, it shows that Ghostwalk- Focused Consulting
er has a vested interest in Steven Ridgemont.
and Brokerage (FCB)
Apex Plasmids, Inc. There’s very little to learn about FCB. What is
known is that they were formed in Denver about
Apex Plasmids is the largest provider of my- 30 years ago. They provide consulting services to
coprotein, algae, and hydrocarbons in the Zone. the Zone’s elite and managed to remain one step
However, their history is rather embarrassing and ahead of all the political shenanigans. Their rise
spotted with issues. In 2045, they were known as to prominence and their ability to remain a step
Denver Foodstuffs, Inc. They had a terrible repu- ahead of the ZDF led to rumors that they are
tation for food quality and safety, but didn’t really Ghostwalker’s personal company to hire runners.
have much competition to challenge them. How- No one can say for sure, though.
ever, in 2061, when PCC expanded to Los Angeles,
the cost of importing goods to Denver plummeted
and Denver Foodstuffs was suddenly competing FTL Technologies
with the big boys. Shortly afterward, Ghostwalker FTL is a subsidiary of Spinrad Global based out
arrived in Denver and attacked a bunch of Aztech- of Denver. The story goes that in 2038, the com-
nology and Saeder-Krupp facilities, which caused pany was founded by Steven Ridgemont and his
collateral damage to Denver Foodstuffs, Inc. partner Charles Lightfoot. They worked together
They took out massive loans in order to repair and built a proprietary programming language
and stay afloat. The future looked bleak, but then and filed about a dozen patents for early cyber-
they won a settlement with Ghostwalker for dam- deck designs. All of this put target on their backs,
ages and were granted plasmid technology stolen and they were bought out in a hostile takeover
from Aztechnology. Almost immediately, Denver by Fuchi in 2055. As part of the buyout, Fuchi
Foodstuffs had the ability to craft nearly any hy- made Charles Lightfoot CEO and ousted Steven
drocarbon from algae, which they had in abun- Ridgemont. Ridgemont later learned that Light-
dance. Unfortunately, no matter what they did, foot had worked with Fuchi to facilitate the hostile
their reputation preceded them. takeover. When Fuchi collapsed in 2060, FTL was
So, they did the most logical thing possible: they put under the ownership of NeoNET. Their work
rebranded. They changed their name to Apex Plas- helped build the Matrix backup following the
mids and tried to move on from their embarrassing Crash 2.0 in 2064. Following NeoNET’s collapse,
past. Their corporate culture is almost as stagnant the firm transferred to Global Spinrad. There are
as their algae tanks, though. Low-level corruption rumors that Lightfoot wants to take the company


private again. If so, expect Spinrad to put up
a hell of a fight.

50 Warpdrive Systems
Formed in 2055, Warpdrive Systems is a

company literally built on revenge. Found-

er Steven Ridgemont built the company
specifically to spite his partner-turned-nem-
esis, Charles Lightfoot of FTL Technolo-
gies. Warpdrive has grown rapidly in the
last twenty years, and following the Emer-
gence they started hiring a bunch of techno-
mancers. Ridgemont claims he’s doing this
because he can help provide them with a
standard of living better than the rest of the
Zone. But if there is a connection between
him and Anasazi Holding Company, it may
be that this is a pipeline that helps to provide
Ghostwalker with his technomancer spiders.

Loose Ends
I told you at the beginning that I was try-
ing to find my friend Perri. Well, it took some
doing but we managed to find her. She’s alive
and well, and she’s deep in hiding. We also
found another sysop for the Nexus, Kludge.
Perri and Kludge have formed something of
a resistance movement in response to Ghost-
walker’s increasingly aggressive control over
the Zone. I can’t say if their movement will
ever be successful without outside help,
though. I reached out to some contacts of
mine and got them what they need. We’ll see
if it’s going to be enough.

> One of my local spies in Boulder just found a group of

oddly dressed people going into the National Center for
Atmospheric Research. Anyone know these guys? Video
feed incoming, I apologize for the quality.
> Marko

> I think I recognize one of those guys. If he’s who I think

he is, he’s a member of the Order of Eagles. And I’m
pretty sure the other guy’s a member of the Shorn Ones.
> Bifrost

> Who or what are the Order of Eagles or Shorn Ones? And
why do I think I’m not going to like the answer?
> Ecotope

> They’re Aztechnology special forces. The Order of Eagles

are mostly social adepts. The Shorn Ones are straight-up
terrorists. Not nice people, but they can get a job done. I
hope this isn’t what Peregrine meant by “outside help.”
> Bifrost





Below are some rules presented in the text, Medium Dissonance Pool
compiled here for reference.
Any technomancer touching a medium Disso-
nance pool spends 1 Edge more on Edge actions
Dissonance and Edge boosts than normal on tests using the
Resonance attribute.
Large Dissonance Pool
Dissonance is a—force? substance? material? Characters cannot gain or spend Edge on tests
thing? that disrupts Resonance, making it more using the Resonance attribute.
difficult for technomancers to access the Matrix.
In game terms, this works similarly to mana ebbs,
as follows: Metaplanar
Small Dissonance Pool Translation
Any technomancer touching a small Disso-
nance pool receives a –1 dice pool penalty on any Physically traveling to a different metaplane
test where the Resonance attribute is part of the by metaplanar gateway is entirely different than
dice pool. projecting or using an astral gate. Physical travel
creates a phenomenon where the local reality en-


forces physical changes on travelers to make them • Slave control: Control of devices attached to
conform to its rules. Some are basic, like speak- the host
ing the local language or knowing that comput- • The Null site: This site has an unknown
166 ers can access the local networks. Other changes purpose.
could be outfits altering to match local fashions,

pistols changing to hand crossbows, and drones

Only an icon with all four Matrix attributes
becoming birds or other animals. The best-docu-
(Attack, Data Processing, Firewall, and Sleaze) can
mented examples of metaplanar translation come
enter a Foundation. Entering a Foundation chang-
from visitors attending the Seelie Court in the
es the normal Matrix icon to a Foundation avatar
metaplane of fae.
that matches the paradigm of the Foundation and
Game effects of this are actually minimal—
is created from the memory and self-image of the
whatever form the equipment takes, its function hacker. Generally, this is a copy of the hacker’s re-
and profile remain exactly the same (see Court of al-world body and equipment. Foundation avatars
Shadows for a more in-depth example). have physical attributes equal to the unmodified
Matrix attributes of the cyberdeck/cyberjack com-
Using Foundations bo or the living persona used to enter the Foun-
dation. Programs that increase Matrix attributes
don’t count for this purpose, and the attributes
can’t be switched once you enter.
The Foundation of a host can only be entered
from the host’s portal. Finding the portal requires
Firewall = Body
an Electronics [Computer] + Logic (12, 1 minute)
Extended test. There will almost always be IC Sleaze = Reaction
guarding the portal of a host. Opening the portal Data Processing = Agility
requires a Control Device action with Admin ac- Attack = Strength
cess as if the portal were a separate device from the
host; entering is a separate Enter/Exit Host action.
Actions taken within the Foundation are simi-
Deckers operating inside the Foundation must use
lar to those taken in the real world, but they only
hotsim with a physically modified sim interface
mimic real-world skills. In reality, they are a sub-
so that the equipment has the bandwidth need-
conscious application of a Matrix action and use
ed for the higher sensory input. The modification
either Electronics or Cracking.
is an Electronics [Hardware] + Logic (6, 1 hour)
Extended test. Technomancers do not require any-
Social Tests = Cracking [Hacking]
thing past their natural abilities to operate inside
the Foundation; in fact, most say that it feels more Perception / Physical / Piloting =
natural that operating in the regular Matrix. Electronics [Computer]
Host Foundations are hyper-realistic, even Combat = Cracking [Cybercombat]
more than a UV host, and the version of reality
within them can be addictive. This reality, known Technical Tests = Electronics [Software]
as the Paradigm, is drawn from the subconscious or Cracking [Electronic Warfare]
of the user at the time of entry and can be literally
anything imaginable. It will also be different each The exceptions are knowledge skills relevant to
time a Foundation is entered. The exception is that the current paradigm, which act as a bridge to us-
this Paradigm is set by the first mind that enters ing skills besides Electronics or Cracking. For ex-
the Foundation—anyone following will share the ample, a paradigm that mimics feudal Japan may
same Paradigm until everyone inside has left. allow a runner with Bushido Philosophy to use
All host Foundations always have seven sec- their Influence skill for interactions inside the par-
tions or areas, each with its own function: adigm instead of Cracking [Hacking]. This is espe-
cially useful for non-hackers riding along through
• The portal: Your Foundation / host entry a Hitchhiker program.
and exit point. All Resonance actions work exactly as they do
• The archive: Where all the normally outside of the Foundation.
inaccessible files are stored. If combat occurs while in the Foundation,
the damage code from attacks is either 3P or 3S
• Master control: Control over the host
(attacker’s choice), regardless of the form that a
weapon takes. Items such as a grenade (or spell)
• Scaffolding control: Control of the host that normally have an area effect will only affect a
outside of the Foundation. single target. The Attack Rating is always Strength
• Security control: Control of the IC within + Agility, regardless of the weapon, and the De-
the host. fense Rating of a Foundation avatar is always Re-


action + Body. Initiative inside the Foundation is Actions taken by avatars are based on Matrix
Reaction + Intuition, with 1 Initiative Die. Wired skills, not the actual skills of the runner (with the
reflexes, synaptic boosters, and Increase Reflex- exception of relevant knowledge skills, as noted
es spells and powers add their bonus dice but do above), which means most characters will be far 167
not increase Initiative. Control rigs also add their less effective than they are outside of the Matrix.


rating to the Initiative dice pool while inside the While normally not available to the untrained,
Foundation. Cracking skills are usable by everyone (with a
dice pool of linked attribute – 1). Magic does not
actually work in the Foundation, but the spell-
Entering the caster’s memory and intent creates an effect that
operates off of the tradition attribute in the same
Resonance Realms way that other hitchers’ skills and equipment
emulate a Matrix skill. Drones may be created
from memory and spirits may be “summoned,”
The Resonance realms are a sort of Matrix but these constructs are simply extensions of the
metaplane of pure information. Many techno- Foundation avatar and are not separate entities in
mancers believe that any information that ever any way. The actions of a drone or a spirit follow-
existed electronically is stored somewhere in the ing an order take the place of the normal action
realms, which means they are vast and full of trea- of the avatar. This rule does not apply to sprites,
sures buried beneath oceans of nonsense and use- which can be compiled and used as normal.
less data.
As with most of the Matrix, interaction with
the realms comes in the form of visual metaphors, New Hacking
but unlike the rest of the Matrix, these metaphors Program: Hitchhiker
are not consciously programmed. That means
This program allows a number of passengers
they are varied and sometimes shifting—in game
equal to 2 x the cyberdeck’s device rating to trav-
terms, the gamemaster can determine what the
el along on a Matrix run. These passengers share
metaphor is and how players interact with the
the sim output of the deck and are vulnerable to
dumpshock and attacks, but they do not have any
Technically speaking, the realms can be entered
control over the deck or any effect on actions that
from any part of the Matrix, but it’s easier from
the decker takes.
Foundations. When in a Foundation, you can find
a way to the realms using the same Electronics
[Computer] + Logic (12, 1 minute) Extended test
it takes to find a Foundation. In any other spot, it’s
Mana Ebbs
much harder, requiring an Electronics [Computer]
+ Logic (30, 1 minute) Extended test. If a PC runs Mana ebbs and flows are described in detail in
out of dice before they find a way to the realms Street Wyrd on p. 168. If you don’t own that book,
(using the rules on p. 36, SR6), they cannot search for the purposes of this mission, you can use these
for an entrance again for twenty-four hours. simplified rules:
There are no precise tests for finding informa-
tion in the realms, but it should not be easy. Players
should have to navigate a range of hostile sprites Low mana ebb
and sometimes make bargains with them. Do not –1 dice on any magical actions in the area.
just hand them information when they visit the
realms—make them work for it. Medium mana ebb
Any metahuman carried into the Foundation
with a Hitchhiker program generates their own Edge actions and boosts for actions that use the
Foundation avatar. Hitchhikers cannot act quite Magic attribute cost 1 Edge more.
as effectively as the cyberdeck’s primary user, since
this increased dataflow taxes even the best decks. High mana ebb
A number of hitchers up to the device rating of the
deck suffer a –1 dice pool penalty to each physical Awakened individuals cannot gain or spend
attribute. This becomes –2 for all hitchhikers after Edge on tests that use the Magic attribute.
the count exceeds the device rating. For example, if
a rating 3 cyberdeck is carrying one to three hitch- Mana void
hikers, all hitchhikers take a –1 penalty to all phys- No magic can be performed in the area. This
ical stats. Increasing this to four to six hitchhikers includes alchemy.
will make each hitchhiker take a –2 penalty to tests
using their physical attributes.


Your eyes have to be everywhere. In front. In back.
On the Matrix. On the astral. Threats come from
every possible direction and dimension, and runners
who don’t keep an eye on every possible danger end
up falling to the one they neglected.
The threats are lined up in Denver, a city ruled by a
dragon and home to one of the greatest outlaw tech
archives in the world. Shadows are aligning and plots
are fomenting, and shadowrunners have the chance
to learn what’s happening in enough time to make
some nuyen and save a few lives—including their own.
The Third Parallel is a campaign book for use with
Shadowrun, Sixth World.

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© 2021-22 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Shadowrun, Sixth World, and Matrix are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc.,
in the United States and/or other countries. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC. Printed in China.
denver Map key
1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anasazi Holding 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ghostwalker’s
Company Office Liaison Office
2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apex Plasmids 14 . . . . . . . . Happy Canyon Mall
15. . . . Horizon Office Complex
3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atlantean
Foundation Offices 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inari Jinka
4. . . . . . . . . . Casquilho Imports 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe’s Drop Off
18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ketring Park
5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Children of
the Dragon 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lunar Noctum
6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Church of 20. . . . . . . . . . . . Northern Lights
the Dragon Reborn Enchanting
7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Council Hall 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pam’s Pawn
8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denim 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paradise Lane
9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denver 23. . . . . . . . . Patterson Mansion
Administration Building 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rocky Mountain
10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denver Sports Arsenal National
Complex Wildlife Refuge
11. . . . . . . . . . . . Draco Foundation 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sakura Square
26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smoky Hill
12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fox Theatre Marketplace
27. . . . . . . . . . . . . Tower of Babel

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