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In a Flower shop name floral touch has their own database management system.

This shop has one owner.

This database record his ID, name, phone number. He can hire a manager for his shop. There has name,
manager ID, address, phone number, age e-mail of the manager. This database also records the
Information of the name, employees ID, address, phone number, age of the employees.
Managers manage the employees. Shop brings product from some renowned vendor. the vendor has also
vendor ID, vendor name, vendor address and phone number. Vendor took their bills through employee by
purchase order. This database also recorded purchase order number, purchase order date issue, employee-
ID look-up, vendor ID look up, status. Practice ordered Look for purchase inventory. Purchase inventory
has also product ID look up, purchase order number, purchase quantity. Purchase inventory relates to
inventory. Inventory also have product ID product description, product color, product amount, product
retail value. Purchase inventories check the space availability of inventory.
In customer table there has customer ID, customer name, customer phone number, customer mail,
customer age, customer address. Customer and employees relate to complete sales order table. This table
content with sales order number, sales order date, customer ID look up, employee ID look up, order
status. Sales inventory is controlled by complete sales order. Complete sales order is confirmed by sales
inventory. This table content with sales order number, product ID lookup, product quantity and date of
order. sales inventory connected with inventory table.

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