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We wishes to build a database to store and manage information about our apartment

management.Every information of the building will be stored in the database .There will be a
building and it will have location,name,units,house no,floors which will be stored in the
database.A building can have an unit or many. Admins of the building will mange the whole
system of the building . A building may have many admin or an admin can manage many
buildings. Name of the admin,contact no, email address,owner key will be stored in the
database. Building may have many guards or not.A guard can works in one or many
buildings .He will have name,Schedule,payment status,contact information which will be
stored.Every unit has a unique room number and particular type.Unit has Internet bill,Electricity
bill,billing id water bill which will be stored in the database.A unit can has many bills or not.The
Units needs service.The name,service date,payment status,contact number,type,servant id of
service provider will be stored.Buyers buys the unit.A buyer can buy one or many unit.Units
may have many buyer. Name,room number,occupied status,contact,Authentication documents
of buyers will be recorded in the database.Renters rents unit.A renter can rent many units or a
unit may not have any renter. Renters will have name,room number,contact,payment
status,Due,national id,police verification status and all of this information will be stored.Renters
and buyers will have a user account having the information of their user id
card,name,complain,contact no,Date of birth etc which will be stored.A buyer and a renter can
have an user account or not.The building will have a garage for vehicles. A building can have
maximum one garage or not.This garage will have the information of vehicle type,model no,
owner, status and these will be recorded.

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