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Name -3 Mechanics —_——— Momentum Teacher Center of Mass Period Definition The center of mass is a point that represents the average location for the total mass of a system. The center of mass is abbreviated ‘cm’, Equation ~ system of particles * Doma govern zm * Xem— Classic Example [C&J 5" Ed. pg 202] my mg ‘Suppose that: o,— rs © m=5kg x= 2.0m cm - m=12kg x =6.0m +1 —> How far from the origin is the center of mass? »—___ 5S (2) ¥ 206) Earth-Moon System [C&J 5" Ed. #41 pg 209) A center-to-center distance of 3.82 X 10° m separates the earth and the moon. The mass of the earth is 5.98 X 10° kg and the mass of the moon is 74 X 10 kg. How far does the center of mass lie from the center of the earth? 6 —+ ea. & } Baseball Bat [C8 5" Ed. #19 pg. 206] “TST oy a at Would you expect the center of mass of a baseball bat to be iotated Nallway Behveen the ends ofthe bat, nearer the lighter end, or nearer the heavier end? Provide a reason for your answer Doughnut [C&J 5" Ed. #18 pa. 208) hanes ‘expect the cente/'of mass of a doughnut to be located? Why? Velocity and Center of Mass [C8J 5" Ed. #42 pq. 209] Two balls are approacing each other head-on. Their velocities are +9.7 mis and -11.8 mis. Determine the velocity of the center of mass of the two balls i. a) they have the same mass © ») if the mass of one ball (v= 9.7 mis) is twice the mass of the other ball (v= -11.8 mis) YX Mgt dix t & Mey - - N = Oe High Level Extension: Dog on a Boat [HRW-9-19] 4 4.5 kg dog stands on an 18 kg flatboat and is 6.1 m from wen, the shore. He walks 2.4 m along the boat towards the shore x and then stops. Assuming there is no friction between the "’ boat and the water, find how far the dog is then from the 61m shore. - Plano West -Mr Grizze 28 Exploding Projectile A projectile is launched from the top ofa cliff above level ground. At launch the projectile is 35 meters above the base of the cliff and has a velocity of 50 meters per second at an angle 37° with the horizontal Air resistance is negligible. Consider the following two cases and use g = 10 m/s, sin 37° = 0.60, and cos 37° = 0.80. Case |: The projectile follows the path shown by the curved line in the following diagram. a. Calculate the total time from launch until the projectile hits the ground at point C. b. Calculate the horizontal distance R that the projectile travels before it hits the ground. c. Calculate the speed of the projectile at points A, B and C. espana - Case II: A small internal charge explodes at point Bin the above diagram, causitg the projectile to separate into two parts of masses 6 kilograms and 10 kilograms, The explosive force on each part is horizontal and in the plane of the trajectory. The 6-kilogram mass strikes the ground at point D, located 30 meters beyond point C, where the projectile would have landed had it not exploded. The 10-kilogram mass strikes the ground at point E d. Calculate the distance x from C to E 0 = Make ox yeh ye AYO 7 WMG Ay taro West re f 7 =(b\eyad = OAK Name Be =3 Mechanics = 7S" Momentum Teacher 0 ny Center of Mass Lab Period Purpose - Calculate the center of mass for a 1D system. Materials meter stick, mass set, center of mass apparatus, tray, marker and protractor Background Textbook Reading: TBA 7 http: hyperphysics.ohy-ast.qsu. edu/hbase/tora,htmlttequi Procedure Place each system in static equilibrium Weaine base’ 1.15 ‘One Dimensional System - Part 4 Procedure 1, Take a meter stick and support it at its center of mass. Record its position below. 2. Hang 4 masses at different positions along the meter stick. Vary the masses and positions unti the meter stick balances at its center of mass. 3. Measure and record each mass’ position from one end of the meter stick. Measure the position of the support point from the same end of the meter stick 4, Using the center of mass relationship calculate the center of mass position of the 4 masses. Data Meter stick’s center of mass position -__ U4. Ncswenb) mass Mass #1 Mass #2 Mass #3 ) [wea | pein Calculate center of mass position - ‘One Dimensional System — Part 2 }. Using one mass determine the mass of the meterstick. 2. Calculate the mass of the meterstick in the space below. ‘of the meterstick? Nar BC § Mechanics “ = YY" Momentum Teacher nn Momentum and Impulse Period a a Momentum Definition 0 rr Conservation of Momentum : a Conserved Type Momentum Energ) Kinetic Energy Perfectly Elastic aNWe c 1 Partial Elastic \KT 7 MW) + Di | Perfectly inelastic |, \ YJ" er MOree Recoil { Yi T Te MUN EM 4 mu, Dy Vit mrve = lop en LYM Vir me va = (enemy y MM yay! Type of Collision Problems How can the bullet acquire energy (velocity)? * given an initial velocity * an energy transformation © gravitational oelastic What situations could be encountered after the collision? + An energy transformation — swing © loop Bullet ohill (figurative) © curved-vertical path * An energy transformation ee co slides on a rough surface, * Projectile Motion How might the target and bullet collide? "> hit and stick * hit and bounce * hit and pass through Collision Oo +\2 \ VW a. Calculate the x and y components (p, and py, respectively) of the momenta of the two objects before and after the collision, and write your results in the proper places in the table. b. Show. using the data that you listed in the table, that linear momentum is conserved in this collision. Calculate the kinetic energy of the two-object system before and after the collision Is kinetic energy conserved in the collision? Plano West Mr. Grizzle Impulse a Motion: Sensor O = 0.30. 50, z 02 aod é z = 0.10 2 30} 3 0 é 204- > 0.10 104- -0.20: 0 030 0.32 034 0,36 038 0.40 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 038 0.40 Time r(s) Time f(s) ‘A motion sensor and a force sensor record the motion of a cart along a track, as shown. The cart is given 2 push so that it moves toward the force sensor and then collides with it, The two sensors record the values shown in the following graphs. \ a. Determine the carts average acceleration between t = 0.33 s and t + 0.37 s. ». Determine the magnitude of the change in the cart's momentum during the collsion. ¢. Determine the mass of the cart. 5 4. Determine the energy lost in the collision between the force sensor and the cart ow |B .22 a) velec a Ina} TO mis \ LF ae 4h cw by LE abe mm py = 9 = \onpal oe 9 > Sop < CREA) Cc) bt. re ov moog =alS fy > aw (Mew?) ye 5S (19 Vcd hs die “+8 V2 Po “ r +. « - = = : : ==

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