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Composites Science and Technology 67 (2007) 2775–2785

The prediction of the dynamic responses of ceramic particle reinforced

MMCs by using multi-particle computational micro-mechanical method
Jiang-Tao Zhang, Li-Sheng Liu, Peng-Cheng Zhai *, Zheng-Yi Fu, Qing-Jie Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, PR China

Received 26 October 2005; received in revised form 1 February 2007; accepted 7 February 2007
Available online 22 February 2007


The computational micro-mechanical method is used to analyze the dynamic mechanical properties of ceramic particle reinforced
MMCs in this paper. The ceramic particles are simulated as circles with different diameters, which are randomly and discontinuously
embedded in the matrix. Both the Johnson–Holmquist damage model and the elastic model are used to characterize the constitutive
behavior of the ceramic material. The results calculated by the two models are compared with each other and also with those of exper-
iments. It is shown that the flow stresses predicted by the Johnson–Holmquist model are in good agreement with those of experiments,
while those predicted by the elastic model are higher than those of experiments. The influences of particles’ volume fraction and overall
strain rates on the dynamic behavior of the composites are studied. The damage of the particles is considered and it is only found in the
composites with high particles’ volume fraction. The damage of the particles can reduce the flow stresses of the composites.
 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: A. Metal matrix composite; B. Mechanical properties; B. Stress–strain curves; C. Computational simulation; C. Damage mechanics

1. Introduction represent the micro-structures of MMCs and used to

research their mechanical properties [1–18].
Computational micro-mechanical (CMM) [1–3] method In the 2D CMM model, the micro-structures of MMCs
has been widely used to investigate the mechanical proper- are often cut out from the scanning electron microscopy
ties of metal matrix composites (MMCs) over the past (SEM) micrograph [3–5], or the particles’ shape is assumed
10–15 years. CMM is based on constructing the representa- to be of regular configurations [6–12]. Zhai [3] generated a
tion of the real micro-structure of MMCs in the numerical 2D CMM model with a representative actual micro-struc-
model to predict their macro-mechanical properties. It can ture and successfully predicted the equivalent elastoplastic
be used to relate the MMCs’ micro-structural features to stress–strain curve of SiC/Al composite; Soppa [4] used the
their macroscopic mechanical performance in terms of experimentally mapped real micro-structure of 10 vol%
deformation mechanisms, strengthening mechanisms and Al2O3/6061 Al composites to build FE model and analyzed
failure mechanisms [1,2]. However, it is currently difficult the influence of thermal residual stresses on the deforma-
to construct 3D finite element (FE) models with the com- tion and damage of the composites. Borbély [5] constructed
plete realistic micro-structure of MMCs, such as the realis- a multi-particle 2D CMM model to study the effect of par-
tic particles’ geometries and distribution, and even it is ticles’ distribution on the uniaxial stress–strain behavior of
beyond the computational capabilities. Many simplified particle reinforced MMCs, and the particles were assumed
or idealized 2D and 3D CMM models are introduced to to be rectangles with their average distances and directions
taken into consideration in their models. There are also
many artificial 2D micro-structures developed to study
Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 27 8765 1820; fax: +86 27 8786 0863. the effect of different factors such as particles’ volume frac-
E-mail address: (P.-C. Zhai). tion and morphology, interfacial strength, and residual

0266-3538/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2776 J.-T. Zhang et al. / Composites Science and Technology 67 (2007) 2775–2785

stress on the mechanical properties of MMCs. Lee [6] used ductile 6061-T6 Al matrix reinforced with Al2O3 particles.
a fictitious multi-particle cell model to predict the cracking The damage of the ceramic particles is considered by using
modes and hardening behavior of MMCs; Schmauder [7] Johnson–Holmquist (JH-2) model [26–29] to characterize
generated an artificial 2D multi-particle model to study the constitutive behavior of the ceramic material. As a
the effect of thermal residual stress on the damage evolu- comparison, the elastic material model is also adopted
tion of particle reinforced MMCs. Mishnaevsky [8] ana- for the ceramic material in the calculation. The constitutive
lyzed the effect of micro-structure of particle reinforced behavior of the matrix material is assumed to follow strain
MMCs on the equivalent response and damage evolution hardening of the Ramberg–Osgood type, coupled with
with a clustered and uniform particle arrangement. More power-law strain rate hardening. Attention is mainly paid
utilization of the 2D multi-particle CMM models can be to the influences of particles’ volume fraction, damage
found in some other papers [9,10]. In these artificial 2D and the overall strain rates. The calculated results are also
CMM models, the particles’ shape is always represented compared with those of the unit cell formulae [16] and
by circle, ellipse or polygon. experiments by Yadav et al. [21].
As for 3D models, the particles are always represented
by spheres or hexahedrons. Gusev [11] constructed a cubic 2. Micro-structure and FE model
shaped unit cell containing up to 64 spherical inclusions to
describe the elastic behavior of particle reinforced poly- The artificial 2D micro-structure and FE mesh are auto-
mers, and Watt [12] used unit cell containing 10 particles generated by a program developed on the platform of
to study the effect of the particles’ distribution in MMCs. Ansys 9.0. PLANE162 element, a plain strain quadrilateral
Agrawal [13] used a representative cell model to simulate shell element, is used to mesh the micro-structure, and sin-
the thermal residual stress distribution in co-continuous gle point Gauss integration is used. The 2D FE calculations
composites. Han [14] used 3D multi-particle unit cell to are performed by using the commercial explicit finite ele-
study the mechanical properties and damage initiation of ment code LS-Dyna 970.
particle reinforced MMCs. The sample used in the simulation is assumed to be a
The different 2D and 3D unit cell models based on the square. The ceramic particles are represented as circles
assumption of periodic particles’ distribution is also widely and their diameters are varying from 10 lm to 33 lm.
utilized to predict the properties of MMCs [15–18], and the The bonding between the particles and the matrix is
excellent reviews of these models have been done by Farris- assumed to be perfect in the analysis. The particles’ volume
sey et al. [18]. Several researchers also presented the com- fraction is assumed to be the ratio of the total area of the
parisons of the analysis results of 2D and 3D CMM circles to the area of the sample. Random number genera-
models and the conclusions are diverse [2,19,20]. tor is used to create the center coordinates and diameters of
Although there are numerous experimental reports on the particles. The diameter and center coordinates of each
the dynamic responses of MMCs [21–24], the reports on new particle are determined by the condition that the new
the application of the CMM method to predict the particle is no less than 4 lm apart from all the generated
dynamic properties of MMCs are very few. Axisymmetric particles and the sample borders. This procedure is similar
unit cell model is the main one, which has been used to ana- to the one that Mishnaevsky [8] has used to design 2D
lyze the effects of particles’ volume fraction, shape, aspect micro-structures of MMCs with random particles’ arrange-
ratio, behavior of the matrix [16,17] and interfacial deb- ment. The typical micro-structures with different volume
onding [25] on the dynamic behavior of MMCs. By fractions of ceramic particles are shown in Fig. 1.
curve-fitting the calculated results of the unit cell model, The accuracy of the FE solution will rise with the
Bao [16] and Li et al. [17] developed a series of formulae increase of the dimension of the selected samples, and so
to calculate the dynamic stress–strain curves of ceramic will the computer time. The sample with the dimension
particle reinforced Al matrix composites. of 0.66 mm · 0.44 mm is used by a compromise between
However, the unit cell model is constructed on the the two factors. There are about 18 particles in the model
assumption that the particles are elastic or rigid spheres for particle volume fraction f = 0.1 and it takes dozens of
and distributed regularly in the matrix. The experiments seconds to solve the problem for strain rate 1.0 · 104/s in
and numerical investigations have revealed that the local a Pentium 4 PC with double CPU (2.8 GHz) and 1.0 GB
damage evolution of the particles is strongly affected by RAM. And there are about 130 particles in the model for
the local ceramic particles’ distribution [5,10]. The unit cell f = 0.4 and it takes about 24 h to solve the problem for
model cannot capture these features. In addition, elastic strain rate 1.0 · 103/s.
and inelastic waves, propagating in the composites upon As shown in Fig. 2, uniaxial compressive load is simu-
impact loading, further complicate the stress distribution lated by imposing the node velocity u_ y along the negative
and the damage initiation. Using 2D or 3D multi-particle y-axis to all the nodes in y = H, given as Formula (1).
CMM models to study the dynamic properties of MMCs The node displacements in y direction at y = 0 are assumed
can provide more detailed and authentic information. to be zero as Formula (2). The two sides at x = 0 and x = L
The present paper attempts to use artificial multi-parti- are keeping straight lines by tying the node displacement in
cle 2D CMM model to analyze the dynamic responses of the x direction as Formulae (3) and (4), respectively.
J.-T. Zhang et al. / Composites Science and Technology 67 (2007) 2775–2785 2777

Fig. 1. Typical micro-structures with different volume fractions (f) of ceramic particles.

Fig. 2. The applied boundary conditions and typical FEM mesh for the composite with particle volume fraction f = 0.2.

u_ y ðx; H Þ ¼ e_ y ðH þ uy ð0; H ÞÞ on y¼H ð1Þ In the following calculation, 150 time steps are taken to cal-
uy ðx; 0Þ ¼ 0 on y ¼ 0 ð2Þ culate the stress–strain curves of the composites for applied
strains up to 15% and the fixed strain increment is 0.1% at
u_ x ðx; yÞ ¼ u_ x ð0; 0Þ on x ¼ 0 ð3Þ
each time step. To investigate the effects of particles’ vol-
u_ x ðx; yÞ ¼ u_ x ðL; 0Þ on x ¼ L ð4Þ ume fraction f and overall strain rate, f = 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4
where ux, uy are the total displacements in the x and y and overall strain rates 1.0 · 103/s, 5.0 · 103/s and
directions, respectively. u_ x ; u_ y are the velocity components 1.0 · 104/s are selected to carry out the analysis.
in the x and y directions. e_ y is the imposed overall compres-
sion strain rate. H and L are the initial height and width of 3. Material models
the sample, respectively.
The average normal stresses of the elements in the two 3.1. Metal matrix
ends of the sample (y = 0 and y = H) are taken as the flow
stresses of the samples. The normal strain is calculated by The Al matrix material is assumed to be power-law
using the following formula: strain hardening of the Ramberg–Osgood type, coupled
with power-law strain rate hardening as defined in Formu-
ey ¼ lnð1 þ uy ðx; H Þ=H Þ ð5Þ lae (6) and (7):
2778 J.-T. Zhang et al. / Composites Science and Technology 67 (2007) 2775–2785
rs rs 4. Results and discussion
e¼ þ e0 ð6Þ
E r0
 p k To minimize the effect of the mesh density on the calcu-
r e_
¼1þ ð7Þ lated results, the number of the shell elements is increased
rs e_ 0 progressively until no detectable difference is discovered
in the predicted stress–strain curves. The typical FE model
where r0, rs and r are the reference stress, quasi-static flow used in this study is shown in Fig. 2 and there are 5142 ele-
stress and dynamic flow stress, respectively; E is the ments totally. Each particle is meshed into 36 shell elements
young’s modulus, e0 = r0/E, e_ p is the plastic strain rate, and the element size on the sample’s borders is 15 lm.
e_ 0 is a reference strain rate, and k and g are the material For a given f, three different particles’ distributions have
parameters determined by experiments. been generated to calculate the stress–strain curves. It is
This constitutive model of the metal matrix is shown that the influence of random particle distribution
implemented in LS-Dyna as material 24 (*MAT_PIECE- is very weak. This result is in agreement with the works
WISE_LINEAR_PLASTICITY). The parameters used of Hom [30] and Bao [31], who find the quasi-static flow
here are those in literature [16] and listed in Table 1. stresses of particle reinforced MMCs is not very sensitive
to the precise arrangement of the particles for f up to 0.4.
3.2. Ceramic particles Segurado and Llorca [32] also find that the moduli
obtained from different 3D unit cell containing 30 non-
Both the JH-2 model and the elastic model are used overlapping identical spheres show very little scattering
to characterize the constitutive behavior of the ceramic and the average values can be considered very close to
material. The JH-2 damage model developed by Johnson the ‘‘exact’’ solution to the problem. Therefore, the average
and Holmquist has been widely used to simulate the values of the stress–strain curves obtained from the three
dynamic responses of the ceramic materials that are sub- micro-structures with different particles’ arrangement are
jected to high pressures, high strain rates and large taken as the solutions.
deformations [26,28,29]. In this model, the material
response is initially considered to be elastic. Under com- 4.1. Effect of particle volume fraction
pressive loading, the damage begins to accumulate
within the material when the deviator stress exceeds a The predicted stress–strain curves of the composites
critical value. This damage accumulation is tracked via with different f are shown in Fig. 3. For a given strain rate
a damage parameter D (ranging from 0 to 1). When and ceramic material model, the flow stress of the compos-
the material is subjected to tensile stress, the material ite increases with the increasing of f. Concluded from dif-
responds elastically until brittle failure occurs at a spec- ferent literatures [16–18,23,33], the strengthening
ified equivalent stress value [26]. The damage parameter mechanisms mainly include: (1) the strength and stiffness
D is given by: of ceramic particles are much higher than those of metal
matrix; (2) the constraining of the particles to the matrix
D ¼ RðDep =epf Þ ð8Þ is enhanced with the increasing of the ceramic particles
and (3) the plastic flow of the strain hardening matrix also
Where Dep is the plastic strain increment; epf is the plastic increases with the increasing of the ceramic particles, and
fracture strain. consequently, the stress level in the matrix as well as in
Further explanation of the numerical and physical basis the particles is improved.
of this model can be found in various well-documented As illustrated in Fig. 3, the calculated flow stresses pre-
texts by the original authors and others. This constitutive dicted by the JH-2 model are lower than those predicted by
model is implemented in LS-Dyna as material 110 the elastic model. Experiments have revealed that ceramic
(*MAT_JOHNSON_HOLMQUIST_CERAMICS). The is strong in compression but weak in tension, and the
parameters needed in the JH-2 model are those in [26] strengths of both the intact and damaged ceramic are rate
and listed in Table 2. and pressure dependent. These features are considered in
For comparison, the elastic model is also used to charac- the JH-2 model, but not in the elastic model. The effects
terize the constitutive behavior of ceramic material in this of these features are significant on the dynamic properties
study. And the results of elastic model are compared with of the composites. Fig. 4c and Fig. 5c display the effective
those of JH-2 model in the following sections. stress distributions in the matrix calculated by elastic cera-
mic model for f = 0.2 and 0.4, respectively, and they are
similar to Fig. 4a and Fig. 5a calculated by the JH-2 model.
But in the particles, the effective stresses calculated by the
Table 1
Material parameters of 6061-T6 Al [16] elastic model as shown in Fig. 4d and Fig. 5d are higher
than those calculated by the JH-2 model as shown in
g k v e_ 0 (/s) E (GPa) r0 (MPa)
Fig. 4b and Fig. 5b, respectively. Since the predicted flow
11.66 0.28 0.25 5.1 · 10 69 275
stresses are correlated with the stresses both in the matrix
J.-T. Zhang et al. / Composites Science and Technology 67 (2007) 2775–2785 2779

Table 2
Material parameters of Al2O3 [26]
a b n c m K1 (GPa) K2 K3
(GPa) (GPa)
0.93 0.31 0.6 0.0 0.6 130.95 0 0
d1 d2 Density (kg/m ) Young’s modulus Shear modulus Tensile strength
(GPa) (GPa) (GPa)
0.005 1.0 3700 210.9 90.16 2.0
Hugoniot elastic limit (HEL) HEL Pressure HEL strength Poisson Ratio Beta Reference strain
(GPa) (GPa) (GPa) rate
2.79 1.46 0.01117 0.17 1.0 1.0

True stress (MPa)

True stress (MPa)

f=0.2 f=0.1
450 f=0.2 f=0.1

JH-2 model 300 JH-2 model
Elasitc model Elasitc model

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15

True strain True strain

Fig. 3. Stress–strain curves for different particle volumes (f) at strain rates (a) 1.0 · 103/s and (b) 1.0 · 104/s.

Fig. 4. Von-Mises effective stress distribution of region (A) in the matrix and particles for the composite with particle volume fraction f = 0.2.
ðey ¼ 13:5%; e_ y ¼ 1:0  103 =sÞ.

and in the particles, the predicted flow stresses by the elas- the flow stresses predicted by the two models almost keep
tic model are higher than those by the JH-2 model. invariable at the strain higher than 5% as shown in
In the case of lower f, e.g. f = 0.1 and 0.2, the tendency Fig. 3. The damage of the particles is not found in JH-2
of strain hardening predicted by JH-2 model is similar to model for different overall strain rates. Therefore, the dif-
that predicted by the elastic model and the differences of ference of the stress distribution in the particles is mainly
2780 J.-T. Zhang et al. / Composites Science and Technology 67 (2007) 2775–2785

Fig. 5. Von-Mises effective stress distribution of region (B) in the matrix and particles for the composite with particle volume fraction f = 0.4.
ðey ¼ 13:5%; e_ y ¼ 1:0  103 =sÞ.

caused by the different strain rate and pressure dependence weaker than that predicted by the elastic model. This differ-
of the two models. Numerous experiments have also ence is mainly caused by the particles’ damage. For differ-
revealed that no damaged particles are found in the com- ent overall strain rates, the particles’ damage in JH-2 model
posites reinforced with lower ceramic content and these occurs as the applied strain attains about 1.5%. Typical
composites have the same strain hardening as the matrix damage distribution of the particles is illustrated in
[21,22,24,34]. Fig. 7. The ratio of the damaged ceramic elements to the
However, for the case of higher f, e.g. f = 0.4, the ten- total ceramic elements and the average value of damage
dency of strain hardening predicted by JH-2 model is much parameter D in the damaged elements are given in Fig. 8.

Fig. 6. Von-Mises effective stress distribution of region (A) in the matrix and particles for the composite with particle volume fraction f = 0.4.
ðey ¼ 13:5%; e_ y ¼ 1:0  104 =sÞ.
J.-T. Zhang et al. / Composites Science and Technology 67 (2007) 2775–2785 2781

Fig. 7. Distribution of damage parameter D in the particles for the composite with particle volume fraction f = 0.4 at the applied strain rate
e_ y ¼ 1:0  104 =s. ðey ¼ 13:5%Þ.
Damaged elements/ceramc elements

Average value of D

0.06 0.08


0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Strain Strain

Fig. 8. (a): The ratio of damaged ceramic elements to the total ceramic elements; (b): the average values of damage parameter D in the damaged elements.

Both of them increase with the applied overall strains. The 4.2. Effect of strain rate
ceramic particles’ damage can reduce their stiffness and
strength as well as the composites’. Since the ceramic dam- For a given f and ceramic material model, the flow stres-
age is not considered in the elastic model, the tendency of ses of the composites increase with the increasing of the
the strain hardening predicted by the elastic model keeps strain rates as shown in Fig. 3. Lots of experiments have
the same as those of the composites with lower f. proved that the composites with rate sensitive matrix have
Due to the effect of the particles’ damage, the flow stres- stronger rate sensitivity than that of the matrix, and con-
ses calculated by JH-2 model almost keep constants and cluding from previous studies [16,17,21–23,34], the factors
even begin to decrease at higher strains. This result is in which affect the rate sensitivity of the composite mainly
good agreement with the experiments. Marchi et al. [23] include: (1) rate sensitivity of the component materials;
had measured the quasistatic and dynamic compressive (2) interaction of the matrix and the particles; (3) damage
stress of pure Al matrix reinforced with 40–55% Al2O3 par- in the composites; and (4) interaction of dislocations in
ticles. They found that the micro-structural damage was the matrix with reinforcements.
dominated by particle cracking, and the fraction of the bro- The FE simulations disclose that the distribution of the
ken particles increased with the applied strain. The flow local strain rate in the matrix is highly non-uniform due to
stress reached a nominal plateau near the strain of 10% the constraint of the inclusions. As shown in Fig. 9, the
and eventually began to decrease at higher strains. contours of the local effective strain rate in the matrix in
2782 J.-T. Zhang et al. / Composites Science and Technology 67 (2007) 2775–2785

Fig. 9. Distribution of the effective strain rate in the region (A) for the composite with particle volume fraction f = 0.2 at the applied strain rate
e_ y ¼ 1:0  103 =s. ðey ¼ 13:5%Þ.

region (A) are displayed for the composites with f = 0.2, ues of the damage parameter D increase with the increasing
the applied strain is 13.5% and the applied overall strain of the applied strain rates. The obvious drop of the stress in
rate is 1.0 · 103/s. The local strain rates are much higher the stress–strain curves predicted by the JH-2 model indi-
than the applied strain rate in a large part of the matrix. cates there are some ceramic particles damaged abruptly
Especially in the regions near the particle/matrix interfaces, at certain strain, such as at the strain of 5.5% in the
the maximum local strain rate can even attain 50 times stress–strain curve for the strain rate 1.0 · 104/s and 13%
higher than the applied strain rate in this study. The high for 1.0 · 103/s. The strains, at which the flow stresses drop
local strain rate leads to higher average strain rate in the observably, decline with the increasing of strain rates. The
matrix, and consequently results in the enhancement in rate main reason is that the higher stress is transferred from the
sensitivity of the composites. matrix to particles during the higher strain rate deforma-
The flow stresses predicted by the elastic model are tion and makes more particles damaged at the smaller
much higher than those predicted by JH-2 model and the strain due to the strain rate hardening of the matrix.
difference increases with the increasing of the applied strain
rates as shown in Fig. 3. For both of f = 0.1 and 0.2, when 4.3. Damage mechanism
the applied strain is higher than 5%, the flow stresses pre-
dicted by the JH-2 model keep at about 9.0 MPa and The damage micro-mechanisms of particulate MMCs
86 MPa lower than those predicted by the elastic model generally include (a) particle fracture, (b) debonding of
when the applied strain rate is 1.0 · 103/s and 1.0 · 104/s, matrix/particle interfaces and (c) voids nucleation, growth
respectively. As mentioned in Section 4.1, the effective and coalescence in the matrix. In this paper, (b) and (c) are
stresses in the matrix predicted by the two models are very not considered.
close, while the effective stresses in the particles predicted Different compression experiments [21,22,34] have
by JH-2 model are lower than those predicted by the elastic revealed that very few particles are fractured in the com-
model. Due to the strain rate hardening of the matrix and posites with low particle volume fractions. In the compos-
the differences of the two ceramic models in strain rate and ites of the metal matrix reinforced with isolated particles,
pressure dependence, the difference of the predicted stresses the interaction of the particles is very weak. The loading
in the particles by the two models is amplified with increas- transferred to the particles is mainly via the matrix. Due
ing the applied strain rates. The stress distribution in to the difference of strength and stiffness of the component
matrix predicted by JH-2 model (Fig. 6a) is very similar materials, the stress transferred to the particles is generally
to that predicted by elastic model (Fig. 6c). But the stress less than their fracture strength. In the composite with high
in the particles predicted by JH-2 model (Fig. 6b) is obvi- particle volume fraction, however, the loadings can be
ously lower than that predicted by elastic model (Fig. 6d) transferred between the neighboring particles via the con-
and the difference is more significant than that between tact points of direct contacted particles or via the narrow
Fig. 5b and Fig. 5c for e_ y ¼ 1:0  103 =s, f = 0.4 and matrix ligaments that have been highly strengthened. As
ey ¼ 13:5%. As a result, the difference of the predicted a result, the stress in the particles is greatly increased and
stress–strain curves by the two models is also enhanced it even can make the particles damaged.
with increasing applied strain rates. Previous studies have shown that particles’ cracks in
For the composite with f = 0.4, the effect of the parti- particulate MMCs are perpendicular to a principal tensile
cles’ damage also increases with the applied strain rates. stress axis [23,33]. As shown in Fig. 10, due to the trans-
As shown in Fig. 8, both the ratio of the damaged ceramic verse flow of matrix, the principal tensile stress is generated
elements to the total ceramic elements and the average val- in the particle alignments with their directions perpendicu-
J.-T. Zhang et al. / Composites Science and Technology 67 (2007) 2775–2785 2783

Fig. 10. Maximum principal stress distribution of region (C) for the composite with particle volume fraction f = 0.4. ðe_ y ¼ 1:0  104 =s; ey ¼ 13:5%Þ.

lar to the applied compressive loading. The high tensile damage runs through the sample along the direction per-
stress is mainly concentrated in the nearest points of the pendicular to plane of the model, but is not localized at
neighboring particles, which causes the beginning of the some discrete particles.
damage evolution at the elements in the particles’ outer
boundaries. Then more elements in the damaged particles 5. Comparisons with experimental results
are damaged with the increasing of the applied strain. This
same damage process has been found by Mishnaevsky [8], The calculated stress–strain curves with the 2D CMM
who use the artificial 2D models to analyze the damage models are compared with those of experiments [21] as
evolution in the particle reinforced MMCs. The typical dis- shown in Fig. 11. The composite is 20% Al2O3/6061-T6
tribution of the damage parameter D in the composite is Al and the diameters of Al2O3 particles are varying from
shown in Fig. 7. 10 lm to 33 lm. It is obvious that the tendency of strain
The high compressive stress is also generated in particle hardening and rate sensitivity of the composites can be sim-
alignments with their directions parallel to the applied ulated by these models. The predicted stress–strain curves
compressive loadings as shown in Fig. 10. Coupled with by the CMM models with JH-2 ceramic model are quite
the effect of the tensile stress in the particles caused by consistent with those of experiments. While for the high
the transverse flow of the matrix and Poisson effect, some strain rate 105/s, the CMM model with the JH-2 ceramic
ceramic particles are cracked along the diameters from model underestimates the flow stress of the composite.
the points which receive the high compression stress, and One main reason is the rate sensitivity of the matrix is
even some particles can be comminuted.
Actually, the 2D plane strain simulations can lead to the
different damage mode other than the actual 3D damage
mode. In the 2D plane strain simulation, the particles’
1000 Exper. [Yadav]
CMM (JH-2)
CMM (Elastic)
Analysis formulae [Bao]
True stress (MPa)


True stress (MPa)


200 400
CMM(Elastic) 10

0 Strain rates(/s)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
True strain
Fig. 12. Comparison of the calculated stresses at the strain of 6% by the
Fig. 11. Comparison of the calculated stress–strain curves by the CMM CMM models with those of experiments by S. YADAV [21] and unit cell
models with those of experiments by S. YADAV [21]. formulae of Bao [16].
2784 J.-T. Zhang et al. / Composites Science and Technology 67 (2007) 2775–2785

not a constant at different strain rates [16]. The elastic cera- Acknowledgements
mic models overestimate the flow stress of the composite at
different strain rates, especially at the high strain rate. Financial supports are from the Program for New Cen-
The stresses at the strain 6% calculated by different tury Excellent Talents in University (No. NCET-04-0725)
methods are displayed in Fig. 12 at strain rates ranging and Program for Changjiang Scholars and lnnovative Re-
from 1.0 · 104/s to 1.0 · 105/s. The results of the unit cell search Team in University (PCSIRT) supported by the
formulae developed by Bao [16] are also included in Fig. 11 Ministry of Education of Chain and the National Nature
for comparison. The results predicted by CMM models Science Foundation of China (No. 50272046).
with JH-2 ceramic model are slightly lower, while those
predicted by the elastic models are higher than those of
experiments. The results calculated by unit cell formulae References
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