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Families are Important Families Create Stability ___________________________________

6. Families provide stability and _________________________________

1. Families are important because ________ what two other things? ___________________________________
_______________________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________________ _____________________________ 12. A few factors that can influence a family
________________________ __________________________ include:
2. Families take care of one another’s 7. According to the book, what does a place of *
_______________________________________ emotional safety offer? _________________ *
_______________________________________ _____________________________________ *
______ and pass on ___________________________________ *
_______________________________________ Families Help Each Other Where You Live Makes a Difference
_______________________ from one 8. Families exist to make 13. How does living in a rural (country)
generation to another. sure______________ setting affect families as opposed to in a
3. Define tradition: ___________________________ especially city affect the activities you participate in
___________________________________. daily and as a
4. Some important functions of a family are: 9. What are the two ways a family provides for _________________________________
* elderly and children? _
* ● ________________________________ _________________________________
* ● ________________________________ _________________________________
* _________________________________
* 10. Most importantly your family provides ______
* ___________________________________ Money and Working
* _________________________________yo 14. Explain expendable income?
* u need to develop a healthy self-concept ___________
Extended Family and personality. _________________________________
5. In some countries it is customary for What Affects You? _________________________________
_______________________________________ 11. What three factors change the way everyone ____
_____________________________ to live with interacts with one another and with the 15. How could a family with an expendable
younger generations. outside world? income use it for more quality time?
____ viding ______________, ______________, and
16. How could a family with an expendable _______________, parents teach their children
income use if for less quality time? o ________________ other people.
_________________________________ Blended Family
____ A blended family
Brothers and Sisters
17. Who makes up your extended family? 23. Since _________ of marriages in the US
_________________________________________ end in divorce, there are many blended
______________________________________________ families.
____________________________________ 24. Relationships in a blended family can be
18. When you have a healthy relationship with your _______________________________
_____________________________, you can fight without because people find themselves in
__________________________________. _________________________________
You can share _____________________________ _______________________________wit
_________________________________________ h new and unfamiliar
without becoming angry or hateful. _______________________________.
Functions & Relationships
19. When you _______________________________, In Families
You can talk openly and honestly about issues
Principles of Human Services
that other people might not understand.
(pgs. 274-277 & 284-287)
The Parent-Child Relationship
20. When you have a healthy relationship with your
parents, you: Name: ________________________
know ___________________________________
can talk ___________________________ Date: __________________
can ask ___________________________. Per:____

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