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Lesson: Nutrition
4Marks Questions
1.Write the procedure you followed and required material for conducting experiment to prove that co2 is
necessary for Photosynthesis. What are your observations and what precautions do you take while
conducting experiment.
2. Write the procedure you followed and required material for conducting experiment to test carbohydrate
in leaves. What are your observations and what precautions do you take while conducting experiment.
3. Write the procedure you followed and required material for conducting experiment to prove that O2 is
released during Photosynthesis. What are your observations and what precautions do you take while
conducting experiment. What will happen if the experiment is conducted in a dark room?
2 Marks Questions
4. Draw diagram of three membraned cell organelle that absorbs light.
5. Write equation describing Photosynthesis. Name the raw material required and end products formed in
6. ‘Plants restore air what breathing animals and burning candles remove’. Who stated above? What about
does the statement reveal.
7. Differentiate between reactions of Photosynthesis required light and the same required no light.
8. What is called mal nutrition. How many types of it, explain.
9. How do you change your food habits in order to avoid constipation and indigestion after learning the
10. Prepare a questionnaire to prepare to ask a physiologist about malnutrition and indigestion.
1 Mark Questions
11. Give two examples for enzymes and on what food components they act upon?
12. Name the digestive juice that contains no enzymes. On what substances they act? What do you call the
13. How do you test release of O2 in an experiment?
14. Which aquatic plants are used in Photosynthesis experiments rather that Hydrilla.
15. Name the end products of Light reaction.
16. What happens if mastication does not occur.
17. Why do we keep plants in dark room before conducting Photosynthesis experiments?
Lesson Respiration
4 Marks Questions
1. (a) What is the aim of experiment?

(b) What is the reason for adding Janus green B solution to glucose solution?
(c) What is the purpose of pouring liquid paraffin?
(d) How do you test release of CO2 ?
(e) Name the material required for conducting experiment?
2. Differentiate between Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration.
3. Write the procedure you conducted to prove release of CO2 in Respiration. What are the material and
what will happen if dry seeds are used in this experiment?
4. Write the procedure you conducted to prove release of heat in Respiration. What are the required material
and What type of respiration occurs in germinating seeds?
2 Marks Questions
5. State two similarities between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
6. What is epiglottis, what is its role while sending bolus through pharynx?
7. Draw diagram of cell organelle that is named as “ Power house of the cell”
8. Draw a block diagram showing steps of Respiration in Human beings.
9. Describe the structure of Mitochondria.
10. What questions do you ask a Pulmonologist about respiratory diseases and good health of lungs?
11. What happens if Diaphram as well as Ribcage are absent?
12. How do you prove that exhaled air contains CO2?
1 Mark Questions
13. Who discovered Oxygen and coined the same?
14. How does the air passing through nostrils becomes moist?
15. How alveoli are designed to undergo gaseous exchange?
16. Draw equation showing Aerobic Respiration?
Lesson Transportation
4 Marks Questions
1. Describe internal structure of human heart.
2. Differentiate between blood vessels carry blood from heart to body parts and from body parts to heart.
3. What root structures are responsible for absorption of water from soil? How does the process occur and
which phenomenon is helpful for the same.
4. Write the process of experiment to prove Root pressure.
5. Observe the given picture and answer given questions.
(a) What is represented by the pictures A and B.
(b) In which animals A is seen?
(c) In which animals B is seen?
(d) In which side of the heart Deoxygenated blood flows in two
Types of circulatory systems.
(e) Define A and B.
6. How did Scientists test transmission of nutrients in Phloem.
2 Marks Questions
7. Explain relation between blood, Plasma, Tissue Fluid and Lymph.
8. What is edema, how does it occur and suggest precautions to avoid edema.
9. How rain fall effects Transpiration in plants?
10. What is meant for Hypertension. Describe its symptoms and precautionary measures.
11. Define systolic and diastolic pressure.
12. What is called cardiac cycle and state stages involved in cardiac cycle.
13. What material do you require to observe internal structure of heart?
1 Mark Questions
14. In which organisms open and closed type of circulatory systems are seen?
15. What is called pericardial fluid, what is its function?
16. What phenomenon in plants does represented by the picture?
17. What happens if blood platelets are absent in blood?
18. In which vessels of circulatory system, valves are present?
Lesson Excretion
4 Marks Questions
1. Describe the mechanism of urine formation.
2. Describe the structure of renal tubule.
3. Describe the mechanism of Haemo dialysis. What principle is used in the technique.
2 Marks Questions
4. Why does urine acidic at first and then become alkaline?
5. Define ESRD. Why does it occur? What is the prescribed treatment for the condition?
6. Name excretory substances in organisms give examples of organisms for each substances.
7. Describe external characters of kidney.
8. What will happen if vasopressin hormone is not released? Name the disease that is caused by lacking of

9. Explain ESRD and its consequences. What is the treatment and on which principle it works.
10. Observe the given picture and answer the questions.
a) Name the treatment technique represented in the picture.
b) Where does the new kidney arranged.
c) Do the damaged kidneys removed? Why?
d) What precautions are to be taken to prevent complications like
rejection by immune system in this clinical process?
11. Name accessory excretory organs and their excretory substances.
12. How do plants manage their excretory substances?
13. What healthy habits you suggest to follow to keep your kidneys healthy?
1 Mark Questions
14.Describe the location of kidneys and give reason for uneven placement of kidneys.
15. Name the tubes entering and emerging out of kidneys?
16. What is purpose of narrower appearance of efferent arteriole.
17. Why do we produce more urine during winter.
18. In which organisms the first excretory organs appear and name them.
19. Name the plants releasing resins.
Lesson Control And Coordination
4 Marks Questions
1. Describe the structure of structural and functional unit of Nervous system.
2. Describe the structure of brain. How is the vital organ being protected?
3. What are called Tropical movements. Explain each of them with examples.
4. Imagine that you suddenly touched a sharp object while walking in a path. Describe the functions occur in
the path to show response to avoid damage occuring due to the object.
5. How many parts does the brain divided into. Describe functions of different parts of brain.
2 Marks Questions
6. How do Neurons pass information from one to one. Explain the process.
7. Give reason for calling Adrenaline as “Fight or Flight Hormone”.
8. What will happen to the growth of a plant is placed in a window? Why?
9. What questions do you ask about pancreas to an Endocrinologist.
1 Mark Questions
10. Name the chemical induces growth toward light in plants. Who extracted the chemical.

11. Why do Phyto hormones also called Growth substances?
12. Define Autonomous Nervous system. How many types does it functional?
13. Name the male hormone and its functions.
14. Latin word “Insula” means an island. Give reason for the name Insulin coined for the hormone. What is
the disease caused by lacking of the hormone.
15. What are the functions of Nervous system in organisms?

Lesson Reproduction
4 Marks Questions
1. Describe the procedure followed by you to observe spores in Rhizopus. What precautions did you take
while conducting the experiment.
2. Draw well labeled diagram of male Reproductive system. Show passage of sperm cell within the system in
the form of a flow chart.
3. Describe the structure of reproductive part in plants with the help of a neat labeled diagram.
4. Which part of ovary is called female gametophyte? Describe the cells present in the female gametophyte.
5. Differentiate between Meiosis and Mitosis.
6. The period between two cell divisions is called Interphase. Describe th phases of interphase with the help of
a diagram.
7. Several membranes develop within the Embryo during its development to serve their purpose for
nourishment and protection. Name the membranes and explain how do they develop.
2 Marks Questions
8. What is colostrum. What is its importance.
9. Write slogans on female foeticide.
10. Suggest precautions to follow inorder to avoid STDs like AIDS.
11. Write the ways of transmission of HIV.
12. Differentiate between Sexual and Asexual Reproduction.
1 Mark Questions
13 Why doctors are prohibited to do sex determination through ultrasound scanning for pregnant women?
14. Why Meiosis is also called as Reduction division.
15. Define Parthenocarpy with examples.
16. Give one example each for organisms showing fission and regeneration.

Lesson Heredity
4 Marks Questions
1. Explain monohybrid experiment with an example, which law of inheritance can we understand?

2. How sex determination takes place in human? Explain with a flow chart/Male is responsible for sex
determination of baby – do you agree? If so write your answer with a flow chart.
3. Explain Mendel’s Mono hybrid cross Laws.
2 Marks Questions
4. Which characters of pea plant made Mendel to choose for his experiments?
5. Define Homologous and Analagous organs with examples.
6. What are variations? How do they useful in formation of species?
7. Define Genetic drift with an example.
8. Which 7 characters are chosen in pea plants? How do they expressed as contrast traits?
1 Mark Questions
9. What are fossils? How do they useful as evidence for Evolution?
10. Give an exemplar situation for Darwin’s Natural selection.
11. Which radioactive elements are used for Carbon dating method?
12. Why does man called ‘Moving Museum of Vestigial organs’.
13. Give example each for character and trait.
14. Define pure breed.
15. If the theory of inheritance of acquired characters proposed by Lamark was true how will the world be?

Lesson Our Environment Our Concern

4 Marks Questions
1. Write a short note on pyramid of number for any food chain? What can we conclude from this
pyramid of numbers? (i) tree (ii) insect (iii) woodpecker
2. Suggest few alternative methods for usage of pesticides in order to conserve soil.
2 Marks Questions

a) Why do most of the food chains consist of four steps?

b)Why do the number of organisms get decreased as we move form producer to different level of
4. What do you understand from the given flow chart.
5. Sparrows were killed blaming them for spoilage of food grains in China in 1958. What were the
consequences by non existence of sparrows in the country afterwards?
6. Define Bio Accumulation and Bio magnification.

7. Pyramids of Number are always upright. Are there any exemptional cases? Mention any one of them.
8. Why do pyramid of biomass in Aquatic ecosystems always inverted?
9. Write slogans for Environmental Ethics/ Conservation of soil/ Eco friendly activities.
1 Mark Questions
10. Give examples for Biotic and Abiotic components of Ecosystem.
11. What is the source of energy in an Ecosystem? Name the process that enables synthesis of food by using
this energy.

Lesson Natural Resources

4 Marks Questions
1. Conservation of resources is our vital concern. Give information for conservation methods of Natural
resources with examples.
2. How forests play role as important Natural resources? Suggest some ways to conserve forests.
2 Marks Questions
3. Write slogans on conservation of water.
4. Proper utilization of natural resources is the way to show gratitude to our nation. Can you supportthis
statement? Give your argument.
5. Prepare a questionnaire to conduct interview it petrol filling station personnel about consumption of fossil
6. What is sustainable development? How is it useful in natural resource management?
1 Mark Questions
7. Give example for legume that is planted on field bunds to make soil rich in Nitrogen.
8. What ids ICRISAT? What is its function?
9. Give two examples for structures of water conservation.
10. From which part of the plant Jatropa, Bio fuel is extracted?

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