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@e@eeouvvvvvF 88 Chewacal fpr ginerAing, principled ne cHe, pare speuie. gravity CG) 6 —— _fsuvaane. SUWTONG. =D epyrency aa ner — froma: fro na =1 9m] Poids am . Seagate | + viquids | 1000 kg tn pf fg ae eee —— {atm mpustom, speance Garvity some (n- We rBatn) ¥) pqume Seate (Be) as Bet "5 2 & if Heavier tan Hao Cor) a: WO igg ip tigmer than HAO oy 2) qwadel scale (°TW) = G2 =GOF muse OF 1 _| 0-005 3.) WEI Scale conet) | . ; | ie ee | 4) prix Seale (°Brix) B03 Bas Brix= QUr3 - Humidification — Csi2-q Gre ath) "Yo rehative humidity ~ Pao calaerweod Equation “lo - + Ce Wg "(MUST TOLD Bor + a8 rs 0.045) + O63 DULONGS FoRMUIO cen. 2a CARA ‘Teton: Een hover ee me EE EE SESS SETSUTUET ATE. 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Rr jaKehorse a aecsen a pouer chip) RHPA BAA Qf) py =BHPL =COe/p,)% PIHHOCOCHAOMCAGECGSCOOEEEEEE Fuow METERS tol Te, = meaKure WOON or prin velnity \we = Qave —_— Ay FlO-N CHB Hh) tical verity

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