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Chevalier School, Inc.

Angeles City, Philippines

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Research in Daily Life 1

Cultivating Misconceptions: An In-Depth

Examination of The Distortion of Reality
Through Social Media Platforms
Submitted by:

Monasterio, Carlos Miguel Victoriano

Nucum, Mariella Angel De Leon
Pangilinan, Chelsey Althea Sychangco
De Leon, Christian Duya
Bartolome, Kyle Bradley Castaneda
Siron, Cris Matthew Manguerra
Cayanan, Macro Dela Cruz

Submitted to:

Miss Celine G. Aquino

Research Mentor
11 – Jose S. Pascual

Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024

Research Presentation

This research entitled “Cultivating Misconceptions: An In-Depth Examination of the

Distortion of Reality Through Social Media Platforms” was prepared and submitted by

Bartolome, Kyle Bradley C., Monasterio, Carlos Miguel V., Pangilinan., Chelsey Althea

S., De Leon, Christian D., Cayanan, Macro Dela C., Nucum, Mariella Angel D., and

Siron, Cris Matthew M. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Research in

Daily Life 1 subject. The study was presented in Chevalier School, Inc. Research

Presentation on January 5, 2023.

Panel of Reactors


Academic Head, High School Department


Teacher, High School Department


Teacher, High School Department


Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024


The researchers extend their sincere gratitude to everyone who has been instrumental in

encouraging and supporting them in their academic endeavors. In particular, heartfelt

thanks go to:

The teachers and faculty members for their cooperation, allowing us to conduct our study

on campus.

Dedicated educators who not only corrected our grammatical errors but also provided

consistent motivation throughout the research process.

Mentors who generously shared their guidance, contributing to our development as

researchers and aiding in the preparation of this study.

Referring validators for their valuable feedback and suggestions, enhancing the quality

and depth of our research.

Our loving parents, whose unwavering financial, moral, and emotional support formed

the foundation of our academic pursuits.

Classmates who offered encouragement and support, fostering a positive and

collaborative learning environment throughout the research journey.

Additionally, we express our profound gratitude to the broader academic community,

including administrators, staff members, and fellow students, whose diverse roles

collectively enriched our research experience.

To each individual who contributed to our journey, your support and encouragement have

made a lasting impact, and we are truly grateful. iii

Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024

Table of Contents Pages

Title Page…………………………………………………………………………………i

Research presentation…………………………………………………………………….ii


Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………........iv


Background of the Study………………………………………………………………….3

Significance of the Study………………………………………………………………….5

Scope and Delimitations…………………………………………………………………..6

Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………………….7


Type of Research.................................................................................................................7

Participants and Sampling Technique..................................................................................8

Research Instrument.............................................................................................................9

Data Gathering Procedure..................................................................................................10

Ethical Considerations...................................................................................................11

Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024

Data Analysis.....................................................................................................................12

Theoretical Framework......................................................................................................13



Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024


Social media, with its pervasive influence, has become an inescapable aspect of modern

life (Bozzola, 2022), transforming the way we communicate, share information, and

perceive ourselves and others. Rosenberg (2022) said that the addictiveness of these

platforms is not by chance; it's a result of meticulously crafted designs that exploit human

psychology. The infinite scroll, autoplay videos, and personalized content feeds are all

engineered to maximize user engagement, ensuring that individuals spend more time on

these platforms than they initially intended.

Notifications, strategically timed to elicit an automated response, contribute to the

constant pull of social media. Elhai (2020) noted that fear of missing out (FOMO) is a

powerful force, compelling users to stay connected at all times, even to the detriment of

their real-life engagements. The compulsion to check for updates can interrupt

conversations, work, and even sleep, creating a sense of urgency that was not present in

our lives before the advent of these platforms. The algorithmic nature of social media

exacerbates the issue. These platforms employ sophisticated algorithms that analyze user

behavior, tailoring content to individual preferences. While this customization enhances

user experience, Lindstrom (2020) said it also traps individuals in a filter bubble,

reinforcing pre-existing beliefs and narrowing their worldview. Anderson (2018) said that

The constant stream of content is tailored to one's interests can further solidify the grip of

social media, making it challenging to break free from the scrolling and swiping cycle.

Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024

The impact on mental health is profound. Comparing one's life to the carefully curated

content on social media can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. The

constant exposure to seemingly perfect lives can create unrealistic expectations and foster

a culture of perpetual comparison. This not only affects concentration but also contributes

to the rise of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

Furthermore, the quest for validation through likes, comments, and shares can distort

one's sense of self-worth. The dopamine-driven feedback loop created by these social

interactions can become a primary source of validation, potentially overshadowing real-

life achievements and relationships.

As a result, the line between the virtual and real worlds blurs, with individuals finding it

increasingly challenging to disengage from the digital realm and fully participate in the

tangible aspects of their lives. Breaking free from the clutches of social media distraction

requires conscious effort and a reevaluation of the role these platforms play in our lives.

Establishing healthy boundaries, practicing digital detox, and prioritizing face-to-face

interactions are crucial steps towards reclaiming control over our attention and time.

And with the spread of other messaging and social apps, Sibers (2021) said that the

constant exposure to carefully curated posts, glamorous lifestyles, and sensationalized

news has led to the cultivation of misconceptions about various aspects of life.

Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024

Background of the Study

In current technologically advanced society, social media platforms have become an

integral part of our lives. They serve as avenues for communication, information sharing,

and entertainment. However, the rise of social media has also brought about a significant

shift in the way we perceive and see reality. We aim to explore the extent to which social

media platforms distort reality and perpetuate misconceptions and beliefs. By diving into

the intricacies of this phenomenon, we can better understand the implications it has on

individuals and society as a whole. Social media platforms not only act as communication

hubs, but they also have a powerful influence in shaping social norms and individual

perceptions. As users engage with a constant stream of carefully curated and often

idealized content, there is growing concern about its impact on our collective

understanding of reality. This study aims to investigate how social media subtly distorts

our perception of reality and contributes to the perpetuation of misconceptions. Constant

exposure to carefully crafted images and stories on social media raises questions about

the reliability of the information we encounter. Filters, photo editing tools, and the ability

to selectively share different aspects of one's life allow individuals to present a curated

version of reality that may not match the complexity of their real-life experience. This

phenomenon not only affects users' perceptions of others, but also their own behavior

and self-perception. Furthermore, the algorithmic nature of social media platforms plays

a significant role in shaping the content that users see.

Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024

This personalized content delivery can create echo chambers that limit access to diverse

perspectives and contribute to the formation of a biased worldview. As we move through

this digital environment, it is important to examine the psychological and social impact of

these biases.

How do these changes in perception affect an individual's psychological health,

interpersonal relationships, and decision-making processes? Social media has a powerful

role in spreading misinformation and shaping social narratives.

But what role does it play?

By exploring the different ways social media shapes our understanding of reality, this

study not only reveals the degree of distortion, but also its negative effects. It aims to

identify possible strategies for mitigation.

Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to identify the importance of finding the different ways

social media platforms shape young adults and their perspectives and perceptions,

particularly those aged 13–21. Hence, the findings of the study will be of great

significance to the following:

Students. Students, particularly those aged 13–21, can be particularly beneficial. It

may prompt discussions about the importance of maintaining a healthy balance

between online and offline lives and seeking support when needed.

Teachers. We can leverage this research to incorporate digital literacy education into

curricula, equipping students with the skills to analyze and question the information

they encounter on social media.

Mental health professionals. We can draw upon these insights to better understand

the potential psychological ramifications of distorted realities and tailor interventions

to address the specific challenges arising from excessive social media consumption.

Future researchers. This study may identify specific gaps or unanswered questions

in the current understanding of reality distortion through social media. This can guide

future researchers in selecting research topics that address these gaps and contribute

to the ongoing conversation.

Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024


Scope and Delimitations

The focus of this study is to investigate the reality distortions caused by social media

platforms and how it affects individual users. The platforms investigated include widely

used social media giants such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.

However, it is important to note that this study does not intend to generalize its findings

to all social media platforms. Each platform has unique characteristics and capabilities,

and while the study takes these nuances into account, the primary objective is not to

provide an exhaustive comparison of platform-specific impacts, but rather to It's about

identifying commonalities. The scope of this study is intentionally limited to the

perspective of individual users, investigating how interactions with content on selected

platforms contribute to reality distortions.

This study does not extend the investigation to broader societal influences and collective

influences on cultural norms and values.

Additionally, this study provides insight to the latest data available and recognizes that

the dynamic nature of the digital environment may result in changes beyond this period,

so temporal considerations are important. Furthermore, this study refrains from

investigating demographic differences in the effects of reality distortion and does not

suggest or evaluate specific intervention strategies.

Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024

These depictions are essential to ensure focused and transparent investigation of the

identified phenomena while guiding future research in this evolving field. 6

Statement of the Problem

Misinformation on social media is a big problem, especially for young people between

the ages of 13 and 21.

Our study aims to investigate this issue by examining existing research and evidence on

the spread of false information and its effects.

We want to understand the extent of distorted information on social media platforms and

how it influences young people's thinking and behavior.

By reviewing what others have found in their research, we hope to shed light on the

various forms of misinformation that are being spread on social media.

Additionally, we would like to investigate the impact of distorted reality on young

people's cognitive and decision-making processes.

Although some studies have addressed these issues, a deeper understanding is needed of

how young people perceive and respond to misinformation, especially in the digital age.

Our research aims to bring new perspectives and insights and fill gaps in current

knowledge regarding the challenges posed by misinformation on social media platforms.

Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024

A thorough examination of existing analysis provides a clearer picture of the impact of

distorted information on audiences, providing valuable insights for educators, policy

makers, and individuals navigating the digital landscape.


Type of Research

The study used the case study method in qualitative research. Case study methods are

especially effective at understanding and gaining information about individuals' own

experiences and perspectives on a phenomenon. Case study helped researchers

comprehend and understand the impact and result of other people's lived experiences on

social media. The case study method’s major objective was to study and analyze every

aspect and understand patterns and causes of behavior.

Participants and Sampling Technique

Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024

Background: Social media is anticipated to continue its pervasive presence in the future,

becoming an increasingly integral aspect of daily life. This study will seek to investigate

the prospective mechanisms behind the distortion of reality through various social media


Purpose. The primary objective of this forthcoming research will be to understand the

potential extent to which social media platforms may contribute to the distortion of

reality and the consequential outcomes. The study aims to answer fundamental questions

about future scenarios, such as why individuals may perceive reality differently through

social media and how this potential distortion could affect decision-making, emotions,

and interpersonal relationships.

Methods. The research methodology will employ a systematic approach, involving a

comprehensive review of existing and future literature, as well as a detailed analysis of

social media content. Anticipating the evolution of platforms, a content analysis of

prominent future platforms will be conducted, including but not limited to successors of

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, to identify instances of potential reality

distortion and examine the types and anticipated frequency of occurrence.

Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024

Ethical Considerations. Emphasizing privacy, confidentiality, and participant

anonymity. Rigorous anonymization measures will be implemented to safeguard the non-

disclosure of identifying information in the evolving landscape. Participation will remain

entirely voluntary, with participants retaining the right to withdraw without



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Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024

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Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024

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Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024

Appendix A

Chevalier School, Inc. 2023-2024

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