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for the Complex

Health Record

By Virginia Ferrari, MHA, CMAA, CEHRS

38 SEC
Continuing Education Objectives
• Describe how electronic health records (EHRs) grew in prominence.

• Identify the positive effect EHRs have had on healthcare. For current
NHA certification
• Define some of the common errors and challenges when using an EHR. holders, log into
your NHA account
• List strategies and solutions to combat errors, avoid burnout,
and complete the CE
improve information sharing, and protect patient privacy.
activity associated
• Describe what will shape the future of EHR. with this article.

lectronic health records The EHR is not a simple by interns with electronic
(EHRs) were touted as computer application; rather, records is a misuse of time,
a pathway toward better, it represents a carefully Krisda Chiayachati, M.D.,
safer, and more inexpensive constructed set of systems an assistant professor of
healthcare, but a look back that are highly integrated Medicine in the Perelman
shows improvements have and require a significant School of Medicine of the
been slow, often due to investment of time, money, University of Pennsylvania,
technology issues. While process change, and human believes that “indirect patient
the complex array of EHR factor reengineering. care has tradeoffs.” She
options still poses challenges,
EFFECT OF EHRs adds, “If it takes time away
one route toward better
O N H E A LT H C A R E to the point that the patient
utilization is improving how
Depending on who you talk feels like we aren’t listening
humans interact with EHRs.
to, EHRs have had a positive to their needs or we lose
E VO LUTIO N O F E H R s effect, very little effect, or a out on human interactions
In 2004, the U.S. government negative effect on healthcare. that provide physicians with
set a 10-year goal for all Some patients and providers a sense of purpose, that is
healthcare organizations to prefer communicating elec- a bad thing. But if it helps
be using EHRs to help avoid tronically. Some patients hate us diagnose diseases more
medical errors, reduce costs, that their provider spends efficiently, then maybe that’s
and improve patient care.
most of the visit looking at not that bad in the end.”1
Efforts to develop the EHR
the computer, entering data,
represented a long journey The obvious goals of the EHR
and spending too little time
from early visions to today’s are to improve patient safety,
on personal interaction.
reality, where EHRs have been improve quality care, and
adopted across the majority While noting that it is too reduce healthcare costs. So,
of hospitals and physicians soon to determine whether where is the industry at today
practices throughout the U.S. the significant time spent when it comes to the EHR?

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Positive effects some of the positive effects he has
While EHRs are continually evolving and experienced using the EHR:
improving, most users agree that transi-
 egible notes and clear documenta-
tioning from paper to electronic health
tion allow for decreased ambiguity
records has saved countless lives. Access to and miscommunication.
complete and accurate patient information
 lectronic ePrescribing decreases the
has had a number of positive effects:
time spent writing prescriptions.
Improved patient care
 uick text, dictation software, and macros
Increased patient participation allow for better capture of information.

Improved care coordination D

 e-identified data mining allows access
to data for research and quality efforts.3
Improved diagnostics and patient outcomes
P ractice efficiencies and cost savings2
In 2019, the ECRI Institute, a non-profit organi-
Consider the effect of poor communication zation focused on cost-effective patient care,
and illegible handwriting in paper records. reported that “diagnostic errors and improper
As connectivity and interoperability of management of test results” topped the
EHRs improve, so will healthcare overall. list of EHR-related patient safety concerns.
From a provider’s perspective, Blake Busey, Part of the reason for concern is that “when
D.O., a family practice physician who works diagnoses and test results are not properly
at Texas Tech University Health Sciences communicated or followed up on, the poten-
Center in El Paso, Texas, describes tial exists to cause serious harm or death.”4

Broken Records
One in five people surveyed this year by the Kaiser Family Foundation has
found a mistake in their EHR. Of those, nearly half have incorrect medical histories.

Type of Error Noticed in the Medical Record

5% Billing
14% Incorrect Lab or
Other Test Results

43% Incorrect
14% Incorrect Medical History
ERROR IN THEIR EHR. 24% Incorrect
Personal Information

Source: Nicolas Rapp/Fortune

Providers are busy and they want EHRs that Other concerns include privacy and
make their lives easier, not more complicated.5 HIPAA compliance. Personal, face-
Expanding on this point, Dr. Busey cites addi- to-face communication between
tional challenges providers experience. provider and patient can also be inhibited
by how the provider uses the EHR.

Common errors using the EHR

Q U A L I T Y O F C O M M U N I C AT I O N When using the EHR, both human and
technology factors affect the ability to
Dictation can cause errors such as nonsensi- accomplish the goals of increasing safety,
cal information that is phonetically correct. improving quality of care, and reducing cost.

Humans make mistakes. Data entry issues,
Technology glitches can lead to downtime,
such as selecting a wrong CPT or ICD-10 code,
which leads to paper charting.
entering the wrong dosage and instructions
INTEROPERABILITY ISSUES on a medication, failure to communicate
with patients in the patient portal, or
Information cannot always be shared electroni- neglecting to schedule a required patient
cally across various providers, and health systems follow-up, can be life-altering mishaps.
may not have the same EHR program. While there
Lack of follow-up on orders/results
has been great progress in interoperability in the
While EHRs have created systems that allow
last decade, EHRs are not always interconnected,
quick transfer of information, workflow issues
leading to faxed records and more paper.
can still create problems in terms of properly
POOR- Q UALIT Y SYSTEM S handling critical information. For example,
when test results are received in the EHR,
EHRs are expensive, so employers may choose proper workflow is required to ensure that the
more inexpensive or lower-quality products results are addressed: the physician reviews
to save cost. Poor-quality EHRs are one of the the results, the patient receives notification,
leading reasons for physician burnout. and any follow-up tests or visits are scheduled.

BILLING ISSU ES , U PCODING , AN D FRAU D Failure to communicate with patients

Most EHRs have a patient portal feature
Use of quick texts will often lead to upcoding
allowing the patient to communicate with
and potentially overbilling. Insurance providers
the provider, see results, and request refills.
require more documentation (and thus time)
When patients make requests, prompt
to justify payment and prior authorizations.3
attention is required from staff members

C O P Y/ PA S T E to process the information and facilitate

any next steps. Many internal messaging
Copy/paste, also known as cloning, has been applications require staff to enter a significant
identified as a challenge by the Office of amount of detailed and accurate information,
Inspector General (OIG). Providers will copy which then needs to be communicated to
documentation from a previous encounter both the provider(s) and the patient. The
and paste the documentation into a current EHR cannot solve for the human factor of
note without updating the record.18 communication to patients, but it can be
designed to include prompts and safeguards.

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T H E T E C H N O LO G Y FAC TO R the changes can be a challenge” and “time
Despite the best of intentions, not all EHRs are pressures are intense. Providers are caring
easy for providers to use and for IT depart- for an increasing number of patients with
ments to maintain. The frequency of updates complex medical conditions, drawing on
and how providers can navigate between limited resources.”7 Many providers have left
screens can affect proper usage. Because the profession rather than take on the cost
of these and many other factors, there are a and task of learning new electronic programs.
number of common mistakes hospitals and
Support staff experience
other healthcare workers make with EHRs.
EHRs have transformed workflows for support
Autocorrect and autofill functionality can staff. For example, organizations with EHR
cause errors. This technology is useful in systems that interface with partnering labs
other applications, but when it happens in an can have results automatically loaded into the
EHR, it can result in the wrong medication EHR. Many prescriptions no longer need to be
name or dosage, an incorrect diagnosis, or called into the pharmacy; providers can send
the addition of other medical information them to the pharmacy electronically while
without anyone noticing an error. To the patient is in the office. This has saved
combat these errors, start by turning off time for support staff like medical assistants.
or modifying these features and reviewing
A KLAS Research survey of 28,000 nurses
workflow processes that may currently
found them to be more satisfied than
require unnecessary steps, forced clicks,
providers with EHRs (62% report they
or other inefficiencies.6 You can improve are pleased), but there is still room for
efficiency, reduce wasted time, and decrease improvement, especially when it comes to
burnout by continually optimizing the EHR integration with outside organizations.8
based on regular reviews of workflows.
Patient experience
USER EXPERIENCE In 2019, the Kaiser Family Foundation
For people who have worked in healthcare reported that about 45% of patient
for more than 20 years, the EHR has respondents think the EHR has improved
transformed the daily experience—from the quality of care and interactions with
how they interact with patients and each physicians. Roughly half of patients are
other, to how they obtain critical information concerned about unauthorized access to
to ensure patients receive the care they their records or errors that could affect their
need at the right time. Perspectives on the care; 21% report that they or a family member
benefits and challenges of working in the have discovered an error in their EHR.9
EHR vary based on roles and responsibilities.
During interviews with patients, many
Provider experience expressed appreciation of features of the EHR,
Although intended as a timesaving tool that such as viewing results of tests, making in-per-
improves patient care and reduces errors son appointments, and arranging phone or
and costs, the EHR requires about the video appointments. However, patients report
same investment in time as paper records, dissatisfaction with EHR glitches, such as
and it’s expensive. Constant updates and receiving electronic notifications for being late
upgrades to the EHR require more training on blood work, being asked repetitive ques-
and contribute to provider burnout. The tions, and allergies or medication interactions
ECRI Institute notes that “keeping up with not being updated. All patients interviewed

expressed frustration with the amount of time
the provider spent on the computer instead
Job Preparedness
In the 2020 Industry Outlook Survey, NHA
of face-to-face interaction during the visit.10
asked employers about job preparedness for
S T R AT E G I E S A N D S O L U T I O N S newly certified allied health professionals.
Below is the percent of employers that cited
A key to improving satisfaction with EHRs
EHR skills were lacking in entry-level workers
is to avoid getting trapped behind technol- in the following professions.
ogy, as this is one of the patients’ biggest
complaints. From the provider perspective,
Dr. Busey suggests the following: 39% Billing & Coding

P urchase a high-quality EHR that works

for the practice; it costs more to recruit,
hire, and onboard new physicians
than to buy appropriate software.
29% EKG Technicians
Ensure that implementation and
service are part of the contract
agreement with the vendor.

Implement a regular peer review to

bring coders and support staff together 35% Medical Administrative
for the purpose of quality review.3

Improving the providers’ user experience can

increase satisfaction, quality, and accuracy. To
prevent frustration with the EHR, ensure that
your selected EHR integrates with external 37% Medical Assistants
organizations. Make sure to purchase a
certified EHR program to ensure that bonus
incentives can be obtained by insurance
carriers, such as Medicare. Also, conduct
training and encourage certification for all 31% Patient Care Technicians
members of the team who will interact with
the EHR. As you develop your EHR training,
consider how to build strong mechanics
while ensuring that EHR users understand
the underlying importance of the EHR, what
29% Pharmacy Technicians
critical healthcare processes it drives, and
how their actions can impact patients,
operations, and revenue reimbursement.

Combatting human errors

15% Phlebotomists
To improve employee engagement, Kenneth
Longbrake, MSN, RN, CPEN, suggests
conducting quarterly employee engagement
surveys to evaluate the EHR product and Source: National Healthcareer
usage so the team can create action plans.11 Association (2020). 2020 Industry Outlook.

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While many EHRs are similar, there are distinct improvement, leadership creates a culture
differences. Organizations must provide initial that prioritizes patient safety, one of the
and ongoing training for providers, support ECRI Institute key recommendations.7
staff, and others. Some organizations develop
Avoiding EHR burnout
training materials in-house and offer live Burnout is common in healthcare. Ellen
training sessions. Management can identify Deutsch, M.D., M.S., medical director of
superusers in these training sessions and give the ECRI Institute, describes burnout as
the superusers the opportunity to mentor “morally exhausting,” resulting in decreased
and train others to properly use the EHR. productivity. Dr. Deutsch suggests that

The EHR provides an audit trail, or a digital health system administrations should gather

footprint, of every user and every keystroke, feedback from providers and implement

which means there’s ample opportunity to systemic changes.7 A contributing factor to

burnout is the EHR and frustrations with
identify errors that can be used for learning
documentation. According to a 2018 Merritt
and training. Leadership and users should
Hawkins survey, 78% of doctors suffered
work together to identify errors, determine
symptoms of burnout, and “other[s] [have]
the root cause, and recommend corrective
deemed it a ‘public health crisis.’” 12
action. By treating errors as opportunities for
Burnout attributed to EHR fatigue can be
avoided by ensuring all EHR users learn
the program, expectations, rules, and
guidelines. Providers benefit from being
trained early in the hiring process, using voice
recognition software or a scribe, and having
Danger Signs a manageable login and password process.
Safety events owing to EHR and other health Short, frequently scheduled training sessions
IT issues have been steadily rising. Even so, should address updates that impact users.
experts say cases are widely underreported. Lastly, an internal superuser can serve as a
champion and resource for the whole team.
Safety-Related Incidents Linked to EHR or Other IT
In 2007, the Institute for Healthcare
4,000 3,769
Improvement (IHI) introduced the “Triple Aim”:

Improve individual patient experience


 nhance population health
2,000 R
 educe healthcare costs

Because of the extent of burnout in the

industry, the Triple Aim shifted to the
Quadruple Aim, with the introduction of a
0 fourth goal: improve staff satisfaction.13
2007 2018
Across healthcare, these goals continue to
Source: Quantros shape how organizations use EHRs. While

there is broad commitment in the healthcare Coordinator for Health Information
industry to achieve these goals, some chal- Technology (ONC) first published a 10-year
lenges faced now will continue into the future. vision for achieving infrastructure that was

The future of the EHR will be to integrate interoperable, followed by a roadmap. ONC
healthcare reimbursement and quality then developed a framework for assessing
improvement. For example, there are a progress on goals through 2024.17
variety of payment mechanisms (healthcare
ONC asserts that “nationwide interoperability
payment models), but the effectiveness
has the potential to support a number of
varies widely. Fee-for-service, for example,
processes to help improve individuals’
appears to be moving “toward ‘value-based
experiences with the healthcare delivery
care,’ because it ties reimbursement to
metric-driven outcomes, proven best system, reduce costs, increase efficiency

practices, and patient satisfaction, thus of care, and improve health outcomes.” 17
aligning payment with value and quality.” 14 To achieve this success, there needs to be
Experts agree that emerging health an increase in the number of EHR users
information technology (HIT), integrated across the healthcare industry that:
with the EHR, shows promise to improve
 end, receive, find, and use elec-
efficiency. According to John Britton,
tronic health information.
“optimal reimbursement for healthcare
must account for not only the quantity H
 ave electronic health information
of care provided but also the complex- available from outside sources and
ity and quality of that care.” 15 make electronic health information
Britton elaborates: “Any mechanisms to available to outside sources.
do so will require the accumulation, syn- U
 se electronic health information
thesis, and interpretation of information to
to inform decision-making.
guide renumeration while simultaneously
enhancing the efficiency and quality of EHRs were once the latest innovation to
care. The ability of a well-designed and the industry. Since then, they have evolved
utilized EHR is ideally suited to play a considerably, having a significant effect
central role in accomplishing this goal.” on institutions, providers, and patients.
While the EHR has improved patient
Regulatory effects and challenges
safety since the days of disjointed paper
According to Cerner Corporation, one
of the largest EHR vendors, “the sheer charts, faxed reports, and telephone

size and rapid-fire release of regulations messages, that improvement has brought

are nearly impossible to keep up with.” 16 with it a new set of challenges.

Many vendors offer contracts, including Looking to the future, it’s clear that though
regulatory consulting services, to lead the industry is armed with powerful tech-
users through the future of regulatory nology, it requires a human solution to help
compliance (e.g., HIPAA compliance).
solve these challenges while relentlessly
Improving information sharing pursuing an enhanced patient experience,
Interoperability is a challenge and an better health outcomes, reduced costs,
opportunity. The Office of the National and improved staff satisfaction.

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A Human Solution for the Complex Electronic Health Record

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B ritton, John, International Journal of Health Policy Management (May 2015); Healthcare Reimbursement and Quality Improvement: Integration Using

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