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MITOSIS & MEIOSIS (pg 278/ 290)


In the nucleus of all body cells there are chromosomes present. The chromosomes contain your
genetic information or your genes. Your genes control your hair colour, eye colour ect. In humans
the chromosome number is 46.

*Chromosomes are thread-like structures in the nuclei which contain genetic information in the
form of genes.
Homologous chromosomes are chromosome pairs (one from each parent) that are similar in
length, gene position, and centromere location.
*Every human body cell has 46 chromosomes (diploid #) which exist as homologous pairs. Half
this number of chromosomes is called the haploid # (n). This is found in gametes (egg, sperm)
which have 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 from the father.
*A cell is described as being diploid (2n) when it has its full chromosome number.
*DNA: (deoxyribonucleic acid) contains all genetic information.
*Genes are the basic unit of heredity. Genes control the characteristics of organisms. All cells of
one organism contain an identical combination of genes which make the organism unique.

MITOSIS (pg 278)

Mitosis is the cell division which occurs in all body cells except gametes (egg, sperm). In mitosis
one cell is divided into two genetically identical cells, each containing the same number of
chromosomes as the parent cell, that is, the diploid number.
 Mitosis ensures that the species chromosome number is maintained.
 It ensures that each daughter cell receives an identical combination of genes.
 It is important for growth and repair. From zygote to adult mitosis causes the number of cells
in your body to increase.
 Mitosis is important in asexual reproduction where offsprings are identical to parents (clones).
Eg. of asexual reproduction in plants: sugarcane cuttings, Bryophyllum leaves, tissue culture.


Asexual reproduction: has only 1 parent which divides into 2 or piece of parent separates and
develops into a new individual. Offspring is genetically identical to parent except for variation in
the environment. Eg. binary fission, vegetative propagation, cloning
1) Binary fission: occurs in unicellular organisms where 1 cell divides into 2 at each stage. eg.
bacteria, amoeba
2) Vegetative propagation: a)in some plants a bud grows and develops into a new plant then
separates from the parent plant eg onion bulbs, ginger(rhizomes), potato tubers
b) runner: a number of stems grow out from parent plant, roots develop, new plant forms, runners
connecting to parent plant decays. Eg. strawberry plant
c) Bryophyllum leaves (leaf of life): makes new plants around edge of leaf which then separates
from parent plant.

3)Artificial propagation: used by humans in commercial growing of plants.
a) Cuttings: stem is cut near a node and pushed in the ground. A new plant grows eg. sugarcane.
b) Grafting: a piece of the plant that you want to grow is attached to an already established root
c) Tissue culture: used to make a large number of identical plants.
4)Cloning: a clone is an exact copy of an organism. It can occur naturally such as in identical twins.
It can be done with animals to create ‘superior animals’

MEIOSIS (pg 290)

Meiosis is the cell division which occurs only in reproductive organs during gamete formation (egg,
sperm) and results in the formation of gametes containing half the number of chromosomes as the
parent cell (haploid #).

In mitosis: diploid # (2n) = 46 in humans

In meiosis: haploid # (n) = 23 in humans
Therefore when egg (23) + sperm (23) = 46 chromosomes

 Meiosis ensures that each daughter cell has the haploid # of chromosomes.
 Each daughter cell has a different combination of genes. This leads to variation among
 Homologous chromosomes is where 1 chromosome from the mother and 1 chromosome from
the father pair. These chromosomes are of the same size and shape.
 Crossing over occurs between homologous chromosomes. That is where pieces of
chromosome are exchanged randomly between the chromatids.

Variation is brought about by:
Crossing over : the exchange of genetic information between chromosomes.
Random alignment of the homologous pairs of chromosomes along the equator before
separation of the chromosomes.
Random alignment of the chromosomes along the equator before separation of the

Results of meiosis: 4 daughter cells with different genetic information and with the haploid #.
Results of mitosis: 2 daughter cells with identical genetic information and with the diploid #.

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