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Ecological Indicators 160 (2024) 111771

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Global patterns of the interactive effects of N and P enrichment on

terrestrial microbial biomass
Shucheng Li a, 1, Shijie Zhang b, 1, Shiming Tang c, *, Sumei Duan a, Qingqin Shao a, Qiuwen Zhan a,
Ke Jin c
College of Agriculture, Anhui Science and Technology University, Feng yang 233100, China
Jiangsu Key Laboratory for the Research and Utilization of Plant Resources, Institute of Botany, Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences (Nanjing Botanical
Garden Mem. Sun Yat-Sen), No. 1 Qianhuhoucun, Zhongshanmen, Xuanwu District, Nanjing 210014, China
Key Laboratory for Model Innovation in Forage Production Efficiency, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affuirs, Institute of Grassland Research, Chinese Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, Hohhot 010010, China


Keywords: Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are key components in biogeochemical cycling and considerable efforts have
Interactive effect been made to understand the effects of their availability on microbial biomass. Nevertheless, the interplay be­
Meta-analysis tween N and P supply in modulating soil microbes remains unclear. We conducted a comprehensive global
Nitrogen addition
analysis of 108 studies spanning boreal to tropical regions to evaluate their interactive impacts on microbial
Phosphorus addition
Soil microbial biomass
biomass. The findings revealed a significant decrease in microbial biomass with N addition, whereas P supple­
mentation resulted in a notable increase in microbial biomass. Among the observed interactive effects, additive
effects were predominant. More importantly, we found that among all of the assessed factors, the impacts of N-P
interaction on soil microorganisms are dependent on changes in soil pH. In conclusion, our findings provide
valuable insights into the interactive effects of N and P enrichment on microbial biomass. These findings will
contribute to the development of global models that predict the impacts of N and P enrichment on soil microbes
and ecosystem functions.

1. Introduction understanding of the impact of N–P interactions on microbial biomass.

Numerous studies have demonstrated that both N and P addition can
Soil microorganisms constitute a significant proportion of genetic individually affect microbial biomass (Wei et al., 2018; Ma et al., 2021).
diversity within ecosystems and play indispensable roles in various N is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in the synthesis of
crucial ecological processes (Bardgett and van der Putten, 2014; Karhu proteins and nucleic acids, which are vital for microbial metabolism and
et al., 2014). Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are frequently limiting growth; thus increased N availability can lead to an increase in microbial
soil elements that exert significant impacts on the growth of soil mi­ biomass (Zhang et al., 2019). P is an essential nutrient for various
croorganisms, consequently modifying terrestrial functions (Liu et al., cellular processes including energy transfer, cell division, and nucleic
2012; Zhang et al., 2018). Over the course of 100 years, N inputs to the acid synthesis, such that P addition can also stimulate microbial growth
terrestrial biosphere are estimated to be approximately twice as high as (Wu et al., 2022). However, compared to the individual effects of N and
the rate of P deposition (Peñuelas et al., 2012; IPCC, 2013). An imbal­ P, their interactive effects on microbial biomass can be more complex.
anced supply of N and P can exacerbate P limitation or result in co- Several studies have reported synergistic interactions, in which con­
limitation of both nutrients, leading to significant impacts on microbi­ current addition of N and P leads to higher microbial biomass than that
al biomass (Fleischer et al., 2019). Despite the growing body of research anticipated based on individual nutrient amendments (Molina-Herrera
on the effects of N and P addition on microorganisms, there is still and Romanya, 2015). This finding suggests that the combined avail­
limited knowledge regarding their interactive effects and the underlying ability of N and P can have a more pronounced effect on microbial
mechanisms. Therefore, it is crucial to obtain a comprehensive growth compared to either nutrient alone (Fleischer et al., 2019).

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Tang).
Equally contributed to this work.
Received 12 December 2023; Received in revised form 14 February 2024; Accepted 17 February 2024
Available online 23 February 2024
1470-160X/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
S. Li et al. Ecological Indicators 160 (2024) 111771

Fig. 1. Site locations studies included in this study. Shapes represent the types of ecosystems as indicated in the legend (a). Effects of N addition, P addition, and both
N and P addition on soil microbial biomass. Values are the mean ± 95 % confidence interval (CI), where a CI overlapping with zero indicates no significance (b). The
numbers on the right side of the graph represent the quantity of observed values.

However, antagonistic interactions between N and P supply have also microorganisms, thereby modifying their response to N–P interactions;
been observed (Jiang et al., 2021). In N-rich conditions, the impact of P at lower (higher) temperatures, microorganisms generally exhibit
addition on microbial biomass may be limited because N excess can slower (accelerated) physiological activities and metabolic processes
inhibit the uptake and utilization of P by microorganisms (Güsewell and (Xiao et al., 2018). The biogeochemical N-P cycle also exhibits temporal
Gessner, 2009). Similarly, high P availability can suppress N fixation by dimensions: in the short term, the enrichment of nutrients can stimulate
diazotrophic bacteria, leading to N limitation and subsequent reduction microbial growth as a result of the immediate accessibility of additional
in microbial biomass (Allgeier et al., 2011). All of these findings high­ N and P resources (Vitousek et al., 2010), whereas over the longer term,
light the complex and dynamic nature of nutrient interactions and their the impacts of N and P enrichment become more intricate and multi­
impact on soil microbial communities. Further studies at the global scale faceted. Microbial communities have the capacity to alter to long-term
are needed to elucidate the underlying mechanisms and assess the im­ nutrient utilization strategy, which can potentially result in the stabili­
plications for ecosystem function and sustainability. zation or even reduction of microbial biomass (Su et al., 2015). This
Interactions between N and P can have synergistic, antagonistic, or adaptation process may entail alterations in microbial community
neutral effects on microbial growth depending on various factors such as composition, shifts in nutrient utilization strategies, and the emergence
precipitation, mean annual temperature, amendment duration, and of nutrient limitations beyond N and P (Su et al., 2015). In different
ecosystem type (Vitousek et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2013; He and Dijkstra, ecosystem types, the N–P ratio and abundance of available N and P re­
2014; Li et al., 2024). Precipitation exerts control over soil nutrient sources vary, thereby influencing the ecological functions and commu­
availability by modulating nutrient leaching and downward migration nity structure of microorganisms (Deng et al., 2017). Therefore, a
(He and Dijkstra, 2014). Increased precipitation can lead to leaching of comprehensive study is needed to elucidate the interactive effects of N
N and P, reducing their availability and thereby limiting microbial and P enrichment on terrestrial microbial biomass.
growth and metabolism (He and Dijkstra, 2014). Temperature fluctua­ Soil pH plays a crucial role in determining nutrient availability and
tions can alter the physiological activity and metabolic processes of enzymatic activity, which can subsequently impact the response of soil

S. Li et al. Ecological Indicators 160 (2024) 111771

Fig. 2. Weighted Hedges’ d for the effects on microbial biomass (a–i), and the frequency distribution of interaction types in individual studies for soil microbes.
Values are the mean ± 95 % confidence interval (CI), where a CI overlapping with zero indicates no significance.

microbes to N and P inputs (Lu et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2016). In soils OR “elevated phosphorus” OR “phosphorus enrichment” OR “phos­
with neutral to slightly acidic pH, high N availability can lead to phorus” AND “microbial biomass” OR “microbial community” OR “mi­
increased microbial biomass. However, acidic soils often have limited P crobial abundance” OR “fungi” OR “bacteria” OR “soil respiration” OR
availability; thus, in low-pH soils, excess N can exacerbate P limitation, “microbial respiration” OR “litter decomposition” OR “microbial activ­
leading to reduced microbial biomass (Turner et al., 2013; Spohn and ity.” The dataset included studies ranging from 1980 to 2023. Only
Schleuss, 2019). Conversely, in alkaline soils, P can form insoluble salts primary studies were used to obtain data. The inclusion criteria were as
with calcium and magnesium ions, reducing their binding with N and follows: direct addition of N and P fertilizers to an outdoor environment
increasing N availability, promoting microbial growth and biomass comprising both control and treatment groups; N and P addition to
production (da Silva Cerozi and Fitzsimmons, 2016). Therefore, soil pH terrestrial ecosystems without laboratory incubation; single N (eN) or P
can influence the interactive effects of nutrient availability, with (eP) addition and combined N and P addition (eNP) were conducted
different pH conditions leading to different nutrient limitations and under the same conditions at the same time; means and sample sizes
microbial responses. By considering pH-dependent interactions, we can were available or could be calculated. When data were graphically
develop better strategies for nutrient management and enhance soil presented, numerical data were obtained using Engauge Digitizer
health. version 4.1. When reporting experimental data for consecutive years, we
In this meta-analysis, 108 studies (Fig. 1 and Data S1) were used to selected only data from the final year in accordance with the statistical
evaluate microbial biomass dynamics in response to N and P addition. assumption of independence among observations. Additionally, publi­
We partitioned the dataset according to precipitation level (≤400 mm, cations incorporating multiple experiments under diverse conditions,
400–800 mm, >800 mm), temperature (≤15 ◦ C, >15 ◦ C), amendment such as varying N application rate and ecosystems, were recorded as
duration (≤3 years, >3 years), and ecosystem type (grassland, forest, distinct observations.
tundra) to evaluate differences in soil microbial biomass responses
among studies. We further evaluated the contributions of pH, nitrate
(NO−3 ), ammonium (NH+ 2.2. Meta-analysis
4 ), N and P application rates, and environmental
factors to soil microbial biomass. Our objectives were to quantitatively
assess the individual and interactive impacts on microbial biomass at a Individual effect sizes were quantified using the response ratio
global scale and elucidate the key factors that drive these effects. (lnRR) of treatment and control groups. Detailed explanations of the
weighting factor (W), variance (v), and the weighted mean response
2. Materials and methods ratio (RR++) are provided in the Supporting Information.

2.1. Data collection 2.3. Interactive effects

The data used in this study were acquired through comprehensive Interactive effects were quantified using Hedges’ d. Detailed expla­
searches conducted on the Web of Science, Google Scholar, and China nations of individual effect size and the effects of N addition (dN), P
National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) search engines. The terms addition (dP), and their interactive effect (dNP) are described in the
used were “elevated nitrogen” OR “nitrogen enrichment” OR “nitrogen” Supporting Information.

S. Li et al. Ecological Indicators 160 (2024) 111771

Fig. 3. The effects on microbial biomass in response to precipitation. Values are the mean ± 95 % confidence interval (CI), where a CI overlapping with zero in­
dicates no significance.

2.4. Model selection GP/GN ratio (8.3 %) (Fig. 1c). Combined N and P addition resulted in a
significant increase in F/B (19.1 %), with little effect on other soil mi­
We corrected the Akaike information criterion for small samples crobial groups (Fig. 1d).
prior to model selection. A larger weight indicated higher importance of
a predictor in the models. These values are considered as support for 3.2. Interactive effects on microbial biomass
each variable among all models. To identify the most important pre­
dictors, we set a cutoff of 0.8 using the gmulti package in the R software In our analysis, additive interactive effects were more frequently
(R Core Team, Vienna, Austria) (Calcagno and de Mazancourt, 2010). observed compared to synergistic or antagonistic interactive effects
(Fig. 2j, k). Additive interactions were dominant for bacterial biomass
3. Results (52.8 %), fungal biomass (60.6 %), AMF biomass (72.7 %), actinomycete
(ACT) biomass (75 %), GP biomass (44.5 %), F/B (64.5 %), and GP/GN
3.1. Individual and combined effects on microbial biomass (47.1 %). Antagonistic interactive effects were dominant for GN biomass
(55.6 %); synergistic effects were dominant for total microbial biomass
We assessed the effects of both separate and combined additions of N (42.9 %).
and P (NP) on soil microbial biomass to explore both the specific effects The dominance of additive interactions was not significantly altered
of N and P as well as any potential interactive effects (Fig. S1). In our by precipitation levels (Fig. 3). However, total microbial biomass, GP
comprehensive analysis of multiple studies, N addition led to significant biomass, and GN biomass exhibited synergistic effects under high pre­
decreases in total microbial biomass (13.4 % average decrease), bacte­ cipitation conditions (Fig. 3) and antagonistic effects under both low
rial biomass (16.1 %), fungal biomass (17.4 %), arbuscular mycorrhizal precipitation and low temperature conditions (Fig. 4). The general
fungi (AMF) biomass (30.5 %), and the fungal/bacterial biomass ratio pattern of additive interactive effects did not change significantly with
(F/B; 7.5 %); there were no significant effects on other microbial groups time or ecosystem type (Figs. 5 and 6).
(Fig. 1b). By contrast, P addition resulted in significant increases in total
microbial biomass (8.7 %), fungal biomass (10.4 %), gram-positive (GP;
29.1 %) and gram-negative (GN; 11.3 %) biomass, F/B (6.1 %,), and the

S. Li et al. Ecological Indicators 160 (2024) 111771

Fig. 4. The effects on microbial biomass in response to temperature. Values are the mean ± 95 % confidence interval (CI), where a CI overlapping with zero indicates
no significance.

3.3. Influences of environmental and experimental factors to N and P deposition.

The model revealed that soil pH was the most important predictor of
Hedges’ d++ for soil microbial biomass (Fig. 7) among the potential 4.1. Individual and combined effects on soil microbial biomass
factors examined (pH, P and N application rates, mean annual temper­
ature and precipitation, and NO−3 and NH+ 4 levels). The RRs of total We observed significant reductions in microbial biomass subsequent
microbial, bacterial, fungal, AMF, GP, and GN biomass for NP addition to N addition (Fig. 1b). One possible explanation is the alteration of
exhibited significant positive linear correlations with the RR of pH nutrient competition between microbes and plants (Kuzyakov and Xu,
(Fig. 8). Soil microbial biomass responses to mean annual temperature 2013). With an increase in N availability, plants and microorganisms
and precipitation, N and P application rates, and soil organic carbon (C), become more actively engaged in obtaining N resources to meet their
available N, and available P levels were barely significant (Table 1). growth and reproductive needs, which can lead to intensified nutrient
competition between plants and microorganisms (Bardgett et al., 1999).
4. Discussion Another factor is that soil acidification induced by N can elevate the
osmotic potential of the soil solution (Broadbent, 1965) and promote the
We gathered data from 1445 observations spanning terrestrial eco­ formation of recalcitrant compounds (Vitousek et al., 1997), which can
systems worldwide with the aim of evaluating the interactive impacts of significantly decrease microbial biomass. In contrast to N addition, P
N and P supply on microbial biomass. Our findings provide global evi­ enrichment had a positive effect on soil microbes (Fig. 1c). One possible
dence that additive effects significantly dominate interactive effects on mechanism is that P addition can alleviate nutrient constraints, stimu­
soil microbes, which is important for understanding the functionality lating microbial growth and promoting microbial biomass accumulation
and stability of soil ecosystems. Furthermore, our findings revealed that (Spohn and Schleuss, 2019). Simultaneous N and P addition had a
the responses of microbial biomass to the interactive effects of N and P neutral effect on microbial biomass (Fig. 1d). N and P are two major
addition were profoundly modulated by soil pH. Overall, these findings limiting factors for microbial growth; when N and P are added simul­
offer valuable insights into the patterns of interactive effects, which will taneously, their availability remains relatively balanced, alleviating the
inform global models to improve predictions of soil microbial responses limitations on microorganisms for an overall neutral effect (Merchant
and Helmann, 2012).

S. Li et al. Ecological Indicators 160 (2024) 111771

Fig. 5. The effects on microbial biomass in response to duration. Values are the mean ± 95 % confidence interval (CI), where a CI overlapping with zero indicates no

4.2. Interactive effects on soil microbial biomass et al., 2021). Similarly, the ecosystem type and duration of nutrient
supply can affect the extent to which microbial communities can adapt
Previous studies found divergent interactive effects, for example, and respond to changes in nutrient availability (Rinnan et al., 2007).
additive or antagonistic interactions, on soil microbial biomass under N Therefore, to comprehensively evaluate discrepancies caused by envi­
and P addition (Jiang et al., 2021). These differences may have been the ronmental and experiment factors, we varied precipitation levels, mean
result of insufficient full-factorial design of experiments globally (All­ annual temperature, supply duration, and ecosystem type and detected
geier et al., 2011). By contrast, we found that interactive effects of N and very little effect on the previously observed additive interactions
P on microbial biomass were primarily additive (Fig. 2). When N and P (Figs. 3–6). This finding suggests that the observed additive interactions
are simultaneously increased, microbial biomass generally increases, of N and P addition on microbial biomass are robust and not easily
but the extent of the increase may be limited. Although N addition can influenced, indicating that the interactive effects on microbial biomass
lead to changes in nutrient competition and soil acidification, P addition are consistent across different environmental conditions and experi­
can promote microbial growth and alleviate nutrient limitations (Grif­ mental setups (Davidson and Howarth, 2007; Vitousek et al., 2010). In
fiths et al., 2012). The positive impact of P addition on microbial addition to dominant additive interactive effects on microbial biomass,
biomass can potentially outweigh the negative effects of N addition, we also found antagonistic and synergistic interactive effects in dry and
resulting in a net positive response of microbial communities to nutrient humid regions, respectively (Fig. 3). In humid regions with high pre­
enrichment (Ma et al., 2023). This finding underscores the significance cipitation, plant N and P uptake is stimulated, leading to increased plant
of taking into account the interactive effects of multiple nutrients on soil biomass and subsequent release of C into the soil through root exudation
microbial communities and their reactions to nutrient inputs. and litter decomposition (Li et al., 2021). This increased C availability
Precipitation level, mean annual temperature, supply duration, and can act as a substrate for microbial growth. When N and P are added in
ecosystem type may be crucial for assessing the interactive effects of combination, they further enhance the availability of these nutrients,
nutrients on microbial biomass (Rinnan et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2018). creating a synergistic effect on soil microbial biomass (Adekiya et al.,
For example, under low precipitation and low mean annual temperature 2020). Under low temperature conditions, N and P uptake may be
regimes, N and P availability may be limited and the interactive effects limited as microbial metabolic activity slows, resulting in reduced
on microbial biomass may be more pronounced (Khalili et al., 2016; Sun nutrient demand. Therefore, at low temperatures, N excess and P

S. Li et al. Ecological Indicators 160 (2024) 111771

Fig. 6. The effects on microbial biomass in response to ecosystem type. Values are the mean ± 95 % confidence interval (CI), where a CI overlapping with zero
indicates no significance.

Fig. 7. Contributors of various predictors in response to the interactive effect. Model-averaged importance of predictor variables. Predictors with importance values
>0.8 are considered to be important.

limitation may occur simultaneously, leading to the inhibition of mi­ perspectives for designing terrestrial soil microbial biomass models.
crobial growth (Xiao et al., 2018). To promote microbial growth at low
temperatures, it is necessary to appropriately adjust the supply of both
nutrients to meet the requirements of microbes. Overall, the interactive
effects on microbial biomass observed in our study provide new

S. Li et al. Ecological Indicators 160 (2024) 111771

Fig. 8. Correlations between the response of microbial biomass and the response of soil pH.

Table 1
The effect of mean annual temperature (MAT), mean annual precipitation (MAP), N application rate, P application rate, SOC, available N and available P on response
(RR) of soil microbial biomass.
Variable MAT MAP N application rate P application rate SOC available N available P

df p df p df p df p df p df p df p

Total biomass 227 0.330 227 0.322 161 0.507 31 0.951 65 0.446 68 0.077 5 0.053
Bacterial biomass 229 0.257 232 0.153 150 0.061 38 0.876 87 0.893 71 0.801 22 0.968
Fungal biomass 244 0.139 247 0.006 166 0.023 38 0.05 78 0.495 79 0.859 22 0.879
AMF 85 0.203 85 0.171 61 0.000 10 0.061 29 0.233 31 0.219 na na
ACT 72 0.172 75 0.728 50 0.156 10 0.217 31 0.658 19 0.1 na na
GP 93 0.096 93 0.397 63 0.211 10 0.228 35 0.686 29 0.252 na na
GN 93 0.322 93 0.318 63 0.949 10 0.455 35 0.646 29 0.139 na na

Bold values indicate P ≤ 0.05.

4.3. Underlying mechanisms of the interactive effects on soil microbial soil pH, nutrient availability, and microbial communities is crucial for
biomass comprehending the ecological dynamics in soil ecosystems.

To further evaluate the underlying mechanisms driving the interac­ 4.4. Uncertainties and implications
tive effects of N and P addition on microbial biomass, we tested the
effects of several variables including environmental factors and soil The majority of previous experiments employed a unifactorial design
physicochemical properties. Our analysis showed that pH changes were to investigate microbial responses to global changes, resulting in limited
the most important factor driving these interactive effects (Fig. 7 and data availability pertaining to reciprocal interactions between N and P.
Table 1). Specifically, soil pH can modify the availability of N and P to Future studies can enhance the reliability and stability of their results by
microorganisms. Nitrification, which is the conversion of ammonium to expanding sample sizes and increasing the number of experimental
nitrate, is pH-dependent, with optimal pH ranges for nitrifiers differing replicates. Moreover, the interactive effects of N and P addition can
from those of other microbial functional groups. Consequently, soil influence the regulation of soil acidity, further altering the patterns of
acidification induced by N addition can affect the activity and compo­ N–P interactions. Unfortunately, the mechanisms underlying soil acidi­
sition of microbes involved in nitrogen cycling (Lu et al., 2014). Simi­ fication from N–P interactions remain poorly understood, introducing
larly, the application of P fertilizers can alter the nutrient balance in the uncertainties in predicting microbial changes. Future efforts should aim
soil, affecting the activity of soil microorganisms. Microbial metabolism for a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms governing global
can produce acidic or alkaline substances, thereby influencing soil pH N–P interactions, with a focus on the regulatory mechanisms of acidi­
(Mao et al., 2016). The combined effect of N and P additions is enhanced fication, which will significantly contribute to the advancement of mi­
or diminished depending on the specific pH conditions of the soil. The crobial transformation predictions.
significant correlation between microbial biomass and soil pH further
supported our results (Fig. 8). Together, our findings demonstrate that 5. Conclusion
soil pH can act as a driver of the interactive effects of N and P additions
on microbial biomass. Understanding the complex interplay between In summary, our findings provide large-scale evidence that additive

S. Li et al. Ecological Indicators 160 (2024) 111771

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