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The Linguistic Structure of Modern English | Brinton & Brinton

The Internal Structure of Words and
Processes of Word Formation in English

Exercise 4.1 English Word Division

Analyze the following words into morphs using the model given below:
Prefix(es) Root Suffix(es)
inequality in- equal -ity
a. hospitalization h. prototypical o. relationship
b. invisibly i. unforgettable p. asymmetrical
c. uninteresting j. impropriety q. hypersensitivity
d. undercooked k. disfunctional r. unfriendliness
e. transcontinental l. inconsiderate s. interdependence
f. ungrammatical m. postcolonial t. monotheism
g. reinforcement n. unlikelihood
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Prefix(es) Root Suffix(es)
a. hospital -ize -ation
b. in- vis -ible -ly
c. un- interest -ing
d. under- cook -ed
e. trans- continent -al
f. un- grammar -ic -al
g. re- in- force -ment
h. proto- type -ic -al
i. un- for- get -able
j. im- proper -ity
k. dis- function -al
l. in- consider -ate
m. post- colony -al
n. un- like -ly -hood
o. relate -ion -ship
p. a- symmetry -ic -al
q. hyper- sense -itive -ity
r. un- friend -ly -ness
s. inter- depend -ence
t. mono- the -ism
Note: It might be possible to break down some of these words further, especially if you have a knowl-
edge of Latin, e.g.
(lʹ) in- con- sider -ate
(oʹ) re- late -ion -ship
(sʹ) inter- de- pend -ence
If you do so, you will end up with bound roots in most cases.

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