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Drying Technology

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Enhancement of heat transfer and product quality

using jet reattachment nozzles in drying of food

Milad Farzad , Hicham El Ferouali , Ozan Kahraman & Jamal Yagoobi

To cite this article: Milad Farzad , Hicham El Ferouali , Ozan Kahraman & Jamal Yagoobi (2020):
Enhancement of heat transfer and product quality using jet reattachment nozzles in drying of food
products, Drying Technology, DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2020.1804927

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Published online: 24 Aug 2020.

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Enhancement of heat transfer and product quality using jet reattachment

nozzles in drying of food products
Milad Farzada,b , Hicham El Feroualic, Ozan Kahramand, and Jamal Yagoobia,b
Center for Advanced Research in Drying (CARD), Worcester, Massachusetts, USA; bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, Massachusetts, USA; cDepartment of applied physics, FSTG, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh,
Morocco; dDepartment of Food Science and Human Nutrition, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


In this paper, the drying characteristics of Radial Jet Reattachment (RJR) and Slot Jet Received 12 May 2020
Reattachment (SJR) nozzles, with an exit angle of þ458 for the RJR nozzle and þ208 and Revised 13 July 2020
þ458 for the SJR nozzle, were experimentally investigated in drying potato chip samples Accepted 13 July 2020
and apple slices, respectively. Dry basis moisture content of the samples using these innova-
tive nozzles were compared to those of traditional nozzles, based on three criteria: identical Drying; nozzle; slot jet;
air mass flow rate, identical fluid flow power, and identical exerted peak surface pressure. in-line jet; slot jet
To appraise the performance of each nozzle, the corresponding local heat transfer coeffi- reattachment; radial jet
cients generated by innovative and traditional nozzles for all the tests were measured. reattachment; quality
Subsequently, the average heat transfer coefficients of reattachment nozzles were calculated
and compared against those of traditional nozzles. Moreover, the kinetics of color changes
and structure analysis of apple slices, due to the drying by SJ and SJR þ 208 nozzles were
studied. The experimental results revealed that the RJR þ 458 and SJR þ 208 nozzles yield
significantly higher drying rates, as well as significant improvement in average heat transfer
coefficients, compared to those of ILJ and SJ nozzles, respectively, on a stationary basis.
Besides, impingement drying with SJR þ 208 nozzle produced dried apple slices with less
color deterioration and fewer nutritional losses compared to drying with the SJ nozzle.
Therefore, jet reattachment nozzles can provide faster drying rates and keep the nutritional
values at a desirable level.

1. Introduction temperature, nozzle configuration, hydraulic diameter,

and surface roughness. Many researchers have investi-
Impinging jet nozzles, which generate high localized
gated the effect of each parameter in non-isothermal
heat transfer rates, are employed in a broad spectrum
processes.[11–18] There is a large volume of published
of applications of practical interest, such as paper dry-
studies describing the role of Reynolds number, nozzle
ing,[1–3] turbine blade cooling,[4,5] electronic chip
hydraulic diameter, and nozzle-to-surface spacing on
cooling,[6,7] and drying food products.[8] Mujumdar[9]
transport characteristics of ILJ and SJ nozzles. To be
provided a comprehensive review on the innovative specific, Katti et al.[19] performed an experimental
technologies and effect of various parameters in dry- study to investigate the effect of the Re number and
ing with impinging jet nozzles. Furthermore, Tsotsas nozzle-to-surface spacing on a circular nozzle. They
and Mujumdar[10] reviewed the modern and the state found three regions on the impingement surface:
of art technologies in their book and provided valu- including stagnation region, transition region, and
able insight in various drying processes. wall jet region. They reported increase of the Nusselt
The impinging jet systems are generally composed number at the stagnation point from nozzle-to-surface
of in-line jet (ILJ), orifice (i.e., perforated), and slot jet spacing ratios of 1 to 6, due to enlargement of turbu-
(SJ) nozzles. Various parameters in impinging jet noz- lence intensities. Similarly, they reported increases of
zles affect the heat transfer rates on the target product the Nu number for nozzle-to-surface spacing ratios of
in cooling, heating, drying, and baking processes. The less than 1, due to flow acceleration at close nozzle-
most noticeable parameters consist of exit Reynolds to-surface spacing. In the same vein, Nirmalkumar
number, nozzle-to-surface spacing, nozzle exit et al.[20] performed an experimental study to consider

CONTACT Milad Farzad Center for Advanced Research in Drying (CARD), Worcester, MA, USA.
ß 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

the impact of the same parameters on an SJ nozzle. increasing surface motion velocity reduces heat trans-
They observed the same three regions on the impinge- fer coefficient for all types of jet nozzles used.
ment surface and the same trend of the local Nu Studies of inclined impinging jet nozzles are well
number, as Katti et al.[19] reported. Nirmalkumar documented: it is also well acknowledged that the
et al.[20] reported that the presence of the secondary location of the maximum local heat transfer coeffi-
local Nu number peak in a very limited range of Re cient is primarily attributable to the angle of inclin-
numbers at close nozzle-to-surface distances. ation. An increasing number of studies have revealed
Additionally, they reported that the maximum local that by increasing the angle of the impinging jet, the
heat transfer occurs at a nozzle-to-surface spacing location of the heat transfer coefficient peak shifts
ratio of 8. Gulati et al.[21] studied the influence of from the central geometrical point toward the com-
nozzle shape on the local heat transfer coefficient. pression side of the plate (toward the location with
They observed the superior local heat transfer coeffi- the smaller nozzle-to-surface spacing), and the heat
cient associated with a rectangular nozzle, compared transfer coefficient magnitude decreases.[30–37] In add-
to that of a circular nozzle at the stagnation point. ition, Donovan and Murray[33] showed that the local
However, the average Nu number on a 60 mm  Nu number decreases more steadily in the downhill
60 mm flat plate was calculated to be almost the same side of the impingement plate compared to that of the
for both ILJ and SJ nozzles. They pointed out that the uphill side. Roy et al.[38,39] studied the heat transfer
pressure loss coefficient is maximal using a rectangu- coefficient distribution generated by an SJ nozzle on
lar nozzle and minimal using a circular nozzle. an inclined impingement surface based on various
Recently, experimental results obtained by Singh operating conditions. They showed that the peak value
of the heat transfer coefficiemt through the shear layer
et al.[22] confirmed the findings of previous research-
is achieved close the stagnation zone. Kito et al.[40]
ers.[19–21] Choo et al.[23] investigated the heat transfer
investigated the local Nu number distribution on a
characteristics of an SJ nozzle in micro-scale. Based
flat plate by an array of SJ nozzles. They demonstrated
on their experimental results, there is no significant
that the location of the stagnation zone moves away
variation between micro-scale and macro-scale config-
toward the compression side the the impingement
uration in transport characteristics.
surface. Attalla et al.[41] studied the local and average
It is worthwhile to consider the effect of impinge-
heat transfer distributions on a flat surface by an array
ment surface motion on the flow pattern issuing from
of inclined ILJ nozzles and developed a correlation for
a jet nozzle. In particular, Senter et al.[24] experimen-
the various conditions based on Re, Pr, and the inclin-
tally, investigated the flow field topology of a confined
ation angle (h).
turbulent slot air jet impinging normally on a moving
A radial jet reattachment (RJR) nozzle is an altered
flat plate. They reported that the flow pattern at a version of the ILJ nozzle. The RJR nozzle offers a
given surface-to-jet velocity ratio is independent of more elegant design than the traditional version (ILJ).
the jet Reynolds number in the range of 5,300 < Re < This modified version provides a number of advan-
10,600. Moreover, they presented the slight influence tages such as controlling the exerted force magnitude
of a moving plate on the flow behavior at a surface- on the impinging surface by adjusting the
to-jet velocity ratio of 0.25 and lesser values, whereas, flow direction.
at higher ratios, the flow is notably affected. In A slot jet reattachment (SJR) nozzle is an extension
another study, Senter[25] computed the local heat version of an RJR nozzle concept in a slot shape. This
transfer coefficient over the impinging zone. This special configuration is well-suited for drying or cool-
study confirmed that the local heat transfer coefficient ing of products that have rectangular or oval shapes.
decreases when enlarging the surface-to-jet velocity In an SJR nozzle configuration, the flow leaves the
ratio. Chattopadhyay et al.[26] performed a series of nozzle at a specific angle to the impingement surface
numerical studies on a single SJ nozzle and concluded and reattaches in an oval band. Similar to the behav-
that the overall heat transfer increases up to a surface- ior of the RJR nozzle, the reattachment zone gener-
to-jet velocity ratio of up to 1.2, compared to the sta- ated by an SJR nozzle is highly turbulent, with high
tionary surface; however, heat transfer decreases at the values of transport characteristics. The flow coming
higher ratios. Chattopadhyay and Saha[27–29] studied out of the SJR nozzle moves in two directions: 1) a
the effect of a moving surface on the turbulent flow rectangular direction toward the minor axis of the
field and heat transfer when an array of impinging nozzle and 2) a radial direction toward the major axis
horizontal jets are employed. They reported that of the nozzle.

Page et al.[42] investigated the flow pattern issuing conventional ILJ nozzle, that stagnation point exists
from an RJR nozzle and showed that the reattachment on the center line of the jet; for an RJR nozzle the
zone has a limited span. Yagoobi et al.[43] compared stagnation point of the flow occurs in a relatively large
heat transfer characteristics of an RJR nozzle to an ILJ turbulent reattachment ring, away from the nozzle
nozzle and reported the higher heat transfer rate asso- center line. Due to the large turbulent reattachment
ciated with the RJR nozzle. Narayanan et al.[44] area formed by such a nozzle configuration, high heat
studied the heat transfer characteristics and flow pat- and mass transfer coefficients are present over
tern of an SJR nozzle and compared the performance this area.
of the SJR nozzle with that of the traditional SJ nozzle.
Their results indicated the advantageous performance
2.1. Exerted pressure
of the SJR nozzle over the SJ nozzle in heating proc-
esses. Recently, Farzad and Yagoobi[45] in a numerical Page et al.[42] and Narayanan et al.[44] conducted
study investigated the effect of impingement surface experimental tests and confirmed that, unlike the con-
velocity on SJ and SJR nozzles. They showed that the ventional nozzles that only yield positive exerted pres-
flow deviation occurs at surface-to-jet velocity ratios sure (higher than atmospheric pressure), the pressure
of 0.5 and higher values, using an SJR nozzle, which right under the RJR and SJR nozzles is less than
shows the better performance of an SJR nozzle atmospheric pressure. The peak surface pressure
impinging on a moving plate, compared to that of an occurs further away from the nozzle center-line, in a
SJ nozzle. Furthermore, Farzad and Yagoobi[46] minor axis direction of the nozzle (in the case of the
advanced the jet reattachment technology to the food SJR nozzle). By proceeding further in a minor axis
industry and investigated the drying characteristics of direction, the pressure decays and attains atmospheric
an SJR nozzle in comparison with the common SJ pressure. As has been noted earlier, the exerted pres-
nozzle in drying cookie samples on a stationary basis. sure can be desirably controlled over the impingement
They reported a significant enhancement of drying surface. Subsequently, net force can be calculated by
rates of the samples using SJR nozzles. integrating the exerted pressure values over the
There has been far too little attention paid to the impingement area. In addition, the flexible structure
RJR and SJR nozzles, specially in drying food prod- of innovative impinging jet nozzles facilitates control-
ucts. Furthermore, a systematic understanding of how ling the force magnitude, by adjustments the nozzle
jet reattachment nozzles affect the food samples’ qual- exit opening (b) and nozzle exit angle (h).
ity in the drying process is still lacking.
Therefore, the objective of this paper is to investi-
2.2. Heat transfer
gate the drying characteristics of RJR and SJR nozzles,
as well as the product quality of the potato chip sam- Narayanan et al.[44] studied the heat transfer charac-
ples and the apple slices. The local and average heat teristics of an SJR nozzle and compared them with
transfer coefficients of reattachment nozzles were those of an SJ nozzle. To cover all elements, compari-
compared to those of traditional versions over a sta- sons have been made based on three criteria, which
tionary surface. All the tests were carried out with an must be identical: (a) air mass flow rate, (b) fluid flow
exit angle of þ458 for an RJR nozzle and two exit power, and c) exerted peak surface pressure. They
angles of þ208 and þ458 for an SJR nozzle, based on reported the enhancement of average heat transfer
three criteria: identical air mass flow rate, identical coefficients with SJR nozzles in all circumstances,
fluid flow power, and identical exerted peak surface compared to those of the SJ nozzle. In the low nozzle-
pressure. Moreover, all the tests were performed with to-surface spacing, turbulent mixing that happens at
the Reynolds number in the range of 9,500 < Re < the boundaries of the free jet region produces a sec-
24,500 (calculated based on the hydraulic diameter). ondary stream by mass entrainment and makes an
Furthermore, to determine the quality of the apple sli- oval-shaped reattachment in the case of SJR nozzle or
ces dried with SJR nozzles, the kinetics of color a ring-shaped reattachment in RJR nozzle, on the
changes and micro structure analysis were performed. impingement surface. The secondary stream flow
directs inward, under the bottom plate, and outward,
far from the nozzle center. Due to the secondary
2. Jet reattachment nozzle
stream phenomenon, a relative low-pressure distribu-
Figure 1 shows the schematic of the jet reattachment tion is maintained. The intense turbulent flow is the
nozzle impinging on a flat plate. In spite of the dominant reason for the high heat and mass transfer

Figure 1. Reattachment jet nozzles schematics.

Table 1. Geometrical parameters of the nozzles. spacing for RJR and SJR nozzles are calculated based
Parameter ILJ RJR þ 458 SJ SJR þ 208 SJR þ 458 on 1.8 Dh and 0.57Zw, respectively. The hydraulic
(mm) diameters for ILJ and SJ nozzles are calculated as four
Xp 152 14 74 10 8
b – 4 – 4-8 4 times the area, divided by the wetted perimeter. In the
rw ðZw Þ – 18 – 18 14 case of RJR and SJR nozzles, hydraulic diameter is
D ðZws Þ 25.4 31.75 9.25 10 9.25
equivalent to two times the nozzle exit opening (b).
Note that Re is calculated based on the following for-
rates. Thus, forming a wider turbulent reattachment mula:
area improves the transport characteristics in com-
parison with traditional nozzles. Ve Dh
Re ¼ , (1)
where, Ve, Dh, and l are the nozzle exit velocity,
2.3. Nozzle geometry
hydraulic diameter, and dynamic viscosity of the air,
The geometrical parameters of all the nozzles used in respectively.
this study are listed in Table 1. The nozzle-to-surface
spacing is chosen based on the optimum value
reported in the literature.[44,47] The corresponding val-
3. Sample preparation
ues for ILJ and SJ nozzles are calculated based on 6 D The samples used in this study were potato chips and
(nozzle inner diameter) and 4 Dh (8 times the nozzle apple slices for RJR and SJR nozzles, respectively. The
outlet width), respectively. Also, the nozzle-to-surface potato chip sample was prepared by mixing potato

Figure 2. Schematic of the experimental apparatus utilized for the drying tests.[48]

powder with water, using a standard kitchen mixer. heat up the fluid. The PID unit is required to regulate
The portions of powder and water are adjusted to the power and provide the desired temperature.
produce a sample with a thickness of 1.15 mm and Following the electrical heater, a solenoid valve, actu-
initial dry basis moisture content (DBMC) of 70%. ated on a timer, redirects the incoming air flow away
Then, samples were cut in a circular shape, with a from the impingement surface in order to record the
diameter of 88.5 mm. One sample was placed right sample weight without any fluctuations. The threaded
under the RJR nozzle for each test as shown in Figure nozzle (ILJ/SJ/RJR/SJR) was connected interchangeably
1. The fresh apples were procured from a local mar- to the solenoid valve. A scale with resolution of
ket, Worcester, MA, USA. The type used are Empire 0.001 g was located under the nozzle and placed on an
apples. To prepare monotonous samples, a conven- adjustable stand, which regulates the nozzle-to-surface
tional fruit slicer was used to make the samples with a spacing. This arrangement is favorable because the
thickness of 3 mm. As with potato chip samples, apple target sample can be settled on top of the scale to
slices were cut in a circular shape, with a diameter of obtain the weight during the drying process. J-type
60 mm. The initial DBMC level of apple slices was thermocouples were used to measure the temperature
629%. Two apple slices were placed next to each other at the nozzle and electrical heater outlets. An IR cam-
under the SJR nozzle bottom plate. era (FLIR T540sc) was employed to capture the sam-
wwater ple’s surface temperature during the tests.
DBMC ¼  100 (2)
wbonedried Furthermore, the apparatus was well-insulated with
ceramic fiber to minimize heat loss to the surrounding
4. Experimental set-up
The schematic diagram of the experimental set-up is 4.1. Fluid flow power measurement
illustrated in Figure 2. The apparatus was constructed
to conduct dried air through a stainless steel pipeline Fluid flow power (i.e., fan power) is calculated as
assembly from a large air supply to an impingement follow:
surface, based on the desired operating conditions. To _
achieve this goal, a framework made of aluminum was P¼ (3)
built up to hold the assembly. To keep the pressure
constant, a pneumatic tank with two ports is placed where m _ is the air mass flow rate, Dp represents the
after the upstream air supply inlet. A pressure gauge pressure drop across the nozzle, and q is the air dens-
was installed at the tank’s inlet to monitor the pres- ity. The pressure drop (across the nozzle) measure-
sure. The tank was secured by a pressure relief valve ment was made by attaching a differential pressure
to ensure safety. The incoming air mass flow rate was transducer right above the nozzle inlet. One end of
measured by passing through a magnetic rotameter the pressure transducer was located on top of the noz-
installed after the tank. An 8.5 kW torch electrical zle inlet to measure the pressure at nozzle entrance,
heater, connected to a PID control unit was used to and the other end was left open to the ambient air,

Table 2. Operating conditions based on identical air mass 5.1. Identical air mass flow rate
flow rate tests.
Parameter ILJ RJR þ 458 SJ SJR þ 208 SJR þ 458
Drying tests were conducted based on two air mass
b (mm) – 4 – 4 4 flow rates for each sample. The corresponding operat-
T (8C) 200 180 ing conditions are listed in Table 2.
Case 1
m_ (kg/s) 0.005 0.005 Figure 3 illustrates the percent DBMC of potato chip
Ve ðm=sÞ 5.5 15 6.2 7.1 8.6 and apple samples as a function of drying time during
Re 4,034 3,465 8,153 1,778 2,154
Case 2
the drying tests. The results show a clear reduction in
m_ (kg/s) 0.01 0.015 drying times using RJR and SJR nozzles, compared to
Ve ðm=sÞ 11 30 18.6 21.3 25.8 those samples dried using ILJ and SJ nozzles. This can
Re 8,068 6,930 24,459 5,334 6,462
Sample Potato Chip Apple be illustrated briefly by considering any specific DBMC
level point in Figure 3. For example, in the case of circu-
lar-shaped nozzles with m _ ¼ 0:005 kg/s (Figure 3a), the
time required to reach 10% DBMC level for ILJ and
which was equivalent to the pressure at the nozzle 
RJRþ45 nozzles are 42.6 and 26.3 min, respectively,
outlet (atmospheric pressure). corresponding to 38% reduction in drying time using

RJRþ45 nozzle. Another example can be observed in
Figure 3d. The time needed for the SJ nozzle to reach
4.2. Surface pressure measurement
10% DBMC level is 18 min; however, those of the
Surface pressure measurement was made by using a SJRþ20 and SJRþ45 nozzles are 13.5 and 13 min,
traversing plate with a small hole drilled at its center. respectively, corresponding to a reduction in drying
The plate was positioned under the nozzle, such that time of 25% and 28%, respectively. It is worthwhile to
the hole on the traversing plate was aligned with the mention that based on the identical air mass flow rate
nozzle center line. A differential pressure transducer criterion, the fan power was higher for RJR and SJR noz-
was connected to the plate via the small hole, so that zles than for ILJ and SJ nozzles, respectively. Hence,
one end of the transducer was level with the impinge- using innovative impinging jet nozzles has the potential
ment surface. Another end was left open to the ambi- to outperform traditional types of impinging jet nozzles
ent air. The traversing plate was moved horizontally when the air mass flow rate remains constant. The
perpendicular to the nozzle center line to record the superior performance of innovative nozzles based on
pressure profile on the surface. this criterion is due to several factors. First, the smaller
hydraulic diameter of such nozzles, at constant air mass
flow rates, leads to a higher velocity at the nozzle outlet.
5. Results and discussion Because of that, the flow impinges on the impingement
Experiments were conducted to find the DBMC pro- surface with a higher velocity at a shorter nozzle-to-sur-
face spacing in the innovative nozzles, which causes
files during the drying tests were based on three crite-
higher drying rates. Another factor in support of the
ria: (a) identical air mass flow rate, (b) identical fan
superior performance of innovative nozzles compared
power, and c) identical exerted peak surface pressure.
to conventional nozzles is the different nature of the
All the tests with ILJ and RJR nozzles were performed
flow issuing from each nozzle. The reattachment zone
with the equal outlet air temperature of 200  C.
associated with RJR and SJR nozzles is much larger than
Temperature for the tests using SJ and SJR nozzles
the stagnation zone generated by ILJ and SJ nozzles.
was maintained at 180  C. The ambient temperature Taken together, a significant impact is observed in dry-
was kept constant at 198C. Note that the experiments ing rates utilizing RJR and SJR nozzles.
were carried out in an open environment. The nozzle
exit temperatures were chosen in a way that the sam-
ple surface temperature do not exceed 80  C for apple 5.2. Identical fluid flow power
samples and 908 for the potato chip samples during The next set of experiments were conducted based on
the drying process. The common drying temperature the identical fluid flow power for both potato chip
range is between 50  C and 80  C for the apple slices and apple samples. Since the pressure drop for RJR
and up to 90  C for the potato chip samples.[49,50] and SJR nozzles was higher than for ILJ and SJ noz-
Furthermore, the hot air was impinged on the top zles, the air mass flow rate was lower in the cases of
surface of the samples and the bottom surface was RJR and SJR nozzles, in order to keep the fan power
placed on a disk shaped sample holder. constant (see Equation (3)).

Figure 3. DBMC based on identical air mass flow rate.

Table 3. Operating conditions based on the identical fluid the lower air mass rates of RJR þ 458 and SJR þ 208
flow power. nozzles, compared to ILJ and SJ nozzles, the drying
Parameter ILJ RJR þ 458 SJ SJR þ 208 SJR þ 458 times to reach a specific level of DBMC are still
b (mm) – 4 – 4 4
m_ (kg/s) 0.01 0.0065 0.0095 0.006 0.005
shorter. For instance, to reach a 10% DBMC level
Dp (Pa) 98 170.5 191.6 303.4 364.45 with RJR þ 458 and SJR þ 208 nozzles, 19.8 and
Ve (m/s) 11 16.5 11.8 8.5 8.6
Re 8,068 4,504.5 15,516 2,153 2,154
19.5 min are required, respectively, corresponding to
T (8C) 200 180 12.8% and 9.3% reduction in drying time, compared
P (W) 1.3 2.34
Sample Potato Chip Apple
to those from using ILJ and SJ nozzles. These results
offer compelling evidence for the improved perform-
ance of jet reattachment nozzles.
The operating conditions based on the identical
fluid flow power tests are given in Table 3. Note that
5.3. Identical exerted peak surface pressure
the measured air mass flow rates provided in Table 3,
confirm the reduction in air mass flow rates for RJR In industrial applications, specifically, in drying fragile
and SJR nozzles. The corresponding DBMC results materials, it is crucial to protect the samples from
are depicted in Figure 4a and b. As shown, in spite of degradation due to high velocity impingement on the

Figure 4. a and b – DBMC based on the identical fan power; c and d - DBMC based on the identical exerted peak surface pres-
sure; e and f - Pressure distribution based on identical peak surface pressure.

Table 4. Operating conditions based on the identical peak Table 5. Operating conditions based on the identical peak
surface pressure. surface pressure and variation of b value.
Parameter ILJ RJR þ 458 SJ SJR þ 208 SJR þ 458 Parameter b ¼ 4 mm b ¼ 6 mm b ¼ 8 mm
b (mm) – 4 – 4 4 m_ (kg/s) 0.0095 0.011 0.012
m_ (kg/s) 0.01 0.016 0.0095 0.01 0.005 Re 3,378 3,712 3,902
Ve (m/s) 11 45 11.8 14.4 8.6 T (8C) 180
Re 8,068 11,088 15,516 3,556 2,154 p  patm (Pa) 125
T (8C) 200 180 Sample Apple
p  patm (Pa) 191 134.5
(at peak) (at peak)
Sample Potato Chip Apple time is due to a much higher velocity of air at RJR
and SJR nozzles’ outlets, compared to those of ILJ and
SJ nozzles.
samples. Therefore, in such applications, a limited
level of pressure is allowed to be exerted on the sam-
ples. By considering this fact, a set of drying tests 5.3. Effect of nozzle exit opening (b)
using potato chip and apple slice samples were per- It is crucial to note that, in the jet reattachment noz-
formed, based on identical exerted peak surface pres- zles, the exit opening (b) plays an important role in
sure (Figure 4c and d). Due to the flow deflection by the resultant heat transfer coefficient and drying char-
the presence of a bottom plate in RJR and SJR noz- acteristics. In order to investigate the impact of the b
zles, to achieve the same exerted peak pressure value value, the next set of drying tests were conducted by
with ILJ and SJ nozzles, the air mass flow rate should varying the b value from 4 mm to 8 mm, while the
be increased. As expected, measurements demonstrate exerted peak surface pressure was remained constant.
that the associate air mass flow rates with the match- The intention of enlarging the b value was to achieve
ing exerted peak pressure for RJR þ 458 and SJR þ higher air mass flow rate under an identical exerted
208 nozzles are higher than those of ILJ and SJ noz- peak surface pressure level. Regarding the superior
zles. The pressure distribution based on this criterion performance of the SJR þ 208 nozzle in previous tests,
for both circular-shaped and slot-shaped nozzles are only this nozzle was chosen for this set of tests, and
illustrated in Figure 4e and f. The pressure distribu- drying performance of this nozzle was investigated by
tion is plotted as a function of length, which starts varying its b value. The corresponding operating con-
from the nozzle center-line and proceeds along a ditions are listed in Table 5.
radial axis in circular nozzles and a minor axis in the _ ¼ 0:0095 kg/
In this respect, an air mass flow rate of m
case of slot-shaped nozzles. As stated previously and s was taken for the SJ nozzle and the air mass flow rates
as depicted in Figure 4f, the pressure immediately associated with higher values of b for SJR þ 208 nozzle
below the bottom plate of the SJR þ 208 nozzle is less were measured accordingly. As a consequence of expan-
than atmospheric pressure. The low local surface pres- sion in b for the SJR þ 208 nozzle, from b ¼ 4 mm to
sure surrounded by a reattachment zone confirms the b ¼ 6 mm and b ¼ 8 mm, higher air mass flow rates of
presence of a circulation region under the bottom 0.011 kg/s and 0.012 kg/s, respectively, were gained. Given
plate. Subsequently, the pressure increases from a low this orientation, drying tests with apple samples were per-
value to its maximum value and generates a larger formed. As shown in Figure 5, to reach a 10% DBMC
turbulent zone, compared to the stagnation zone level, a 23% and a 26% reduction in drying time was
formed by an SJ or an ILJ nozzle. The operating con- achieved with the b ¼ 6 mm and b ¼ 8 mm, respectively,
ditions for this set of experiments are listed in in comparison with the b ¼ 4 mm. Note that the 23% and
Table 4. a 26% enhancements with the increased values of b corre-
As shown in Figure 4c and d, a tangible improve- sponded to a 44.6% and a 46.7% reduction in drying time,
ment in drying performance by the jet reattachment when compared to those of SJ nozzle based on the identi-
nozzles is achieved. Similar to the previous criteria, cal exerted peak surface pressure criterion. Notably, this
time required to reach 10% DBMC level can be com- shows the flexibility of such nozzles, which can be
pared between the jet reattachment and conventional adjusted, based on the application need to provide max-
nozzles. So, the drying times to reach this specific imum efficiency.
point for RJR þ 458 and SJR þ 208 nozzles were
measured as 8.8 and 15.5 min, respectively, corre-
5.4. Convective heat transfer analysis
sponding to the 61.2% and 28% reduction in drying
time, respectively, when compared to those of ILJ and In fact, the key in enhancements achieved by jet
SJ nozzles. The remarkable enhancement in drying reattachment nozzles is due to the higher average heat

Figure 5. Effect of b value in drying of apple samples with SJR þ 208.

transfer coefficient generated by such nozzles. In order and SJR nozzles, respectively. The detailed tests were
to confirm this statement, an experimental setup was conducted for all three criteria studied in this paper.
designed to quantify the heat transfer performance of The corresponding operating conditions are listed in
all the nozzles used in this study. In the course of this Tables 2–4. Figure 6a, b, and c illustrate the variation
experiment, heat flux was measured using a data log- of the local heat transfer coefficient for ILJ and

ger connected to a heat flux sensor called” RJRþ45 nozzles along the radial axis. The local heat
Scorpion2”. The heat flux measurement unit was used transfer coefficient under the identical air mass flow
to acquire the heat flux from a copper target surface rate and identical fan power criteria (Figure 6a and b)
along the impingement surface. The heat flux meas- is slightly higher for the ILJ nozzle at r ¼ 0, which is
urement was made by using the heat flux measure- at nozzle center line, compared to that of an RJR noz-
ment unit attached to a traversing plate. The plate zle. This is expected since the stagnation point for the
was positioned under the measurement unit, such that ILJ nozzle occurs at r ¼ 0. However, hloc for RJR noz-
the heat flux gauge could be moved horizontally per- zle is substantially higher than that of ILJ nozzle near
pendicular to the nozzle center line to record the heat the reattachment ring as well as for larger r values.
flux profile on the surface. The corresponding con- The reattachment ring used in this context is a
vective local heat transfer coefficients were calculated boundary of the physical zone, where the recirculating
as following: flow beneath the RJR nozzle is separated from the
flow that is following the outer wall curvature (flat
hloc ¼ (4) plate). For the RJR nozzle as well as the SJR nozzle,
Te  Ts
the local heat transfer coefficient is lower in the recir-
where q00conv is the convective heat flux, Te is the air culation zone but, augments quickly right before the
temperature at nozzle exit, and Ts is the impingement reattachment region, with a maximum peak prior to
surface temperature. In this measurement, all the the reattachment point, followed by an exponential
experiments started at the nozzle center line on the decay passing the reattachment region. This phenom-
impingement surface. To collect data along the enon is also reported by Yagoobi.[51] In Figure 6c, due
impingement surface, the heat flux sensor was located to a higher air mass flow rate of RJR nozzle, the local
right under the nozzle (along the center line) and was heat transfer coefficient is always higher than that of
transversed along the radial and minor axis of RJR ILJ nozzle. Furthermore, to investigate the overall

Figure 6. Local and average heat transfer coefficient distributions along the radial axis for ILJ and RJR nozzles.

drying performance of traditional and reattachment case of the SJ nozzle, maximum heat transfer occurs
nozzles, it is worthwhile to determine the average con- at the stagnation zone, while that of the SJR nozzle
vective heat transfer coefficient along the radial and occurs at reattachment zone, which has a band shape.
minor axis of the nozzles. Average heat transfer coeffi- The average heat transfer coefficients were calculated
cient for ILJ and RJR nozzles were calculated as fol- up to the border of the apple samples at Z ¼ 30 mm.
lowing: These values for SJ nozzles were 40.7, 51.7, and
ð 51.9 W/m2.K. The values for SJR þ 208 were 45.5,
2 rf
havg ¼ 2 hloc ðrÞrdr (5) 56.3, and 66.6 W/m2.K. These correspond to 11.9%,
rf 0
8.9%, and 28.4% enhancement in average heat transfer
Average heat transfer coefficient for SJ and SJR coefficient, based on the identical air mass flow rate,
nozzles were calculated from the following equation: fan power, and exerted peak surface pressure,
ð respectively.
1 Zl
havg ¼ hloc ðzÞdz (6) Table 6 summarizes all the results from DBMC
Zl 0
level of the samples at the end of the drying processes,
In Equations (5) and (6), rf and Zl are the limits of along with the corresponding average heat transfer
integration, respectively. r and Z are the directions in coefficients. Note that the data regarding the effect of
the radial axis of the RJR nozzle and the minor axis b value are not included in the table. These results
of the SJR nozzle, respectively. The presentation of indicate the superior drying performance of RJR þ
data by this averaging approach provides for a better 458 and SJR þ 208 nozzles in drying rates over the ILJ
comparison of the effectiveness of one nozzle over the and SJ nozzles. Moreover, the enhancements in aver-
other for the same operating condition. According to age heat transfer coefficients are in good agreement
Figure 6d, e, and f, one can observe the significant with the reported time reduction in drying time of the
advantage of RJR nozzles over the ILJ nozzles by samples used in this study. As noted earlier, the wider
examining the average heat transfer coefficients. The reattachment zone generated by reattachment nozzles
higher average heat transfer rates is partially attributed compared to the stagnation zone formed by the con-
to a larger turbulent reattachment ring (reattachment ventional nozzles, leads to a wider area with higher
band in the case of SJR nozzle) region, versus the local heat transfer coefficients. Therefore, integrating
small stagnation zones for ILJ nozzle. To investigate the local heat transfer coefficient along the area leads
this quantitatively, the average heat transfer coeffi- to a higher average heat transfer coefficient.
cients generated by ILJ and RJR nozzles were calcu-
lated at r ¼ 45 mm, which is the radius of the potato
5.5. Color analysis
chip sample. The corresponding values for the ILJ
nozzle, based on identical air mass flow rate, identical Generally, convectional hot air drying is the fastest
fluid flow power, and identical exerted peak surface drying method; however, degradation attributed to
pressure were 26.1, 50.9, and 50.9 W/m2.K, and the this method is undesirable. Using a jet reattachment
same values for the RJR nozzle were 35.9, 59.6, and nozzle could be a desirable replacement to the con-
86.4 W/m2.K, respectively. These correspond to 37.5%, ventional impinging nozzles and a solution to reduc-
18.4%, and 67% enhancements in average heat trans- tion in food degradation. Drying affects the
fer coefficient using RJR þ 458. Thus, the data sup- appearance of fruits due to Maillard reaction, pigment
ports the premise that RJR nozzles are able to provide degradation, enzymatic browning, and ascorbic acid
higher transport characteristics compared to those of oxidation.[52] Changes in the color of the fresh and
ILJ nozzles. dried apple slices are monitored with a reflectance
Likewise, the same analysis was carried out for SJ colorimeter (LabScan XE, Hunter Associates
and SJR nozzles. The local and average heat transfer Laboratories, Inc., Reston, VA, USA), expressed as L,
coefficients were calculated based on Equations (4) a, and b values. The measurements were made at at
and (6). Figure 7 shows the same results for SJR noz- the end of the drying process, where the DBMC was
zles, based on the operating conditions listed in less than 10%. Note that from this section, always L
Tables 2–4. It can be seen from Figure 7 that the represents the lightness index, a represents red-green,
same patterns exist as those of Figure 6). Generally, and b represents yellow-blue components. To calibrate
the local heat transfer coefficient distribution for each the colorimeter, a white and a black ceramic tile at
nozzle follows the same trend as pressure distribution the room temperature was used. Measurements were
along the nozzle’s minor axis. In other words, in the individually taken for three samples, and the average

Figure 7. Local and average heat transfer coefficient distributions along the minor axis for SJ and SJR nozzles.

Table 6. Comparison of enhancement in average heat transfer coefficient and reduction in drying time using RJR þ 458 and SJR
þ 208 nozzles.
Time to Time to Time to Time to
reach (min) reach (min) havg (W/m2K) havg (W/m2K) reach (min) reach (min) havg (W/m2K) havg (W/m2K)
Criterion 5% DBMC 5% DBMC r ¼ 45 mm r ¼ 45 mm 15% DBMC 15% DBMC z ¼ 45 mm z ¼ 30 mm
(ILJ) (RJR þ 458) (ILJ) (RJR þ 458) (SJ) (SJR þ 208) (SJ) (SJR þ 208)
Identical Low
Air Mass 60.6 36.8 26.1 35.9 39.5 34.2 40.7 45.5
Flow Rate
Enhancement þ39.3% þ37.5% þ13.3% þ11.8%
(in drying time) (in havg) (in drying time) (in havg)
Identical High
Air Mass 29.7 17.5 50.9 74.4 15.9 12.6 74.8 92.4
Flow Rate
Enhancement þ41% þ46% þ20.8% þ23.5%
(in drying time) (in havg) (in drying time) (in havg)
Fluid Flow 29.7 24.8 50.9 59.6 20.5 18.1 51.7 56.3
Enhancement þ16.5% þ17% þ11.7% þ8.9%
(in drying time) (in havg) (in drying time) (in havg)
Identical Exerted
Peak Surface 29.7 9.8 50.9 86.4 20.5 14.3 51.9 66.6
Enhancement þ67% þ69.7% þ30.2% þ28.3%
Sample Potato Chip Apple

Table 7. Effect of different nozzles on color properties of calculate BI index, L, a, and b were utilized along
apple slices based on identical peak surface pressure. with the following equations [56]
L a b DE DI Ho C BI
73.41 0.89 16.56 0.05 93.08 16.59 24.03
100ðx  0:31Þ
Fresh 0 BI ¼ (11)
Sample 0:17
Dried 70.1 3.79 19.99 6.71 0.19 79.35 20.34 36.98 a þ 1:75L
x¼ (12)
(SJ) 5:645L þ a  3:012b
Dried 76.79 0.22 16.3 3.88 0.02 90.87 16.3 23.2 In this investigation, the kinetics of color changes
(SJR þ 208)
in apple samples using SJ and SJR nozzles based on
Dried 69.6 5.34 24.81 11.03 0.22 77.86 25.38 48.84 identical peak surface pressure were studied and are
(SJR þ 458)
listed in Table 7. The corresponding operating condi-
tions were given in Table 4. The reason to choose this
was calculated. The total color change (DE) represents criterion is that the air mass flow rate associated with
the color difference from the reference sample. The SJR þ 208 is slightly higher than that of the SJ nozzle
higher DE shows the greater change in color. DE is and serves as the extreme case in terms of sample
calculated as follow:[53] degradation. The air temperature at the nozzle exit
was fixed at 1808C, which is higher than the typical
DE ¼ ðL  L0 Þ2 þ ða  a0 Þ2 þ ðb  b0 Þ2 (7)
drying temperature in drying of apples.
where L0, a0, and b0 refer to the color reading of a The results of color analysis indicate that the change
fresh apple sample. Additionally, darkness index (DI), in total color in drying with the SJR þ 208 nozzle is less
Hou angle (Ho), and Chroma were calculated, based than that of SJ and SJR þ 458 nozzles. Total color
on following equations:[54,55] change (DE) is extensively used to characterize color
a variation in foods in various processes. Better retention
DI ¼ (8) of color using SJR þ 208 nozzle can be due to shorter
  drying time.[57] The apple slices dried by the SJR þ 458
1 b nozzle show the highest DE, which can be because of
H ¼ tan
a close nozzle-to-surface spacing and a high nozzle exit
1=2 angle. The Hou angle values are reduced from 93.08 to
C ¼ ða2 þ b2 Þ (10)
79.35, 90.87, and 77.86, corresponding to SJ, SJR þ 208,
The browning index (BI) indicates the purity and and SJR þ 458 nozzles, respectively. This suggests a
the degree of brown color in the target sample. To reduction from green to an orange-red color. Again, the

Figure 8. Micro-photographs of apple samples dried by SJ and SJR nozzles based on identical peak surface pressure.

SJR þ 208 nozzle is performed better than other nozzles level. Figure 8 depicts the micro-photographs of apple
in this measurement. The Chroma (C) parameter repre- samples at the end of the drying process at one arbitrary
sents the saturation degree of color and is proportional location, based on the identical exerted peak surface
to color strength. The C value in the case of SJR þ 208 pressure criterion. The operating conditions were the
remained close to that of the fresh sample, which indi- same as the ones given in Table 4. Image analysis was
cates the stability of yellow color in the apple samples. performed at three different locations on each sample.
SJ and SJR þ 458 nozzles show strong deviation from Based on the image analysis, average pore size for a fresh
that of the fresh sample. The next color parameter is apple sample was calculated as 0.008 mm2 and those of
browning index (BI), which is important in determin- dried samples with SJ, SJR þ 208, SJR þ 458 nozzles were
ing enzymatic and non-enzymatic browning. As well as 0.004 mm2, 0.007 mm2, and 0.005 mm2, respectively.
other color parameters, apple samples dried with the Hence, the sample dried with an SJR þ 208 nozzle shows
SJR þ 208 nozzle showed a slight deviation from that of a smaller level of shrinkage in voids compared to the one
the reference sample. Using SJR nozzles could well be dried by an SJ or an SJR þ 458 nozzle (Figure 8). A more
the appropriate replacement for conventional nozzles. detailed study will need to be carried out by conducting
a similar analysis at multiple locations.

5.6. Micro-structure analysis

In order to analyze the structure of apple samples, an
6. Error analysis
environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) The repeatability of the results was confirmed by
was used to evaluate the changes occurring at the cellular repeating all the experiments three times, and

minimum and maximum standard deviations were Nomenclature

calculated in each case. In particular, in the case of
round nozzles, based on an identical fan power of
P ¼ 1.3 W, minimum and maximum percent stand- Varibles
ard deviation of DBMC values for ILJ nozzle were m_ Mass flow rate, kg/s
respectively 0.01 and 1.7, with an average value of a Red-greenness
0.42. Those of SJR þ 458 were calculated as 0.09, a0 Red-greenness of the fresh sample
2.87 and 1.83, respectively. To illustrate another b Nozzle exit opening, mm
b Yellow-blueness (in the context of color analysis)
example, standard deviations were calculated for SJR b0 Yellow-blueness of the fresh sample
nozzles, based on an identical air mass flow rate of D Nozzle inner diameter (RJR nozzle), mm
m¼0.015 kg/s. The percentage of minimum and E Total color
maximum values were determined as 8.1 and 15.5 Ho Hou angle, degree
for SJR þ 208. The percent standard deviation for havg Average heat transfer coefficient, W/m2K
hloc Local heat transfer coefficient, W/m2K
all the color measurement tests were calculated with
L Lightness index
the maximum and minimum of 3.8 and 0.86, L0 Lightness index of the fresh sample
respectively. P Power, W
p Pressure, Pa
patm Atmosphere pressure, Pa
7. Conclusions q00 Convective heat flux, W/m2
r Radial direction, mm
An experimental study in drying of potato chip and
r0 RJR bottom plate radius, mm
apple samples was performed to investigate the drying T Temperature, 8C
characteristics of two types of jet reattachment nozzles Te Nozzle exit temperature, 8C
and to compare them to those of conventional noz- Ts Surface temperature, 8C
zles. The quality analysis of color and the micro-struc- Ve Nozzle exit velocity, m/s
ture analysis of apple samples was studied as well. w Weight, g
Xp Nozzle-to-surface spacing, mm
RJR þ 458, SJR þ 208, and SJR þ 458 nozzles demon- Z SJR minor axis direction, mm
strated significant enhancements in drying process Zl Limit of integration, mm
based on all three criteria of identical air mass flow Zw Bottom plate width (SJR nozzle), mm
rate, fluid flow power, and peak surface pressure. The Zws Nozzle inner width (SJR nozzle), mm
results obtained from experimental tests using RJR þ
458 nozzle revealed a reduction in drying time, to Abbreviations
reach 5% DBMC level up to 41%, 16.5%, and 67%
BI Browning index
based on identical air mass flow rate, fluid flow C Chroma
power, and peak surface pressure, respectively, com- DBMC Dry basis moisture content, g/g
pared to those of an ILJ nozzle. In addition, the DI Darkness index
results obtained with the SJR þ 208 nozzle indicated ILJ In-line jet
reduction in drying time of up to 25%, 9%, and 28%, Re Reynolds number
RJR Radial jet reattachment
based on identical air mass flow rate, fluid flow SJ Slot jet
power, and peak surface pressure, respectively, com- SJR Slot jet reattachment
pared to those of an SJ nozzle. Moreover, color and
structure analysis demonstrated that SJR þ 208 could Greek letters
be an alternative approach in impinging nozzle dry-
ing, particularly when operated at high temperatures, D Difference
to retain nutritional and functional properties of heat- q Fluid density, kg/m3
h Nozzle exit angle, degree
sensitive products.
As a final note, the SJR nozzles are especially suit-
able for drying applications where it is crucial to pro-
tect fragile materials from being damaged by direct Acknowledgments
airflow impingement. SJR nozzles provide an The tests regarding the kinetics of color changes and the
increased heat transfer rate and a mechanism to con- micro structure analysis were conducted at the University of
trol the magnitude and direction of the exerted force Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The second author of the
on the samples. paper was a Full-bright fellow during his internship at WPI.
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