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TO: All Students

FROM: Ms. Turner, Counselor

DATE: June 5, 2020

SUBJECT: Coping with stress

Stress is something that we all deal with throughout our lives. As you grow older, you hopefully
develop healthy strategies to help you cope with stress, but when you’re young, you may not
have the tools. Some of the following suggestions may seem pretty simple, but the following are
some practical ways that can help control stress.

Eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and regular exercise. Over time, lack of sleep
and a poor diet can leave us feeling depleted. We also know that regular exercise is important.
Find a physical activity you like. Whether it’s yoga, running, or joining a sport, taking care of our
bodies contributes to a healthier mental state.

Relaxation techniques and self-talk. Breathing techniques, relaxation apps, music, and
positive self-talk are all ways in which we can reduce our stress levels.

Don’t stress over things outside of your control. If there’s something causing you stress that
you can change, then take steps to change it. Otherwise, try not to worry about matters and
events that are out of your hands. This is a tough one for sure! As humans, we have a tendency
to waste a lot of time and worry on matters over which we have no control.

Share your feelings. This can be done with a friend, family member, or even privately
on paper. Sometimes just verbalizing our feelings, whether written or aloud, can help
relieve stress and worry.

Unfortunately, stress is a part of everyday life so the sooner you can develop some strategies to
help manage it, the better off you will be. Stress is something that we all deal with throughout
our lives.

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