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June 2022 Volume 16 / Number 6

screening can
reach more patients
Esophageal cancer explored
J uanmonino/Getty I mages

BY JIM KLING aga-center-for-gi-innova- Ultrasound survives

MDedge News tion-technology/). the ‘sharks’
AT 2 0 2 2 A G A
Mortality rates are AGA Tech Summit brings
TECH SUMMIT high, because the cancer victory to innovators. • 11
is usually found after
SAN FRANCISCO – A rise in obstructive symptoms. 15TH ANNIVERSARY
Acknowledging “the weight and influence” of social determinants of esophageal adenocarcino- Screening for Barrett’s
A big year celebrated
health on IBD outcomes is long overdue, according to researchers. ma (EAC) cases and deaths esophagus (BE) and as-
Dr. Lightdale and Dr. Persley
showcases a need for non- sociated dysplasia could

Social determinants
share reflections. • 29
invasive screening meth- lead to earlier diagnosis
ods that can be performed and better prognoses, but FROM THE AGA

impact IBD disparities

by nonendoscopists, such endoscopic screening is
as nurses or technicians, costly and invasive, and JOURNALS
according to a presenta- few at-risk patients take Ultraprocessed foods
tion at the 2022 AGA Tech advantage of it. explored
BY MEGAN BROOKS “Only after this acknowl- Summit that reviewed Some new approach- Study finds link with
edgment can we begin to the new approaches. es have the potential to Crohn’s disease • 30

he incidence of in- develop alternative systems AGA’s annual innovation screen more patients and
flammatory bowel that work to rectify the summit is sponsored by detect earlier stages of dis- LIVER DISEASE
disease (IBD) is on deleterious effects of our the AGA Center for GI ease, according to Prasad Pediatric hepatitis
the rise among racial and current policies in a more Innovation and Technol- Iyer, MD, director of the shows alarming rise
ethnic minority groups in longitudinal and effective ogy ( esophageal interest group Expert provides insights. • 40
the United States, and so- manner,” they said. aga-leadership/centers/ See Screening · page 20
cial determinants of health Their paper was pub-
(SDOH) contribute to dis-
parities in IBD care and
outcome, say the authors
lished online in Clinical
Gastroenterology and Hepa-
tology (2022 Mar 17. doi:
New AI system rivals pathologists
of a new paper on the 10.1016/j.cgh.2022.03.011). BY WILL PASS rate of hepatocellular car- pathologists, particularly in
topic. MDedge News cinoma (HCC), according to areas with limited access
It’s an “overdue priority Upstream factors, investigators. to subspecialists.

to acknowledge the weight downstream outcomes new deep learning While the model re- In an article published
and influence of the SDOH The authors found multiple system can classi- quires further validation, in Gastroenterology (2022
on health disparities in IBD examples in the literature fy hepatocellular it could eventually be used Feb 22. doi: 10.1053/j.
care,” wrote Adjoa Anyane­ of how upstream SDOH (for nodular lesions (HNLs) via to optimize accuracy and gastro.2022.02.025), Na
Yeboa, MD, PhD, with Mas- example, racism, poverty, whole-slide images, im- efficiency of histologic Cheng, MD, of Sun Yat-sen
sachusetts General Hospital, neighborhood violence, and proving risk stratification diagnoses, potentially University, Guangzhou,
Boston, and coauthors. See Determinants · page 8 of patients and diagnostic decreasing reliance on See System · page 33

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Digestive Diseases Self-Education Program
Suite 280
10255 W Higgins Road,

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01_8_21_31_32_33_GIHEP22_6.indd 1 5/20/2022 2:50:53 PM



Celebrating 15 years of excellence

he inaugural issue of GI & Hepa- with reflections by Dr. Lightdale, GIHN’s
tology News was published in inaugural editor-in-chief, as well as a
January 2007, and the newspa- Then and Now column written by Dr.
per has gone on to become part of the Kimberly M. Persley (GIHN associate
fabric of the AGA. This year, we cele- editor and longstanding AGA member)
brate the newspaper’s 15th year with reflecting on how the demographics of
a special 15th Anniversary Series that gastroenterology and of the AGA as an
organization have changed
over the past 15 years. I hope
you will find these special
“I hope you will find these contributions to be engaging
and thought-provoking. Other
special contributions issue highlights include a lead
to be engaging and article describing impacts of
social determinants of health
thought-provoking.” in driving disparities in in-
flammatory bowel disease
Dr. Adams (IBD) care and offering rec-
ommendations for achieving
will run from June through December IBD health equity, a new AGA Clinical
2022. We will feature reflections from Practice Update on dietary options for
GIHN’s three former editors-in-chief, our many patients with irritable bowel
Dr. Charles J. Lightdale, Dr. Colin W. syndrome, and new data on the safety of
Howden, and Dr. John I. Allen, on the anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) medi-
evolution of the newspaper (and the cations prior to surgery in patients with
field of GI) over the past 15 years. We inflammatory bowel disease.
also will present a series of Then and As summer vacation season com-
Now columns, highlighting high-im- mences, I hope you will join me in tak-
pact areas of GI and hepatology ing some well-deserved time away from
covered in past GIHN issues, and re- work demands, spending some quality
flecting on how the field has changed time with friends and family, and seizing
since that time. the opportunity to rest and recharge.
In this month’s issue, we are pleased Megan A. Adams, MD, JD, MSc
to kick off the 15th Anniversary Series Editor-in-Chief

Editor in ChiEf, Gi & hEpatoloGy nEws Gi & hEpatoloGy nEws is the official newspaper of the American frontlinE mEdiCal CommuniCations
Megan A. Adams, MD, JD, MSc Gastroenterological Association (AGA) Institute and provides the 2022 soCiEty partnErs
Editor in ChiEf, thE nEw GastroEntEroloGist gastroenterologist with timely and relevant news and commentary Executive Editor Kathy Scarbeck, MA
about clinical developments and about the impact of health care Editor Christopher Palmer
Vijaya L. Rao, MD SILVER
policy. Content for Gi & hEpatoloGy nEws is developed through a NATIONAL

assoCiatE Editors AWARD Creative Director Louise A. Koenig

partnership of the newspaper’s medical board of editors (Editor in Chief
Ziad F. Gellad, MD, MPH, AGAF; Janice H. Jou, MD, MHS; and Associate Editors), Frontline Medical Communications Inc. and the Director, Production/Manufacturing
David Katzka, MD; Gyanprakash A. Ketwaroo, MD, MSc; AGA Institute Staff. “News from the AGA” is provided exclusively by Rebecca Slebodnik
Bharati Kochar, MD, MS; Kimberly M. Persley, MD, AGAF; the AGA, AGA Institute, and AGA Research Foundation. All content is National Account Manager Joshua Norton
Jonathan Rosenberg, MD, AGAF reviewed by the medical board of editors for accuracy, timeliness, and 512-375-8202,
Editors EmEritus, Gi & hEpatoloGy nEws pertinence. To add clarity and context to important developments in Director, the MedJobNetwork Julian Knight
John I. Allen, MD, MBA, AGAF the field, select content is reviewed by and commented on by external 973-206-2317 Mobile 201-310-7063
experts selected by the board of editors.
Colin W. Howden, MD, AGAF
Charles J. Lightdale, MD, AGAF The ideas and opinions expressed in Gi & hEpatoloGy nEws do not Editorial Offices 2275 Research Blvd, Suite 400,
Editor EmEritus, thE nEw GastroEntEroloGist necessarily reflect those of the AGA Institute or the Publisher. The AGA Institute and Rockville, MD 20850, 973-206-3434
Bryson Katona, MD, PhD Frontline Medical Communications Inc. will not assume responsibility for damages, E-mail
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President John M. Carethers, MD, AGAF Customer Service at 1-833-836-2705 or e-mail VP, Sales, Strategy & Partnerships JoAnn Wahl
President-Elect Barbara Jung, MD, AGAF The AGA Institute headquarters is located at 4930 Del Ray Avenue, Bethesda, MD Director, Circulation Jared Sonners
Vice President Maria Abreu, MD, AGAF 20814, Executive Editor Patrick Finnegan
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6 June 2022 / GI & Hepatology News

06_7_GIHEP22_6.indd 6 5/20/2022 3:44:29 PM

AGA Clinical Practice Update: Expert Review

Dietary options for irritable bowel syndrome

BY WILL PASS Special diets may also be inappropri- outcomes based on characteristics treating IBS with a gluten-free diet.
MDedge News ate for patients with financial con- such as rate of fermentation and “Although observational studies
straints, and “should be avoided in viscosity. In contrast, insoluble fiber found that most patients with IBS

he American Gastroenterolog- patients with an eating disorder.” is unlikely to help with IBS, and may improve with a gluten-free diet,
ical Association has published Because of the challenges in- worsen abdominal pain and bloating. randomized controlled trials have
a clinical practice update on volved in dietary interventions, The low-FODMAP diet is “cur- yielded mixed results,” Dr. Chey and
dietary interventions for patients Dr. Chey and colleagues advised rently the most evidence-based diet colleagues explained.
with irritable bowel syndrome clinical support from a registered intervention for IBS,” especially for Their report cited a recent mono-
(IBS). The topics range from iden- dietitian nutritionist or other patients with diarrhea-predomi- graph on the topic (Am J Gastro-
tification of suitable candidates for resource. nant IBS. Dr. Chey and colleagues enterol. 2018 Jun. doi: 10.1038/
dietary interventions, to levels of Patients who are suitable candi- offered a clear roadmap for employ- s41395-018-0084-x) that conclud-
evidence for specific diets, which dates for intervention and willing ing the diet. First, patients should ed that gluten-free eating offered
are becoming increasingly recog- to try a new no significant benefit over placebo
nized for their key role in managing diet should first (relative risk, 0.46; 95% confidence
patients with IBS, according to lead provide infor- interval, 0.16-1.28). While some
author William D. Chey, MD, of the mation about
Clinicians who are considering studies have documented positive
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, their current dietary modifications for treating results with a gluten-free diet, Dr.
and colleagues. eating habits. IBS should first recognize Chey and colleagues suggested that
“Most medical therapies for IBS A food trial can confounding variables such as the
improve global symptoms in fewer then be person- the inherent challenges nocebo effect and the impact of
than one-half of patients, with a alized and im- presented by this process. other dietary factors have yet to be
therapeutic gain of 7%-15% over plemented for a ruled out. “At present, it remains
placebo,” the researchers wrote in predetermined Dr. Chey unclear whether a gluten-free diet
Gastroenterology (2022 Mar 22. amount of time. is of benefit to patients with IBS.”
doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2021.12.248). If the patient does not respond, eat only low-FODMAP foods for Dr. Chey and colleagues also
“Most patients with IBS associate then the diet should be stopped and 4-6 weeks. If symptoms don’t im- explored IBS biomarkers. While
their GI symptoms with eating food.” changed to a new diet or another prove, the diet should be stopped. some early data have shown that
According to Dr. Chey and col- intervention. If symptoms do improve, foods biomarkers may predict dietary
leagues, clinicians who are con- Dr. Chey and colleagues discussed containing a single FODMAP should responses, “there is insufficient ev-
sidering dietary modifications for three specific dietary interventions be reintroduced one at a time, idence to support their routine use
treating IBS should first recognize and their corresponding levels of each in increasing quantities over in clinical practice. ... Further efforts
the inherent challenges presented evidence: soluble fiber; the low– 3 days, alongside documentation to identify and validate biomarkers
by this process and be aware that fermentable oligo-, di-, and mono- of symptom responses. Finally, the that predict response to dietary
new diets won’t work for everyone. saccharides and polyols (FODMAP) diet should be personalized based interventions are needed to deliver
“Specialty diets require planning diet; and a gluten-free diet. on these responses. The majority of ‘personalized nutrition.’ ”
and preparation, which may be im- “Soluble fiber is efficacious in patients (close to 80%) “can liber- The clinical practice update was
practical for some patients,” they treating global symptoms of IBS,” alize” a low-FODMAP diet based on commissioned and approved by the
wrote, noting that individuals with they wrote, citing 15 randomized their responses. AGA CPU Committee and the AGA
“decreased cognitive abilities and controlled trials. Soluble fiber is most In contrast with the low-FOD- Governing Board. The researchers
significant psychiatric disease” may suitable for patients with constipa- MAP diet, which has a relatively disclosed relationships with Bio-
be unable to follow diets or interpret tion-predominant IBS, and different solid body of supporting evidence, merica, Salix, Mauna Kea Technolo-
their own responses to specific foods. soluble fibers may yield different efficacy data are still limited for gies, and others. ■

Q1. A 14-year-old female with a history of cerebral some mucus over the last 1-2 weeks. There have been
palsy presents for evaluation due to recurrent regurgita- no associated fevers, chills, nausea, vomiting, or ab-
tion. By report, she is regurgitating food into her mouth dominal pain. She is otherwise breastfeeding well, and
several times daily following meals. Her parents report her mother has not introduced any formulas. There is
that the regurgitation does not appear to be painful. no report of bleeding diatheses. She has no bruising or
other abnormalities. Her mother is very concerned.
What diagnostic finding could be seen in this patient?
A. Normal pH/impedance probe findings during At this juncture what is your next recommendation?
sleeping. A. Reassurance and consideration of cow milk protein

Quick B. Esophageal dysmotility on upper GI series.

C. Decrease in gastric emptying time.
D. Esophageal eosinophilia on upper intestinal
soy intolerance with elimination of these antigens
in mother’s diet.
B. Cross-sectional imaging with CT scan of abdomen
quiz endoscopy.
E. Absence of “R-waves” on antroduodenal manometry.
and pelvis.
C. Consideration of celiac disease with testing and
recommendation for gluten-free diet.
Q2. A 6-week-old otherwise healthy female term D. Consideration of lactose intolerance and elimina-
infant presents to the office for evaluation of hemato- tion of lactose from diet.
chezia. Her pre- and perinatal course was uncomplicat- E. Consideration of a low-FODMAP diet.
ed. Her mother has been breastfeeding her and noted
evidence of small streaks of blood in her diaper with The answers are on page 36. / June 2022 7

06_7_GIHEP22_6.indd 7 5/20/2022 3:44:39 PM


TNF blockers beat newer biologics in Crohn’s 157855.graphic IMNG

BY LAIRD HARRISON difference between ustekinumab Biologics for Crohn’s disease compared
and adalimumab in rates of clinical

umor necrosis factor (TNF)– remission or endoscopic healing.
Adalimumab Infliximab Ustekinumab Vedolizumab
alpha inhibitors achieve bet- However, the patients in the trial (n = 61) (n = 141) (n = 41) (n = 56)
ter endoscopic healing than had a relatively low baseline Simple
the newer biologic drugs vedoli- Endoscopic Score for Crohn’s dis- Endoscopic healing 27.9% 27.7% 17.1% 7.1%

at 1 year
zumab (Entyvio) and ustekinumab ease (SES-CD).
(Stelara) in moderate to severe In the VARSITY trial, vedolizumab P value (compared .004 .002 .128 N/A

Crohn’s disease, a new meta-analy- showed better results than adali- with vedolizumab)
sis suggests. mumab in clinical remission and
The advantage for the TNF block- endoscopic improvement, but that Note: The meta-analysis compared results from four trials with a combined total of 299 patients.
ers infliximab (Remicade) and trial involved patients with ulcer- Source: Am J Gastroenterol. 2022 Apr 15. doi: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000001795
adalimumab (Humira) came in ative colitis.
treating larger ileal ulcers and co- “None of these medications are more reliable indicator of long-term infliximab was 52.4%. For vedoli-
lonic disease. clearly head and shoulders above health than symptoms, which are zumab, the rate was 31.3%, and for
This finding could help physi- the rest; they all work in similar more susceptible to the placebo ustekinumab, it was 29.0%. Only
cians choose among the four bi- ways,” said Simon Hong, MD, of the effect. the differences between the TNF
ologic drugs approved in recent Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center Although the rates of endoscop- blockers and the newer biologics
years in the United States, Canada, at New York University Langone ic healing were low overall, they were statistically significant for this
and Western Europe to treat this were significantly better for the comparison.
disease. None of these drugs has TNF blockers than with the new- In general, the ileum does not
emerged as clearly superior to all er drugs. The difference between heal as well as the colon, Dr. Narula
the others. “For patients with high-risk ustekinumab and vedolizumab was and colleagues note.
“For patients with high-risk or not statistically significant. “This confirms, or at least sup-
difficult-to-treat disease, such as or difficult-to-treat disease, Among patients who had a base- ports, our experience,” Dr. Hong
those with larger ileal ulcers, the such as those with larger line ileal SES-CD of 3 or greater, told this news organization. The
use of anti-TNF may be prefer- the researchers found no signif- explanation for the greater efficacy
able as a first-line option,” said ileal ulcers, the use of icant differences between bio- of the TNF blockers could be their
lead author Neeraj Narula, MD, anti-TNF may be preferable logics for 1-year ileal endoscopic more systemic mechanism of ac-
MPH, of the department of med- as a first-line option.” healing. tion, he said.
icine at McMaster University in But in patients with ileal ulcers The study authors acknowl-
Toronto, in an email to this news larger than 0.5 cm, the ulcers dis- edge that their meta-analysis
organization. appeared after a year in 40.8% of cannot take the place of true head-
The study was published patients who took infliximab vs. to-head trials.
online in the American Jour- Health, who was not involved in the 30% of those who took adalim- “Safety, convenience, and cost of
nal of Gastroenterology study. “It’s not clear, at least from umab, 17.7% of those who took therapy all are relevant factors that
(2022 Apr 15. doi: 10.14309/ a rigorous scientific standpoint, ustekinumab, and 8.7% of those impact decision-making, and the
ajg.0000000000001795). which is better.” who took vedolizumab. Compared availability of biosimilar TNF-alpha
to vedolizumab, the difference was antagonist therapies in routine
Few head-to-head trials Four biologic drugs compared statistically significant for inflix- practice adds additional consid-
In contrast to the TNF blockers in- In their meta-analysis, Dr. Narula imab (P = .045) but not for adalim- eration for cost-effectiveness in
fliximab and adalimumab, usteki- and colleagues compared results umab (P = .077) or ustekinumab (P population health decisions,” Dr.
numab blocks interleukin-12 and from four previous trials, which = .259). Narula said.
interleukin-23, and vedolizumab combined had a total of 299 pa- Among those patients who had at The study was self-funded. Dr.
blocks integrin–alpha4-beta7. tients altogether. The investigators least one colonic segment with an Narula has received honoraria from
Only one trial, SEAVUE, has assessed the difference in results SES-CD of 3 or greater, the patients Janssen, AbbVie, Takeda, Pfizer,
compared any of these drugs for specific ileocolonic segments. taking adalimumab did the best, Merck, Sandoz, Novartis, and Fer-
head to head for the treatment of They focused on endoscopic heal- with 62.5% achieving endoscopic ring. Dr. Hong reports no relevant
Crohn’s disease. This trial found no ing because it is believed to be a healing of the colon. The rate with financial relationships. ■

New strategies needed higher readmission rates, and more complica-

tions after IBD surgery.
four states revealed no disparities in the use of
IBD-specific medications between Black/African
Determinants from page 1 Unequal access to specialized IBD care is a American and White patients, suggesting that
factor, with Black/African American patients when access to care is equal, disparities diminish.
under-insurance) lead to midstream SDOH (for less likely to undergo annual visits to a gastroen-
example, lack of social support, lack of access to terologist or IBD specialist, twice as likely than Target multiple stakeholders to
specialized IBD care, poor housing conditions, White patients to visit the emergency depart- achieve IBD health equity
and food insecurity) that result in poor down- ment over a 12-month period, and less likely to Achieving health equity in IBD will require
stream outcomes in IBD (for example, delayed di- receive treatment with infliximab. strategies targeting medical trainees, providers,
agnosis, increased disease activity, IBD flares, and As has been shown for other chronic digestive practices, and health systems, as well as commu-
suboptimal medical management). diseases and cancers, disparities in outcomes nity and industry leaders and policymakers, Dr.
The IBD literature shows that Black/African related to IBD exist across race, ethnicity, differ- Anyane-Yeboa and colleagues said.
American adults with IBD often have worse ential insurance status and coverage, and socio- At the medical trainee level, racism and bias
outcomes across the IBD care continuum than economic status, the authors noted. should be addressed early in medical student,
White peers, with higher hospitalization rates, Yet, they pointed out that, interestingly, a 2021 resident, and fellow training and education.
longer stays, increased hospitalization costs, study of patients with Medicaid insurance from Continued on following page

8 June 2022 / GI & Hepatology News

01_8_21_31_32_33_GIHEP22_6.indd 8 5/20/2022 2:51:01 PM


TNF inhibitors prior to abdominal surgery safe

BY LIAM DAVENPORT Clinical Research Alliance be- defined using the Centers for Dis- increase the risk of postoperative
tween September 2014 and June ease Control and Prevention crite- infections.

atients with inflammatory 2017. ria, between the two groups (12.0% However, the evidence is incon-
bowel disease (IBD) can safely Patients had Crohn’s disease, vs 12.6%; P = .889). sistent, they write, so whether to
take tumor necrosis factor in- ulcerative colitis, or indeterminate Multivariate analysis revealed continue or stop the drugs prior to
hibitors (TNFi) prior to abdominal colitis, as determined by standard that current TNFi exposure was not surgery remains controversial.
surgery, a prospective, multicenter, criteria, and planned to undergo associated with any infection, at an “A lot of the initial studies in the
observational study confirms. intra-abdominal surgery or had un- odds ratio versus no exposure of perioperative population were
The researchers found that expo- dergone intra-abdominal surgery in 1.050 (P = .80), or with SSI, at an single-center and retrospective for
sure to TNFi in the 12 weeks prior the preceding 4 days. odds ratio of 1.249 (P = .34). the most part,” Dr. Cohen said, add-
to surgery was not associated with Among the 947 patients enrolled, In contrast, preoperative cortico- ing that the studies used different
an increased risk of either overall 47.8% were women. All were aged steroid exposure, prior bowel re- modes of assessment and followed
infections or surgical-site infections 18 years or older. The median dis- section, and current smoking were different time frames.
(SSI). ease duration was 10 years; 34.4% associated with any infection and “So, there’s a lot of heterogeneity,”
The findings should be “very re- with SSI. he said.
assuring” for clinicians, lead author Approached for comment, Stephen It is difficult to control for such
Benjamin L. Cohen, MD, Cleveland B. Hanauer, MD, medical director risk factors in retrospective analyses
Clinic Foundation, told this news “In the past, [clinicians] of the Digestive Health Center at because the information is not al-
organization. “In the past, when may have delayed surgeries Northwestern University, Chicago, ways available from medical records,
clinicians were unsure about the said that the current findings are he said. “That’s why it’s so important
safety of using these drugs in the or stopped medications consistent with those of previous to study clinical questions like this in
perioperative period, they may have unnecessarily.” studies and that their relevance ex- a prospective manner.”
delayed surgeries or stopped medi- tends beyond abdominal surgery. Dr. Cohen added that it is im-
cations unnecessarily.” In the past, when surgeons were portant that studies such as theirs
“For me, the key take-home point “confronted with a patient on a TNF continue to be undertaken as new
of this study is that we need to plan of patients had undergone prior blocker, even if it’s orthopedic or drugs become available.
the timing and management of bowel resection, and a further plastic surgery, they recommended “We’re entering an era of rapidly
medications around surgery based 17.5% had undergone other ab- against using a TNF blocker or op- expanding drug discovery, so we’re
on factors other than the use of dominal surgery. erating at the end of the cycle when going to have new medications
tumor necrosis factor inhibitors in Systemic corticosteroid use with- the drug levels are low,” he told this available for use in our patients
most patients,” Dr. Cohen continued. in 2 weeks of surgery was reported news organization. with IBD,” he explained. “It’s im-
Ultimately, “we will help change by 40.9% of patients, and 42.3% Dr. Hanauer said such practice gets portant that we continue to build
practice in how we manage patients had used antibiotics. clinicians into a “bind because you’ve prospective cohorts to look at ques-
with IBD having surgery,” he said. TNFi exposure within the 12 got a patient, for instance, who’s got tions such as the safety of medica-
The research was published weeks prior to surgery was reported a blockage with Crohn’s disease ... tions in the perioperative period,
online in Gastroenterology by 40.3% of patients. Adalimumab but the only way you could manage rather than solely relying on retro-
(2022 Apr 9. doi: 10.1053/j. and infliximab were the most com- them when the TNFi was out of their spective data.”
gastro.2022.03.057). monly used drugs. Among those system was with steroids, which is The study was funded by a
who had not used TNFi prior to sur- worse” in terms of postoperative in- Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation Senior
No increased postop gery, 23.7% were TNFi-naive, and fection risk, he explained. Research Award. Dr. Cohen reports
infection risk 36.0% had used them in the past. relationships with AbbVie, Celgene,
The Prospective Cohort of Ulcer- The researchers report that there Prospective studies important Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer, Sub-
ative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease was no significant difference in the The researchers note that up to limity Therapeutics, Target RWE,
Patients Undergoing Surgery to rate of postoperative infections 50% of patients with IBD are ex- Janssen, Ferring, AlphaSigma, and
Identify Risk Factors for Post-Op- between patients who reported posed to TNFi prior to their first Takeda. Other authors report nu-
erative Infection I (PUCCINI) using TNFi in the 12 weeks prior surgery. They also note that there merous financial relationships. Dr.
trial enrolled patients with IBD to surgery and those who did not is concern that preoperative treat- Hanauer reports relationships with
from 17 sites participating in the (18.1% vs. 20.2%; P = .469). There ment with these and other immu- Janssen, AbbVie, Pfizer, Amgen, Ge-
Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation was also no difference in SSI, as nosuppressive medications may nentech, and Merck. ■

Continued from previous page The researchers also called for policy-level achieve the best health possible,” they concluded.
Curricula should move away from race-based changes to increase funding for health equity This research had no specific funding, and
training, where race is considered an independent research, which is historically undervalued and the authors disclosed no relevant financial re-
risk factor for disease and often used to guide dif- underfunded. lationships. ■
ferential diagnoses and treatment. “Focusing on SDOH as the root cause of health
At the provider level, they said self-reflection inequity in IBD is essential to improve outcomes
around one’s own beliefs, biases, perceptions, for marginalized patients,” they wrote. AGA resource
and interactions with diverse and vulnerable Given that research describing specific inter- AGA applauds researchers who are working
patient groups is “paramount.” Individual self-re- ventions to address SDOH in IBD is currently to raise our awareness of health disparities in
flection should be coupled with mandatory and nonexistent, “our paper serves as a call to digestive diseases. AGA is committed to ad-
effective implicit bias and anti-racism training. action for more work to be done in this area,” dressing this important societal issue head on.
At the practice or hospital system level, they said. Learn more about AGA’s commitment through
screening for SDOH at the point of care, ad- “As medical providers and health care organiza- the AGA Equity Project:
dressing barriers to needed treatment, and tions, we all have a responsibility to address the aga-leadership/initiatives-and-programs/
connecting patients to appropriate resources SDOH when caring for our patients in order to aga-equity-project/.
are all important, they wrote. provide each patient with IBD the opportunity to / June 2022 9

01_8_21_31_32_33_GIHEP22_6.indd 9 5/20/2022 2:51:06 PM


Psychiatric illness associated with EoE

BY LAIRD HARRISON psychiatric events before being environmental confounding factors, medications have sometimes been
diagnosed with EoE. Of these, 70% the researchers compared the rate linked to psychiatric disorders.

eople with eosinophilic had dysphagia, and 58% had food of psychiatric events among 1,055 After adjustment for inflammato-
esophagitis (EoE) may run an impaction. people with EoE with that of sib- ry bowel disease, celiac disease, and
increased risk of mood disor- In the study, up to 5 reference per- lings who did not have EoE (1,699 asthma, an increased risk of psy-
ders, anxiety, and ADHD and should sons (6,436 people) without EoE who people). There were 74 events of chiatric events remained. Also, the
be screened for those conditions, were identified from the Swedish To- psychiatric disease among the sib- people who had EoE were no more
researchers say. tal Population Register were matched lings (8.99 per 1,000 person-years). likely than the reference persons to
In a study published in the Amer- to the patients with EoE by age, sex, From this the researchers calculat- have had psychiatric events before
ican Journal of Gastroenterology county, and year of diagnosis. ed a 62% increased risk of psychi- their diagnosis, suggesting that EoE
(2022 Mar 28. doi: 10.14309/ Among the people with EoE, there atric events for those with EoE (HR, caused the psychiatric events rather
ajg.0000000000001749), Lovisa were 106 events of psychiatric dis- 1.62; 95% CI, 1.14-2.31). than the other way around.
Röj­ler, MD. Röjler and colleagues an- ease, at an incidence of 15.96 per There was no difference in risk Dr. Röjler recommended that cli-
alyzed data from Sweden’s ESPRES- 1,000 person-years versus 10.93 for psychiatric disorders by educa- nicians use questionnaires to iden-
SO cohort, which consists of more per 1,000 person-years (331 events) tional attainment, though people tify mood disorders and ADHD in
than 6 million biopsy samples from among those without EoE. This 50% for whom there were no data on their patients and then refer them
the gastrointestinal tract that were increased risk for psychiatric illness education were at increased risk. to a mental health professional.
collected from throughout the coun- for people with EoE was statistically There was also no difference in The study was funded by Örebro
try during the years 1965-2017. significant (hazard ratio, 1.50; 95% psychiatric risk associated with County Council and Karolinska In-
They identified 1,458 people confidence interval, 1.20-1.87). the use of steroids or proton-pump stitutet. Dr. Röjler reported no rele-
with EoE who had not experienced To adjust for genetic and inhibitors for EoE, though these vant financial relationships. ■


Cold forceps on par with cold snare polypectomy

BY MEGAN BROOKS mm were identified; 138 were removed by CSP, no patient required management of postpolyp-
and 141 were removed by CFP. Patient and pro- ectomy bleeding. No patient died within 30 days

or nonpedunculated polyps measuring 3 cedure characteristics were similar in the two of colonoscopy.
mm or less, cold forceps polypectomy is groups. On the basis of their results, Dr. Wei and col-
noninferior to cold snare polypectomy and The polyps were similar in size in the CSP leagues say, “When an endoscopist encounters
takes significantly less time, according to the re- and CFP groups (2.5 and 2.6 mm, respectively), a diminutive polyp ≤ 3 mm, either a cold for-
sults of the TINYPOLYP trial. as was the distribution of polyps (33.3% and ceps or cold snare can be utilized during the
“In our trial, which is the largest to date evalu- 26.2% in the ascending colon; 26.8% and 24.8% procedure.”
ating complete resection of polyps ≤ 3 mm using
cold forceps versus cold snare, we demonstrate Guidance for endoscopists
that it is acceptable to remove ≤ 3–mm polyps Reached for comment, Emre Gorgun, MD, in the
with either cold snare or cold forceps,” lead au- These results “can help endoscopists department of colorectal surgery at the Cleve-
thor Mike Wei, MD, a gastroenterology and hepa- in decision-making when they come land Clinic, said this is an “interesting” study
tology fellow at Stanford (Calif.) University, told that attempts to pinpoint the “best endoscopic
this news organization. across polyps smaller than 5 mm.” management of tiny polyps.”
“Cold forceps can oftentimes be the more ef- “From previously published, well-designed
ficient way to remove polyps compared to cold studies, we know that the cold snare technique
snare, and, as such, it was important to provide works very well for polyps up to 10 mm. There
validation for this practice,” Dr. Wei said. in the transverse colon). A higher proportion of have been more recent studies showing that
The study was published online in the Amer- tubular adenomas was removed by CSP than by the cold snare technique can be used even in
ican Journal of Gastroenterology (2022 Apr 25. CFP (79.7% vs. 66.0%). larger polyps, 10-15 mm,” Dr. Gorgun said in an
doi: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000001799). CSP took significantly longer to perform than interview.
CFP (42.3 sec vs. 23.2 sec, P < .001). But with CFP, On the other hand, for polyps < 5 mm, “cold
Evaluating two techniques it was significantly more likely that polyps would snare technique may take longer and may not
Both the U.S. Multi-Society Task Force on Colo­ need to be removed in more than one piece, com- provide any added benefits,” he noted. “It may
rectal Cancer and the European Society of pared with CSP (15.6% vs. 3.6%, P < .001). be associated with higher cost due to utilizing
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy recommend that Hemostatic clip was deployed for one pol- more tools, as well as more procedure time and
diminutive (< 5 mm) and small (6-9 mm) polyps yp in the CFP group (0.7%); none were used provider services.”
be removed by cold snare polypectomy (CSP). in the CSP group, which was a nonsignificant Dr. Gorgun said that the results of the TINY-
But whether CSP has a significant advantage difference. POLYP study “can help endoscopists in decision-
over cold forceps polypectomy (CFP) for polyps There was also no significant difference in making when they come across polyps smaller
≤ 3 mm was unclear. positive margins on biopsy (two cases in each than 5 mm.”
The TINYPOLYP trial enrolled 179 adults aged group; 1.7%) or in the rate of complete resection The study demonstrates that these tiny polyps
18 years and older who underwent colonoscopy (98.3% in both groups), demonstrating nonin- can “certainly be destroyed/removed by the cold
for any indication; colonoscopy was performed feriority of CFP, compared with CSP, the study forceps approach,” he added.
by four board-certified endoscopists who each team says. The trial had no specific funding. Dr. Wei re-
had at least 4 years of experience after complet- There were no 30-day complications in either ports no relevant financial relationships. Dr.
ing their fellowship. group, including perforation, postpolypectomy Gorgun is a consultant for Boston Scientific,
A total of 279 nonpedunculated polyps ≤ 3 bleeding, and postpolypectomy syndrome, and Olympus, and Dilumen. ■

10 June 2022 / GI & Hepatology News

10_11_19_20_22_GIHEP22_6.indd 10 5/20/2022 3:48:16 PM


Endoscopic ultrasound survives the sharks

at AGA Tech Summit
BY JIM KLING By the new millennium, EUS had
MDedge News gained a lot of interest, but there
was a problem. “It was expensive,
and it could only be done in hos-
SAN FRANCISCO – After a long, pitals. I started wondering if we
pandemic-induced hiatus, the couldn’t get it into a different envi-
AGA Tech Summit returned to a ronment by having a simpler solu-
live meeting in San Francisco. As tion,” said Dr. Steinberg.
usual, the highlight of the 2-day But success didn’t come quickly.
event, which is sponsored by the “I started drawing on the back of
AGA Center for GI Innovation and napkins to see if there wasn’t some
Technology ( solution,” said Dr. Steinberg. It
aga-leadership/centers/aga-cen- wasn’t until a serendipitous meet-
ter-for-gi-innovation-technolo- ing occurred that the concept took

Vectors /Getty Images

gy/), was the Shark Tank, where shape. Dr. Steinberg’s wife was the
selected companies presented CEO and provost of Oregon Health
lightning-round overviews of their & Science University, Portland,
technology and business plans. A as well as head of the technology
panel of sharks and the audience transfer program. Dr. Steinberg’s

pick - uppath /D igital V ision

voted for their favorite. practice, however, was in Florida
The contestants presented tech- so he commuted to Oregon every
nologies such as a cell phone app to weekend.
improve gut health (Agora Health), One day, she told him about a
a polypectomy suite (IzoMed), an presentation by Scott Corbett, MD.
implantable weight-loss device “My wife said: ‘Hey, they’re doing
(Lean Medical), a device to alleviate ultrasound. Why don’t you come
gastric obstruction in pancreatic endoscope that can perform all [ultrasound], it could allow you and sit in [on the meeting] be-
cancer (Myka Labs), a pill designed standard EUS procedures. More- to do it on the spot, and perhaps cause I don’t know anything about
to map out the gastrointestinal sys- over, it does not use an elevator, save a second trip for a patient. It it.’ [Dr.] Corbett was working with
tem to aid in diagnosis (Rock West which has been linked to infection allows flexibility in terms of site of Sonivate, a point-of-care ultra-
Medical Devices), and an endoscopic risk. service,” said Dr. Muthusamy. sound company that was devel-
ultrasound device (EndoSound). Most clinical facilities lack EUS Dr. Muthusamy called it a “god- oping an ultrasound that could be
Six finalists were selected from 20 capability: 97% of ambulatory sur- send” for low-resource institutions placed over the end of the finger,
submissions, and EndoSound was gical centers and 80% of hospitals. in the United States or abroad to be used in battlefield triage.
the winner. According to Raman EUS systems have hardly changed who have the expertise, but not I thought, well, if you could put
since the late 20th century, and the equipment, to perform EUS. it on a finger, why couldn’t you
they cost about $450,000. The “There’s no question that more put it on a scope? So, Scott and I
projected cost of the EndoSound EUS procedures could be done got to talking, and went through
“It’s a radical redesign. You’ve device is closer to $50,000. than are currently being done be- a couple of iterations that didn’t
cut cost and you’ve cut space. “Just like colonoscopies and cause of issues of availability, and work, and then finally came up
upper endoscopies, most endo- this device takes a significant step with one that seemed like it was
And it’s something that could be scopic ultrasounds ought to be to alleviate that.” suitable.”
put on at a moment’s notice.” done in surgical centers. The idea The Food and Drug Administra- The device has been tested in
that they can do them efficient- tion has granted a breakthrough five animal models with 20 EUS
ly, and at lower cost and greater device designation to EndoSound, physicians who concluded that the
convenience to their patients and which allows the company to for- images were equivalent to legacy
Muthusamy, MD, medical director of themselves, seems to me the way go human clinical trials to support devices and that they could be ad-
endoscopy at UCLA Health and pro- everything is going, and the way the application. “We’re hoping and opted quickly. The company also
fessor of clinical medicine at the Uni- this procedure ought to go as well. expecting to have our application presented results from a human
versity of California, Los Angeles, and The only obstacle to that has been in the beginning of the fourth study that demonstrated noninferi-
past chair of the AGA Center for GI In- the cost of the equipment. If we quarter, and with a little bit of ority to the latest EUS system from
novation and Technology, the quality can take away that obstacle, then luck to be approved by the end of Pentax.
of presentations and the sophistica- people who are already doing the year. That’s our goal,” said Dr. Dr. Steinberg is an employee
tion of the companies have increased procedures in hospitals where it’s Steinberg. and stockholder of Sonivate. Dr.
year after year. “This was really the not convenient and not efficient, The technology started out as Muthusamy has no relevant finan-
very best,” said Dr. Muthusamy. will be able to do the procedures a challenge that Dr. Steinberg set cial disclosures. The 2022 AGA Tech
Both the judges and the audience in surgical centers,” said Stephen for himself. His career overlapped Summit was supported by indepen-
chose EndoSound. Endoscopic Steinberg, MD, founder and Presi- with some of the earliest inno- dent grants from Castle Biosciences,
ultrasound (EUS) focuses on diag- dent of EndoSound. vators of therapeutic endoscopy. Medtronic, Boston Scientific, Exact
nosis and treatment of chest and “It’s a radical redesign. You’ve “They were the stars. I wasn’t, but Sciences, Olympus, 3-D Matrix,
abdomen disorders, particularly the cut cost and you’ve cut space. And I was there,” said Dr. Steinberg. In Apollo Endosurgery, Motus GI Hold-
pancreas. The EndoSound device it’s something that could be put his practice, Dr. Steinberg was do- ings, STERIS Endoscopy, Cook Med-
attaches to an upper endoscope and on at a moment’s notice. Rath- ing procedures that included endo- ical, FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas,
converts it to a fully therapeutic er than referring the patient for scopic ultrasound. and Virgo. ■ / June 2022 11

10_11_19_20_22_GIHEP22_6.indd 11 5/20/2022 3:48:22 PM

GIHEP_18.indd 1 5/27/2022 8:44:45 AM

Short DOAC interruption curbs bleeding after

cold snare polypectomy
BY MARCIA FRELLICK participants vs. 4 out of 66 [6.1%] participants; medicine in gastroenterology and hepatology
MDedge News P < .008). at Northwestern University, Chicago, said in an
Polyps measuring up to 10 mm (excluding tiny interview it is difficult to draw firm conclusions

leeding risk after cold snare polypectomy hyperplastic polyps in the rectum and distal sig- from this paper because of its study design but
is reduced when direct-acting oral antico- moid colon), were removed using dedicated cold added the authors “appear to have delineated a
agulants (DOACs) are withheld only on the snares measuring 0.30 mm in diameter. preferred method for managing DOACs prior to
day of the procedure rather than continuing use “This result is consistent with the best practice colonoscopy.”
of these agents, data from a new study suggest. recommendation of short interruptions of DO- He further noted that most polyps encoun-
Findings of the study, led by Atsushi Morita, ACs based on the patient’s creatinine clearance tered during colonoscopy are less than 10 mm
MD, of the Digestive Disease Center, Showa Inan before all polypectomy techniques, including and can be safely managed with cold snare
General Hospital in Komagane, Japan, were pub- cold snare polypectomy,” the authors polypectomy.
lished in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (2022 Jan wrote. “The management of DOACs prior to
18. doi: 10.1016/j.gie.2022.01.005). colonoscopy is variable,” Dr. Keswani
Countries’ guidelines differ said, “but ranges from cessation of DO-
Guidelines from American Society ACs multiple days prior to colonoscopy
for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, the versus uninterrupted use of DOACs
“Holding DOACs on the day of authors noted, currently recommend throughout the colonoscopy period.”
colonoscopy is the optimal balance stopping DOACs before polypectomy, “The authors suggest that holding
including cold snare procedures, and DOACs on the day of colonoscopy is the
between minimizing thromboembolic restarting them only after hemostasis optimal balance between minimizing
risk and postpolypectomy bleeding.” has been achieved (Gastrointest En- Dr. Keswani thromboembolic risk and postpolyp-
dosc. 2016 Jan;83[1]:3-16). Moreover, ectomy bleeding. While this data will
since there is no way for a clinician to predict need to be validated in larger samples, this pro-
polyp size, the U.S. guidelines further recom- vides some guidance to colonoscopists tasked
This prospective, observational single-cen- mend holding warfarin for 5 days and DOACs for with managing DOACs prior to colonoscopy,” Dr.
ter study enrolled two consecutive groups of 2-3 days before colonoscopy. Keswani said.
patients receiving antithrombotic medications In contrast to the U.S. guidelines, the Japanese Limitations of the study included the small
who were undergoing cold snare polypectomy of Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society guide- number of patients who received DOACs, con-
colo­rectal polyps of 10 mm or less. lines suggest clinicians withhold DOACs only duction of the study at a single hospital in Japan,
All colonoscopies were performed by endosco- on the day of the procedure (Dig Endosc. 2018 and the definition of immediate bleeding, which
pists who each perform more than 500 endosco- Jul;30[4]:433-40). differs based on study design.
pies a year. “This policy of withholding DOACs only on the No commercial funding or conflicts of interest
During period 1 of the study (2017 and 2018), day of colonoscopy should be considered for were reported. Dr. Keswani is a consultant for
DOACs were continued, even on the day of pol- routine clinical practice,” the authors wrote. Boston Scientific and Neptune Medical and re-
ypectomy (DOAC continued group); during pe- Rajesh N. Keswani, MD, associate professor of ceives research support from Virgo. ■
riod 2 (2019 and 2020), DOACs were withheld
only on the day of the procedure (DOAC with-
held group).
The primary outcome was the frequency of de-
layed bleeding requiring endoscopic treatment
within 2 weeks after cold snare polypectomy.
Among the secondary outcomes were immediate
bleeding and the number of hemostatic clips
Clinical features were similar between the two
groups. The first group included 204 patients,
34% of whom were female (average age, 75
years); the second group included 264 patients,
34% of whom were female (average age, 74
years). The number of cold snare polypectomies
was similar between the groups (47 vs. 66, P =
.55), as was the average number of polyps per
patient (0.72 vs. 0.70, P = .76).
Delayed bleeding after cold snare polypectomy
occurred in 4 out of 47 (8.5%) participants in
the continued DOAC group versus 0 out of 66
(0%) participants in the DOAC-withheld group
(P < .001). There was similar improvement in
immediate postpolypectomy bleeding (second-
ary outcome) between the two groups.
pavlen /T hinkstock

Immediate bleeding after endoscopy lasting

more than 30 seconds occurred about four times
as often in continued DOAC group versus the
DOAC withheld group (12 out of 47 [25.5%] / June 2022 19

10_11_19_20_22_GIHEP22_6.indd 19 5/20/2022 3:48:30 PM


Dramatic rise in esophageal cancer

Screening from page 1

in the division of gastroenterology screening tool, and it is expensive

and hepatology at the Mayo Clinic and invasive. “Only 10% of those
in Rochester, Minn. who should get evaluated for the
The estimated rise in EAC ranges presence of Barrett’s are currently
from 400% to 600% between 1975 getting evaluated,” said Dr. Iyer.
and 2000. The 5-year survival of Those issues have led to a move-
EAC hovers at around 20%. “Not ment to develop noninvasive
only is the incidence increasing, but methods for screening that could
the mortality associated with the be performed by nonendoscopists,

disease is also increasing at a sim- such as nurses or technicians. Dr.
ilar pace,” said Dr. Iyer during his Iyer noted the importance of sensi-
presentation. tivity and specificity of any test, but
The only known precursor to EAC access to the test and participation
is BE, which has made the condition are often overlooked factors.
a focal point in screening. “If we can “We hope that, by developing a who had taken proton-pump in- confirmatory endoscopy. His group
screen those with risk factors, we nonendoscopic, minimally invasive hibitors for at least 6 months. It found that such a strategy would be
can identify those with prevalent test, we can increase access by allow- compared 6,983 patients screened cost effective even if reflux was not
Barrett’s. We then can put those ing nonphysicians to perform this using the CytoSponge/TFF3 with used as a qualifying criterion for
with known Barrett’s into surveil- test. By keeping the costs low, we 6,531 usual-care patients who screening.
lance to detect cancer or high-grade make this strategy cost effective, and underwent screening only if their Answering audience questions
or low-grade dysplasia. And then hopefully get buy in for reimburse- physicians recommended it. after the talk, Dr. Iyer was asked if
when we find dysplasia or early ment from payers,” said Dr. Iyer. In the screening group, 140 pa- noninvasive methods would direct-
cancer, we can intervene hopefully tients were diagnosed with Barrett’s ly compete with endoscopy, or if
New screening methods esophagus, compared with 13 in the some patients would be better can-
on horizon usual-care group. There were nine didates for one or the other.
“We hope that, by He reviewed several noninva- cases of dysplastic Barrett’s and five “That’s something we need to
sive screening methodologies in cases of stage I EAC in the screening think through. It’s going to be very
developing a nonendoscopic, development. group, versus no dysplastic Barrett’s difficult for us to say every patient
minimally invasive test, Unsedated transnasal endoscopy and three advanced stage EAC cases at risk should get an endoscopy.
has been used successfully to diag- in the usual-care group. “You can see I just don’t think that strategy is
we can increase access nose BE, but the technique has not how we can shift the spectrum of pa- probably practical or cost effective.
by allowing nonphysicians gained much traction in the United tients with Barrett’s if we go for early On the other hand, I think an all-of-
to perform this test.” States. detection,” said Dr. Iyer. the-above strategy is probably just
Some devices collect esophageal Another noninvasive strategy
cells, and then test them for various relies on sensors to detect exhaled
biomarkers. These include Esopha- volatile organic compounds. After
endoscopically to prevent or treat Cap, CytoSponge, and the ESOCHEK a patient breathes into the detec- “It’s like elections. You have to
this progression from Barrett’s to Balloon. The procedure requires the tor for about 5 minutes, an artifi-
be very local, your message has
adenocarcinoma,” said Dr. Iyer. patient to swallow a device, which cial neural network distinguishes
Endoscopic treatment of dys- is attached to a string or cord. After molecular patterns indicative of to be cost effective, available,
plasia achieves similar long-term a few minutes, the device expands the presence or absence of BE. and have adequate patient as
survival outcomes to esophagec- into a sphere or balloon, and the The technique had just moderate
tomy, Dr. Iyer said. Clinical studies operator pulls it out through the sensitivity and specificity, “But well as provider buy-in.”
have shown that radiofrequen- esophagus, collecting 3-4 million this is very noninvasive and even
cy ablation of high-grade and esophageal cells in the process. less invasive than [sponge or bal-
low-grade dysplasia reduces Biomarker analysis of the cells loon]-based technology,” said Dr.
progression to cancer (N Engl J can include the protein trefoil fac- Iyer. fine. It’s like elections. You have to
Med. 2009;360:2277-88; JAMA. tor 3 and methylated DNA markers. Other efforts are underway to be very local, your message has to
2014;311[12]:1209-17). Case-control studies have shown identify plasma biomarkers for be cost effective, available, and have
this approach can achieve sensitiv- screening. Dr. Iyer and colleagues adequate patient as well as provid-
Low screening rates ities of 76%-94%, and specificities have developed methylated DNA er buy-in,” he said.
miss at-risk patients of 62%-92%. “At least in case-con- markers for EAC and squamous cell Dr. Iyer has received research
Unfortunately, only 10%-12% of trol studies, this technology has cancer. So far, they have achieved funding from Exact Sciences, Pen-
esophageal cancers are detected been shown in thousands of pa- sensitivity and specificity just above tax Medical, and Cernostics. He has
during surveillance, partly because tients now to be well tolerated, very 80%. “Not where we would want it consulted for Exact Sciences, Pentax
many with BE are unaware of the safe, with a low risk of detachment, to be, but certainly not terrible,” said Medical, Medtronic, Ambu, Cernos-
condition and therefore don’t enter and can be done by a nurse in an Dr. Iyer, adding that they are per- tics, CDx Diagnostics, and Symple
surveillance. “Two-thirds of the pa- office setting in less than 10 min- forming a larger prospective study. Surgical. The 2022 AGA Tech Sum-
tients with Barrett’s are not under utes,” said Dr. Iyer. He described a potential screen- mit was supported by independent
surveillance, so it’s not surprising ing program that could draw from grants from Castle Biosciences,
that most esophageal cancers, Earlier detection of Barrett’s electronic medical records or even Medtronic, Boston Scientific, Ex-
unfortunately, are still being diag- He summarized a randomized, apps to identify patients with risk act Sciences, Olympus, 3-D Matrix,
nosed after the onset of obstructive controlled trial, published in 2020 above a defined threshold who Apollo Endosurgery, Motus GI Hold-
symptoms,” said Dr. Iyer. in The Lancet (doi: 10.1016/ would then be tested with mini- ings, STERIS Endoscopy, Cook Med-
A key issue is that sedated S0140-6736[20]31099-0) that mally invasive techniques. Those ical, FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas,
endoscopy is the only available tested this approach in patients with positive results would go on to and Virgo. ■

20 June 2022 / GI & Hepatology News

01_8_21_31_32_33_GIHEP22_6.indd 20 5/20/2022 2:51:11 PM

USMTF Clinical Practice Guideline

Diagnosis, treatment of hamartomatous polyposis

BY WILL PASS Although all gastrointestinal ham- mucosa” that may occur in the “The goal of surveillance in ju-
MDedge News artomatous polyposis syndromes stomach, small intestine, and colon. venile polyposis syndrome is to
are caused by germline alterations, Patients are also at risk of extraint- mitigate symptoms related to the

clinical practice guideline Dr. Boland and colleagues pointed estinal neoplasia. disorder and decrease the risk of
for the diagnosis and man- out that diagnoses are typically For management of Peutz-Jeghers complications from the manifesta-
agement of gastrointestinal made based on clinical criteria, syndrome, the guideline advises tions, including cancer,” Dr. Boland
hamartomatous polyposis syn- with germline results serving as frequent endoscopic surveillance and colleagues wrote.
dromes has just been published confirmatory evidence. to prevent mechanical obstruction PTEN-hamartoma tumor syn-
by the U.S. Multi-Society Task The guideline recommends that and bleeding, as well as multidisci- drome, which includes both Ban-
Force on Colorectal Cancer, which any patient with a family history of plinary surveillance of the breasts, nayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome
comprises experts representing hamartomatous polyps, or with a pancreas, ovaries, testes, and lungs. and Cowden’s syndrome, is caused
the American College of Gastro- history of at least two hamartoma- Juvenile polyposis syndrome is by abnormalities in the eponymous
enterology, the American Gastro- most often characterized by sol- PTEN gene. Patients with the condi-
enterological Association, and the itary, sporadic polyps in the col- tion have an increased risk of colon
American Society for Gastrointesti- orectum (98% of patients affected), cancer and polyposis, as well as ex-
nal Endoscopy. “There has been tremendous followed distantly by polyps in the traintestinal cancers.
Gastrointestinal hamartomatous stomach (14%), ileum (7%), jeju- Diagnosis of PTEN-hamartoma
progress in recent years
polyposis syndromes are rare, num (7%), and duodenum (7%). tumor syndrome may be complex,
autosomal-dominant disorders as- … in understanding the The condition is linked with ab- involving “clinical examination,
sociated with intestinal and extrain- underlying genetics that normalities in BMPR1A or SMAD4 mammography and breast MRI,
testinal tumors. Expert consensus genes, with SMAD4 germline ab- thyroid ultrasound, transvaginal
statements have previously offered underpin these disorders.” normalities more often leading to ultrasound, upper gastrointestinal
some recommendations for man- “massive” gastric polyps, gastro- endoscopy, colonoscopy, and re-
aging these syndromes, but clinical intestinal bleeding, protein-losing nal ultrasound,” according to the
data are scarce, so the present enteropathy, and a higher incidence guideline.
review “is intended to establish a tous polyps, should undergo genetic of gastric cancer in adulthood. Most After diagnosis, frequent colonos-
starting point for future research,” testing. The guideline also provides patients with SMAD4 mutations copies are recommended, typically
lead author C. Richard Boland, MD, more nuanced genetic testing algo- also have hereditary hemorrhagic starting at age 35 years, as well
of the University of California, San rithms for each syndrome. telangiectasia, characterized by as continued surveillance of other
Diego, and colleagues reported. Among all the hamartomatous gastrointestinal bleeding from organs.
According to the investigators, polyp disorders, Peutz-Jeghers syn- mucocutaneous telangiectasias, Hereditary mixed polyposis syn-
“there are essentially no long-term drome is most understood, accord- arteriovenous malformations, and drome, which involves attenuated
prospective controlled studies ing to the investigators. It is caused epistaxis. colonic polyposis, is the rarest of
of comparative effectiveness of by aberrations in the STK11 gene, Management of juvenile polypo- the four disorders, having been
management strategies for these and is characterized by polyps with sis syndrome depends on frequent reported in only “a few families,”
syndromes.” As a result, their “branching bands of smooth muscle colonoscopies with polypectomies according to the guideline. The
recommendations are based on covered by hyperplastic glandular beginning at 12-15 years. Continued on following page
“low-quality” evidence according to
GRADE criteria.

Still, Dr. Boland and colleagues
highlighted that “there has been
tremendous progress in recent
years, both in understanding the
underlying genetics that underpin
these disorders and in elucidating
the biology of associated premalig-
nant and malignant conditions.”
The guideline was published
online in Gastroenterology
(2022 Apr 26. doi: 10.1053/j.
2022 James W. Freston Conference
Four syndromes reviewed
The investigators gathered these GI Organoids and Engineered Organ Systems
data to provide an overview of
genetic and clinical features for SAVE THE DATE: October 7-8, 2022 | Washington, D.C.
each syndrome, as well as man-
agement strategies. Four disorders Enter the dynamic and unfolding world of bioengineering, organoid cell cultures and
are included: juvenile polyposis stem cell technologies that are promoting digestive health and therapeutic advances.
syndrome; Peutz-Jeghers syn-
drome; hereditary mixed polyposis Learn more at
syndrome; and PTEN-hamartoma
tumor syndrome, encompassing Funded by the Takeda Endowment in support of the James W. Freston Single Topic Conference.

Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syn-
drome and Cowden’s syndrome. / June 2022 21

10_11_19_20_22_GIHEP22_6.indd 21 5/20/2022 3:48:38 PM


Shorter HCC screening intervals show benefit

BY HEIDI SPLETE comparative effectiveness study of The patients were divided into five being in earlier stages (stage 0 and
MDedge News nearly 60,000 patients in Taiwan. cohorts based on the time between A) were higher in subcohorts with
In a study published in JAMA Net- their last ultrasonography screening shorter screening intervals since the

ltrasonography screening in- work Open (2021 Jun. doi: 10.1001/ and an index date of 90 days before most recent ultrasonography,” the
tervals of less than 12 months jamanetworkopen.2021.14680), the their HCC diagnosis. These groups researchers wrote.
were associated with early researchers identified adults with were 6 months, 12 months, 24 Among men, the loss of quality
detection of hepatocellular carci- newly diagnosed HCC from 2002 to months, 36 months, and longer than of life expectancy in terms of qual-
noma (HCC), as well as increased 2015. Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer 36 months. ity-adjusted life-years (QALYs) was
life expectancy and quality of life, staging information was available “For both sexes, the proportions 10.0, 11.1, 12.1, 13.1, and 14.6 for
according to data from a nationwide for 42,081 men and 17,113 women. of patients with HCC classified as screening intervals of 6 months, 12
months, 24 months, 36 months, and
beyond 36 months, respectively.
The corresponding QALYs for wom-

Innovation in
en at the same screening intervals
were 9.0, 9.7, 10.3, 10.7, and 11.4,

Duodenoscope Design The results support intervals of

12 months or less for regular ultra-
sonography screening as a way to
improve early detection of HCC, “and
Learn new methods of preventing infections may save lives and improve utility
from duodenoscopes through: for patients with HCC from a life-
time perspective,” the researchers
§ Reprocessing strategies The researchers had no financial
conflicts to disclose. ■
§ Disposable components
Continued from previous page
§ Single-use duendoscopes
condition has been linked with
“large duplications of the promoter
Visit region or entire GREM1 gene.”
Onset is typically in the late 20s,
“which is when colonoscopic sur-
veillance should begin,” the investi-

gators wrote. More data are needed

to determine appropriate surveil-
lance intervals and if the condition
is associated with increased risk of
extraintestinal neoplasia.
This call for more research into
gastrointestinal hamartomatous
polyposis syndromes carried
through to the conclusion of the
“Long-term prospective stud-
ies of mutation carriers are still
needed to further clarify the risk
of cancer and the role of surveil-
lance in these syndromes,” Dr. Bo-
land and colleagues wrote. “With
increases in genetic testing and
evaluation, future studies will be
conducted with more robust co-
horts of genetically characterized,
less heterogeneous populations.
However, there is also a need to
study patients and families with
unusual phenotypes where no gen-
otype can be found.”
The investigators disclosed no
conflicts of interest with the current
guideline; however, they provid-
ed a list of industry relationships,
including Salix Pharmaceuticals,
Ferring Pharmaceuticals, and Pfizer,
among others. ■

22 June 2022 / GI & Hepatology News

10_11_19_20_22_GIHEP22_6.indd 22 5/20/2022 3:48:44 PM


The AGA Research Foundation awards $2.56 million

in funding
GA is proud to announce ABSTRACT AWARDS
the 61 recipients selected
to receive research funding AGA Fellow Abstract of the Year Award
through its annual AGA Research Masaru Sasaki, MD, PhD, Children’s
Foundation Awards Program Hospital of Philadelphia
and-awards/research-awards/ AGA Student Abstract of the Year
apply-for-awards). The program Award
serves as a catalyst for discovery Anitha Vijay, MS, Penn State
and career growth among the most University, State College
promising researchers in gastroen-

Courtesy AGA Institute

Maafi Rizwana Islam, PhD, Marshall
terology and hepatology. University, Huntington, W.V.
“Our award recipients demon-
strate an undeniable determi- Fellow Abstract Awards
nation to improve the care of Nicolette Rodriguez, MD, MPH,
digestive health patients,” said Brigham and Women’s Hospital,
Robert S. Sandler, MD, MPH, AGAF, Recipients of the AGA Research Foundation’s awards are shown. Boston
chair of the AGA Research Founda- Hyunseok Kim, MD, PhD, MPH,
tion. “We are investing in talented AGA–Bern Schwartz Family Fund Re- AGA Pilot Research Award in Health Baylor College of Medicine,
early-career investigators knowing search Scholar Award in Pancreatic Disparities (funded by Janssen Biotech) Houston
that their work will ultimate- Cancer Jennifer Flemming, MD, MAS, Margaret Zhou, MD, Stanford (Calif.)
ly benefit patients with critical Srinivas Gaddam, MD, MPH, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont. University
needs.” Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Steven Steinway, MD, PhD, Johns
Treatment options for digestive Angeles AGA Pilot Research Award in Diges- Hopkins University, Baltimore
diseases begin with vigorous re- tive Disease Health Disparities Su-Hyung Lee, PhD, DVM,
search. The AGA Research Foun- AGA–Takeda Pharmaceuticals Re- Young-Rock Hong, PhD, MPH, Vanderbilt University Medical
dation (https://foundation.gastro. search Scholar Award in Celiac University of Florida, Gainesville Center, Nashville, Tenn.
org/) supports medical investiga- Disease Ian Greenberg, MD, Dallas
tors as they advance our under- Claire L. Jansson-Knodell, MD, AGA–Amgen Pilot Research Award in Methodist Hospital
standing of gastrointestinal and Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Digestive Disease Health Disparities Jonathan Xia, MD, PhD, North-
liver conditions. Cleveland Zachary Reichenbach, MD, PhD, western Memorial Hospital,
“In the past year, we expanded Temple University, Philadelphia Chicago
our awards program and elevated SPECIALTY AWARDS Donevan Westerveld, MD, New
the importance of engaging under- AGA–Pfizer Pilot Research Award in York–Presbyterian Weill Cornell
represented groups into the field AGA–R. Robert & Sally Funderburg Inflammatory Bowel Disease Medicine
of GI research,” Dr. Sandler said. Research Award in Gastric Cancer Melinda Engevik, PhD, MS, Medical Haley Zylberberg, MD, Columbia
“We are encouraged by the range of Eunyoung Choi, PhD, Vanderbilt University of South Carolina, University Irving Medical Center,
candidates who applied for funding University Medical Center, Charleston New York
and look forward to the results of Nashville, Tenn. Andre Paes Batista da Silva, PhD, Maria Jesus Villanueva Millan, PhD,
their research.” MSC, DDS, Case Western Reserve Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los
The AGA Research Foundation AGA–Caroline Craig Augustyn & Damian University, Cleveland Angeles
Awards Program is made possible Augustyn Award in Digestive Cancer Karen Edelblum, PhD, Rutgers New Duke Geem, MD, PhD, Childrens
thanks to generous donors and Sarah Palmer Short, PhD, Vanderbilt Jersey Medical School, Newark Healthcare of Atlanta/Emory
funders. University Medical Center, University, Atlanta
Nashville, Tenn. UNDERGRADUATE Fauzi Feris Jassir, MD, Mayo Clinic,
Here are this year’s award RESEARCH AWARDS Rochester, Minn.
recipients: PILOT AWARDS Melissa Musser, MD, PhD, Boston
AGA–Aman Armaan Ahmed Family Children’s Hospital
RESEARCH SCHOLAR AWARDS AGA–Medtronic Pilot Research Summer Undergraduate Research
Award in Artificial Intelligence Award Student Abstract Awards
AGA Research Scholar Award Dennis Shung, MD, MHS, Yale School Gabriela Ortiz, Washington Kushal Saha, MS, BS, Penn State
Kathleen Curtius, PhD, MS, of Medicine, New Haven, Conn. University in St. Louis College of Medicine, Hershey
University of California, San Diego Daniella Montalvo, University of Winston Liu, BS. Duke University,
Trisha Satya Pasricha, MD, MPH, AGA–Merck Pilot Research Award in Miami Miller School of Medicine Durham, N.C.
Massachusetts General Hospital, Colorectal Cancer Health Disparities Subear Hussein, Children’s Hospital, Yoojin Sohn, BS, Vanderbilt
Boston Sonia Kupfer, MD, University of Boston University Medical Center,
Bomi Lee, PhD, MS, Stanford (Calif.) Chicago Hussein Herz, University of Iowa Nashville, Tenn.
University Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City Jamie Yang, BS, David Geffen School
Christine E. Eyler, MD, PhD, Duke AGA–Bristol Myers Squibb Pilot Re- Kaleb Tesfai, University of of Medicine at University of
University, Durham, N.C. search Award in Inflammatory Bowel California, San Diego California, Los Angeles
Joel Gabre, MD, Columbia University Disease Health Disparities Varun Ponnusamy, University of Rachel Hopton, BS, University of
Irving Medical Center, New York Chung Sang Tse, MD, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Oregon, Eugene
California, San Diego Arbor Continued on page 29 / June 2022 23

23_29_30_34_GIHEP22_6.indd 23 5/20/2022 4:31:50 PM


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5/19/2022 4:27
8:53:13 AMPM

Then and Now: Journalism and

Demographics of the AGA medicine
he demographics of the American as a research society with a member- had an early attraction to newspapers. As a child
Gastroenterological Association have ship limited to those with investigative growing up in Jersey City, N.J., I delivered them door-
changed markedly since the first is- achievements. to-door. I was editor-in-chief of my high school news-
sue of GI & Hepatology News (GIHN) was Next, Dr. John M. Carethers spoke about paper and worked as a copy boy and sports reporter
published in 2007. GIHN’s first the importance of diversity and on the daily Jersey Journal. At Princeton, I joined the
editorial team published news leadership. That afternoon, I sat University Press Club, working as a string reporter for
that was reliable and informative. on a panel with Dr. Anna S. Lok the New York Herald Tribune, Philadelphia Inquirer, and
The first GIHN editor in chief, and Dr. Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao. Associated Press.
Dr. Charles J. Lightdale, described The panel was asked to speak I thought I might become a journalist, but medicine
GIHN as “irresistible reading for about mentoring across practice was too strong a calling. During my GI elective as a se-
all those seeking comprehensive, settings. As I sat there, I became nior medical resident at New York
current, authoritative informa- acutely aware of the diversity Hospital, I was able to work with
tion in the field.” Today, GIHN represented on the panel and in some of the first commercial fiber-
continues the tradition of pub- the audience. The panelists were optic instruments, which presaged
lishing news that is “irresistible,” Dr. Persley all women, and women of color. my academic career in endoscopic
“comprehensive,” and “authori- The future leaders of the AGA are innovation. I was editor-in-chief of
tative.” However, GIHN’s board of editors from diverse backgrounds. The physicians Gastrointestinal Endoscopy from
looks quite different in 2022 than it did in participating in that meeting came from 1988 to 1996, and have been the
2007. The current board comprises people academia and private practice – young men consulting editor for GI Endosco-
from both academic and private practice and women leaders from various racial py Clinics of North America since
settings; we are from diverse ethnic and and ethnic backgrounds. It was so uplifting 1997. Dr. Lightdale
racial backgrounds. Finally, Dr. Megan A. to witness how the AGA is evolving. I am As the first editor-in-chief of GI &
Adams is the first woman to serve as editor proud to be a member of an organization Hepatology News, I had the opportunity to combine a
in chief of the publication. that values having different voices at the background in peer review with my early newspaper ex-
The last 15 years have seen an increase in table. This diversity will make our organi- perience. My vision for the new publication was to provide
the number of women and underrepresent- zation stronger as we face the challenges in information curated and vetted by experts, in contrast to
ed minorities in gastroenterology. This, in our profession today and in the future. the torrent pouring down from the Internet that was (per-
turn, has changed the demographics of the The traditional 15-year anniversary gift tinent to our specialty) “indigestible.” I put in much effort
AGA, and more women and underrepresent- is crystal, which symbolizes clarity and du- selecting stories provided by Elsevier Global Medical News,
ed minorities are assuming leadership roles rability. On GIHN’s 15-year anniversary, the especially in constructing the front page. AGA Institute pro-
within the organization. The AGA values di- path before us looks bright. The changing vided strong support, allowing me to choose an editorial
versity and inclusion in its membership, but demographics of GI and of our organiza- board covering all subspecialties. I wanted to highlight the
more importantly in its leadership. tion brings together unfamiliar faces, fresh excitement of researchers balanced by expert review and
On April 2, 2022, I had the privilege of perspectives, and new ideas that will help commentary. The digital version added search features,
participating in the AGA Future Leaders the organization build a clear and resilient and I tried to promote the “browse factor” that would
Program as a mentor representing Private path forward. Our future is bright! ■ also encourage advertising, critical to the success of any
Practice. The program also included par- newspaper. At the end of my term, I felt I had laid a strong
ticipants of AGA’s FORWARD Program. The Kimberly M. Persley, MD, AGAF, is a partner foundation, and have been delighted to see the publication
meeting started with the usual welcome with Texas Digestive Disease Consultants/ continue to thrive. ■
and introductions. During the morning GI Alliance in Dallas, is on the medical staff
session, Tom Serena, CEO, spoke about of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, and is Charles J. Lightdale, MD, AGAF, is professor of medicine
the early history of the AGA. The AGA was an associate editor of GI & Hepatology News. at Columbia University Medical Center, New York. He dis-
an “elite” club 125 years ago, established She has no relevant conflicts of interest. closed having no conflicts of interest.

Continued from page 23 University, Kirksville, Mo. Hospital of Philadelphia is awarding more than $2.5 million
Alina Li, BS, Columbia University, Michael Wang, BS, Duke University dollars to investigators who are pas-
New York AGA Abstract Award for Health Dis- School of Medicine, Durham, N.C. sionate about improving digestive
Eleazar Montalvan Sanchez, MD, parities Research Melissa Nelson, MD, Baylor health. Get your piece of the research
Indiana University School of Kai Wang, PhD (Fellow), Harvard University Medical Center, Dallas funding pie with one of our awards!
Medicine, Indianapolis School of Public Health, Boston The AGA Research Foundation
Christina Lin, MD, BA, BS, Kaiser Alan De La Rosa, MD (Fellow), Mayo AGA–Moti L. & Kamla Rustgi Interna- Awards Program recruits, retains,
Permanente Northern California, Clinic, Rochester, Minn. tional Travel Award and supports the most promising
Santa Clara Timothy Andrew Zaki, MD, BS Joost Algera, MD, University of researchers in gastroenterology
Conrad Fernandes, MD, BA, Hospital (Student), University of Texas Gothenburg (Sweden) and hepatology. With funding from
of the University of Pennsylvania, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas Ashkan Rezazadeh Ardabili, MD, the foundation, recipients have
Philadelphia Megan McLeod, MD, MS (Student), MS, BS, Maastricht (Netherlands) protected time to take their re-
Hajar Hazime, MS, BS, University of University of California, Los University Medical Center+ search to the next level. View our
Miami Angeles awards portfolio by career stage
Blaine Prichard, BS, Penn State AGA research awards below for upcoming application
University College of Medicine, AGA–APFED Abstract Award in Eo- cycle now open deadlines. View additional infor-
Hershey sinophilic GI Diseases This year the AGA Research Founda- mation about each award on the
Georgetta Skinner, MS, BS, A.T. Still Takeo Hara, MD, PhD, Children’s tion ( AGA website. ■ / June 2022 29

23_29_30_34_GIHEP22_6.indd 29 5/20/2022 4:32:04 PM


Ultraprocessed foods: Study finds link with Crohn’s

MDedge News
B ecause consumption of industrially man-
ufactured foods has risen in parallel with
between diet and Crohn’s disease is paramount
for clinicians to appropriately counsel patients

igher consumption of ultraprocessed foods the incidence of autoimmune diseases, mod- on dietary choices.
was linked with a significantly higher risk ern diets are hypothesized to contribute to While we await clarification about which in-
of Crohn’s disease (CD), but not ulcerative the development of inflammatory gredients are responsible, we should
colitis (UC), in a large prospective cohort study bowel disease. In this study, Lo and continue to encourage our patients
published online in Clinical Gastroenterology colleagues conducted a retrospective to incorporate whole foods into their
and Hepatology (2021 Aug 28. doi: 10.1016/j. cohort study to determine if indi- diets for both gastrointestinal and
cgh.2021.08.031). viduals who reported higher levels cardiometabolic health. At the same
Researchers, led by Chun-Han Lo, MD, of Mas- of ultraprocessed food intake had time, we must remain empathetic to
sachusetts General Hospital, Boston, defined higher rates of developing IBD. In systemic barriers to accessing and
ultraprocessed foods “as ready-to-consume for- their adjusted analysis, the authors preparing high-quality, minimally
mulations of ingredients, typically created by report that the rate of developing processed foods. As such, we should
[a] series industrial techniques and processes. Crohn’s disease was 70% higher for advocate for policies and programs
They frequently involve the incorporation of individuals who consumed the high- Dr. Vajravelu that mitigate food deserts. If food
additives, such as sweeteners, preservatives, est quartile of ultraprocessed foods; policy remains status quo, this study
emulsifiers, thickeners, and flavors, which aid there was no association seen with illustrates a frightening possibility of
in food preservation and produce hyperpalat- ulcerative colitis. how disparities in gastrointestinal health equi-
able products.” This carefully conducted study utilizing data ty could worsen in the future.
The rising global incidence of inflammatory from a large, long-term cohort with validated
bowel disease (IBD) in regions undergoing exposures and diagnoses adds valuable evi- Ravy K. Vajravelu, MD, MSCE, is an assistant
Westernization has overlapped with rising in- dence for the role of diet in the development of professor of medicine in the division of gastro-
crease in consumption of ultraprocessed food Crohn’s disease. Future studies should aim to enterology, hepatology, and nutrition at the
(UPF) over the past few decades, according to identify specific ingredients that mediate the University of Pittsburgh and the Center for
the authors. association, such as emulsifiers. For example, Health Equity Research and Promotion in the VA
Previous studies have focused on links with the authors report that the heterogeneous cat- Pittsburgh Healthcare System. This commentary
individual nutrients and IBD, but this study egory of breads and breakfast foods were the does not represent the views of the U.S. Depart-
focuses on the processing role itself. This study most strongly associated subgroup of ultrapro- ment of Veterans Affairs or the United States
comprised 245,112 participants (203,516 wom- cessed foods. Distinguishing what components government. Dr. Vajravelu reports no relevant
en and 41,596 men) and more than 5,468,444 of these is responsible for the association disclosures.
person-years of follow-up, taken from three
cohorts: Nurses’ Health Study, Nurses’ Health
Study II, and Health Professionals Follow-Up additives, such as salt, that may promote in- Follow-Up Study (1986-2012).
Study. testinal inflammation. Third, artificial sweet- In all three cohorts, participants filled in
In the highest quartile, UPFs made up on av- eners in UPFs may predispose the gut to questionnaires at enrollment and every 2 years
erage nearly half (46.4%) of participants’ total inflammation, as supported by supplementing thereafter with information such as medical
energy consumption, compared with 21% in the sucralose/maltodextrins in mice models of history and lifestyle factors. Diet was assessed
lowest quartile. spontaneous ileitis. via validated semi-quantitative food frequency
The researchers found that, compared with As for why CD, but not UC, the authors said questionnaires.
participants in the lowest quartile of simple diet may be more relevant and have a stronger They used Cox proportional hazards models,
updated UPF consumption, those in the highest adjusting for confounders to estimate the hazard
quartile had a significantly increased risk of CD ratios and 95% confidence intervals for Crohn’s
(adjusted hazard ratio, 1.70; 95% confidence in- disease and ulcerative colitis, according to par-
terval, 1.23-2.35). Compared with participants in ticipants’ self-reports of their consumption of
In addition, “a secondary analysis across dif- ultraprocessed foods.
the lowest quartile of simple
ferent CD locations demonstrated that partici- Further studies could help determine which
pants in the highest quartile of simple updated updated UPF consumption, those UPF components are driving the higher risk
UPF intake had the highest risk of ileal, colonic, in the highest quartile had a for Crohn’s disease and whether risk differs by
and ileocolonic CD,” the authors wrote. length of exposure to UPFs.
significantly increased risk of CD. “By avoiding UPF consumption, individuals
Three groups of processed might substantially lower their risk of develop-
foods driving risk increase ing CD in addition to gaining other health bene-
Three groups of UPFs appeared to drive the in- fits,” the authors wrote.
creased risk of CD: ultraprocessed breads and effect biologically in CD compared with UC. An- One coauthor is a consultant for Policy Anal-
breakfast foods; frozen or shelf-stable ready-to- other potential reason, they said, is that results ysis and Takeda Pharmaceuticals. Andrew T.
eat/heat meals; and sauces, cheeses, spreads, “may reflect the greater specificity of dietary Chan, MD, serves as a consultant for Janssen
and gravies. ligands and metabolites on the small intestine Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer, and Bayer Pharma.
Just as with overall consumption, researchers compared with the colon.” Another coauthor has served as a scientific ad-
did not find an association between any of those visory board member for Abbvie, Gilead, and
three subgroups and UC risk. Data from three large, Kyn Therapeutics, and has received research
The authors suggested several reasons for prospective cohorts grants from Pfizer and Merck. The remaining
the link with Crohn’s disease. Among them Researchers used data from three ongoing, pro- authors disclosed no conflicts of interest. This
were that higher UPF consumption may mean spective nationwide cohorts of health profes- work was supported by the National Institutes
those foods are taking the place of unpro- sionals in the United States – the Nurses’ Health of Health, the Beker Foundation, the Chleck
cessed or minimally processed foods, such Study (1986-2014); the Nurses’ Health Study Family Foundation, and the Crohn’s and Colitis
as those rich in fiber. Second, UPFs contain II (1991-2017); and the Health Professionals Foundation. ■

30 June 2022 / GI & Hepatology News

23_29_30_34_GIHEP22_6.indd 30 5/20/2022 4:32:15 PM


Cellular gene profiling may predict IBD treatment

BY WILL PASS Ms. Jacobsen and colleagues high- The investigators also showed profiles also correlated with ulcer-
MDedge News lighted the absolute uptick in gran- that transcriptional profiles of ative colitis versus Crohn’s disease,
ulocytes, including neutrophils. lamina propria CD11b+ cells dif- although the researchers noted

ranscriptomic profiling of “Neutrophilic infiltration is a fered “greatly” between colon and that these patterns were less pro-
phagocytes in the lamina pro- major indicator of IBD activity and ileum, which suggested that “the nounced than correlations with
pria of patients with inflam- may be critically linked to ongoing location or cellular environment inflammatory states.
matory bowel disease (IBD) may inflammation,” they wrote. “These plays a marked role in deter- “There are pathways common to
guide future treatment selection, data demonstrate that CD11b+ en- mining the gene expression of inflammation regardless of the IBD
according to investigators. richment reflects the inflammatory phagocytes.” type that could be used as markers of
Mucosal gut biopsies revealed state of the biopsies.” CD11b+ cell gene expression Continued on following page
that phagocytic gene expression
correlated with inflammatory
states, types of IBD, and responses
to therapy, lead author Gillian E. Ja-
cobsen a MD/PhD candidate at the
University of Miami and colleagues
In an article in Gastro Hep Ad-
vances (2022 Feb 5. doi: 10.1016/j. Fund your future with AGA
gastha.2022.01.005), the investi-
AGA Pilot Research Awards AGA Research Scholar Awards
gators wrote that “lamina propria
Applications due Aug. 23 Applications due Nov. 9
phagocytes along with epithelial Ten awards provide $30,000 to investigators Six career development awards provide
cells represent a first line of de- researching new directions digestive disease $300,000 over three years to early career
research, including health disparities and investigators, including awards for gastric
fense and play a balancing act be- NASH. cancer and IBD research.
tween tolerance toward commensal
microbes and generation of im- AGA Fellowship-to-Faculty AGA Summer Undergraduate
mune responses toward pathogenic Transition Awards Research Fellowships
Applications due Sept. 27 Applications due Dec. 14
microorganisms. ... Inappropriate Three awards provide $130,000 over two years Eight awards support undergraduate students
responses by lamina propria phago- to clinical or postdoctoral fellows preparing from groups traditionally underrepresented in
cytes have been linked to IBD.” to transition to academic research careers as biomedical research to perform 10 weeks of
independent investigators. mentored research.
To better understand these re-
sponses, the researchers collected
111 gut mucosal biopsies from 54 Learn more and apply at
patients with IBD, among whom Funding for these awards is provided by donors to AGA Giving Day and the AGA Research Foundation Endowment
59% were taking biologics, 72% Fund; the Aman Armaan Ahmed Family; Amgen Inc.; Bristol Myers Squibb; Gastric Cancer Foundation; Janssen
Biotech, Inc.; Pfizer, Inc.; and Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.
had inflammation in at least one
biopsy site, and 41% had previous- RSH22-008

ly used at least one other biologic.

Samples were analyzed to deter-
mine cell phenotypes, gene expres-
sion, and cytokine responses to in
vitro Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor
Ms. Jacobsen and colleagues not-
ed that most reports that address
the function of phagocytes focus on
circulating dendritic cells, mono-
cytes, or monocyte-derived mac-

Finding the right

rophages, rather than on resident
phagocyte populations located in
the lamina propria. However, these

job or candidate is
Job Alerts
circulating cells “do not reflect Gastroenterology Physician
intestinal inflammation, or whole San Francisco, California
Full Time

tissue biopsies.”
Phagocytes based on CD11b
expression and phenotyped CD-
Nurse Practitioner
Washington, D.C.
Part Time at your fingertips
11b+-enriched cells using flow cy- Pediatric Gastroenterologist
tometry were identified. In samples
Your career hub across all
Billings, Montana
Full Time New Grad

with active inflammation, cells were

most often granulocytes (45.5%),
followed by macrophages (22.6%)
disciplines and specialties in GI.
and monocytes (9.4%). Uninflamed
samples had a slightly lower pro- Start your search today at
portion of granulocytes (33.6%),
about the same proportion of mac-
rophages (22.7%), and a higher rate
of B cells (15.6% vs. 9.0%). / June 2022 31

01_8_21_31_32_33_GIHEP22_6.indd 31 5/20/2022 2:51:16 PM


Liquid biopsy a valuable tool for monitoring HCC

MDedge News
D etection and characterization of cir-
culating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is one of
biomarker studies, the role of ctDNA in the
context of the existing surveillance program

iquid biopsy using circulating tumor DNA the major forms of liquid biopsy. Because should be further defined. As the combination
(ctDNA) detection and profiling is a valuable ctDNA can reflect molecular features of of ctDNA and other orthogonal circulating bio-
tool for clinicians in monitoring hepatocel- cancer tissues, it is considered an markers was shown to enhance the
lular carcinoma (HCC), particularly in monitor- ideal alternative to tissue biopsy. performance, future research should
ing progression, researchers wrote in a recent Furthermore, it can overcome the explore biomarker panels that in-
review. limitation of tumor tissue biopsies clude ctDNA and other promising
Details of the review, led by co–first authors such as bleeding, needle tract seed- markers to maximize performance.
Xueying Lyu and Yu-Man Tsui, both of the de- ing, and sampling error. Predictive biomarkers for treatment
partment of pathology and State Key Laborato- In the current article, the authors response is an unmet need in HCC.
ry of Liver Research at the University of Hong reviewed the molecular character- Investigating the role of a specific
Kong, were published in Cellular and Molecular istics of ctDNA and their detection ctDNA marker panel as a predictor
Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2022 Jan technologies, as well as the molecu- of immunotherapy responsiveness
1;13[6]:1611-24). lar landscapes of ctDNA in hepato- Dr. Yang would be of great interest and is un-
Because there are few treatment options cellular carcinoma (HCC) covering der active investigation.
for advanced-stage liver cancer, scientists are single-nucleotide variation, copy
searching for noninvasive ways to detect liver number variations, DNA methylation aber- Ju Dong Yang, MD, is with the Karsh Division of
cancer before is progresses. Liver resection is rations, preferred end motifs or coordinates, Digestive and Liver Diseases in the department
the primary treatment for HCC, but the recur- and hepatitis B virus integration. They also of medicine, with the Comprehensive Transplant
rence rate is high. Early detection increases the discussed the clinical utility of ctDNA for the Center, and with the Samuel Oschin Compre-
ability to identify relevant molecular-targeted management of HCC. hensive Cancer Institute at Cedars Sinai Medical
drugs and helps predict patient response. Currently, several large biomarker trials of Center, Los Angeles. He disclosed providing con-
There is growing interest in noninvasive cir- ctDNA for early HCC detection are underway. sulting services for Exact Sciences and Exelixis
culating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) as well as in Once its accuracy is established in phase 3-4 and Eisai.
ctDNA – both are part of promising strategies to
test circulating DNA in the bloodstream. Togeth-
er with other circulating biomarkers, they are from dying cancer cells. Importantly, detection DNA from different tumor clones or tumors from
called liquid biopsy. depends on determining whether the circulating different sites within a patient to help real-time
It’s been shown that HCC can be detected non- tumor DNA has the same molecular alterations monitoring of tumor progression.
invasively by detecting plasma ctDNA released as its tumor source. cfDNA contains genomic Continued on following page

Continued from previous page type and 52 differentially expressed Evaluating inflamed colon and therapy. The researchers noted
inflammation or targets for therapy.” genes. anti-TNF refractory ileum revealed that these findings “may be used to
Comparing colon samples from “These genes were mostly im- differential expression of OSM, a build precision medicine approach-
patients who responded to anti–tu- munoglobulin genes up-regulated known marker of TNF-resistant es in IBD.”
mor necrosis factor therapy with in the anti–TNF-treated inflamed disease, as well as TREM1, a proin- Further experiments showed
those who were refractory to anti­ colon, suggesting that CD11b+ B flammatory marker. In contrast, that in vitro exposure of anti-TNF
TNF therapy revealed significant cells may play a role in medication NTS genes showed high expression refractory samples to JAK inhibitors
associations between response refractoriness.” in uninflamed samples on anti-TNF resulted in significantly reduced
secretion of interleukin-8 and

I nflammatory bowel diseases

are complex and heterogenous
disorders driven by inappropri-
cellular populations, and evaluated
the response of these resident pop-
ulations to emerging therapies for
“Our study provides function-
al data that JAK inhibition with
tofacitinib (JAK1/JAK3) or rux-
ate immune responses to luminal IBD. The authors find that, even in olitinib (JAK1/JAK2) inhibits lipo-
substances, including diet and patients refractory to anti-TNF-al- polysaccharide-induced cytokine
microbes, resulting in chronic pha therapy, the most common bio- production even in TNF-refractory
inflammation of the gastroin- logic used for IBD, CD11b+ cellular samples,” the researchers wrote.
testinal tract. Therapies for IBD populations can be modulated, and “These data inform the response
largely center around suppress- inflammatory responses suppressed of patients to JAK inhibitors, in-
ing immune responses; however, Dr. Udayan Dr. Newberry with Janus kinase inhibitors in in cluding those refractory to other
given the complexity and hetero- vitro studies, which suggests that treatments.”
geneity of these diseases, consensus on which aspect this may be a therapeutic approach for this difficult­ The study was supported by
of the immune response to suppress and which cell to-treat patient population. Beyond these objective Pfizer, the National Institute of Di-
type to target in a given patient is unclear. observations, this study also could foreshadow future abetes and Digestive and Kidney
In this study, Jacobsen et al. profiled CD11b+ lamina approaches to use intestinal biopsies to tailor immu- Diseases, the Micky & Madeleine
propria phagocytes from biopsy specimens of patients notherapies for personalized therapy for IBD particu- Arison Family Foundation Crohn’s
with IBD and identified genes differentially expressed larly in difficult-to-treat refractory cases. & Colitis Discovery Laboratory,
depending on the inflammation status (uninflamed vs. and Martin Kalser Chair in Gas-
inflamed), tissue type (colon vs. ileum), and the type of Sreeram Udayan, PhD, and Rodney D. Newberry, MD, are troenterology at the University
IBD (ulcerative colitis vs. Crohn’s disease). This study with the division of gastroenterology in the department of Miami. The investigators dis-
is notable in that it studied CD11b+ cells from the gut, of medicine at Washington University at St. Louis. They closed additional relationships
as opposed to many studies examining circulating had nothing to disclose. with Takeda, Abbvie, Eli Lilly, and
others. ■

32 June 2022 / GI & Hepatology News

01_8_21_31_32_33_GIHEP22_6.indd 32 5/20/2022 2:51:22 PM


Current methods are ‘laborious’ A s the prevalence of hepato-

cellular carcinoma continues
to rise, the early and accurate
classified various liver histology
slides with an AUC of 93.5% us-
ing an external validation cohort.
System from page 1 detection and diagnosis of HCC When compared to even the most
remains paramount to improv- experienced subspecialty pa-
China, and colleagues wrote that biopsy slides from 30 patients at one ing patient outcomes. In cases thologists, HnAIM demonstrated
the “diagnostic process [for HNLs] center. Results were compared with of typical or advanced HCC, an superior HNL histopathologic
is laborious, time-consuming, and diagnoses made by nine pathologists accurate diagnosis is made us- diagnostic accuracy. Utilization
subject to the experience of the classified as either senior, intermedi- ing CT or MR imaging. However, of HnAIM to either make or aid
pathologists, often with significant ate, or junior. While HnAIM correctly hepatocellular nodular in the diagnosis of
interobserver and intraobserver diagnosed 100% of the cases, senior lesions with atypical HNLs can lead to more
variability. ... Therefore, [an] au- pathologists correctly diagnosed or inconclusive radio- accurate diagnoses in
tomated analysis system is highly 94.4% of the cases, followed in ac- graphic appearances a more efficient and
demanded in the pathology field, curacy by intermediate (86.7%) and are often biopsied to timely manner and has
which could considerably ease junior (73.3%) pathologists. achieve a histopatholog- the potential to provide
the workload, speed up the diag- The researchers noted that the ic diagnosis. In addition, subspecialty care in
nosis, and facilitate the in-time “rate of agreement with subspecial- accurate diagnosis of areas that lack subspe-
treatment.” ists was higher for HnAIM than for an HNL following liver cialty pathologists. If
To this end, Dr. Cheng and col- all 9 pathologists at distinguishing resection or transplan- this model is further
leagues developed the hepatocel- 7 liver tissues, with important diag- tation is important to Dr. Kim validated, HnAIM may
lular-nodular artificial intelligence nostic implications for fragmentary long-term surveillance be used to improve the
model (HnAIM) that can scan or scarce biopsy specimens.” and management. An accurate quality of care we are able to pro-
whole-image slides to identify Next, HnAIM evaluated 234 sam- histopathologic diagnosis relies vide to our patients, ultimately
several types of tissue: well-differ- ples from three hospitals. Accuracy on the availability of experienced with the ability to improve our
entiated HCC, high-grade dysplas- was slightly lower, with an AUC of subspecialty pathologists and diagnosis of HCC, prevent delays
tic nodules, low-grade dysplastic 93.5%. The researchers highlighted remains a costly and labor-in- in treatment, and improve patient
nodules, hepatocellular adenoma, how HnAIM consistently differen- tensive process that can lead to outcomes.
focal nodular hyperplasia, and tiated precancerous lesions and delays in diagnosis and care.
background tissue. well-defined HCC from benign le- In this study, Cheng et al. devel- Hannah P. Kim, MD, MSCR, is an
Developing and testing HnAIM sions and background tissues. oped a deep learning system to assistant professor in the division
was a multistep process that A final experiment showed how differentiate histopathologic di- of gastroenterology, hepatology,
began with three subspecialist HnAIM reacted to the most chal- agnoses of various HNLs, normal and nutrition in the department of
pathologists, who independent- lenging cases. The investigators liver, and cirrhosis. Their model, medicine at Vanderbilt University
ly reviewed and classified liver selected 12 cases without defin- hepatocellular-nodular artificial Medical Center, Nashville, Tenn.
slides from surgical resection. itive diagnoses and found that, intelligence model, accurately She has no conflicts of interest.
Unanimous agreement was similar to the findings of three
achieved in 649 slides from 462 subspecialist pathologists, HnAIM
patients. These slides were then did not reach a single diagnostic generating multiple diagnostic and improve efficiency and quality.
scanned to create whole-slide conclusion. possibilities with weighted like- It can also reduce the workload of
images, which were divided into The researchers reported that lihood. After reviewing these pathologists, especially where sub-
sets for training (70%), validat- “This may be due to a number of results, the expert pathologists specialists are unavailable.
ing (15%), and internal testing potential reasons, such as inherent reached consensus in 5 out of 12 The study was supported by the
(15%). Accuracy, measured by uncertainty in the 2-dimensional cases. Moreover, two out of three National Natural Science Founda-
area under the curve (AUC), was interpretation of a 3-dimensional expert pathologists agreed on all tion of China, the Guangdong Basic
over 99.9% for the internal test- specimen, the limited number of 12 cases, improving agreement and Applied Basic Research Foun-
ing set. The accuracy of HnAIM tissue samples, and cognitive fac- rate from 25% to 100%. dation, the Natural Science Foun-
was independently, externally tors such as anchoring.” The researchers concluded that dation of Guangdong Province, and
validated. However, HnAIM contribut- the model holds the promise to others. The investigators reported
First, HnAIM evaluated liver ed to the diagnostic process by facilitate human HNL diagnoses no conflicts of interest. ■

Continued from previous page bloodstream need to be identified. that researchers can quantify the allelic fre-
Current barriers to widespread clinical use of It’s not yet clear how cfDNA is released into quencies of the mutants in cfDNA and avoid
liquid biopsy include lack of standardization of the bloodstream. Actively released cfDNA from false-negative detection.
the collection process. Procedures differ across the tumor may convey a different message from They urged establishing external quality as-
health systems on how much blood should be cfDNA released passively from dying cells upon surance to verify laboratory performance, the
collected, which tubes should be used for col- treatment. The first represents treatment-re- proficiency in the cfDNA diagnostic test, and
lection, and how samples should be stored and sistant cells/subclones while the second rep- interpretation of results to identify errors in
shipped. The study authors suggested that “spe- resents treatment-responsive cells/subclones. sampling, procedures, and decisionmaking.
cialized tubes can be used for blood sample col- Moreover, it is difficult to detect ctDNA muta- Legal liability and cost-effectiveness of using
lection to reduce the chance of white blood cell tion in early-stage cancers that have lower tu- plasma cfDNA in treatment decisions also need
rupture and genomic DNA contamination from mor burden. to be considered.
the damaged white blood cells.” The investigators wrote: “The contributions The researchers wrote that, to better under-
of cfDNA from apoptosis, necrosis, autophagic stand how ctDNA/cfDNA can be used to comple-
Further research is needed cell death, and active release at different time ment precision medicine in liver cancer, large
The study findings indicated that some aspects points during disease progression, treatment multicenter cohorts and long-term follow-up are
of liquid biopsy with cfDNA/ctDNA still need response, and resistance appearance are needed to compare ctDNA-guided decision-mak-
further exploration. For example, the effects poorly understood and will affect interpre- ing against standard treatment without guidance
of tumor vascularization, tumor aggres- tation of the clinical observation in cfDNA from ctDNA profiling.
siveness, metabolic activity, and cell death assays.” A lower limit of detection needs to The authors disclosed having no conflicts of
mechanism on the dynamics of ctDNA in the be determined and a standard curve set so interest. ■ / June 2022 33

01_8_21_31_32_33_GIHEP22_6.indd 33 5/20/2022 2:51:28 PM


Obesity interactions complex in acute pancreatitis

BY NANCY A. MELVILLE or severe (with permanent organ
MDedge News failure) acute pancreatitis.
In terms of acute pancreatitis

besity, in combination severity, based on RAC criteria,
with other risk factors, is 57.1% of patients had mild dis-
associated with increased ease, 20.4% had moderate disease,
morbidity and mortality in acute and 22.5% had severe disease.
pancreatitis (AP); however, body The overall mortality rate was
mass index alone is not a successful 9.9% (n = 132); half of these pa-
predictor of disease severity, new tients were obese, and 87% had
research shows. severe acute pancreatitis.
“As there was no agreement or The overall rate of complications
consistency between BMI and AP was 42.9%, including 20.8% in the
severity, it can be concluded that AP normal-weight group, 40.6% in
severity cannot be predicted suc- the overweight group, and 38.6%
cessfully by examining BMI only,” in the obese group.
reported the authors in research Patients in the overweight and
published recently in Pancreatology obese groups also had higher mor-
(2022 Apr;22[3]:348-55). tality rates (3.7% and 4.9%, respec-
The course of acute pancreatitis tively), interventional procedures
is typically mild in the majority (36% and 39%, respectively), and
(80%-85%) of cases; however, in length of hospital stay (11.6% and
severe cases, permanent organ 9.8%, respectively), compared with
failure can occur, with much worse the normal-weight group.
outcomes and mortality rates of up Other factors that were sig-
to 35%. nificantly associated with an in-
creased mortality risk, in addition
to obesity (P = .046), included old
age (P = .000), male sex (P = .05),
i S tock /T hink S tock

BMI doesn’t address either the alcohol use (P = .014), low hema-
location of fat, such as being in tocrit (P = .044), high C-reactive
protein (P = .024), moderate to
close proximity to the pancreas, severe and severe acute pancreati-
or fat composition, such as the tis (P = .02 and P < .001, respec-
tively), and any complications (P < estimate the severity [in acute pan- “However, obesity had two com-
proportion of unsaturated fat. .001). creatitis], none is 100% accurate plex interactions, the first that
Risk factors associated with yet,” the authors noted. “Each risk obesity is also associated with
increased admission to the ICU factor exacerbates the course of dis- increased diabetes, and hypertri-
differed from those for mortality, ease. Therefore, it would be better glyceridemia, which may them-
Research has previously shown and included female gender (P = to consider the combined effects of selves be risk factors for severity,”
not only a link between obesity .024), smoking (P = .021), hypertri- risk factors.” he explained.
and acute pancreatitis but also an glyceridemia (P = .047), idiopathic That being said, the findings “The second one is that inter-
increased risk for complications etiology (P = .023), and moderate to show “mortality is increased signifi- mediary severity markers [e.g.,
and in-hospital mortality in obese severe and severe acute pancreati- cantly by the combined presence Balthazar score on imaging] did not
patients with severe cases of acute tis (P < .001). of risk factors such as male sex, OB correlate with the BMI categories.”
pancreatitis – though a wide range Of note, there were no significant [obesity], alcohol, MSAP [moderate Dr. Singh noted that is “likely be-
of factors and comorbidities may associations between BMI and ei- to severe acute pancreatitis] and cause therapies like IV fluids that
complicate the association (J Dig ther the RAC score or Balthazar CT SAP [severe acute pancreatitis], all may get more intense in predicted
Dis. 2012;13[5]:244-51). severity index (CTSI) groups. kinds of complications, old age, low severe disease alter the natural
To more closely evaluate the Specifically, among patients con- Hct, and high CRP,” they wrote. course of pancreatitis.”
course and outcomes of acute sidered to have severe acute pan- The findings are a reminder that
pancreatitis based on BMI classi- creatitis per Balthazar CTSI, 6.3% Obesity’s complex “BMI is only a number that attempts
fication, study authors led by Ali were of normal weight, 5% were interactions to quantify fat,” Dr. Singh said, noting
Tuzun Ince, MD, of the department overweight, and 7.1% were obese. Commenting on the study, Vijay P. that BMI doesn’t address either the
of internal medicine, Gastroenter- “In addition, since agreement Singh, MD, a professor of medicine location of fat, such as being in close
ology Clinic of Bezmialem Vakif and consistency between BMI and in the division of gastroenterology proximity to the pancreas, or fat
University, Istanbul, analyzed Balthazar score cannot be deter- and hepatology at the Mayo Clinic composition, such as the proportion
retrospective data from 2010 to mined, the Balthazar score cannot in Scottsdale, Ariz., agreed that the of unsaturated fat.
2020 on 1,334 adult patients (720 be estimated from BMI,” the au- complexities risk factors, particu- “When the unsaturated fat pro-
female, 614 male) who were diag- thors reported. larly with obesity, can be tricky to portion is higher, the pancreatitis
nosed with acute pancreatitis per While the prediction of progno- detangle. is worse, even at smaller total fat
the Revised Atlanta Classification sis in acute pancreatitis is gaining “Broadly, the study confirms sev- amounts [for example, at a lower
(RAC) criteria. interest, the findings underscore eral previous reports from different BMI],” he said. “Taking these as-
The patients were stratified the role of combined factors, they parts of the world that obesity was pects into account may help in risk
based on their BMI as normal added. associated with increased mortality assessment.”
weight, overweight, or obese and “Although many scoring systems in acute pancreatitis,” he said in an The authors and Dr. Singh had no
whether they had mild, moderate, are currently in use attempt to interview. disclosures to report. ■

34 June 2022 / GI & Hepatology News

23_29_30_34_GIHEP22_6.indd 34 5/20/2022 4:32:27 PM



GIHEP_35.indd 1 1/19/2022 3:26:55 PM


DOJ complaint flags HCV

drug denials for people
with addiction
BY MEGAN BROOKS efforts to stop the spread of the dis-
ease,” Kevin Costello, CHLPI’s litiga-

complaint filed with the U.S. tion director, said in a statement.
Department of Justice (DOJ) “These policies are rooted in stig-
alleges that Alabama’s Med- ma, not science, and they violate
icaid program is illegally denying antidiscrimination provisions of the
curative drug treatment for hepati- Americans With Disabilities Act,”
tis C virus (HCV) infection to people Mr. Costello said.
with substance use disorder. Filing an administrative com-
The complaint was filed May 9 by plaint against Alabama is “an

DNY59/G ettY ImaGes

the Center for Health Law and Pol- important milestone in fighting so-
icy Innovation (CHLPI) of Harvard briety restrictions,” he added.
Law School, in partnership with
AIDS Alabama. Morally wrong
It alleges that Alabama Medic- Kathie Hiers, CEO of AIDS Alabama,
aid has a policy of denying HCV noted that Alabama’s health out-
treatment to people who have used comes are among the worst in the successful policy advocacy and liti- used drugs or alcohol for 6 months
illegal drugs or alcohol in the past 6 nation. gation campaigns to expand access before they can receive treatment.
months. “Policies that prevent adequate to DAA therapy in state Medicaid Iowa, North Dakota, and West Vir-
CHLPI and AIDS Alabama argue medical care from being provided programs across the country. ginia have a 3-month abstinence
that these restrictions violate the must end. HCV now has a cure, and Since 2017, 19 states have re- requirement.
Americans With Disabilities Act, withholding that cure from Alabam- moved treatment restrictions that The American Association for the
which protects people who are ians based on a moral judgment is were based on drug or alcohol use. Study of Liver Diseases and the In-
disabled because of substance use wrong and certainly doesn’t follow In other states, however, “severe, fectious Diseases Society of Ameri-
disorder. the science,” Ms. Hiers added. illegal sobriety restrictions remain,” ca recommend DAA therapy for all
“Forced sobriety policies don’t Direct-acting antiviral (DAA) ther- according to CHLPI. patients with chronic HCV infection,
just unfairly prevent people with apy can cure up to 99% of people Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, regardless of drug or alcohol use.
substance use disorder from ac- living with HCV. South Carolina, and South Dakota CHLPI intends to expand this “en-
cessing life-saving treatment; they The complaint against Ala- still require Medicaid enrollees forcement campaign” to all states
also severely hamper public health bama Medicaid builds on CHLPI’s with HCV to prove they have not where sobriety restrictions persist. ■

Quick quiz answers

Questions on page 7

Q1. Correct answer: A. Normal pH/impedance simultaneous contractions called R-waves that bleeding diatheses, swallowed maternal blood
probe findings during sleeping. can be seen in some patients with rumina- in the first 1-2 days of life, and necrotizing en-
tion syndrome. Since regurgitation stops with terocolitis in preterm infants. In the setting of
Rationale sleeping, pH/impedance probes demonstrate an otherwise healthy term infant who presents
Rumination syndrome is a functional gastro- resolution of symptoms with sleep. The con- with hematochezia without anorectal malfor-
intestinal disorder that can present in all age dition is primarily diagnosed clinically, with mations, the most likely etiology is cow milk
groups. The true prevalence of the disorder is other studies performed as clinically indicat- protein soy intolerance. This is an IgG-mediated
unknown, but the condition can be seen more ed. Treatment typically consists of behavioral disorder that does not necessarily construe oth-
commonly in patients with developmental dis- management. er predilections to food allergies. Most infants
orders and other high-risk groups like teenage outgrow this by 1 year of life or thereafter. In
females. The ROME IV criteria for the condition Reference mother’s who are breastfeeding, it is recom-
include at least 2 months of the following: Hyams J et al. Gastroenterology. 2006 Apr;130(5):1527-37. mended that they eliminate both cow milk and
repeated regurgitation and rechewing or ex- soymilk proteins from their diet. There is a 70%
pulsion of food that begins soon after eating cross-reactivity between cow milk and soymilk
and stops with sleeping, is not proceeded by Q2. Correct answer: A. Reassurance and consid- proteins. In infants who are formula feeding or
retching, and has no other clear etiology for eration of cow milk protein soy intolerance with those who do not respond to maternal elimina-
symptoms. This patient is at higher risk for elimination of these antigens in mother’s diet. tion diets, it is recommended that they consume
rumination syndrome with her developmental partially hydrolyzed or fully hydrolyzed formula.
differences. Her painless regurgitation after Rationale Such infants are usually able to tolerate cow and
eating meets criteria for the condition. Pro- The differential diagnosis of hematochezia soy proteins later in life.
longed high-resolution esophageal manometry in infants is relatively small. The most likely
can identify specific subgroups of rumina- considerations are anal fissures, vascular mal- Reference
tion. Antroduodenal manometry can detect formations, cow milk protein soy intolerance, Mäkinen OE et al. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2016;56(3):339-49.

36 June 2022 / GI & Hepatology News

36_37_38_GIHEP22_6.indd 36 5/20/2022 4:33:49 PM


Be ‘judicious’ with PPIs in patients with cirrhosis

BY LIAM DAVENPORT “may allow for bacterial overgrowth fatty liver disease. with our therapy,” Dr. Reau added,
and translocation,” thus increasing Over 49 months of follow-up, all- qualifying that “everything is a risk-­

n a retrospective study to evaluate the risk for infections. cause mortality was recorded for benefit ratio.”
the impact of proton-pump inhib- However, studies of the impact 37.5% of patients, of whom 59% ex- “PPI use in cirrhosis has a role
itors (PPIs) on all-cause mortality of PPIs on adverse outcomes in perienced non–liver-related death. but should not overstep its bound-
in patients with cirrhosis, research- patients with cirrhosis have often Multivariate analysis revealed that ary,” she explained. “More simply, if
ers found reduced mortality only in been hampered by numerous lim- PPI exposure was not associated with the PPI is indicated, you should not
those hospitalized for gastrointesti- itations, such as small sample siz- all-cause mortality overall but was avoid it in a patient with cirrhosis.
nal bleeding. es, a “limited ability to control for significantly associated with reduced On the other hand, if you have a
Patients on PPIs had an 18% complex confounding,” or a “narrow all-cause mortality in patients with patient with advanced liver disease
reduction in all-cause mortality focus” on hospitalized patients. hospitalization for gastrointestinal who is chronically taking a PPI, you
versus other patients if they had To overcome these problems, the bleeding (hazard ratio, 0.88). should question its indication.”
gastrointestinal bleeding; in those team retrospectively examined data However, PPI exposure in patients Paul Martin, MD, chief of the di-
without bleeding, PPIs were asso- from the Veterans Outcomes and without gastrointestinal bleeding was vision of hepatology, University of
ciated with a 23% increase in liver-­ Costs Associated With Liver Diseas- associated with an increased risk for Miami Health Systems, said in an
related mortality. es cohort, including all adults with liver-related mortality (HR, 1.23), but interview that, when it comes to
Further analysis suggested that incident cirrhosis between January a reduced risk for non–liver-related PPI use in patients with cirrhosis,
the mortality increase could be 2008 and June 2021. mortality (HR, 0.88). PPI exposure “judicious is the right word. They
related to a 21% increased risk They excluded patients with Fi- was significantly associated with se- should be clearly used if there’s a
for severe infection with PPI expo- brosis-4 scores less than 1.45 at vere infection (HR, 1.21) and cirrho- bona fide indication ... and probably
sure in patients with cirrhosis, as baseline, as well as those with prior sis decompensation (HR, 1.64). for a finite period of time.”
well as a 64% increased risk for liver transplantation, decompensat- These increased risks “may medi- In a common scenario, “a patient
decompensation. ed cirrhosis at baseline, a diagnosis ate the observed increase in liver-re- is put on a PPI after they’ve under-
“My takeaway from this study is of hepatocellular carcinoma within lated mortality,” the authors wrote. gone endoscopy with obliteration
that there should be a nuanced un- 6 months of the index date, and less of varices, and the thought is that
derstanding of PPIs and cirrhosis,” than 6 months of follow-up. Large study suggests limited PPIs help the ulcers induced by the
corresponding author Nadim Mah- In all, 21% of 76,251 patients in- protective indication banding to heal,” said Dr. Martin,
mud, MD, MS, University of Penn- cluded in the study were on a PPI at Nancy S. Reau, MD, chair of hepa- who was not associated with the
sylvania, Philadelphia, said in an baseline. The most commonly used tology at Rush Medical College, research. “This paper didn’t spe-
interview, adding that, if they are to PPI was omeprazole (76.7%), fol- Chicago, said that “multiple studies” cifically tease out whether that’s
be used in this setting, there should lowed by pantoprazole (22.2%) and point to a link between PPI expo- beneficial or not, but it certainly
be “a very compelling indication.” lansoprazole (0.1%). sure and infection in cirrhosis. suggests, in patients with a history
Based on the new analysis, Dr. Those taking the drugs were more “Although this is a retrospective of gastrointestinal bleeding, that
Mahmud explained, in a patient likely than other patients to be study, it is very large so we should PPIs are still beneficial.”
with cirrhosis hospitalized with a White, have metabolic and cardio- give credit to the associations,” she Dr. Mahmud is supported by the
potentially ulcer-related upper gas- vascular comorbidities, have a higher said in an interview. She was not in- National Institute of Diabetes and
trointestinal bleed, “we shouldn’t median body mass index, and have volved with the current study. Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Dr.
be afraid” to use PPIs “out of fear of cirrhosis because of alcohol-related “The most important message Reau and Dr. Martin disclosed no
potential infection or decompensa- liver disease or metabolic-associated is that we need to be judicious relevant financial relationships. ■
tion because our data demonstrate
pretty strongly that that sort of pa-
tient may have a mortality benefit.”
In contrast, patients with cirrho-
sis and “vague abdominal discom-
fort” are often started on a PPI “just
to see if that helps,” Dr. Mahmud
said, and they may stay on the med-
ication “in perpetuity, just because
they’re so ubiquitously prescribed.
“In that patient, we should recog-
nize that there is a potential risk of
increased infection and decompen-
sation,” he said. There “should be an
active effort to deprescribe the PPI Everything You Need to Succeed
or at the very least reduce it to the DDSEP 10 is your trusted source for a comprehensive and
minimum dose needed for efficacy, up-to-date GI education that also helps you to prepare for
if it’s treating a symptom.” a board exam. Practicing GI experts share case-based
The research was published in scenarios and guidelines-based best practices to provide
Gastroenterology (2022 Apr 6. doi: state-of-the-art patient care.

Looking at the big picture

The authors noted that the half-life Enhance patient care through improved
of PPIs is “prolonged in patients knowledge and clinical decision making.
with cirrhosis” and that alterations
in the gastrointestinal microbiota as
a result of gastric acid suppression
DDSEP10 Publication Print Ads.indd 2 3/16/22 11:08 AM / June 2022 37

36_37_38_GIHEP22_6.indd 37 5/20/2022 4:33:55 PM


Newly defined liver disorder associated

with COVID mortality
BY LAIRD HARRISON one reason for the lack of progress of hospitalization. Also excluded have elevated levels of biomarkers
in treatment. were patients with significant con- for inflammation, such as inter-

eople with metabolic dysfunc- “NAFLD is something that doesn’t sumption of alcohol (> 30 g/day for leukin 6, Mr. Vázquez-Medina said.
tion–associated fatty liver have positive criteria to be diag- men and > 20 g/day for women) A “chronic low proinflammatory
disease (MAFLD) – a newly nosed,” said Mr. Vázquez-Medina. and those with a history of auto- state” may be the key to under-
defined condition – may be more “You only say NAFLD when you don’t immune liver disease, liver cancer, standing the vulnerability of pa-
likely to die from COVID-19, re- find hepatitis or another disease.” decompensated cirrhosis, platelet tients to MAFLD to COVID-19, he
searchers say. In an article published in Gas- disorders, or myopathies. speculated.
A cohort of people hospitalized troenterology (2020 Feb 7. doi: The remaining patients were di- The metabolic traits associated
for COVID-19 in Central Military 10.1053/j.gastro.2019.11.312), vided into three groups – 220 who with MAFLD could explain the high-
Hospital, Mexico City, who met the an international consensus panel met the criteria for MAFLD, 79 who er mortality and intubation rates
criteria for MAFLD died at a higher proposed MAFLD as an alternative, met the criteria for NAFLD but not with COVID, said Rohit Loomba,
rate than a control group without arguing that a focus on metabolic MAFLD, and 60 other patients as a MD, MHSc, a professor of medicine
fatty liver disease, said Martín Uriel dysfunction could more accurately control group. in the division of gastroenterology
Vázquez-Medina, MSc, a researcher reflect the pathogenesis of the dis- The researchers defined MAFLD at the University of California, San
in the National Polytechnic Institute ease and help stratify patients. as the presence of liver steato- Diego, who was not involved in the
in Mexico City. Previous research has suggested sis detected with a noninvasive study.
Patients who met only the crite- that patients with MAFLD have a method and one of the following: “Hypertension, diabetes, and
ria for the traditional classification, higher risk of atherosclerotic car- overweight (body mass index, 25- obesity increase the risk of compli-
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease diovascular disease and that the 29.9 kg/m2), type 2 diabetes, or the cations from COVID in all patients,
(NAFLD), also died of COVID-19 prevalence of colorectal adenomas presence of two metabolic abnor- whether they have been diagnosed
at a higher rate than the control is a higher in these patients, com- malities (blood pressure > 140/90 with NAFLD or not,” he told this
mm Hg, plasma triglycerides > 150 news organization in an email.
mg/dL, plasma high-density lipo- Mr. Vasquez-Medina pointed out
protein cholesterol < 40 mg/dL in that the patients with MAFLD had
men and < 50 mg/dL in women, a higher risk of mortality even after
and prediabetes). adjusting for age, sex, type 2 diabe-
They defined NAFLD as the pres- tes, hypertension, overweight, and
ence of liver steatosis without the obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2). MAFLD
other criteria for MAFLD. also was more strongly associated
The patients with MAFLD were with a poor outcome than either
Dr _Microbe /Getty Images

the most likely to be intubated and hypertension alone or obesity

were the most likely to die (intu- alone. Only age emerged as a signif-
bation, 44.09%; mortality, 55%), icant independent covariate in the
followed by those with NAFLD (in- study.
tubation, 40.51%; mortality, 51.9%) Dr. Loomba also questioned
and those in the control group (in- whether the regression model used
tubation, 20%; mortality, 38.33%). in this study for liver steatosis was
group, but the difference was not pared with patients with NAFLD. The difference in mortality be- “fully reflective of NAFLD.”
statistically significant. The high prevalence of MAFLD tween the MAFLD group and the The researchers identified liver
“It is important to screen for in Mexico – about 30% – could control group was statistically steatosis with a diagnostic formula
MAFLD,” Mr. Vázquez-Medina told help explain the country’s high rate significant (P = .02). The mortality that used noninvasive clinical BMI
this news organization. “It’s a new of mortality from COVID-19, Mr. difference between the NAFLD and and laboratory tests (alanine ami-
definition, but it has really helped Vázquez-Medina said. Almost 6% the control group fell just short of notransferase), citing a study that
us to identify which patients are of people diagnosed with COVID in statistical significance (P = .07). found the regression formula was
going to get worse by COVID-19.” Mexico have died from it, according For intubation, the difference be- better at diagnosing NAFLD than
The study was published April to the Johns Hopkins University and tween the MAFLD and the control FibroScan.
19 in Hepatology Communications Medical Center Coronavirus Re- group was highly statistically signif- Mr. Vázquez-Medina reported no
(2022. doi: 10.1002/hep4.1957). source Center. icant (P = .001), and the difference relevant financial relationships.
between the NAFLD and the control Dr. Loomba serves as a consul-
More evidence for clinical Sorting COVID outcomes group was also statistically signifi- tant to Aardvark Therapeutics,
relevance of MAFLD by liver steatosis cant (P = .01) Altimmune, Anylam/Regeneron,
The finding lends support to an To understand the interaction of Patients with advanced fibrosis Amgen, Arrowhead Pharmaceuti-
initiative to use MAFLD instead of MAFLD, NAFLD, liver fibrosis, and and either MAFLD or NAFLD were cals, AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers
NAFLD to identify patients whose COVID-19, Mr. Vázquez-Medina also more likely to die than patients Squibb, CohBar, Eli Lilly, Galmed,
liver steatosis poses a threat to and his colleagues analyzed the in the control group with advanced Gilead, Glympse Bio, Hightide,
their health, Mr. Vázquez-Medina records of all patients admitted to fibrosis. Inipharma, Intercept, Inventiva,
said. the Central Military Hospital with That’s why screening for MAFLD Ionis, Janssen, Madrigal, Metacrine,
NAFLD affects as much as a COVID-19 from April 4, 2020, to is important, Mr. Vázquez-Medina NGM Biopharmaceuticals, Novar-
quarter of the world’s population. June 24, 2020. said. tis, Novo Nordisk, Merck, Pfizer,
No drugs have been approved to They excluded patients for whom Sagimet, Theratechnologies, 89bio,
treat it. Some researchers have complete data were lacking or for Next steps and new questions Terns Pharmaceuticals, and Viking
reasoned that the imprecision of whom a liver function test was not Future research should examine Therapeutics. He is co-founder of
the definition of NAFLD could be conducted in the first 24 hours whether patients with MAFLD LipoNexus. ■

38 June 2022 / GI & Hepatology News

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Alarming global rise in pediatric hepatitis: Expert Q&A

BY WILLIAM F. BALISTRERI, MD prodromal features were somewhat (the dominant SARS-CoV-2 virus Young patients may first be brought
similar: upper respiratory infection, circulating in Scotland at that time) to pediatricians. What, if anything,

his spring, global health ad- vomiting, diarrhea, and jaundice. or infection by an uncharacterized should pediatricians be on the look-
visories have been issued All children had markedly elevated SARS-CoV-2 variant. None of the out for? Do they need a heightened
regarding an alarming – and aminotransferase levels and vari- children had been vaccinated for index of suspicion or are the cases
as-yet unexplained – uptick of hepa- ably elevated total bilirubin levels. SARS-CoV-2. too rare at this point?
titis in children. Currently, over 200 Extensive workup for other causes On April 15, 2022, the World An awareness of the “outbreak”
cases have been reported world- of acute liver injury (for example, Health Organization Disease Out- may allow the clinician to extend
wide, a relatively small amount that other viruses, break News published a report of the typical workup of a child pre-
nonetheless belies a considerable toxins/drugs, acute hepatitis of unknown eti- senting with an undefined, presum-
toll, including several deaths and the metabolic and ology occurring in Great Britain ably viral illness.
need for liver transplantation in a autoimmune and Northern Ireland. By April 21, In the cases reported, the prodro-
number of patients. The long-term diseases) was 2022, 169 cases of acute hepati- mal and/or presenting symptoms
implications are not yet known. unrevealing. tis of unknown origin in children were respiratory and gastrointestinal
Global health officials are working Specifically, younger than 16 years had been in nature. They include nausea, vom-
hard to determine a cause, with none had doc- reported from 11 countries in the iting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
many focusing on the underlying umented SARS- WHO European region and 1 coun- Specifically, if jaundice and/or
cases of adenovirus that several pa- CoV-2 infection. try in the WHO region of the Amer- scleral icterus is noted, then hepati-
tients have presented with. Dr. Balistreri However, in all icas. Approximately 10% required tis should be suspected.
To understand more, this news nine children, a liver transplantation and at least
organization reached out to fre- adenovirus was detected in whole one death was reported. Should pediatricians consider early
quent contributor William F. Balis- blood samples. In the six children referral to a pediatric gastroenterolo-
treri, MD, a specialist in pediatric who underwent liver biopsy, there What has been established about the gist or hepatologist?
gastroenterology and hepatology at was nonspecific hepatitis, without possible connection to the SARS- Yes, because there is the potential
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Med- inclusions or immunohistochemical CoV-2 virus, particularly as it relates for finding a treatable cause (for
ical Center, where to date they have detection of viral agents, includ- to coinfection with adenovirus? example, autoimmune hepatitis or a
treated at least six cases of hep- ing adenovirus. In three patients, In that WHO report of 169 cases, specific metabolic disease) in a pa-
atitis in otherwise healthy young the liver injury progressed, and adenovirus was detected in 74 and tient presenting in this fashion.
children, with one requiring a liver despite the administration of anti- SARS-CoV-2 in 20. Of note, 19 cases In addition, the potential for pro-
transplant. Dr. Balistreri discussed viral agents, two underwent liver had a SARS-CoV-2 and adenovirus gression to acute liver failure (with
how the outbreak has developed to transplantation. coinfection. coagulopathy and encephalopathy),
date, his advice to hepatologists and Baker and colleagues also sug- The report’s authors emphasized albeit rare, exists.
pediatricians, and where we stand gested that measurement of ad- that, “while adenovirus is a possible
now in this fast-evolving crisis. enovirus titers in whole blood hypothesis, investigations are on- What do hepatologists need to be do-
(rather than plasma) may be more going for the causative agent.” The ing when presented with suspected
Tracing the outbreak sensitive. authors questioned whether this cases?
in the United States The CDC has recommended mon- represents a continuing increase in The typical clinical picture holds and
How has this outbreak played out itoring and surveillance in order to cases of hepatitis or reflects an in- the workup is standard. The one new
thus far in the United States, and more fully understand the nature of creased awareness. key, given the recent data, is to test
what have we learned from that? the illness. The stated priority of the WHO is for adenovirus, using whole blood
Sporadic reports of cases in mul- to determine the cause and to fur- versus plasma, as the former may be
tiple states are appearing. On European and global cases ther refine control and prevention more sensitive. In addition, it is pru-
April 21, 2022, a health alert was What has been the experience actions. dent to check for SARS-CoV-2 by PCR.
issued by the Centers for Disease with this in Europe and elsewhere
Control and Prevention, recom- globally? Given the worldwide nature of this What are the major questions that
mending testing for adenovirus in In mid-to-late 2021, several cases outbreak, have connections between remain and that you’d like to see elu-
children with acute hepatitis of an of acute hepatitis of unknown na- any of the cases been made yet? cidated going forward?
unknown etiology. ture in children were identified in Not to my knowledge. There are many. Is this a new dis-
Baker and colleagues recent- Europe. Public health officials in the ease? A new variant of adenovirus?
ly described five children with United Kingdom investigated the What clinicians need to know A synergy or susceptibility related to
severe hepatitis and adenovirus high number of cases seen in chil- What makes this outbreak of hepati- SARS-CoV-2? Is it related to a variant
viremia who were admitted to a dren from England, Scotland, and tis cases particularly concerning to of SARS-CoV-2? Is it triggering an ad-
children’s hospital in Birmingham, Wales. They noted approximately the health care community, in com- verse immune response? Are there
Ala., between October and Novem- 60 cases in England, mostly in chil- parison to other childhood diseases other epigenetic factors involved?
ber 2021 (Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. dren aged 2-5 years. that occur globally? Is it because the And finally, is this an increase, or is
2022;71:638-40). In collaboration Marsh and colleagues report- cause is unknown or is it for other it related to a collective heightened
with local and state officials, the ed a cluster of cases of severe reasons? concern following the pandemic? ■
CDC reviewed clinical records in hepatitis of unknown origin in It may be a collective heightened
order to identify patients with hep- Scotland affecting children aged concern following the emergence of Dr. Balistreri is the Dorothy M.M.
atitis and concomitant adenovirus 3-5 years (Euro Surveill. 2022 COVID. Kersten Professor of Pediatrics, di-
infection, confirmed by polymerase Apr;27[15]:2200318). In Scotland, Whether it represents a new form rector emeritus of the Pediatric Liver
chain reaction (PCR). admitted cases were routinely of acute hepatitis, a continuing in- Care Center, medical director emer-
By February 2022, a total of nine tested for SARS-CoV-2. Of the 13 crease in cases of hepatitis, or an itus of liver transplantation, and
children were identified. There cases, 5 had a recent positive test. increased awareness because of the professor at the University of Cincin-
was no epidemiologic linkage They discussed the possibility of well-publicized alerts remains to be nati; he is also with the department
among these nine patients; all were increased severity of disease fol- determined. We certainly saw “vi- of pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s
well and immunocompetent. The lowing infection with Omicron BA.2 ral-induced hepatitis” in the past. Hospital Medical Center.

40 June 2022 / GI & Hepatology News

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NAFLD vs. MAFLD: What’s in a name?

BY WILL PASS factors which are the main driv- Dr. Younossi and colleagues were sorted into four groups: NA-
MDedge News ers of disease progression,” the turned to the National Health and FLD, MAFLD, both disease types,
investigators wrote in Hepatol- Nutrition Examination Survey. or neither disease type. Because

onalcoholic fatty liver dis- ogy (2022 Apr 1. doi: 10.1002/ Specifically, the NHANES III and the categories were not mutually
ease (NAFLD) and metabolic hep.32499). “It has been suggest- NHANES 2017-2018 cohorts were exclusive, the investigators com-
dysfunction–associated fatty ed that MAFLD may better reflect employed, including 12,878 and pared clinical characteristics based
liver disease (MAFLD) demonstrate these risk fac- on 95% confidence intervals. If
highly similar clinical courses and tors. However, no overlap was found, then differ-
mortality rates, and a name change such a recom- ences were deemed statistically
may not be clinically beneficial, mendation is “There is debate about whether significant.
based on data from more than made despite a NAFLD is an appropriate Diagnoses of NAFLD and MAFLD
17,000 patients. lack of a gener- were highly concordant (kappa
Instead, etiologic subcategori- al consensus on name as the term ‘non- coefficient = 0.83-0.94). After a
zation of fatty liver disease (FLD) the definition alcoholic’ overemphasizes median of 22.8 years follow-up, no
should be considered, reported of ‘metabolic significant differences were found
the absence of alcohol use.”
lead author Zobair M. Younossi, health’ and dis- between groups for cause-specific
MD, of Betty and Guy Beatty Cen- agreements in Dr. Younossi mortality, all-cause mortality, or
ter for Integrated Research, Inova endocrinology major clinical characteristics ex-
Health System, Falls Church, Va., circles about the term ‘metabolic 4,328 participants, respectively. cept those inherent to the disease
and colleagues. syndrome.’ Nevertheless, a few MAFLD was defined as FLD with definitions (for example, lack of
“There is debate about whether investigators have suggested that overweight/obesity, evidence of alcohol use in NAFLD). Greatest
NAFLD is an appropriate name as MAFLD but not NAFLD is associ- metabolic dysregulation, or type 2 risk factors for advanced fibrosis
the term ‘non-alcoholic’ overem- ated with increased fibrosis and diabetes mellitus. NAFLD was de- in both groups were obesity, high-
phasizes the absence of alcohol mortality.” fined as FLD without excessive al- risk fibrosis, and type 2 diabetes
use and underemphasizes the To look for clinical differences cohol consumption or other causes mellitus.
importance of the metabolic risk between the two disease entities, of chronic liver disease. Patients Continued on following page

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34 June
June 2022
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GI & Hepatology News

40_46_47_GIHEP22_6.indd 46 5/20/2022 4:36:58 PM

Continued from previous page not dying from what we are cur- “Is it worth the headache?” Dr. assessing the impact on finding
As anticipated, by definition, rently seeing patients with NAFLD Loomba asked. “How are we going new treatment.”
alcoholic liver disease and excess die of.” to define NASH-related fibrosis? Dr. Younossi disclosed relation-
alcohol use were documented in He also noted that the name That probably will remain the same ships with Bristol-Myer Squibb,
approximately 15% of patients change could disrupt drug develop- because the therapies that we will Novartis, Gilead, and others. Dr.
with MAFLD, but in no patients ment and outcome measures since use to address B:that will remain con-
7.875" Loomba serves as a consultant
with NAFLD. As such, alcoholic most drugs currently in develop- sistent with what we are currently
T: 7.625" to Aardvark Therapeutics, Altim-
liver disease predicted liver-spe- ment are directed at nonalcoholic pursuing. ... It’sS:probably
7.125" premature mune, Anylam/Regeneron, and
cific mortality for MAFLD (hazard steatohepatitis (NASH). to change the nomenclature before others. ■
ratio, 4.50; 95% confidence inter-
val, 1.89-10.75) but not NAFLD.
Conversely, insulin resistance
predicted liver-specific mortality
in NAFLD (HR, 3.57; 95% CI, 1.35-
9.42) but not MAFLD (HR, 0.84;
95% CI, 0.36-1.95).
“These data do not support the
notion that a name change from
NAFLD to MAFLD will better cap-
ture the risk for long-term out-
comes of these patients or better
define metabolically at-risk pa-
tients who present with FLD,” the
investigators concluded. “On the
other hand, enlarging the defini-
tion to FLD with subcategories of
‘alcoholic,’ ‘non-alcoholic,’ ‘drug-in-
duced,’ etc. has merit and needs to
be further considered. In this con-
text, a true international consensus
group of experts supported by liv-
er and non-liver scientific societies
must undertake an evidence-based
and comprehensive approach to
this issue and assess both the
benefits and risks of changing the

S: 8.875"
According to Rohit Loomba, MD,
director of the NAFLD research
center and professor of medicine
in the division of gastroenterology
and hepatology at University of Cal-
ifornia, San Diego, the study offers
a preview of the consequences if
NAFLD were changed to MAFLD,
most notably by making alcohol a
key driver of outcomes.
“If we change the name of a dis-
ease entity ... how does that im-
pact natural history?” Dr. Loomba
asked in an interview. “This paper
gives you an idea. If you start call-
ing it MAFLD, then people are dy-
ing from alcohol use, and they’re

Rinvoq 24-28

Braintree Laboratories, Inc.

Sutab 47-48

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company

Zeposia 41-45

Lilly USA, LLC

Corporate 35

Pfizer Inc.
Xeljanz 12-18

Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.

Entyvio 2-5 / June 2022 47

40_46_47_GIHEP22_6.indd 47 5/24/2022 11:31:54 AM

Packaging and tablets
not shown actual size.

GIHEP_48.indd 1 2/16/2022 3:03:33 PM

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