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1. These philosophers who sought some enlightenment that built the natural world are then called _?

a) Ancient philosophers
b) Classical Greek philosophers
c) Philosophers of Stone
d) Philosophers of nature
2. It is the backbone of what modern men called science?
a) Discipline
b) Knowledge
c) Natural Philosophy
d) Philosophers of Nature
3. The word science comes from the Latin _, which means knowledge.
a) Sciencia
b) Sientia
c) Scientia
d) Sciensia
4. As science, knowledge and the process of acquiring it works according to some proven _?
a) Observation and hypothesis
b) Fact and opinion
c) Principles of theory
d) Literature or law
5. It is best described as the augmentation of what already exists?
a) Science
b) Power
c) Technology
d) Society
6. The word technology comes from the Greek word _ means art or skill.
a) Tekne
b) Tekhne
c) Techno
d) Techne

There are various perspective interpretations of the course STS around the world. Determine whose
version is being described.

7. It is a multidisciplinary program emphasizing studying knowledge and how it is made.

a) Harvard University
b) MIT program
c) Berkeley
d) CHED CMO No. 2
8. It is an interdisciplinary course, where student are immersed in societal issues, primarily those
caused by rapidly advancing technology.
a) Harvard University
b) MIT program
c) Berkeley
d) CHED CMO No. 2
9. The program tries to determine the scientific method’s credibility and in what process different
kinds of scientific areas emerge in society
a) Harvard University
b) MIT program
c) Berkeley
d) CHED CMO No. 2
10. Program that studies Science and Technology as it is intertwined with people’s everyday life.
a) Harvard University
b) MIT program
c) Berkeley
d) CHED CMO No. 2
11. Which president emphasized the importance of science in development programs and established
efforts to rejuvenate science curricula in public high schools?
a) Ferdinand Marcos
b) Corazon Aquino
c) Fidel V. Ramos
d) Benigno C. Aquino III
12. Which president was the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services
Administration (PAGASA) established?
a) Ferdinand Marcos
b) Corazon Aquino
c) Joseph Estrada
d) Rodrigo Roa Duterte
13. Which president replaced the National Science and Technology Authority with the Department of
Science and Technology, highlighting the increased recognition of science and technology in
a) Ferdinand Marcos
b) Corazon Aquino
c) Fidel V. Ramos
d) Benigno C. Aquino III
14. Which president prioritized Y2K preparation and passed the E-Commerce Act, among other
advancements in science and technology?
a) Ferdinand Marcos
b) Corazon Aquino
c) Joseph Estrada
d) Rodrigo Roa Duterte
15. Which president has focused on bolstering research and development initiatives, enhancing
technological infrastructure, and promoting the start-up ecosystem in the Philippines?
a) Ferdinand Marcos
b) Joseph Estrada
c) Benigno C. Aquino III
d) Rodrigo Roa Duterte
16. In which year was the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services
Administration (PAGASA) established?
a) 1967
b) 1972
c) 1988
d) 1986
17. In what year was the Science and Technology Master Plan (STMP) developed, aiming to propel the
Philippines towards becoming a newly industrialized country?
a) 1976
b) 1980
c) 1988
d) 2000
18. During which year was the Free Public Secondary Education Act enacted, providing free education at
the secondary level in the Philippines?
a) 1972
b) 1980
c) 1988
d) 1986
19. During which year was the Y2K Preparation prioritized, ensuring computer systems nationwide were
compliant with Y2K standards?
a) 1998
b) 1999
c) 2000
d) 2001
20. During which year was the National Broadband Network (NBN) project implemented to improve
internet connectivity in the Philippines?
a) 2008
b) 2009
c) 2010
d) 2011
21. An Indian Text on sexuality, eroticism and emotional fulfillment in life which contains information on
sex positions and Yoga.
a) Mahabharata
b) Ramayana
c) Insan tarana
d) Kama Sutra
22. He was the Student of Aristotle.
a) Leo the Late
b) Glenn of Reboroso
c) Oedie the Paya
d) Alexander the Great
23. An Ancient Architectural Wonder containing Flora Species from Across the Globe
a) The Pyramids of Giza
b) Domus Aurea
c) Panem Arena
d) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
24. “An Eye for an Eye, A Tooth for a Tooth” is a one-liner summary of the Code of Hammurabi. This
concept of law is shared among societies, collectively known as what?
a) The Decalogue
b) The Golden Rule
c) The Greatest Commandments
d) The Five-Second Rule
25. The members of the Triumvirate of Greek Philosophy.
a) Mark, Steven, and Joshua
b) Audie, Glenn, and David
c) Thomas Aquinas, Albert The Great and Theresa of Avila
d) Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
26. Ancient Egypt was situated along what River?
a) The Nile River
b) The Tigris River
c) The Cagayan River
d) The Blue Danube
27. An Ancient Chinese technique still widely used today which involves the insertion of very thin
needles through your skin at strategic points on your body.
a) Acupressure
b) Acupuncture
c) Chinese Herbal medicine
d) Electrocution
28. A Greek Epic retelling the story of the Trojan War
a) The Odyssey
b) The Inferno
c) The Iliad
d) The Notebook
29. To whom was authority attributed to during the Medieval Ages?
a) The Roman Empire
b) The Byzantines
c) The Huns
d) The Roman Catholic Church
30. The Egyptians are known as ancient masters of science and math as evident in their Architectural
Structures. One Cosmic incident is the similarities in the proportion and distance of the Pyramids of
Giza, a Pyramid System in South America and a specific Constellation in the night sky. What do you
call this theory?
a) The Theory of Relativity
b) The Cosmic Proportion Theory
c) The Stellar Similarity Theory
d) The Orion Correlation Theory
31. Why is Agriculture considered as Man’s most important discovery? Choose the best answer.
a) Agriculture meant man will have an immediate source of food
b) Agriculture meant man would no longer need to transfer from place to place to gather food.
c) Agriculture meant that there would be enough food to be feed to cattle
d) All of the above
32. A Method of learning which combines Classical Philosophy and Christian Theology:
a) Scholasticism
b) Catechism
c) Christian Philosophy
d) Ethics and Morality
33. It emphasizes the study of classical texts and the inherent value of human intellect and
achievement. This movement focused on exalting the Human person himself during the renaissance.
a) Scholasticism
b) Marxism
c) Dadaism
d) Humanism
34. A Religious Movement during the Renaissance era which fractured the Authority of the church.
Although it gave birth to Protestantism, it shifted the religious landscape of Europe, paving way to
rational thought and Science
a) The Enlightenment
b) The Scientific Revolution
c) The Reformation
d) The Age of Discovery
35. Leonardo Da Vinci: The Last Supper ; Raphael Santi:_____________
a) Pieta
b) The School of Athens
c) Spoliarium
d) Mona Lisa
36. Period of human history succeeding the post-classical era, from around 1500 AD to the present:
a) Modern Era
b) Renaissance Era
c) Medieval Era
d) Ancient Era
37. An American theoretical physicist. The director of the Manhattan Project's Los Alamos Laboratory
during World War II.
a) J Robert Oppenheimer
b) Barbara Millicent Roberts
c) Albert Einstein
d) Kurt Cobain
38. She worked tirelessly to improve sanitation in Scutari Turkey during the Crimean war. Her work
became a framework for sanitation in Hospitals and dubbed her the mother of modern nursing.
a) Florence Nightingale
b) Sr. Calista Roy
c) Dorothea Orem
d) Hildegard Peplau
39. They invented the first operational Plane
a) Wright Brothers
b) Warner Brothers
c) Baybay Brothers
d) Jonas Brothers
40. She was a Filipina Pediatrician who invented the Bamboo Incubator
a) Dr. Fe Del Mundo
b) Dr. Ericka Sangalang
c) Dr. Josefa Rizal
d) None of the Above
41. It is a series of movements with goals to change or replace a system, a doctrine or belief, or the
traditional authority that for a long time is in control over society.
a) Science
b) Revolution
c) Technology
d) Invention
42. It incorporates the values and the morals of society
a) ID
b) EGO
43. He is the one who proposed that the sun is the center of universe.
a) Charles Darwin
b) Sigmund freud
c) Nicolaus Copernicus
d) Claudius Ptolemy
44. What do you call the theory wherein the earth is the center of the universe
a) Heliocentrism
b) Geocertrism
c) Theory of Evolution
d) Centrism
45. The decision components of personality
a) ID
b) EGO
46. A system of psychological theory and therapy that aims to treat mental conditions by investigating
the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the mind.
a) Psychoanalysis
b) Mental condition
c) Health
47. It is the also known as the pleasure principle
a) ID
b) EGO
48. He argues that the human behavior and emotions are influenced by conscious and sub-
a) Charles Darwin
b) Sigmund Freud
c) Nicolaus Copernicus
d) Claudius Ptolemy
49. What do you call the theory wherein the sun is the center of the universe.
a) Heliocentrism
b) Geocentrism
c) Theory of Evolution
d) Centrism
50. He proposed that the earth is the center of the universe
a) Charles Darwin
b) Sigmund Freud
c) Nicolaus Copernicus
d) Claudius Ptolemy
51. He was a Danish Astronaut who set the study of heavenly bodies as science and he also collected
data about stars and their location in the universe.
a) Johaness Kepler
b) Galileo Galilei
c) Tyco Brahe
d) Isaac Newton
52. This philosopher was known for his law on motion of falling bodies and he also discover four moons
of Jupiter.
a) Tyco Brahe
b) Johaness Kepler
c) Isaac Newton
d) Galileo Galilei
53. His Law of Universal Gravitation argues that everything in the universe attracts each other, and the
same attraction through gravitation that planets revolved around the sun in a precise manner.
a) Isaac Newton
b) Tyco Brahe
c) Johaness Kepler
d) Galileo Galilei
54. He is an astronomer from Germany who supported Brahe and Copernicus and he conclude that
planets move around the sun in an elliptical direction and not circular.
a) Galileo Galilei
b) Isaac Newton
c) Tyco Brahe
d) Johaness Kepler
55. A philosopher that tried to prove that man comes from the apes.
a) Isaac Newton
b) Charles Darwin
c) Tyco Brahe
d) Leonardo Da Vinci
56. Charles Darwin posited that population of organisms undergo a process where some survive, others
fail. This process is called?
a) Psychoanalysis
b) Fittest
c) Natural Selection
d) Survival
57. What book did Charles Darwin introduced his theory of evolution?
a) Science, Technology and Society
b) On the Origin of Species
c) Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
d) Revolutionary Theories
58. The natural selection is also called?
a) fittest
b) survival selection
c) survival of the fittest
d) natural fittest
59. These revolutionary theories are considered the most important intellectual development that
ushered in a new kind of movement between 17th and 18th centuries called?
a) Enlightenment
b) Discovery
c) Modern
d) Contemporary
60. He collected the theories of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo into one which then explains the orderly
manner of the earth and other planets in their movement around the sun.
a) Aristotle
b) Charles Darwin
c) Thomas Aquinas
d) Isaac Newton

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