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Review Quiz & Exam chapter 1 -> 4 on Tuesday

1/ To become a success Medical Assistant you must be a sucessful student.
2/ Two method of time manage:
- Remember you
- Be organized
- No procastination
3/ When learning 2 things happen : perceiving, processing.
4/ What is Empathy : Sensitivity to patient.
5/ The most important steps asepsis is Handwashing .
6/ Wearing gloves, gowns, goggles ( PPE : personal protect equipment )
7/ System review section medication Hx ( history ) that helps unvocer their problem.
8/ Patient is best source to get information from .
9/ What bring you to the Doctor today ? open ended ( open question )
10/ Initiation phase medical Assistant identify self.
11/ Blood pressure ( B/P) or Vital sign 120/78 , 18 -36 : Objective = I can see.
12/ Non Verbal communication,
13/ Provide resources to patient education.
14/ Should be available in different language.
15/ Examination pt from head to feet.
16/ Our body is = 80% H2O ( 80 – 90 )
17/ Food guide pyramid by development by Government.
18/ Cardinal sign = Vital sign ( V/S )
- Carotid
- Radial.
- Brachial
- Apical x 1 full min = use Stethoscope.
- Temporal
- Femoral
- Popliteal
- Dorsalis pedis
19/ Complete inhale / enhale is by to Respiration.
20/ Blood pressure refection of pressure of blood against the walls of arteries.
21/ Perrla pt’s pupils equal round reactive to light accommadations.
22/ Touch = palpations.
23/ Husculation = Listening sound .
24/ Contamination : The act of soiling, staining or polluting; especially the introduction
of infectious material or gems that produce disease.
25/ Nosocomial : Infection acquire from hospital setting.
26/ Febrile ( with fever ) : 99.50 F ( Rectum : 100, 4 0 F .
27/ FUO : fever unknown origin.
28/ CDC : Center of disease control.
29/ What is the pt : One who receives medical attention or treatment.

30/ OSHA : Agent that protect patients & Health workers from harmful substances in
medical facility.
31/ C/C : The reason patient seeking medication care ( chief complain )
32/ Provide privacy when room patient.
33/ SPHYGMOMANOMETER : measure blood pressure.
34/ Eyes testing stand 20 ‘ away.
35/ Facial expressions non verbal .
36/ Subjective : patient tells you what is wrong .
37/ Objective : you can see.
- Infection agent.
- Reservoir host.
- Portal of exit.
- Mode of transmission.
- Portal of entry.
- Susceptible host.
38/ Be able to convert : 142 lbs into kg ?

142 lbs x 1 kg = 142 x 1 = 64, 54 kg

1 2.2 lbs 1 x 2.2

39/ 68 kg = How many lbs ?

68 kg x 2.2 lbs = 68 x 2.2 = 149, 6 lbs

1 1 kg 1

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